SERMON - The Wise and The Foolish || By Joshua Maponga

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[Music] [Music] kindness [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] Oh or preemie so [Music] yeah [Music] yeah Oh Oh [Music] [Music] seesaw [Music] so [Music] go [Music] Oh [Music] Oh [Music] so return okona here fooling me Oh booth gonna live on we're late now I'm will and so trying are not in fooling me Oh [Music] good [Music] my name is Josh I'm upon my sausage come baaack all the way from inimitable kingdom son of tavera son of Moringa again addressing ourselves to the times would not find a better place to build up our conversation rather than in the book of Matthew chapter 7 as 24 and 25 very short passage of Scripture but within it is included a very fundamental and critical message for a time we are told the story of two people a story of two nations a store of two worldviews a store of two families a store of two people in as much as we may want to theologies the divisions that around us ultimately there are only two people the wise and the foolish the bower does not spare us the details of allowing us to get caught up in our professional differences in our ethnic differences and a non-denominational differences cultural diversities national and the colors of our passports the relationship when you read through the entire Bible only find two people the wise people and the foolish people and the beautiful parable given to us in Matthew chapter 7 we are given a store of two people the wise men and the foolish men all of them had opportunities all of them had privileges all of them had time all of them had resources all of them had families and all of them had an equal opportunity to make the best out of their own lives the passage introduces us to architecture one group of people are those who will find that they want things easy the other group is that other work hard for that which sustains them I know in the midst of this great problem that we are facing many people around the world we'll fall in one of these groups the group of the foolish and the group of the wise I'll start off with the conclusion the wise people are those who are going to look for permanent solutions to the problem that we are facing the foolish people are those about been looking for temporal solutions to the problems that were facing two men leave their house early one morning all of them going to build up their houses one man heads for the rocks the other man heads for the send the men who head for the rocks needs to know that it's gonna take him lots of time he has to correct the rocks he has to pound the rocks and break them to dig a foundation sustainable to dig dig a foundation injury to dig a foundation permanent on this hard surface he may have to face blisters in his hands he has to burn in the heat of the Sun it surely will take him longer to get his house done but he's determined that nothing will stop him until he puts his house where he wants to the next man sets out also to build his house this man likes the softer things in life so he looks for the soft land soft sand he doesn't need as many tools for digging foundations because even with his hands he can simply pan into the sand and there will be his house he also starts building his house to completion bible is beautiful the man who is wise builds to finish the man who is fully built to finish is that beautiful that all of us in life those who want quick things those who want long-term things those who want pleasure those who want hard work we all have an opportunity of doing what we want and this structure will come just as you have stipulated designed it to be so at the end of the day no one can blame another man and say my house is not strong your house is stronger for we have an opportunity to build and you can choose where you want to build your house so two houses are standing two economies are standing two countries are standing two nations are standing two banks are standing education systems are standing medicine is standing culture is standing we have the opportunity of deciding where we want to build our houses on why we want to build our economies on we want to build our health systems on where we want to build information and knowledge to train up our own children at the end of the day we only remain with two people those who are wise and those who are foolish two houses standing proudly painted furnished each man invites his wife his family and his children into his own house is it not beautiful sometimes when you read these texts that you almost feel like yeah so this passage means that we must put our foundations on Jesus and quickly we ran into spiritualizing these passages if you stopped to think the psychology behind our civilizations if they are built on solid ground the foundation which is founded on our health if it is built on solid ground the structures of our families and education systems if they're built on solid ground is the entertainment that we are consuming solid food can we question ourselves therefore and look into this text and say it's not only a religious text but it's actually a mind set kind of a text that challenges all of us governments out there churches out there social gatherings out there may you please find out what is the foundation of your systems what is the foundations of your organization's are you built I found it I established on that which is sustainable or you are sustained by that which is temporal two men build two men finish two men walk into their house bless your heart it's only a matter of time before the clouds start gathering before the winds start blowing before the storms push up before the rain falls and the floods go up before the slides and the waters begin to make their way from the highlands into the lowlands has this not been true that African people who have always been waiting in the lowlands while the Highlands the first world the educated the globalists the economists the Democrats people the donors will always wait for the leftovers and the floors that are coming down from their high houses that are packed on the sides of the mountain and as Africans were always waiting in the valleys waiting for the waters from the upper lines to come poetic justice is on this passage for the rain falls on the house that is on the send the rain falls on the house that is on the rock I like that part there the thumbs beat the house that is standing on the sand the strong beats on the house that is standing on the rocks the winnings shake the house that is standing in the sand they will shake the house that is standing on the rocks did you not hear me well when troubles and disasters come they don't choose if religion was a thing that money could buy the rich would leave and the poor die but catastrophes are the great common denominator the equalizer that when the poor are being tested the rich are also being tested when the educated have been tested the uneducated are being tested or so when the civilized are being tested the uncivilized coat and coat are also being tested when the haves tested they have not also been tested when the first world are in panic now even the third worlds are also in panic when presidents are worried common people are also worried common denominator troubles strike us all rain falls on both storm tests both houses now many people come around and look at this passage again and miss the input of the text the text is not here trying to destroy houses no the intention of the wind is not to destroy buildings no the intentions of the catastrophe is not to destroy people no the intention of the catastrophe is to test the foundations on which both houses both civilizations both systems mindsets I established upon those who say there is no God they also say there is God welcome to the party for when the storm comes it chooses no one the atheist and the faith-based miracle worker can lashing demon casting out Pentecostal baptized in the Holy Ghost and in fire the prophetic ministry and they are no ending we are all being tested by the same storm but what is interesting on the passage we are not told the religious backgrounds of two people we are not told the world amazing investment and wealth collection of both people but what we know is that both of them were tasted what is critical is knowledge and wisdom which is able to make a decision before the stop didn't hear me well many people will wait for the moment of trouble to begin to look for solutions because in the moments of construction in the moments of democracy in the moments of putting together our systems in the moments of establishing our constitutions in the moment of establishing our religious liberties and all these forms of stims that we've build upon ourselves we all had equal time opportune time to decide what to do with ourselves it is complicated if not difficult that during the moments of trouble during the moments of disaster during the moments of an epidemic during the moments of coronavirus now in the midst of it all we can think of starting to build universities for indigenous knowledge we can start thinking of building new churches as to where can we find God in this moment of trouble if you have not used moments of peace if you have not used moments of constructions as moments of correct thinking it will be too difficult if not complicated that you can think that you can start doing fresh construction when the storm is upon you I must say with sadness particularly to my African people that we have waited too long waiting for solutions from the West hoping that now in the midst of trouble we'll begin to find solutions for these problems as the house on the sand is tested the house on the rock is tested the Health System of Europe is being tested the health system of Africa is being tested uh-huh he heard me well the function of the West is being tested prevention of the African is being tested mm-hmm you didn't hear me well the religion of the Africans being tested the religion of the European is being tested I've not heard so far in the entire European country where they have now declared a day of prayer in the day of fasting now we know the God that they were talking about they've never believed him in the first place for when disaster comes then the condition of the minds of men come into play now we know our governments over they have not trust in their system except in their own guns and in their own military vehicles because that's what they think is the best way of protecting people from the coronavirus with all the Prevention's that they've put in place tell me can you get a bazooka can you get a shotgun and a hand grenade and shoot a virus that you can't see it's amazing that nature again challenges the civilization of men to prove that the intelligence of men if not in harmony with the principles of Yahweh if not in harmony with the principles of the universe if not in harmony with the principles of nature the intelligence of men is proved to be foolishness the man who is sitting in his house on the rock he has the storm he has the wind and sits on his table sits with his wife waiting for the West to happen the man in the sand why he is waiting for the West to happen water start gathering in his own veranda carpets start lifting it starts leaking foundations start dancing from side to side as the floods are going up the house starts becoming part of the dam itself water collects the black book does not spare us the details there fall of the house was great telling its people carrying its materials carrying its office it's plasma screens carrying its data cables carrying its TVs carrying its hot beds carrying its sauna and jacuzzi rooms that had been ok fridge is full of food uh-huh what drops with full of garments full of government's changing governments mm-hmm makeup kids toys for children Playstations you're not I'm talking about in our modern civilizations what we've filled our houses with garages with cars and jogging and treadmills fully furnished house socks in the rain and all of it with its occupants is driven into the DEM the history of them cannot be remembered not for anything else but because the men are on the scene at the beginning I want to challenge the world out there we have not chosen right we have not built our civilizations on correct principles we have not build our homes on correct principles we have not build our governments on solid foundations we have not build our food systems on solid natural foods we have not build our cosmetics on solid principles we have not build our entertainment on solid moral grounds we have not finished our houses with morality chastity respect and dignity instead we opted for the scent entertainment comes in again where we just want to be happy and we have forgotten that life is not about happiness life is not about happiness only life is about establishing foundations that are sustainable during the moments of trouble the house is bundled up and is driven into the scent the world civilizations are proved to be useless value less in the midst of the storm that is upon us we thank the Lord for the different picture that I want to share with you the house that is standing on the rock solid foundations stones come winds come rain falls everything is going on but the house stands strong and fell when such catastrophes come and they test us the question is will we be found standing after the storm many people are going to die many people are going to end up in prison many people have boarded up infected the world will never be the same again after this catastrophe even if things can be back to normal it will no longer be normal for everything has been tested and only the things that are sustainable would remain to stand I want to ask you a question what are we gonna do with all the investments that we had put so far on the send the house standing on the scent tells us one thing the painting of the house cannot sustain it the finishings not inside the house cannot sustain it didn't tell me where the amount of things have put around ourselves to block off the voice of God away from us headphones in our ears and we always listening to music you get into your car there is the radio talking you get into your house there is the TV talking play play play when we sleep we cannot even hear we are always listening to something else that never builds us but constantly destroys us when is the last time when we wait to shut up and listen what catastrophes come and they clamp down comes many foolish people amongst us are running to the video shops by increasing their bandwidth so that they can download netflix they can download movies they can download movies they can watch they can do everything else and keep themselves entertained if I were you I would start digging up my lawn behind my house and start planting vegetables planting potatoes planting onions I would take this time and sit down with my children and tell them who they are and where they come from I'll take some time to look into the eyes of those that are important to me and have a meaningful conversation with them I'll take this moment as a lock down on all external influences and start looking towards the inside percent for everything that is cosmetic cannot last you only the things that are fundamental in your foundation can last you longer the house standing on the rock remains standing not because it was painted nicely but because it was standing on solid ground did you hear me therefore establish the things that can be tested there's no faith unless it can be tested faith the house stands well at the bridge of a morning when the Sun comes up the men stands up from his house stretches out his hand and says the storm is over while the world teaches us to climb on top of each other and a mind each other judge each other all these things don't matter what really matters at the end of the day will your ANCA hold in the times of stone will you enter sustain you in the moments of trial then I heard a song there that they were now still young that went on to echo it has stayed with me for the longest time we have an income that cleans the soul steadfast and sure the pillows may draw fast them to the rock that it cannot moved grounded firm and deep in the Savior's love therefore we need to start finding these foundations these unshakable rocks of Gibraltar the other day I heard them say we have a rock that we can lean on Moses go inside the rock stand on it and hide behind it because on this solid rock this solid foundation you can establish and build your family systems in the economic systems you and I I don't need to educate you that the economies of this world are being run by the rich to abuse and destroy the poor the question is whether these anchors hold in the times of storm do not be led astray by doctrines by teachings that are of cosmetic use don't waste your time putting too much powder on your face and tweezing and tweaking for the morality of your own soul is a far much more better foundation to invest upon than the cosmetics that around you when many people gather things around them and they think that by having things they have themselves are lost their things now have them they no longer have themselves they are not occupied by things you cannot separate them from their own things but moments of catastrophe and moments of isolation this lock down and stay away is coming as a wake-up call can you go inside the house that you have built and stayed there for yourself many people think that they are doing it for everybody else shame we have always been taken our children to church because we are going to church for us we are taking them to school because they are going to school for what we failed to do as parents our children must not do it but it's a proper tunity that we need to start thinking is the foundation that we are building these characters on a sustainable foundation I therefore want to declare that I am The Watcher from the future living with you in the present with solutions from the past list we forget where we are coming from list we add fantasize about the future where we are going to but honestly not knowing where we are coming from we are totally disillusioned about who we are God never made a mistake when he created us as Africans I want to establish this fact loud and clear let us as a nation find the solid foundations of solid foundations of governance solid foundations of Medicine solid foundations of Education solid foundations of democracy solid foundations of religion solid foundations of family establishments for unless we can build our nation's build our societies on solid foundations when moments such as these come we may just find that our house is all along been sitting and standing on the sand what will we do in their world in the new land we were 52 million people and if 5 or 10 percent of those people can be infected by the virus will our hospital contain it with our homes contain it we may just find that we don't have a solid foundation may the nation of Africa may the families of Africa may the kings of Africa may the leaders of Africa take this advice that we begin from scratch establishing solid foundations for too long we've run away from our own cultural education thinking that the European Eurocentric systems have solutions for us here we are with our boys walking around the towns with pens hanging between their knees and their waists here we are with our girls populating children while they are still sitting at home in the name of single parenting here we are with the divorce rate sitting at 60% and Beyond here we are with our prison full of prisoners and criminals here we are working in the banks yet still we are all still languishing and walking away poor here we are with our land growing grass while we are running to the shops to buy food here we are pumping ourselves with tablets and medicine when nature has always been waiting and looking at us as a place of our own that if we not read the book of Genesis I have given you every seed-bearing fruit for food and all the hams for food and medicine and healing and yet we think that the in foundation that was established by Yahweh is not sustainable we will move our houses from the rock that we were given to build on and move on into the sand now the day of disaster is here I have a question for you will your anchor hold I pray that this conversation will assist you in terms of having a mental shift start valuing things that you are valuable start putting time in things that are important build your own character build your own family build your own societies build your own nations on solid principles that have been tested I've done enough reading into the mahat laws of how in nations must be governed the Torah laws of our nations must be governed and if you look at all these universal laws if you look at them very carefully they're all talking about preservation of human lives preservation of the society preservation of nature when disaster strikes all the systems that are built on the sand we are not sustained may it be so with you that after this storm you too can walk out of your house and stretch out your hand and say I have been preserved not because of the things that I have around me but because I made the right decisions I challenge you today make the right decisions build on solid foundations have a relationship to things that are sustainable stop being cosmetic be real be real be real find your true reason of being and may the Lord sustain you and may the grace of yaa upon you all and guarantee peace in the midst of trouble let your house stand and be found solid immovable even after the storm [Music] Oh Santa [Music] [Music] [Music] a saga [Music] super [Music] search you can a acing this life yes Oh see who bossy yeah [Music] [Music] to [Music] there [Music] [Applause] [Music] love [Music] yeah [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Meah [Music] [Music] the reason for Jesus came down I [Music] I finger string visas my brother's my sisters but Jesus came down [Music] my [Music] ah for cheese [Music] my brother my sister there's enough one to let [Music] let's your my Savior anything you're stood for I know and that yes for you [Music] I'm a kid [Music] for Jesus [Music] for Jesus came [Music] for Jesus [Music] from the [Music] or cheese [Music] for Jesus came down [Music] for Jesus [Music] for Jesus [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: MelVee Broadcasting Network
Views: 212,512
Rating: 4.8324528 out of 5
Keywords: MelVee Productions, Christian songs, gospel, gospel message, sermon, Bible study, prophecy, music, must watch, HopeTV, 3ABN, SABBATH SCHOOL, Donate, Prophecy, MelVee, JOIN, SUBSCRIBE
Id: 7Cmwg5Iqfa8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 17sec (2537 seconds)
Published: Sun May 31 2020
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