Setup Raspberry Pi 5 As Every Day Desktop

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hi this is easy does it and welcome to my Channel today I'm going to talk about how I set up my Raspberry Pi 5 to be used as my everyday desktop my setup guide starts from how to get the imager to First install then I'll show how to set up and customize your desktop then we'll talk about overclocking other issues and then I'll show you how to set up Pi apps Snap Store and other apps and games that I prefer and finally I'll talk about the Raspberry Pi dros that I've used so let's move on to the setup guide in this guide will cover from installing the pi imager to First boot we're going to do a Google search for Raspberry Pi 5 and from there we're going to select raspberry from there we'll select software and uh you'll pick in my case download for Windows we'll click the download click yes to install and we'll just wait for the message to come up and start installation leave run Raspberry Pi imager checked and click finish make sure you've inserted your drive to right the Raspberry Pi image you can boot from USB with Raspberry Pi 5 once the Raspberry Pi imager starts running you want to choose your device which in our case will be the Raspberry Pi 5 and then from there you want to choose your OS in our case we're going to choose the Raspberry Pi OS 64bit version the Raspberry Pi 5 can boot from USB so you don't need to use a Micro SD card so as you can see here I'm using a 250 gab drive and it's really a crucial P3 nvme Drive attached to USB adapter click next and click no for OS customization click yes to start writing to the dis you selected the the imager will now write and verify the OS to your chosen drive I'm going to speed up the video to where the imager is verifying the OS this is the realtime speed of the imager verifying the nvme drive that's attached by USB so it's going to definitely be faster than a Micro SD card we'll let this finish up and move on to First boot up of your Raspberry Pi OS you'll be greeted with the welcome screen upon first Boot and you want to just click next you're going to set up your country your language and your time zone I'm also selecting English language and US keyboard create your username and enter a password click next and now if you need to you can set up your Wi-Fi network I'm going to skip this and click next to select chromium as my default browser click next again to update software I'm going to speed this up while it downloads the updates now the updates are installing click okay and restart your Raspberry Pi next we'll move on to setting up your desktop and desktop preferences in this section of the video we're going to talk about setting up your screens setting up your display preferences set setting up your Bluetooth devices setting your printer specifically Dell printer setting up how to get your desktop icons and how to fix a chrome issue if you run into it now that we're in our desktop we're going to right click on our Mouse and select desktop preferences and we'll just wait for it to load and you can see there's a waste basket there's mounted discs and if you see the default is set for medium screens so if you want to make it bigger you go larger screens if you want to make it smaller you go to small screens right now if you see here I'm going to switch this to dark mode and you can see the color changes and here you can see I can change the location of my desktop which I'm going to change and you can see the menu goes up there and I want to change it to the bottom so I'm going to move it down there and you can see you can make the icons larger or smaller I'm going to leave it that size there and the other thing I'm going to do is I'm going to to move the waist basket and mount the dis to desktop 2 okay now that we've finished we're going to go to screen configuration you can see here you can move the screens around and hit apply if you need to make changes and you can see my first screen is a 1440p which I have on my left and then I have a 1080p on my right so I don't need to move any of those so I'm going to leave mine as is but if you need to change it you can move around one way to create a desktop icon is to select the item through menu right click on it and select add to desktop another way to add a desktop icon is to go to file explorer go to your file root system select USR select share then select applications as an example I want Firefox on my desktop so I'm going to try to drag and drop it but what you'll see is I'll get an error so what you need need to do is copy it to your desktop let's try to run Firefox what you'll notice you'll get this execute file message now to get rid of that message we need to go into edit preferences and then in general we want to check the box that says Don't Ask options on launch executable file once we make these changes you can now doubleclick into your icon and open your application as normal okay so now we're moving on to setting up our Bluetooth devices so you want to left click on the Bluetooth icon and select add device and as you can see I'm adding my mouse and then I will add my keyboard on my keyboard I have to enter a code and you'll see it's all go successfully to set up my Dell printer which is a Dell C 1760 WN i f the instructions on this page the links are below what you'll need to do is copy the three files which you see have done before and what you'll notice this is actually for 32bit driver but it still works in a 64-bit system you just need to run the lines in the terminal in the exact order shown if you get an error you may need to change the terminal directory to the download folder from menu you want to select preference then printer setting and then from there you want to select add a printer I'm adding this printer even though it's there already just just to show you how it's done I'm going to select my printer from the network printer dropdown I'm going to leave the first app socket as the default and hit forward it's now going to search for the drivers which we had installed earlier select the exact driver which is in my case is a c1760 and hit forward finally hit apply to save the changes but in my case I'm just going to cancel cuz again I already have this printer set up you should run a test print to see if everything is running fine you just finish setting up your monitors and decide to open up Chrome but it's too large for the screen all you got to do is unplug your for example 1080p Monitor and let Chrome open up on the single monitor resize it replug in that screen and then it will properly resize and you'll have no issues using Chrome anymore in this section we're going to talk about overclocking the USB ports USB power and active cooler so let's talk about overclocking I originally had my Raspberry Pi 5 overclock to 2900 megaherz and it held for several days and then it failed and then it went to 2875 then 2850 then 2825 then 2800 then 2700 then 2600 and I figured at that point I'm going to leave it at stock so for whatever reason my overclock will no longer hold so be careful about overclocking your raspberry pi5 your USB ports may be tight so just be very careful plugging any anything into it it should get looser over time with the ficial Raspberry Pi USB PD enabled power supply you should have 1.6 amps of power across all four ports if you exceed the 1.6 amps what can happen is you lose a screen you'll hear a click from your speakers and the screen will go gray and if you draw too much you might Lo if you have dual screens you'll lose one screen and you'll lose the other and the way to get it back is to remove the USB device alternatively a powered USB hub will prevent this from happening as well I have a wavelink 7 Port powered 3.0 USB hub attached to my Raspberry Pi 5 here you can see the active cooler fan Behavior you can see it below 50c it's not spinning and then at 50c it's at 30% at 60c 50% % 67.5 at 70 and 75c at 100% And if you can read the rest yourself to get a sense of how it works anyone else notice that the active cooler can sometimes have this weird shaking when powered off in this section of the video I'm going to show you how to install and set up Pi apps Snap Store quac and MIM we're going to do a Google search for piy apps scroll down and you'll see the install py apps and click the copy button open your terminal and paste it in there and let the pups install I sped up the installation but as you can see it automatically adds a desktop icon so now I'm going to go through and install my preferred apps I'm going to to speed this up but you can see what I've installed and you can choose what you want to install just because Pi apps can install an application doesn't mean it will necessarily work on the Raspberry Pi 5 if an app doesn't successfully install you can try again and it may install the second time we're going to do a Google search on how to install snap Linux navigate to snapcraft IO accept and visit site and scroll down till you see the Raspberry Pi OS scroll down and copy the lines into your terminal I've sped this section up but we are now now at the sud sudu reboot section of the lines we'll now do pseudo snap install core and wait for that to install and then we'll finally do pseudo snap install Snap Store finally we get a confirmation message for the installation we also get the confirmation for the installation of The Snap Store I've opened the snap store and again just like py Ops just because you can install it doesn't necessarily mean you can use it that'll work rather so definitely look through here and look at what you like these are the applications I have installed from the Snap Store on my desktop I have my guac terminal so I'll show you how to install and set up your guac terminal we're going to open a new terminal and type pseudo app install guac and we're going to wait for it to install I'll speed up the video we're going to click menu preferences then guac preferences I'm checking the start guac at login box I'm not sure is it guac or guake someone let me know if which one's correct from the main window we can select our geometry I like to have my guac on the right also you can change the height and the width as well as the displacement in pixel next we'll go to the appearance menu on the left I unselect use system fix font and use my own font size next select background image to get my own background image I'm going to USR share wallpapers I just selected Moonlight as an example in effects you want to adjust the transparency next we're going to install the emulator main by opening a terminal and typing sud sudo AP install m in order to add ROMs to the MIM we're going to create a folder in a user called Mim and then inside that folder we're going to create a folder called ROMs I added a desktop shortcut for MIM when I start mes and I click on available you notice there are no ROMs available cuz we haven't added any I'm going to open up my current installation of MIM and you'll see I have 112 games and I'm going to run Pac-Man really quickly for you you can go to raspberry tips to find links to ROMs raspberry connection has a list of games that don't need emulators in this section I'm going to talk about the Raspberry Pi 5 distributions I've tried those are Raspberry p OS Ubuntu armian MX Linux and Android and then I'm also going to talk about whether the Raspberry Pi 5 4 gbyte or 8 gigabyte is suitable for all of these distributions and finally I'll talk about which one of those are my favorite os's Raspberry Pi OS shows memory in the range of 830 megabytes for both Ki and for Neo fetch yunto shows about 930 megabytes in neofetch but over 1 gab in coni arum showed about one gigabit in neofetch but over two in coni and that was in both the KDE and the cinnamon versions of the OS MX Linux showed about 1 gbit for both neofetch and KY I didn't get that far with Android and it was the only system that made me boot from micro SD so this is all I have in terms of the 4 GB or 8 Gab Raspberry Pi 5 I think if you choose the arum OS you want to go with the 8 GB Raspberry Pi 5 all the other os's will be fine with the 4 GB Raspberry Pi 5 the Raspberry Pi 5 OS is my main OS that I use every day for my main computer one of my favorite os's is MX Linux and I've used it before to revive old laptops in the pi version we have the coni manager which really adds some nice features did you know you could reduce the shutdown wattage just follow the instructions my wattage before was 1.76 Watts while after it was Zero Watts or unmeasurable my setup includes the geek worm dual fan case hop hog DVR pilot USB adapter crucial P3 nvme Drive Yeti X microphone OBS Studios for video capture shot cut for video editing AAS City for audio lib office writer for editing and lib office impressions for presentations I want to thank you for watching this video and I would thank my wife for putting up with me making this video as of December 16th I've used Raspberry Pi 5 as my main computer and it's worked out pretty well the only thing I miss is specific Steam games my Raspberry Pi 5 was used to make this whole [Music] video [Music]
Channel: EZ Does IT
Views: 5,087
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: fDNHpeYarOA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 42sec (1182 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 01 2024
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