Raspberry Pi 5 with 2TB NVME SSD Geekworm Shield

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hey everybody I hope you're doing well the Raspberry Pi 5 was announced in October and I finally been able to get my hand on it not just that but after so many months we're starting to see thirdparty m.2 PCI m.2 adapters that are fairly cheap this board is an adapter board for the Raspberry Pi 5 that connects PCI m.2 ssds directly to the Raspberry Pi's pcie connection this one in particular is the x101 by geek and it's a fairly standard board that goes in the top they also have one for the bottom but what I like about this board is that it doesn't take that much space and it self Power by the pcie connection if we take a look at the Raspberry Pi 5 I went ahead and mounted everything this is what it would look like now the blower doesn't come with the board other than that the board itself sits at the very top and it doesn't take the entire top which is something you don't really see like I seen a couple of PCI eboards and they end up blocking the GPO connction nections right here and the blower style fan right here the only thing I don't like about this kit it does come with the mounting hardware but it only comes with three of them and one of the things I don't like is that the Raspberry Pi 5 itself doesn't have any standoffs like if you add this boore it it uses up all the ports and you end up having to worry about the Raspberry Pi 5 shorting out as a result so what I did is I went ahead and added my own brass mounts to the very bottom of this kit and it looks something like this now this is a lot easier to to manage because the Raspberry Pi 5 is actually standing off the ground by this distance and you don't have to worry about shorting I also went ahead and added a PCI m.2 SSD this is the 970 Evo by Samsung it is capable of up to like 2,000 megabytes of reads and wres I don't think the Raspberry Pi 5 is going to come close to even handling that speed because the Raspberry Pi 5 PCI connection which goes through this little ribon is limited to a certain speed I think it's gen two speeds of PCI but we're able to overclock it to pci3 and maybe we may be able to get some speed boost if we uh overclock the connection uh it's pretty I'm pretty excited the only downside for me right now is that I don't have an m.2 adapter to connect to my PC and FL raspberry pios into this mvme SSD what we need to do first is we're going to be booting of this micr SD card with the desktop environment and then flashing the Raspberry Pi OS using Raspberry Pi imager so let's get started with that okay I went ahead and inserted the micro SD card into my computer let's choose a device we're going to be using the desktop operating system for just so that we have access to Raspberry Pi Imager okay let me edit the settings okay so now it's going to flash and once it's done oh let me just add the password okay so it's going to be flashing and we'll be back when it's done now we have the Raspberry Pi 5 desktop in the micro SD card so let's uh just click continue it should have ejected it we take the micro SD card and add it right here to the Raspberry Pi 5 we should be able to boot off this first and then Flash the image into here let's go ahead and plug all the cables in first I'm going to be plugging the HDMI and then plug in power now let's go to the Raspberry Pi image all right so we are booted of the micro SD card running Raspberry Pi o desktop remember the reason we're booting off the micr SD C first is so that we can Flash the mvme SSD I don't have an mvme to USB adapter so this is the best way forward for me um now that we're booted off the micro SD card let's first open a terminal and let's make sure that Raspberry Pi OS and then the eom is upgraded before we proceed to flashing the nvme SSD uh let's update Raspberry Pi OS first studo AP update and then double Amper Sam pseudo a upgrade dasy and I went ahead and did this in the background so that we're not all waiting for this to actually upgrade now once the Raspberry Pi OS is updated we need to update the eom the eom is basically like the Raspberry Pi like firmware this is like what they refer to it and the way we do that is by running the command pseudo RPI eprom Dash update and then - A and according to this there is an update available and by running this command the updates for the eom are pending and I need to reboot so let's go ahead and do reboot the Raspberry Pi is going to reboot and then the changes are going to take effect okay now that we are booted into the Raspberry Pi again we can go ahead and open um our Raspberry Pi imager by going to the menu and going to accessories and clicking imager now we're going to be flashing for a Raspberry Pi 5 the operating system we're going to be using this Raspberry Pi 5 as a server uh I'm not interested in running the Raspberry Pi OS desktop so we're going to go down here to other and then we're going to be choosing raspberry pios light we're going to be installing open media vaol in the future and you need to run a server based the operating system that doesn't have a desktop environment now we're going to choose our storage and oh my God I can't believe I'm choosing a 2 tbte device once we choose the 2 tbte mvme SSD device let's click next um and let's add our settings okay the host name for this is going to be Pi five the username is just going to be code fallacy and then for demonstration purposes this is also going to be code fallacy um add your land because I am going to be using ethernet we're not going to be adding the land uh let's set the local I am in the east coast so New York makes perfect sense and let's enable SSH from here okay now that we have everything say uh set up let's save it and click yes and then yes it's going to ask for our password and now it's going to be flashing to a 2 terabyte nvme SSD which is insane to say okay now while it's flashing let's go ahead and make some configuration changes to the eom file first let me make this full screen since we're no longer going to be booting of the micro SD card what we need to do is change the boot order let's change the boot order from going to uh the micro SD card first to go into the nvme SSD first okay it's asking it's it already flashed which means that it's actually reading and writing really fast so let's go ahead and eject that basically this is already done but what we need to do is before we reboot let's make sure that it is targeting the nvme SSD first let's go ahead and run the following command PSE sudo RPI eom and then config and then-- edit now what we need to do is change the boot order the nvme SSD is this six right here this six represents the nvme SSD and one represents the micro SD card so let's move the six to the very end of this number then crl o enter contrl X to save it and now it's asking us to reboot to apply the eomp configuration changes so let's go ahead and power down first I'm not going to reboot I'm going to power down and actually remove the micro SD card and then we'll get back to it so let's do uh shutdown and it's going to shut down but I guess it didn't do it automatically so let's go down here and then click shut down okay so what I'm going to do now is I am going to remove the micro SD card and reboot again all right so after rebooting the Raspberry Pi 5 and removing the SD card this is the micro SD card that we were booting off at the beginning we are now brought back to this black and white terminal device this is raspberry posos light it doesn't have a desktop or anything because we we plan on running this as a server so the only thing I'm going to do here is get the IP address of the Raspberry Pi 5 and then I'm going to SSH into it from another computer and manage it from there the only thing we need to do here is if config and we can see that it is connected at the 217 address for my local IP so I'm going to switch to my Mac okay so we have has switched over to our Mac and we're now going to be sshing into the Raspberry Pi 5 booted from the nvme SSD let's go ahead and type the SSH command followed by the user and then the IP address of the Raspberry Pi 5 it's going to prompt us for our password and now we are in our Raspberry Pi 5 as you can see now I do want to see something I want to see what is the speed the def default speed from this Raspberry Pi 5 booting off an mvme SSD so I went ahead and loaded this website called Pi benchmarks dcom and we're going to be copying this Command right here this will allow us to do a benchmark to see the reads and wrs of the SSD so let's paste that command and run it it might take a couple of minutes but we will know for sure what is the speed of this Raspberry Pi 5 booting from an mvme SSD remember all the boards are slightly different this is a geek uh geek War board and maybe there are Boards out there that are faster than the Raspberry Pi or sorry than the normal geek War Raspberry Pi board but let's find out for sure the Benchmark has completed um it gave us a score of 31,000 I don't know what the score is but what we are interested is the dis reads and dis writes and even though this nvme SSD is capable of like 2,000 megabytes of reads and wres we are only getting 46 megabytes per second the reason this is happening is because the pcie connection on the Raspberry Pi 5 is actually gen two but thanks to Jeff gearing and this article right here we can overclock that to gen 3 and see how much more of a speed Improvement we really get so let's go ahead and clear all of this this let's go to our uh boot configuration and modify it so that we can tell it to use gen 3 speeds so PSE sudo then boot config.txt oh oh sorry pseudo Nano boot config.txt sorry I'm having a brain fart let's go all the way down to the file and let's paste the following now remember this is from Jeff gearing's blog so I'm going to have a link to it below what we need to do is just specify these two parameters and tell it to use gen 3 moving forward so we can do crl o enter crl X and now we need to reboot so that the application takes effect so reboot PSE sudo reboot now the Raspberry Pi 5 is going to reboot but when we do so we're going to rerun the bench Mark and we should see faster results the question is how fast it looks like the Raspberry Pi 5 rebooted so let's back and SSH into it so we're going to do is Rerun that same command The Benchmark command from PI benchmark.com and hopefully we should be able to see improved speeds of uh improv reads and right speeds from the nvme SSD and we can see that we went from from 400 to 800 and the right speeds went from I think it was 200 to to 421 so speeds basically doubled but it is still not up to the capabilities of the drive itself I am actually happy with this because I think this is fast enough where we are escaping the use of micro SD cards which is basically volatile memory in my opinion the micro SD cards can fail easily so being having the option to boot from an nvme SSD is great now what I would love to see even though I like this board even though I think this board looks amazing what I would like to see is an actual board that connects and then converts that PCI connection to multiple SATA ports for example wouldn't it be cool if we can use a boore and then have like six SATA ports and connect hard drives to it imagine the amazing raay Nas configuration that would be able to build from that that would be great however because it's really early on on the Raspberry Pi 5 uh since it's release we're probably not going to see that for a little bit longer however what I'm going to do is I'm going to build a Nas with this board running open media volt and all the other services through Docker compos and I am actually going to use it as my personal Nas I am going to be migrating from an old desktop that I have to this Raspberry Pi 5 board and I'm going to be installing a lot more services so that I can sell host even more and hopefully the Raspberry Pi 5 can keep up so if you're interested in that please stay tuned and if you like this video if you found it insightful at all all I ask is that you give it a like thanks if you have any feedback let me know Below in the comments as well
Channel: Code Fallacy
Views: 72,916
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Raspberry Pi 5, pi 5, pcie raspberry pi, pcie, m2, ssd, raspberry pi 5 nvme, NAS, openmediavault, docker, docker-compose, raspberry, raspberry pi overclock, rasbperry, pi, nvme boot, boot, raspberry pi, rpi, homelab, homeserver, diy, nas, proxmox, geekworm, network attached storage, geekworm shield, geekworm hat
Id: IUxP31rNRY4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 15sec (915 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 21 2024
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