which NVMe drives work with a Raspberry Pi 5?

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okay so I thought I better do some testing on mvme drives because there's definitely some incompatibility with some mvme drives and the PCI adapters that are coming out from various different companies this is the one from geekworm I've also used an Eed detect passive case and I've also used a fan from a 52 Pi ice tower cooler and I put this together because I need access to the mme Drive regularly uh but I also want fan calling even though this passive case is very good it's nice to have the option to be able to overclock I can just unscrew this and then I can have access to the mvme drive and also the fan is pwm controlled so it's going to come on when the pie gets too hot and go off uh as you can see at the moment the p is on but the the fan is off so first of all I'm going to shut this down and let's fit this new Patriot Drive that I've just bought 240 gig it was pretty cheap from Amazon so let's slot that in and screw that in place and I can pop this back on top and let's start that up so the first thing we need to do is update the boot loader so that it's compatible with PCI nvme boards so so let's do pseudo raspy config go to Advanced options bootloader version and click latest and yes and that'll update if it's not already the latest date uh and then go to finish and then reboot and that'll apply that so the board I'm running this on is the geekworm x101 they do loads of different boards I tested three in a separate video so they talk about an incompatibility list and they're saying saying that ones equipped with a fisen controller are usually incompatible so we've got various different Western Digital and then other MVM with a fisen controller it does say how to check if you've got a fisen controller so LS PCI so we do Control Alt T and put in LS PCI you can see it comes up with various different information now it doesn't mention anything about fisen in there so I'm assuming this one is okay I'm also assuming this is okay because it's on the list on the Pimon website um so basically most of these boards support the uh pip specification which is from the Raspberry Pi Foundation which is how to use a PCI board with an mvme drive so when we go back to this list and we scroll down there is actually a big list of compatible drives and my Patriot is here so p310 so I'm assuming it's okay there is another bit though if we go back so it mentions not compatible with m.2 sat that's because it's a different type of Drive uh it is an m.2 nvme drive so if it doesn't say nvme anywhere it probably isn't compatible it's probably a SATA drive talks about older drives um obviously if you've got an older drive you could test it this is more about if you're buying a new one to work with the pi and then it says new mvme ssds are not partitions and we need to be both partitioned and formatted when first connected to the rasb pi before can be accessed in Explorer well let's see if Raspberry Pi imager can sort out this drive so if we go into imager and launch that so let's go choose device raspber Pi 5 choose OS and we'll go for 64 bit Rasberry P OS and choose storage well you can see the Patriot is just showing up I haven't had to do anything this is brand new out of the packaging and it's working so let's click on that and let's hit next I'm not going to apply any settings and I'm happy to AR raay so pop your password in and we'll come back when that's all done okay that's all done I needed to put my password in to eject the nvme drive I've had that a few times recently I'm not sure why it does it but uh I've put the password in let's hit continue so now let's shut this down okay that's all up and running let's do a speed test so run test I haven't done anything to the config do text at the moment so when we do this speed test we're only going to get PCI 2 speeds in fact let's just save that document so now we need to go into config do text oh theyve moved the file this is where a buntu sometimes puts the file okay so let's leave that up there just to remind us and open another terminal so PSE sudon Nano boot slash firmware SLC config.txt here we go oh okay oh that's been that's been in that old place for ages so that means that any tutorial I've done where I tell you to go to pseudo Nano well at least I guess it will tell you where it should be so let's scroll down and do the does the PCI option get added in here no it doesn't doesn't look like it's in here okay well let's add it so DT par Ram = PCI X1 uncore gen = 3 so crl X and yes and enter and let's reboot okay so let's do some speed tests so if we launch Raspberry Pi Diagnostics and run tests I always do three tests and take the best one so let's copy that first one and we can have a look how this can compares to the previous one which was at the standard speeds so this is Gen 3 so sequential right speed nearly double the random right speed got a lot quicker that's a very fast random right speed 141,000 and the random read speed 54,000 uh so slightly better so let's do that test three times so reset and run let's copy just the three lines that we need okay so for me the random read speed is the most important one and you can see that the second and third test was exactly the same on that uh and then we've got a faster random right speed on here and we've got sequential right speed is actually better on this one although I'm less worried about sequential right speed so I'm going to grab this one let's delete the others and if I compare the speeds to the kioxia drive that I've got got sequential right speed was faster in the Patriot random right speed was faster in the Patriot but random read speed was slower uh than the kioxia so the kioxia comes out better I think because random read speed is more important for running an operating system but that's still a very respectable score for a really well priced mbme drive so what I'll do is uh I'll put a link in the description to that so you can have a look at it on Amazon I'll also list a few of the others that are mentioned in that story from Pimon as being confirmed working but I'll put in the text that not tested by me and I'll put all the speed test in the description as well okay so I hope all this helps thanks very much for watching please like And subscribe
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Id: 3mUgVTBmKio
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Length: 8min 4sec (484 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 15 2024
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