How to update Raspberry Pi 5 bootloader eeprom to latest stable version. Now has "network-install"

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[Music] Raspberry Pi have just released a new boot loader  for the Pi 5 this new version they have added in   network install feature. In this video I'm going  to show you how to quickly check what version   you are running and how to update it if you are  running the older version. Network installer is   very useful if you just want to set up a fresh SD  card and you don't want to use a second computer   to download the Pi OS and flash it to the SD card.  You can set up a new card directly with a Pi 5 and   a network connection over ethernet. Firstly you  need to make sure your Pi OS is fully up to date   to do that open Terminal. In the usual way we're  going to check for any updates, type "sudo app update" as you can see my Pi is fully up to date.  If your Pi is found updates you can install them   by typing "sudo apt full-upgrade -y" once  your Pi is fully up to date I'd recommend   just doing a restart on the P if it's found  any updates. Now we can check what bootloader   eeprom version you're currently using. To  do this type "sudo rpi-eeprom-update -a" All the commands will be in the description  below. As you can see I've already updated   my bootloader to the latest version. This is the  version number that features the network install,   if your bootloader was was not up to date then  "current" would be a different date from the   "latest" If your Pi is showing your "current"  is older than the "latest" then you need to   apply the update. You can do this in terminal  but I prefer to use the "raspi-config" as it's   suggesting to do here. So all we need to type is  "sudo raspi-config" hit return scroll down to the Advance Options, scroll down to Bootloader Version and then we have the  option here to use the latest   version of the bootloader so  you do that select the first option and it tells you that the bootload will  be updated and it tells you the latest version   is going to be selected and installed when you  next reboot, so you need to apply that and do a reboot. Then we come out of here  and finish and this will do the reboot. So my Pi is now rebooted so let's  check that has been applied in my case it   has but you would check by typing  the same command again "sudo rpi-   eeprom update -a" and you'll just confirm  that the "current" and "latest" are the   same versions. If they are then your Pi is  fully up to date with the latest bootloader. Now we can go and check what the  network install screen looks like   for the Pi 5 I'm going to shut down and  remove the SD card to force it into that mode. So here we are in the network  install window at this stage it's   telling us to hold down the shift key  make sure you have an ethernet cable connected. Now it's downloading the installer  this will just behave like the Raspberry Pi Imager. That's finished loading and now we  have a screen that looks very much like the   Raspberry Pi Imager and we can select and  choose the OS that you want to install,   in the same way you would with the Pi Imager and then you would insert an SD card  or USB stick or an external USB hard drive,   which would appear here I have nothing currently  plugged in then you would install in the normal   way and Flash the SD card or the external  drive drive as normal. That's it for this   simple tutorial, I hope you found it useful  if you'd like to see more Pi related tutorials   please leave some suggestions in the comments  down below. Thanks for watching please like And subscribe.
Channel: Watt The Tech
Views: 6,089
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: retro, retro tech, tech, bootloader, eeprom, pifirmware, firmware, raspberrypi, pi5, wtt, wattthetech, pi3, pi4, pi zero, pi0, pifoundation, linux, micros, sd card, scared, update, rpiconfig, sbc, buster, bookworm, pios, piosbookworm, piosbuster, pi400, electronics, piupdate, updating raspberry pi, Raspberry pi os, networkboot, network boot, netowrk install, network install, pi os buster, sudo update, Pi5B, pi os, Raspberry pi case, Raspberry pi fan, Raspberry pi cooler, raspberry pi five, raspiconfig
Id: dqV0naK40gE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 28sec (328 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 25 2024
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