Raspberry Pi 5: The Game Changer? Discover What's New!

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[Music] [Music] hello again everyone and welcome back to learn Linux TV in today's video what we're going to do is check out the Raspberry Pi 5 I have one right here in the studio and I've had some time to check it out and what I'm going to do is tell you all about the Raspberry Pi 5 especially what's different this time around and there's quite a bit of improvement with this new model yes it's faster a lot faster which I will talk about in today's video but it's not just that there's some very interesting changes when it comes to the Raspberry Pi 5 so I figured this video was necessary to make sure you guys knew what's required to upgrade to the Raspberry Pi 5 if you already have a Raspberry Pi or just use it in general there's some very important things to know in this video so I recommend that you definitely watch the whole thing because you might not get the full performance out of your Raspberry Pi 5 if you don't pay attention to a very important detail but before we get into that I need to take a moment and mention the sponsor for today's video and that sponsor is cendo the makers of thin link thin link is a remote desktop solution that enables you to access a Linux desktop from anywhere thinley can be used in a setup for one or a few users but it can also support thousands of users in Enterprise environments providing remote access to high demanding opengl applications running on a centralized server thin link is easy to set up and the performance is great in fact thin link includes admin tools for system administrators to make managing this product even easier part of what makes thin link awesome is that it combines the best open source components out there to provide a pure Linux experience but it's not just about Linux clients are available for Windows and Mac OS as well so even if you don't use Linux as your daily driver you can still use a Linux desktop anytime you want and thin link is developed by cendo in Sweden one of the oldest Linux Centric companies in the world and these guys know what they're doing as it's developed by the same team behind tiger VNC and no VNC so check out finin link it's my favorite remote desktop solution and if you visit the URL that you see on the screen then you'll let them know that you heard about them from learn Linux TV but not only that you can test it out for yourself and see why it's awesome you can set it up on a virtual machine a cloud instance or perhaps your own computer and a full version is available for up to 10 concurrent users for free so check out thin link and with all of that said it's time to dive into the Raspberry Pi 5 so let's check it out like I mentioned during the intro the Raspberry Pi 5 has quite a few changes this time around which I'm going to go over shortly but first let's talk about what's not different first the target audience the pi5 won't see the popular single board computer enter any new markets at least not directly the new model will still be used in the same kinds of projects that previous models were used in the difference this time around is that the new Pi will be better at performing the same tasks either by performing them faster more efficiently or both other things that remain unchanged when it comes to the Raspberry Pi 5 include the number of USB ports we have four of those the speed of the network Port is still a gigabit Network Port the amount of RAM on the high-end model which is still 8 GB this time around like it was last time and also the number of cores the Raspberry Pi 5 features a quad core c CPU just like the last model however when you peel back those basic layers you'll see that a great deal has changed when it comes to the pi5 first of all since we're already on the subject of the CPU let's start there the BCM 2712 CPU that powers the pi5 was built inhouse by Raspberry Pi and that's impressive to say the least this means that the pi5 literally has a CPU of its own now it's still an arm CPU so we're not using a different architecture or anything like that but the CPU this time around round was specifically developed for the pi which is really cool and this new chip is no slouch either it clocks in at 2.4 GHz compared to the previous models 1.5 GHz and that's a pretty big Improvement but the awesomeness of the pi 5 doesn't end there in addition the raspberry pi5 has expanded capabilities the rp1 chip which is brand new with this model takes over the majority of I/O operations examples of the work that this new chip handles includes two USB controllers gigabit Ethernet and even a four-lane pcie 2.0 endpoint now the USB controllers and the gigabit Ethernet controller might not seem like a big deal but the rp1 chip handling all of these operations is taking this work away from the main board and the forlane pcie 2.0 endpoint will definitely have a lot of people talking it'll open up some very neat possibilities there's even a hat that's planned for release later this year that will enable you to use nbme storage but as of recording time I don't have access to that in order to test it out it's definitely something to look forward to so there's that so there's quite a bit to get excited about this time around and I'm sure you guys will definitely enjoy the performance boost but the thing is there's also different accessories this time around and we'll start with the big one in order to get started with Raspberry Pi 5 you're going to need a new power supply kind of so let's break this down a 3 amp power supply such as one that you might have used on a previous model that will work with the Raspberry Pi 5 the thing is though it'll only provide just the minimum amount of power that the pi 5 needs just to function in fact with a 3 amp power supply the new Pi will activate low power mode which comes with a few penalties such as USB ports having less power and USB boot being disabled however if you use a fully supported 5 amp power supply then the full potential of the Raspberry Pi 5 will be unlocked in that case the USB ports will be provided with an additional 5 watts of power with the entire Pi having 5 Watts more headro in case it needs needs it the new Pi is able to utilize this additional power because it supports something called Power delivery which is yet another improvement with the new model however what might be confusing for some of you is that even if you do have a 5 aamp power supply and it does support power delivery you might still be stuck in low power mode so why is that the reason for this is due to a race condition between the pi and the power supply itself many Chargers out there that do support power delivery they do so by increasing the vol voltage when a device is first powered on rather than delivering the full Voltage from the get-go and this might cause the pi5 to detect that a charger is inadequate even when it's fully capable of 5 amps when this happens you could simply try rebooting the pi and low power mode may not trigger the next time since a power supply would have already reached 5 amps by that point if you're curious how to tell whether or not you're in low power mode there's a command for that and here it is if you simply run vcg CMD along with Gore config and then usbcore maxcore current unor enable you'll get the status of whether or not low power mode is enabled this might be confusing for some of you because normally we don't have to put this much thought into something as simple as a power supply there just has to be an easier way and thankfully there is and the easy solution is to Simply use the official Raspberry Pi 5 power supply like the one that I have here it's made by Raspberry Pi and the way that they've designed it it's always going to provide a continuous 5 amps of power that way you can avoid low power mode in fact you can avoid thinking about anything that I just mentioned if you have this power supply you simply plug it in use your pi and that's it so the takeaway here is that with the pi 5 you have to be mindful when it comes to how you power it if you have a 5 amp USBC charger with power delivery and it delivers consistent power then you could definitely use it but when in doubt just buy the official charger and you're done in addition another thing that you should be aware of is that that if you have an official Raspberry Pi camera or maybe an official Raspberry Pi touchscreen display or something like that you're going to need an adapter if you want to use those accessories on the pi five the reason for this is that there's two dedicated slots for cameras and displays on this board each of these can have one camera or one display connected and it's great to have dedicated connectors for these but the result is that you'll need new cables or an adapter in order to connect your accessories to the pi5 now to avoid confusion if you want use multiple displays with Raspberry Pi 5 you don't have to use these slots we still have Micro HDMI ports on the board and that's how most of you are going to connect a display so for you nothing really has changed but if you're building a project and you want to include a camera or a touchcreen display then you're going to probably use these connectors and again you'll need different cables in order to do so now since we're on the subject of displays the Raspberry Pi 5 is able to drive two 4K displays at 60 frames per second and also HDR is supported this time around which is pretty cool so if you like to use your pi as a desktop computer then the pi 5 will definitely be a great fit for that now let's talk about cooling just like before the pii board comes with nothing but the board itself not even a heat sink but do you even need a heat sink at Fan when it comes to the pi 5 technically no no you don't you can definitely use it without one but if you plan on doing anything aside from very light tasks then you should definitely consider buying a cooler and at this point in the Pi's lifespan you're going to need at least a heat sink if you plan on taking full advantage of your hardware and if you're not planning on taking full advantage of the pi 5 then well you don't need one the pi4 is probably good enough for you but if you have a use case for the pi five then you probably have a use case for a cooler or heat sink and I recommend that you pick one up they're very inexpensive anyway so there's no reason not to while we're on the subject of accessories let's talk about some official accessories from Raspberry Pi we have the official case and also the official active cooler and of course I bought these accessories because I want to tell you guys all about them so let's take a look first let's take a look at the case the official case for the pi 5 comes with some heat sinks that you can stick on and the case itself features a fan the fan is reasonably quiet but it's not silent honestly it's not loud enough for me to care about it but you will hear it if it's up close but more importantly it'll help keep your pie cooler and that's really neat because you have a case with a fan built in and it comes with heat sinks as well so if you buy the case you have pretty much everything you need to keep your pie cool for quite a few of you it's probably all you need if you want to step up your cooling game though you can consider the official Raspberry Pi active cooler for your brand new Pi five and this is pretty cool it's one piece of aluminum and has a much larger surface area so cooling should be more efficient with this cooler if you want to push your pie to the next level then this might be a good fit for you but how much do these accessories cost well the official case will set you back around $10 and the active cooler can be purchased for as low as $5 if you also buy the official power supply and I recommend that you do you'll add an additional $12 to the cost of entry for the pi five while I'm on the subject of having you buy things we should probably talk about how much the raspberry pi5 itself costs the 4 GB model can be purchased for $60 and the 8 GB model can be yours for $80 it's a little bit more expensive than the previous model but not by much now at this point I've gone over everything I think you need to know when it comes to getting on board with a new pi5 when compared to earlier models but before I close out this video there's some additional improvements with the pi five that may not make exciting b-roll but are still worth mentioning first the pi five features a built-in power over ethernet header right there on the board this means that you'll be able to power your Pi directly from a compatible ethernet switch if you happen to have one however a power over ethernet hat is still required for this to work though and this accessory has not been released yet but if you wanted to boot your pie over the network well the board at least features the capability of doing that all we need is the hat and we'll be good to go we're supposed to have it sometime this year but I didn't have it for testing so I wasn't able to see how that worked I guess power over ethernet is something to look forward to at least other improvements include but aren't limited to Bluetooth 5 a physical power button on the P Board itself and also wakon Lan is Now supported now the thing is with on land the firmware doesn't support this at least not yet and I'm not sure if it will but at least the board itself is capable of this if Raspberry Pi wants to enable this feature of course there's other changes with the pi five as well but the highlights that I gave you in this video are going to be the most important things that you'll need to know overall I'm very impressed with the pi 5 it's a great board and I recommend that you pick one up if you have a use case for one the thing is for some people the pi five might be Overkill maybe the pi four that you already have is working well enough and if that's the case you probably don't need a pi five but if you are in the need for more power the pi5 will provide you more power as long as you provide it more power with the official power supply what are you working on with your Raspberry Pi let me know in the comments down below I'm excited to find out what you guys are working on as for me I'm working on more Linux related content for you guys so definitely subscribe to learn Linux TV for the latest in Linux I can't wait for you guys to see what's coming on this channel in the meantime though thank you so much for watching this video I really appreciate [Music] [Music] it [Music]
Channel: Learn Linux TV
Views: 37,206
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Linux, gnu/linux, LearnLinuxTV, Learn Linux TV, LearnLinux.TV, Learn Linux, Linux Training, Linux Tutorials, raspberry pi, raspberry pi 5, linux operating system, raspberry pi 5 review, pi 5, rpi5, raspberry pi projects, raspberry pi 5 projects, raspberry pi os, raspbian, small board computer, raspberry pi 5 setup
Id: kLs4XDLi5u0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 1sec (841 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 13 2024
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