Setting Up TrueNas Scale from Fresh Install

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all right so today we're going to be doing a beginner's guide to True NZ so let's get [Music] started now this video is sponsored by PCB way and if you guys are interested in DIY or Electronics where you need a manufacturer to build your own products uh look no further than PCB way they actually have online calculator that gives you quotes within minutes and they also do 3D printing and pcbs as well now with their state-of-the-art technology they will actually get all your products very precise and on time so if you do need some sort of PCB manufacturing or 3D printing look no further than PCB way now back to the video all right so true Nas is truly a Nas operating system its focus is to share your files through your network network attached storage uh this is actually a very good operating system to use it's very easy it's very intuitive and it provides you with what you need if you're planning to share your files what makes this a very good NZ is the ability to install virtual machines and apps so you can actually expand the functions of tras itself now today what we're going to be using is called tras scale and they do have different tiers which is tras core traz scale and traz Enterprise so traz core is just very low resources but you're able to just use the feature of the nas while tras scale opens up the doors by allowing you to use Virtual machines and scale then Enterprises for more corporate so we're going to be installing tras scale now the machine that I'm going to be installing this on is the zma blade now if you seen me do videos about this I will have a link down in the top left in the description down below for the trz build that I did and also if you want to know more about the board I have another video there but we are going to be using this setup and I am going to be using this setup for quite some time for other operating system testing like unraid or omv or something along the line of server applications for this just to see where I could take it so if you guys are new to this channel consider subscribing and hitting that Bell notification icon so you know when that video is going to be out now jumping into the desktop or jumping into the the computer here we have our bio screen now I am just going to go over to the boot selection so here we go I am going to go into this omv CDM py KVM and boot into the installer now here we have the installer you could use this through comms or just install normally through the desktop so if you have something connected you can do this if you don't what's cool is if you don't have HDMI output from certain nases you can use a seral to connect to this to install this is actually quite simple um I am going to actually do install SL upgrade and it's a pretty quick install too as well I do have two hard drives Plugged In which is 2 tabt each and then I have the 32 GB emmc so I'm going to hit enter on that and go through the process upgrade install will preserve all your existing configurations so if you have an older version and you want to upgrade you could do this I'm going to do a fresh install and I'm going to do format the boot device now normally you don't have to go through through this whole process because I am actually reinstalling something that's already there from True scale so I'm just going to go through the whole thing now you do have root user administrative user configured uh using web UI I'm just going to set up an admin user just in case and set up a pretty easy password because I'm going to wipe this out in a little bit anyway now this installation process give or take is about 10 minutes if you're installing this through USB so it's not too long after you reboot you'll be displayed with this uh this is your cons it just gives you information that you need to know which is like your IP address for your console I mean for your trunz and there's some other settings that you could use over here but it's really not needed at this point you could just disable your HDMI or turn you unplug everything but I'm going to navigate over to the 206 and when you log in uh this is your dashboard that you will see now you can configure this and disable like system information or help and then it'll actually show you the things that you want to know but first thing we need to do is create a pool so I'm going to go down the list on the left side and then we could just uh kind of set everything up so storage I'm going to create a brand new pool I do have two hard drives right here SDA and sdb that are two terabytes each and I'm going to move them over and because I got two I could actually use mirror mode or I could use stripe now mirror mode is basically if you have a redundancy of one hard drive if one hard drive fails you still have the second one with data on it and you have time to replace it stripe is when you lose one hard drive that's it all your data is gone because I only have two so you could choose whichever one you want but the safer bet is to use mirror so let's let's stick with mirror now in my case I like to name this data store so for you guys who are familiar with VMware that's what they usually call their data um but yeah data store and I'm going to hit create confirm because all the contents will be deleted and give this about like 2 minutes it's really quick to create this pool once this is done uh we can move on to the next step which is creating the share and everything that you want all right here here we go uh we basically got a capacity of 1.76 which is about 2 terab and again it's in mirrored mode so the other hard drive is just basically for back up now the next thing we would need to do is data set you could actually add a data set here and I'm going to do that right now and call this share because that's what basically the folder I'm going to be sharing and you go down these options leave it as a generic or whatever you could just leave it blank so now I created something called share which takes the place of all the data store and then in shares this is where you have to activate certain things now you need Windows SMB if you want this to be a network enabled share so I am going to enable that choose the mount point and I'm going to choose share you see how I went down the list and then you can name this I'm going to leave as share and then I'm going to hit save and then the next thing that we need is uh NFS now from here you could actually take a quick look to see if um there's anything you need to adjust for me it's fine as long as you see group built-in users that's what we're going to be using to access the drive so we're going to keep this and you could just save Access Control list it'll rewrite everything if you did some changes to it otherwise you don't need to edit this you could just leave it as blank I mean just exit out of it but I'm going to save this as the list that it needs to be now I'm going to head back over to share and enable NFS and the reason to enable NFS is just basically for containers um this method is basically more uh used when you are trying to Lo access local information instead of using your host file like slash whatever SL whatever uh you will just use your NFS share as a local host instead uh it is a much better way of um actually sharing your drive for your containers all right there we have it so we got our share and they're both at the same location now data protection is something if you do have something else set up and you want to back up your data you can set up rsync or you set up Cloud sync whatever you got so I'm going to skip over this because we're not doing any back backing up right now uh network is nothing I have to worry about because I only got technically one network interface the other one I'm going to get rid of soon but um with one network interface there's not much you really need to do unless you want to change IP address and all that other stuff now as far as credentials I am going to go to local user and create a new user just for my local share this way I don't have to use admin and I can use my username so I'm going to hit my name Don put in a password right over here and basically everything the same and then I'm going to hit save this should have access to your shares right now so we're going to go test that out right now I'm going to open up my folder and then I'm going to go into here you if you're using Linux you could just go into SMB or type it into that top for Windows you would have to do SL slash like this one and then the IP address in my case it's going to be like this 1921 68105 do206 and then there you go I have my share and then I could create text file I should be able to write to it there you go and I'm going to leave that for here but now we have our Network share and we could just transfer files into it if we need to now we have virtualization which we're not going to deal with because the 8 gigs of RAM is not a lot you can install a small operating system but unless you really really need to I would avoid using virtual machines but you can it's using qmu and you can run Windows or run if you got more RAM you can run anything you want now the most important part or mix as so good is the apps or basically Docker containers so I'm going to go into selecting the pool which is the data store choose it's going to generate the file or the folder called XI systems or ex systems and in there it's going to store your Docker information um it's just generating that right now which should take about 1 or two minutes so we're just going to let this go all right so from here on this is basically the bread and butter uh you do have with the stock catalog about like 60 applications uh which is more than enough for certain C home uses like you got NYX Cloud uh wire guard easy Pyle stuff like that you could just install by clicking on here but if you are looking for more a lot more Dockers go over to manage cataloges and add a brand new catalog from here you got to make sure it's not malicious and all this other stuff so I'm going to say okay and call this catalog true chart now this has a lot more repositories or catalog in it it's about like 700 applications you can install so it's HTP s true charts SL catalog just like that we're going to leave it in the stable branch and then Main and then we're going to hit save now from here it's going to take like 20 to 30 minutes for this to load up it actually like categorizes everything and to check the progress of it just go to jobs it's going to be here and slowly caching all the way up to the top so just let this run in the meantime you could still do other stuff uh if you want but for now I'm just going to let that catalog and other stuff you have is reporting to see how your CPU usage is and you have your system settings so if you want to set up some stuff now Advance is where you kind of want to play around with if you have a separate graphic card and you want to isolate that GPU to uh pass through to your VMS or your uh Dockers you can configure it here but since I only have one graphic card that is built into the uh CPU I'm not going to be able to do that all right now that the catalogs are done loading you can now see there's going to be like hundreds extra look at this I could keep scrolling and there's going to be at least an app for you that you could use now I'm going to go in here and look for um jelly Fin and we are going to install this version of jelly fin this is slightly updated than the one that true NZ has which they have version 1.014 and this one is 0 1.015 so I'm going to stick with the Jelly fin one that comes with two charts and uh configure the rest through here all right so now we could go down and kind of like go through some of the settings now most most of the stuff you can leave as default but this is what you want to play around with right over here app storage um so the type of storage for the config we could leave as PVC and this is the quota for it you can leave at 256 whatever you want uh transcoding setting here you want to change this to a empty dur uh what this does is basically as long as it hits a certain amount of threshold it'll start deleting itself and you can either set it to memory or default I think uh the setup I believe in this is 2 gigs so and once it hits two gigs it'll just start deleting the older files now if you got a lot of ram obviously you could use memory for this which is a lot better so I'm going to leave this as uh default because I don't have a lot of ram now we do need to add additional storage and this is the part where we would actually choose NFS share and from here we would choose our server as Local Host and the path on our server would be MNT uh data store um share that's how I believe the folder naming is and if you want to double check that you could just go back into your shares and look it up but I believe this is it um now our Mount path would be SL MNT media this way uh this folder is always um generated when you have a Linux operating system so we're just going to basically take over this and add the folder media behind that and once you're done with that uh you can scroll down a little bit and uh set up your GPU configuration if you have like an onboard GPU like I do which is not picking it up right now but it should say Intel GPU over here and I'm not sure why it's not picking it up this time I've done this before um I'll worry about this a little bit later but this is where you set your GPU configuration you just attach your Intel GPU on and after that you just hit save okay there you go now give or take this is about a few minutes because it's got to download all the images compile everything and put everything together for jelly fin so once this is done it'll actually just close itself out and then you can go into the installed applications now that it is done just head over to Applications again it's still booting so you're going to have to give this a second but in the meantime while this is happening uh it is actually going to have information stored over here later what I could start doing right now is create a folder called movies and you'll see in the in the section this is actually going to pop up in one of the selections because that's what we're sharing so let's head over to jelly okay from here on we're just going to go through the wizard next I'm going to set my username to be Dawn and I'm not going to enter a password this way I don't need to use a password to enter I'm going to add a media library uh this is going to be movies and then the folder we're going to hit this little plus button and you're going to notice something here called MNT media so and I have one sub folder called movies remember we just created that that's where you're going to start dropping your movies in and then you can hit okay if you got TV shows you put TVs if you wanted everything in a sub subd directory you can make media again and then you know do whatever you need over there then you can set up the rest of the information that you want over here I'm going to hit okay it might just let me do it without having to set the rest hit next English etc etc remote connection yes next and now I am done so now jelly finin I could just sign in with my username no password and that is it I just set up jelly fin I got my movies directory I got nothing in there right now but you get the idea you could just drop stuff in here now and it'll start fetching it into the movies folder and basically that's how you set up apps in trz so hopefully this got you to a point where you're not intimidated by Tres it's actually a very intuitive system to add apps add stuff the only thing that I actually had to research on was how to uh link your host shares or NFS shares in my case uh to use with my Dockers like jelly fin or valheim and all that stuff you just need to enable NFS shares that was the trickiest part to figure out otherwise everything is pretty intuitive you can just go through what you need storage backup sh user controls stuff like that it's all there so if you got any questions about this hit me up down in the comments below and if you want to see any other operating system which I will be testing in the future like unraid and Casa OS and stuff stuff like that I will be putting on this channel so uh yeah be sure to hit that little subscribe button and that notification Bell so you know when the next video is going to be out anyway as I always say in my nerd cave hack till darts
Channel: Novaspirit Tech
Views: 97,933
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: novaspirit, tech, truenas, truenas scale, debian, nas, home made nas, home lab, self hosted nas, true nas, jellyfin, truecharts, linux, zimablade, nas kit, setup nas, setup your own nas, truenas scale setup, truenas setup, freenas setup, network attached storage, truenas scale docker, docker, file server
Id: SkKysLSrg3w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 21sec (921 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 08 2023
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