TrueNAS for Home Users - Made Easy! Install, Create Pools, Data Sets, Users, Permissions and Shares.

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this is TJ with tech Made Easy welcome to the channel my channel is all about making things affordable practical and easy and what we're going to do today is we're going to set up one of my favorite server softwares and that is tras scale I've been using tras scale for 10 years but back then it was called freas um they changed the name to trass and then they also created a Linux version and the Linux version of of of freas is trass scale so what we're going to do is we'll download the software to make a bootable boot dis we'll download truna scale we'll we'll install it on bare metal we'll set up a pool and a pool is like a a drive on Windows then once we have that drive setup we'll set up a data set which are folders we'll give those uh we'll give access to those folders by creating a user and a share so that we can have access to those folders through Windows through our Linux desktop through the Mac now one of the reasons why I'm making this is because when I first started using tras I've been a w uses all my life and it was such a different experience for me even though it was a gooey interface just cuz it's a something's a gooey interface doesn't mean you're going to automatically know how to use it so all of the server software out there can be a little intimidating because it's so different than what maybe you've you've used as your operating system even the nasas that you buy that have the built-in operating system it's still going to be a different interface than what you're used to so I wanted to make this as easy as possible to set set those things up and I wanted to do it on bare metal cuz most of the people are going to run this on bare metal not in a BM some some in a BM but I want to do this on bare metal and this is the machine I'm going to go ahead and install this on okay so here's the PC that we're going to install trous on and just so you know you can pretty much install trass on any desktop um you can install it on a Mini PC you can call call it on on a small for form factor i5 i3s i7s zons um whatever it is and that's why trass lot so many people use tras as their file server it's so compatible with many many many many desktops it's not just commercial uh Network or not networking but server software but this particular one I added the five Drive Bay I put in a 10 gig Nick and a high-speed hard drive controller card because um this is going to be a 10 gig uh network box for me and I want the highest performance I can get out of it and so so that's why I've put out those things in there but again you can install it my my Home Server now is a small form factor uh PC that I installed tress on uh there's a video down below that I I'll leave a link to if you're interested in that and so that's what we're going to install it on okay once we have tress install on our Hardware we'll no longer need to have access to that because we're going to access it through the network and so that most servers even your Mini Server that you buy off the shelf um are headless servers in other words you access them through your web browser so we'll go ahead and access that through the web browser okay so now that now that we have what we're going to install it on just want to let you know that this software all sver software can be intimidating but the thing about tress scale is that's it's commercial grade uh server software the file formats a zff and that's what big that's what most servers are running for their data storage ZFS and and and true N scale has a lot of options but as a home user we don't need all those options we just need to know the basics to have a server set up so let's get [Music] started I'm at the uh tras scale download page and what you want to do is you want to downlo download this stable version um the 23 uh10 point2 so you just hit download and it'll it'll take a minute to download so I'm going to stop that I already have it downloaded and then what we knew is we need some software to make a bootable USB if you already have software to do that then you can use that as well or we can download this bolina etcher and so you just hit download here and it allows it gives a a Linux Mac and windows version and we're going to ch choose this 64 um this portable one here and so we'll download that it downloads really quick I've already downloaded it and I've already copied it to the desktop so we'll just go ahead and launch it right here and uh this will help us make a bootable USB out of our for our tras scale so we just select from a file and there's our tras um we select the target and uh I've got this Samsung USB drive here and uh we're going to just select that you've got to make sure that you have the right Drive selected and then we're going to go ahead and Flash this now if it's a large Drive it'll say hey this is a large USB drive are you sure you want to use it I'm going to hit yes and uh then then it will go ahead and start that well once it's done it'll just pop up say it's done okay this is the screen you'll get when it's done so just say flash another and we're done flashing that our USB we're going to go to our server okay so here we are at my boot menu and uh this uh CT that's that's the hard drive I'm going to install to the Samsung is the one that I um the USB flash drive that we just created so I'm going to go ahead and hit that and you might as well just hit ufi when you're doing this um unless you're really on an older system that you can you can do hit it with Legacy if you want but I'm just going to go ahead hit this here it's going to come up with this start install so we're going to go ahead and install this it'll load up a few files then it's going to give you this menu and of course we're in installing this so we're just going to hit okay and we're going to look for that device and it's right here even though it doesn't say um all these other ones are hard drive so you got to be careful when you when you're doing a whole bunch of drives on here uh which one you're using Ian you can tell on here that these are 5.5 they're really 6 TB hard drives but um so that's my that's my SSD that I'm installing the operating system on and you can see that it says ntf because it was just a I was just using it for a a storage so let's hit H we're going to hit yes toite and you can use you can there's two ways to install this you can install as a root user or administrative user they prefer the administrative but it works either way so we're just going to hit in in administrative we're going to put in our password Here and then sit back and relax um It'll ask you to create a swap file now you can sit back and relax once installation's complete it's going to ask you to reboot the computer and then it'll boot into freas and then we can go to the desktop okay you've just installed true Nas and so I just want you to remove the media and reboot so let's reboot that system now okay it's just going to ask you to go ahead and run true Nas now it'll automatically start if you don't start it within so many seconds then it'll just go through the boot up and then you'll be ready to go okay once it goes through the boot up then you're just going to hit this menu and you don't have to do anything from here you're going to go to your desktop you're going to have to remember the uh IP address there that 192.168.1 42 but let's go to the dep desktop and access our server when we get to our browser we're just going to type Tye in uh HTTP colon1 192.168.1 42 and then that will take us to our Administration screen and you're just going to type in admin because we we said we were going to be doing admin on the install and we're going to put in our password and we are ready to go here okay so let's check out our interface here so um what's most important here is it'll just show you some CPU usage uh right now or usually very little CPU in this machine I have 64 gigs of RAM which is showing 62 and so um it's not showing anything else no hard drives or anything like that uh you can put you can put a few other things on here if you want um you can put you can put your network uh adapter on here as well your card whatever which one you're using and um I'm going to do that here I don't remember which one of these I'm just going to put all of those there and and you can reorder these too if you want um and so but what we're going to do right now is we're going to create storage and so we're going to take those five hard drives that I have and we're going to create a pool here and a pool is just it's going to combine all those into into one drive basically and and they just call that a pool so I'm just going to name this pool files I'm not going to encrypt it you can encrypt it if you want that but that's only if someone gets your hard drives and they can't have access to them and then it's going to show you these the since I named this files files shows up right here these are the drive they're not going to be Drive letters um they're they're assigned these Drive addresses basically uh but you just click on that and then it'll show you over here that there's five drives you just hit next and I the layout is more or less what kind of are we're going to mirror these we're going to raid them so in in uh true nass they call it raid Z1 these are ZFS file formats raid Z1 is like raid five raid Z2 uh which RAID five gives you one redundant drive if you drive goes down you'll still have your data and you can put in a new drive and it'll restrike those and and you'll have have your data raid Z2 you can have two drives go down raid Z3 you can have three drives go down the rest of these we're not going to worry about these are more advanced ones um and more likely most people are going to choose raid Z1 if you have maybe eight drives then you might want to do raid Z2 we're going to do raid Z1 and I'm going to do this manually um and so what I'm going to do here is I'm going to say I'm going to add these drives now the only reason why you want to do this is you may not be using all the drives that you see on the screen here we're using all the drives but I'm just going to put these in here um in other words you may have an SSD an extra drive down here that you don't want to be part of your raid now just so you know with ZFS raids um you can have different size hard drives but it will take your lowest hard drive and then so if you have one terab one 2 terab hard drive in the mix of this then it's going to do the raid as it's going to treat as if all of them were two terab so you really want when you're doing raid five with ZFS you want all of your hard drives to be the same so and if if if you're using different brands and maybe one of the brands is a a tad bit you know instead of 5.46 it's 5.35 that won't matter it will reduce it but you can still use that and create and create your R rate so we're going ahead do that now these next steps some of them are just log options if you had a spare drive you could assign a spare drive so if one drive goes down it automatically switches over the spare drive we're not worrying about that right now caching we're not worrying about caching the thing about um true nass and ZFS is what's more important is that you have a lot of ram it makes your hard drives way more efficient it uses the ram that you have um the the caching options are really if you're doing heavy database stuff and you know home homeowner really doesn't necessarily need this caching here um D duping don't we're not going to worry about that that is just like trass will keep track of whether you have the same file in multiple places and if it sees that it'll dedup the exact copies so you just have one but it kind of maps it so anyway you Mo I never I never do that it takes more resources to do it so I just hit review I'm going to hit create pool and confirm this okay so after you create that uh pool it'll take you to this screen here and this screen is how you manage your pool and then your folders within that pool and folders in a pool are called data sets now the pool itself you can look at the pool like you do in Windows you know how you have how you add a drive in Windows and it assigns it a letter Drive letter say Drive letter D well the pool that we just created doesn't create a drive letter but it is a drive and the way the way trass works is it creates a it has a folder called MNT and that would become important later and it attaches the files to that MNT folder and so so I it works as a a drive so what we're going to do here is we want to create folders within that pool or that drive and the way you do that is by creating a data set and so over on the right here it says manage data set then on the left you have these options on the left and it has a data set option as well both this data data set option here takes you to the same place that manage data sets take you so let's go there here's our files pool that we created so what we want to do here is we want to create a folder or a data set underneath there so we're going to say create or add data set so we're going to add this data set on the left hand corner here and I'm going to call this home this is a Home Server you can call it whatever you want I'm just calling it home and we're going to add some more data sets in here but for right now um if you're an individual setting this up for just for yourself and you're the only one accessing it um then this will make sense this will this is the easiest way to set it up to get access to your server as quick as possible so then under this option Sync here we're going to turn that off um you get better performance with that off and you don't need that a home user doesn't need sync on so let's go ahead and save this and there's other Advanced options that we don't need to worry about share type we don't need to worry about yet we're going to set that up anyway so we're just going to hit save so all the all the data sets that we're going to uh set up we're just going to do the same thing we don't really have to change anything but we want access to this folder so how do we get access to this folder first let's create a user so um it has two users but one is a root user which you don't want to use one's admin user and you don't want to use that one to access your uh your folders and files on your server here freash server so we're going to create a user so we go up here to the left and we say add user and I'm just going to create one for me just put my initials in and then it creates the username down below you'll put it in lowercase you can change that whatever you want and I'm just going to put in a a password here and then it's going to create a user ID and this user ID is 3,000 um it's going to create a primary group we're going to let it do that there and there's more than one way to do these but for the home this is going to be easy if you had a business you may want to set things up a little differently but this is all we need to do so we don't need to change anything else in here we're just going to save that okay so now we have me as a user so let's create a share so the share allows us to have access to the the data set that we just created so let's go ahead and add a share now the way you do that is you got to have your path of your share right here remember I talked about MNT that's the folder where files is found so there's our files we're going to click on that and we want to click on home CU we want access to the home folder and it'll put this path up in here your name is right here that you put in we don't need to do anything else here but just we don't need to go to Advanced options um you got to remember that this is commercial software and so you don't really need all of the options that they give you for a Home Server um and it says do you want to go to the ACL we're going to hit cancel for now we don't need to worry about that um so what we're going to do now though is now we're going to go back to our data sets and we're going to click on home here and what we're going to notice here in permissions down here the bottom right is that the root is the the root user is the owner we don't want the root user to be the owner we want to go ahead and edit this and we want to we want to assign our user in here and so what we're going to do here is we're just going to say we're going to click on user is TG the group's TG we're going to apply the user we're going to make this group read WR as well and uh we're going to apply these permissions hit confirm you don't have to do this on every single one but this one we're doing this here so we're going to save this we have true n set up and we got a user and a share set up and our pools and everything data set so let's go into Windows let's create um let's go ahead and leak to our network drive and so all we have to do is go into the file manager we can click on network or you can just type and just type in the uh just do back SLB slash we just type in type in that IP number 192.168.1 42 and um if you want you can do the backsplash again it's not necessary but it's going to ask us here to uh sign in so I'm just put my username in here and my password and and now I have access to that home that home directory and now I can create a folder in here and start using it okay so now what we're going to do is we're going to go back so this is the easiest way now I have the now I have access to it if you're the only one using tras at this point then uh by all means continue to watch the rest of it but this is all you need to do to have access to the server but in my case I have a family I have kids I have my wife and and what we like to do is we separate that so we have a family folder which only which the whole family has access to then my wife and I have a personal folder to do our business in and only my wife and I have access to those folders and then I have a media folder or a video folder where I talk store all my video files for my server and I only have access to that so let's see how to set up those different users and how to um restrict users from going in certain folders and have access to all folders uh let's go ahead and set up some more data data sets shares and users and by the way um for the rest of this not for the rest of this but um we're going to be creating users and and uh data sets folders and shares I'm going to use Linux my Linux file manager which is similar to the Windows File Manager to go in and test those because in Windows as I going to see here um I have to log out and log back in it's kind of a it's kind of takes a little bit more time um and I'm trying trying to do this demo as quick as possible and then I have to sign back in and then I can sign in as a new user in Linux I don't have to do that I just uh I just click it and I'm I'm signed out so just so once we're done creating those data sets and users and shares we'll come back into Windows though and we will connect to those uh really quick and show you that they work in Windows create some more data sets here um and that's why we created this home folder because I want some more data sets underneath here because let's say that I want this to be a video server as well um and then I want personal folder for me and my wife and maybe a general folder for my family so we're going to create those three folders right now so I'm going to create a media folder but if you if you don't need to do all this then if you just need access to a folder and it's just you then you're set to go but we're going to set up some more users so this is how how we're doing this here so we're going to go ahead and save this and we should see our media folder there we want to make we're going to click them all under home so let's add this um let's add our our personal so we have a business we we use our home folder as a business or our Home Server as a business server as well my media server is separate but in this case maybe your your parents your wife your husband sign with the other whatever you want just access to one folder you want you don't want anybody else to have access to that but like me and my wife we only want access to the personal folder we don't want anybody else to have access to that so I'm going to create that personal folder then I'm going to create a family folder that everybody has access to um and you can call them whatever you want this is just all what I'm calling them so we'll go ahead and save that so now now what we need to do U did I ah I put family under the personal let me delete that create that again so maybe this is a good thing that's happened because when you will go to delete a data set you've got to put that data set exact the path exactly the way it is in here so I'm just going to copy and paste that in and we'll just go ahead and delete that and then what I'm going to do here is click on home again and I'm going to create um family data set and save okay so now um so on this media one here um I want to have exclusive a access to this I don't I don't give anybody access to my video server because I don't want them deleting any videos or anything that I've ripped on there so I'm going to go ahead and just give me access to this okay we're going to sign me in here again and we're just going to go ahead and save that now I'm going to go back in here because this is where I need to go into the ACL so I'm going to edit this we're going to get set ACL L I'm going to cancel this now the reason why I wanted to come back in here is because I got other in here I don't want anybody getting in here but me because when you when other is set at read and execute even when someone logs in they won't be able to change anything but they'll be able to read anything that's in there um and so I don't want other to have access to to this um folder or data set so I'm going to go ahead and take that off so only I have access to that okay so now we have this here and so we have these other folders now so let's get those let's get people to have access to those first I'm just going to test uh that that I can get into that media folder and going to log in again so I should be able to edit in here now and so I'm just going to get rid of this folder okay so now let's go ahead and set up some users besides me so I'm going to set up my wife and then um I'm going to set up her password and again we're just going to save it we're not going to make any changes but just add her in the password then we're going to add a home user account and so we're just going to do hu for home user and that'll be what the kids will use to log in to have access to the server but I'm going to only give the kids access to the family data set so I only have access right now to this media but I want me and my wife to have access to this personal one so let's go ahead and edit this over here this is where we're going to have to go in and set the ACL so we'll set that in here and we'll just hit we don't need to worry about these pre ACL presets so we're going to go ahead and add oops sorry actually we need to we do need to add mask so let's just go ahead and put mask in here when we add another user we need mask but I'm going to change this um I'm going to put me as the owner of this folder and so we'll just change that here okay so now that I've done that let's go back into there and and now what I want to do is I want to add my wife in here so we going to go ahead and hit add and we already created a mask remember you have to create a mask if you're going to H have other people access this folder so I'm going to go over here where it says who I'm going to put user and I'm going to put my wife in here and then I'm going to add another item here and that going to go back over here we're going to add my wife's group in here and again there are other ways to do this I'm going to put read right on here in fact I forgot to put that on her user we're going to do read write execute here um and there are other ways to do this but for a family for a home this is the easiest way to do this so we don't need to apply permissions recursively at this point so we'll just hit add now the one thing that we do want to do in here we when we were in there I should have taken off let's go back here this other I don't want anybody to be able to read or execute anything in there so I'm taking that off so now um in this folder if if I go here um I'm going to go ahead and log into this again I'm going to log in as my wife though and we're going to notice here username and password now my wife has access to this and she can delete and create stuff in here as well but she can't get into my media folder we haven't set anything up for family yet so let's go ahead and set that folder up so now what we're going to do is we want everybody to have access to this family folder so again we're going to go back into here here and um we're going to go ahead and go hit set ACL hit cancel here we want to take ownership of this so I'm going to take the ownership of this and then I'm going to allow other users in my family to have access to it and so for right now um I'm just going to save this and we'll come back into it uh you might be able to add Everything at Once in there but that this way I make sure that I'm in here before I start adding everybody else so now what I'm going to do is I have to add this mask just like before now we're going to add my wife and I'm going to add her group in here and then I'm going to add oops I hit save that's okay that I hit save I'll just go back in let's go back in here now I'm going to add um I'm going to add the home users which is my kids and like I said you could make you could create a user name and password for each person if you wanted to um but I don't I don't really need to do that on here so I'm going to put their group in here as well um and there are other ways to do this but this for a home user this is probably the easiest thing to do so now all these people in here have access to the family folder but I don't want I don't I still don't want this other in here so we're going to take that out so now just going to go ahead and save this okay so now let's go back in here I'm going to go ahead and and log out of that and we'll just go ahead and now we'll access this we're going to log in as a home user or one of my kids put in our password Here now they're not going to be able to get into my media and they're not going to be able to get into the personal but they'll have access to these they create their folders whatever they want there this where we could put family pictures if we wanted to we could put other folders in there and and how you how you organize your server is up to you I'm just trying to show you three different ways to assign um shares and users and permissions and so now now let's go ahead and log out of this and um I'm going to log in as me so that I can see obviously I should be able to have access to everything that we just did um should have access to here and to the family I'm just creating these okay so that is how do you do that now let's just go to Windows for a minute okay so here we are at windows and what we're going to do here is uh I've already got this in here but we just type in back1 192.168.1 42 and then um I'm going to I'm going to just log in as a home user just to show you and so now I shouldn't have any access to these folders just like I was in Linux but now I will have access to here let's create a new folder and should be able to delete as well and so now let's let's go ahead and log out and this is why I was using let's sign out Linux do this because I don't have to log out and log back in and open up our file browser go back and I'll just log in as my wife oops and then we should see that she can edit in here and she' be able to delete as well but she should be able to go into family or access the family write on my wife's username so I wasn't able to get into there but let's just go back to Windows soon as we save that and now I should have access I might have to log out oh there we go now I have access to this and I should bu aild to delete in here as well but again I shouldn't have able have access to the media folder so now I'm going to log out and log in as me so now let's just put that back in here and and I should have access to everything the family create a document here or a folder just like before should have access to all this stuff here oops create a folder in here and I should have access to my media okay so now that I'm in here and I've got it set up if I want to map now I can map to this give it a drive so now I've mapped so now I've mapped to my new server and can start copying files over now let's just drop this one in here personal there's our new file okay so that is how you set up your rate array your your users your shares and your data set your folders how to assign users to those different data sets as well so um I'm going to show you one more thing here really quick okay so there's just a few more things that I need to uh show you here and one is if we want to change the name of this trass server we actually do it under networking it's not obvious where it's at it's under networking it's right here host name so I'm going to go ahead and uh I'm going to just say this is uh I'm going to do uh Tech Made Easy Nas and so I'm just going to go ahead and save that and then that will be our that'll change that server host name so it doesn't show up as troun all the time now the other thing is I have a 10 GB card in here so I need to edit my MTU here and I need it to be um 914 and so I'm going to save this okay so when you change these options here the host name and and the network settings sometimes you sometimes you have to reboot the system in order for those to take place I've noticed sometimes they do and sometimes they don't but if you reboot they always will so that's how you change those I've always wanted to show the easiest way to set this up um because it gets a little confusing with the ACL and how to add users to to different shares and uh you know trass if you're just if you've only used Windows only and then you go to something like trass some of these server softwares and not just trass some of the other server softwares it it can get a little confusing so I hope that was helpful have a great day thanks now that was easy peasy [Music]
Channel: TechMadeEZ
Views: 3,882
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: truenas, truenas scale, truenas setup, truenas scale setup, truenas scale install, truenas install, truenas core, truenas vs unraid, truenas scale vs core, truenas insall bare metal, truenas vs omv, truenas usb, truenas for beginners, truenas setup for beginners, home server, media server, home nas, plex server, linux server, ubuntu server, trueNas permissions, trueNas user, truenas permissions, freenas install, truenas scale beginners, truenas share setup, casaos
Id: BuzGwbubjPU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 52sec (2392 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 14 2024
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