TrueNAS Core 12 Install and Basic Setup

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if you're like me and you're always looking for new open source projects to power your home you've probably came across the name freenas or this is now known truenas when researching storage solutions however if you haven't trunas is a free open source network attached storage software appliance pricing that five times quickly built on the zfs file system and developed by ix systems it allows you to use your own hardware or hardware you can purchase from ix systems to easily add centralized storage to your network that is accessible from any device truenas has tons of other features built in too like plugins that provide one-click installs for plex nexcloud home assistant and others the ability to run virtual machines and built-in replication if you want to make sure that your data is synced off-site in case of disaster trunas is a really cool project and is one of the open source projects i've been using for the longest time almost daily since 2012. there's only one other project i've been using for as long as that so it's definitely right up there with my favorites with truenas 12 right around the corner there's never been a better time to jump into truenas if you haven't already done so so today we're going to take a quick look at the trunas core 12 installation procedure along with a basic setup and a quick overview of the interface i'm going to be installing trunas on this poweredge server but that's not to say you need a big server or anything to run trunas far from it truenaz will run on a wide variety of hardware hardware selection for trunas is probably a topic that requires its own dedicated video for if you're interested so i'm going to leave a link of hardware recommendations in the description down below with that said i'm going to put this server into another room so that i don't have to listen to its fans why not anymore and then we will jump back into this tutorial oh and just a quick warning i'm probably going to interchange the words freenas and truenas a lot in this video iax systems recently renamed the project from freenas to trunas in order to merge projects with their enterprise offering which i do like however eight years of calling it freenas does take a little bit of getting used to so i do apologize okay so with that monstrosity out of the room we can now focus on the installation process so you're gonna need a usb stick in order to download the free nas installation and we're going to burn it onto the usb stick and then we're going to install it to one of the disks in our server so let's go ahead and do that now first thing we're going to want to do is head over to the bellena website and download a program called belena etcher which we have used in previous videos this is going to allow us to burn the freenas image onto our usb stick after bellina etcher is finished downloading we're going to head to the trunas website and download core 12. it's worth noting that truenas 12 is currently in release cycle 1 which is after the beta cycle however i don't expect much to change just minor bugs to be fixed between now and the full release but it is worth mentioning that it is currently in release cycle one so just be careful where you deploy this okay so once you have ballet etcher and truenas downloaded to your machine go ahead and fire up belena archer you'll also want to insert your blank usb stick at this point make sure that this is a blank usb stick as any data on here will be overwritten with belena etcher fired up and the usb stick inserted go ahead and click the flash from file button select the truenas 12 install then click select target then highlight your usb stick and click select and then press the flash button lane etcher is now burning the truenas install onto our usb stick with the installation media now ready you'll want to go ahead and insert this into your trueness server then power the server up and boot to usb stick with our installation disk now inserted into the server we can go ahead and power the server on i'm going to be using the ipmi or idac feature of this server it's a feature that allows us to remotely control the server from another location it's a standard feature across all modern servers make sure to instruct your server to boot from the usb storage so that we can start the installation process once booted to the usb stick we're going to land at the true nas menu either leave it or press enter to boot to the installation process a few seconds later we land at the install menu go ahead and select option number one to start the installation trunas will then ask you which device you want to install the os to in the past most people would have told you to install to a usb stick however if you have a free small ssd lying about that is a really good option and probably the preferred option at this point in the menu use the arrow keys to highlight your ssd and press the space bar to select it notice the star appears in the left hand column then press the ok button to continue the setup next you'll be asked to create a root password make sure to remember this as we will need in the next step select your boot option either bios or uefi and then the installation procedure will begin the install process takes literally a couple of minutes depending on your hardware once done remove your installation media and reboot the server to start the true nas setup once the os has finished booting we will then land at this menu which is the true nas console menu we don't need to do anything here apart from take note of the ip address which is located at the very bottom so mine is let's head over to a browser and then we can configure everything from there so after entering the ip address into the browser we then land at the true nas login screen go ahead and enter root as the username and then enter the password that we created earlier we then land at the main truenas dashboard this is where you can configure absolutely everything about your true nas system as well as get reports on performance the main dashboard gives us a bit of information like the version that we are currently running so we are running trunas 12 rc1 as stated it gives us the hostname the uptime and it also gives us vital information about the cpu memory and network status the first thing that we're going to do is create some storage and then from there we're going to add a share so that our storage can be accessed from anywhere on the network using the left hand menu head over to the storage tab and then click on pools you'll then want to click the add button in the top right hand corner and click on create a new pool next the pool manager window will pop up and you'll see that all these storage devices that i currently have attached to my truenas system are listed in the table here you'll see i have six 500 gigabyte disks as well as a 240 gigabyte ssd you'll also notice this suggest layout button if you click this then truenas will give us a same configuration for our hard drives you're also free to create your own configuration by highlighting the discs and then using the arrow on the right hand side to add them into a new v div once all resists are added you can then change the configuration type by using this drop down and selecting the raid z level that you want i'm going to select the red z2 we also need to give our volume a name so i'm going to use the classic tank once done scroll down to the bottom and click create click the confirm button and create pool once that's done you'll now see that we have the tank pool created with 1.74 terabytes of free space from there you'll then want to head over to the right hand side and click on the three dots and click add data set firstly we need to give our data set a name so i'm going to go ahead and call this big data i'm going to leave all the defaults for this tutorial go ahead and click the submit button and once that's done you'll see we now have a data set from there if you then click the three dots on the right hand side of the data set you'll see that we then get some options like setting quotas and editing permissions permissions in truenaz probably need their own separate video to explain however let's go ahead and create a basic account for now head up to the accounts menu and click on users you'll see that for now we only have our root username listed there are other accounts but they're hidden by default click on the add button in the top right hand corner so i'm going to enter some details create the username that i want and you can set an email if you wish create a password as well it's important to remember this because we will need it in the next step enter your password and confirm it twice you can leave everything as default apart from the microsoft account check box down at the bottom tick this and then click submit cool so we now have a new user account head back to the storage tab and then click on pools back on the pools page we'll then want to highlight our big data data set and we're then going to add a second data set for our account we give it a name same as before and then click the submit button click the drop down on big data and then select the options for the new data set click on edit permissions and this time i'm going to change the owner to be my new account you'll also want to change the group to be the same tick the apply user and apply group and then from there you can set the permissions as you see fit you can lock out other accounts if you wish i'm going to leave it as the default for now which only provides the owner with write access click save and then we now have our data sets created next we're going to create a share so that our storage is accessible from our windows machine here head over to the sharing tab and then click on windows shares in the right hand side click add and then here we select our data set using the drop downs we select the secret data location and we can leave all the options as default here click on submit and click on enable service to enable the samba share you'll notice a pop-up appear which will ask us to configure the acl which we can go ahead and configure now the next window will ask us to create an acl or an access control list i'm going to use the preset so you can go ahead and click the select a preset acl and from the drop down we're then going to click on the restricted acl click on continue and now you'll notice on the right hand side that our access control list for our share is now created with only the owner and the group allowed access click on the save button to confirm that and our share is now created with our share created it's now time to give it a test head over to a windows file explorer select the computer menu from the top and click map network drive select the drive letter you want and then from here we're going to enter backslash backslash followed by the ip address of our true nas machine so go ahead and enter backslash backslash one cool trick here is when creating your user account in true nas if you use the same username and password as your windows machine uses windows will actually automatically pass through the credentials using single sign-on and you won't have to enter any details at all however i didn't do this so i'm going to go ahead and click the connect using different credentials at the end of the ip address we also want to enter a backslash and then the name of the share that we created earlier so mine was secret data after deciding on which options you're going to use click the finish button and then we will get a pop-up asking for our credentials so this is the same username and password that we created in the accounts section earlier i suggest using the remember my credentials so that you do not have to enter this every time take that and click ok and you'll see that uh network drive is created straight to our storage i can then go ahead and just do whatever i want here i can create folders test i can also create files test open that save that and because of our acls only i have permission to do that if you want to add other users to be able to write into this share you can add them onto the acl also heading back to the disk overview in windows you can see that our network drive is now showing and it gives us the total capacity of that drive cool so that is a quick and easy setup on how to create a data set on trunas and also how to create a share that we can then connect to using windows of course you can create other share types for apple devices as well as linux unix systems with our basic setup now complete let's take a quick look at the ui and where you might change some options i won't take you through everything today because there are a ton of options and it can become overwhelming however i will show you some of the basic options and where you do certain things so if we head back to the dashboard you will notice it looks slightly different because we now have a pool added to the system so it now shows us information about that pool and we can click on the data to see more information like the data sets moving down to the system menu the first thing you'll probably want to do is head into general and then you will want to set your time zone this is also where you can save and upload configs so saving configs is super important if your trunas os dies and you have a if your trunas os dies and you have a backup of the config you can literally plug your disks into a new system upload the config and your trunan system will be back exactly as it was i'd suggest taking regular backups of the configs whenever you make a change the next thing you'll probably want to do is configure the root email head back up to accounts and then into users and select the root username click on edit and then you'll want to enter an email into the root account the reason being that if your true nas device sends you any alerts about disks being load disks failed disks rebuilding anything like that they will go to the root email account so you definitely need to have that configured in order to monitor what's going on another thing you might want to do is enable two-factor authentication i believe this is a true nas 12 feature but i could be wrong on that so don't quote me head down to the system tab and then into two-factor authentication you can configure things like google authenticator or the lastpass authenticator using this this menu here that just gives your truenas system an extra level of security from here we're going to head into the tasks menu and then into the smart tests so smart is an industry standard way of testing hard drives so it's recommended to set up regular and smart tasks on your hard drives just to ensure that everything is working as it should be and there are no failed drives you can configure different types of tests from long short or conveyance and you can also select the disks you want to include in that test i suggest setting up a saying schedule to do all of these tests on your hard drive some can be done more frequently than other tests because some take longer to complete next if we head into the replication tasks this is where you can configure truenas to replicate with another truenas system via onsite or offsite where it will automatically sync all of your data into another system this is super handy for being able to restore data in a disaster and i've used it many a time in the enterprise from replication tasks if we head into scrub tasks and you'll see that there is a default scrub task already created a scrub is where your truenas will go through and check the consistency of your data for any errors just because your data is on the disk it doesn't mean it's correct and as it should be so a scrub will go through and check the consistency of the data and attempt to recover any errors this is quite an intensive task and it can take a while to complete depending on the type of data you have and how much of it so i wouldn't suggest running one at crazy high frequency but something like every two weeks or so should be quite the same configuration next if we head into the network tab and then on to network summary this will print out information about all the network devices that you currently have installed in your system you can also click interfaces you can then add any additional network cards you want to the system you can see here that i have two network cards listed however i'm only using a single interface for now next if we head down to the storage tab and then into snapshots snapshots can allow you to revert to a point in time before your data was modified really handy for restoring files that have been overwritten deleted or modified in some way heading down to the services menu this is where you can enable or disable features of trunas as you see fit you can enable things like the openvpn client or server which are new features in truenas 12 or enable things like ssh if you want to have that feature turned on now if we head down to the plugins menu plugins provide one-click installs from any popular services like plex mb next cloud home assistant as well as a variety of other things if you choose where you want to store the data for the plugins and click choose and then from there in the top left you have the iax systems plugins so these are plugins provided by ix systems and you also have the community plugins you can see there's quite a large list of them there so we can go ahead and click on something like the plex media server plugin and click on install we then just need to give the plugin a name so we're going to call it plex and we're going to we can just leave the defaults click on save and then truenas will automatically install that plugin for us this can take a bit of time depending on your download speed and hardware speed but the end result is worth it you can see that the plugin was installed successfully and also gives us the url to access our new plex server click on that and then we are straight into plex so you can see just how easy it is to use plugins within trunas finally we then have the reporting menu which shows us loads of useful stats about our system things from cpu temperature cpu usage system load you can also select things like the network or disks and get loads of interest and stats we want to look at it's really useful for working out performance bottlenecks and just generally checking on the health of your system moving down to virtual machines truenas can host virtual machines through beehive hypervisor they do work fairly well however it is kind of limited to what you can do compared to something like esxi moving on to the system processes this is just a quick view into what is consuming the most cpu and memory on your system then finally we can click on the shell and that will give us a quick window into the shell of our trina system some other quick menu items are the task manager in the top right so you can see that my plugin is currently creating and you get a list of all the historic tasks that have went on we can also use the alerts button and if we click in here normally alerts like disk usage or disk failed or things like that would be shown here click on the cog and then click on preferences we can then go in and change a couple of options but the main thing is you can change your theme up at the top here to click on that we can change to the blue theme click on that we can change to the dracula theme and you can also create your own themes in the bottom right hand corner the final option is the ability to reboot your server from the top right hand menu so you can log out restart or shut down your trunan system and so there we have it guys hopefully you have now installed truenas core12 and you've seen all the benefits that truenas has to offer if you have any further questions or you're stuck with the installation process make sure to drop a comment down below and i will do my best to help you also let me know if you want to see any further true nas videos or other videos just like this while you're down there make sure to hit that like button and get subscribed thank you so much for watching and i will see you in the next video
Channel: Everything Smart Home
Views: 473,698
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: truenas core 12, truenas 12, truenas core, truenas, truenas core 12 install, truenas install, truenas 12 install, freenas 12, freenas install, truenas guide, truenas setup, freenas guide, truenas core 12 rc1, truenas core install, truenas core plex, truenas core plugins, ixsystems, freenas setup, NAS, network attached storage, opensource storage, freenas home server, freenas plex
Id: WjLaK8yQAag
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 47sec (1247 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 29 2020
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