Setting Up NAS Server On Proxmox

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hey guys what's going on it's Don here from Nova Spirit Tech and welcome back to the channel and it's time to start adding stuff to our proxmox server that we just put together so let's get [Music] started now today we're going to be building ourselves some way of storing data which is a sambas server now we're going to need this for a lot of other projects down the road like saying jelly fin server Plex server Dockers whatever it is we're going to need some form of way just to store all the data somewhere through the network so that's why we're going to be building This samb Server now if you haven't watched the first video I'm going to leave a link on the top left it's just a quick St guide to getting proxmox installed like no PVE subscription setting up your drives building a template out and a few other things like mmu and stuff so check that out if you haven't seen that yet and again I'll leave a link on the top left and since I put this Mini PC server together with limited resources I'm going to start building out my server so I'm going to be building a series of episodes just for proxmox and building out uh services like um like I said earlier Plex jelly fin uh the r Services wire guard stuff like that all onto this Mini Server that I'm playing around with all right so just to recap the device I'm using is called the zma blade I actually have two 2 TB storage attached to it and a pcie card with nvme uh the server is actually installed onto the emmc which I don't recommend but is offloaded to the nvme for a container or VM storage and then again I have two 2 TB hard drives on there for Nas stor now jumping into the desktop you can see this is my proxmox interface and I am still on 8.0 I'm not on 8.1 and I know it came out already I'll update that later again it could probably be a video for that but what we need to do is set up a storage pool so what I'm going to do is head over to my PVE test and in here what I'm going to do is head over to disk make sure I have all the disk here and you can enable initiate the GPT if you want but at this point we're just going to create a ZFS pool now I am going to go to create ZFS and from here you could actually choose the hard drives that you want and what I'm going to be using is a mirror raid um this way I actually have some sort of redundancy along with ZFS redundancy so I could do snap shots and everything there's a whole laundry list of what you can do with ZFS and that's why a lot of operating systems like freas shifted over to ZFS now I'm not going to get into too much of the detail with that because I feel that uh proxmox is still a little immature to ZF F because they don't have any gooey in place to play around with snapshots uh automatic snapshots and stuff like that but there are a lot of scripts available for proxmox just for automating um ZFS uh snapshot pools and everything so I'm going to name this zo pool because it makes sense it's ZFS and it's a pool and I'm going to hit create now this will actually give me only two terabyt of space because again it's a mirrored system so if one hard drive does fail it still has a second hard drive as a redundancy and as you can see it is online and I am able to use it and from data center I'm just going to double check I could go over to storage and I should see a z pool there you go and I could do dis images and container uh if I edit this those are the only two things that I add onto this I can't add like other stuff like isos and stuff but it's fine I'm just going to leave for dis images and containers because those are the things I'm really actually just using now because we are very limited in resources and the system that we're using only has 8 gigs of RAM we have to be very diligent on how we build the VMS and what we're going to use cuz I could technically just build a full VM and have it run Samba service but that's going to waste a lot of resources that we don't need to use so instead what I like about proxmox is that we have the ability to create something called container templates which shares Resources with the host machine but the container itself is very small and doesn't use much resources which is something we need at this point because we limited resources again so so what we're going to do now is download a container image now I'm going to go over to my nvme you see there's a button called CT templates and if you don't have that you just need to enable it in your storage area so I could go over to Data Center and you could see over here edit and just add the options what you need like container templates so I'm going to head back over to nvme CT templates and I am going to download the diban 12 standard I already did this just in case but templates and you could choose the operating system that you want so if you don't want to use Debian base you can use Arch Linux you can use um Alpine you could use Rocky Linux if you want it to go smaller so there are other options that you can use other than Debian but I'm just more familiar with Debian so I like to use it and again it's not a lot of storage that it takes out now that we got our templates uh downloaded we're going to get to create CT on the top right and we're going to start naming this so because I know it's going to be a Nas I'm going to be calling it um dead Nas we're going to create a password for this and we're going to hit next now from here we're going to choose the template and it's in my nvme and I'm going to choose the Debian 12 I'm going to hit next the dis is got is a fun one okay so I'm going to show you this in a little bit why it's fun anyway I'm going to choose zpool right now and I'm going to throw in 60 gigs again you know 60 gigs is not enough for a storage but I wanted to show you something cool uh now I'm going to hit next for CP usage you could use just leave it as one um it all depends on how much data transfer you're going to be doing in the future if you have a lot of stuff you're downloading then you're transferring from here then you're pulling resources from there the more um usage it's going to be the more CPUs you're going to need so in our case I'm just going to leave it as one but you can always change it down the road so one is fine as far as memory goes I'm going to give it 1 gig of RAM and that's plenty for now again this all depends on how much usage you're going to get out of this you might need 1.5 gig two gigs of RAM whatever down the road but since I am on 8 gigs I got to use this very diligently so I'm just going to give it one gig technically 512 would work now in the network area uh what I need to do is DHCP now since I have my firewall managing all my static IPS I'm going to use the hcp and allow my firewall to set all the IPS that I want if you don't have something like that and will do that for you you might want to change it to static and give it an IP so it doesn't change on reboot now IPv6 I'm going to avoid so I'm just going to leave it as static and I'm going to leave this as none so I don't get a IPv6 IP address so next I'm going to hit DNS I could leave that as well and then confirm and I am ready to go give this a few minutes maybe less than that couple of seconds it's going to extract the archive and really it's really quick to create a CT and there we have it task is okay maybe 30 seconds so from here I could go over here to the CT you can check out all your stats that you want and I am going to start this and head over to console now this is where all the fun start starts to begin you have to install all the applications this is a like a fresh fresh install of Debian so it's got nothing in there now to log in we're going to use root and the password that we made and to show you um we are only using 302 megabytes of storage and if I go to top we are only using 19 megabytes of ram it's so small running CTS like this okay so first what we need to do is actually install a few applications so we're going to do app install sudu and curl again I'm not going to install anything that I don't need so I'm going to keep it as minimal as possible I'm going to hit yes on that let that install and now we have to start creating a user so from here we're going to do add user and I'm going to name it Don you set the password for this I'm just going to hit enter for all this other stuff yes that is all correct and now we're going to add add the user to the super User Group so we could use sudu so we're going to do um user mod a g a capital G um sudu and Don this way it will give me permissions to use sudu and then now I could exit out of this and log back in as Dawn now to test if that work we just have to do sudu app update put in our password and there you go if this works then sudu is passed through and you're in that user group all right now that that is all set up the next thing we need to do is actually install Docker uh I'm going to run this through a Docker interface instead of just running sambba straight through here this way down the road if I need to adjust something or add more to this I can so I'm going to or easily much easier to do so I'm going to do curl SSL so it's locase capital capital https get dock .c and pipe that into sh or shell now give this about a couple of minutes it's going to download everything you need uh look at that a transports CA certificates curl even though we installed it already um it's going to download everything you need to get Docker Docker compos and Docker CE all that stuff working on this install okay now that is all done we could start using Docker right away so so the next thing what we really need to do is add our username to the docker group so same as like what we did with Pudu we got to do sudu user- a capital G Docker da this way I'm added to that group now because we're just doing a Samba this part is optional um whether you want to share or bind the container's folder to your root folder this way you have access in both ways or if you skip the step it will actually store all your data inside that container container I normally like to make a folder for this just in case if my doer doesn't start up I still have access to the data so what I'm going to do is sudu make dur and I'm going to call this directory share and I'm going to have to give it permission so chod s well sudu chod 777 share all right and then now we could go ahead and build the docker now the docker we're going to be using is called derson Samba and I've reviewed this before on a previous video which I'll leave a link on the top left and I've done this whole build using pi hosted series and we did everything with Dockers and everything so this is um not new to the channel itself and it's very easy to use and again this has all the options to what you need to know especially this part where you have to give the folder permissions to be browsable readon guest all this stuff needs to be done so I'm going to go through this options and build the samba through here now what we're going to do is sudu Docker run so we're going to set it up so every time when you reboot the machine or you need to do something it will restart the service so we're going to do restart unless stopped this way it will tell you unless you personally stop this it will keep running forever uh and if it's something failed they'll try to keep rebooting it we're going to name this Samba so it's easy and we're going to need Port 139 forward to Port 1 139 and that's normal for net bios and port 445 and that's normal for Samba uh port and then we're going to change that we're going to add a volume and it's going to be share which is the folder we created to share inside uh the container now we're going to create a user just in case we don't really need it right now because I'm going to make it so it's guested uh viewable but we're going to name it Don and I'm going to put a password for password again change that password don't use what I use because that's going to be your password but in my case I'm just showing you as a demo and then the share that we're going to do is called uh we'll call it Public public and we're going to put a semicolon and that's not a colon It's a semicolon uh we're going to use share folder which is the same as what we built over there with the volume and here we're going to say yes no and then yes and the reason why I say yes no yes is because if you head back into here and go over here the first couple of options will be browsable yes read only no and then guess yes so I'm allowing guest to read it it's also browsable but it's not read only so that's why I have these options set here close that quote and then now we can make it as demon and DP person Samba now we're going to load that image oops I must have forgot something oh you know what I got to load this first d d person D person Samba and then get rid of the ones at the end this has to be after the fact and there you go okay so what we need to do now is just Docker PS just to make sure it's running oops sudu Docker PS and there you go the ports are running everything's running let me run it again just to make sure Health it started and we should be able to locate this so I'm going to do ip- a well IP space a and the IP for this is 104 so what I'm going to do is pull up my folder go to network and SMB and I could let it search for it but what I'm going to do is just 192.168 105 uh 104 and there we have it this is our public folder and then if I go into it you can see it's only got 59 .2 gigs which is our 60 gig partition just to make sure everything works we're going to create a folder hit okay there you go permissions work we could create folders uh we are good to go over here so that's how we get our storage up through Samba we have a little tiny uh server if I go over to summary you could see it's almost running next to nothing like 80 Megs out of the 1 gig of RAM that we gave it and the boot size is only using 800 Megs after all the docker install and everything that we got what's cool about this now is that if I head over to resources you see how it says 60 gigs if I go to volume action go to resize and say I wanted to give it another 10 gigs resize dis all right it does it on the Fly I'm going to close out of this go back into public and reload this F5 and all of a sudden you see 69.2 gig so automatically it does this on the fly without rebooting the docker without rebooting the server and this works actually for VMS too so one of the things I love about proxmox is that I have the ability to resize it on the fly like this so if you need more storage and 69 gigs is not enough hey you could just go in view action resize and add another 100 gigs I'm going to resize that again hit okay go there refresh now I got 169 gigs and that's all I need just to keep increasing the size if I run out of storage anyway that is it for creating our Samba again we need this as essential part of creating all our other things down the road like uh file sharing uh Plex server and all this other stuff now keep in mind this is all what you would equivalently call all your eggs in one basket which is not the best way to set it up if you are going to start doing your home lab I would definitely advise to set up your sambus somewhere else uh set up VM somewhere else like this way you have uh some point of failure where if something does fail not everything fails you know so I'm just using this more of a demo base for when you guys start working on your own little servers and you start building it out you're going to see by the end of this series we're going to get to a point where we're going to need to upgrade ram or upgrade H Storage because we're going to run out really quick and that's the fun part that that way you know instead of buying the best computer in the world at least you know what resources you need anyway that is it for me if you guys have any questions about this hit me up down in the comments below and if you guys are new to this channel consider subscribing and also hitting that Bell notification icon so you know when the next video is going to be out and I say in my nerd cave hack till it hurts
Channel: Novaspirit Tech
Views: 33,405
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: novaspirit, tech, proxmox, fresh install proxmox, basic steps, proxmox tips, installing proxmox, how to install proxmox, proxmox iommu, iommu, passthrough, proxmox passthrough disk, proxmox passthrough, disk passthrough, vm template, proxmox template, pve no subscription, proxmox nas, proxmox tutorial, container template, samba server, samba, proxmox samba, proxmox container
Id: AP61_ETd2GE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 28sec (988 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 28 2023
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