TrueNAS Scale Or TrueNAS Core In 2024?

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should you be using trass scale or trass core for your Enterprise deployments here in 2024 well I answered this question last year but I figured hey why I didn't answer again this year because well I just did a video talking about the future of trass you'll find that video linked down below but of course the BSD question comes up a lot why would you deploy Tunas core if BSD well maybe has not as bright of a future as people were hoping for and that's what I want to dive into today make an updated comparison to talk about these two and because we do a lot of Consulting I'm going to give you my perspective on what we're doing for businesses but this may not be exactly what you want to do whether you're a business or a Home user I just want to give you some of those thoughts I have on it I have a little comparison chart you're going to find in the forums and uh let's dive into it and start looking at the comparison to figure out which is right for you here in [Music] 2024 before we get to the comparison chart I just want to start by answering that yes we're still using the tras core FreeBSD based for our clients the reason why is actually pretty simple core is very stable it's very predictable not that I'm saying trass scale is unstable if you want to run it as a Nas but the applications mean there's still some debugging to do on those they keep getting better with every iteration but most of the problems you'll find if you look into forums are going to be around those applications back over to core those applications are not something businesses are asking us for they usually want it for an SMB share tied to their active directory they want it for an NFS maybe tied to the back end of a Linux process they have where they need to store some logs or maybe even a virtualization Target or even ice cuzy those functions are really solid very dependable in core they're good in scale I don't have any problems with them but that Arc cache that is a feature that is well more refined in FreeBSD than it is in scale right now scale's working on fixing that they're supposed to have some releases out later this year that are going to fix and adjust the arc cache to be more on par with the performance you get out of free BSD now the performance overall is really neck and neck with these but the art cach tuning there's an edge that you have with FreeBSD that scale is still catching up to and it's just time and coding to get all of that done they're working towards it are they stable with it today no will it be soon yes I predict it will be now the good news is for clients that we've installed Shas core on you can slide on over to scale you can reload over the top without having to destroy all the data sets or redo everything this is one of the things I really like that we can keep our clients on here and if a Time arises where there's no updates or security problem that we have to address that is just not available in core because of lack of support or lack of updates at some distant future where something happens yeah we're able to move over let's jump into comparison church because it may not be the right solution because you want to run all those exra applications and you want those latest features and you want to be on The Cutting Edge of what's coming out so that's what Chas scal is for so let's dive into the comparison now this is the comparison chart that you're going to find over in my forum and you'll find it link Down Below in the description but let's jump right to the containerization discussion way more support is going to be for scale containerization they're using a custom Docker kubernetes they have a long list of applications that are frequently getting updates that are getting the latest versions that's just not the same over at IO cage while iocage is a really great system in BSD the lack of support lack of developers lack of people putting the other applications for it kind of leaves you out in the cold if that's your goal is to run applications on your Nas and as I said this is not a big business request we have but I know a lot of Home users want to run the latest media applications and there's a lot of them available for True scale virtualization this is not going to be as robust as a fullon dedicated hypervisor solution but yes you can run some dedicated VMS in there I have a tutorial on how to do that both of these can be centrally managed via true command that is the commercial software from IA systems that let you manage fleets of these and yes you can mix and match you can have some that are scale some that are core and true command giving you a dashboard to all of your systems then High availability you can get from IX systems they are Hardware that supports High availability I've reviewed the M50 before on my channel and The IX systems Hardware does support on both scale and core High availability still scaling out via gluster this is something I talked about my last video gluster is now dead so that project is no more but there is something new coming Chris Moore commented this in the forums there's not really a full announcement yet as to how they're going to replace clustered going in the future but for right now this was a beta of gluster and it got deprecated before it really ever came out it's unfortunate but it is what it is now once you go down the rest of it here we'll jump actually down to the share options because they're pretty much the same throughout these you know snapshots encryptions the functionality part of it but they did both and trass core that upcoming release deprecates the S3 buckets and the rsync those are getting pulled away from the core OS as it is in scale so it's just just your SMB NFS I scuzzy and if you want those rsync features or S3 features they're being moved back over to Applications so they're better supported and as I said you can still have actor directory support both in core and in scale now I know this is a polarizing topic for some people so leave your comments down below if you're team trass core or team trass scale like And subscribe if you want to see more content from the channel or head over to my forums forums. laen or you'll find this comparison chart and you can engage with me on this topic or any other topic that you find on a channel and thank [Music] you
Channel: Lawrence Systems
Views: 30,089
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: LawrenceSystems, truenas, truenas scale, TrueNAS Core VS TrueNAS Scale 2024, network attached storage, truenas core, truenas scale release, open source, truenas core vs truenas scale, truenas scale vs core, truenas scale setup, file system, truenas scale roadmap, truenas scale docker
Id: 8GiN76HNuss
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 51sec (351 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 06 2024
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