Truenas Scale Nextcloud 2.X Install

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all right this next Cloud thing has been quite the LoveHate relationship I love it it hates me when I go to update I recently got pushed chart version 2.0.6 um so prior version it was like 159 and then 161 started getting a little buggy for me uh and then when I upgraded to two it just completely broke so luckily they've got great documentation on the the documentation hub I will link that CU it took me a hot minute to find it if you are more of a read and follow through each individual instruction type of person you'll have that reference there for you if you're more of a visual you can follow along with me uh the biggest thing that I had to do was completely delete my old instance first uh no matter what I try to do to follow the upgrade path none of it was working so if you got a bunch of important files on there don't nuke your file system uh copy those over and then find your next Cloud app hit delete and physically delete the application itself uh collabora if you've already got that running that can stay there that's fine if this is a new install for you it should be even easier the biggest change is the way that the data sets are managed so you're going to have to go in your navigation pane here on the left go to data sets and right on your top level you're going to have to create an app data folder or data set so all you do to do that is top right corner here click add data set and I called mine app data so you're going to type in whatever the name is here following the correct format of course everything just leave as inherit inherit inherit until you get down to this bottom share type change that from generic to apps otherwise this whole thing will not work so that's very important just go apps and then hit save what that will get you is a folder or a data set called app data from there I created a a subfolder called Next Cloud because I wasn't sure if I was going to use this for other things down the line and I very well may so skip the step you don't want to skip this step just in case I've done this about four or five times so this worked for me so I don't want to skip it so let me move my fat face out of the way here nope wrong button so down here on the on the bottom right where you've got permissions I added the user apps and the group apps when you select apps it adds one of them just add the other one so go into edit and I believe it adds the user apps I also added the group apps so you will just click add item then say group and then just start typing in apps boom allow hit save Access Control list or ACL and then then you can move on to part two all right let me move my face back over here oh damn it wrong button again okay now that we've got app data figured out now you want to select app data do the same thing add a data set top right you're going to call that one nextcloud and do the same thing add it as apps in that share type once you've got that you're going to add five more so those need to be named four of them need to be named this exact thing one needs to be called app data a [Music] DA you're going to add another one called collabora data and I'll show you where to add that later the third one's going to be called PG backup and that's for postgress or the database that these apps use uh so that's a backup to that and then PG data is number four and then user data is number five and this is where all of your actual files are going to be saved I did do a little bit of experimentation you can can't just drag and drop your old files in there um through a s share or anything like that you need to physically do it through nextcloud um which is fine you can still just drag and drop and do that stuff in there um but I just wanted to see if it would refresh and work and it does not so you need to add and subtract things actually through the next Cloud environment for it to show up uh but that'll all be in your user data in the traditional format that we are used to so once you get those five added you have to do the same thing for all of these so you're going to add them set the share type as apps and then make sure that you add that user and group now you'll notice that in you won't notice because my face is in the way again as I go through these it does some weird stuff once it actually goes through and install it's going to change the owner from route to www data um on some of these it's going to do all that on its own uh the postest backup is still owned by rout um but this was the only way I could get it to work um here this postrest data owner is net data and the group is Docker so it's doing its own configuration stuff in the background once it's up and running but set everything as it should every every single thing that you add from the beginning should say owner rout group root and then owner group route group bu built-in users group built-in administrators user apps group apps um for allow and special on everything straight through and you shouldn't have any issues once you get all that out of the way and that's really the hard part is figuring out all that crap then it's just the same as usual you go to apps if you need to add collabra you go discover apps collabra add the true Nas version the true charts version for whatever reason I could not get that to work with the true Nas version of nexcloud uh so there's still some tweaking to be done there um and the only things that you need to put in there are your time zone username and password um and then all the way down at the bottom you're going to add your additional storage so this is where we created that collabra data folder just a moment ago so additional storage here let me move my face if I could ever find the right window there it is move my face out of the way so additional storage all we're going to do is we're going to tell it it's a host path and and we're going to navigate to that collabora data folder that we just created so boom click that click save and Away you go um or install if it's your first time from there you'll be able to launch the web portal make sure that it is working cool it comes up zero users online whatever that's fine now for installing nextcloud same thing you will go up to discover apps type in nextcloud install the true Nas version now there's some crucial steps that you need to follow in this install otherwise it definitely will not work so um admin username and user password the host will be filled in for you you don't have to touch anything else uh your cron jobs will be enabled automatically the web Port should be filled in you will have to say certificate certificate will be blank select the trass default certificate otherwise it'll start giving you errors and nothing will want to work right so make sure you enable that trass default certificate then under storage you've got to find those four folders that you just created so this first one is nextcloud app data so we select host path it'll pop up with our list here and then we just navigate down to app data you do the same thing with the next one now the only complaint about all this is the spacing isn't the the greatest here so you've really got to find the next thing that it's talking about so nextcloud user data so user data is in this one select host path and then d down until you get to user data and select that so you want to do that for all of them the postgress data you're going to do that same thing and the postrest backup storage you're going to do that same thing um then additional storage if you want to do that I still have an old nextcloud folder in here from my old file structure layout it's up to you how you want to roll with that this is working fine for me um and I like having it in my regular uh sash share um so it's fine so you'll click update or launch or whatever uh if it's your first time running it that will get you to this it does take a minute to deploy it's not as long as the previous versions for deploying but again you might have to hold shift while hitting F5 or refresh uh just to get it to change on this screen from deploying to running once it finally gets to running it's just the same as normal you open up your web portal it'll have you log to your your generic login screen uh and you can you can go from there um so I've been tinkering a little bit and it's it's definitely a cool uh software suite so you know I just added the maps and the what they call the deck it's a it's like a to-do list or a con Bon system if you will um so you can add cards you know we had fiber internet installed today so i' I've still gotta place the new router and switch I still got to run cable to the the new access points so you know just experimenting a little bit you can do some fun stuff like that you can have a uh a Google like calendar uh running it's everything seems pretty cool in here um but the main thing that I foresee myself using it for is file sharing um so you know just dragging and dropping and sharing files wherever you are um you're not tied to anything as long as I've got access to this via tail scale on whatever device I'm using uh it works from there um so I will say I haven't figured out quite yet uh it's slightly off screen this is showing up as not secure uh so that's one last bit but it it all it's definitely secure because it's my whole Network's locked down and this is all I'm only able to access this via tail scale or when I'm directly on my home network so I'm not too worried about it N I don't have anything super crucial on here um I hope this helped some of you um if once you get it up and running you need to connect the collabra bit you'll need to go up to admin in the top right corner and Select Plus apps that'll bring you to this apps page if you scroll down to office and text uh then just look for the featured it'll be called nextcloud office you want to click download and enable there once that is download and enabled you'll go back up on your top right you're going to have to go to admin and then admin settings um and then you will have to scroll down to office and this is where you will say use your own server so that whole collabora thing that we set up before on my machine is running on 9980 if you remember this thing so this is running on Port 9980 so you've just got to reference that here and say you're using your own server and that way you will be able to uh edit documents um you know like your typical Microsoft Suite like your Excel your word that type of document your spreadsheets Your Word documents um and it's a it's a nice neat package so you know it took me probably three hours to figure out how to do all this and get it up and running so I'm hoping you guys can watch this video and do it about 20 minutes because I'd rather me be frustrated for a little bit and have you guys actually be able to do it a little bit quicker than me uh sorry there's not going to be a lot of editing going on in this video I wanted to get it out nice and quick it's a beautiful 3-day weekend here in Pennsylvania happy Memorial Day thank you to all those who served God bless have a good weekend like And subscribe for more
Channel: Randy's Random Hobbies
Views: 4,096
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Id: Mwjd0pFDHjI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 28sec (868 seconds)
Published: Fri May 24 2024
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