Truenas Scale install and beginner setup

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[Music] what's up Freaks and Geeks welcome back to low reses DIY well I am finally getting around to installing true Nas scale on the uh new server build we did in the last video If you haven't seen that check this video out here or check down in the description and I'll have a link to the video there also so true Nas scale what do we need for the install we need a USB drive that is at least 16 GB or larger we will need something like bolena etcher which will take the iso and put it on the USB device in a bootable Manner and we will need trass scale downloaded which I'll have links to both bolena etcher and trass scale in the uh description but let's have a quick look at the minimum Hardware okay so they are saying we need a CPU with 64 uh bit processing which we have we need 8 GB of ram minimum 16 preferred we've got that we're at 32 we need a 16 GB SSD boot device or USB boot device like we have here oh that's boot device I'm sorry we need at least an 8 gigabyte as USB device for the installation process for the boot device the actual Bo boot device for the server we need 16 gbt which is like really small I've got a pair of 120 gbyte a data devices two two identical size devices what they're talking about there is they're talking about your hard drives or your ssds if you have a two uh terabyte SSD or hard drive they want a two terabyte SSD or hard drive to match up with it uh it's not like unraid where you can just use any uh hard drive you want you got to have actual matching sizes for them a uh Network Port and Hardware raid is not required so with that let's go ahead throw that USB into the uh system and uh we'll get her booted up and start the install all right so I hit the power button and then I spammed F12 which allows me to choose which boot device I want for this one instance uh and I am going to pick our USB device that we put a Bina eter on I'm going to pick UEFI because that's the way I have the bio set up and we're going to hit enter it's going to go through and install and let me tell you this is the easiest installation process that I believe I've ever seen it is uh won't say it's quick but there's minimal uh requirements from you okay we want to choose option number one install or upgrade uh true Nest so we'll hit enter it's going to ask what boot device or what you want to use as a boot device now I'm going to use my two a data uh SSD as the boot device this will create a mirror of one to the other and we'll hit Tab and hit okay it's going to ask if you want to upgrade or install we obviously uh want to do a fresh install I I I've been testing this so it thinks uh I want to do an upgrade I I want to do a fresh install so just pick install uh install in a new boot environment now let's go ahead format the boot device and we're going to proceed it's going to ask for a password so obviously give it a strong password and then we want to hit okay and it's going to start the installation process it's going to ask if you want to create a uh a swap file on your boot device I've got plenty of room so sure I'm going to go ahead and create it you do you if you're just using like two small USB drives as your boot device you might not want to do that but I've got plenty of room so I'm going to do it and that is basically it so now just sit back and hang out and until uh until it finishes up all right the true Nas installation on SDA and SDC succeeded please reboot your system so we're going to scroll down to number three but first I'm going to pull my uh boot well I don't need to pull the boot device out or the uh USB device out we'll just reboot this guy all right so it is installed now the whole process from beginning to end uh maybe took five minutes or so it does not take a long time like I said it's a super simple installation process now that we've got it uh up and running the thing you're going to want to take note of is the IP address at the top there the uh 76 that's how you're going to access it with their uh web goey and you've got a couple options there configure your network interface configure Network settings configure static routes all that stuff you can do it here from uh from the command prompt if you want to do that but I think most people prefer the guey so let's hop over to Chrome and we'll uh check out the guey go ahead and open a new tab and https Co hack hack 92.1 16811 76 we'll hit enter of course you're going to get your warning just hit advance and proceed your username will be root and your password will be the super strong password that you created during the installation process so now that we got it up let's have a quick look around here the first page that's going to come up is your dashboard and it has you know basic little information here system information trass help if you want that CPU usage memory usage your storage usage which we haven't created a pool yet so there's nothing there and and your network usage is right down here if you want to change that stuff around you can always click up here in the uh if you want to change the order of your layout you can always click on the configure button right here click configure and it will allow you to remove and add things in if you want like I never use the help thing so I can I'm just going to turn that guy off and then you click save if you want to reorder them you just go and you click re order and then you can you should be able to move things around to however you want them like I always like the CPU usage the memory usage and storage basically like this and then you can click confirm to save it but let's do a check for updates first no updates are available so all right over here on the left side of the screen these are all your like menu options or menu buttons right here here we have dashboard storage shares uh data protection Network credentials virtualization virtualization apps reports and system settings so this is just a basic quick run through of uh TR nass scale and I'm assuming everybody that wants TR nass scale they're going to want it for mass storage or use it as a Nas you know Nas is in the name makes sense right so the first thing you will actually need to do is create some storage now I already like I said tested on this machine Mach I did create pools things like that so I imagine the pools are still still there let's go ahead and click import and see if there's pools there so it has my app and my test pool there so you know hey if you have hard drives you threw in there from another system that's how you would import them but we want to go ahead and we want to create a new pool and we'll just go ahead and name it test again because I'm going to delete all this eventually and start over and I want to use all three of my 1 tbte hard drives that are installed you'll check them right here and you click the arrow that brings them over to the right as uh your data Dev click the top button just so it chooses them all and it will suggest right down here it's going to suggest that I put it in AR raid Z array which gives us one drive of redundancy now I'm not going to dive down into the different raid settings if if uh you're interested in in that and want me to put a video out go ahead put a comment down in the the description and let me know that you'd like a uh a more beginner type uh description of what the raid options are and why you would want to use them if I get enough uh people wanting a video I'll go ahead and uh create that it's suggesting a re raid type Z which is actually what I want so I'm just going to click create we'll confirm it and then we'll create the pool give it a couple couple minutes here all right so we have our pool is now created you can see right here test is created I want to uh add a data set to it which is actually what you'll utilize to to uh access your storage so we want to go over here on the right side and we want to click on the three buttons right there so we'll click on that we will add a data set it is going to be the parent path is test give it a name of whatever you want and uh H we'll just keep with the uh test process we'll call it test you can add comments if you want inherit I'm just going to leave all the options the same uh what's share type oh SMB you can make an SMB share if you want I'm just going to leave it generic because we can uh access that either way like I said this is just a a starting uh video for this or you can click on advaned settings where you can get a little more granular with it change different things myself like I said just going to go with the standard so we're going to click save and now I have my test vdev create or my test data set created if I click on the the three dots over here on the right again and I view permissions we're going to see that root owns this um share so we can't really access that from any of our other devices which like I said it's a a shared storage so you're going to want to be able to access it from other desktops other uh laptops you may have or your your cell phone whatever other devices you may be using so to do that we need to go over here to credentials and we'll uh click on click on credentials and I want to create a local user it is just showing us root right now and letting us know that all the other ones are created it if we need them they're already there well I want to create a new one so I'm going to click add let's give it our full name and I'm going to call it low reses and once I hit enter let me take that period out once I hit enter it's going to create our username of low reses now it's going to want a password for our user so again super secret password make sure they're both the same give it a uh okay you don't have to give it an email well let's just continue on we'll skip the email address right now it is going to uh give us a user ID of 1,000 and it is going right here we have a new primary group we're going to leave that clicked and it's going to also make a uh group called Lowes if we scroll down a little further we have some other options uh we're going to leave it as Mount I want the group to have rewrite access I'm going to choose Microsoft account because I'm going to access it through this system which has Windows on it and I want to permit pseudo which uh allows your pseudo options and everything so if I click save oh what's this the Microsoft Account feature requires an email address so I'm going to have to give it an email address because that's one of the requirements for the Microsoft account so and then I'll save it and it's going to create our user for us there's our user right there uh low reses if we click on the little arrow over here on the right it'll tell you your options you can go ahead and click edit and edit the user if you want or you can delete the user if you want if we go to credentials and we go to local groups bam right there there's the local group that we just created with it uh again it's telling you that hey the the standard groups have already been created okay now that we have the user created we're going to give them uh control over the data set we just created so we'll go back to storage we'll click over here on the three little dots and we'll go down to view permissions and then we'll hit the little pencil right here let's uh go ahead and highlight that for you hit that little pencil right there and that will take us to our options to change the user so if we click the a little arrow scroll all the way down to the bottom there's Lowes you're going to need to click right here and click apply user let's change the group also to Lowes and we will we'll also choose apply to group we are going to give the group again read write access we're going to apply all of the permissions recursively which means if there's any data sets under the data set that we already created it will set everything up just like this so we're going to confirm it continue all children data sets and then we're going to save all right now if we go back and we view the permissions again lores is now the owner of that data set so everything's good right well not so quick we need to go up here to shares click on it and you'll see there are no shares available the one we're going to want is Windows another a little big circle huh let's try that again Windows FMB share so we'll click on ADD it's going to ask us the path of course it's Mount test is the the pool we created and test the second one I should have named that test one or test two or something else but test is the data set that we created oops uh fat fingers there sorry test now you can give it a new name if you want let's let's go ahead and test it call it test to just to to differ differentiate the uh differences between it now you can use this for different things again we're not going to get into all this stuff we're just going to leave it as a default share parameter you can throw a description out here if you want and what is enable War there oh enable the SMB share so it's going to install a little add-on once we we save it so we click save it's going to tell you right here enable Services it needs the SMB Service uh enabled so enable the service give it a few minutes the service has been enabled close and we now have created our share so again everybody's happy everything is good to go let's go ahead and we are going to map that share so me let me pull where' it go open up your uh file explorer click on this computer and you'll have an option up here in the top that says map Network device we want to click on that and it's going to bring this window up now you can do like you can see I've done it multiple times you can type it in there if you're lucky you can click browse and it will search your network and I've noticed this is real hit and miss sometimes it works sometimes it doesn't but sometimes you can can get it to uh find the true nass server see it found my other my tras core server but it didn't find the scale server so we're going to go ahead and manually enter the information here so you want to forward hack hack you want to give it the IP address and then you want to tell it the shar's name and remember we we changed the name from test to test two and uh we'll click finish but real quick on this desktop the one that I'm actually trying to share the the file the uh data set 2 my login credentials are exactly the same as what I set up for my user credentials in trass so when I hit finish it should automatically connect it which it did right there it automatically connected if you had a different user name let's say uh you you have your log on name as uh I don't know uh Johnny B as your your log on for your for your desktop and your log on or your your credentials in trass or more and you change those to Gary and a different password well what you would need to do double click on this guy again in that case you would tell it where the share is and then you would say Connect using different credentials you hit finish and then it's going to ask you the different credentials well you'll hit click more and then use different uh account to log into that so now we're connected to it if we want we can go and do whatever we want let's say we want to copy our temp D file over to that uh to our new uh share we can paste it in there and Bam it's there there's nothing in the file obviously well obviously there's nothing in the file I don't know why but there's nothing in there let's actually copy something copy enter paste and it puts all of our information in there so it's up it's running if we go back let's go back to our dashboard and I've noticed for some reason CPU and CPU memory these two little guys here sometimes when you're doing things it will uh not show up it'll just sit there and spin like it's looking for the information but the thing I wanted to show you was down here in storage all of a sudden we've got a uh a pool in there and it it's showing us everything that's going on with it we click on this it'll bring it over to uh our pool status showing us we got what raid we have and or that is Z1 and that uh these are the diss that it has but let's say you want to get a little more information about it we can go back to configure now all of a sudden we have test as an option so if we click on test and we save it right here there it is it tells you your available space 1.7 terabytes there's one vev on it which again if you want to know more about that you'll need to leave a a comment down in the uh comments and I'll get in I'll I'll do a more in-depth video of uh what ZFS is how kind of how it works and what VBS are so I think I'm going to wrap it up there this is just again just a quick little walkr of everything and with this at the very least you are able to uh you're able to uh share files back and forth and store them on your new tras scale server in the next video I'm going to install a couple of apps and we'll get into trash charts a little bit and we'll just keep building on the system from there so until that time uh thanks for watching reach down there and let me delete that reach down there and karate chop that like but button and roundhouse kick that subscribe button and catch you later
Channel: LoRes DIY
Views: 101,356
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: PC, pc build, pc games, nas, truenas scale, freenas, freenas setup, freenas install, truenas install plex, truenas install on usb, linux operating system, linux commands, linux, docker tutorial, docker tutorial for beginners, docker, ubuntu 22.04, ubuntu, debian 11, debian linux, debian vs ubuntu, kali linux, kali
Id: KmYV8f-BihQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 58sec (1258 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 03 2022
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