Setting Up Stereo In Ear Monitors On The X32 Using X32 Edit

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[Music] hey hey hey what's going on casey it ain't as hard as it seems and i understand when you don't understand something everything is hard and no doubt i'm the same way okay the first thing you want to do is just come up on google or you can go to this website address here okay uh surviving the gig x32 edit if you google that it's going to bring you right to this page this is absolutely one of the best articles i've ever seen that deal with the x32 edit program and it will go in depth to the you know 10th degree and it's going to explain what everything does on this program and don't get overwhelmed by it okay there's a lot of information here but all we're concerned with is panning to our mix bosses okay that's going to go to our in-ear monitors all right but this is where you need to start you need to come up here and read this article you know give it a day read it again you know read it until you can come up here and understand what all this means up here okay because this is in the mixer view right now and we're going to look at that right now next 32 edit okay now here we go x32 edit now look we are in the mixer view up here at the top left and all this information okay this is showing us of course that is the eq right there and this is our gate above the eq okay see when we click on that it brings us right to this gate so if we go back to the mixer view and we come down here then this is our compression okay soon as we click on it there we go right there to the dynamics we're dead into the compression okay so let's go back to mixer now what i've done is i've simply created two mix buses and air monitor one left and ear monitor one right this is how you pan your bosses you see that all i'm doing is grabbing this right here in the mixer view and i'm panning this all the way to the left and get my little mousy over here there we go now once you do that you've got you you know you've got your two uh mix buses here so uh right mouse click name it put the color to it as soon as you do that it's going to come here from there you would come to your channel this is your your stereo link as you can see right now they're not linked i'm going to link them back together watch right here watch what happens here and watch what happens over here on the right hand side i'm going to link it it's going to ask me if i want to i'm going to say yes and there is the link left and right here and here is the link symbol over here to the right okay now there was something i wanted to say at this point and it is totally past my mind okay so at this point now that we've created our mix bosses we're going to come up to rounding and the uh out one through sixteen as you can see right here that is my in-ear monitor one left in your monitor one right i'm going to simply put my cursor on that mix bus right mouse click it and i want to set this to pre-fader plus mute okay and just like that and there's a reason for that now that it's pre-fader it doesn't matter how much i move these faders right here it is not going to affect the signal going into the in-ear monitor the last thing you want is to have this signal and somebody by mistake raise this up because if you have you know high dollar in air monitors or even low dollar and you have your ear pieces custom fitted you could absolutely take a chance on causing hearing damage okay so you want those free fader pre-fader means before it gets to this fader okay that's what that means so the way we're going to add these channels to this mix boss is we're simply going to come over here to the right and we're going to click on either one of these okay it doesn't matter they're linked together and then we're going to come back up to our channels and now look at how this is highlighted green it's highlighted green because we colored this mix bus green okay so at this point you simply come up here and you put how much of that signal you want to go in to that boss okay and this is where you're going to control that volume at remember we said we we can't control it from the bus fader because we made this pre-fader okay so we control that by how much of this signal right here we're going to put into that bus at this point once you have this set up okay we're going to come and just click off of this again now you're saying okay we've got our mix bus set up we've got one panned hard left and we've got number two hard right and now i remember what i wanted to tell you this right here a mixbus one is going to come out of your xlr output one mixbus 2 is going to come out of your xlr output too when you hook up your in-ear monitor you would put the left channel on output number one and you would put the right channel on output number two now at this time when you come up here this is your same panning area right now i've got that uh kick going hard left okay so it's only going to come through this channel into this mix bus into the left side of the mix bus in other words mix bus one anything that is panned to the right okay here the snare the floor tom the tom two anything panned to the right will only go into mix bus number two because we have that mix bus panned hard right okay so if we come up here now and we look at our sins there it is you'll see there is no number two because we have these linked together see it's only miss mixbus number one and as you can see it is panned all the way over to the right okay if we come back in our mixer view this is what this is representing right here that is all the way to the right okay so now let's look at our meters as you can see these meters are jumping number one and two these are our outputs our xlr outputs that is mixbus number one and that is mixbus number two now i'm going to mute mix bus number one the left channel and watch what happens you see all these signals down here that were being sent to mix bus number one is no longer going through so if i unmute those and then mute mix bus number two as you can see the signal's coming in which would be the left side but there's nothing coming in on the right side okay now i'm going to take the uh base and i'm simply going to pan it back to zero okay now it's going to come into your left and your right channel the same signal strength so if we look at our meters now now if i mute one and i mute two it'll still not come through but i have not separated it on either channel in other words i have not panned it hard left i have not panned it hard right and that's the thing with this how much of that kick drum because this is also going to affect up here to your mains okay as you can see we've got it coming through the the main stereo it would be coming through the main hard left so i'm doing this as an extreme uh to show you because normally if you're going to run or you're playing somewhere you probably want these over somewhere about well you know it's so hard for me to say because i'm not in your band and i'm not there and i'm not listening to that uh in-ear monitor but uh very seldom do you just pan everything 100 hard left and right this is something that you're going to have to play with okay i hope this explained it to you it's it's there is your panning controls okay all the way through here you can do any channel you want to like that and your mixed buses are no different whatsoever okay and here we go mixer all right right here same thing so once you learn one thing you will learn this on every single channel once you learn one channel strip it's the same for every other channel step okay read that article go up there to survive in the gig and it's going to help out tremendously alright take care god bless and we are out of here
Channel: Dana Tucker
Views: 1,395
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: KKqrzUHtB_0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 37sec (637 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 19 2021
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