X32 Live Stream Stereo Mix Bus Setup | Behringer X32

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david toller here with supplemental sound i'm going to show you today how to take the behringer x32 mixer console and to be able to route your live stream on a separate bus or a mix that's separate from the in-house sanctuary front of house mix as we call it so i already have one set up for you that i've done for the sake of time and i'm going to walk you through it the first thing you want to do is find a pair because we're going to make this a stereo channel a left and a right you want to choose a empty bus two channels beside each other because this is your outputs is you want to go in in this case i found three and four now you have to choose an an odd number to be able to pay here so you can't pair two and three i believe that's the way it works you have to choose one so what i've one or three or five and six you know to pair those so if you have a problem with that best thing to do is choose a odd number so we go up to select the channel and then we go to up here to home on the screen go to config all right well actually you can do it from right here so let's do that i'm going to unlink these for a second because we want a stereo mix we want two channels the left and the right so we're going to go to link is right here on the home page what i've done is i selected home page and then it says link it's going to ask you do you want to link three and four we confirm that by hitting the right button and we have that linked so these two channels are linked now because they move together one is left as you see i went in and named it live stream left and r for live stream right another way to test it would be as i choose this you can see it's panned hard left and if i choose four it's panned hard right be sure as i'm talking about this that stereo bus and mono is deselected because we do not want this to go to the front of house if you have that selected it's going to come out your main out as well your left and right it's going to come through speakers you don't want that so deselect both of those we just want this going to the live stream because our whole goal is to build a separate mix going to the live stream so we can control the volume there separately and make our own mix that's the whole point of this because i did have it connected to the the main and the problem with that is you know people live streams say bring it up i bring it up in house and the sanctuary that's too loud or vice versa we want its own separate channel and then we're going to boost that stick to the end because we're going to boost that signal by the way all right so we have them paired together let's do the routing what we want to do first of all if you go to routing we want it to come out the expansion card usb the audio interface built-in that comes with the behringer x32 go to our computer which is over there usb to obs all right so i'm going to route this out using a singular usb printer cable if you will so let's go to routing and you have on this page input so we have locals that are set in there we have a local analog snake that is used so if you have a digital snake then you want to choose that accordingly with the aes 50 or the second one if you have two of them more power to you but we're just using the analog snake physical inputs the rest of these have to do with outputs so see that's your aes the b there's our card but we're going to scroll all the way over and then you can see as far as our outputs all right now go over to we probably want to stop here and you see on number three make sure you have this set go down and choose your channels like i'm gonna go up to three that says live stream left and what we want that to be is it says mix bus that's good and then three and then come down and make sure you have pre-fader now i'm still fooling around with this you might let me know in the comments this may need to be post fader but from what i've seen i'm gonna try pre-fader right now the next thing we're gonna do is go to the next channel which i can scroll down here to four you can see it's live stream right mix makes your mix bus and then we want that mix bus 4 and then we have pre-fader selected next we're going to go over all the way over to user now this is where we're going to get this routed out all right we're going to go if this at the bottom we want outputs so you want to choose press it down one time you'll be on outputs of course you press again your inputs but then when we go over to this channel where it says user output we're going to go down to outputs and then we'll go down to output three and the reason i'm choosing that because it's on bus three all right now i could physically connect a camera using xlr to come physically out of the board but we're going to route that via usb here in just a minute so we have output and then we're going to go down to three and we're going to assign it so you can see that change to output three we're going to move down and want to make this output you see i'm choosing output and output number 10 like that assign well actually on this one i did set up two so let me get it's supposed to be four for this example four all right so we have three and four connected we see that he that here user output now we want to scroll over to card so there's the card so now we see we want to make sure that we come down and we choose user out one through eight because that's what we routed and then i have you can see the settings here you could copy those or if you have a you know a different one you'd have to a digital snake do something different there but when you see the the two we just set up coming out which is going to be pre-fader mix bus three and four which is our stereo pair here that is separate from the house mix all right so what we're going to do now is build our mix our live stream you're going to choose the channel right now where this is the main mix when i hit this sends on fader button watch what happens now we can build our live stream mix so we would go over here i'm gonna go back to our main channel we would say okay here's the pulpit i got that set at unity here's the yellow mic you know brought our choir up if you want that in there uh preachers lapel [Music] and piano [Music] green mic red mic let me get these closer together one day then we go down we got our ambient congregational mics so those are another story themselves but we have those um you know build the mix for online okay of course if i deselect this you'll notice they go back down because we do not want them coming through the main mix because we're going to deal with feedback issues you can see one's hanging there one's there and then there's one up front two up front then one in the wing and one on this side for ambient congregational mics for an example i'm gonna go down to our auxiliary which is our cd player right and left i'll play a cd and let's see if we're getting let's test this to make sure it's working so i'm gonna go down here and i'm gonna play a cd and the the story is i do not want right now i'm looking at my main mix as i turn send on faders so if i was to unmute the mains and unmute my ceiling speakers and monitors then you are getting the front of house mix all right so that's a store in itself so let's mute those they're still in speakers and the monitors now let's go to our mix which is our live stream you can see we're getting a good signal here a good strong signal one things i would encourage you is make sure you have proper gain structure if not you're not gonna be able to pull enough volume over here i've had a lot of problem with that in fact i've learned more i'm gonna have to start at the top work on every channel and get them gained up because on the behringer you want it touching that's negative 18. that's a good gain structure for this cd you can see good numbers here all right and we can see that as we are all on the live stream mix we're getting a good signal and if we take that away because it is post fader this is anyway and we're getting a good strong signal here now let's go over to obs on the computer and you can see we're getting a good strong level now i'm going to show you how to up that level a little bit where we're peaking i did have to add a little gain here on obs which is i put a gain filter on it and maybe i boosted it slightly well actually it's not inactivated it's deselected so i could add a little in obs if i wanted to but we'll take care of that later let me show you how because one of the problems is getting a good strong volume we're gonna set an effects rack up so go to this is how you're gonna boost that live stream volume effects and then we go to home now what i've done for this particular example is i have inserted a limiter and you can see on the left hand side is the signal before it goes through the limiter and then you can see the boosted signal after the limiter so to be able to do that we'll just start over for i'll mute that take it off and let's go ahead when you're choosing you want to go down first you want to choose the proper effects rack that's empty so let's go to five choose that which with the limiters in there but i'm now you need to go to type and just keep scrolling through and you can do this on the ipad as well which probably easier until you get to limiter and it says lim here for limiter and it says here precision limiter what a word all right we are going to add this so in order to do that you want to go up you can see i've got buses three and four and the way i've done that is you can change it here all right change the left the one channel the other one so i'll change it to three and then of course you can deselect it there all right let's look at the stream volume with it off okay it's hitting about [Music] negative 12 that's pretty good negative 12 db all right let's insert the limiter then we want to go to edit you want to change your make sure stereo link is engaged and then i've set the output volume to 12 the output gained at negative one the squeeze at twenty percent knee is at three attack let's bring it down and see what happens okay actually i can see it you know limiting there so that's something i'll probably play with is the release and the attack time by turning maybe those down i'm not an expert on those i will link two videos in the description that'll help you further and then you want to go all right we've got that working and we go back to home of course we've got it inserted in the channel so insert this will be added and what i wanted to show you was is the input gain and then the output gain which is you know you may know more about this if you can help all of us by adding some more i do see it reducing some here so i think there is something to the attack and release time that could really change this so i have it going through channels three and four and you can see the increase and hopefully that reflects over here which is still showing it's hitting about negative still about negative 12 db which is good so there may be a way it says output gain [Music] we may play around with that a little bit or either input gain into it let's just turn it all the way up wow that really is so let's go back to negative one okay now we're getting some more lines and over here probably about uh it might be coming up to almost negative 10 almost so i'm still learning about the effects racks but that'll get you where you need to go i think there's going to be something about this release attack and release time again i'm building my mix you can see i'm getting good strong signals that are in the negative 18 db which is great and notice it's not coming through the house that's what you want this is going out usb printer cable as i call it over to obs on the computer and so i can set a separate mix i hit select i hit sends on fader and you can see i can build my own mix this right here is live stream mix so i hope that helps let me know if you can help us all in the comments or something you can add or to help one another in this in the meantime this is david told with supplemental seminary we'll see in the next video
Channel: Supplemental Sound
Views: 1,301
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: behringer x32, digital console, church audio, behringer x32 tutorial, behringer x32 live streaming, behringer x32 setup
Id: zrVwJAU2Mw4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 52sec (952 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 02 2021
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