Complete X32 Edit Overview

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hey hey hey good morning guys and gals this is dana and uh we're doing this video for one of our members uh joe and joe is a part of the honky tonk heroes band what we're going to talk about today is how to save your layout on the x32 okay we're going to go over some how to save your scenes how to load some presets joe is brand new to the x32 mixer and we're going to go through here and just uh explain some things okay so depending on your experience level uh you should either find this very interesting or you're going to find this very boring okay but joe what we're gonna do is we're gonna take this one channel at a time okay it's real simple to do man believe it or not okay it looks complicated there's a thousand videos out there but man all we got to do is take one channel once you learn that channel every other channel works the same way okay i'm gonna start over here on uh gary and as you can see i've got uh some signal coming in here that's from my headset mic and i'll put that on here in a little bit but right now we've got this set to where this channel is highlighted so when we come up here to channel it's got the gate on there it's got an eq and some compression we've got it on the dca group number two and the mute group number two and we're sending it to channel uh to the boss 11 and 12 not the channel okay and that's because we've got our recorder set up on that now that recorder is the usb recorder on the front of the x32 rack okay so i'm going to be skipping around here joe but just kind of think about what i'm telling you here so we're going to click on this recorder and as you can see right here my source is mixbus 11 and 12. that's your left channel that's your white channel okay now i don't have the headset on me right now but joe anytime you record okay this is going to make your life simple all right you always want to try and get as close to the negative 18 dbs as you can okay so when you're singer when when gary comes up okay or tom comes up they don't come up and go check check check check check they need to be singing they need to give you a good professional sound check it's just that simple okay so and i'm going to show you why this matters here in in a little bit so now you know why that bus is there so we're going to come up here now uh to the uh config and as you can see that's where i've got the gain set for the the headset mic i've got the low-cut filter engaged i don't have any effects running through it this is where you would set the gate uh here's your compression here is the eqs now i did not do all of this i did not take the time and go program this okay but as you can see on my sins now i've got to send this signal to the usb left and usb right or it will not record you see how i just pulled that down there okay so now look we're getting no signal whatsoever in through the recorder and this is where a lot of people have a problem they do not remember to run these up on these sends okay and when i save your scenes joe everything's going to be set to zero just like you see it across the board this way whatever you plug in it's your responsibility to go up there and adjust your input gain okay once you adjust that input gain by coming over here to your config okay if it's a condenser mic you're going to engage the phantom power okay but this is a dynamic headset so once you get your input set it's when you come down here now is where you will blend it into the board okay so let's see we go back to things now we go back to main i've got it coming out of the uh left right stereo you want to always make sure these are checked we're not running a center channel okay and then here is your fx uh one through four and then your fx five through eight okay now very important if we come up and say okay look we got bus 13 turned on and we want to send that signal into this multi-band compressor and joe a lot of people do this you're going to have to go through and read that manual and do your own homework and find out what all these rack effects do because this is what uh this is what everybody fell in love with behringer okay on this x32 series you can go out and perform a live show with absolutely 100 percent studio quality okay it did it was just groundbreaking all right so we've got this on bus number 13. so let's come over here to our sends now and remember now we still got gary highlighted so we're going to come over to bus 13 and we're going to send that signal to that bus okay to that fx now look at it see now we got the signal coming in and like i said i don't have the microphone up to me yet but when i do you're going to see this compressor start engaging okay but here again this is what people forget to do and joe it's that simple on that channel we simply put it up if you want to sit there and put and i can't pronounce this guy's name uh d-e-i-d-r-e if you want to send him over that bus then you send his channel to that bus okay it's real simple it is real simple so i'm just going to come back here and pull that down i just wanted to show you that so that's the fx controls that's the channel that's the mixer that's everything about it okay so how did i get all this set well i highlight that channel and i come over here where it says load and i'm going to load a preset now i put all these uh programs in here for you or i'm sorry not programs but this is what comes stock with the x32 so i'm going to put this in a zip file i'm going to upload it joe so you can download it unzip it okay so there's a lot more in this folder but since we told it to load a preset the only thing it knows to do is look for a file with the preset extension okay and that's the chn which stands for channel so now we're just going to zero out because i wanted to let you know you go well man i got everything mixed up i don't want it like this i just want to go back to where there was nothing at all on it so you just say okay uh i'm gonna go ahead and click zero now you're gonna do everything we do not want to do the scribble strip if i do this the scribble strip then it's going to start renaming this area right here and i don't want that so i'm going to say load boom it's set right back to factory default but it kept gary's name on there okay so i say all right well what do i want to put on gary's channel well again i'm going to load a preset factory channel presets uh come down here uh these are a very very good starting point like everything else it's just like using a plug-in on a doll let me see what we can find here we go let's just use this box same thing i do not want to load that scribble strip okay and i'm gonna say load and there it goes it's it's set his uh eq the dynamics uh it didn't put the gate on this is what the eq looks like you can come in here you can play around with it you know see what it's doing and then adjust it from there okay so that's how you do a preset now once you get this channel saved and it's just it you love it you love everything about it then you're going to come up here and say save you want to select all you do not want to save it as a scene you're going to save it as a preset so you can just come in here you see it's already labeled garyvox and you're going to say save boom now you just saved that channel preset the way that you like it and we're just going to run this back up and that's how you build your your your presets your scenes and everything else okay now how did i get this down here to look like this well again that's pretty easy we're gonna come over to mixer we're going to come to the left and we're going to say edit now as you can see everything that i've got highlighted here is what is showing on the x32 and you can see i named it 1 through 16. i'm not going to hit clear all because it's going to clear everything but if if you wanted to add these as you can see it's putting it on over here there's 13 let's go back to edit 14 you see the channels they just keep coming up but we don't want that because right now you're only working with 12 channels okay so once i do that i would name it and then go back to edit it comes down and then i would say save now what it's doing as you can see there's no files in here under factory channel reset because we're not doing a channel preset we are doing the x32 board and these are all the different presets that i've made for you okay and as you can already see i've already got in there so i'm just going to hit cancel this is for you to play around with and you go all right man well listen you know what i want to add one more channel and you go okay there it is well crap now it's all the way over here i want it to be over here no problem man you click move everything highlights you bring it over to where you want it and there's your channel 13 you unclick move it's that simple okay that was simple so i'm simply going to come back up here and go edit again and i'm going to take that off and then go back to edit oh come on down my mousy so what are we looking at here well we're looking at everybody's vocal everybody's guitar and i've got them color coded this is real simple as well highlight it right mouse click it go up here and name it and then pick the color that you want okay and it'll that that's it's that simple okay here you've got channel 17 through 32 and unless you get a s16 or another stage box you're never going to use this this is where your auxiliaries are and your fx controls remember the sins we were talking about okay when we were on the other channel that's what this is these are your bosses as you can see this is the in-ear monitors here is your usb left and right your fx and then your main left your main right for the matrix and then these buses over here we're not using when you click all that's exactly what you get you got to come down here and you go all the way across now unless you have a real large monitor i'm doing this off my little laptop okay then you know it it's just faster man to go through the layers all right if you get it set up the way you want it you can sit here and right mouse click this i'm sorry click it and then edit uh where it says user one you can sit there and name it and uh that way if you're running the the board joe and next week somebody else might run it then they want to set it up the way that they want to set it up then as you can see there's nothing there edit you would come in here and start adding what they wanted to use and you would come up here and then name it okay now this is a recent development joe dcas okay it everybody thinks they're complicated brother but they're not okay the dca allows you to control a group of microphones at the same time okay so let's say that you have your drums set perfect you love the way they sound okay but as you start the gig somebody comes up and says you know joe i think you need a little more on your hi-hat well you can come over here and you can adjust this individual hi-hat without disrupting anything else so now they say okay joe the high out sounds great but now man we need the whole drums to sound just a little bit louder or a little bit softer well that's where you come over to your main dca when you raise this even though these faders are not moving you're raising all these microphones at the exact same amount okay hey joe your drums are a little loud boom then you just lower them all right so when you come down to dca when i say they just started this this is what they call a spill page so now here's all your vocals so once you get everybody's microphone set and you've got it adjusted in the board you say well gary needs to have a little bit more raise him up a couple dbs okay guys it's sounding great can we drop everybody's vocals down just a tad and you go yeah boom we just decreased every microphone by a negative 3.7 dbs okay and that's how dcas work so at this point i'm going to take a break and then we'll come back and we'll finish this video all right brother we're back so at this point uh this little tab right here just opens it up and closes this right here now here is where you save your scenes so once you get all of this set the way that you want it you're going to select all and then save as seen now as you can see here again the factory channel presets there's nothing there so here i've got two scenes for you i've got the rack only uh the rack 1 through 16 and then off and that's why you see the off up over here okay name it whatever you want to b i d e o we're going to name this the video scene okay and we're gonna say save bam that's it man it's that simple okay we just saved the scene all right so i'm going to come back over to uh gary here and uh let's go to the channel and sure that uh you see i've got to reset my game uh because of what we did before i've got the headset on now as you can see i'm talking now as of as talking here okay my input levels uh is going to require more gain than if i was singing and i can't really raise my voice or i'll start clipping the audio okay going into the actual video so the meter on the left is our input the meter on the right is our output so if i was singing and i can't sing but i'm gonna back up just a little bit and show you uh because this is the thing joe the less gain you have to use the cleaner your audio signal is going to be the lower your noise floor okay so back up oh say can you see okay as you can see i'm way past that negative 18. okay so that's why i say when when you guys do your sound checks do it like you're going to sing it okay and it's just that simple so now i've got this set pretty good for speech so if i want to come over here to my sins now and let's say i want to come over here and put it into the reverb okay there's my reverb so what i'm going to do this is fx2 i'm on gary's channel still okay i come over to the sends and i'm going to come up here to fx2 send so as i do this now i'm putting that reverb into that signal now i know you can't hear it but i can hear it on my end and it sounds gorgeous okay you're gonna have to play around with them you just have to all right so that's how you get your effects to work with the proper input signal okay you see where it's coming in here it's coming in this much it's going out that much and it's bus 14. now i can come down here to the auxiliary and fx and here's the send you see the signal coming in bus number 14. okay so we still got the channel uh see where were we at here let's go back to the 116 i'm gonna highlight it and i'm gonna come back to the sends and i'm simply gonna pull this back down again okay so that's how you apply the fx man it's real easy now let's go back over to the main as you can see we've got our dca groups and our mute groups so i've got all the vox bikes on mute group number two if i come down to the bottom oh everything just got muted okay if i go to number one that just muted your entire drum set if i go to number three that just muted uh the guitars all right so that's how you set these up here or you can simply come down here and click these little squares if i wanted to change this one over you see i just added it to mute group four but we don't want that all right so that's that part of it remember guy i told you no we're going to do a little skipping around here but it's the way that i do it so now let's get over to routing okay your inputs it's a rack you've only got 16 of them okay so you've got one through six nine through 16 is your local if you ever get a stage box you're gonna do the same thing like with my s16 here it is one through 8 9 through 16 because it only has 16 inputs okay remember now this software this firmware works for full size desks the x32 console the the producer the compact and that's why you see all these little grayed out areas if this was a full desk then these would be switched over here because they would all be local okay that that makes sense uh the aes 50 this just mirrors itself that's your a port this is your b port it's out out out and this alternet is where it's taken to your p16s for in-ear monitoring the card the local is one through eight nine through 16 same thing uh i've got my s16 coming out of the a port one through eight nine through 16. the xlrs out one through eight or one through four five through eight local and then here now as you can see this mirrors these are the mix buses okay the these mix buses are attached to the xlr out so as you can see uh gary's eye in-ear monitor is going to come out of one two tom at a output three i can't pronounce his name man so he's gonna be number two uh david is number four and joe you are number five and then mixbus six is not really being used and then the main left is coming over out of the matrix one and matrix two and the reason i set it up that way is because that's the way drew sets his up and brother drew is like ef hutton when drew speaks you better listen okay uh behringer uh sponsors him he's a real nice guy he's a good christian man all right so that is the routing let's talk about now how do we get everybody to where they can hear everybody else in their in ear monitors let me just raise this up a little bit right here just because i like seeing that signal path come through they have what they call faders on demand and they have what some people refer to it as sends on faders okay but it doesn't matter it is simple and i mean simple to do with the x32 edit software okay over here on your bosses as you can see they mirror the same thing is uh what's set up right here okay so you want to click on the channels that you want to send to somebody's in-ear monitor you're going to come over to the left when i click on gary watch what happens down here to all these channels both you see them all go to zero okay well gary says listen i want to hear my voice the most now i want to hear a little bit of that vocal i want to hear a little bit more from tom and then i want to hear some from david uh i don't want to hear any guitars and i want to hear that kick drum that's all i want well you're finished you come back over click main left right you just set gary's in-ear monitor okay like i said i'm not gonna go through and do them all for you because it's it's just that simple so jerry has to be listing and and when you talk before once this is set up then all gary has to do is download that app to his ipad or iphone and he can do this himself it's that simple okay it's just that simple so let's see we went over routing we went over the recording we went over the fx uh my input games now you can see where i'm at and i'm sure there's going to be some stuff i'm leaving out of here joe but this should door more more than be enough to get you rocking on this thing so let's talk about reaper okay that's the doll that i use i love pro tools and with the reaper so uh if you ask me about another doll guys i can't answer it i i'm not gonna take the time to learn it i don't need to learn everybody says well yeah you know pro tools is so much better uh really okay um my door's always open if you want to do a mix-off okay we just everybody uses the same uh raw files and we'll see who comes out sounding the best i'm not bragging i've been doing this quite a while guys all right so let me show you what happens in reaper now so here we are in reaper and uh i'm using the azio file as you can see right up here it's the driver that comes with my x live card and as you can see my input gain right here is around that negative 18. so when i get ready when everybody's tuned in and i can do this on all 32 channels i simply come up here and hit record now as i'm doing this okay every single channel is getting their own track their own recording their own everything now if you look at my meters down here these go down to a negative 90. right now i've got my heater running i'm sitting over top of the air vent i'm talking through a dynamic mic i got no room treatment whatsoever guys because you know i've been telling everybody i'm packing okay so my noise floor is around a negative 78 db and that is fantastic okay so when everybody talks about the midas preamps versus barring your preamps and i'm telling you right now if you can set your system up and you're getting a negative 70 to a negative 80 dbs of noise floor with no gates you can't ask for anything better okay so then we're just going to come up here and hit stop i would hit save all it's going to save it i don't need to sit there do that and then that's what the waveform looks like okay and let's go back over to x32 edit and joe uh i'm pretty sure oh this is what i wanted to go over with you okay now you see the bass i've got two of them up here okay because you said right now you weren't going to use the bass so on this particular setup if your bass player plugs into the auxiliary in okay it's auxiliary in number one you can leave the trim set at zero okay uh you can if you notice we don't have him going over to the main stereo we don't have nothing done to auxiliary one okay all we do is want that input and this is why now when we came over and i added channel 12. and i go to configure channel 12 is not going to pick up a signal from the xlr input 12. it's going to bring the signal in from the aux 1 channel now you can go up here put a gate on it do some dynamics eqs put some sends to it see now it's routed through the main left and right okay think about what i'm saying the bass comes into the x or the uh x32 rack through auxiliary one and then channel 12 is receiving that signal from auxiliary one okay give it a try man see if you like it let me know what happens all right that's it uh one last thing uh joe any time you do anything just like with any computer program okay when you get finished brother you come up here and you save that scene okay now when you click on scenes these are all the scenes that i actually have in my x32 so i can go to the actual front the face and tab over the scenes and i can load all these up without using my laptop okay but you would come up here and hit save select all save as scene i'm going to come up here and click video and then i'm just simply going to put a dash one just in case i changed anything and hit save all right take care god bless and we are out of here
Channel: Dana Tucker
Views: 12,562
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Podcasting with Reaper, Reaper DAW, Podcasting, Free Podcasting Course, Audio Books, ACX Training, ACX, Home Studio, Home Recording, Remote Recording
Id: d8ReDk3D6F0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 52sec (1792 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 19 2020
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