Building An IEM System 2.0

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all right so what are we doing today we are going to transfer rest reposes current in-ear monitoring system into a new one a new case we're going to change up some things we are basically going to build rest repose in your monitoring system 2.0 now it is currently 8:45 in the morning I am waiting for Chris and Josh to get here to help this process along but until then now before Chris and Josh get here let's go over the whys and the what's first we're changing cases this is a much more robust case that is larger and deeper in size the issue that we were having while touring with the this old case is it's extremely compact but because it's compact it's very very narrow in its wheelbase and it will tip on a wind gust I mean it is so prone to tipping over and falling over and thusly not protecting the gear that's inside of it we are changing it out because although its height and its general dimensions are good in a trailer it's not really practical when moving around on a stage so in its place we will be using this 16 you case from circle 3 designs Chris over circle 3 designs recommended the 16 you because we want a little bit more space for a few different things that you will see later on in this video so this really is just what we need before the job also with this new system we want to incorporate the drum mics into the in-ear setup so we can actually hear the drum kit because in some of the larger stages that we play sometimes can't hear the drums and so we're left with the trash mic that's underneath Chris's drum throne and that works ok that'll get you by but all of us would kind of prefer to be able to hear the actual drum kit and what's going on so we're going to incorporate a second art s-8 splitter and get the drum mics going into the your system as well lastly the biggest upgrade that we are doing with this new in-ear system 2.0 is upgrading the actual wireless units we have been fortunate enough to be able to upgrade to all Sennheiser g4 wireless in ear systems as well as incorporating a wireless mic which is also a Sennheiser g4 guys ready to take apart an old rat Chris yeah it's a mess back here all empty now we have to put together a bunch of bunch of rack stuff like that's stuff over there the issue we had last time was that the Furman and the x32 rack were so deep and Wireless in your receivers were not very deep so it was hard to get your hands under there to plug in XLR into the back so we're trying to figure out what the best way to organize those are so we're gonna actually put a few together just so we can actually fit them in there and see what we got to work with [Music] one thing I want to quickly point out about the Sennheiser g4 units is beefy these brackets are these are like milled aluminum and the fact that they are combined you can combine these to make one you a 1u rack space with a simple plate bolted to the bottom of both units that is amazing usually you have some kind of a weird bracket that barely fits together right here sennheiser was like no we don't like that let's just do a plate and then some really really heavy-duty brackets let's do that that's awesome guys josh is here he's gonna he's gonna help us look up my counter guys look at this counter guys we'll just plant on their phones so in putting all this together we have kind of realized that a single power conditioner is not going to be sufficient and when you account for the combiner and the six Sennheiser units alone this is seven and we'll have a second one so that's eight the power conditioner that we have has eight outputs so we need to we need to source another power conditioner which I might have upstairs I don't know I just wanted to point this out this is a testament to Sennheiser design the power the wall warts are thin enough so they fit very nicely on a power strip this is small and maybe an insignificant detail but this is not the case in a lot of other brands power power supplies so now what we're gonna do is we are going to lay the rack down we're gonna put a lid underneath it and we're gonna lay it down on its back so we can then move things around without having to hold them up and see if things work we'll just that way when it's on its back you can just slide and move everything around without you know being too have been wearing out your arms all right so here's what we decided to do since we have all of these power supplies we're just going to simply since they're not clocked they're not ones not bigger than the other we're just going to put them on the conditioner upside down like so so then there is room for the IEC cables on the shorter one to go up to the x32 if that makes sense so all the wall warts are gonna be basically mounted upside down on the longer deeper firm in power conditioner all right so here's what we decided to go with with the x32 right there we have the combiners now these combined the signal of just the in-ear rigs the five in ear units are combined with the antennas and then thus that we have just two antennas for all five rigs the vocal the vocal unit is still its own standalone unit so it's going to have its own antenna then we have two art s eights and we have a couple of power conditioners and then a 3u drawer and this is what we'll be going with and now to wire all of this stuff oh hey so we have the combiners wired up we have the power wired up now we are just getting into the XLR stuff and I would say we're in the last third of the wiring up process and done we did wrap the tails nicely though we definitely good job Chris thank you okay so the moment of truth Chris we're gonna we're gonna turn it on for the first time are you ready sure you do it now we should do it it hasn't exploded this is good it appears to be working yeah you do it we did it yeah we'd have no idea if it passed the sound but that's okay oh no hey if that's the worst it's that's the worst thing that's okay alright so here's the signal routing for the in Iraq all the channels all the guitars bass drums if you want them and vocals I'll come in to 16 channels of our splitters here basically this just splits the mic channel we have tails coming off 1/2 that go to front house these are all labeled these go this is for bass guitar vocals and then the other half of the split goes into our x32 inside the x32 we have the ability to make all our own custom in-ear mixes we send those out of the outputs of the x32 and into our individual in your units and all those in your units go into our combiners which have antennas on the back which help for wider coverage on stage and last thing we have is a wireless mic for Tony which goes through the splitter and goes to the x32 as well and that does it for I am rig 2.0 I will link down below in the description for the diagram for this in-ear system and huge shout out to Sennheiser for being available for us to call with stupid technical questions they have been wonderful and we are excited to use the new the new new the g4 system as well fluff out [Music]
Channel: Riffs, Beards & Gear
Views: 170,823
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Fluff, Riffs Beards Gear, Vlog, Blog, Video Blog, Guitar, Comedy, Education, Funny, Sennheiser, IEM, In Ear Monitoring, System, Rack, Tour, Rest Repose, Hosa, Circle Three Designs, G4, Wireless
Id: 1eOjWfAHgZc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 17sec (617 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 30 2018
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