Set Up iDRAC, RAID, and Proxmox on My PowerEdge R720 Server

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hey guys welcome to my video and this video is a part two of the home lab series so last week you guys saw me uh rack mount my server uh rack mount some of the ccna equipment some of the comments that i'm gonna use to study for my ccna i am planning to take the ccna by the end of this year i decided to push it to the end of this year because initially i wanted to take it in the beginning of the year but i decided to push it to the end of the year because i have some something something else came up life some of the things in life came up and i have to get about three certificates before getting into my ccna so i'm going to use the first part of the year to get those certificates out of the way and then at the end almost the end of the year i'm going to study for my ccn equipment and try to get that out of the way so in total i'm i'm planning to have about one three about four certificates this year so that's going to be interesting so that's why the ccna has been pushed a little bit further down to the end of the year but that's beside the point for this video we're going to talk about my server so we i've decided to turn the server into a type 1 hypervisor and the program that i've decided to use for that is proxmox so in this video we're going to talk about proxmox we're going to talk about installing proxmox we're not going to talk too much we're not going to go into detail about what proxmox is and how to use it and all that stuff that's probably going to come along in some other videos but for this video we're just going to talk about installing it and sending it up on the server and to do that you're going to need a usb um you're going to need to go to the website which i'm going to i'm putting up right now go to the website download on uh the proxmox download proxmox and you need to bond it to the cd um so you can use rufus or you can use etcher i think it's called etcher if i'm pronouncing it wrong i'm going to have a link to it in the description box below i'm going to show it on the screen as well so you're going to need one of those to uh bond the us the iso image to this usb so you're going to need that first to be able to install proxmox on the server so make sure you get that out of the way the other thing as well is that we're going to install idrac idrac is like a remote control tool it's like an on-board remote control um tool that allows you to control the server turn the server off turn the server on as long as you have power and ethernet connected to the idrive board on the server you can turn it off turn it on and do a whole bunch of stuff in it as well that's another thing as well so in this video this video is pretty long the video is long because you know it's it's raw it's on beautify i don't try to make it pretty and all that stuff because i t is not all about that right i tease about going through problems and coming up with solutions it always amazes me when people post videos and then just like you do this and you click this and i know sometimes people don't want to see that like the struggle but you're going to run through struggles when you're doing these things and and the beauty is not so much about you know oh i fixed it the beauty is about going through the struggle and learning from that and becoming better so uh this video is pretty long because of that you're going to see me go through the whole thing see me go through the bible see me do this see me do that so for those of you guys that are setting it up and running through similar problems that i'm running through you have a solution for it so that's why this video is pretty long so and the video is also a little bit shaky because you have me moving around with my uh camera i'm a one-man team so you have me moving around with my camera so do keep that in mind um so that's why the video is pretty shaky well not not pretty shaky i'm sorry but it's a little bit shaky uh and uh it's very long as well so i thought that would be beneficial to someone that's going through the same process so those are some of the things that i wanted to get out of the way before starting the video so let's go ahead and let's um let's dive into the video let the front begin [Music] the server is 16 core server and it has about 192 gb of ram which is pretty good because i'm going to be doing a lot of stuff from this so one of the changes that i made uh was this guy right here um you have an optical drive that came with it let me see if i can grab that in one second so this is the optical drive that came with it i'm never gonna use it so what i've done is i've removed it um and i bought this stuff from amazon i'm gonna disconnect it here for a second i'm gonna put this down this is the usb i'm gonna need it in a minute but i'm gonna put that down so i can show you guys this and by the way this doesn't come enabled so we're gonna go into the bios and enable the sider um drive here the optical drive and we're going to enable this as well because we're going to need it now the reason why we're going to need this is because if you look up front right the the server itself let me just scroll down for for a minute the server itself has two usb connector on the front uh and then there's no usb connector on the back of it but um i'm gonna need that keyboard and mouse because i'm not gonna use the kvm um because so ideally there is no extra port in the back of it so we're going to use this guy this is what we're going to use to use the usb here that has proxmox on it and we're going to install it here proxmox is going to be installed here and all of the drives in the front are just going to be used for like space on proxmox so we're going to need to enable this guy and this guy but anyway let's get back to what i was going to show you guys so i'm going to disconnect this for a second so i can show you guys this um there's a different one coming because this one seems pretty small i'm going to show you why i think it why i say it's pretty small in a minute in terms of like the space up front so the server came with this guy this is a legit cd uh optical drive but i remove it because i'm never going to use it and i'm making use of this guy to be able to use this to have proxmox run on this ssd and then again the front all the sas drive on the front are just going to be used for space for my uh proxmox adventures um so basically all you got to do is um it's so hard to beat the same one recording the same person recording the same person trying to talk as well sorry uh so you're gonna do this here i'm gonna put that in there uh the reason why i said that i'm gonna replace this in a minute sorry guys in a minute um there's a new one coming that i bought off of amazon you can see there's some sort of space here uh it's not as big as the optical drive that came with it this guy uh so because of that there's some sort of space going on there on the far front of it so right here so i bought another one that's that's on its way and you can see it goes all the way in as well i bought another one that's on its way but for now this will do when a new one come i'm just going to replace it there's nothing major there so let's go ahead and reconnect that i'm gonna go ahead i have one hand here so give it some time here uh but this is gonna be all that will be okay so i'm gonna have to kind of hold you guys here for a second hopefully this is not too shaky oh that works so we are going to uh if i can find it there you go so we're gonna connect that so as i said this um initially when you boot up you're not gonna be able to see this because it's disabled and also this guy's disabled as well so let's go ahead and close the server because i don't want it to be making a whole bunch of noise so let's go ahead and close the server and um let's put it up okay guys so um everything is connected i'm gonna go ahead and turn on the server um i'm gonna use the i drag to turn it on um so it's gonna get noisy on initial setup just keep that in mind so let's go ahead and put that up here if i can get a hold of my mouse okay okay so i just turned it on using eye drag so it's coming on all right so you see some stuff coming on the device here so um initial configuration these are some of the changes that i made so i'm just waiting for it to show me to press f11 now you can go ahead and start pressing f11 f11 taking to the bios setup um before it boots up if you don't want to wait for it because sometimes you just guide and pass uh just keep in mind that it's not like a desktop where sometimes you have to press f11 over and over again you can just hold on to it so if you can see i'm holding on to it now f11 and it's going to do its thing it's going to go through that you don't have to do it now but i don't like missing it so i'm just going to hold it give it some time it's going to go through her setup this setup normally takes some time by the way so you can see because i was holding on f11 it's telling me here it's entering bios boot manager which is where we want to go right so let's give it a couple of minutes and let those thing it take a while to do all of this stuff so don't don't freak out if it's you know doing its thing even without setting up anything when you restart a server normally just yes has to go through like a whole bunch of checks so take take a sweet time to do everything that needs to get done um as that's being done i'm sure you guys on the front here you can see the lights coming up um it's going through a couple of stuff a couple of checks here uh showing you some of the things that enable now i've been able a lot of stuff on it already i just want to kind of show you guys the process of enabling them because initially i told you guys that we're going to enable the internal usb you want to enable the satur um because we need those two things right so let's let it do its stuff it's gonna go through a couple more stuff here uh maybe i could just fast forward this maybe i just let it roll raw uncut no no cutting anything here just showing you guys all my failures as we go along if it doesn't work it doesn't work if it does work it does work so it's doing uh initializing a firmware interface here give it a couple more seconds if the if um that's one of the reason why i wanted to close the server because if it was open it will be so loud in here because the server servers don't like it when you have them open when they're running they get very touchy very noisy about that so just keep that in mind come on it's doing this stuff oh the lights up front all the drive the size driver doing their thing all right a couple of settings that i'm going to change and we're going to go through them i've already changed them but we're going to go through them i'm going to talk about them um so you guys can be aware of them uh one at a time i'm going to turn them on and after that we're going to go through the perks marks uh so a couple of things to keep in mind i have two um ethernet cable connected through it i can move this it's a mess in here right now because i'm not completely done setting up everything yet i have the ethernet cable connected to one of the nics i have even a cable connected to the idrac um uh nick over there the controller over there so i have two connected to it right now this is for i drag and then this one is for the um the internet cable underneath or the internet so we need that for proxmox um because we're gonna need to assign an ip address and all that good stuff so let's leave that there okay the server is up all right so um for the most part what we are going to need as you can see here so the way i'm navigating this is pretty straightforward nothing special up down for up down right up down for up down enter to select and escape to go back so basically what we need to go into we're going to go into when i'm going to buy is my uh uh unified board manager one boot menu we're not going to buy a boot menu yet we're going to go to uh system setup not utilities for system setup click on enter for me and it's going to take us to the system setup there's a lot of things in the system setup that we need to change so you have uh system bios you have eyedrag settings and you have device settings um system values we can click on it to look at a couple of stuff right now but i'm not going to change anything i'm not going to talk about that yet i actually know what let's talk about that so a couple of things here so i remember i told you that the two things that we're going to need to enable right we'll click enter here for for satur so that's the status this guy up front here we're going to need to enable that when he came it was disabled for me so i need to enable it because again we the we need the server to be able to see this guy so we can install proxmox on it right because remember we're not installing proxmox on any of these right we're going to do raid 6 which i'm going to talk about in a minute we're just going to install proxmox on this guy so we need the server to be able to see it so if it's off we need to turn it on so it was off when i got it so what i did you come in here you go to starter settings and this guy that you see right here said um at the time it says uh off so i go ahead and choose that it's enable and that's pretty much all you need to do here for the server to be able to see the seller drive right click escape right and then the next thing we're going to do we're going to go into integrated devices that guy right there we want to click enter right so for integrated devices you're going to come down here this guy as you can see this one right here says internal usb port that's the one that we talked about that was right here the server is closed right now you can see it that drive has proximal pressure proc marks on it i can't say all right that drive has pros proc marks on it i can't i can never say i'm african man i can't half the time i can't say things right so don't blame me it has uh the post marks on it so we're gonna use that and the reason why is because this other two um usb drive up here we're using the the mouse and the keyboard so we don't have any more usb so we're gonna use that to install proxmox on this on the side of drive here right so we need to turn that on because if it's off again the server is not going to be able to see it so you click on it enter it was off initially so i turn it on right that's pretty much all you need to do here now if you want to go ahead and change a couple of things like for example the integrated rate controller don't disable it or anything but if you do want to disable it and you're using software raid instead of hardware raid have it the have fun with it but for me that's all i need at this point in time so go back so those are the two main things that we need to change in here so next up next next up african accent is kill it today next up we'll go to idrac settings so remember the idrac is this guy back here so what this allows us to do is it allow us to one access the server even though the server is off as long as these two power cables are connected we can go into this using a web interface and be able to turn the server off turn the server on that's what i did a couple of minutes ago when i turned the server on update the bios do a whole bunch of stuff and i showed you guys the uh this earlier so for that um the initial things i've not showed you i'm going to show you guys what it looks like but for that an initial thing that we want to do is we want to come in here because when it came it was um the ip address and everything on it was it wasn't my ip address it was set as static so it wasn't set at a dhcp it wasn't picking up a new one which is the right way to do it because you don't want to set it at dhcp anyways so you want to go there you want to click enter and then you want to go you can change a whole bunch of settings in here but that's not what we're looking for again you can play around with this but be careful uh make sure you read a little bit for me myself i have to read a little bit to understand everything in here before making changes so if you want to change more stuff have it but make sure you you know what you're doing so go up a little bit here we want to go to network that's what we're looking for and then here again you can change a whole bunch of settings but that's not what i'm looking for i'm going to go all the way down here and i'm looking for the ipv4 settings so this is what we're looking for here to be able to access it there's two ways that you can do it you can set it at dhcp enable which is not advisable because if this server was to go off for a while the same thing has happened or the list is over and you know your dhcp server whatever is giving dhcp in your network will assign it a new ip address and you have to physically come in here again to look at that ip address and you have to do that every time a new ip address is assigned to this so we don't want to do that and that's why when the server initially arrived it's it was set to static like 10 dot something but something and of course i couldn't get into it because i had to change it in here so you go down there and you want to set a static ip address for it i would advise you if you're selling a static ip address for this one you have to go into whatever is assigning your dhcp and say hey listen this address um kind of belongs to the mac address of this guy so only assign this ip address to the mac address of this guy that's one way to do it another way to do it as well is to set a range so and that's advisable in my opinion i like doing that where you say when i'm setting up my dhcp i want my dhcp to only assign ip address after 30. so from one one is normally your default gateway from 1 to 30 or from two so because one is always your default way oh normally you're the well you can choose whenever you want but it's kind of it's got a conventional half for you to use once you the away so you can say from two to 30 i don't want you to assign any ip address from 2 to 30. from 30 to 200 and whatever you can sign up address so in that case all your devices that have static ip address in your network you can assign them that range of ip address from 2 to 30 so your dhcp don't assign those ip address to anything else so in my case i like doing that so that's the next thing that you're going to need to do right so once you do that then you can we will be able to go to this ip address and we'll be able to access the hydrax uh uh web interface and be able to control the server from there and see a whole bunch of information about the server so once you're done with that you can click exit and another thing as well for the password so i'm sorry for the cuff um for the password now if this idrac has already been configured or was configured before it was sent to you which i think in my case in my case that was the case um they might have set a unique password to it so you want to go and then reset it to default first before come actually show you guys that first people coming in here default first so you can have that default password before coming in here and changing things so nice okay so we got that going we click escape you don't have to do anything here so here actually here is where the red controller lives so if we go to device settings let's give it a couple of minutes it's going to show us the red controller and it's going to show us all of our i'm having a cuffed it and it's going to show us all of our nick on our um red con on our computer so all of the mix right here on the back or four of them that you see right here one of them is being used right now now you can do like nick teaming and all that stuff it's going to show us all of them here and this is the red controller so that's what we're looking for we're going there right so for the red controller so remember there are two type of red controller uh there's a physical air controller which comes pre-configured on this server and then there's a software rate controller um when i was taking most of my exam they say hey if you have a hardware rate controller always use that over a software controller so you're going to control the management right uh you can see a whole bunch of stuff you can change a whole bunch of stuff here you can make configuration to the red controller here if you want to but we're not going to do that right let's go back for a second and then we're going to go to physical disk here right this will show us all of our physical dicks we can click something like this and then we can see information of all of our disk if we click on that it will tell us all the information of our disk and all of that stuff if we go into that physical disk here you can click on that you can click on that and you can see all of the information about your disk here and you can make it blank or on blank or whatever it is that you want to do some of the settings you can see in the i drag i drag and i'm going to show you guys that you can see all of the sentence there okay let's go back let's go back here and then we'll go to virtual here and we're gonna say manage virtual so i have decided to go with rate six now uh let me explain why i decided to go with raid six to bet i understand i'm gonna come over here for a second right so rate zero so rate zero doesn't offer any redundancy right with zero it offers speed in terms of like performance in terms of everything else the speed is there for rate zero but redundancy if any of this drive was to fail in the future you add a lot because rate zero doesn't offer any sort of redundancy whatsoever raid one is mirroring so that means that whatever you have here is basically copy here whatever you have here is basically copy here whatever you have here is basically copy here so it's an exact copy there's redundancy but then there's not it's not as fast as rate zero but you have that sense of redundancy where it's an exact mirror of a drive so whatever drive you have is an exact mirror of the other one right then there's raid 5. raid 5 allow you to have redundancy for one drive right what that means that the parity has been written on this drive so if one of your drive was to fail when you're driving through it's been written on the one of the drivers to fail you have the ability to replace that one drive however with five has two downside to it or two you know bad things about it one you can only replace one drive so if two drive was to fill you out a lock right and then also when you replacing so let's say that this drive was to fail and you want to replace it when you're replacing it when you put in the new drive the computer have to do some calculations calculate the parity and calculate all this other stuff to write to the new drive and write the data to the new drive so basically that means that the old computer as a whole the performance is a little bit slower so that's the two things about um raid five there you have one drive possibility to restore one drive also it's a little bit slow in terms of restore it might take a long time for you to restore a data over right so then there is raid six grade six is exactly like rate five the only difference is rate six allow you to have to drive failure so rate five allows you to have one rate six allow you to have two so what that means is that if this fail is this fail you're able to restore when rate five if this fails and this fill you add a lock on one of them on one of them because you can only restore one raid six you can restock both but in terms of restoration in terms of speed it's exactly the same as raid five if something was to happen because the computer have to do calculation and do all this stuff to write to the uh to the new desk it might slow down the performance of the computer so that's something that you have to keep in mind and then there's rate 10. with 10 is a combination of width one and width zero so basically what that means is that you have the speed over at zero and you have the redundancy of rate one so in ray 10 all of this right all of this let's assume that all of this is going to be no no we're not going to assume but let's let's say because that's what's going to happen let's say that all of this is going to be used for the raid right and all of this is going to be used for your data so you have an exact mirror right here marijuana miranda this is mirror and this this is mirroring this so if something was to fill you remove you put in a new one and because it's being a mirror it's a lot more easy and quicker in terms of restoration when your drive fail and the computer has to write things to the other one because it's an exact mirror here so you're just copying it over so it's quicker it gives you speed but and also it gives you redundancy but the thing that you have to consider with rate 10 it's money it's space so you're losing pretty much all of this right because you only have this because remember with rate 10 is an exact mirror of each one so that's one thing you have to keep with rate 10. so now that we've talked about the different rate and the ones that i i was i was at least considering i choose raid six right the reason being is that this is a lab environment it's not a production environment uh i don't care excessively about speed right as long as my stuff is working and then i have some sort of two redundancy here so basically with rate six i'm giving up this two and all of this i can use in terms of space and i need that because i'm going to be doing a whole bunch of stuff with this server so what that means is that i'm going to lose this two drive to the raid right but that means that if something was to happen i have the possibility to replace two of my drive now in terms of speed uh when it comes to the restoration it might be slower but again for me it's a lab environment i don't really care if it takes like uh the whole night to to do his thing or a couple of days to do his thing that's fine with me i'm not gonna die if i can't get to my lab as long as it's working but it's not working as fast as you need to work that's fine i can be patient and i can wait and that's one of the reason why i've decided to go over it six for me because i need the space and which six allowed me to be able to use all of this space but still have some sort of redundancy on this ones here so with that being said that's why i've decided to go with raid 6. now you can go ahead and do whatever raid you want depending on your environment or whatever suits your need you can go ahead and say okay i'm going to change it i'm going to call it whatever i want actually you know what i'm going to name this i forget to get marriage and i'm going to call it i get i get knowledge all right that's what we're going to call our raid so it's the name of our array as the name of our virtual desk or our radar set up right there so that's what we're going to call it you can call it whatever you want you can choose whatever rate type you want but i decided to go rate six as i've done the explanation here which was too long if you asked me and that's why i decided to go where it says so we're gonna go ahead and get out of there and of course here's where you can create a raid so if you didn't have a raid you can click on this guy and say create virtual disk and it's going to ask you what rate do you want to use um how many of the disk do you want to use in the raid that kind of thing so here's where you create your raid so everything is pretty much good to go right we've set up our raid we choose raid 6 we've set up our idrac to be able to connect to the server um if it's off but in general to be able to connect to the server and do a whole bunch of stuff um we've pretty much done everything that we have to do we've enabled sata we've enabled the usb so now the server is able to see the usb and the solder so we're gonna use the stuff in here to install it in here we're looking good so now we're gonna reboot the server and we're gonna tell the server to boot into this usb we're going to say hey can you put into this usb for us because this is where our you know proxmox uh installation is right so let's get to it so we're going to click escape there let's get there let's get there all right we can click escape here it's gonna ask us do you want to exit we said yes that's fine and we don't need to do anything else you can play around with the settings you can do whatever you want to do that's up to you but we don't necessarily need to do anything else here click escape you want to escape you want to exit you can say yes and here we're going to press f11 again to go into put menu or you can just let it do its thing just we can let it just run through do whatever we want to do and then once you give us the option you don't have to press anything and then it's going to tell you to press f11 to go to the boat menu where we were we could have just went in there and do it but let's just let it for experience sake let's just let it do its thing so it's always good to do it one to one to 20 times if i may say it's for myself okay so you see it's going to tell you that hey i can't i i don't i don't see anything i don't i can't find a boat menu i mean a boat device no boot device available that's fine um so we're going to go into this guy right here we're going to go into the boot manager we're going to click f11 again we could have done that but that's fine so now what we see here we see the integrated nick that's not what we want we want the hard drive c so if you go in here and click on that it's going to give you a couple of options right usb if you didn't enable what we went through earlier you're not going to see this right if you didn't know what we have here you're not going to see this you're most likely going to see this because this is the raid but that's not what we want right this is just going to be used for space so what we want to do we want to say hey i want you to boot from the usb it's a bit bright so i don't know if you guys can see it right and click enter that's where proxmox says all right boom look at that beautiful proxmox settings so now uh you can see install proxmox you can see inside proxmox v debugging mode uh you could do all of this stuff um test memory legacy by i don't want to do all of that i just want to install it you can go through all the settings if you want to but we're just going to install proxmox here and it's doing its thing and ideally if we've done our homework right um we're going to be able to see the the sata drive and we're going to tell it to install on the side of drive and not on the raid that we've set up so proxmox is doing its thing proxmox is a linux type on our hypervisor by the way so i love linux so i can't go wrong there so it's loading okay so we have to go to the agreement there's a little bit stuff on the corner here you click agree uh it's gonna ask you to kind of do whatever please verify installation target you're going to click okay uh down here it's going to ask you what do you want to use so if you can see right now it's trying to use my raid i don't want to use my way to install proxmox right i want to use this guy this is the ssd so remember if you do not enable so that's why it's very important to enable uh the sata drive the stuff that we went through earlier because if you don't do that though the server will not be able to see it it will only see the raid right and you will not be able to see that either so it's very important to enable those two things right so now we select we say hey we want to use our ssd right not the raid but our ssd right and then we'll go ahead and click next it's gonna access for our country i live in africa i'm just kidding i live in the u.s i live back home in africa no i live in the u.s ah time zone what time do you like to meet yours i guess second here where is it come on baby [Music] united state u.s english click next um here is going to ask you to type in a password uh create a password for your proxmox server it's very important that you remember this password right it's very important that you don't type any password in here just because um so make sure you remember your password i'm going to stop the video now and input this information because i need my hands um and then once i'm done i'm just going to click next so basically i'm going to import it and then click next so just that's pretty much all for the section i'm just gonna pause it because i need my hands to be able to do so okay okay so i went ahead and input the information um the password and everything else uh here you can input anything that you want it doesn't have to be a legit email or anything like next uh this is very important uh it's asking you what is the domain or the host name and all that stuff um you can call us whatever you want so here for ip address it's actually the ip address it's very important that you set this to a static ip address so remember what we talked about the last time for me i have a list of ip address outside of my uh dhcp list range or whatever you want to call it there but it's very important for you to have something like that or go into your your dhcp whatever your dhcp server or whatever it's designing there to be on your network and then say hey i want to proxmox this dhcp stuff only belongs to product smart whatever something like that and just exclude it so it doesn't get assigned a new ip address every time um the dsp list is over so in my case i'm just gonna change that and i will change this again but i'm gonna change that to a different one there and this one we can call it okay fish and click there and click next and it gives you a breakdown of the information there and then you just click install and it's going to go through this thing and it's going to install proxmox and once it's done it's going to give you a black screen and it's going to tell you like hey your proxmox is good to go you can access it on your network by going to the ip address and of course when you're there you're going to need your password right and then you're going to need a password that you set on the previous screen and you're going to need of course the username which is root so make sure your password is secure all of that good stuff uh it's your internal network anyways unless you're letting any people come into your antenna what can do some whole bunch of stuff so you should be good there so um but it's always good to make sure your password is secure so we're going to let it do its thing it's still if you do not have a hypervisor and you study in iet i highly advise it it doesn't have to be a server as a again i said i didn't start with a server i started with something very small um pretty soon i'll probably make a video of the one that i have which is in here in my tiny it closet and i transition from that to this thing here and this guy right here so but it doesn't have to be something big you can start small i cannot tell you how instrumental or hypervisor and being able to install a different os as quickly as possible without having to reformat a laptop and doing all this stuff all of these things um have saved me in terms of like studying and being able to have experience hands-on experience with this thing so amazon experience it's a beautiful teacher man it's i love it it's it makes it makes you so much more confident when you're doing things at work um yeah i'm having one-on-one with you guys wow bugs might just install it anyways let's give it a couple of minutes here maybe i'll fast forward it or do some of that editing magic to kind of get to it okay so it's telling you that hey it is done you can go ahead and access it here and you can reboot this too so if you reboot it uh it will go on and then it will show you this right and of course when you reboot you want to tell it to boot into the sky right so when it boots up you say hey but into this guy so look at that it's done so let's go ahead and jump on the screen uh so we can take a look at it and then see how it looks okay okay just two things um before we go and look at it i forgot to say this so number one do not forget to remove the usb so the usb that you use to install the usb that was in here remember the usb that was in here don't forget to remove it uh and then of course don't forget to tell and it either way the server should be able to say hey this has some stuff on it let me put from this guy but if it's if for some reason you put it and say i can't find the boot device you need to go into the bios and tell it like hey always boot from this device first because this is where proxmox is installed and then once you do those two things and you can turn the usb stuff off again in the bios if you want to that's up to you once you do those two things uh it's going to boot up and of course it's going to give you the screen now you can log in here and again this is a linux thing so you can log in here you can do all linux stuff but it's going to give you the ip address the one that we set so you can see um for me i'm going to change that pretty soon but it's going to give you that and then you can go onto your computer so this might not be pretty i'm not doing a screen sharing i'm just going to close this so we'll look at it uh so you can do that and then what you want to do is on here if i can get a hold of my mouse is you want to put in the ip address that it told you to put it tell her oh man i can't speak today it tells you to put in there so the ip address that it shows you here the one that you set up on initial setup that's the ip address that you're going to put in here and then you're going to click enter it's going to tell you hey this is not secure because it's not you can give one but it's not and you click advance and you click proceed and then just like that we have proxmox so now um you want to go ahead and put in your username and password and you should be able to log in all right so i'm gonna pause the video here for a second just put in the credential and then remember the credential the default username is root and then the well username is rude in the password is the password that you set when you were setting up the proxmox server so i'm gonna pause here for a second and put in this information okay so once you input that information in your login you're gonna see your setup you're going to see whatever it is that you call your domain in my case i call it i get knowledge and you can look at the summary you can see your space you can see your memory space you can see your ram space look at all that ram boys just kidding uh you can see your space here and this is where you add stuff like add a vm and do all of this other stuff and it just it gets fun man it gets having this stuff is just amazing you know you can look at the summary in the top level it tells you everything that you need to know there's a whole bunch of stuff here um so pretty much this is it for this video right so we've done a lot this video this is this is a long video but we've done a lot so
Channel: Koroma Tech
Views: 10,859
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: poweredge, idrac, idrac setup, dell server, home server, raid setup, raid 6, raid 5 vs raid 6, raid 5, proxmox, virtualbox, proxmox setup, proxmox tutorial, proxmox virtual environment, proxmox installation, proxmox ve, home lab setup, proxmox windows, proxmox install, proxmox getting started, how to install proxmox on server, how to install proxmox, server, poweredge r720, dell poweredge r710, dell poweredge, dell
Id: uDcOXzqj2j4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 39sec (2439 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 13 2021
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