Proxmox VE Full Course: Class 14 - Shared Storage

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[Music] hello again everyone and welcome back to my proxmox course believe it or not we are up to class number 14 yes 14. it feels like the series is just flying by almost like i just started recording it yesterday or something like that i just can't believe how fast time is flying okay well actually i'm recording the majority of these episodes in one sitting in one day so for me it feels like today anyway in today's class we're talking about shared storage and by shared i'm not referring to nfs shares or samba shares i mean proxmox is built on linux you could create those things on proxmox if you wanted to but what i'm talking about instead is mounting storage from other servers it's called shared storage because essentially if you have more than one proxmox server which you know right now we don't but if you did you could actually share resources between servers but shared storage is still useful even with just one server as we're going to find out here very shortly and i mentioned earlier that we're not creating nfs or samba shares in this video but proxmox can connect to those share types and specifically i'm going to walk you guys through the process of connecting to an nfs share to service share storage so let's dive in all right so at this point what i'm going to do is show you guys how to add network storage to your proxmox server this is yet another video that not all of you will be able to follow along with if you do have a network attached storage device on your network then you should be able to follow along on my end i actually use trunas but it really doesn't matter you can use synology netapp qnap there's a number of others out there the idea is that we're going to create nfs storage and then mount that storage here on our proxmox server this also opens the door for potentially setting up high availability which is something that we'll be covering later in the series now again not all of you will be able to follow along because not everyone has a network attached storage device on their network so even if you don't have that you can just watch the video and take notes and just understand how everything works i think that's good enough if you don't have access to the appropriate hardware now there's two volumes that i'm going to be showing you guys how to mount in this video the first is going to be used for backups and the second is what's called shared storage shared storage is good for high availability now if you have a gigabit network as i'm sure a lot of you do then backup storage is going to work good enough sure gigabit is a lot slower than 10 gigabit but it's fast enough for backups however if you have a gigabit lan and you try to implement shared storage for clustering and high availability it'll actually work well fine enough i guess if you have more than one vm accessing shared storage at a time then they're going to slow down to a crawl now as long as all of your vms aren't doing anything intensive all at the same time you'll probably still find gigabit slow when it comes to shared storage but it'll probably be fast enough so the reason why i bring this up is just so you keep in mind that it's really important to understand that if you have a gigabit network there's only so much that you can do before it becomes a bottleneck if nothing else just have reasonable expectations and you might be wondering what i mean by shared storage shared storage is storage that's well shared when we add more servers to our cluster later on each of those servers will be able to access that storage so essentially i could have one nfs volume one nfs share and every single host basically every proxmox host will be able to read from and write to that share and that's all well and good so long as you don't have too much going on at once but anyway just manage your expectations and you should be fine now what i'm going to do right now is open a new tab and i'm going to access my true nas server and here's the login screen for that so i'll go ahead and log in and i'll paste in my password and here we have my trueness server so if you haven't seen trueness yet well this is what it looks like trueness is not something that i actually cover on my channel because my friend tom lawrence he does a great job already and honestly there's no reason for me to cover it considering he does such a great job definitely check out his channel if you are curious about trueness he has a number of videos on trueness that'll teach you everything you need to know now in my case what i'm going to do is actually create a new storage volume or basically a pool for proxmox to use so on this screen i have all my pools and as you can see i already have one for proxmox now what i'm going to do instead of actually using my existing proxmox pool this is for a production system i'm going to create a brand new pool so let's go ahead and do that and this is adding a new data set within the pool i'll call it pve tutorials because that's what i'm using it for and we need to set the permissions and i do understand if you're not using trueness then obviously none of this applies to you but you know what this is what i have so this is what i'm going to use i think these options are good enough so what i'm going to do is just go ahead and submit this and then underneath this what i'm going to do is add yet another data set i'm going to call this one pve hyphen backups and i'll submit that so we have pve backups right here and what i'm going to do is create yet another data set and i'll call this one pve shared i'll submit it so i have these two data sets right here pve backups and pve shared that i'm going to be using for the remainder of the series what i should do now is actually set the permissions for those data sets and ensure that the proxmox user that i've already created in truenas has access to these particular datasets so i'm going to create the permissions up here i'll edit permissions i'm going to set the owner i'll set that to proxmox i'll do the same thing for the group and i need to apply both so i check those two boxes there i'm going to give the group full access i'll click apply permissions recursively and they'll also have it traverse as well i want to make sure that these permissions are applied to everything underneath this main data set so pve tutorials is the upper level then the pve backups and pve shared data stores are underneath that so by checking all of these options i'm ensuring that the changes that i'm making here are going to apply to those as well so i don't have to go in and manually make those changes to each of those one at a time so let's save it and now we should have everything set up here for pve backups and pve shared but that just gives us the data stores it doesn't actually make proxmox able to access these data stores so what i need to do actually is create some shares that proxmox can access i'm going to use nfs i'll add a brand new share here then i'll select the path to the data set that i created at least the first one here pve backups and then under advanced options i'm going to map all to the proxmox user when it comes to group i'll map all to proxmox as well and that'll ensure that the permissions work out and for authorized networks i do want to restrict this my servers are on the following subnet and i'm going to add another one here both 24 subnets if you recall we have the management network and then we have the vm network here as well i always like to restrict my nfs shares because i want to know what's actually connecting to them what i probably should do is add individual host here instead of the entire subnet but i didn't want to make this tutorial too long so anyway what i'm going to do is submit this now what i'm going to do is add yet another nfs share and i'll be adding it for the other data store that i've created so i'll select that here and i'm basically going to create it the exact same way and that should be all we need to do for that so let's go back here to proxmox and what i'm going to do is add the new shares that i've created so i'm going to go to the data center view i want to add these particular shares to the entire data center i want to make sure that each of the servers that i end up adding to the cluster also get access to those data stores as well so let's go to storage right here and what i'm going to do is add storage i want to add nfs storage and for the id it's not asking for an id number it's not like your vm id or anything like that this is essentially the name so what i'm going to call this is pve backups i'm just going to give it the same name as the actual share that i'm mounting and that makes it very easy to do now here for server what we want to do is add the ip address or the fully qualified domain name if we have one to the server that contains the nfs share that we want to mount in my case it's storage dot home hyphen network dot io that's actually the name of my truenas and for the export i'm going to type the actual path to that nfs share in my case that's going to be mnt volume 1 and it should be if i remember correctly pve hyphen tutorials and then the first one the one i'm mounting right now is pve hyphen backups now here what we want to do is select the types of objects that we plan on storing inside this nfs mount so what i'm going to do is select container template vz dump backup file and snippets as well so basically i've selected everything except for iso image and container so that should actually be good enough for me let's go ahead and add it so as we can see it's added right here and it also appeared right here so as an aside i think i did show you guys this earlier in the series you could click on any storage volume and you can see the types of things that it allows you to store now as you just saw i had to select the things that i plan on storing so that essentially allows me to enable or disable certain things for this particular storage and here we have pve backups the one that i just added and we should be able to store the things that i selected there in that menu when i first created this storage now i have nothing stored here actually and i probably do need to clean my trunas storage because oh my gosh i only have 260 gigs free and considering the 4k content on my channel i could burn through that pretty quickly anyway let's go ahead and return back to data center and let's add the other storage volume because i'm lazy i'm just going to edit this one and i'm going to just copy this right here i'll click add and i want to add another nfs mount and then for the export i'll just change this to shared because it's the same path the id i'll call it pve shared and the server again is storage dot home hyphen network dot io and it looks like it blanked out my export here so i'll paste that back in and i'll make sure i actually type the correct share name and what i want to do is configure this i already have a storage volume for backups here so i'm not going to choose that i am going to keep the disk image here container template i should probably choose that one and container i'll choose that too and as an aside i really like the fact that you could just drop this down and not type the entire path manually that's going to save me a lot of time i actually didn't know that you could do that so i guess i just discovered something new myself i've always been manually typing the path to the share that i want to mount but as you can see right here proxmox is able to query the server and get a list of all the shares so what i should be able to do is scroll down and select the share and here it is i'll go ahead and add it and now we have that created right here so now i have a place for shared storage so i can actually add virtual machines and have them store their disks right here in the shared storage and that makes high availability better like i mentioned because if a vm disk is in shared storage then migrating that vm to another host just becomes a lot faster and i also have a place for backups right here now earlier in the series i went over backups so since i do have a place for backups now i'm going to go back here to backup and this is the backup job that we created earlier let's go ahead and edit that and the storage is currently set to local and that's not good we should probably use the nfs mount that i designated for the purposes of backups instead of the local storage which will help ensure that all the backups created from this job will go to the external storage rather than local storage at the end of the day that's what we want now pve backups that is an option here now when i added this particular storage to proxmox if i didn't select the correct items to enable the correct features then i wouldn't actually see it listed right here but it is listed so i guess i must have done something right so i'll click on it now click ok now from this point forward this particular backup job is going to send its backups over to my trunas server and that's pretty cool now how about we see it in action i'll click on this server right here and i'll just create a manual backup i'll click the backup now button and for the storage i'm going to choose the pve backup storage right here and i'll leave it on snapshot i think that's fine and i'll click backup let's see what happens and there you go it looks like the job has completed that's pretty cool so if i go over here to pve backups i'll go here to backups itself and then here in backups we have this particular backup file right here it's currently using 1.6 gigabytes this is the backup file so we can see that it's working now what i'll do is click over here to true nas i'll click on shell and then let's change directory into where that mount actually is pointing to so i'm in that directory right now so we have several different folders here so i'm going to go into the dump folder and these are folders that proxmox itself created for me and there we have the backup file we have a log file in the actual backup itself so we can see that the log file is 1.8 kilobytes we have essentially 1.5 gigabytes when it comes to the backup file itself so as you can see i was able to easily add additional storage to my proxmox server i was able to create some shares here on my trueness server mount those in my proxmox server and now i could benefit from both backups being on my true nas server as well as shared storage later in the series so as you can see shared storage is pretty useful but we're not really using it shared i mean yeah it's shared storage but we're not sharing it with any other server and it's not accessible from any other server because we only have one server so how about we take care of that in the next class and set up a cluster that's exactly what we're going to do in that video so i'll see you there [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: LearnLinuxTV
Views: 10,129
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Linux, Tutorial, Howto, Guide, Distribution, Learn Linux, open-source, open source, gnu/linux, proxmox, virtual environment, proxmox ve, proxmox virtual environment, proxmox tutorial, proxmox getting started, homelab setup, proxmox ve 7.0, proxmox virtual environment tutorial, proxmox 7 tutorial, proxmox ve tutorial, virtual machines, virtual machine, home server, proxmox step by step, virtual server, proxmox walkthrough, home lab, truenas, storage, shared storage, proxmox ve cluster
Id: eZXXa7ujoks
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 31sec (1111 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 01 2021
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