Proxmox Installation on Dell R720 Server

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hey everybody welcome to cajoling technologies today we are playing with my dell r720 server and i got it a while ago there's a video i put out way back if you want to see the unboxing of it it's a used server today i am actually going to be installing proxmox which is a virtualization platform hypervisor there's different software you can get you could use unraid you could use esxi there's a bunch of them out there i'm gonna try several but i'm starting with proxmox so we're going to go through the installation before i get started just a couple of things about this box right now i only have two hard drive enclosures populated there's a total of let's see five and then there's two that i'm not sure how to work but i'll figure that out but i have two 600 gig hard drives they're two and a half inch hard drives in here they are 10 200 rpm and they're set up in raid 1 right now so basically mirroring each other this server does have a raid controller a dell raid controller that i'm utilizing it also has a management card in it which i'm not utilizing yet but i will eventually it's got four nicks four network ports and two psus so two power supplies i have a keyboard and mouse plugged in here i have my usb flash drive that i'm gonna put proxmox on we're gonna download in a second and we'll get going i'm not gonna get into kind of the dell inner workings of how to set this up i did some of that ahead of time you will want to set up the rate controller and go through the settings do a firmware update you know it's kind of the basic things when you get a new slash used device before you get into this but uh let's jump in and start working on proxbox and we'll pop open firefox and if you just do a quick google search for proxmox the proxmox website will come up and we are going to yep i agree get your cookies we want the proxmox virtual environment because i want to be able to run vms and do things like that so we'll do that and we'll click download but not that one we want the virtual environment iso images a lot of clicks and we'll pull this down here 813 megs download that and while that's downloading i'm going to download a piece of software called etcher balina etcher i'll pull that down basically it's a piece of software that will help write iso files like image files to a flash drive or an sd card open source works great so let's get etcher installed proxmox looks like it's taking a little bit of time make sure i'm on the right wi-fi network okay let's see where to go here it is baleena etcher open so once proxmox is done installing you won't have to open it or anything like that all you have to do is click flash from file and click on it or just drag it right in okay so it looks like proxmox is done and we have etcher installed so let's grab proxmox drop it into etcher you can see it's there select target it'll show the usb stick that you plugged in that's the one i have it's a 32 gig select and click flash and it does need privilege access so i will enter my password if you're on a mac you have to give lots of permissions it looks like it's going to take about a minute okay so it says flash complete so we can kill that so now we have our stick you can plug this into any usb slot on the server since i already have a keyboard and mouse plugged into the front i'm going to plug it into the back okay okay so now i have the usb stick plugged in now i'm going to boot this thing up what we're going to want to do is go in and make sure that the boot order is set to the usb stick so typically that's when the splash screen comes on so in my case it'll be del and i believe it's f2 but i could be wrong i'll switch this camera view so you can see the screen we'll hit f2 and we'll go into the boot order and we'll make sure that the usb stick is going to be how it boots let's turn this on switch over to this camera view sorry about the loud noise here servers are loud it does quiet down the server is surprisingly quieter than another server i had figuring memory okay so here's the screen i'm talking about should be right at the top here it should say f2 went by quick see if we made it in here keep hitting f2 okay all right so if you're on a dell server you'll be on this screen here and you're going to want to go into system bios go down to boot settings uh sometimes it'll be in bios you want to change it to uefi and then go to ufei boot settings and you want to my case i'm going to uncheck because i had done a pre-install of this make sure the server works so we're going to hit the space bar and uncheck that one we're going to uncheck this one and we're only going to leave checked the usb 1. see it says disconnected to back usb 1 usb 3.0 so as long as that is the only one checked you're good because that that'll be the one that works so once we do that we can hit escape escape escape it'll say do you want to save changes we will say yes settings saved and then escape one more time i want to reboot and the answer is yes so now it's going to reboot and if all goes well it should reboot from the installer that we etched onto the usb stick okay so that's what we expected now we are on the proxmox install screen you can see install proxmox ve debug mode rescue boot test memory we're just going to go with the regular install proxmox ve so you can hit enter i have to say this installation process is really straightforward i had not done this before before i did a test install just to make sure my server would work with it and now i'm doing it again just for for the video but it's actually really straightforward i'm surprised and when it's all said and done you get a nice clean web interface that you log into so it has a web server and there's even kind of a mobile version of it so when you go to it on your phone if you just want to see your vms that are up and you can run containers you could run pretty much any vm you can think of you can drag your iso files in it's pretty cool all right so we have a eula that we need to accept and by the way mouse control does show up so we will accept that just talks a little bit about what it does saying where do you want the target so if you have in my case um i have an internal ssd i have my drives here that are using the raid controller and are plugged into the backplane so i want to actually install this on the ssd i have because basically it's the operating system now so i'm going to choose the sandisk from there and we'll hit next time zone so i'm in the new york times zone i'm gonna scroll down to that i'll say did i already go by it yep i did there it is next it will have you make a password i missed this sentence the first time where it says the default basically default username is root i figured it was admin like many other things but it's actually root so when you do end up logging in the first time it'll be root so let's make a password it does ask you to put in an email so we shall next so here's the you can choose which i have four network interfaces so it's gonna default to the one that's plugged in which is this one on this network um and it does make you put an fqdn um you're going to visit it via ip at first you can set up a true fqdn with basically it means you're using dns to visit your server but in my case i'm just going to put for now just so it'll take it but because it will complain if you don't but that's uh it's not gonna hurt anything okay so it gives you your summary and let's click install there it goes creating partitions it does the install it figures out the drives makes the partitions on the drives it also changes the boot order so once this is done it'll the server will automatically boot to proxmox on that ssd that's in here not on the usb because we had changed that boot order so it's it's pretty smart it's like you know installing a another operating system it's based on linux it's a linux distribution it's based on and um yeah i'm happy that there's so many great open source solutions out there for for hypervisor for running vms etc i'd like to potentially run my blue iris i do security cameras with blue iris also freepbx there's a lot of possibilities you can run you can create a container and then uh run docker on that so there's there's a lot of fun things you could do i'm looking forward to to doing videos on it and use utilizing this server okay great so it shows the ip address it's got and it says it's going to reboot like i mentioned it should reboot now directly to proxmox all right cool so now we're at the proxmox login page says proxmox login and you won't actually have to log in here it will show you the ip address and the port you do need to put the port in and so we'll switch over to the web browser i'll show you what that looks like okay so let's open up firefox again and we're going to go to the ip address that's on the monitor here 192.168. and then you do colon 8006 the connection was reset so what you'll want to end up doing is put http s colon slash here even though it doesn't have a valid certificate it still maps itself to https and you can put a certificate so that you don't get this warning but for now that's the unknown issuer it's just the their own self-signed certificate except the risk all right and now you're brought to the login page so remember the username is root password is whatever you made it and you could leave all that the same i'm not going to remember that you do not have a valid subscription that's okay you can bypass that that's for support and we are self-supporting so this is the main the main page here so you see on the left you have data center and then you have a node so you can actually put different clusters together if you have different servers you can have them under a single data center you can actually use this for enterprise solutions in our case one node and one data center is totally fine so we'll click over to local you can see we don't have any vms or ct is containers so let's spin up a vm so the first thing we're going to want to do to create a new vm is to get an iso file of whatever vm we want so in this case let's do windows 10 so click over to uh local proxmox if for some reason the iso images doesn't show up here try clicking back and forth for some reason i think it's whatever version i'm in sometimes it does doesn't show up so click on iso images click upload and you'll select the file so i'm going to go to downloads and i'll click on my windows 10 open upload so it's going to upload over the network to your main drive now this it's going to the main drive that your proxbox is loaded onto all right so it's done uploading to the iso image pool so now what we can do is go up to the top and click create vm let's do windows 10 click next os so now the drop down will show any of any iso images you have here so 5.79 gigs and we're going to change the guest os to microsoft windows click next graphics card default's fine you can pass through graphics card if you had it i don't have a physical graphics card in this device hard disk you choose how many gigabytes you want to dedicate and also what drives you want to use let's go over to cpu so on cpu you can choose how many sockets so i have two cpus so i have two sockets let's use both sockets and let's give it six course memory we'll give it four gigs now network it's gonna choose it's gonna actually bridge your network connection so to your router every virtual machine is going to grab a new ip so in theory even though it's coming on the same network interface card like if you ran free pbx you ran this windows device you ran blue iris it's all going to be different ip addresses on your network because it's going to create a virtual mac address too so let's hit next and then you're going to confirm everything hit finish so it just takes a second to create you see it's working on it there it is so what you have to do is right click and click start this will start the vm once it has a green triangle you can double click on it and it'll open a vnc window now for windows it does take a minute or two of this blinking cursor for you to see the install but you should be brought to the windows 10 install shortly so the windows installer has finally started and now we'll just click through the installation options you don't need a license key to install windows you can get the windows iso free off the microsoft website once you install it you can then purchase a license key so activate windows i'm going to say i do not have a license key and it'll let me proceed just fine and i'd suggest choosing windows 10 pro gives you more options accept the terms next um if you're doing a fresh install you'll always want to choose custom there's your allocated this now this amount will be the amount you chose to partition for this vm click next and it should start the install yep there we go so you don't have to sit and babysit the install you can let that be you can also you can spin up more vms or if you wanted to spin up a container you click create container up here and it's a similar process it's just a little bit different than a full virtual machine so that's pretty much it that's enough to get you started with proxmox like i said i was pretty impressed with how simple it was to install i kind of had this vision of installing a hypervisor and the software is something really really really complicated but kudos to the people who make and support proxmox because it was really easy to do next i would like to try out unraid esxi and a few others and compare it to proxmox in fact maybe even do a head-to-head video in our discord server we actually had a really good discussion about which one was better i just decided to to start with proxmox but i definitely want to try the others as well if you have a suggestion on another virtualization software you want me to try just leave it in the comments below if you liked the video give it a thumbs up it really does help us out also if you want to communicate with us outside of youtube we do have an instagram a twitter a discord and also if you'd like to support us we have patreon and thank you bev and brian coates for being patreon supporters really appreciate it helps us buy equipment like this and make more videos so thank you very much until next time we will see you in the next video take care [Music] you
Channel: Cajoling Technologies
Views: 20,956
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: r710, r720, dell, proxmox, proxmox tutorial, proxmox install, server, homelab, home network, home server, hypervisor, hypervisor virtualization, esxi, unraid
Id: o85XXgYKOrQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 46sec (1186 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 03 2021
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