How I Passed the CompTIA Linux+ (What You Need to Know to Pass the CompTIA Linux+ Exam)

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what's up guys welcome to my channel my name is paul lamine or i.t disciple whichever you want to go with this fight with me and today we're going to be talking about how i study foreign past the linux plus the linux plus is one of those certificates that i have a long time ago for i don't want to talk about it in this video because i don't want to distract you guys from other things uh today we're just going to be talking about the linux plus here but also before we get into the video i wanted to say that um i'm going to be coming out with a series of videos so i know that a lot of times when people pass certificates they come and they talk to them like hey this is what i do this is the book that i used to study for the certificate i wanted to be something um i wanted to do something different so in this case i wanted to start creating a vlog but you guys get to see me go through the whole purposes of some of the certificates that i'm studying for you know get to see me study from the beginning or get to see the process that i go through from the beginning all the way to the end so i'm going to start creating a series of vlog every single week kind of like wrap things up for the things that i do to study to kind of progress through the process of trying to get the certificate and for those of you guys that are planning to take us with a specific certificate as well you might look at him be like hey this is what he's doing and this is some of the things that i can do so that's going to be interesting uh but anyway that's beside the point today we're here to talk about this guy the linux plus so let's roll the intro clips let's get started oh don't forget to hit the thumbs up button and subscribe if you like the video let's go so let's talk about the books that i use now if you've been watching my videos for a while you know that i go heavy on books and lives and videos and everything i just this that like i go in on the office those are my thing right so let's talk about the books that i used to study um for the exam i'm going to talk about the two main books that i use and the ones that i feel like they're quite beneficial to being able to pass the exam and i'm gonna do something like a honorable mention or something like that some of the things that i have and i've read and i feel like those are kind of okay too but they're not so much geared towards the linux plus itself but they help you better understand linux and as you know i try to cover as much material as i can before taking an exam so the first book that we're going to talk about if i can on here is this guy right here this is come to your linux plus xk004 uh this is what um this is the book that i use the main book that i used to study for it it's a pearson um book it's a really good book uh the reason why i love this book let me open it for you guys you can see the reason why i love this book is because number one it goes according to uh the exam objective and if you know me and you've seen some of my videos all four of them i'm coming i'm coming slowly with charlie and if you've seen some of my videos one of the things that you're going to realize is that i'm very big on books that go exactly according to the exam objective because that makes your life a lot more easier um you can take a look at the exam objective one time and understand what you have to study but then you can just put that aside and then just go on with the book because the book cover the exam objective and this book does that pretty well it was an easy read it was an amazing read i enjoy reading it it was really really really really really helpful for a lot of the concept it dives really deep into it and it gives you a really good understanding of some of the things that you have to understand and with limits there's some things that you just really have to understand and this book does a good job there's sometimes and i'm going to talk about the second book where i wanted to understand the same topic and i didn't feel like the book covered that well um then i have the backup book that i'm going to show you guys in a minute that i used to um kind of use a backup for this for this book and then to help me understand some of the things that i feel like were not too clear in this book but as a whole it's a great book it's an amazing book i really enjoyed it okay so let's talk about book number two so book number two this book is man this is another great book let me put a little bit closer for you guys um it says linux portable command guide this this is a great book now remember what i said earlier about this the book that we just looked at when i said that that that book goes according to the exam objective and it makes it easy and it tries to explain in detail some of the things that you have to understand but this book this book is so super amazing that it ex this is the book that you want to read after you've read this book you've watched your videos you've done your labs and you've done um whatever it is that you have to do and watch another series of video this is the book that you want to read to round things out because this book just like hey exam objective number one and when i mean granular exam objective number one this is the little thing about the exam objective this command that you have to understand this book really dive into that and he says this is the command this is what it does this is how you can do it go in and do it like this book and the thing i like about it as well it's a pretty i don't want to say easy read but it's about in total about 300 and something page so you can easily read this in about a week depending on how fast you read uh depending on how fast you want to absorb the information you can read it in about a week but this book is a great roundup book i honestly feel like if you watch the videos and you do the labs and you get into linux and you do what you need to do this book alone can help you pass the exam because this book just goes step by step according to the exam objective and it's just a simple read it's just a quick read you know to kind of reinforce some of the things that you're watching the video to kind of reinforce some of the labs that you do um you just read this book and this book kind of help you say hey if you didn't understand it here's this little snippet this is what it is and this is how you understand it better so great book for roundup i it turned out that i read or two of the books and i read a little bit more books i'm going to talk about the honorable mentions but this is a great book this is an amazing book um if this if you just it's another pearson book of course as well but if you just want a quick round up of things and you don't want to you don't feel like you want to read this book right you just want a quick round up you've watched the video you've done your lab right you've done your practice test right you just want a quick round up this is the book for you you don't necessarily i don't want to say you don't need this book because i kind of like both of them but if you don't feel like reading something this heavy this book this i will highly recommend this book it's an amazing book it really goes according to the exam project and this is one of the reasons why i like i like pearson books because they just i mean some people don't like them but i do i think that they just go cut into the exam objective and make it easier for for you to understand that's that's that's it so this is the next book so uh i want to talk about quick honorable mentions i'm not going to go into detail i'm just going to talk about them real quick one of the books that i found interesting um was this one linux basics for hackers this was pretty interesting um kind of really really basic uh this book this two book that i've just talked about kind of dwight this book a little bit in terms of like the detail and going into linux as a whole so as operating system when this book kind of focus on some of the things that you need to know as a ethical hacker as a hacker using linux so pretty interesting read i wouldn't necessarily read this book if i'm going for the linux plus but i thought that it was a pretty interesting read for me and it's a book that i'm going to read again once i uh go to watch once i approach taking the oscp is a book that i'm definitely going to read again um this book is pretty interesting it's a linux pocket guide um it's very similar to this book right when this book is much more geared towards you know passing the linux plus this book is not so much geared towards passing linux plus but it kind of explained to you some of the things that you have to understand about linux i didn't read the every single thing step by step i don't think that's what this book is made for and that's not how i use that i kind of used it as a hey um i don't understand a concept is it in this book oh hey i need to do this is it in this book oh hey i need to run this command is it in this book so pretty interesting book um to have if you really gonna go into linux and you really want to learn more beyond just the linux plus this i started doing this recently um laminated uh documents that just kind of outline some of the quick things that you need to know about linux like you will talk about like you know the file system for example um it will talk about like different different aspects of linux you know the command summary that kind of thing of linux and i i do this for all of the exams that i'm taking recently if there's a laminated kind of thing like this for that exam i i don't know i buy it i i like it i take it to work with me in the morning when i'm studying and i just kind of like you know you know what i'm yeah and just go through it we used to have things like this back home so it just kind of um a bit nostalgic a little bit to have it in the u.s as well and it's just pretty interesting but anyways i thought it was an honorable mention it's a quick thing to have in your back as well or the binder to have it in there and be able to just quickly pull it out and just be able to look at it if you need to use it another thing as well one last thing that i want to mention is that when you want to pass an exam you have to really get into the idea of i want to pass this exam i'm going to become this exam i know it's a weird thing to say but that's how i feel about every exam that i take the point i'm trying to make is that when you want to take this exam you have to really become this exam you have to really pay attention and really dive into them and really study for them within that month that you've set aside or within that time period that you set aside to pass your exam and for me doing that meant that i change my os from windows to linux at home i still do run linux because i'm so in love with it i do use windows heavily at work because that's what we use in our environment but at home my home computer my main computer my daily driver is linux and i did that when i wanted to take the linux exam that's the reason why i'm mentioning that is because that's something that you can do yourself right if you really want to pass the exam throw yourself in there you know change your computer to a linux computer and just dive into you're going to run into troubles that you're trying to do and then you're going to be like i mean i can't do this oh well figure it out and that through that process of figuring things out and using linux on a day-to-day base you're able to pass the exam i use linux every single day now because i said it's my main driver and i'm so used to linux now i only use windows when i'm at work or windows on my laptop you know but linux is my main driver so that's one thing that i wanted to say when you want to pass an exam become the exam it sounds like it sounds like one of those weird scenes but that's the truth become the exam and do everything that you possibly can to pass the exam um so that's the end of the books that i use for the next um exam books in the the physical material so that's what you want to call it that i use for the next exam so one of the first things that i do and this is something i do for my exam is that i come to the exam page so this is the exam page i'll include this link in the description box below um as always i just take a look at it kind of try to see what the exam cover um these are some of the things that you'll learn by studying for this exam excuse me and um if you scroll down you get to get a little bit more information about the exam the exam description exam is about 90 minutes long you know it's funny because this 90 minutes can sometimes feel forever and i think that as i go into higher level certificates instead taking more and more certificates like the time increase so it's going to be like oh my god it feels like forever but 90 minutes right now i feel like forever you have performance base it's a combination of performance based question and multiple choice question performance performance-based question for me was pretty interesting it was kind of like a scripting question where they say hey here's a script solve it i said that was pretty interesting so you need to know this quickly a little bit uh it's 90 minutes as i said here uh i'm sorry night in question i keep saying that i mean so 90 questions 90 minutes so technically they expect you to take one minute for each question yeah no that's the performance-based question now the multiple choice question you can most likely do less than one minute for per question just kind of read it and go through it and understand it and choose the right answer performance-based question and normally take a little bit longer so i normally do those last when i'm taking an exam a 720 person squad over 900 and then the rest here is the price the price is about 338 dollars which is pretty expensive let's just scroll down a little bit more i kind of break it down so if you just want the exam the exam voucher and you just wanted one voucher it's 338 if you want to bundle the retake of one time and then quarter things as well it is about 449 dollars one thing to keep in mind is that for those of you guys i need to include it i'm going to include that link in the description for those of you guys that are currently in school uh there is a cam tier i think academy website that i normally use to buy the voucher you just need your school um school email and a school id for verification and there's a substantial amount of discount here that you can get to buy the voucher better than paying 300 and something else so look for the link in the description box below so that's pretty much it for the exam page next we're going to move on to the exam objective the example objective i always advise people to always look at the exam objective and the reason being that the exam objective give you a really good breakdown of some of the things that you need to understand before taking the exam right it is very important and very very very very critical for you to look at the exam objective before you start studying for an exam because you get a book based on the exam objective that's how i feel so when you get in a book and you get into something get that based on the exam objective that's very important because you don't want to study and then in terms of that you didn't study really for things that you need to study for and then you sit in front of the exam and they say what is this you're like what is what excuse me that's always pay attention to the exam objective kind of tells you what domains are covered here hardware and the system configuration system operation and maintenance security linux structure and diagnosis automation automation and script and um as i said this part was pretty interesting i did get a performance-based question based on scripting so pay attention to that i kind of break it down put loaders some of the things that you have to understand grab and grab to put options unify pxi and all that stuff um file locations uh you need to understand what these file locations are how to navigate to them that kind of thing because they will ask you a tricky question trust me they will so you need to know how to navigate to them but also know what they do as well and the books that we're going to talk about they do a very good job at covering some of the aspect of um what these things are and what they cover and take notes when you go into the book you know highlight things and then come back and then go through that so this is the exam objective again very critical and very important for you to take a look at it before you start studying even before you get a book it's very important that you take the exam objective and then look at the exam objective and try to understand what is required of you um to be able to pass the exam next up uh is the video course that i use um for those of you guys that have seen my other video i'm a huge fan i'm a huge huge fan of it pro tv it pro tv is one of the best i'd see um training websites or whatever you want to call it out there they're amazing they have everything in one place and granted don't have everything for all the exam like the azure exam that i'm studying for right now and i'm going to create a series of video for that by the way so don't worry about that it's coming um they have uh kind of like the video cards they have the practice test but i don't think they have lab for it um but that's because you have to go to the azure website itself and then create an account and then kind of play around with them or just do their sandbox i will explain when the time comes when i talk about that exam um so they're amazing they have the video was great dan perzette is an amazing teacher you can tell this guy is really good at linux especially when he talks about it you can tell he's just passionate about it and i think he's been a linux administrator for like a very long time i saw an interview of him one time where they were asking how many certificates do you have and he was like let me let me go down my drill real quick and pull my boxes certificates and i'm like a little cat like you when you see things like this you think you have enough certificates and then someone is like let me go down and just grab my boxes certificate you're like man let me go back to the drawing board anyway so that was that was pretty interesting an amazing teacher um he made this whole thing very fun uh one of the best courses that i've looked at in um it pro tv they really go according to the exam objective they pretty much cover everything that you need to know now i wouldn't say that this is the only thing that you need to pass the exam watching this video and uh kind of taking the exam for those people that have already that have that are quite familiar with linux have been playing around with linux for a long time they might definitely be able to do that but if you're new to linux this might be an introduction and you might need a little bit more to pass the exam so definitely definitely a a top-notch course here um for the linux plus exam and of course they have their practice test which you can use um to but i'm not gonna click into it but you can go in here and you can take the practice test this is again one of the reason why i love um i t pro t because they have everything in one place so you can after you study for the exam after you watch the video of the original book you can come in here and take a whole bunch of practice tests uh i think they have 400 and something questions or i don't know how many they have but they have several questions in there uh and then of course they have the virtual app so for those of you guys that don't have a server at home i do or have some sort of hype some sort of hypervisor to install linux you can go through the practice lab which i did by the way even though i have a type 1 hypervisor at home and i kind of convert my linux workstation into my own workstation my main driver into a linux um computer linux os i installed linux voice on it i use ubuntu at home because it's a lot more stable i used to use something else arch links but um that's a different and then i use pop os and that's it's a different story probably i make a video about that someday why i switched over but anyways um pretty interesting pretty good the lab um it covers everything that you need to know for the exam really good for those of you guys that don't necessarily want to kind of build your own environment don't want to put linux on your work environment or your working environment or don't have a hypervisor to install nixon this is a great lab you go through it and it helps you pass the exam um and yeah i think that's pretty much all there is for mighty pro tv when it comes to linux plus really good place really good cost highly recommended i know it can be expensive a little bit but as i always say they have discounts so uh if you cannot afford you can always send them a message they might be able to work something out for you so take advantage of it send them a message great people great lecture amazing place to learn not just linux plus but a whole bunch of other things as well and as i go along and i take a lot of my certificates i will talk about them and um i will let you guys know which ones i like and which ones i don't i'll be honest with you guys as always but great course great course um i went through this course and i enjoyed it another course for those of you guys that don't want to necessarily go through the whole linux though um it pro part of things udemy um over and over again i cannot recommend you to me enough uh if you go to udemy you type in linux plus it's gonna give you a whole series of course but i took this course because this one was a little bit different from the linux because that i took over here um and i took this one because i wanted a different perspective of linux i wanted another course that kind of just talked about linux as a whole and helped me understand it as a whole um so i bought this one it's about 11 hours which was extremely interesting i enjoyed it a lot and it really helped me get a grasp of um the whole concept of navigating inside of linux but also kind of scripting and things like that it was a pretty interesting course so i i think i did about 75 or 80 i think i did about like 70 or 80 something percent of it i didn't finish the whole thing but i did most of the the important section of it i covered most of the important section of it which was which was a lot combined with this course the main course here it's a lot so those of you guys that just want a secondary kind of linux um course this is a great one there's another course as well there's a scripting course but you can just go to udemy and type linux there's a whole bunch of course there um that will help you pass the exam or give you a different perspective other than the linux plus exam it's always good to have that because sometimes these questions are so tricky that the questions and uh the performance based questions and the multi-pictures are so tricky sometimes but if you kind of go and get little piece bits and pieces for different different places when you sit in front of a test and then ask your question it just clicks um you're like oh okay well i know that's that kind of thing so this is a great course to look at it's not necessarily again let me just emphasize that one more time it's not necessarily designed for the linux plus but it will help you have a better understanding for um a better understanding of linux as a whole um this is a great place to learn linux so it's kind of like a lab environment or kind of like an online kind of educational tool and it's free i'm going to include the link in the description box below it gives you a different different aspect of living so it gives you the introduction which talks about different different aspects of linux um and then it asks you question and then if you go back home it will give you like command line and then i went through this pretty interesting like the cat command the file command the less command the mkmv command rm command mkdira command so it gives you different aspect of linux that you need to understand to help you pass the exam because these are questions that they're going to ask you for the linux plus exam so definitely take a look at it um it's a great place it's a great lab environment i would say a lab environment for those of you guys that don't want it pro tv so definitely something worth taking a look at thank you for watching the video guys if you haven't done so already make sure you hit that subscribe button uh and thumbs up the video if you enjoyed the video as i said i am going to change the way i talk about um um some of the certificates that i'm trying to pass but the ones that i've already passed i can't really do what i'm trying to do the whole series and vlog like kind of series of videos that i'm trying to create i will talk about them and just like this one but moving forward i'm starting this coming weekend or this coming week i'm going to create a series of video i have a short video coming out talking about my plan for what i'm trying the certificates that i'm trying to pass this year before the end of the year uh so it's going to be interesting i have a lot of ideas i have a lot of videos that i have planned coming out it's just going to start picking up everything is going to start picking up i i got to my first 40 subscribers so i'm excited so that's pretty exciting so it's going to be more videos coming out more awesome videos i have so much ideas of things that i wanted to put out i've been wanting to do it channel for a long time and then finally did it so it's going to be an interesting journey so make sure you hit the subscribe button thumbs up if you enjoyed the video and i will see you guys on the next one as always stay geeking peace
Channel: Koroma Tech
Views: 2,196
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: comptia linux+, comptia, comptia linux+ certification, linux, linux tutorial, linux tutorial for beginners, linux for beginners, linux basics, intro to linux, linux+, linux+ xk0-004, comptia linux+ exam, linux certifications, comptia linux plus, linux career, linux plus, linux for hackers, comptia linux, comptia linux+ xk0-004, comptia linux+ training, how to get comptia linux+ certification, xk0-004, linux basics lab
Id: lPwM55snBhA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 54sec (1434 seconds)
Published: Sat May 15 2021
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