How to Configure iDRAC on the Dell PowerEdge R720 (Step-by-Step iDRAC Setup)

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hey guys welcome to another video my name is paul lamine i.t disciple whatever you want to use is fine with me and this is where we learn break things fail and then fix it so if you're new here make sure you hit the thumbs up button if you like the video subscribe if you want to see some more videos like this so a couple of weeks ago i uploaded a video that kind of go through the process or how can i highlight the process that i had to go through to set up my proximal server my type one hypervisor um i did touch a little bit about what i drag is and what it does but i didn't go into too much detail about it so this video is going to be a detailed look at what i drag is um the the hardware on the the server itself we're going to look at that how to set it up and we're going to look at the go interface itself and then kind of walk around there and try to understand what it does and what we can do with it so if you're new here and you like this video make sure you hit that thumbs up button if you want to see some more videos like this all the time hit the subscribe button um and then turn on your notification if you do want to see that video that i talked about where i go through the whole process of setting up my proxmox server i'll link it somewhere up top so you can click on that and also if you want to jump to a specific part on the video there's a menu in the description you can just go there look at what you're looking for and let's jump through the whole thing um with that being said let's get into the video okay guys so before we get started talking about i drag before we start looking at the hardware itself and start playing around with it let's first talk about what a idrac is so an idrac is the integrated delve remote access controller it's a piece of hardware that sits on the server's motherboard that allows you to update manage dell system even when the server is turned off it also provides both the web interface and the command line but we're mostly going to pay attention to the web interface in this video um as we're not going to do the command lines maybe some other time i would do something that has to do with the command line other server vendors also have something similar to the dell idrac i think hp called theirs the ilo so if you're using hp server it might be called ilo as something to look up but now that you have a better understanding of foil now that we have a better understanding of what the idrac is let's go look at it let's see where it's located on the server and let's let's kind of play around with it a little bit just look at it so we have some sort of familiarity with where it's located on the server before we get started setting it up let's go okay guys so this is the server right here i'm just going to go back a little bit so you guys can take a closer look at it so maybe some other video i will kind of break down everything that's in the server and all that stuff but not in this video maybe we'll talk about something like that in another video so what i want you guys to pay attention is pay attention to is this section right here especially this part right here so i'm going to move um kind of a little bit to the back right here we're going to talk about this guy right here now you notice that there's kind of like four kind of there's that kind of there's four ports here ethernet ports here that's used for the internet coming directly into the server and of course i like color coordinated my or kind of my marvel color um so that's used for different different in the pro coming from um coming into the server and you can do teaming if you want to here but let's not pay attention to this guy right here let's pay attention to this guy right here so this is the idrac port right here this is the hydraulic ethernet port right here so if you look a little bit closer you can see it says i drag on it so this is where you will connect your ethernet cable and you connect it to your isp or whatever you have giving internet to your eye drag now one of the things to keep in mind is that a lot of people or when people set up idrac they set it up they have one separate setup for or isp coming into their idrac server and then they have another separate line another separate isp or a separate line coming into the ethernet port themselves now the reason for that is that if this is offline you're still able to get into the server and kind of make adjustments or turn things off or do whatever you need to do that's ideal because you keep them separated that's an ideal way of doing it because when it's separated you can say hey even if this is down i can still go into my server i can still see what's going on and of course if the this is down on this part then you might not be able to get into it but at this point in time you'll be able to get into the server and might be able to play around with things and make things right so that's the way some people do it they just kind of have different separate component in terms of isp for each section so when i speak coming in here and when it's coming in here but that's what i wanted you guys to see right here is first let's take a look at the ports which is the idrac ports here this is where you connect it and again i wanted you guys to know that or realize that it's separated from your regular ethernet ports or your regular ports here your nic your server nic here it's totally separated from this ethernet port that you have for the eye drag now moving on to the inside this is kind of the idrac controller section so this is kind of a section in itself as i said earlier in the video it's kind of a hardware in itself that kind of just sits right here and it in a way it's separated from the all of the the server itself right it has his own web interface it has his own kind of let's say os so to speak it it's not really on the words but it's a web interface it has its own that kind of web interface os that runs on its own even when the server is off so when you connect it when the server is completely off as long as there's a power that's important to remember so when they say that the server is off they still have to be power connected to it if there's no power connected to it i know it's kind of a trivial thing to say of course you're not going to be able to access um the idrac but as long as there's a power cable connected to it you should be able to get to this guy because it's separated from the rest of the system so this is what i wanted you guys to see you have your kind of component your hardware your idrac hardware component that's on the motherboard that allows you that acts as a remote manager and allows you to control things to turn things up to run bios update to run a whole bunch of updates that you want to run on your server without even having to really mess around with the server os as a whole or whatever you have in my case i type on hypervisor on the server itself so when you want to do buy yours update when you want to do this update when you want to do firmware update you don't necessarily have to turn the server on and be like hey let me go in there and do this now you just go into your idrac and then you're able to upload all of those files and you're able to do whatever it is that you want to do so that's pretty much what i wanted to show you guys the hardware part of things this is what it looks like and this is where you connect it just keep in mind that it's a little bit diff different from this one depending on the server that you have it's a little bit different from this nic that we have over here gonna do one last zoom and that's pretty much it now that we understand the hardware part of things let's talk about ip let's talk about because that's very important let's talk about how we're going to get this online even before we turn it on before we start setting up things in there let's talk about how we're going to reach this how we're going to get it online okay so now that we understand what an idrac is we've taken a look at where i drug is physically located on the motherboard i want to talk ip address right so i'm going to go with an analogy here bear with me for a second hopefully this makes sense so a dhcp or a dhcp server or whatever it is that's giving out dhcp on your network a dhcp basically is like the service on your network right that gives that ip address to everything on your network so basically the way it works bear with me this analogy hopefully it makes sense is that you come to me you come into my home or you come into my network and you say hey um i'm looking for the person that's giving out ip address i want to borrow an ip address and the dhcp i'm the dhcp server and i say hey i'm the guy that gives out ip address do you want one and then like yeah yeah i want one and then i said here you go here's uh ip address and then you look at it like okay i like this ip address i want to keep it and then you send me a message back and i'm like oh okay you're going to keep it here's the time that you can keep this ip address for all right great analogy it's the time that you can keep this id address for when this time is over i'm going to check back with you and say hey do you still want to keep this ip address or if you're not online i'm going to be like hey since you're not online i'm just going to take this ip address and then get it ready for somebody else that's going to come into my network and i'm going to give it to them and say here's an ip address and the reason why i'm doing this analogy is because this is very important when it comes to your idrac if your idrac is set up so that it automatically picks up an ip address that ip address is always going to change either when the list is over or when the device turned off for a while and you turn it back on it's going to pick up a new ip address now the problem with that is that that's going to cause you some headache because every time the ip address change on your idrac you cannot access the web interface you have to go into your dhcp or go into other services to find out what the ip address is for your idrac and that's not the way to set up your i directly where you want to set up your idrac is that you want to set it up a static ip address a static ip address means that you tell whatever is giving out dhcp on your network to say hey this ip address you can only assign it to this ip to this device right that is called dhcp reservation so it's where you reserve an ip address and say this ip address no matter if the computer or the device turned off for like forever do not assign it to anything else other than this device that has this mac address so that's one way to do it to assign a static ip address right so you don't have to physically go into other idrac itself and then change the settings and change it to a static ip address because in that case you've already told you've already told whatever it is that's given out dhcp on your network whatever is giving that ip on your network you tell them that hey this ip address is always going to belong to this device so if the device goes offline the device do this the device do that it doesn't matter once that device comes on it checks in for an ip address your dhcp server or your dhcp service look at it and it says oh i know you this is your mac address you get this ip address so that's one way to set up an ip address for your idrac controller you said uh dhcp reservation the other way to do it as well is again whatever it is that's giving out dhcp on your server on your i mean on your network you can set a range of ip address so you can go from say hey from 1 to 10 when you're setting up your your dhcp service you can say hey from 1 to 10 i do not want you to assign this ip address at all so when you are giving out ip address when you listen out ip address from 1 to 10 do not ever list out that ip address and that block of number you can use whenever you want to set whenever you want to set a static ip address to something and then in this case what you're going to do is you're going to go into your idrac which is what we're going to do and then you're going to set up your idrac as one of those static ip address so what's going to happen is that since the static ip address is set on your idrac when the device come back on it's always going to be that ip address and since that your dhcp service is not assigning that ip address inside inside of your scope right you your dhcp is always that ip address is always going to be available for your dhcp to be to give it to your idrac device i hope this makes sense um the whole the moral of the story is that it's better to either do a dhcp reservation or to set a static ip address for your device when you say hey your dhcp service don't give out this range of ip address and then set one of those ip address on your on your um idrac controller so now i understand that part that part is very crucial because we don't want the ipad just to change all the time because if it does then it's going to be a headache let's go ahead and initiate the setup let's take a look at how we're going to set a static ip address and let's um dive into it and see what uh we need to do to get our hands dirty okay guys so let's go ahead and finally set up i drag so all the things that we've talked about we're gonna see it apply here on this section of this video so this is where we're gonna put up the server right now as you can see there's no signal because the server is not put up so in your case you're probably physically in front of the server you have your keyboard you have your mouse you have your monitor connected in my case i'm remoting to the server uh i'm actually using i drag but i don't want you to worry about that right now just pretending in front of the server and you putting it up and this is your first time and we're going to go through the process of looking at high track and looking at all this other stuff that you have to look at so i'm going to go ahead and put it up and we're going to go through the whole the whole process together okay again you're in front of your computer right now you have your keyboard in your mouse and you have everything in front of you so what i'm going to do is i'm going to just pull up the keyboard here all right and then what we're going to do i'm going to drag this down so you guys can see it's going on and i'm going to turn on the server so let me go ahead and put up the server here and then we're going to go from there so the server is booting up now if you can hear it in the background it's already making its beautiful sound when it puts up so it's configuring configuring memory um so what we're gonna do if you have a keyboard and mouse in front of you you're gonna pretend this is your keyboard and you're gonna do what i'm doing so you're gonna press f12 f11 f2 in this case i think it's f2 for the server and there's two ways we can get to those two and i'll talk about it but let's give it a couple of minutes let it do its thing and we're gonna go we're gonna go through the whole setup you know the stuff that we talked about uh dhcp assignment uh you know the esp reservation and all that stuff we're gonna i'm gonna explain this concept here a lot better so it's easier to understand all right so you can hear it initializing eye track you can hear it in the background a couple of minutes you're going to see something up here that says hey you can press f2 or f11 there you go so we want f2 and you can also press f10 as well to get into the live circle controller in there you'll be able to configure eye drag as well but for now we're going to go raw and dirty we're just going to go right into it and be able to just get into the buyers and make some changes in the changes that we want to make and i'm going to explain to you all the things that we talked about uh in the previous section of this video so it's doing this thing it's loading all right so remember when it came up you press f2 right don't forget that when it was loading it would press f2 again you can also press f10 to get into the lifecycle controller and be able to change things around as well i have to get into the bios setup which is where we want to get to all right the parents are enter system setup all right okay so now we're in system setup we don't necessarily need this keyboard mouse anymore i'm just going to use the up and down arrow and if you have your keyboard in front of you that's what you're going to use i'm going to go ahead and go full screen here so it makes it easier for you guys to see so you're basically going to use your up and down arrow to navigate escape to go back now it might be tricky because if i'm fold it's going to press escape it's probably going to go take the whole thing off of full screen but we'll see so what we want to do the obvious part here we want to go into i drag settings i want to click on that and in here you can see that you can set a whole bunch of stuff you can change a whole bunch of things that you want you can change stuff with a live cycle controller if you want to a whole bunch of settings that you want to change you can change it in here for i drag but the first thing i'm going to talk about is all the way down here so this little guy right here if you're looking at us this guy right here it says reset i drag configuration to default now this is very important to do because if you get your eye dragging your eye drug is already configured you want to reset it to default so it reset to the default password it changed your whole bunch of things that were already put in place so you've already somebody already have a static ip in there you want to change that because it can be a headache if somebody already have a static ip in there and you just don't know how to set it up or you don't know how to go and change it which i'm going to show you guys here by the way and you don't just want to deal with that so what you want to do you want to do reset for eye drag i reset i drag configuration to default it's going to reset it to default it's going to go back to the way it was when he came out of the factory when the the server came out of the factory and it's probably going to be set to dhcp so that's one thing to keep in mind if you want to make that change um i highly recommend it also reset the password as well so you can go back to the default password um the the idrac default password which you can look up online and then be able to log in so what you want to do now that we've understand that the next place you want to go to is network again if you want to play around with any of the settings you're welcome to do so uh just be careful make sure you're aware of what you're changing before you change it read up on it understand it before you change it what we're looking for is network settings so we want to go into network settings now i'm going to talk about a couple of things in here and this is a kind of reflective of some of the things that we talked about earlier in this video like the the ip part this is mostly going to reflect to affect the the ip part of this video that we talked about so a lot of it is going to make sense here a lot of this a lot of the things that we'll talk about it's going to make sense here when we're physically in front of it and explaining it to you guys so the first thing that we'll notice is that the nic is enabled this is kind of a nick on the eye track itself we're going to notice that it's enabled right and then one of the things that we want to keep in mind um before i get into the ip part of thing is this part right here so this let me just go down there to blue this guy right here right this is the marker address this this this mac address this is the mac address for this idrac device this is very important because this is what i was talking about when i say if you want to do a dhcp reservation you need the mac address of this device and this is the guy that you need so then you can go into whatever is giving out dhcp on your server and then you can say hey this mac address always get this ip address and you reserve that ip address for this mac address so if you want to do that which i think it's ideal as well because it keeps things organized you can go into your dhcp and you'll be able to see all of your stuff that are that have a dhcp reservation and then you can say oh okay this is what the ip address is in case you forget the ip address right you'll be able to see this alarm organizes a lot more cleaner and it just it makes life easier as well too you go into your dhcp service you go into whatever is given at dhcp and as long as you label it then you'll be able to look at it and be like hey oh okay so this is the mac address for the server i mean for the for the um for the idrac controller and this ip address is what is assigned to it and keep in mind that this mic address is different from the server's mac address itself because this belongs to the idrac server and this is how you assign a static ip address to this idrac controller itself okay so that takes care of the first part that we talk about when we say um you know dhcp reservation so you will need this to do the reservation because that's how you tell your dhcp to always assign a specific ip address to this mac address so moving down again all of the settings you can play around with but i want to kind of go to the main part for you guys so i don't beat around the board so if we go down a little bit more you're going to see what we're looking for here this is where the magic happens all right so remember when i tell you that you can either say hey well first of all we have ipv6 enable ipv4 enable turn on ipv6 ipv4 enable right enable dhcp you notice that i have dhcp disabled so this is what i was talking about so if dhcp is enabled here you can click on it and you're going to get this little box if dhcp is enabled here what's going to happen is that every time you turn off the server for a while and the server turns back on the server is going to pick up a new um ip address and that's what we don't want right oh when you initially turn off turn on your server you reset it to factory configuration it's most likely going to be able to pick up uh ip address from your dhcp service or whatever is giving that dhcp on your network so we want to turn that off right we want to make sure it's disabled and as we come down here in my case you notice that my ip address for my idrac is now granted that um you can see this ip address here now let me be clear uh i just wanted to kind of because this is very important for you guys to understand if we go back up here for a second let's go back up right if i set this in whatever is given at http on my server and i say hey this mac address always get this ip address right then i don't have to worry about all this configuration on the server itself in here i don't even have to touch it anymore so if i set this in my dhcp service and say this mac address always get one specific ip address then you can leave this down here to dhcp because it doesn't matter if it's dhcp when your um your idrac controller request uh uh ip address from whatever it is that's given that dhcp on your network that service is going to look at him like oh yeah i have you on my list as someone that has a reservation and it's always going to get that ip address so if you set a reservation then you don't have to worry about turning this off you can leave that on you can leave that enable and then just walk away that's it you don't even have to come in here so if you have a reservation just remember that i just wanted to kind of make that clear you don't have to come in here because your dhcp service is going to be doing all the work for you it's going to assign only your ip address for you it's going to look at it be like oh your mac address oh there you go you have this this is what we have reserved for you all the time always and you don't have to come in here but if you don't which in my case that i don't then you have to come in here and then disable and then come down here and then click on that and then set aesthetic ip address this is the other way that i was talking about and this is the way that i kind of i'm used to doing it i like doing it a little bit it's not ideal i mean i think it's better to have a dhb reservation because then you can keep track of things but i keep track of things anyways when in my network um from one well one is your default gateway but from two to thirty is not a sign so that means that that's out of my dhcp scope my dhcp service doesn't does not assign anything outside of anything from 2 to 30 to any device right it doesn't assign it unless i have that device set to static which in this case is the hydra controller so i have 25 so what i did i was like okay well i want to use that's outside of my dhcp scope so that means that my dhcp my data chip is never going to assign that ip address to anything on the device but there's anything on my network bought this device and this device is always going to have this ip address i like doing that because it just gives me a range and it allows me to play around with a like a little bit more range and be able to say oh it has to be one of this ip address one two thirty player hourly i don't i don't have to go into a service to find out what the ip address is so that's that's the way that i do it so that's the other way that we talked about and of course you're going to need so we can get out of that you're going to need your um uh you got out of course you're going to need your the full screen got that let me go back full screen you're going to need your um your default gateway the default giveaway is always the first ip address on your network not unless you change it you can change it but it's always the first ips address on your network so you want to enter the ones and you're going to need your subnet if you don't notice two things what you can do whatever device you have on your network you can just go in and click here you can just go in there into command line and type in ipconfig or ipconfig all be able to give you all of this information in terms of like your default gateway or your um your subnet static subnet mask or your subnet mask um if you set up your network you should be already familiar with these two things so as far as configuring your eye dragon all the things that we talked about this is how you do it right this is how you set up the i drag this is how you set up the ip address now one of the things to keep in mind you have to remember this ip address because this is how we're going to access the web interface so make sure you remember this ip address and now we're going to go to the next step where we're going to access the web interface okay guys so now that we've set up our idrac we've done everything that we need to do the next thing that we need to do is navigate to the ip address the static ip or whatever it is that you do that we set up for uh i drive controller and the way you want to do that is you want to go to whatever browser that you use in chrome internet explorer or in my class safari just keep in mind that depending on the browser that you're using they might ask you to download some stuff they might actually do some things i'm using so far so it doesn't ask me to do anything and you want to type that ip address whatever it is that you set up for your static ip you just you want to type that ip address in here because remember mine was 192.1682.25 and all you have to do is click enter once you do and it's going to take you to this little guy right here so this is the web interface this is the google interface for digest controller this is where the extra magic happened right so if you set up everything right and you've got everything the way it's supposed to set up you should see this little guy right here that looks like this now for the username and password you have to check the default username and password you can look this up in google you can look this up anywhere and say what is the default password for idrac and it should be able to give it to you once you get in there of course then you can change that and make changes to it and change whatever it is that you want to do so once you do that all you have to do is click submit initially when you set this up i've already set this up it's going to go through a process it's going to ask you to change the path so it's going to actually do a whole bunch of other stuff that's fine just go through it and then once you're done you're going to log in and if you want to come back to the screen it's going to look like this and in my class i'm just going to click submit and it's going to log me in so once you click submit it's going to take its take some time to verify some things and then once it does and voila we are in idrac now this is i drag this is where all of the the beautiful extra magic happen this is where you can control your server i remotely be able to launch um a little secret a little a little little cigarette here like the old versions that we just went through when you set up the the hydra controller in the first place that the dhcp i did it through um i dragged but just just that just comes to show you the power of it so you can do a whole bunch of stuff here you can change stuff you can get information about your server you can get logs you can turn the server off or on uh you can turn on the led light so for those of you guys that work in a data center you know what this is you can turn it on so it's that blinking so you know where it is you can make a whole bunch of settings in here so if you have to update something if you have to like update your drivers you can do it in here you can see some of the jobs that are incurred as you can see i did a buyer's update so you can do a whole bunch of stuff in here that you want to do or anything that you want to update on the server without having to physically go into the server itself you can go to log it gives you all the log information about your server you go to power terminal it gives you a little bit of power information i mean power usage your power usage and the server and a whole bunch of stuff as well and it gives you sub information that you want to know about power so it's a very powerful tool gives you a whole bunch of information that you need uh you can go to virtual console and it gives you all the information about your virtual console you go to alerts if you want to set alerts for things you can set them here a setup you can go into a normal boat and anything that you want to set up in here you should be able to set it up so it gives you all of this option that you can put into troubleshooting license gives you a license for your server trojan it gives you a whole bunch of a whole bunch of information um that you that you need uh this is telling me that the chassis is closed which is you know kind of know that uh hijack settings this is where you will come in and change your i drag if you want to change your hydraulic settings you don't want to do it in a buyer set up this is where you come in and then make all that changes in here so you want to change the ip address if you want to change current stuff or different from what you already have in here you can come in here and make that change in here hardware it gives you information about your hardware your batteries your fence your cpu if i was to click on that it would give me a little bit of information about my cpu tells me what cpu i have or the core uh what are the core account on the cpu i mean so much information it gives you so much information if i go to fan if i go to fan it tells me all of my fans are working correctly they're working the way they're supposed to work i got a memory it tells me all of my memories are working the way they're supposed to work and it tells me how much memory i have um power supply tells me my power supply are doing okay and this is where if you're doing server maintenance this is some of the things that you can come into and just click hey hardware and then just check on it and then make sure your stuff is filling it's funny because recently at my job one of the drive uh and the red controller was failing and going into something like this will allow you to be able to see it and say hey what's going on with my storage what's going on with this and it tells you that hey yeah that's failing you need to change it that kind of thing and of course storage gives you a breakdown of your storage it gives you all of your storage your physical disk and it tells you more about it let me give you a virtual desk uh you click on that it gives you all your storage and it tells you if one of them is failing it gives you a little bit more information when you click on the drop down so if you have something like dell support or some sort of support system warranty they normally ask for information like this so this is where you come in and get the information that they request to troubleshoot it so as far as the eye drop go guys that's pretty much it we've talked about it from the beginning we've talked about what i drag is we've talked about how uh to make sure you set up things correctly we will look at the physical device on the machine itself on on the server motherboard itself we've looked uh going into detail about how to set it up and we've kind of gone through the whole hydrax in itself so that's pretty much all i got for you guys today i want to try to make more videos like this awesome videos are coming i have a lot of ideas for the channel so that's pretty much all i got for today so i will see you guys in the next one thank you for watching the video guys if this video helped you out in some way make sure you hit that thumbs up button and help support the video so more people can see it if you do like content like this i try my very best to come out with one video every single week so make sure you hit that subscribe button and turning your notification below so you can be notified every time i come out with awesome content like this this channel is all about learning it's about growing it's about failing so if you fall into that category and you want to learn you want to grow with me you want to fail with me and figure out things hit that subscribe button turn your notifications so you don't miss a thing if you do want to see other of my cool videos that i've put out you can check out my playlist it's probably somewhere here or you can head over to my channel again thank you guys for watching i will see you guys next week as always do not forget to stay geeking peace
Channel: Koroma Tech
Views: 4,296
Rating: 4.9716311 out of 5
Keywords: poweredge, dell poweredge, dell poweredge r620 idrac setup, idrac, dell idrac, tutorial idrac, howto idrac, idrac howto, idrac firmware, idrac initial setup, setup idrac, setting up idrac, setting idrac ip address, idrac setup r610, remote install idrac, idrac virtual media, idrac remote install, how to update bios and idrac 9, idrac default password, idrac setup, idrac setup dell, dell, idrac setup dell server, idrac tutorial, idrac configuration
Id: pJT3Dx894fU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 46sec (1906 seconds)
Published: Sun May 30 2021
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