Proxmox Install - The Best Free Hypervisor of 2021

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interested in having an enterprise hypervisor environment using proxmox if so this video is for you [Music] so what i'm first going to do is i'm going to download the proxmox iso burn it to a usb drive that way i can install it and in this video i've got three hp 6 z620s and i'm going to install them as proxmox one two and three and then from there they'll be 42 and 43. now i have all local disks but when i'm done i'm going to set up a hyper converge where it's shared storage using local disk it's kind of neat so that's what this video is going to show let's start with getting proxmox installed so i've googled proxmox download i'm going to click on the first link which goes to i'm going to go to proxmox virtual environment iso images and download whatever the latest iso installer is from there i tend to build a usb image using a tool called rufus so this is from i've already got it installed on my box and i already have proxmox downloaded so i'm going to launch rufus and then from here i'm going to select my iso image proxmox and in here let's make sure everything's selected properly i already selected that now this is mbr not gpt bios for unifi ufi nodes in here i'm just leaving the default labels my usb drives already selected i'm hit start now it's going to recommend iso image mode but if you do that you won't be able to boot to it at least not for proxmox so i'm going to do it with the dd image mode hit ok it's warning me it's gonna wipe everything off the usb that's fine hit okay and this will take just a second but it's going to load the iso onto this usb and what i'm going to do once this is done is i'm going to unplug it from my host put it in one of the physical boxes and start the installer now i'm going to record the install on the one box and i'm going to repeat it on the second third i'm just not going to record that because it'll be the exact same let's just instead of proxmox one it'll be proximax two and three and instead of one nine two one six eight zero forty one it'll be forty two and forty three respectively so i'm doing three host you don't have to for the hyper-converged storage you kind of need to um but if you're just doing virtual machines on a hypervisor proxmox standalone on a single box works great but i also like the concept of having multiple of them so i have three hp c620s i'm using give this a moment to finish up almost done and then what i like to do is i like to nicely dismount this as well so i'm gonna hit close and i'm going to find my little usb icon and i'm going to safely remove it there we go now i'm going to grab it put it in my first box there we go now what i'm going to do is i've got a capture card that's going to let me monitor what's happening with this so i'm going to reboot this box and i will record this through here and yes i'm being weird using a live stream application for this but it just happens to work source projector full screen three there we go now there we go box is gonna start rebooting and then i'm gonna boot to the usb and then i should hopefully be able to get this installed the z620s take just a moment to restart there it goes i'm gonna get the sucker to boot to usb stick there it goes now i'm just gonna do the default which is the top option and here's where you'll know if it's gonna boot correctly or not so basically what it's doing is it's looking to see where it is looks like it found it it's basically going through each hard drive until it finds the flash drive at this point it's going to start to boot up to the installer and i'll walk you through this but it's fairly self-explanatory here we go first off do we agree with the eula you should always read the eula uh uh i agree there we go from here it's going to ask me which hard drive i want to install this on i've got a few in here i'm going to install it on let's do this one next my country i'm just gonna start typing it because i don't have a mouse plugged into here time zone for me is chicago i'm on central time put in whatever password you want no i'm not sharing my password with you and i'm going to put my email address in here from here i'm going to set a host name i'm going to call mine proxmox proxmox1 dot i'm going to do tyrell actually i need to validate my domain here real quick because sometimes for whatever reason even though i should know better than this uh i don't type it right [Laughter] and while i'm making a recording i'm killing two birds with one stone so here we go and then i'm also going to i p address this good i'm just finishing checking my name to make sure it's correct that looks good let's try this a little differently now i'm not typing yet i'm just still trying to validate my domain yep i've got it correct all right my next box will be 42 and then my last box will be 43. my gateway for my environments is that and i'm just going to use cloudflare for right now later i'll probably add a secondary dns and that's it that's the installer so i'm going to let this finish on the first one and when it's done i'll pause the video for a second i'm going to repeat it on two and three and then we'll come back because once this is done the system will reboot and i should be able to https to the ip of the box once it's online so we'll let this install go and then again i'm going to rinse and repeat this on the other two boxes okay this point the system's gonna automatically reboot and once i finish the other two boxes i'll boot to that ip link that displayed on the screen so hold that thought we'll come back and finish configuring these all right so at this point i have proxmox 1 2 and 3 installed but they're not configured so as you can see here i can connect each of these over port 8006 and i also can connect to it over ssh that's just by default so i'm going to go ahead and log into each of these you'll notice every time you log into the web interface you're going to get you do not have a valid subscription that's because it's just their nice way of saying hey if you want a subscription go here to pay that's fair because right now i'm just using free so i'm just going to hit okay should be able to get into each of these and we're going to start making a few changes here the hardest one is really the networking so i'm going to go click on my cluster i'm going to click under network and you can see right now i'm on a single bridge with a single port n01 when really what i want to do is have some redundancy by having at least two ports active now my servers are not all the same physically i mean same cpus same ram i think one of mine actually has a bad memory dim but whatever but if you look at the nicks like these two look the same but my third one i only have the built-in on board i only have two but regardless i want each of my servers to have two nicks in a bond that is then bridged so it's a little confusing because i'm using a general mode port it's basically a trunk port but with a default vlan if one's not specified which is my 192 1680 network so before i do that let's go and just check out dns i have one time server right now i'm going to edit this not time server one dns server and i want to give myself a secondary dns server on all of these i always like to have two that's just a quirk of mine i just feel you should always have at least two dns servers and then what i'm going to do as i mentioned is i want to make sure i have my time servers correct so i'm clicking over to time edit time zone is correct let's see here i got to figure out i'll do this on the command line and what i'm going to do is i'm also going to do updates but you'll notice when i click here it's probably going to throw an error if i actually try to do an upgrade this by the way will let me drop to a terminal directly from the the gui which is kind of neat i'm going to actually stop that for a second and i'm going to switch to ssh i'm using moba x term really really love this program this is one of those ones i'm always fine paying for it although the free edition is super awesome and what i'm going to do is i'm just going to do a pseudo app update oh ah don't need a pseudo mario route if i do app update watch what happens here i can't something's wrong with the repository and what's happening is by default it's using the enterprise repositories that's not going to work so i need to fix that so what i'm going to do here this is actually on proxmox's page about package repositories this is what's enabled by default but i want these instead also since i'm going to be using ceph for storage i also want this one so i'm going to update it to reflect this so app sources list um we'll check this one first yep and i'm just going to put my own in here at the bottom no that's the whole vim let me do this with nano for a second comment comment comment and multi-faced there we go enter and i also want this one paste and we'll save this and see if i got it in the right spot [Music] so far it's looking pretty good failed to fetch from buster and release not signed [Music] so that is also referenced in here and this is these this should have only been if i was from debian adding this after the fact though let me just validate this real quick let me see which one this is from oh it still has enterprise in here uh let's hear enterprise enterprise i'm gonna guess this is something under d there it is right there i'm gonna remove that and delete so i deleted enterprise which was also in another list and now i shouldn't get that there we go okay i'm also gonna do this i want the full vim otherwise that's where it was doing the extra characters i tend to use vi instead of nano and we'll do a dist upgrade just because i always do that i'm going to install ntp because i want time synchronization and then i'm also going to install a network utility so that i can do changes on the command line without restarting the box so right now it's just doing uh any updates since the install even though i grabbed the latest iso there's usually some updates that need to be installed that's what's being done right now give that a second and then i'm gonna app install if up down to which just allows me to up and down interfaces as i make network changes my almost done there we go i'm also gonna do app install if up down two yes and then i'm gonna install ntp there we go and just because some all right there we go so this is just letting me drop into ntp to see if it's working notice when i type here it's showing me that it is checking in so ntp is working fine uh let's see here closing out of this is i'll just do quit there we go okay so at this point i've got ntp installed i've got updates i've got the repository updated so it's not using enterprise now for the tricky part which is getting the network stack set up all right so what we're going to try to do now is configure the network interfaces i'm going to do this through the gui because it will let me do multiple changes at once so for example example what i want to do is i want to have the bridge interface be a bridge of a bond rather than an interface but i can't create a bond because en01 is something i want added to the bond but it's currently in the bridge so what i'm going to do is i'm going to basically say hey remove that bridge port for a second notice i still have network connectivity even though that shouldn't work because i didn't apply it i'm now going to create a bond i'll just call it bond0 i'm going to set it to eno1 and ensf40 i'm going to set it to active backup i really prefer 802 3ad which your switch has to support and later i'll flip mine to this uh but for now i'm just going to set it to active backup with my primary being one there we go and then i'm going to set the bridge to be a bridge of bond0 and i'm going to make it vlan aware and i'll show you why i'm doing that here in just a second so there's that and now when i hit apply i'm gonna cross my fingers and hope i did this right because if it's done correctly i'll still have access to proxmox one if i did it wrong i don't have access ah looks like it let me go over here if config oh we've got a bond and we have a bridge of that bond so so far so so good all right let's switch to poxmox2 and do the same thing i'm going to edit remove the bridgeport create a bond this will be of eno1 ens4f0 it will be active backup for now with en01 as primary and then i'm going to edit the bridge to be bond 0 and i'm going to mark it as vlan aware again and apply cross my fingers again so later and when i do make my switch set up for link aggregation i'll just change my bond from active backup to link aggregation and i should be good to go i might have to do that a little bit offline or with the spare nic because i'll lose connection as soon as i make the change proxmox3 now i only have two nicks here that's fine these will just use a different pair the bond this time will be eno1 and enp1s0 active backup pno1 still is the primary set my bridge to vlan aware and bridge ports will be bond zero [Music] okay apply yes all right so at this point i've got proxmox configured now what i'm going to do is i'm going to switch to proxmox1 and i'm going to create a cluster so over here i'm going to click on data center i'm going to click on cluster i'm going to create cluster i'm just going to call my cluster proxmox cluster network will be that's fine i'll hit create this is just going to create it with my first node which is proxmox1 and then what i'm going to do with the other two is i'm going to join this give that a second status stopped still in creation there we go okay and click on join information i'm going to need this by i'm going to just click copy go to proxmox2 i'm going to go to datacenter cluster join cluster paste that information put in the password there we go join hopefully this works usually this is pretty seamless well we're getting some errors in the background let's try this again paste i'm wondering if i typed my password wrong nope that's showing up let's just see if i'm just being too quick on the gun here i'm gonna let that one keep going i'm wondering if i'm just getting too click happy over here cluster join paste this time i'm going to let it stay without clicking around everywhere up see and that one went right in login succeeded jordan request okay still getting that in the background let's look at that a second while that's running i'll come over here shows all three nodes there they are if i go to cluster status they're checking in so i think even though i'm getting this i think it's just because i'm in the interface but it's now a member of the cluster so and just to validate that let's do this because at this point now i should be able to log into any of these and manage the cluster so i'm going to re-log into 2 and just see what it looks like after joining cluster looks good it's there yeah so that looks good to go so at this point i have networking set up i have my different servers and i can technically start creating containers or vms by the way the reason i did the vlan aware is when i create a vm now and here if i do this i'm just gonna i'm not gonna actually installing right now i'm just going to show you this when i get over to the network what i can start to do is i can put a vlan tag because it's vlan aware if you want to hard code the list of vlan tags you have to edit in the etsy network interfaces and say these are the only vlans allowed uh for me i'm just going to leave it b which means i can specify any vlan tags i want so i'm not going to create this but just that's why i'm doing the vlan awareness so the only thing i have left that i like to show is i want to try to get my three proxmox servers set up as a ceph cluster for hyper converged storage meaning i'm doing shared disk array across all three using their local disks so let's all right so what i'm going to do now is i'm going to attempt to get my ceph storage set up for hyper converge so for this i'm going to click on ceph and it's going to warn me that ceph is not installed would i like to and yes i would i'm gonna do the 15.2 do start there it goes yes notice again this is just bringing me the terminal within the web gui which is always nice i'll let that install since it's been a while since i've done this i'm also going to check all three nodes to make sure it shows up with ceph installed okay next that's fine this is still on the first one it's going to set that up as a monitor node and the manager next finish so i've got a single node ceph instance which that's great it's not configured yet go to proxmox2 and ceph not installed we can go ahead and install it yes [Music] next this will be a monitor same finish proxmox 3 install yes so right now i'm just getting proxmox on each of the three the other one i think i clicked next before i should have give that just a second there we go that's better that's fine finish i'm gonna click on data center now ceph i've got proxmox1 showing up here we haven't done anything yet i'm going to add a ceph file system just call it uh store one give that a second oh and actually now that i'm think of that i think i put this in the wrong spot so yep connection timeout because i'm in the wrong spot i'll go to proxmox1 chef here we go under configuration now notice this is all here what i need to do is start to create these together so i've got proxmox 1 in here i'm actually going to get proxmox 2 added but notice i'm underneath proxmox1 right now currently i'm going to add all three as monitors and i'm actually going to add all three as managers even though only one manager will ever be active at a time there's that rate three as well now i'm going to grab what discs i'm allowed to use there we go so currently these are the discs i'm not using [Music] so i'm gonna add that automatic oh that might be the one i'm installed on what i might have to do is format these drives first that's what it looks like the issue so storage disks yep they currently have partitions so i am currently using this one for my system so what i'm gonna have to do is erase these drives before it will let me use them one second okay so what i'm going to do real quick is i'm going to pop a shell on this there we go fdisk dev nvme0n1 gonna delete the partition and delete both partitions okay and let's see what i get here okay so that point that doesn't have anything in it i'm just going to see if it'll let me select it now there there we go and create there we go so i'm gonna have to do the same thing through all the disks on each of my physical boxes okay so i'm gonna go back to disks here for a second i need to grab uh sdb and sdc this is just because the disks i've had have been used for other things right and see hopefully be careful i'm going a little fast here i probably shouldn't you want to make sure you don't accidentally if you're doing this overwrite and delete your partitions for proxmox okay so that one should be done go to osd create sdb create and i might run into an issue where i think one of my boxes doesn't have the same amount of disks so i might be careful later when i actually create my stuff cluster or pool there we go okay i'm gonna go to proxmox 2 for a second disks nvme 1 is not in use but i'm using c but not a and b we go i'm just going to make sure this is not being used there's not so quit fdisk dev sda delete right and b delete delete right okay leave mark these as osds there we go and a and then b now keep in mind if you're doing this you have to have minimum of three nodes to be able to create these all together which is what the last step will be so if you don't have that just use local disks iscsi something else you don't have to have shared storage but i'm just showing you how i'm going through and doing this there we go this box is using so here we are using b but not a and c yep right and c okay there we go so this one is -1 disk so create and i think i have that extra disc laying around at some point but i'm just going to move forward with what i've got won't be fully balanced but uh i'll fix it later i just want to show you how how this goes and finish this up so okay so from here i'm going to create a pool i'll just call it default pool auto scale on create there we go i'm going to create a metadata service i'm going to put it on one i tend to just do this on all of them anyway there we go and create the ceph file system go okay so at this point if everything has gone well i should have seth up and functioning three managers monitors metadata servers i've got active clean and i've got my storage which means i should be able to create a vm using the ceph storage creating a virtual machine for now i'm just going to act like it's default graphics hard disk default pool got my storage versus my local disks so at this point looks like it's working and i should be able to create it so now i've got three servers proxbox one two three i've got bonded nics and i have ceph hyper converge storage i can fine tune the settings if you want to change like the the uh pages or anything like that with seth you can fine tune that definitely want to read about that but at this point i have a fully functional proxmox cluster one more thing because it keeps popping my head i do want to show you about how to get isos uploaded in here so that you can use them because by default it's a little weird it kind of confused me so let me show you that one more thing we'll deploy a test virtual machine and go from there all right so the last thing i want to just mention is when you go to deploy a virtual machine it references isos and it's kind of confusing like where do you download and put those and so i'm just going to show you real quick if i go to data center and then i click on storage notice under content if it says iso image that's where it's getting those isos from in fact the local disks i'm not going to use for iso so i could technically turn that off just check it hit ok so my isos can only come from my set fs which is the path here and since it's the shared ceph file system it's on all three proxmox nodes that means what i needed to do was browse with some type of sftp client or wget the isos to this path it's that cancel it's the the storage that it shows here mount pvc template iso and i need to place my isos there that way when i create a virtual machine like let's say i'm going to create a virtual machine i'm going to call this dc01 because i actually want to deploy this i have my isos now server 2019 and then i can change this windows and go from there so if you're going to be doing a bunch of installations you need iso images that's how you would reference them so hopefully you've enjoyed this video on how to get proxmox installed i hope this helps because again we've got three servers we did bonded nics we had time we had updated the dns we created ceph storage and i showed you how to do the the free subscription repositories and you know hopefully this was helpful and if not well don't watch it next time so if you have any questions throw them out uh otherwise hopefully this helps you get your lab up and going with proxmox
Channel: H & A Security Solutions
Views: 20,234
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Proxmox, hyperconvereged, hypervisor, install
Id: FwD93E4Jijk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 53sec (2273 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 25 2021
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