Proxmox VE Full Course: Class 15 - Clustering

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[Music] thank you so much for checking out learn linux tv your source for linux related fun and learning i just love making this content for you guys but making such content isn't cheap if you enjoy my content please consider supporting me by becoming a patron as a patron you'll enjoy ad-free versions of every video that i upload and also as specific tiers you'll also enjoy early access to select videos before the rest of the world but even if you're not able to support me by becoming a patron no problem there's other ways to help you can simply click the like button on the videos that you enjoy that would help out in addition to that word of mouth helps as well so if you are enjoying my content please help spread the learning by telling your friends and co-workers about the channel if you're looking for something to read well you're in luck i write books and you can check out my latest books at books are you looking for help for your linux server related projects or are you a business that has a linux related project that you're working on and you need another set of hands well you're in luck go to request hyphen assistance there you can check out my schedule and consider hiring me to help you out with all of that out of the way let's go ahead and get started with today's video [Music] hello and welcome back to my proxmox course this is actually class number 15 and i've been looking forward to this one because we're actually going to set up our very own cluster of more than one proxmox server now i do understand that some of you guys out there you might not have the spare hardware to follow along maybe you only have one server and that's okay you can still watch this video and i'll show you how to create a cluster so that way if you do actually bring in a new server at some point in the future you'll be able to cluster it if nothing else clustering is awesome and that's what we're going to be taking a look at so let's go ahead and dive right in all right guys so let's get started with the process of setting up a cluster now to be clear i want to mention that in this video we are talking about clustering only not high availability yes high availability is part of clustering but we're going to tackle that specifically in the next video in this video i'm going to be adding these three servers that you see on the screen right now i have each one in a different tab in my browser so off camera i set up two other servers so i'll be adding those other two servers to the cluster and then i'll show you how to actually migrate a virtual machine from one host to another in the next video it's more of the same but just a little bit more advanced now i do understand that many of you guys out there you probably don't have access to three different servers especially for those of you that are using proxmox in a home lab maybe you only have one server so it's okay if you can't follow along and set up a cluster on your own but by watching this video if nothing else you'll at least see what the process looks like so like i mentioned off camera i went ahead and installed proxmox on this node right here and this node right here so we have the servers let's go ahead and cluster them so i like to start on the first server here now what we could do is jump straight into creating a cluster right now but there's something that i like to do first before i do that just to make sure the process is smoother and what that is is that i want to make sure that the same networks that i set up on the first server are available on the second so if you recall here's my first server so here in the network section we have this interface right here this is the original interface the one that we set up when we set up proxmox originally so it came with it so to speak and then in a later video we created this bridge right here vmbr1 the idea being that virtual machines will use this network and then the management layer will use this network now obviously whether or not these two networks are truly separated depends on your firewall which i'm not going to get into but at least that's the purpose for why i created this other network but the issue though is if i was to go to pve 2 for example i don't actually have another network set up here i only have vmbr0 and that's the same here and server number three is very different than the other two the first two servers are my actual proxmox production servers that i just wanted to wipe and redo anyway which you know really helped out with the creation of this series but anyway i actually have just one network here as well now you can cluster these hosts right now without doing anything at all it's just a best practice that i like to do to set up the same network on each so what i'm going to do is go here and because i'm lazy whoops wrong one [Music] it's this one right here because i'm lazy i am going to copy the subnet i'm not actually going to make any changes but i'll go over here to the second server i'll create another bridge and i'm going to type in the name of the other interface here so first i want to paste in the subnet citer and the ports that i'm going to bridge right here i'm going to add enp 5s0 i'm not going to fill in any of the other fields here that's actually enough i'll click create so now we have that other bridge and it's going to require a reboot but i want to do the same thing over here on this other node this node in particular doesn't actually have 10 gig ethernet and i want to mention that because we are going to be doing live migration so obviously any migrations to server number 3 are going to be slower than migrations to and from server one and server two but that's just an aside what i want to do for sure is add that other network so eth0 is already used so i'm going to use eth1 again i'll create a bridge i'll paste in the cider and i'll type eth1 right here for that interface alright so now that i've added this network to the other host i can go ahead and reboot them and as a quick aside you might be wondering why did i go through all that trouble well the reason why is because over here on this server even though i do plan on deleting these virtual machines and recreating them anyway they're actually using the vm network that i set up right here so if i cluster these and then i try to move a vm from this server over to another server that doesn't have that network set up that's not going to work so just to make it easier on myself i'm essentially setting up that other network ahead of time on the other two servers before i actually cluster them and you know what i'm not going to reboot them what i'm going to do instead is just apply the configuration that should be good enough so i'm going to do that on both and i did get an error message right there this test server is a new server to me just to be on the safe side i'm going to reboot it and then i'll go ahead and reboot this one as well just want to be on the safe side i don't think that was necessary but you know what i think that's going to work out just fine so i'll be right back i'll give these servers a few minutes to start back up and then once they do i'll go ahead and show you guys how to set up a cluster alright so enough time has passed the servers have rebooted they're back in action let's get right into it so what i'm going to do is go over here to pve one and i'm going to click on data center now first of all notice that each of these tabs right here they have their own server as the only server listed so for pve 3 we have a data center view we have pv3 and of course we have pve 2 right here so even though i have a data center option on each these are three separate data centers these servers are not linked in any way the only thing that they have in common is that one server can ping another one but aside from that there's no relation but anyway on server number one in data center view what we could do is click on cluster and we don't have a cluster yet so we can simply create one so for the name i'll just call it pve and then hyphen cluster and i'm going to leave this ip address right here alone that's the correct ip address i'll just click create and it says ok so now we have a cluster the cluster exists here on this server pve1 this is still the only node in this cluster so by creating a cluster we're basically saying that we intend on adding other hosts to the cluster but we have to actually add those hosts to make it a cluster so what you'll do is you'll click join information right here and you absolutely should not show this right here in the open in the clear because this is private information right here so you don't want this fingerprint to leak out into the public so i'll click copy information that should be enough so i'll go over here to the second server then i'll go here to data center view on this server right here i'll click on cluster and this time i'm going to click on join cluster and i'll paste the cluster info right here the same info that i actually copied to the clipboard earlier so i just pasted that in it autofilled the ip address for me which is pretty cool and right here what i need to do is type the root password for the first server which i've done so i will join the cluster now sometimes you might not see output right here but if you go to the first server and then you open up the task view here at the bottom you should see a message here that the join cluster has a status of okay so i don't know why this happens here why we don't see anything it is what it is so we can safely ignore that now i'll refresh the page let's log back in now notice that i have both of the servers listed right here if i go back to pve one i also have both servers listed here let's go ahead and go to pve 3 and let's add that server to the cluster so i'm just going to do the exact same thing i'll paste in the information right here i'll type in the magic password let's join the cluster and i don't know why this happens as you can see i'm seeing output on this server but the second server there's no output at all when i added that one to the cluster it is what it is sometimes you see output and sometimes you don't i'm actually glad that the other server didn't show any output so you can see what i'm talking about but anyway i'll close this and then i'll refresh the page and now we have all three servers and regardless of which ip address for the host we type in for the management console we should see each of the servers on the list and i do so we have pve one two and three so we have a few containers running here and we also have a few virtual machines as well so what i want to do is actually show you guys a migration migrating a vm from one server to another so i need to get the ip address for this server right here i actually don't need the ip address but it just makes it cooler you'll see what i mean in a minute so we have so what i'm going to do is switch over to a terminal and what i'm going to do is actually ping that server and now i have a continuous ping going to that server so what i'm going to do is live migrate this server right here over to pve 2. if i expand pve 2 you'll see that it doesn't actually have any vms at all one thing that's pretty cool though is that it has both of the nfs shares mounted that we set up in an earlier video i didn't have to go to the other servers and manually set those up since i joined them to the cluster it synchronized that over to the other servers as far as what this is right here true nas backups don't worry about that i was just restoring some backups earlier to test it out that's why i have this home assistant server right here i was just restoring one of my own vms just to test out the backup testing out backups is a great thing to do it has nothing to do with this series so we could safely ignore that anyway let's go ahead and migrate the server but wait a minute this server right here is not using shared storage i do have shared storage right here but if i go to the hardware tab and then i go to the hard disk you can see that the hard disk is stored in local lvm so this server is not using shared storage at all and you know what i don't have any intention at least right now of setting that up i'll probably do that in the next video i mean yeah we have pve shared right here but i'm not actually using that quite yet now what's really cool is that proxmox supports migration even without shared storage so what that means is that you don't actually have to implement shared storage you can actually go direct from one server to another it's going to copy the blocks from the local storage on server one to the local storage on server 2. now a migration is going to take a lot longer this way if you do have shared storage then it's super fast but you might have some dropped packets here it is what it is but it's pretty cool that proxmox still allows you to migrate a server even when you haven't set up shared storage just yet anyway we can see if i go down here that it's still responding to pings i'm curious to see how many pings are dropped during this process let's find out so i'll right click on the server and i'll click migrate and here i get to choose which of the hosts i want to migrate the server to i'm going to migrate it to pve-2 and the reason why i'm choosing that particular server is because it uses an ssd so it has fast storage and it also has 10 gig ethernet as well so it should be fairly fast at least considering that i don't have shared storage so i'll choose that one for target storage i'll just make sure that it's also going to the same storage or at least the same named storage local lvm that same storage exists on the others that's local to pve two so i'm going from pve one to pve two so this server here should drop down and be available here on the second host now one problem that we have is that it has a cloud init disk attached and it's not going to actually migrate while that's the case so let me go ahead and cancel out of here and what i'm going to do is just remove this right here let's get rid of that and unfortunately i do need to shut it down to finish the process of removing that piece of hardware so i'll shut it down and i'm going to do the same thing here may as well you know what i don't actually need a cd-rom drive at all so i'll remove that one just to clean this up a little bit i like to remove unneeded hardware it's a good practice so let's start these servers back up and of course the pings have stopped because well the machine is down so that should resume shortly and we see it starting up and now the server is responding to pings so let's try this again i'll right click on it let's click migrate again pve to i could probably keep it on current layout but i like to be explicit so i'll just go ahead and choose that storage right there and it's telling me here that migration with local disk might take long well that's true i mean i'm going from disk to disk over a network that's going to be orders of magnitude slower than a true live migration or live migration with shared storage which you'll see in the next video i do understand that i am going to accept my fate and click migrate let's see what happens so it looks like it's starting it it's still pinging that's good so it's actually going pretty quickly look at this i would expect it to go a little bit slower than that but i think that's reasonable and is still responding to pings still going strong and there we go now it's possible that it did actually lose a few pings i don't know it doesn't look like it did but the process was successful that's pretty cool now what i'm going to do is migrate this over to the other server as well i'm doing the exact same thing and actually i can close this right here you don't actually have to keep that open while the process is going on we have this cool little icon next to the main icon or an emblem if you will that looks like a paper airplane and that basically means that it's migrating that over to another server all right so you saw me go through the process of migrating a virtual machine over to the other server and of course in this video we set up our cluster so we got a lot done today i have one more video in this series coming up for you guys in the next episode we're going to take it a step further and set up high availability so definitely make sure you subscribe and i'll see you there so there we are we now have our very own proxmox cluster or at least i do you may or may not have extra hardware in order to set up your own cluster but like i mentioned in the intro it's okay at this point in the series you may or may not have the required hardware to follow along anymore but either way we're all learning we're learning proxmox and is still fun in the next episode which is actually the final class unfortunately we're going to take this to a whole new level and take a look at high availability so be sure to subscribe to my channel if you haven't already done so so that way as soon as that episode is up you'll be notified of that and it could already be up actually because it depends on when you're watching this maybe the entire series is already available and you're just going right through the episodes either way i really appreciate you watching this video and all the other episodes in this series and i'll see you in the next episode thanks again for watching [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: LearnLinuxTV
Views: 6,147
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Linux, Tutorial, Review, Howto, Guide, Distribution, Distro, Learn Linux, open-source, open source, gnu/linux, LearnLinuxTV, proxmox, cluster, proxmox cluster, proxmox ve, virtual environment, ve, homelab setup, proxmox tutorial, proxmox virtual environment tutorial, virtual machines, proxmox 7 tutorial, proxmox ve tutorial, proxmox virtual environment, proxmox step by step, proxmox configuration, proxmox ve cluster, virtual server, proxmox walkthrough, proxmox linux, install proxmox
Id: QWyLilz1RqU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 32sec (1292 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 03 2021
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