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hundred reasons why you should be a Selena number one are you ready have you got enough paper to write hundred reasons number one you must be a soul winner because that is the Great Commission that great command the great mandate the great instruction the great order given to us by our Lord Jesus Christ amen that's the first reason why you must be a soul winner we must be people who go out and tell people about Jesus Christ amen did you get it you must be a soul winner because that is the Great Commission there are two great commands great mandates great instructions the reason why is called the Great Commission is that almost the commands you get it that is a great command because you have said many things forgive love that arises do this give this that but this one has been categorized by Christians and by Christianity as the great one it's the Great Commission it's the great commandment amen it's the main one is a big one okay and it is not interesting that today churches have stopped doing what soul-winning we must win souls we must bring people to the Lord we must tell them about the Savior we must tell people huh we must tell the world about the student coming King we must work while it is day you must work was it his day I was worthwhile to this day because Jesus is coming soon amen so this is the great great command there are different commands but this is what is a great one say this is a great one as well as called the Great Commission the Great Commandment how many are sending that we're better Great Commission is the big one is the main one it's a big one that's a big one go ye into all the world preach the gospel to every nation amen now if you go and eat and they put on your place mix and mutters oranges and perform and water and when you come back and they ask you have you eaten say I have eaten why do you eat I add the orange and the Myra needs of me you need the proper that one is not even the potato maybe or the path but you add the orange how do you eat it up the main thing the big thing that was given to you what the meat and you really eat it you at the one orange and you've come don't you think you miss the big one huh don't you think you miss the big one you miss the big one amen number two you must be a soul winner because God has called us to this great work though the Great Commission is found in Matthew 28 verse 18 to 20 I think it was also out Jade chambers or so or so this Sanders who first began to call Matthew 28 the Great Commission he called it the Great Commission does not call it welcome le is only about the Great Commission but amongst the Commission's and the commandments it is called the great one by Christians not by Jesus that Christians call it the Great Commission and that is going to all the world preach the gospel to every nation baptizing them go ye therefore and teach all the Haitians go go go go ye therefore and teach all nations go go go baptizing them in the name of the father and son and holy go go go go that's a great Commission in song go ye therefore and teach all nations go go go go ye therefore and teach all nations go go go baptizing them in the name of the walk and son and holy go go ye therefore teach all day go go sing it so that you win the fight no he's that muscle 28 that's a see let me see this 20 go [Applause] [Music] baptizing there these are father and son and holy cow hallelujah if you love me we please none of me be my she if you love the realest love be be with you forever ever on till the end of go get that ball go you that ball cool Jesus teach all day go go don't stay go oh he's there for rise to all neighs dog [Music] [Music] so the Great Commission involves number one going number two to all nations so lighthouse intends to take this vision literally the authority literally every country in the world we are intending to go there from the power to Tibet to India to Mongolia to China to Asia to Pakistan to Bangladesh to the uttermost college we are intended to take this command seriously and we are assuming that nobody else will obey we are tsumetai defense or not amen wonderful the next one you must be a soul eater because God has called God has called us to his banquet yay you can go without salvation salvation yay you think it's not a song that's all God has called us to his banquet you can go with our salvation salvation yay amen now you must be a soul winner because God has called he's called you he's calling you Matthew 22 verse 14 maybe I called but few are chosen by the time the few are ready you know a lot of things happen a lot of things happen and the few you get it end up doing the work so I need preach to many of you here life you will be but the devil will come for you to try to make it impossible do you understand impossible do you understand me Matthew there are two verses in Matthew that have this maniac always must use 22:14 and Matthew 2016 don't forget it's 22 and 20 and 14 and 16 we'll remember there is difficulty to remember I always mix up these verses 22 14 2016 many are called many are called few are chosen few are chosen the same face three times in Matthew okay now God has called you that is the second reason why you must be a so second with an out of 100 reasons how many have heard of William Booth the founder of the Salvation Army this is what he said about the core I'm still on the second reason why you must be a soul winner listen to one William booster about a called a listen listen listen I'm quoting he said not called in other words you're saying I'm not caught tell your dad I'm not called you say why not cause listen to what he said he said God had the call I think you should say you should rather say I didn't hear my mother you have not been caught now because you are not hearing the call he said you say what a cause I don't say that rather shabby habit but that's calling it is there now listen are you there he said put your ear down this is William Booth to the bedand agonized hearts of humanity and listened to its pitiful wail for messy and for help put your ear to the ground and here are you hearing and is that go and stand by the gates of hell and hear the Damned and treat you to go to their father's house and visit their brothers and sisters and sevens and mothers not to come here then is it a listen either put your ear to the gun and hear human beings calling out for help then go to the gate of hell and hear the people screaming my sister tell my brother tell my friend tell my servants tell my masters tell the people and also you have had it tell them not to come here there is an after you have had it look at Christ in the face who's messing you have professed to obey and tell him yourself whether you will join your heart and soul and body and circumstances in the match to publish his messy to the world put your ear to the ground and hear human Humanity in South Africa and other parts that were crying for help then go down to the gates of Hell and summer they get a listen to the screams of the people then after that you look at Christ Himself decision and tell him whether you are at the call or not tell him personally don't look at me and tell me anything look at him in the face and tell me whether you will not bring your heart your mind your soul and even all your circumstances to join in the effort to publish this gospel of Jesus Christ that's what William Booth the founder of Salvation Army Church with only we went to back row in the 18th century Salvation Army's sent missionaries there far away in Ghana what they're sent missionaries there because they have such a leader who would tell the people Oh town stand outside the gate and hear the shouting then come up and don't tell me tell Christ I'll go tell him yourself I've not the one who you say you have we see this messy this same man he was to attend a meeting with his pastor and he was not able to come so he sends a message all the past has gathered around to hear the message that he had so when we gather around the open the telegram so that they will read it to the people when we open those only one way only one where the father's wasn't thinking they will come to hear Corinthians this Matthew dairyman there's only one way you know other word was others oth ers others others there are others there are others apart from the ones you see plenty and every time there is an election you see the reality of others because you get votes from so many places and you wonder about where these people come from but they are all human beings forgotten ghosts but they have real people so my friend Remy put your ear to the ground and listen the people who are waiting help me after that where do you go down to hell stand outside the gate listen to the people go and count couple go and tell John please and hear the screams of the people after that go see Christ himself personally and tell him er the one who you say has had making you Charlie Mungo that's telling yourself or tell you whether you go amen let me tell you if we want this church to have life and have it more abundantly what I am sharing must always be on a hot cement the day we check it out I will start to look for Prosperity and other things which case has not sent us who will look for a set in power who go out of the church and it will seem as though we still have power but we would have lost the real power of the church I'm telling you one day my wife went to visit her friend at a certain house of a certain friend and I came there to visit her but Angela's not my wife when I got there I came into the house and just as I came in I saw a dog the dog was like a junior horse big and tall when I saw the Hoss the dog in the house and I ran away and then she came to the gate I said I should come in I said look behind you this big dog and she said who this dog you know get power it is just like a lump in the house you know why it had been castrated so a setting power has been taken away from the dog so all that it is left with is what sighs big without power the real power that is needed it's not there strung out everybody Isobel Kuhn said this was a missionary to China and Thailand listen to what he or she said I believe that in each generation God has caused enough women and men to evangelize all the yes unreached tribes of the earth it is not God who does not call it is man who will not respond I'll say it again this was what Isobel Kuhn a missionary to China and Thailand says amen he said or she said the a woman or a man Isabel a woman yes she said I believe that in each generation God has called enough men and women to evangelize all the yet unreached tribes of the earth it is not God who does not call it is man who will not respond that's what I'm talking about in this point I am sharing you must be a soul winner because God has called us to do this work Isobel Kuhn says it's not that God is not calling I thought I got hasn't called mobile agree hands oh god Rizzo como Benny Hinn's yes called by these human beings who are not responding and also I gotta say that William booted don't say they were no cause say that you already had it and that now is that going go down to her and put your ears at the gate and listen and when you hear the screams and you hear human beings waiting in South Africa for you to come then go see Christ personally look into his face and tell him er which means I'm not going amen number three that that reason why you must be a soul winner is because soul-winning gives meaning to your Christianity so when it just was meaning to your Christianity amen efficiency after to verse 10 says we are his workmanship created in Christ Jesus until good works amen and then also with God has before ordained that we should walk in them amen God has ordained that you should do some good works when you do good works you become happy dear did you know that when you do good works you become happy you get it life is not determined by what you have Jesus said a man's life does not consist in the abundance of things that he possesses amen what do you think is it not true yes otherwise all the rich people would be very happy but it looks like they have a lot of problems this is got more depression more problems more suicides than anyone else and you see when you come to Christ thank God that you are saved but what is the meaning of your salvation one time I was in London with and I took a taxi a black cab or a cab and as I was going along with this cab I asked the driver whether he believes in God is a white guy and he said why should I believe in something like that so gleaning things like that then he asked me do you believe in heaven and hell I said I believe very much in heaven and hell that he asked me a question which i think is a very important and I've never forgotten that question do you want to know that question he asked me do you really want to know the question that is are you sure you want to know the question he asked me he said if you believe in heaven and hell you believe that you go to heaven when you die why don't you kill yourself now and go to heaven immediately so that you escape from this world and all the troubles there because if you if when you go to America everything will be okay why don't you go now what are you still doing here I was about to answer when we arrived as where we were going and I didn't have a chance to answer that question but I thought about that question for years because it truly happened is great when you go you don't owe anybody no problems nothing you'll be happy singing lalala lalala lalala lalala free then why don't you go now okay so if you are not going otherwise to here oh why I have God left you here oh you don't understand my question why has God left you on earth why does he take you out now if it was a young person that kid dies we are all so sad when we will be totally are going to a better place we are so sad why are we so sad we want them to stay here and suffer so the question is or the answer is that Bible says is official substitue did you open it official shutter 2 verse 10 for we are his workmanship created in Christ Jesus unto good works with God has before ordained that you should walk in them a then you are created for some google you come you in the red come Wow what's your name brother come huh come come up believe believe come general Vallely was believable Bella lay the Lila was created for some particular good works that only the lily can walk in I'm pleased to meet you you a very important person you were created for some good works amen are you are you happy to meet him club for a very important person because since he was safe Christ has not killed him guys are all removed him so he has some particular things that he is supposed to do I'm very happy to go back to your seat ah come by him [Music] all right I coffee for the Weddell for my wife both are you didn't clap like that when I was preaching okay i forgiven you now you are who you with only wow that's not good oh are you pleased to meet him I pleased to meet a very important person so make sure you don't die without doing both great work which you were created for okay to be the issue of the Audigy book came to shake you okay go back you know person again an hour Nanak um-hmm now what you traditional a very important person who was create coca-cola I'm so pleased to meet you I've been just been informed that you've been created for some special job you are here on our finding are you feel free feel free to welcome congratulation [Applause] Hey so you have you told the details you sahabat total it'll give you hundred reasons why you tell your body for a reason if we give only three reasons hey I said no fantastic okay god bless you now jump what is your live Philippine early delivered ELISA ELISA I have been suffering from the you are a peasant creator for some viruses were unfocused are we taking a picture camera man where's the photographer who is that you see quickly smile [Applause] congratulations now one day a certain brother had a vision in the vision he died and when he got to heaven a lot of people came surrounded him a subject harshly him by your wife why didn't you work come I need some people please stop and do they were child icinga when he was 8 he was he was explaining he was explaining trying to explain why he didn't to the West to take your time what on earth it wasn't easy Hey as I suddenly he woke up go away he woke up and let me go another see where he had this vision he came to see me because he was doing videos in delay up to today he still doing those delayed people and I always remember him because of that vision he said that people surrounded him in heaven deal with like a 1000 - why didn't you - what were you thinking of us why didn't you wake what does this thing was this pinnacle he did that in the day me say he was - take your time get me asleep what's happening supera deliver ish hey I hope you not arrive in heaven and you be surrounded will be stranger please let me see the people in heaven was so bored with him please don't go out of this world without doing what you were brought here if I said what you are being left here to do why you are not being killed why has not been removed with cancer of this council darker so the accident of this this of that disease of here this is of yes all those things have no hospital when they are happening to people just like you and you are so coolly moving in the system you should understand that it is a permission in this new vision by Rick Joyner the angels were discussing they said we have received instructions that we should not accompany the Lord to the wilderness for the temptation and then they said us well that temptation doesn't work they have that back one the evil one who has come from would turn his attention to John the Baptist to kill him and he said we have been instructed not to intervene and the Angels yourself what the answer do know who John the Baptist is happiness and one of the angels are the sinners with all due respect can you are you sure of what you are saying that instruction has come from above do not intervene you see angels are always intervening about your death Tuesday they intervened you didn't die Friday I didn't die because Devils I tried to kill you all the time and they are constantly intervening but as day will come when the angels will be told back off don't intervene then you see certain things that you have been kept from for years and then you go out of this world then you find yourself so not interested constantly fighting and keeping things off so that you work and you say you are doing what masters doesn't want look don't let anything keep you from doing the reason why God has allowed your breasts your breasts not to have a cancer if you think your breast is nicer than other people's breads or better that there are more vitamins in your breast here to tell you that look the race is not to the Swift not to the strong or to the wise but by the basis of Jehovah you shall be kept but bless you Bella hey you are who in Manuel see a major from Zambia I've just been told that you are very important patient who is been assigned with some good works that you are being left here on submission have you been told the details of the mission just three of them three details three reason yes three reasons on but the the wax you are going to do you know what it is I have an idea of them what was this idea so winning so winning so winning Wow I'm going go go go you didn't get the Go Go Go but what about teach all nations teacher nations out it's all brambles Italy Zambia I'll start with Tonya that is Zambia and teach all nations teach all nations who will it not be a good thing if you can't be that people will stop saying people will stop saying Christ came to die for just a few people if all of us are to do that great works we have to do people would stop saying Christ is just for a few because all of us are doing what we have to do is it not true so I'm so remember me when you come to glory I give you me everyone and okay god bless Hey next one you must be a soul winner because soul winning gives great joy to Christians which is different from a given meaning it brings joy if you want to be a happy person give yourself to God's work in math Luke chapter 10 verse 3 Bible says and after these things the Lord appointed seventy others also and send them two by two before his face into every city and place therefore said he unto them the harvest truly is great go your ways behold I send you forth and the 70 returned again with joy joy joy the opposite of depression happiness which cannot be found from money which cannot be found from buildings which cannot be found from your bank joy was come to you joy I said joy I said happiness do you want to be happy how many want to be happy Benny Hinn said something it was preaching he said that when he got saved somebody was looking for him and there a lady told her told the person when you go to the church you see a second brother who is always smiling and he's always happy Benny he said that's how he was described to the person the one who is happy and he was a straight-up when you are followed a anointing you have a certain joy an ascetic peace which cannot come from all the issues in this life and in this world amen so brothers and sisters there is a certain joy that will come to your life when you start to do the work of the law the thing that gives me the greatest joy is to do his work and to do his will one time Jesus was eating and they went up bought some nice food and they came you know there are some people so now when they are serving food they think that food is everything and you bring the food they will stop all that they are doing to eat that food how many times you are not interested in the food that they are even spending all the energy to get and the word Jesus the food is hot now why don't you eat fast it is wrong and Jesus said I have meat that you don't know about my meat is to do his will and to finish his work it gives me some satisfaction in there many of you are going to have satisfaction only through this work okay your husband will know that it's like even your Christian husband will not satisfied yes a Christian wife will not satisfying one of the reasons why people become unhappy when they get married do you know why because they are disappointed zig zag they are disappointed everything is not as they thought disappointments compounds the reality that's why Jesus all his warnings he was saying very bad things hit your mother father you cannot be my disturb I mean honey this world you have to baby say nice things at all so that as you are bowing your mind is expecting the West if it happens that it doesn't happen in that way unless you came with the main but some people had a picture of glory land and when they enter say oh is that what I have found everything is not as it was looking to be a in the heart starts to break the heart son Tribble hey and the disappointment of what I stopped and was there is o when she wakes up in the morning and she washes her face and you see I not knowing I was not a real face but there was something else that was covering the pain that is what happened to Jacob when he married Leah when he woke up in the moisture oh are you the boss he might be the knife you must not have your wedding the night so that you can see this clearly that is if it is a name and a machine what she was doing in the room is wife Leah what what I what is your name and what is your mission here none of those things are going to satisfy you but what is going to give you joy said they went on when they came out there was great joy that's going to give you peace happiness your job will never give you happiness you know how I know your job doesn't give you happiness because you always want holidays that's how I know that your job doesn't make you happy if you didn't want holidays then you do know what my problem is my problem is I don't know how yes where I will take the holiday because I don't feel like closing work I don't feel like stopping enough allowance I want that case I'm waiting for August so I can go and leave for six working weeks I'll be free ah he free know what I'm doing I'm free already and it gives me great joy I never look for that I'm waiting for Saturdays and it's Friday I just look good and I go that's thing that you are doing how you want to live you are looking at the time I just find that that's work does not make you happy when I used to work as a doctor huh hey my name was I'm off I used to say on the world I'm off as I finished all the work I'm off so after four I didn't know that it had the letters have discussed among themselves and they are giving me a name and my name was a moth because I was always often as soon as I can finish my work no a moth doctor a moth is gone I used to calculate that leave 18 working days or 20 working days then I'll try to take the lead and mix it with Christmas Day and other holidays are the 20 days will become a 30 days when you address January 25th and then some weekend and time is in a way so that when the leaf father if it comes as long as possible I feel that before it can find that you are in the wrong job how are you find this work you you would love to do more my mix is to do the will of him that sent me amen what do you think all right how many reasons you have for number 5 you must be a soul winner because the true greatness of any church is not how many it seeks but how many it sends the true greatness of any church Church church Church is not how many it sees but how many eight cents so if our Church in South Africa is great it's not determined by it we are 2006 we have 1000 series we are 500 seats now how many did we send from here even I'll tell you even in a class I measure the greatness the mission by how many people are in the bible school in a crowd that have been sent it's a sign of that mission yeah and we have a lot of South Africans and I think the Kenyans and now more other Kenyans more but they seem to be a lot of Kenyans now and now also quite a few Nigerians have come to the school but you see your ability to send shows your strength when the Ghana Armed Forces of Athens are giving some troops to the United Nations you know the strength of the Annie is shown by the number of troops it can send and in Africa is the nigerian army which can give a lot of troops to any conflict because nigeria has a larger army than Ghana or Togo Oh be mean Oh Cyril ill how much when I was flying over Nigeria Cano and I looked down down and what did I see her on the air for the highest pleasure Airport for the Air Force and I saw this American fighter jet at 17 F whatever they were packed so many of them on the airport I mean this presser air poor up in the law and I say hey the Nigerian Army is not a small army because in Ghana we have only one of that I didn't want to and I think it even crashed Cote d'Ivoire Kota Baja two planes and then the French army bomb them so that was the enemy I have one option one no to and during that problem the French army bombed it and that was the end of it so yes strength of your lesson shows in harmony aeroplanes you can send I don't think so yeah nice it's a sign for us I mean you can say how many can you send from yes to the other parts of South Africa how many can you suppose that I forgot to other places that's what shows the real strength I thought about it you can have thousands of people but nobody who can imagine you have an army big it's a girl fight so we will go faster we would go we would go it it is the same as not having an ami huh it's not an avi will go you don't go so the real strength of attack is is is not in how many it seeks but how many it sends that's what shows the strength so Swaziland where Swaziland where's Andy ah ok it's not in how many people can fit into your auditorium it's not because you can send out of Swaziland you get it what do you think yeah years ago the American church was sending missionaries to Latin America Africa all over Africa you see AG missions AG missions AG mission you have some in Zambia and gun Najee I don't have an idea about Malawi all these countries AG missions AG missions AG missions today you rarely meet anybody who is AG missions it's an indication of the strength of the chest it is true that the cat has more money now but I thought about the dog very big but no power it was very big but know what your power amen very big no power so it's big enough I do when you put on a television you see Texas Tech big ones with process in suits special types now there are different types of suits different styles work without colors with colors with change with different types of pocket three pocket for a bit different types of shoes large congregations with aeroplanes and everything but not even one missionary can be sent from that church it's a sign of the strength of the church yes we can't stand it in one one day I want to preach in a church this was a very big church full of space this is all the film stars you see on TV does the church a million a zoo when they beat the pasta on the corridor they give him 1 million dollars I mean does how does this day off it just one time I met a pastor of this church and he told me when I was coming my this thing gave me you just give it a super pastor Bishop this is this is for your trip he was going to was this for a trip so I just gonna check 1 million dollars so he told that person was giving them you know that oh the kid that I'm going for now is for this so he hasn't please you give me just five hundred thousand and then I'm coming with another project and I like five hundred thousand then no and the heavy man please smile is a look you take this 1 million when that one can be kids that problem the problem hey hey it is not fantastic so I have that conference in that very church and I spoke about missions work and afterwards the director of missions came to see me he said I felt so embarrassed when you are speaking about missions I said oh ok preachers one because I've preached before I be rebuked after which is more than once I've been sat down they look over here there they are more mature here you see him he cannot desist - hey I was a priest what have I done I said oh no it's a when you have mentioned the missions you have in your church why do I want to preach on whether to me don't say what you have all the just which don't make sure all truth please hey he said when you were saying oh I saw the buzz because we don't have even one missionary long term mission er I've been single one like a brother went to a funeral he said they did not give even one ground not to eat single one Hey the catch is big but what no pie what do you think is a fantastic so this trace is determined by harmony it can send but not how many it can see yeah that's why I say that to me the nygean Annie ganas should never go to war with Nigeria they will beat us and then we will have to become suicide bombers and things in order to survive because when I saw the holy please follow me you know the authorities in the heart beat of Jesus Christ amen for our bridges and the vision I saw deep inhale I can a hospital in an operation for the goose item do two of us under the FOIA and doesn't we by Jesus eso es tu es unforgettable night to let you know relative opportunity arrival in mediums because it's Ahmedabad in creating that solving with the hand of Jesus absolutely fast easily you have excess of our city oh yes Violetta it looks better you see the also lead of the Buddhist for ordinary carbon and this desert be careful they're all like that because you're special for me without you my life is innervated helping the Friends of the happiness to [Music] zucchini so tell me a little of no not yet the change employers of the failure or winter and stacking CDs an indigenous community chances without penalty free subjectivity very carefully you license to the chest deep abyss and college life after hockey is a celebration dissipation deprivation technically thermal energy generated husband of the children killed in Korea countless ha sido hecho vez en vous en lo Alejandra's goose Guha ago general an intern I are afraid of support that people ability still America is national de la vida de la Paz order a project Callahan has pornography data into support when I have pretended I left an enemy to install the new projects as the deposit should check of sensuality hey somebody's blocking our session we possible into we would be after the agency then you can be distracted okay I love the jitta ranking for the son of man has come to seek and to save that which is lost in a powder ciao ciao originally you tell us you please don't touch it touch you want to touch it look every great present come fast I love only a sister travels abroad and supports gives me I thought in funda 'keep the geology very high offices are Jakarta country set from the road by what is the recommendation operations or whose balance it will bring the bread because you know I like eating a man I'll see you you know impulsive Turkish you tell me what energy we see all the holiday spirit as the opposite loop the horizontal adduction phalanges phalanges thank you and I look like the time and they said no tonight I said they're okay and water in the sauce look at an open area but nothing as purchases all day there are many an alginate evolving rapidly - that has a rotating and Lauren takes the knowledge the knowledge Heritage's what is a friend you come the time you have pay for your time as we body every night very poofy poodle I have a success he came to instead simcha because I have adopted his travels over the coast and also we'd like you most identify track different so I definitely something that split up evolution you know how we're thinking we will say that the Hopi that would be the average school telepathy with people including feeding preaching teaching variously care of the primitive when you start consuming discuss into the second tenor then Lou [Music] so winning how many do you have only six over hundred number seven it must be a sore winner because so winning prevents Cech split if we win souls our problems will be to do with the church amen our problems will have to do with splitting up the church amen God is going to bless us as we win souls amen Church place will be prevented how do you want a church to split you know the devil is always ready to fight us that is ready to divide but as we keep on reaching out you know there's so many problems to do with the reaching out so you don't have time to notice my faults or his faults or your pastors for if your pastor is preaching and he's preaching not a good message good enough for your standards since you have also now gone out soul-winning and you are preaching yourself you get it you can outreach that good message that you are thinking that your path is not preaching what do you think it's not a powerful idea so when you stop preaching and then people are not clapping for you and people are now unloaded with your message and they say you are not mature and they say your messages like this they say ice cream too much they say you don't use enough veces one one day one of my father's was preaching the telephone no there are no basis in the preaching he was he was surprised that somebody could stand up I said where are the veces in your preaching let there be veces in your preaching from today when you start to experience that you will appreciate your pastors preaching you don't feel like splitting God will raise up your anguish to do with you so if you not feel like being on a wrangle because you'll be struggling with your own what do you think when you are struggling with 20 members and you cannot grow and you see that I have got 20 churches you have 20 minutes then you realize even though I have my fault it may be better for you to concentrate on your fault we seem to be so maybe that your church cannot grow beyond 20 none there's no churches huh yeah almost all the past when I send them out man they love me more they appreciate they appreciate me more those who have not been sent they don't appreciate me so much those who have suffered they realize that what have you been through what have you survived Hey is it not true is it not true yeah it is good to win souls it makes you fresh all the time it makes you fight the devil at his gate so he doesn't come inside whenever they are playing soccer and your side they are playing around your goalposts are you not nervous when I was play with Nigeria and we scored them one day at the end of the match they were playing around our goal posts Hey another time I don't know where I was I was doing something I was not I couldn't watch it when every Shopp sake was watching it what did that matter another match so I call in a youtuber I wonder if I guess I could River tell us what is happening what is happening what is happening he was telling me what was happening hey and I was 30 but I was thought and because we are odd and we were cut about to be within want anything bad to happen to us cause if Nigeria has called you avoid extra time so that tension is so much when the butter is around your treasure sports there shouldn't be buttons around your main members and your treasures in the church let us go to the treasures of the enemies his lost souls whom he has captured and let us be fighting in that area that's why we should either be in the chasni one is why do you do this ever do that why do you come from where I come from why you disorder it doesn't matter and the devil is always just looking for something to pick us on one time I send a pastor to go and start a church he was pastoring the church and another pastor came to join him you all lighthouse pastors I remember one day the other plus I came to say to me see Bishop this modest man that the person was there before a kid it's not like you I said oh he says don't like she doesn't talk without the way you talk with us and so on and this identity so many complete I said what kind of problem is this go it's not a change and see whether you also do what so you went to start a checks for yes it's also not working you see when you go you stop seeing my fault and it is seen a pastor for that bring up checks please everybody who split away from jail usually his reason is the faults of the church and the faults of the pastor and if you look carefully in average age you see big faults because the people who are preaching are not angels they are human beings no church is good or perfect it's just trying to save can I have an amen how many ones you win so so that there will be no matches around our goal posts yeah if you like today every one of your treasures will be taken out with all the members you treasure all of them ago if you like leave a catch and come back after one year come back after two years when you come you not recognize the people it was a crucial step out of South Africa comes back after a year over two years many of the people you know people sort of move away and new people come they would not even recognize him you'll be a missile and and even if you say here to be they'll be quaint I come in the same way but gosh we are here you don't notice it I want to go and you can be realized that all these people where they form or are they like most of you have not had any come with you for society I don't know most of you you are all Mew looking as a person are you a new looking fashion new generation it's a new generation yeah I wanted to see the new generation that's why I wanted to see you do you get it so that you become soul winners Wow how many are going to be so Venus you have only seven reasons I should be a soul winner okay number eight okay you must be a soul winner because so winning generate divine support and protection amen so winning generates divine protection and support amen Peter Taylor Forsythe he said it is not our choice to spread the gospel or not it is our death if we do not it's not our choice it is our death if we do not Bible says there is joy in heaven over one sinner than more than ninety nine just persons which need no repentance so that is on Sunday mornings as we keep huddling together and doing our Christian activities there's not assess that the joy comes when one sinner is safe for the whole service the angels are waiting for the Oh taco and sometimes we don't do the whole taco so after a while they'll angels lose interest in the church because there are no author calls what do you think angels are standing waiting for dr. ko no other hole nautical no other hole let's go to another church that's as big as happy the Angels move away then you are left without protection hey now the demos look as they say wow free meat the Muslims call the white people when they bombing them I call them white meat as their good name for them the white know the meat fresh meat to eat the Bombay in the bondage I mean not Muslim the bomber's all right God will bless you and protect you amen I see God delivering you as you do the will of God number nine soul-winning math you must be a soul winner because so winning protects you from polishing the same coins over and over and over amen our churches are made up of coins which we are polishing polishing more polishing of the same coins can we take I'm offering please a small offering of only coins take out an offer if you have money I don't want a note desk coins everybody take out an offering of coins the many souls to be world falling apart nine full of from a broken heart oh ho here are my and me though there's really not that much I can do what I have little small wanna give it all to you [Music] you say the harvest is great but along looks like the laborers are you getting hot too hot the plan how we ignore your grain of sand no hope here are my hands me though your staff will once you've chosen I see you do my heart here's a call I wanna give it all to you [Music]
Channel: Dag Heward-Mills Evangelist
Views: 3,789
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: 2008, DAG HEWARD-MILLS, DAG HEWARD MILLS, BISHOP DAG, EVANGELIST DAG, DAG HEWARD, ANOINTING, TEACHING, CAMPS, MACHANEH, SOUTH AFRICA, PRETORIA, MANY ARE CALLED, TELL THEM, evangelists in africa, evangelism in africa, pastors in africa, Christain authors in africa, african christian authors
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 84min 29sec (5069 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 28 2017
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