GRAND DEDICATION OF THE QEDESH - Building Churches and Winning Souls | Bishop Dag Heward-Mills

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discover how the Word of God can bring a change in your life through the teachings of Bishop Eddie Eddie Bishop Eddie addy is an assistant to Bishop Daniel Mills and serves as the resident Bishop of the tip - [Music] [Music] anointed energetic and a practical teacher the servant of God will inspire you with practical teaching of the word of God that will refresh you energizing and bring healing to your body soul and spirit now to the message I have news for you our prophet our founder our pastor is in the house Kilis come on - our Palace of love I put a Sedaris Walker our pasta be sure a knee [Music] please be seated what a blessing are you enjoying yourselves so far has it worked so far are you relaxed so far I want to show you a little documentary on our journey so far to this point and afterwards I will invite one of the greatest minstrels you have met and after that I will invite a father a founder to carry us through to the next phase so please put on the documentary please thank you the upper branch of Lighthouse Chapel International began in the year 2000 at the panorama hotel located in the heart of airport residential area in 2012 Bishop Eddie was transferred to the airport brunch meeting in a classroom at Engelberg school yeah we're praying that we'll be done preyus and I said to God let you would be done in my life so when I met wish on that and he said go to this branch I knew that that will have been done Bishop Eddie Eddie held his first service with the airport church after only one week Bishop Eddie announced there was a new season common in the life of the airport branch during that year the church had a special visit from our founder Bishop black Buick Mills after two years the hall was too small to contain our growing numbers we were therefore forced to find a bigger hole at gs Plaza Hotel at this location the hole could only contain us for a year here at registered nurses association our numbers continue to grow and grow [Music] our founder Bishop dad prayed over the model of the Kadesh the Kadesh building project bishop dad prayed over all 24 plots of the land [Music] Construction commenced in earnest beginning from Foundation works Foundation completed members of the church were invited to come and see the great work done so far [Music] after this work continues and Colin and Dean were added to the foundation of the church in December 2016 the church held its first watch night service on the grounds of the Kadesh still under construction in January 2017 construction work resumed preparation for trusses began and finally up they went with roofing not far behind finishing works like clustering tiling painting and the car park were done in earnest [Music] all in preparation for our great move to the Kadesh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] the Kadesh were Cathedral multifaceted ultra-modern and Vanguard state-of-the-art great gathering at our previous location Bishop prayed we leave our all things in the past as we crossed our Jordan River with a convoy of police numerous cars and buses the journey has begun in style until finally we arrived at Eastlake on hills the convoy filed in and kept coming and coming which we shall not be few akuaba ladies and ashes were on point our Shepherd brain and the joy of entering the word Cathedral began to pillar then with a swift gesture for wonderful Shepard released his sheep into their promised land [Music] service was explosive with numerous moments of spontaneous joy dancing stars were not free to dance in the hole that was now there's [Music] we were graced by the presence of the festival's Reverend Adelaide Hewitt Mills and further on it by having our founder our daddy the great bishop died Hewitt's bill the place the word says live there's a profit and when he speaks and his words come to mass we should fear Him this one must be shared one day he said to me I said I'm struggling to finish the project is that it what comes back attack tourists make conclusion I'm so happy I am overjoyed ladies and gentlemen join you I can't believe the beauty of your church thank you for giving us a roof of our heads thank you for giving us the money to buy this land thank you for giving us life to be alive to see today the communities around and we say let people come from be a part of this church and through this church let many other churches be built father thank you you have begun you are completed and you will do even greater things in the future that'll be a blessing here whatever is the case here we are protect [Applause] what is evil here we punish it on these grounds anyone comes here who come again thank you for your blessings that is permanently imparted and bestowed upon this place [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] and let us enjoy your goodness in this place we give you thanks and we give you praise in Jesus mighty name and everyone shouted [Music] [Applause] [Music] apik adesh joyous praise and worship is experienced in every seven [Music] passage [Music] our services are nothing less the dynamically spirit-filled [Music] our Bishop Eddie and Presiding Bishop of the word Cathedral and 92d the word anointed to leadership anointed to serve with power as the Holy Spirit [Music] [Applause] [Music] here stands the completely Kadesh where it could be true thus far has the Lord worth half now to the grand dedication Wow what a story but ladies and gentlemen before I bring on my father my pastor my prophet I like house to welcome I'd uh [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] will you be my [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you have so much because of my house I [Music] [Music] [Applause] give you the kingdom and what you plan on bound in heaven but will you build my church will my house [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] well [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] the [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh my sleep [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] go into all the world and preach the gospel until your life is done if you love me everywhere in every time tell me how long is it gonna take I told you [Music] so I think wasting time I'm gonna replace you and bring Kate someone [Music] [Music] for you too [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I might be calling out to you there's always an excuse [Music] [Music] love me your heart this somewhere because you love me you will obey me you put what much harder [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you and in terrassa your eyes your eyes even though it's a beautiful to God and do something [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] forty my people [Music] [Music] Smith you're not sad yard [Music] [Music] he speak he called for tablet [Music] and that hurry [Music] that really quit [Music] the voice of him that client in the wilderness prepare the way mix trades in the desert [Music] every Valley every Valley shall be exalted shall be it's all chum be exalted shall be it's all [Music] and every mountain lovely view Matt Lohr the food chemistry and the rough places blur [Applause] [Music] the crew gets trained the crew get straightened their publicity [Music] and there are places blame everybody shall be its own [Music] every Valley every Valley shall be exalted and below the blue can't trade the blue have strayed the crew can straight and the rough places blade [Music] and the roughly in the [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] please clap for Ida that was a beautiful beautiful excellent ministration minstrel to prepare the way for what is coming tonight ladies and gentlemen I'm so happy thank you all ministers who have come afterwards I will do due diligence to acknowledge all the men of God who have gathered from all the corners of Accra names which I'm sure if we're to mention even demons in hell we'll have to run away but these are men of God who have been casting them out for many years and they all assemble here but I'm glad to have my father in the house [Applause] [Music] beautiful fifth August 9th 2012 5th August 2012 he transferred me to the airport branch and without instruments but he told me that we're going to have instruments with crisp sound and I think tonight the prophecy has been fulfilled the sound is crispy beautiful but what a blessing it has been a journey we had we have been backed upon year during the year year after I moved he came into the church and said can you people find land and build a church and the whole church shouted yes but I knew in my heart that when he says that you people find land it's not like the meniscus frost from my experience with the instruments because when we had a he had a meeting at which the resident pastor of that church was in the meeting and he said Bishop Eddie's coming to take over our church are you ok with this then he said we are going to buy instruments with crisp sound then I was very happy my hat it was a Tuesday so I went to sit by him before he preached on that Tuesday and I said when he finishes that message I will ask him a question there's no it's okay Brian asked me like it's not a problem you can ask the question now it doesn't matter if you win it doesn't matter now it's okay so I said at the meeting no you said we will buy instruments with crisp sound so I said so the money know-how then he said oh when you go response I love that myself so much because when he said it in the meeting I saw a vision immediately of an envelope from his drawer upstairs behind the Jesus Cathedral of the Kadesh the he has a small desk with an drawer and I saw him pull out the drawer and take out an envelope with ten thousand dollars inside in a vision I saw it in a flash it kept so when he said when you go raise funds I love that myself because like my vision oh it's like it has passed the bush but you know on that 5th of August I entered the church and I told them we are going to buy instruments with crisp sound they shattered yeah that's why we are buying it today the way there were about a hundred and twenty people there and I said how much is the keyboard how much is drums how much is this but they mentioned the calculators about thirty twelve thousand dollars because the keyboard is mentioned the highest that he wanted to play and that drama also mentioned the highest and I didn't really check with them but they just give me a rough idea so get 12 okay so I saw okay we are raising it right now and within seven minutes we got our $12,000 the prophecy had come to pass so here we are found land through his prophetic guidance as I was struggling he said look move from this airport area this type of nygean businessmen who have hacked up the plan go far you find more easily you find London so that's how come we came here and look what the Lord has done and throughout the construction he kept coming here he kept coming here to inspect to give guidance we are going to have some ideas here he said move it to something else check the frontage to this to that guiding like a master architect and today we have an architectural masterpiece Bishop I want to say thank you when you are saying that things initially it doesn't look possible it doesn't it doesn't look like where is this going but through the years as of what with you have seen how God has used your words and transform them from nothing to great things we are so glad to have you as a father I am so glad to have you as my father I'm always grateful to my father who said to me go to a cheap motel school when I was in premier college which was also a very good school Dooley problems are a Mochaccino dope I needed to polish my English so I had to move to achieve motor school and upgrade my English and that is where I met Bishop Doug Hayward males [Applause] and I want to say thank you very much for accepting me as your friend beyond the pulpit is the friendship I enjoy with you anytime you call me can we go is there move my heart just lives for joy make all the arrangements because a few moments with you it's with everything you've changed my life so much you brought such a difference into my life my aging mother is here feeble and frail she managed to come in and just see what the Lord has used your words to do in my life her son's life my mother's pasta is also here Reverend dr. Anthony Cujo my mother-in-law is also here who gave me a beautiful wife who has fed me and made my life comfortable and who also releases me to feel free to come here sometimes I can see that she asked you were bojay then I said I'm from their side I'm from the place so okay no problem the world believe me imagine [Music] but thank you so much Bishop I listen to you every day of my life virtually because your words are so sweet in my ears all the time shaping me making me a better person and sister mommy your lovely wife whose friendship I've enjoyed God bless you thank you so much for the change she brought to our lives and all my brothers and sisters your sons and daughters in this beautiful ultra-modern multi-purpose multifaceted cosmopolitan state-of-the-art futuristic and a vanguard church ladies and gentlemen join me welcome my father my pasta of many years Bishop Doug Hayward Mills and his lovely wife my friend sister auntie lady Reverend mommy adlet a word Mills god bless you sir thank you very much Bishop Eddie let's pray father thank you for this great great day and the great things you are doing and have done we are so excited we are so glad we thank you but your blessing or making today possible fill us with your spirit and speak to our hearts we thank you in Jesus name Amen please be seated and welcome my beautiful wife to say a few words [Applause] hallelujah well I think today shows us God's faithfulness and I just said when we turned around to come to the carpark I said to lady pastor Shirley that one bishop Adi was leaving it was very heartbreaking but if this is what it meant then it's been worth it I still miss all of you very much and God has provided us also with people to look after us the Kadesh but we miss you and if it were just for emotional reasons we'll still be together but we recognize that the call of God is higher than our emotions our feelings our comfort and our little minds amen and I want to thank God for the visionary he's giving us who sees beyond these things [Applause] and the psalmist the psalmist always said when he walked past something he took instruction so I pray that today we'll take instruction that obedience is painful sometimes and often the Bible says Abraham went not knowing where he was going so when I saw Bishop ADIZ bellend he came would not knowing where he was going but Bishop IDE obedience also inspires us and shows us what transfers are for and we receive instruction this evening because of your obedience and because of the presiding bishops obedience to go it long live the vision long live so winning and long live the UT family in Jesus name Amen Wow why don't you put your hands together for her [Applause] all right all right all right all right thank you very much I know what you are talking about there well father we thank you for your blessing today these few minutes we are here to just dedicate this place we thank you once again your grace has made it possible we thank you we love you in Jesus name Amen thank you all for coming I see many pastors man of God here god bless you we are honored by your presence and as Bishop Eddie said we would acknowledge all those who are present as soon as I'm done in a couple of minutes a few minutes hello something is happening right as ayah 40 verse 1 Comfort ye Comfort heat my people that was what Ida was singing say it your God speak comfortably to Jerusalem and cry unto her that her warfare is accomplished and that her iniquity is pardoned or she has received of the Lord's hand double for all her sins so there is a time where God speaks comfortably to you and that time is the time when your warfare is accomplished so there is a warfare that we are called into we are called to fight and we are called to do and war against the enemy so Bishop Eddie well done I'm speaking comfortably to you your warfare is accomplished in moving here and building a church for God you deserve a miracle and you shall have it amen well done and well done to all those that helped you so I believe that the work of God is just two things building churches and winning souls and no matter what Whetzel odds are going around today when I say Wetzel a combination of words big sounding words they call it Wetzel are in psychiatry we have a symptom called wet salad and no matter the wet salads that are going around today about business marketplace politics financial engineering and what again huh securitisation of future earnings what hedging and all these words the work of God is one and it is I will build my church and the gates of Hell will not prevail against it so Jesus has commissioned us to build his church and the second part of this which came a little later was going into all the world and preach the gospel preach about Jesus preach the gospel of Jesus Christ and no matter that type of messages that have come by whoever I believe that can I change my microphone hello hello okay now no matter the kind of messages that are coming about marketplace I don't even know what that word somebody once invited me actually a few years ago and he said I should come and pitch about the marketplace something market I told ID I don't understand the topic I don't understand the topic you know and I really struggled to understand so in then I told him look I can I don't know what what you have invited me I don't know it so I can't preach about it I have these topics I preach I don't I don't know what you are saying so I I preached my own message because I don't understand it the gospel is that Jesus Christ came into the world to die on the cross for evil people now we are very evil no matter how good you look I can see some eyes looking at me now let me tell you no matter how good you are you are a sinner and why wicked person I tell look do you remember Jesus was talking to his disciples and his disciples asked him in Luke chapter 11 verse 1 Lord teach us how to pray we want to lend prayer so as he was teaching them the Lord's Prayer that he continued ask you shall receive seek you shall find you know then he came to his disciples and told them you if you being evil know how to give good gifts you see being what evil so he told John and Peter you are you mean is it even though you are the ones asking about prayer you are evil yes you are evil you want to pray but you are evil know how to give good gifts how much more will your Father give the Holy Spirit to them that ask so you can see that human beings even though they want to be apostles they are evil and no matter who we are we are wicked sinners helplessly evil yes when I go on Crusades and I have asked this question how many of you have told and live before you can also answer raise your hand okay put your hand how many I've told about 100 lies since you were born okay how many have been jealous before put your hand how many have been fighting before fighting about something how many have stolen octaves octaves raised up their hand how many have stolen something before how many are stolen chicken from your mothers to differ how many have committed fornication before [Applause] some of you should raise your leg and your hand every town I go I ask these five questions and I get the same answer that I got here everywhere everybody is the same in every country we keep in for sickness and what is it God so loved the world that He sent His Son Jesus to die on a cross for us he said that God sent Jesus in Matthew 1:21 to be I say to save us from our sins for he shall save his people from their sins not from financial problem that's not our problem our problem is the sin yes and nobody no man of God no pasta is wiser than Jesus if Jesus came to die on a cross and that's all that he did you cannot insult him by setting that thing aside and coming to teach principles of life principles of improvement of the economy or empowerment of what I don't even know what you are talking about because you are uneducated that's why you teach all these days in church it's your ignorance you've not been to school because if you've been to school you will have learned so many things that you know you don't teach it in church if I get up 9:00 I start to teach you psychiatry which is a very important subject because a lot of people have mental problems in church and even in marriages there are a lot of things yes [Applause] you start to see that it's very very important subject but we don't teach psychiatry in church who teaches in medical school here we teach about the cross of Jesus Christ and the blood of Jesus Christ and that cross and that Jesus died on the cross for you that's what we teach in church is because you brought me to school that's why you talk about money all the time motivational speeches I mean empowerment marketplace and all this garbage it has no place in the church just as physics has no place in the church and chemistry is not to be taught in the church even though is true is true but is not for the church yes you have talking to school that is why [Applause] we talk about psychological disorders personality disorders that we talk about schizophrenia and you see one pastor got up his wife went to work and he went and he took that the children in a flat in London and he took that there were three children he about the 40th floor and to open the window and through that children out I'm talking about the charismatic pastor people so let me go into schizophrenia so that you understand some importantly shall I start my lecture on schizophrenia symptoms of schizophrenia number one paranoid delusions is very important take your loss and less right let's put aside material let's talk about schizophrenia educated that is the reason why the saying all these things in church just as I don't bring chemistry physics biology telemedicine surgery and so on to the church we have to bring all these things and you see why do you have big churches with big big pastors saying all these things he gives you the feel that that is there they mention topics which are this sounds so powerful I see in psychiatry we have a symptom in schizophrenia called wets a lot the president mentioned lot of big words together ok one two three it is important engineering financial ok psychiatric medicine okay go up marketplace imagine white together and it doesn't mean anything that's what wetzel are and it's a symptom of madness yes I'm teaching it in the church and I can continue teaching importance of symptoms in the church marital problems are psychotic problems some of you are married to patients yes I said some of you are married to patience but you don't know yes because I catcher will diagnose by talking when we talk to you over here you say that F is another is this disease so I am telling you the main thing is still the maintainer the main thing is still the main thing it hasn't changed I don't I don't know who you are is the main thing build that church preach the gospel of Jesus Christ yes it will never changes yes and when we get to heaven you see a lot of things yeah so I will build my church and I will go ye into the world and preach the gospel that is our work and that is why we are here we are here because this is just one of many churches that we have to build we have to build many churches listen when EDA HOSA died some years ago I thought to myself it's Nigeria changed and I realized it's more wicked than when he came since I started preaching Ghana has become more evil yes there is no wickedness in Ghana than there was 20 years ago how many I agree with me so how come you think we have finished the way because a number of churches around deceived you see the reason why you are deceived is because of three clear conditions which are found in deceived preacher turn with me to second Peter chapter 1 verse 8 it says if these things be in you and abound they make you that you shall neither be barren nor unfruitful in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ pairen unfruitful not in the knowledge of medicine or in the knowledge of economics but in the knowledge of Jesus Christ Jesus Christ a man 33 years old died on a cross for the whole world either we believe it or not Jesus is the answer for the world today the church I was born in to Calvary Road I see pastor Fitz here and Betty my mother and Bethel and pastor Matt Steele added that group with the songs we sang and the things we believe Jesus is the answer for the world today that's what that's where I learn Christianity as I landed in Calvary route I'm a curvy road product and script I Union yes that's my group yeah and we learned that Jesus Christ is the answer for the world today I first heard that song in the ad center somebody sang it yeah I don't know who sang is beautiful and I think if every crusade I said sing Jesus is the answer in Uganda in Zambia in Tanzania in Dar es Salaam in Malawi South Africa everything Jesus is the answer before I preach Jesus is the answer for the world today he's still the answer for the world today in the knowledge of Jesus Christ you can be barren and you can be unfruitful in the knowledge of Jesus Christ I'm talking about the knowledge of medicine or the knowledge of economics that's 9 why why do people become barren and fruitless trip three problems there's nine it says he that luck at these things is blind we have a lot of blind people number two they cannot see afar and number three they have forgotten that they were purged from their sins by the blood of Jesus Christ so when you watch people preaching today you see these three problems are what we have number one you can't see far Ghana is a Christian country traveling see look I went for a crusade we were driving between aedra and crossing to west in Tampa and then we go up to the north I mean you know how goddess one after the other of their holes for worship no church no church not checked on the entire road but the only church was Pentecost thank God for Pentecost charismatic with a big mouth nowhere to be found with our big mouths nowhere to be found you say we are Christian country oh then you don't know you don't see fat that's why you stopped evangelism you don't see fine you only see here a crap a crap it's like our leaders you drive on the road and you say what Christ did well oh nice nice ooh you take a plane that lands in the daytime and sit by the window either the left side or the right side choose the right or the left but make sure you are by the window any plane that comes to a cry in the afternoon or the morning and opinion I don't sleep look out of the window and see brown sand a Christ just like salaka there is no root in Accra yes if you were to mark the leaders you would give Lomax yes you would give Lomax there is no manse only that you don't want they don't want us to give their max if you give them Massey to be very Branson 62 years of running our own managing almost managing our own affairs you see as brown son it's only one main road that has gotta and you got they can see that is what our country's is in depression you know I've traveled to every single country in West Africa last year I was in and I and I've never seen that poverty and dead depravation and neglect as a soil massage and i tottaly subbu IND oh you haven't been you don't see Feist you see that's why you think something has been accomplished that's why you start building churches across if I don't see you as short-sighted oh yourself in the Bible put it in see look you cannot see that is what is wrong that's why people start building churches and stop praising yourself if we were sitting in Caligula by now look at from Colorado to this place is fastest who don't see I tell you I can find the focus and impart that catches today you don't see fire that's why you are sitting there praising yourself says so Marriott and you see and go out of Ghana denies the room Christian step one foot out and you see we were driving in the north of B Morocco coming down from tsukuda in to go in the north of tobu to come down to Perico let me go to a time they told us never stop here never stop here this place doesn't work crystal there's nothing Christian yeah you try to see this top your conveyor you see what will happen pass and go praising yourself that's why you think something else even me I'm not impressed with this change is nice but it's nothing it's nothing in the scheme of affairs somebody who can see if I control the third row you can see such people have to sit in the front in the classroom because when the other but they can't even see a blackboard yes the bucket orifice here the teacher so many times people come miracle my eyes are open I was sitting at the back I can see so I have to sit in the forum as I can see the blackboard we don't see far number two we are forgotten about the blood of Jesus that is why you have pastors preaching marketplace I call it nonsense nonsense about the blood of Jesus I had a great man of God talk he said me I don't talk about this blood religion yes he said I don't talk this blood religion like somebody asked him an interview what about Jesus Christ and I decided not know anything about with you except Jesus Christ and him crucified one place in the Bible there are other things that are whatever important he died in a rubbish dump yes he died in a row yes I don't pick up blood religion what is this dirty says this forgotten that we are purged from our old sins by the blood of Jesus that's a topic that's important that's why you've changed preaching to some other topics and maybe you have if you want to smoke right you are me you must be an ad student you must be an Aston that's why I said yes you couldn't get science I tell you if you are done science you wouldn't you wouldn't be preaching like that if the students who are trying to bring their topics economics banking and all this invest a lot into the church you have created words you've forgotten the cross greater love has no man landed greater love has no man than this that a man should lay down his life first friend God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life God commended his love toward us in that while we were yet sinners Christ died for us [Applause] this is the you forgotten all these that's how we go save do to me when I hear this word salad things I don't owe it to the government to build either rubbish dumps police stations schools orphanages water what you call that's not because boy into Allah would have built bah holes no Bauer build more holes than those who are using it as their vision I've built more bubbles to change even an entire district yes yes my commission is not to go into the world to build orphanage although we have built the biggest of an aging Ghana that's not my job that's not my job it's just the love of God is the love of God but my job is to talk about God and about Jesus Christ Matthew 1:21 Matthew 1:21 that God sent Jesus Matthew want to save his people from their sins not from their political leaders not from their economic woes not from anything but from their sins that's the meaning of Joshua yahushua a savior and save you from what saviour for what when Rollins came he was called JJ jr. Jesus like he was coming to save us but not from our sins were coming to save us from economic hardships and all those things if we are saved we are we are here are you saved three problems one second Peter 1 verse 9 we have forgotten number one number two you cannot cease fire you are just seen a cry a cry never criticized the Catholic Church are you people I don't want to say something never opinion any Church you go to them love you call you see a Catholic bishop who speaks Italian is there watch what you say things this victory you are not dead so but this piece Italian is there when we went to Rwanda Burundi all those country you see white people Catholics yeah Africans would not go there to preach go to Burundi you see the hills Burundi Hills town of the town of the dice no no Church go to giving a had a pastors conference there were three benches with two people sitting on it the whole time there's no change these two people came at the conference let's not judge that the hot I was in Baku I was in kissy boo boo I was in maroon you know mommy the same Josefa you know in Sarah Khouri I was there I slept in my moon in the night in Mike because I don't have anywhere to sleep I was in Kenya you sit as much as you head in shame as we always prefer a certain we are doing well praising ourselves we don't see fun yes he that look at these things is blind he cannot see far and has forgotten and his blind blind what miss you can't see at all which is you can't see heaven or Eternity at all heaven and hell is not in your preaching Lazarus and the rich man when Lazarus the rich man went to hell he cry and need water and he says send Lazarus as an evangelist to my brothers I have five brothers in a crowd just like Lazarus just like me and Abraham said no he said that he should listen to the prophets you should listen to the prophets the five brothers in Luke 16 the five brothers should listen to prophets and they will not come here what are prophets preaching today riah profits is talking about heaven and hell oh and unless I'm reading a different Bible Abraham said they have Moses and the prophets let them hear them otherwise I question you your your prophethood Rhea prophets did the real prophecy as for hell is coming heaven is coming you go to hell if you don't give your life to Jesus so dear friends first appreciate my heaven hell why it is because we have fallen so far and that's why we become parent and unfruitful yes baron and unfruitful 2nd peter 1 put 2nd peter 1 8 and 9 together if you know how to do it put it together yes if this they are you looking at the scripture beautiful if these things are in you and abound they make you that you shall neither be barren nor unfruitful in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ but he that look at these things you see that is the you luck what makes you fruitful you see and not barren is number one cannot see fine number two is blind and number three the actual basis of salvation which is that he was purged past by what by the blood of Jesus this is what causes fairness in the church these three problems and today people who preach about it look extremists you look like you are overzealous I like what we seem to infantilism so so so why leave us let us rest America used to send missionaries no more Assemblies of God mission whatever they saw their headquarters the missions America they sold it Australia they sold it they saw the whole thing is over few people preach you know one day I preached in South Africa and we were having breakfast the next day I met a lady she was with her husband who was a big church in Zimbabwe and I said oh how are you fine I hope you are enjoying the conference she said oh yeah and I saw she said I asked haha I forgotten how it came up but how is the preaching like what's going on she said oh you are an old-fashioned preacher I said old-fashioned preacher what what what do you mean by old-fashioned preacher she said to me I didn't think your type of preaching still exists he said that does the preteen I know I thought it was nobody who preaches these kind of things again anymore so I said what were you were you well you bloody said that I came at 8:00 and I stayed till 9:00 I stayed for 13 hours i sat there for 13 hours as you preach that alone she tell you what I was receiving or what I was enjoying it [Applause] she said I that I thought your type of preaching is yes they have stopped preaching that's the type of mission in Kaveri root I was in Calvary road on the day that Pastor Kofi Impaler came to teach us a song he said I've got a new song okay what song is it take up your cross follow me deny yourself found I was that he said play this you play like this you play you play you play this is a song we sing take up your cross and follow me greater love has no man than this that a man should give his life souls are party to Eternity souls are party after days to those were part as the days go by how many really will die in Christ those are the songs I grew up learning today we do you have to say oh Jesus help me Lord now bless me one two three four yay hi what's up in the music glory are some power Lord yeah hallelujah one two three [Music] Biron that touch has become background and unfruitful these are the three plagues it's true three plates so don't praise yourself too quickly it's not a time to praise for what because you are here when you are coming from and you see how far the road you see the road people define Accra more thousands which which touches to their goal don't go to church thousands of people we need 1000 of these churches not just one in some corner somewhere we are prisoners are at the age of 55 I believe oh yes do you have to be 70 small left and your work is finished you didn't do much I don't believe in building one Church in the Bible you never see one Church you always see it series of churches Jesus honey in the mists of seven churches you never see him in one church you always say and I write to the churches that I in Galatia I write the churches that I earn in the churches that are in current never is never one Church it must always be a series of churches a series of churches I saw Jesus standing in the midst of seven churches Genesis 28 in conclusion and I see called Jacob beautiful now whatever was said to Jacob how many know that it applies to us amen because in Romans chapter 2 verse 28 it says in Romans 2:28 he is not a Jew which is one outwardly neither is circumcision that which is outward in the flesh verse 29 but he is a Jew which is one inwardly so you are Jews hey I said you understand when either you are Jews so he said to which is one inwardly and circumcision is that of the heart in the spirit and not in the letter whose praise is not of men but of God so I'm speaking to Jews so that is their Israeli embassy in Ghana they should take note of us we are also here we are part of the nation of Israel hallelujah so whatever was said to Jacob is being said to you today I said whatever I was said to Jacob is being said to you today and Isaac called Jacob and blessed him and charged him and said to him thou shalt not take a wife of the daughters of Canaan arise and go to pattern around to the house of Patel thy mother's father and take the a wife from dens of the daughters of Laban thy mother's brother now you're placing starts with avoiding the Eve that is going to change your life the God had brought Adam and Adam was over the whole world Adam was flowing in the ministry God has sent him then if him they got married and then a Newton came which has not been there before and all through in the history of ministry you have the divisions and deviations that coming because of marriage yes they say something is going straight it's going straight and it's going fast then marriage to Eve now if I realize that then that was going straight it's telling this way this way sometimes you see them if you are standing outside you see the ball go up down left right the captain is trying to stake yes a simple things are supposed to go straight he's not going straight again pressure from the right pressure from the left after Japan Airlines before it crash into the mountain the tail came off so for one hour the plane was going up like this straight up than to go straight down than to go up and left you come if you are interested to watch plane crashes you can google it and watch it Japan they had enough time to write letters in the plane before they crashed but those who are watching on their radar didn't know what the plane was doing because the control was has been tampered with [Music] who they couldn't control it that's how some lives are you can't see which way it is cui anymore one merit that you brought somebody to the cockpit to come and join you your colleague has changed and the ministry is no more clearly moving in a particular direction you are looking at me because you don't understand the preaching so the first part of the blessing was 20 don't take one of these women when take one of these ones this was are not good go for this one not all women are the same woman's I said not all woman's are the same I noticed yes one day a boy 11 years old he told his mother mommy you think I don't know things I noticed 11 years old who is Telus but I notice go and take a wife from that place Westray and god almighty bless thee are you receiving this blessing God Almighty bless thee and make thee beautiful may God bless you today and make him make you fruitful now look he says and multiply V so Bishop Eddie from now this is the Commission to multiply V you seem you times 10 you times 12 you times 20 when that happens then comes after that thou may us be a multitude of people that's why I consecrate bishops because me times 10 you see makes me into a multitude of people so where you have just one powerful man of God it's not much it's just a lot of mighty bless thee and make thee fruitful how the Lord multiply V multiplied the you times 10 so if I can get 12 of Bishop Abbey's I'll become a great multitude multiplied you you multiplied I hope you get is not the ministry multiple you multiply more of you you see that comes a place where if you don't have to be multiplied and multiplied D we multiplied more of UV more of the multiply V we multiplied we multiplied removal of you are you are you see how you are how do i effective what you are able to do time step of you humans that thou mightest become a multitude of people so may you see i wish i will be times hundred yes hallelujah and i pray for you that you will be much you as a person you see I know you know sometimes I tell my father you know pastors try to do well like I want to be nice now well but you know I've passed that stake I don't want to minister I want to multiply I want want people like me who preach who can multi they also predict and also built they can also build churches they can also train people they can also conduct camps they can also Commission they can also attain I want more I don't want to do well in that sense something yes but I will multiply me yes times u times seven so from today don't try to just perform or try to do well like I preached well or I ministered well that's not really the Lord multiplied be that thou mightest become a multitude of people verse four and give thee the blessing of Abraham see the hostess sang the sophist of my headed Abraham's blessings of mine Abraham's but everybody has it he said and we could give the Abraham's blessing the blessing of Abraham may God give you that it's a specific blessing he said what is that blessing that thou mightest inherit the land wearing down at the stranger that the country and the nation where you are born in and where you are even a stranger you can't really possess the land you possess the land for Jesus the blessing of a promise to inherit a whole nation that you are a stranger in you are born in us nobody as nothing not even accepted not even wanted but you inherit the whole life that's the blessing of Abraham and that's the blessing that Isaac spoke over his son Jacob after he told him don't worry here go here and Marie here and the Lord bless God Almighty bless thee and be a fruitful and multiply thee that thou may us be a multitude of people and the Lord gives you the blessing of Abraham that use you possess your possessing the land I say you are possessing the line you are possessing the land where God has brought you you I stranger you are nothing but you are going to possess the land and I believe that the basic is we are going to possess we are possessing Ghana and we are possessing Judea you know the Holy Spirit was speaking to me guys you haven't done well at all you have not been in Judea I said may I forbid you that what do you mean he said what about Togo Polly me Mommy so Cody Cara I was sitting in Ghana didn't assay go to Jerusalem what about Judea Togo Benin is much more once it's a Judea what about paliku total noon a public holiday what about them what about good if is our Judea in appraising yourself understand us at all whatever to do is just follow Judea what about people and when we went there the law and man and marque and Yahoo Sukhram yumbo Dooku you know what you see a judgement you tell you people you don't know it's only that we are not we are not really we are short-sighted that's why we can't see what about bikina is it not about Julia we are copying for ourselves in Ghana the top two cities in bikina where are we Waga dugu bobo-dioulasso we are nowhere and we also receiving foolish praises the Lord gives you the blessing of the ground the nation that we are strangers in we shall processes bishops I prophesied to you you see the nations around us that we are strangers in the Lord is given us the blessing of Abraham process all those nations who build mecha caches in all these countries by the grace of God and by the power of God and you will live to see practically in your life may the Lord multiply you may you increase mightily and greatly in the Lord lift your hand and thank God for this blessing of check up on your life today father thank you for this blessing in Jesus name ba-ba-ba-ba monopole effective ramallah dosti in Jesus name we pray we thank you Lord for what you have done is beautiful we are grateful and we thank you in Jesus mighty name p'mote asam B'Elanna cocora valley a man palin ossifer and ali baba Mende Tito cabassa to Monica Amidala oh man diminish Allah Baba thank you Father for this best lift your hand everyone father let the blessings that were spoken on Jacob rest upon everyone here multiply as law let us become a mighty multitude according to your word give out the blessing of Abraham that we may see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living thank you as we we thank you as we dedicate this church and as we give you praise for what you have done we are glad and we are thankful that you have brought us this far but Lord we are not present ourselves it's nothing help us to see and to not be blind help us not to be blind not to forget how we came to know you thank you for the blood of Jesus it will never lose its power no matter who you knows the blood of Jesus the blood of Jesus is the blood of Jesus by which we are saved and by which we are delivered from our sins we thank you in Jesus name and everyone said amen okay well we are going to dedicate the church I dedication is a prayer stretch your hands out towards this building Father thank you for this building we shall bury join me please thank you for this building and for how far you've brought us we are grateful and at this time we just anoint this building with the oil and the grace of God let it be an anointed building and a blessed building we bless this ground we bless this church and we say it's now blessed everyone who comes here is declared fruitful everyone who comes will come again and when they are coming they'll come with more people the healing of the Lord shall be here the grace of the Lord shall be here many shall be saved here with the decade this place for salvation for the blood of Jesus for healing of people's lives for healing of the brokenhearted we dedicate this place for speaking in tongues we dedicate this place for the gifts of the Spirit we get we dedicate this place for the move of the Spirit we dedicate this place to the counsel of the spirits with a decay this place for the training of pastors we dedicate this place for the training of shepherds we dedicate this place for the sending out of missionaries we dedicate this church for multiplication too much edges much hatches Lord much hatches we dedicate this place that it shall be a center of excellence a center of blessing a center of healing a center where the blood of Jesus who wish spoken about and minister to the ends of the world we thank you Father let angels are sent with our prayers into your presence and let angels descend in this place with answers to our prayers in the name of Jesus Christ now let every access person or evil eye that looks upon this building go blind today in the name of Jesus Christ no plague shall come nigh our dwelling no evil shall come near this place it is now a holy ground we declare the Kadesh to be holy ground in the name of the Father in the name of the son and in the name of the Holy Ghost and everybody shouted a man [Music] Alleluia get a lot of shadow pray somebody let your hands Father thank you for what you have done thank you for the beginning and thank you that he who began a good work shall surely bring it to a perfect day whatever has started Lord bring it - it's beautiful conclusion let there be nothing left of all the tissue of commanded as I wish are not fulfilled and obey we thank you for this great blessing in Jesus name and everyone said amen god bless you you may be seated hallelujah now at a dedication like this we have to be thankful to God it looks easy but it's not easy to fight and to possess so I want us to give an offering at Thanksgiving offering amen to encourage the work here and this is going to be your Thanksgiving and your blessing of the Kadesh and I know that God is going to bless you my city give me some envelopes because I want to give some few envelopes that I feel in my in my heart beautiful now I believe that you know we have between 500 to 1,000 building projects that are going on now as I'm speaking so this is nothing in the sense that it's just one of many and there are many places and there are many people and we are not short sighted so we want if we are short sighted we say oh we have everything because we don't owe any money I wouldn't have come to dedicate if they were owing when I came here they were only so I said no I'm not dedicated please no debts some people have also built cathedrals there when you finish paying your debt I will come there but I want us to give a special thank you now I feel something because when if the Xhosa came to Ghana to Commission the building of action chapel I was there it was a bare land and he was waving his butter Carolinas and he said on the open field it's an ad you build a church father God will build a house for you if you build a house for God God will build a house for you I never forget it has stayed in my hand if you build a house for God God build a house for you I believe it I believe build a house for God don't do the house for you yes so I want us to give specially a special gifts to the Kadesh is it for that guy I see him in Jesus written on a hill edges that we like money we made it fun if you are going to give us a we'll be so happy no no this is for church because we are going to take the money whatever you give we are going to use it to pay for some I don't want to tell you the project there are so many but your money will really help so I want at least 1,000 people to give 1000 cities come for my look for right on it Kadesh dedication from you or your church or anybody just a thousand cities I believe is a blessing Kadesh oh thank you very much I see powerful men of God giving I need envelope man loops are finished I'll give you the envelope myself a half time oh man of God beautiful now listen God will build a house for you and God will build your church - yes what a blessing bless the Kadesh with your thousand cities and it shall be a great blessing yea man of God thank you well thank you very much god bless you thank you thank you thank you 1,000 cities please it's not a mud gauge it's not in installment I can see it's poor it's a blessing to see you yes thank you mr. secretary general circuitry man of God bonkie Wow Oh Reverend they do so powerful to see all of you this among musical father so this is better doleful clap for him please these are the fathers oh these are the ones who trained us he taught me how to play drunks yes he taught me how to play drums I remember the day he taught me said press here and then after that you press here and press here that's how it is and what and in the future when I started a church in Geneva I knew how to play drums and I also taught somebody press here you should press here and we have loaded more churches god bless you Wow beautiful [Music] great man thank you please thank you so much for giving ID I need envelopes you can write a check to please but have a thousand people come I don't know whether a thousand people have come today what we write please pay what as a Romeo Kadesh now touch somebody sitting by you and tell the person I am very surprised that you didn't go for the end very surprised I am very surprised tell the person I am shocked Father forgive them for they know not what they do please if you didn't come for my improv come for it it's a special scene come for the envelope have you told the person sitting next you like that shocked tell the person your big car outside I saw you coming out in cities you will not give when your pipette wrote twice is thousand cities be generous God is going to bless you come come and give God bless you this one God will build a house for you be blessed now the next one is God will build your church for you I believe that church building Zachariah 4 verse 6 he was talking about the building he said it's done by my toe it's not my power is by His grace and by the grace of God amen so it's by the Holy Spirit you want to saw a special seat for your ministry that Lord I want to saw him in a seat so that my ministry will also be able to build churches you'll be vomiting out church buildings come for my envelope it's a blessing prophetic blessing prophetic blessing or building of churches and building of your ministry be blessed you build churches you build churches they'll build churches many churches buildings you build you build buildings buildings buildings God is giving you grace to build the first one was for you build your house but this one is you build your church may you build churches not one change I don't believe in one Chet I believe in many churches so at seed maybe you came the first time but this is for your church churches you build churches I believe it's so a seed in this and your prayer is our built churches build churches sow seed so I see the special seed be blessed we bless you never be trying you'll never be try your hand will never be try the hand will not be try sew a seed and belief believe it it's going to happen practically 1000 CDs as a prayer one thousand CDs as a special prayer you build many churches believe in God believe that it can be this man has already built a church how many have you built one you build more churches he built a chest single-handedly yes from foundation to which we deserve a miracle be bless me bless be bless your ministry is blessed I'm giving a blessing of building churches and releasing a blessing Oh and built building is by the grace yes be blessed god bless you now you don't have a thousand but you want to give 500 quickly as a special seat come and take my envelope now I don't have thousand CDs but I have 500 if you build a house for God God will build a house for you and I believe it come please thank you you don't have what do you call it towels in CDs but you have 500 please I hope you will you bring the offering as I'm giving to you I don't know where I'll see you again I'm getting worried because this one is in the Kadesh you bring it here today okay please nobody should swap me if you swap me a dinosaur who follow you those of you who have not watched Jurassic Park after this meeting well watch it a lot of trouble Kim it took yes if you have it you can bring it right now the front it took an egg and he put it in his bag and a dinosaur followed it from the beginning of the film to the end so if you want from the beginning of today to the end of your life something is following you then take my envelope and don't bring it back so if you know you not will you bring the envelope not empty it's a blessing no problem [Music] I build my church and the gates of hell god bless you God bless you God bless you I see your house being rooted I see the plumbers they are working your house tiling say I receive it say I receive it I steel carpenters and workers you never rent a house you only live in your own house in the name of Jesus receive grace to build houses you build you see how we are building I'm walking on the carpet when you come and work on the carpet that grace is giving to you believe it the professing you believe is the one that is going to happen beautiful god bless you god bless you Comfort ye be blessed you can use dollar we accept every currency except Uruguay is the only country we don't serve their money because of what happened in the World Cup but every other currency we are serving Afghanistan to be done except hey who is this Chris [Music] Comfort my people one day our life will be over and God will speak comfortably to you because your warfare your rights your fight for him will be accomplished [Music] [Music] [Music] speaking for one day church building gospel preaching will be over and that a waffle [Music] but that hard [Music] now you don't have 500 CDs but you want to bless the Kadesh the Kadesh with 100 CDs or anything you have come for my envelope just as a blessing you want to say bless the Kadesh my hand is in it my hand is in it can some pastors help me please I want to bless the Kadesh [Music] 14 [Music] we bless bless the Kadesh your warfare bless the Lord [Applause] [Music] speak comfortably you built many churches you preached many times you want many souls speak comfortably to my people tell them no one face accomplished you did want to ask you to do [Music] that hurt [Music] that [Music] The Voice we want to bless the Kadesh [Music] mix right [Music] [Music] chubbie shall be its sole [Music] now everybody take out something that you want to bless the Kadesh with your offering whether it's in the envelope or not I'm finished giving envelopes take out your offering and we are going to bless the Kadesh with a blessing those who took my envelope please if you do not bring it it's better you put it back so that we can have it as an empty envelope and then we'll use it next time but if you bring it god bless you please bring it is for the Kadesh and it's going to be useful building father thank you for the special blessing that is given to everyone who is giving today in Jesus name Amen if you have an envelope and you want to put it in out come to the front but other than that the ashes where you receive the offering now pass the baskets around but if you have an envelope don't put it in the basket there if you have a neighbor come to the front [Music] Asha's please receive the offering we are waiting and the baskets are going around [Music] we [Music] [Music] [Music] to the minister [Music] this is your time this is your see [Music] [Applause] [Music] 22:50 [Music] [Applause] [Music] it is good for a man that he bear the yoke in his you you must understand daddy you don't have forever you cannot perform the time of a sacrifice do you remember how we all get in a sense you were when you started walking deeper and deeper and deeper in you this is your time to time this is your 25 to 50 25 to 50 its from 25 to 50 [Applause] [Music] now Jesus the night [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] Oh beautiful give the Lord a mighty clap or friend let's thank Sophie I want to just if you are here tonight everybody stand in for just a minute please and you want to give your life to Jesus every head bowed every eye closed you want to give your life to Jesus you want to say pasta please pray with me I don't know Jesus as my savior please help me I want to go to heaven I want Jesus to save me if you are here like that raise up your right hand like this hi and I'm going to pray with you specially before we close just lift it up high god bless you god bless you I'll see all your hands maybe somebody invited you but deep down you know that you are far from God Jesus help me I want Jesus today if you are here you want to give your life to go tonight then lift your hand up high like this and if you uplifted your hand come to me in the front quickly come to me for where you're standing I'm going to pray with you come all the way here [Music] today come on my friend come on I wanna pray with you come on come to Jesus God let's cover them as they come cut from the back come from outside come from wherever you are I want God I want to say I don't want to go to hell help me pray with me I want to give my life to Jesus come on I wanna tell you [Applause] God bless you God for that matter so many people are still coming I want to give my life to Jesus god bless lit your hand let's pray father say this prayer with me Lord Jesus please forgive me for my sins I am a sinner I am a sinner I am a sinner forgive me wash me with the blood of Jesus said I wash me with the blood of Jesus have mercy please write my name in the book of life from today say from today I give my life to Jesus Christ thank you Jesus come into my heart change me from today thank you Lord in the name of Jesus thank you for saving me now say after me Satan Satan I bind you in the name of Jesus from today I will not save you again Satan I will not follow you again from today in the name of Jesus I belong to God now lift your two hands say Jesus I love you I thank you from today I will serve you and I'll follow you in Jesus name amen god bless you i want to give you one of my books here it's a special present for me okay you don't have to pay for it it's a gift god bless you when we close all of you who came to the front come to the side over here we are gonna talk to with you about there those of you who have the book all right god bless you may go back to your seat and you may be seated will accomplish of Eddie thank you please put your hands together who are you clapping thank you Bishop for this fresh direction I received a mandate to multiply myself and to be more fruitful I will not be short-sighted I will not be blind and I'll not forget that I've been washed from my sins may we all pick up this mandate so that what the blood that Jesus shed for us will never be in vain clap your hands one more time thank you so much thank you for the prayers now we have a plaque to unveil at the entrance so I'd like to ask the senior pastors who are here to join us myself bishop bishop himself and then bishop zakian the UT bishops will come along and all other invited ministers please join us outside who come back here and we'll come back here and close then after we close there's a little reception for those that have been invited especially I really invite especially but you know some people are more specially invited than that I mean I beg god I'm sure you know what I mean was all these people I don't think I have money to feed on but we will be blessed so please Mau Jeremy will give us okay all right okay before we do that I have some senior ministers here there are so many senior ministers I'm glad you responded to our invitation to be a guest and we honor you we appreciate you and we thank you for coming and please clap your hands for all of them I have so many on my list and I'm going to kindly mention them quickly and when I mention your name please stand up for acknowledgment so we can see you and acknowledge you now from Hebei chapel bishop mentioned our roots go down to harvest chapel and I learned how to pray in tongues for long hours from Calvary Road Calvary route that's how we used to call it Calvary Road and all our senior brothers are here thank you for coming we have Xenia pasta here Reverend Fitzgerald Oh danke Reverend Emmanuel TT Lottie all from harvest Reverend Paul appear Jessie god bless you Reverend ODOT a lamb T Thank You Reverend Betty don't go our grandmother she please we didn't see you please stand properly she's very shy so I know sometimes she doesn't want to be seen but I tell you what you did we'll never stop saying it we thank you very much then held up better don't go her husband who is also here who taught Bishop how to play the drums thank you all of them from Havas please put your hands together for harvest Chapel International which was our roots Calvary root became harvest Chapel International and our roots go deep down they thank you so much living from living streams Reverend and mrs. Paso Markway Pacho and Bridget please put your hands together for them Biagio is a very wonderful musician and also a very powerful man of God with leaving streams also our roots go down with him also at Calvary what I remember when we went to apologize to Calvary root for doing the wrong thing in starting the church in the wrong way Bishop led us to apologize to cover hood and then the leader then reverend mark we said what they needed to do was to come and preach it was Patti okay Patti brew at the time okay he came to the church and they came to preach and I remember him leading I was leading the worship he led small I led small I led a pretty small he also led small you preach I preach you lead I'll eat it was too powerful please put your hands together for them then from row he Global Ministries my neighbor my neighbor just at my jaw ref Bishop Bishop dr. Chris pass ROM he's right here in the whites on my left please thank you very much he's my neighbor there is no far from me they say a poor man his neighbor is very far from me but he's my neighbors means I'm not poor he's not far from me ha open is a Cremora my long-standing colleague from the Volta River Authority where I left into full-time ministry he was my colleague there we live together in a Kusum our houses were opposite each other I left him there he remained there he's my director so maybe if I remain out of being a director of fantastic but God called me to a higher service from Kairos Chapel I call him my profit pasta Bishop Prince Emmanuel today he has a special curly hair that he don't very nice god bless you and then from global faith believers Chapel my friend also Reverend Richmond Kwaku yes Reverend Richmond Cobb has also been training my security man he's also has some skills in security things so he has been training my security people here and he also used to be my table tennis coach in my latter days since when I wanted to revive my table tennis he became my coach but after some time I box late so I don't know when I'll pick it up again actually I have a table tennis board here a world class the Bhutanese board and then and then I have a robot as well so those who are interested will bring it so that you can train here all right thank you very much now from the megachurch okay now let me just go on to this one's ICC International charismatic Chapel we have Reverend dr. upon a do Jeffy I think he was here but they just stepped out god bless you also then liberation Bible Church Apostle James knee and pANSA we call him bunkie in Calvary rude he was also here he came very early he he said he couldn't see very well so he thought that time was 3 o clock so he came very early so I think he's we've allowed him to go that's ok he said it himself then from ICGC international Central Gospel Church my mother's church my mother's pasta Reverend dr. Anthony Cujo please clap your hands oh please for him himself and then for pastoring my mother for all these years for twenty-two years he has been pastoring my mother god bless you say thank you so much Springs of life Chapel International Reverend Jonathan a Cuban also our friend and as well as a board member of healing Jesus campaign god bless you latter rain family chapel Tecate Reverend and mrs. Jesse sake all right right there in front also a board member of healing Jesus campaign god bless you then from a live chapel okay lady Reverend moja I'm welcome please clap for her all right then from another Kadesh but because they didn't get the Greek or the Hebrew word very well they decided to maintain the English word which is holy hill chapel Assemblies of God my very very good friend Reverend dr. Joe Burton vampire yes he is a common name and a common face in this church and then also my very my neighbor not so far from me from the Medina estates cheapest House International Reverend Francis our being and Bishop Reverend Francis say that he is a member of the United denominations originating from the lighthouse group of churches but he belongs to the keeper's house international so god bless you thank you so much wonderful man of God then my Assemblywoman is here also but let me just honorable Olivia tim is here where are you my Assemblywoman is here where are you oh she's where she's there Oh until Libya my boyo Oh finally Oh okay no problem she has decided to remain anonymous okay beautiful Reverend Kenneth adelante is here where are you Reverend Kenneth adelante all right then special invited guests at last but not the least is mrs. Regina Buchi from the Reg Emmanuel gray limited mom where are you please clap your hands for her Oh Oh fine you're not gonna go to go funny me one more time ma'am please God bless you thank you Bishop auntie Regina from reggie monroe follows you very hard listening to your messages all the time and is blessed by it okay and then yes and my very good friend I have not forgotten him now is also Bishop Clement a CNA of the victory Bible Church UK beautiful are you clapping for him are you clapping for him beautiful god bless you god bless you so much and then from my UD united denominations originating from the lighthouse group of churches all my bishops please rise up so we can acknowledge you Bishop Richard is in the house bishop Johnny I wanna is in the house Bishop Edwin Morgan ago is in the house Bishop Richard I okay Bishop is also here and then Bishop to Dixon is here bishop me as you do is here bishop Emmanuel Lewis in tough Alesia bishop Ansari is here Bishop Hamish Odysseus bishop prophet cakra Baden is also here Bishop Ishmael Sam is also here Bishop I forgotten his real name because I called Bishop a soul Bishop David as so many is also in the house bishop Cooper Queen Bishop pansy god bless you pammi who sue god bless you and then all my Bishop also Bishop Erika today sister Simone is here Bishop William is here Bishop Weezy is here and then Bishop Frank is also in the house please clap for them and then Bishop but Nana akuto is also in the house god bless you all for coming and I didn't miss I actually almost missed one of the four frontrunners bishop matthew a dementia yes from the gospel lights international and i am sure i have missed some of the very specially invited guests I've missed all my UD pastors first love passes Reverend Joshua and your team god bless you god bless you we love you very much we love your fire we love your energy we are following heart will not be retired it's 25 to 15 but God has given us some more grace so extra time and in the extra time you will see fire and you will see the same kind of see god bless you so much and for all of you that i couldn't mention your names i'm so sorry that i couldn't mention your names because their list is very long past assam all of you you know I can see your faces but to mention everybody will take us almost midnight so all protocols observed and all invited guests duly acknowledged God bless you for coming may you understand in a church like this and have it dedicated to God you have done for me may God never forgets you may remember you for the rest of your days thank you so much and Bishop sake is also in the house I just like to have a few people just bring greetings and then we will continue to unveil so I'd like to welcome pastor Fitz please come and give us a hello and Fister out Reverend Fisher out Oh danke please welcome him clapping is a good idea thank you sir hello wonderful time and things can only get better for us we thank God especially for the life of Bishop ducky with meals for visionary what is doing through him through this great mission may God continue to be with us may we push hard and maybe that when Jesus comes you say well done good and faithful servant you're blessed thank you please help me welcome bishop matthew a dementia to bring us greetings thank you please clap for him I would say that when we began to raise funds for this this wake he came as a man of faith and encouraged our people to give and many gave some give houses some give lands through the message of faith that he delivered and helped us to be able to raise some of the money that helped us to build it so thank you very much say God bless you praise the Lord hallelujah I want to thank God for the life of Bishop Doug and for what God is using me to do which I've I've been watching you all the time the Crusades because you're on covenant TV every day you are there free of charge and we're doing that to support you amen I also want to thank all for the life of Bishop Eddie it been a journey of faith you know moving all the way from airport West to displace and I've been here last year we give glory to God that the Word of God is true and with an go for your life thank you all for also supporting such a worthy cause and may God richly bless all of you Wow and last but not least I'd like to welcome my bishop friend Bishop Clement Sen a from the victory Bible Church UK to also bring us greetings please welcome him welcome him he has had a very long day but he managed to squeeze something and come along god bless you say I'm a very shy person well on behalf of my spiritual father and bishop Nina beanie Appiah can takea boy we we also congratulate Bishop Adi Adi and salut the prophet of God [Applause] a lot of people who are following what UD is doing because they are quiet but they are following we are all falling hard I told him humorously my heart is victory but my head is lighthouse the world can go we admire you so much because of that and God bless you for Tim how do you call it tell blazing lines or something you you use some words unless and he came to tell us to always follow the right bottles so that's what he left with us it's not me who said he taught us that all the animals migrate to a place and they all follow the right but also we are following bottles god bless [Applause] I think I like my mother's pasta Reverend dr. Toni could you please come and say a few words I'd like to hear your voice on this day thank you very much please a man of God great man of God doing great works on the spintax Road god bless you hallelu here I think it's great to see what God has done and on behalf of dr. miserable I want you to know that International Center was which believes in lighthouse and what you are doing anytime we meet the lighthouse example of Czech planting Bishop Dax missionary activities his books his sermons are always a colleting and I want to say wish a bag you have more disciples than you think you have we are all following and we thank God we find you in our generation play in your row significantly and adding to the body such as ought to be supplied congratulations lighthouse congratulations bishop addy wonderful please clap for him god bless you god bless you thank you so much all of you for coming now please don't go away yet Bishop is going to lead us we are going to unveil the plaque and after that we will come and say that closing prayer and the last benediction and then nobody I think I would like to I beg you T I'd like you to say a few words please welcome bishop [Applause] Bishop II a tea hallelujah well what a time and what a dune of the Lord own son got so much for my twin brother hallelujah such a nice guy what do you think and it prettiest tonight only that I preach better than him don't tell me when you see him but I'm such a blessing to see what God has done and I'm so grateful to God for being part as we don't behalf of all the UD bishops and pastors and churches we thank God for God giving us the father and the prophets he has given us when I met Bishop 37 years ago I didn't know that that's how my life is gonna become at the ministry that God was bringing me into was 1982 and I'm grateful to God that we are followed and we are where we are today and Thank You bishop always keeping us on track always I mean that the messages always bring us back to the reason for which we are being called and I pray that will fulfill our calling and we do CLE things and I tell I don't tell my brother and friend and my Gulf Trina not Elm he's not very very very very well tomorrow you get Betty you got four babies other golf course but else it's been a wonderful week and every time once I remember house he was been also stood at the Kadesh and he also much more than me but I couldn't sleep when you asleep and when we are eating you eat all and I tried it and it's unable gender and I realized that I'm doing myself ha I also began to eat and sleep and but I guess of what repair repaired all our decks and we'll build many churches we keep seven and we'll keep working for God congratulations and God bless you for following the Rabbitohs [Applause] [Laughter] put your hands together for Bishop e.t sake Wow okay I think now it's time to follow the right bottles to go towards the unveiling of the plaque god bless mommy please give us some songs [Music] Cinna bishops please pass tests peace bishops senior pastors please join us we go this way [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] my [Music] and [Music] raise [Music] my precious build your church make us strong join our hearts through your son [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] praise the Lord hallelujah hallelujah we are standing outside in front of the plaque so to the glory of God and by the grace of God he unveiled this plaque that dedicates the Kadesh in the name of the Father the Son and the Holy Ghost amen [Music] [Applause] [Music] make it stays to the glory of God the Kadesh was dedicated by Bishop diamonds on the March 24th 2019 to God be the glory intro you for what you have done we are grateful for the bit and that you shall perfect this work and bring it to a perfect completion in Jesus name ah bless thank you very much [Music] [Applause] [Music] Oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] Wow thank you please stand to your feet we've come to the end of this Graham dedication you neva be a no problem we have a big carpet here you can sleep here at least then you go home tomorrow morning god bless you close your eyes welcome Bishop Richard ie2 please close us give a closing prayer Bishop Richard ie all the way from the UK god bless you thank you shall we pray please let's bow our heads and pray father thank you for this great blessing and thank you for giving us the Blessed opportunity to witness this great work that you have done father we give ourselves to your will into your spirit and to your guidance and to your protection as we leave this place cover us then bless us as we go in Jesus name Amen god bless you tend to your neighbor shed that grace with him the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ the love of God the communion fellowship contribution participation and the sweet influences of the Holy Spirit and the anointing for 5,000 cadets children which includes all the people that are important for my life be with us now and forevermore [Music] we believe the word of god has come to you and you have been blessed by this sermon subscribe to this channel and get notified about every video posted
Channel: Eddy Addy
Views: 4,592
Rating: 4.9375 out of 5
Id: bSfgpmoew6s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 171min 53sec (10313 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 27 2019
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