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romans 1 chapter 1 verse 11 11 it says for I long to see you that I may impart unto you some spiritual gift to the end that you may be established amen what is the foundation scripture for our theory yes now this scripture is revealing to us settings very very important truth one of the keys is that even though you can receive by remove that is you can receive the anointing being far away right you have also get blessed when you physically see the president amen so that's why Paul said I long to see you that I may in time so there is something that comes into our life as we see or come in contact with somebody who is gifted or anointed amen are you blessed so try to be present wherever the Lord is blessing amen the second strange thing is he said I long to see you that I may impart unto you all right I want to impart to you so you get the impression here that Paul had the choice of giving or in passing with something are you there I will be in other way if he did not want to impact that gift he wouldn't impact it are you there so even though it is a gift of God it looks as though from this scripture that a man who is anointed or gifted or has something to give can choose to give to this message or not to this person or to that person what do you think ah what is it it's right in there isn't it so I love to see you that I may impart to you some gifts so this shows us a great revelation that indeed God kiss can be given by someone to someone they have that longing to see the person is God prompting to the person that he should give a gift to this person maybe when the Apostle longs to see somebody it is maybe because he's being prompted by God to give something what do you think in the natural if your father wanted to see you he may want to have something that he wants to give to you or collect from you the tenures if he is a poor father or not or baby no that is foreboding indeed or he wants to send you hallelujah so it is a blessing now I long to see you now I want you to listen very carefully because what I am sharing with you is of utmost importance it may not seem important to the left and minds but it's very important you didn't hand mine to see this revelation I long to see you I long to see you I long to see you I long to see you I love to see you I long to see you to see you I'd like to see you many of us are wrong but you are invisible are you understanding you are you around on your unseen yeah I love to see that I make impact now due to the sin nature of man we have been forced into hiding I was afraid so I hid myself a view rather before I was afraid so I see myself and for that I long to see you but you didn't you see the hidden so I don't see you I will see you because you are hidden so try to have an enhanced mind in order to receive this that would be the space John let's finish with a reading so that we can talk if you are listening to this message and you don't live near these in the sense that you don't let it gana your father is telling you that he longs to see you so come home so that you can see you to impart unto you some spiritual gift so come home don't stay far you get it come home because when you come you will receive an impartation of some spiritual gift something always happens when you come in contact you know that you always get something when you come home even if your brother is a poor man you always get something once you go home you always get even when you are grown up you go home you get something maybe not my age and I'm not so old but even at my age when I go home to my mother to my home I get something yeah something when I go home to my wife parents who which is her home with my home team Oh [Laughter] I get something my father-in-law will always say oh this is for petrol buy some petrol or this is for the children or this is for I mean no matter how small you always get something when you go home receive something what do you think very good idea I love to see the Lightning impact to you some spiritual give to the egg that you may be established so if you are listening to this and you are far in another country come home you need to come home don't waste it at the funeral don't wait until there is nothing to impart don't wait and so there is nothing to pass or to receive come home Ava now tells John that wit was from the beginning there's one which we have heard which we have seen with our eyes which we have looked upon and our hands have handled of the word of life for the life was manifested and we are feeling and they're with me and show unto you that eternal life which was with the father and was manifested and run that which we have seen and heard declare we unto you that ye also may have fellowship with us truly our Fellowship it is well with the father and with his son Jesus Christ these things write real to you that your joy may be full this then is the message which we have heard of him and declare we unto you that God is what light and in him is no darkness at all if we say that we have fellowship with him and walk in darkness we lie and do not the truth but if we walk in the light as he is in the light we are solutions with one another and the blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanses us from all sin notice if we say that we have fellowship with him and walk in darkness you see this verse means to both of us traditionally speaking the realm of senior if you sing you not have fellowship with God okay but it means what is saying it means darkness and darkness is a realm where you are not seen can somebody tell of the lights here please check off all the line some of every single life say no for the life now we are in darkness I will darkness I love to see her I'll also see you I love to see you but I can't see you I know you around somewhere but I can't see you you are in the realm where I cannot see you your whole life I don't know what I was cracking your neck I don't know what I was pointing your son at me I don't know whether you are listening you 100 is stalking me I don't know what I was mining or whether you are angry I love to see you I know I don't know who this is honestly artist Andy I don't know who yet I don't know who you are I don't know your age I don't know anything about what is by my right hand side even though you attend church here and even though you are wrong I love to see you that I may impart because my own rescue like advantage [Applause] I'm on a schedule I don't know I'm gonna let my another Viper I don't know there's an odd mother church this morning I don't know if you still get it and I don't know when I skip my right hand I'm about to put my hand into the hundreds a madman I love this for you but the way of life is the way life is most of the things about your life is it like what you are wearing now I don't know what you are wearing most of the things about their life I can't tell don't let everything I'm going to the side of it that I can't tell I can't tell I can't tell who's here yes you are around but I can't tell it's like there's a little I can say because you are mr. mystery man you are system mystique you are Brahma hidden in the dark I want to see you but your life is the mysterious life then I don't know who your friends are and I you know I don't know who's your friend I want to see why I don't want to offend each other I don't know whether your friend is my enemy I don't know anything about you maybe I should see what no in Samara your party but I don't know anything about your past how can I have tell it how can I do besides when I can marry this person because I don't know that not only and I don't know prosecutors non-toxic you how can I because I don't know I can't see you - I can't I didn't know anything about you I love to see you I don't know if you like me or you hate me I don't know if you love me or you hate me I long to see you I wish I could see you and I really wish I could see you can you put on the light just just on me over here just on stage just on stage put on the light just on the stage just one little light on the stage so that they can see me all right oh it's wonderful how many cobras dry out here how many - how many 7 how long to see you ah can you see me but I can see you I can just see a few faces but I can't see who's here and who's not here mr. mystery man mr. James Bond first of all that's why that's why much of the gift that the Lord has given if you let me talk to you from my hand and after that I will come back to normal God forgive me for anything I say that is wrong that is why what is on me and the gift and the grace of God on this Commission cannot come to you because I long to see but I don't know I can't do I don't know you how can i how can i inside i don't know who i am in passing - maybe I have visitor I long to feel so you see me because he when I preached you know all about my life don't you don't you know all my stories and where I went to school and when I got married and the day I proposed to my wife but you know everything by you I don't know anything about you you even know what I was version or what I was sort of edgy when I was getting about you I don't know anything about you and if I ask you meet earlier life Oh am I not in the life if you remain is the darkness I cannot have fellowship with you even though I'm in the line except we all come to the light then you all relate I don't know you you know me but I don't know you you want to stay in the shadows and I should be in the life yeah that's wonderful mr. mystery man you see this behavior is caused by the fall this defect reaction the fall of man is to retreat into darkness I was afraid and I hate myself sometimes when we are playing golf and there is a tree if you go to the goshawk you see some trees there are marks on them you think that it is a type of tree not knowing that is the golf ball which has hit the tree so many times that's why this tree has become my dad and when we are playing sometimes you play the pole go somewhere and you realize that I was afraid that I would hit the tree so I hit myself I hit myself fear causes us to hide ourselves and to be mystery people sometimes I just marked myself as mysterious people come around me saying greetings and so on you want to remain the spirit you ask them so about your relationship or about some authorities by private it's highly personal oh yeah now it's personal if you don't know that your mysterious movements makes you very and able to fellowship with I can't see well therefore I will impart and that is why sometimes the grace of God I want someone cannot come to you because you are handsome take it or leave it put on the line Adam Bree a vision in the dream I came for a convention this is a very one of the major visions of my life because it's one of the biggest wishes and dreams of my whole ministry so listen to it cap is very short and in the vision I arrived at a large committee and forth with me no one else but Papa Hagen can you take it himself it was an old man and I was walking with him and I came for the convention because my church and I was visited so when I got there I went with him on stage and we sat down then it was time for me to speak so I got up and I asked of a Hagen to come and stand by me and I began to share with the large crowd about how God had anointed me through this man as I began to speak my children got up in the crowd one was going here making some noise another one gone up moving here then other children who a my children but not my biologically also got up then someone even started to shout so then there was a matter of promotion and so on but the way the condense it look like I had a short time to just share and I was sharing the most precious message of all how you can become gifted therefore established literally another and somebody put a business owner what I was saying could not be helped then the vision ended and the Lord said to me the group one of the most precious messages that I have given to you the message of how to become an anointed and a gifted minister it has become obscured and is becoming obscured because of your children your spiritual children and sons and daughters that you have in the ministry through them the message is dimming away and it's not being revealed to people how is this happening because many who should have been gifted I'm not becoming anointed so it looks like if the message is not true and people who should have worked in their gift and then knowing things are not working in a gift so it looks as if it is not true and so because you can go up crisscross in the world you will meet many many men of God very gifted and very anointed nobody can tell you out to have the gift they can't tell you how then you can be with the voyage is not that they want to be missed or that they don't know how step by step based on the web how to become a noisy they can say because they don't know it so both of us here and those are not listening you see there are many who have had much impact ation much teaching but because of the exception not food is it like you go to preach about Christ to your church or to anybody and some of the church members going steal or go and do so many bad things and in the end they say this Christianity is not cheap it's not it's not a real thing they are alive it's for me and the reason why they say so really because the people who you fish - there are the more liars and motifs and more wherever than anybody else oh it's like the everyday level says the pillar of the truth use the individual who should be the pillar and support the truth by your life by becoming anointed sailing to actually become anointed is now the evidence I saw the good message and then it's a really true message but it is because video file absolutely moving to move and many of us I you see we are sick those abroad they don't come home many of them apart and those who are near I never the ILA ductless so you don't even see them there are difficult people you get it and their lives are we so mysterious and no one is you because you can never come brother Michael solid what do I know about you there are successes we I thought of my brother so when I believe in no DNA I don't know where you are coming from I don't know where you work used to know I know very little about you I I'm missing a person to me although you are here you are here I'm sure last week you were here yeah a little of that we are four hundred pastors nine so ladies and gentlemen fellowship is possible by two people who I the light not by one who is in the light and one with him miss misty we cancel as nobody move to confident walking our moon battle and it has become a goddess method is not true but is the truest method you can ever have that you can really become anointed you can you can actually be lifted it is in the Bible wild listen why would God tell you to desire the best it is that gift comes by a mysterious dropping of anybody unhook such that you cannot release through if you follow ah and you sell you to desire what you imagine and I call this bird come and I tell you you stand yet none appears you are going and ready giblet dream okay and I want you to dream it and do it will you do it when you do it promise you do it we look desire when you work on this we look back over the map good how's that this is the vision I'm going to give you now I want you to spend your life design it okay now I want you to go home and become pregnant you okay you are man and I want you to become pregnant and I want you to deliver go to the level ward and deliver a bouncing baby this is the dream and a vision I'm giving to you I want you to spend your heart desiring this dream that I'm giving you what do you think how can be CV you desire now don't you see that this desire that I am giving this man a team to desire something that cannot be possible it's not going to happen Eggar tell em I never and never have ugly into desire then as heart itself when I is God will tell you to design and test this and you can know how the best is true if you never happen and is telling design that is Jumeirah it cannot happen will never happen it's not any small part of something that can ever happen and he is asking you to desire that baseness there is a wicked God what do you think but if I ask a lady to have that dream it is a possibility so ladies and gentlemen God has not presented us with any impossibilities as far as unknowing thing and give anybody here who desire to have to fix like Reinhard Bonnke I am telling you something it is very possible I'm telling you possible it's possible anybody here who desired to how they give to be a pastor it's possible anybody would decide to have a gift to be a teacher it is possible and I have sat down with people to claim the heart of desire and stop them but because many of them has not become anointed it looks as if you saw the true message that the Lord said to me is one of your best messages it's not your best message and he told me keep preaching it and keep talking about it you can become anointed keep telling the people how I came to be anointed that's why I preached how I came to be anointed that's why reasonable how I came to be annoyed that's why when the book or catch the anointing and another one thoughts how I came to be anointed you don't have it but it's there so you can be anointed today God is telling you sons and daughters list your eyes from every stagnation traffic jam in person but some or whatever other session is in front of you who is not becoming anointed because you can be an unknowing education you can be an anointed that you can be gifted you can receive an impartation you can receive the glory of God on your life you can work in gifts and calling you can preach like anybody preaches you can cease like anybody teaches you can think like anybody seen in studies that give you desire and does a desire that God is pleasing in your heart it is a possibility you can have it if you want it if you are ready for it but you see they don't really want it they don't really want is they want money [Music] most of the classes that I have trained they don't really want God there was no of earthly things and the ministry is a convenient addition and then do as appendix which they have other aha stuck on to them but the ambition is not the vision of an anointed person anything I will not be coming anointed because the rock on which anointed people walk is whether what they are working on a different Road warning ravages of the 190 Rev that is my Elijah coke jihad is this a time to receive gifts and to receive money and to receive cause as we see brothers this is not the ropes of getting this and getting that we are so going the wrong way and that was the end of his ministry do not let the presence of other mindset people who claim to have hurt things but I've not become a noisy don't let it deceive you don't let it obscure the message it's my best message that I have for you that you can become and because everything about ministry is related to again it's related to the presence of God and it's related to God great working in companies like us is what their ministries are there's nothing natural about the ministry nothing nothing nothing okay I will listen because people are working in the unnatural mind you get it many people will live with me but they don't relate with me as an anointed patient that's not how you relate to an anointed person you see in every organization there is a boss you can religion a business a boss you can relate the Palestinian you can relate the pleasures as successful personal and that is what in the world they have something they call mentoring that's why I don't use that word mentoring rarely do I use it I've used it before but I rarely use it because if Bill Gates was the one speaking he does speak he'll be a mentor to many people because he was a Harvard University student a or whatever students and he's becoming the richest man in the world by throwing his little little inventions of the computer is become the richest man in the world worth billions and billions of dollars okay so many people would sell him as a mentor I said I want to follow this man but when you come to the church you are not coming to learn from somebody as you would unless a a bank or in some other situations now without the difference a little because my situation God has mixed things up said that anybody who is a knowing that also looks secular is successful so you can really know what is successful or his anointed they are differencing proper Hagin somebody are surprised that is never preached about success and leadership or secret of your success and he said the 6,000 individuals is the Bible School professor Oh Papa hate you know it which is about the stupid office sacked by doesn't call it a water they sell prayer pick up a prayer is decreased at you have faith prayer bhai secret as I hardly need secrets any other secret these are the six that have brought into we're here but many of us we relate as you would relief is a bank manager that's why very few of my father's who ever give me an operator because you are come out in your thinking because I am richer than most of my pastors I am at less than most of my pastors so in the metro you would never give you an offer because we will let this me like a man's mother nobody goes in man's manager will ha I had a give him an offering or give him money oh yeah in the natural and in the natural with the back and I'm just using these essentials don't come with a deluge of gifts and for now that telling you the truth the relative don't bother yourself I'm telling you the virtual things I'm not unique you like my message today I don't like my message today it's a good message the reason why we are not becoming anointed is quite clear is the kind of mind that's working when comes to a spiritual leader you are not around him to learn his principles and secrets that they did to follow them you are around him to receive him and to believe in him to believe what he said as many of this idiom so then he gets power even as many as that believe on his name it's a matter of receiving the person and believing most of my father's don't believe what I say yes so why are you facing your person if a demon that is speaking is why why do you think in that way it's a stable spirit in you I'm telling you the for truth what if I can't believe what I'm saying if you believe what our say you will see the head believe is synonymous with the word a day in the Bible you pass the business and fish fish fish mr. Derek requests that are related and interchanges believe in and obey there is a chain in the Bible faith and obedience is one and the same thing most do not be 8:35 and promise is not a matter of following the principles of the session but there is we do not believe we did not receive and because you do not believe it's not nice to say you don't need as is it so what do we do 10 of the life again we just move backwards backwards backwards backwards backwards into the shadows so that you cannot be seen with your cynical and doubtful face because it don't release release release of message so now you sit at the back or you don't even bother to come around stay as far as possible and you just hang up hang around a span if you are seeing so hours around I have been coming this is if we come in value all day the - that's why we don't have the clock if you remain it that that Messiah no apologies to you but if you come into the light we can have fellowship put on the lights again let's come back into the light so I long to see you I may know whether you are Cobra or whether you are a man of faith you believe what I preach you sure you believe what I preach you want me to prove to you that you don't believe what I preach put on this life put on everything back you believe Bishop is secular laughs Wow father well our Father away to that when I was speaking in the vision you are getting up and making noise and distracting the people and making people think that any what I was saying was not important and not even a lot of you as a woman listen you are now not allowing others to become anointed they have to dog you to become anointed see the light will not come on so we cannot have proper solution huh you don't know someone I think you believe oh my kaliesha them fish about here you are father you do the deeds of your father you do the death of their father papa now everybody's up Colby Papa and especially when I'm not there papa we always Papa Papa a lot of supper comes in because it's not real you want to any faucet we do not become a son by calling somebody papa if anything the Bible don't call anybody papa when I get to heaven and they say well where people call you papa meow see I sold them in fact if you serve it don't call somebody papa and your father or whatever as gonna resent myself so if you continue it up to you you can t comics out by calling somebody papa you do the deeds of your father this is to the Pharisees I do not I see my father do you speak the things which you see your father do I see the things which I see my father saw a new thing that is which you see your Paula do say and do and I told you of your father your know also know your father you do the deeds of your father forgive me if I'm wrong but the things that God has used me to do I could not do them if God was not working when Nicodemus came to Jesus he stood in Sunday's even though he was a Pharisee he said no one can do these things that should to accept all divisions Jesus spoke with him politely a lot of people in this village have this sense or not patients but he wasn't even polite to them to answer them like we had time for you to even decodable is the IO being a ruler of that what did you see don't know deeply it was about to face him by his family Mulligan eyes and told him about being born again oh it's a nice there's very nice message amen are you listening it is a marvelous thing it is a marvelous thing now I know that you are Abraham's field in other words I know that you are members of lighthouse truffle international but you seek to kill me I was speaking in that vision and some people were making noise you are your way you are behaving people will never even think that there is anointing in the house because my word has no place in you I seek that which I have seen with my father and you do that which you have seen with your father having real you do the deal of your father may you be an anointed seven of the Lord I will not deceive you look I can live and fernette thousand screaming people it's one weird impartation and you always get something but I have also shown you how to be anointed but of course it is a message for those who really want to wait for God if you go to the bookshop you see I'd say one of the best days of it is called how I came to be anointed and yet we do not really want to be anointed some of unity way Elijah after working with Elijah for some years when Elijah had asked in Liza what do you want you see some of you if you had I was - told you that I was going to die and I asked you what do you want from me before I die I want to give you something very few people were asked before anointing and till I thought that I love to see you so that I can impact against relied on you that he could leave something for Elijah if I was going to die imagine that capital tell me dices ticket I have been told that I'm going to die what do you want I will give you something how many people do you think on a car to terminus also I hear you have a larger stock tomorrow you can give me that money I would like to build on that money future by logic your car can you give me your car or one of your car or your house who would you give your house - bishop it is a man I think you have money the way I see you're dressing roots in a Kerala chicawa thank you I've been even aspirin how many would even close their eyes in the Indian have got one you see why I don't ever see but Elijah he said I love the spirit that is for you and to clever guy he had an enhanced mind as a clever guy Jesus was also clever he didn't bother to preach before he became an idol he'd escaped entry when he was not a man today I say he disgusting see love annoys me for what Jesus always explained why I know he was there Spirit of the Lord is upon me because he has anointed me to heal now over here we don't use a knife this is Jesus is that the Spirit of the Lord is upon me has anointed me to dig wardrobes internal take me to meet bed he has invited me to make international standard bed and work groups and covers and dining tables I think I change this profession and it is on change of profession and come to the village sleep properly and come and serve God with all your heart without which there is something when you say that you ask you for the gift you are asking for the kid to enter your current work and one key is for something very utility was faced a lot allah delivers us he wants us will you use it what would you do with it can you take it what you would take that money can you stand some of the stresses that we undergo in the church what would you do with anointing when it is given to you the disciples were clever Jesus to them don't bother don't go wait for 90 wait when you come underneath it and you go till then take the house clever I see you becoming clever shall I open your eye to and see if you see me but you don't see anointing meanwhile goddess I'm going take me for you I'm sticking to because you are my children I will not say that everywhere I'm not a fool God has sent everybody somebody with the 90s so that you can benefit from it you are just moving happy other fish to a cow looks everybody to find a cow not a goat not a dog but at how find a cow and preach the cow or speak to that house done I've done it before you stand in front of the car and the car vicuna they rob big lips cowlicks I head out what they used to make comp is now powerless and eyelids they admitted it made a condom so true Inara accomplishes Altoona you can still receive already does receive the grace of God how many want to give your life to Christ you are not values no change are you a cow are you a cow the rise is that you don't read at all so much other message no matter how the message is time you don't change receives the gift and impartation of the Lord done to your feet everybody all right let your hand below that's time the Lord what is preventing you from becoming anointed what is keeping you from the true gift of God what do you see [Music] what do you see [Music] look at me I want to see branches that are bigger than here so that I'll know that the scripture that Jesus spoke through and the works that I do which I've trained you will the ways that I do shall you do and greater works than be when do you read the criticism about Connecticut and the faith message when they talk about his turn fed price and other people well this is that they are waiting on their father in terms of peace the avada huh are you listening to me where are the Twitter works you know you know one of the greatest things you know why some people don't want to become pastors because they know a poor pastor a struggling pasta isn't it everybody knows the struggling with how many have seen a priest before who was not impressive you wouldn't like to be like him at all as I said as a subject greatest obstacle to becoming a pasta my sweetie is actually preaching against a picture that you have that when I'm saying that the greatest obstacle to the message is some people already who have received a message you are not moving with a message is the greatest obstacle and many have seen a 4:03 whom you didn't want to and your mother than your father they are seen more pleased than you that is why they gaze you're not working in a shake it's also family and if you are going to leave Ghana a wish to come and work in a case your parents and other people would have object to it is it not true because and when Yorkers are not fools their wife you have seen a lot of things and the parent has that case to please before take it home for the children they will rub some up for this take it home for the children take milk yes to Sally's and they'll give to them let this book for the children the product rule another they have to respect or regard for the kinetic instead of sometimes they used to bring him Paul Cruz Otis bring clothes and things for the pasta and they will bring all things to you may say you just throw them out of the house he said God's house is not if you can't use it we cannot use it in the house of God we cannot use any second rate second class whatever there you go once you are bringing it to the church come on and he threw it out of the eyes it's not good for our total for the church but doesn't mind you people ISIL is a myth excuse me as I you are looking at me quietly the greatness of succor to the Word of God is that people who are not really sure they don't know any belief in Christianity as a charismatic church or in the church you know look real oh my children how many times that I stretch out my hand to reach out for you but I couldn't reach you cause you are so far to find the dark when I went along a certain road you wouldn't come with me and I will go far and our turn now there's nobody with me and I look around and I'll see a child one or two children who followed me but the mature one there are too much chose to follow my son my son whom I brought in the bility who will never be called pasta on this earth or do you live here for 1,000 years if it wasn't for me that I have brought you forth in the ministry never win anybody look upon you play and I respect you as separate or pasta or anything spiritual people that have brought us in Christ isn't how I long to be close to you you didn't want to be close to me that's why you retreated into the back and repeated as far as possible and in family would come to me with reasons as well as a child or I tried to call but we never get to oh this and that but this and that however that but that is that adore was born just four weeks ago my children whom I have walked with but when we've gotten a crossroads you turn right a knight Hanlon when we got to the I stand right you stand left until there were so few and then I was surrounded with some new people who know what mean my children you have many thousands of teachers or you have not many fathers your father is the one who prostitutes will come into the world even it is a fool abilities even if he said good is because of him that we exist your father is a one who caused you to come into the ministry in the military in Christ where are you today jesus said to the disciples I go and you shall seek for me but you will die in your sins because we're going you cannot come you cannot follow me why can you not follow because I'll do you all click pray for the anointing you pray for this but your heart is going this way you pray for what is on the right but your heart takes you to the left your legs take you to the left you lift up your hand handle up how many want you from the life you live some good hands you will lift up your legs but when they set come you go to the left the other direction so your life is going in one direction and your hand and your clean are going in the other direction a different cause because indeed it is your heart we determine everything as I just keep the heart with all diligence let your hands it is easy to raise your hand is it it is easy to have hands laid on you after all many times I've laid hands on believers thinking hours later some Christian it is easy to have your hands laid on your oil poured on you ministers are anointed thousands of people in one night it is easy but for where your heart will really be and where you have to really go that one it's not so easy therefore today take up your cross and say we'll be as I follow Christ and don't go another way because it's all not be easy this will not be well with you when you did not follow on the right wing but there is a way that seems to be the good wing and the right wing at the end of that wing it's not a good thing let your hand and asking for great father we thank you for your word thank you holy spring for your guidance your blessing which way is your heart going which way our legs going which ways your hands going for how the picture is going to the left hand turn to the right let's go to the right heart go to that left and the brain in the darkness going another way decided we cannot stand choose you this day whom you will serve father we thank you for your blessing this invitation service we love you and we praise you in Jesus name Amen
Channel: Dag Heward-Mills Evangelist
Views: 3,486
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: 2004, Dag Heward-Mills, Lighthouse, Lighthouse Chapel International, LCI, Korle gonno, Bishop Dag, Dag, Dag Heward, Dag Heward Mills, Christian, Teaching, Anointing, Preaching, Work of Ministry, The Impartation Services
Id: MdsGzkdWNps
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 66min 8sec (3968 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 28 2017
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