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let us pray father thank you for this morning thank you for the privilege we have to share your word Lord we ask that you guide us by your spirit and let your will be done in the name of Jesus we thank you for this privilege for this opportunity we thank you Lord that you have blessed us and brought us to your house this morning thank you for the great work you are doing in our lives we give you thanks in Jesus name Amen you may be seated alright this morning I want to share with you our short by the important message on the importance of a soul amen the importance of a soul amen now the first reason why your soul is important is because your soul is the eternal part of you the eternal part of you festus alone Ian's chapter 5 Bible says and the very God of peace sanctify you wholly and I pray God your whole spirit and soul and body be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus can you tend to first Thessalonians chapter 5 verse 23 please first the solonian chapter 5 in your Bible alright and it says I'm a the may the God of peace sanctify even if you don't know what it means to sanctify just know that it means to do something all right something spiritual so may God the God of peace do something spiritual to you holy amen the word holy means completely what may God affect you completely amen then he goes on and he says and I pray God that you're whole or complete or total spirit and soul and body should be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ amen now the soul of a person is the eternal part is the permanent part a men now when the government decides to demolish houses are you listening to me sometimes they go to some areas and then they demolish people's buildings houses that people have built okay now usually there is more outcry or more of an outcry when they demolish real buildings but if they just removing kiosks and other sheds you get it there's not so much of a feeling of sadness how many understand what I'm talking about as I guess when they come and they break him down somebody has built a mansion with roofing tiles and he's made a lot of I mean garden and so many things then he does they just wake up and they come and then they demolish the wall the gates their house even air conditioners everything they just break down the whole day you feel more sorry sir oh how you know and the reason is because a building is more permanent it's more like something that you would have thought would be everlasting it would be there forever so for it to be destroyed everyone feels a lot of and a lot of sadness especially for the owners of these houses and when you've removed some sheds and traders who are just putting their tomatoes or shoes on the on the Konishi street or wherever you don't feel so sad because it's temporary something that is movable is then also now the sole is the permanent pants of a person it will always be there you get it so when that part of you is destroyed then you can really feel sad but as for the body we all know that the body will be destroyed anyway when a present dies and is lying down in the mortuary he's lying there the organs are there the kidneys are there the lungs the liver the stomach the intestines the presents face skin arms legs lying there but something is gone something's gone out of the person that is the soul of the person which has gone out of the person and that is the most important part of the person because that is the part that will live forever by the other part will not live for a better part other sheds and tables and the other non permanent parts amen so ladies and gentlemen your soul is important because it is the permanent and eternal part of you now one day you and I are going to go out of our bodies and we will live forever somewhere hallelujah that brings us to our next point which is the second reason why a soul is important I'm going to give you about four points the second reason why a soul is important is because as soul has a destination every soul has a destination heaven or hell which one will be your home whenever a plane is about to take off you know they would have known this is KLM flight such-and-such with its destination being Amsterdam our destinations Amster destination New York our destination London alright because you can be on the wrong plane and you are going to go where the plane is going now every one of us here has a soul now that so which is your permanent part has a destination is going somewhere now there are two possible destinations all right and you must recognize this and prepare your soul to arrive in the right destination because once you are on the plane and the plane is moving you cannot change your destination if you are on an aeroplane which is going to Singapore and you intended to go to Mozambique you are on the wrong plane my friend and you cannot change because the plane is not going to land just because of you you just let your hands please I think I've taken that wrong I I think that I've taken the wrong plane I want to please can I get down please can I get down look we cannot just stop for you do you understand and in the same way when you die or you are dying right we cannot change your destination at that point okay now Jesus Christ died and went to hell for us so that he represented us in hell so that we would not have to go there that's what the buzz word it means when you know the Bible teaches us that he took our place in so many things in acts after - if you don't mind please turn with me to Acts chapter 2 verse 22 it says you men of Israel hear these words Jesus of Nazareth a man approved of God among you by miracles and wonders and signs which God did by him in the midst of you as you yourselves also no him being delivered by the determinate counsel and the foreknowledge of God you have taken and by wicked hands have crucified and slain whom God hath raised up having loosed the pains of death because it was not possible that he should be Holden of it for David speaketh concerning him I first saw the Lord always before my face for he is on my right hand that I should not be moved therefore did my heart rejoice and my tongue was glad moreover also my flesh shall rest in hope because thou will not leave my soul in Hell neither will now suffer thine Holy One to see corruption amen verse 27 notice this was the destination which the soul of Jesus went to his says thou will not leave my soul in Hell neither will now suffer thine Holy One to see corruption so you your soul has a destination and as you can see in this passage there was a soul which went to hell and and and he and he spoke with hope saying that God would not leave or allow his soul to be in Hell so every one of us here right your soul will end up somewhere one day there is a song that we used to sing and we still sing it souls have parted to eternity souls our party as we live today souls will pass as the days go by how many really how many really well maybe God is full of grace and mercy he has no pleasure in the death of a sinner so go and tell them that God is still calling to turn away from souls have bartered to Eternity souls our party as we live today souls will die as the days go how many really will die in Christ how many really will live again how many one day I went to the moocher II I call it when I was a medical student and I was surprised as something that I saw I will tell you because you don't always have the opportunity to go there as I stayed there because I had to work there from the morning to the evening I noticed the number of cars that come from all over Accra heading to the mortuary taxis passes private pass all of them with a dead body inside what is he a car you'd be surprised that they are dead bodies in people's cars in the boot and in the backseat who died at home and would just die Donna and they're coming so as with as we as we lived today from all of our crash souls salsa salsa party sauce are going out of the bodies and the bodies are taken to the Moche but the souls are parting so every soul has a destination your soul has a destination the soul of every man that ever lived has a destination and at this time you can choose your destination everybody can choose his destination now but once the flight takes off you cannot change your destination hallelujah the next reason why a soul is important is because as soul can be lost then said Jesus unto his disciples in Matthew chapter 16 verse 24 If any man will come after me let him deny himself and let him take up his cross and follow me for whosoever shall save his life will lose it and whosoever will lose his life for my sake shall find it for what is a man profited if he shall gain the whole world and lose his own soul or what can a man give in exchange for us for his soul what shall it be what shall it profit a man if he gains the whole world and loses his soul now the Bible describes souls that are lost and the Bible is teaching us here that there is nothing that is great enough or important enough for you to sacrifice your soul for amen it is not worth it is it a man you cannot sacrifice your soul for a man there are some young ladies who aren't so desperate to marry one girl said I'll prefer to be married to an unbeliever than not to be married that's what she said I prefer to be married to an unbeliever than not to be my pastor excuse me allow me I need I need to be married no matter what I do not want to be an unmarried woman I prefer to marry an unbeliever than to marry than to stay in the church and not be married but the Bible says what shall a man give in exchange for a soul Emma which man is going to bring your happiness with Christian man is even going to give your happiness how much more an unbeliever man there is nothing some people are prepared to steal and to do all kinds of things in exchange for their Christianity and in exchange for their souls people have entered into politics and double in witchcraft and juju and all kinds of things in exchange for their soul but the Bible is saying what shall a man give in exchange for his soul political power which lasts for four years or shall I say three and a half years what can a man give in exchange points so the Bible says that there is nothing in the whole world that is worth giving up for your soul amen the next important reason why the soul is important is because the devil is interested in the soul of everybody the devil is after your soul hallelujah the devil is after your soul amen now in Matthew chapter 10 the Bible says it is enough for the disciple that he be as his master Matthew chapter 10 verse 25 this is the how many reasons have I given you this is the fourth one okay you may get some bonus the devil is interested in your soul to destroy it amen Bible says in Matthew 10 verse 25 it is enough for the disciple that he be as his master and the seven that he be as his Lord if they have called the master of the house belzebub how much more shall they call them of his household fear them not for there is nothing covered that shall not be revealed or hidden that shall not be known what I tell you in darkness speaking light and what you hear in the ear that preach upon the housetops and fear not them which kill the body amen but I'm not able to kill the soul but rather fear him that is able to kill both the soul and the body in hell amen are you listening to me you must you must you must know that there is a devil who wants to take your soul to hell and he is the one you see if you want to be afraid of anything you must rather be afraid of something or someone who can destroy your soul in hell the devil is after your Bible says that the devil like a roaring lion goes around seeking whom he may devour the devil is looking for your soul he's looking for the soul people have sold their souls to the devil for money for treasure for what one day a man went to see it a juju man and asked him to help him to become rich and the juju man said I will I will help you this is the way I'm going to help you all the ways by we the juju man helps you end up in your soul being destroyed he said we are going to take a chicken and keep it in a room for seven days and that chicken you are going to remove all the feathers from the chicken this is having days of 14 days and you are going to keep the chicken in a room does the chicken without feathers I'm going to keep the chicken in the room for seven days or two weeks or whatever without giving the chicken food or water and the chicken which has not eaten for two weeks and has not drunk what are for two weeks or three weeks whatever it is it says after two weeks you open the door for the chicken to come out this is how to get rich you can write the notes and and go and practice if you like after two weeks or three weeks the door must be open and the chicken which has no feathers and which has not eaten for 14 days yes for 14 days will come out then you would take put your hand in a bucket full of corn and then you pick the cold one hand full of corn like that and you put it on the floor what only one handful and the chicken which has no feathers and which has not eaten for 14 days and has not drunk what that reporting it will eat the great the cones and you are going to become rich after that but after that you open the door and that chicken will go out again into a fire and walk straight into the fire which you have prepared for it and after that you become rich but there's a condition and the condition is that the number Kohn's that the chicken didn't eat the one that allah' is the number of years that you will spend that you will live after you get rich right can you imagine how many years you will live a chicken which is not eaten for 14 days and has not drunk whatever food and has no more feathers has seen a few corn on the floor one handful and the number of cones left and a number of days that you are going to live this is what people are doing it may sound funny to you about what I'm telling you is a true story yeah and and and it's something that happens people sacrifice so much to get money that they it is sacrified their soul people sorry buddy are so for politics ghanians I tell you during the election I've never seen a more political country than Ghana the politics is now it has now become a blood transfusion that is inside our blood how can we will not allow anybody to come freely and sit on that truth for too long I mean three and a half years all of Ghana is going to come to a boiling point again everybody's self will come for that the vote that is coming yes because look why I mean Wacka Wacka okay that's all that is the thing and you see people are so politicized they will sacrifice their church sacrifice God the money they would have given to church you should see that money that people give to politics that's why we say that you and what can a man give in exchange for it so you think it's a parable but people are constantly giving up their life for other things constantly giving up their soul for so many other things but the soul is the most important part of you they tell apart of you when you finish with this world heaven or hell which one will be your home that is a question that you must ask yourself amen and then the fifth perhaps the last point today is that God is interested in your soul amen God is also interested in your soul and that is why he appoints pastors and Shepherds to watch out for your soul and so the Shepherd is the person who is watching out for the most important part of you now if somebody tells me that I have stopped doing something useful and I'm a past and what I'm doing is not useful the person does not understand this reality because when you die when you look after somebody and his kidney is there his liver is there his stomach is there it will all be lying there but the soul would have gone to heaven or to hell and our job the Bible says that obey them that have the rule over you for they watch for your souls as them that must give account in Hebrews chapter 13 it says them that must give account they watch for your soul so a pasta and a shepherd is watching out for your souls and God sends clusters and it raises up men to minister to the souls of people a church is not a place to come and learn how to make money or how to do business a church is not a place for success in life following God makes you successful but it's not a place it's not a success seminar school it's not it's not give back this is not a-- there's not leg on a church is not leg on it's not a place for just to come and how to get this and how to get that find a wife planner and do politics use the church to to to to to win votes and so on no and church and the pastor's our duty is to watch out for the souls of people that is why when the doctor has finished his work and that doctor can no longer keep you alive on this earth who do they call for who do they call for they call for the pasta when the doctor cannot do any the doctor says you are going to die he gives you some few weeks he gives you some man who do they call is another pasta at the end of the day when the doctor cannot do anything for you and nobody can do anything for you who do you tend to is it not God and that is why the pastas job is and God raises up pastas to preach his word and to minister to and for your souls hallelujah in Acts chapter 3 verse 22 Obama says and Moses truly said unto the Father a prophet shall the Lord your God raise up and to you of your brethren like unto me him shall ye hear and in all things whatsoever he shall say unto you verse 23 and he says Anisha come to pass that every soul which will not hear that prophet shall be destroyed from among the people every soul whom you don't hear whom you don't listen who doesn't listen to the Prophet will be destroyed so you'll be surprised to find out that bitch'll sake is the most important person to you because he is your pasta you'll find under whoever God has raised up as your pasta is the most important person because he's dealing with the feminine / is more important than the dentist your dentist that you have compared your dentist with your pasta your doctor with your pasta your gynecologist with your pasta the doctor is looking after a small part of your body but your pasta is looking after your soul the Bible says everyone who will not listen to that prophet shall be destroyed and the last points we have enough time so I'll give you the last one as so your soul is important because your soul can be required from you at any time in Luke chapter 12 verse 16 mumble says and he spake a parable unto them saying the ground of a rich man brought forth plentifully and he thought within himself saying what shall I do what shall I do I won an election what shall I do because I have no room where to bestow my fruits and he said this will I do I will pull down my barns and build greater and there will I bestow all my fruits and my Goods and I will say to my soul everybody say after me I will say to my soul soul thou has much Goods laid up for many years take that is eat drink and be merry but God said unto Him thou fool this night thy soul shall be required of thee then whose shall those things be which thou has provided so is he that layeth up treasure for himself but is not rich towards God amen everyone who builds in this life that's all the physical things but does not consider the spiritual is a fool according to this scripture amen are you building up your business are you building up your political career huh you're building up your lives getting marrieds it's good but what about your soul are you working on your soul and you are not reached towards God what about your soul Bible says you are a fool because just like the chickens who don't know when they are going to die even as you say they are death is a bit more predictable than ours I want to ask you you see a chicken walking around most of them will die by Christmas I mean they have three months to go my Christmas time we are going to have a chicken feast in Ghana everybody will eat chicken I had one politician say when he was campaigning all Kenyans will have their chicken they are beer and they are women this is the prophecy that he was given a when he is booted as president Organians will have their chicken yeah beer and they are women yeah this is what he offered us but he really don't win not this election and election not this one please you are too political you you people are too political I tell you in some way he said today I require your soul the body parts really it's only the heart which behaves like that sometimes you know the heart beats leather 80 times a minute every day since you were born boo boo oops it's a special muscle you know your normal myself when you run you get tired but the cardiac muscle is different from the other muscle called specialized cardiac muscle it has his own way of regenerating energy and strength within itself through the electrical conduction and the special mechanism said that it never stops you imagine if you do this 80 times a minute since you were born and it's never stopping you know but unfortunately there are some few occasions where the heart stops suddenly just freezes it just goes into what we call a cardiac arrest its arrested it's going I this and like that and you die suddenly instant death you know recently a pilot was flying any other cardiac arrest in front of the wheel so a copilot had to do his best I pray that both of them don't have that experience are you listening to me yeah the soul is a bit like that it can be required at any I mean there's there is no way to go when she will be your soul will be required if there was a way I would be the first person to try and find that way how many would like to know when you are going to go how many realize that any time you attend somebody's funeral you don't know that it is your next how many realize that you don't even know that yours is when you wake up in at the beginning of that you don't know that this is the year that you are going to die no one knows that and there is no pattern I tell you there's no pattern now you can see that all those whose name begins with M are dying this year all those whose name begins with B are going to die from September and October then if your name begins with q RS then you are going in December there's no formula there's no way so the only thing you have to do is to prepare yourself spiritually all the time be rich towards God no God get closer to God because no one knows that day that you are so and that is the eternal part of you and that's the part that will live forever you look you can joke with it you know you can joke with it but I tell you it's real that's what death is coming it's as real as I mean you are sitting here and unfortunately people who die they come they don't come back no people have dreams I saw this person as about to actually get the present to openness and tell you look this is what happened that's the difficult part but Jesus told us what happens when a person dies he said there was a rich man he died and in hell he lifted up his eyes and in waiting open eyes I was shocked cause maybe he closed his eyes he was in the hospital I closed his eyes was in his house or he closed his eyes he was his bed my clothes - he was in a chair now when he open his eyes father say he lifted up his eyes well am I in hell he lifted up his eyes that was his on arrival he opened his eyes her places he lifted up his eyes and painting hominy was that torment that torment started immediately fire why do you think I'm a preacher why do you think I'm a pastor I'm preaching you think about of my mind there's a reason it's a real thing that's why I give my life to it somebody said I should spend my life sharing personal chloroquine when I give you privacy time on headache will go now and if you are this type of person that's always having headaches it will come back tomorrow what is the use of my paracetamol and my chloroquine when at the end of the day you go to hell all right I rather preach to your soul cause Santa's a shepherd's to minister to your souls and to minister to the saving of the soul of many people we are not joking perhaps in this church you have the one of the highest pedigree in terms of educated pastors educated masters masters who are doctors lawyers professionals engineers the vasa caesarea engineers professional professional royal not that we have practiced it and still practice it we don't have any lawyers or doctors we do everything ourselves because that's our profession and architects and engineers are pastoring and preaching to you and teaching you the word you think we are not thinking well we have fever also if we have fever my mother fever should have gone it's been about 20 years how long can fever last high fever that is making us preach me that we have high fever and that's why we are preaching the way we are preaching by not a fever should average you should have gone God sent us to and minister to the most important part of a person and listen every one of us look at look around you look around you and see the souls that are in your house see everybody as a soul see everybody else's so that's why we are evangelists that's why we are tripping up and down the nation's trying to preach and spread the good news because we see people are Souls the Bible says Jesus saw the multitude and he was moved with compassion because they were like sheep without a shepherd they were lost he saw that they were lost I remember one day standing in Germany and I looked down a street in Cologne a city called Cologne one of the cities where we play the World Cup and I saw a sea of people walking down the whole street was filled us knock down the road just with people shopping and when I saw them my my name I had when I sold Souls and most of them to know God and they don't even believe that God is real my friend you must think of the soul of a person you must think of the source of your children don't just send your children for ballet ballet dancing to learn how to speak Spanish and French and piano and every other thing violin lessons but you don't bring your child to church and you don't let your child go to the church camp because you are too snotty and puffy and to blown up to let your child mix with ordinary people that's what it is time for people who look down on people life is not made up of it and nobility and group up there with rules commoners it's made up of ordinary people that's what democracy is power to the ordinary people join the masses and let your child be in the chat think of your soul think of that you can if you see that when you send your child to this whatever University in wherever he's going to come back and tell you it doesn't believe in God then it's not worth your child going to dance notice puffy school no matter who whether Obama went there or whatever for they care for your souls that's why my friend my friend his cecum positive son when his mother died his mother died any Co he stood over the body of his mother and he started singing souls are party to eternity so that as we live today souls will pass as the days go by how many reading will die in Christ how many who died in Christ how many really well today I'm teaching you about the importance of the soul when you give birth even if your child dies sometimes is called Messi for your child to die at the setting before he becomes a sinner those of you who have miscarriages and some of these experiences you feel so sad and so sometimes it's God's Messi that I'll take the child away before the child can see to some sometimes it's just messy you may think it's a battle but sometimes I'm not saying it's a good thing but I'm saying that you have to see from that aspect as well and you realize that sometimes it is the message of God and the grace of God that is why I've left this Kadesh too much up and down in towns and villages which even politician I kept meeting politician and I asked them do you know do you know here they say I don't know dunno as you are leader of Ghana well you don't know boo senior how many don't know Busan you raise your hand look be a Christian you don't know yeah I don't know it's a place it's a district capital with Souls people can n leaders don't know all these places but the souls their souls there and if the politicians are forgotten them the pastor's must not forget them and also we are taking the church's money and our money and apartness money any money we have to go out and tell them about Jesus Christ because that is that is the most important that is the most important thing yes are ready to perish their souls are ready to die and go to hell and God has called us to tell them to tell the world that's what we see tell the world tell the world tell the world I don't know if we mean it I don't know if we've been it all we understand what we are saying yes so my friend he wrote a poem the poem was so simple I never forgot it says soul is a soul and he's precious to God he may be a fisherman it may be a bother it may be a teller but a soul is a soul and it's precious to God he may be an Englishman he may be a Ghanaian he may be a Nigerian he may be an Italian but a soul is a soul and his precious to God as soulless a soul and is precious to God he may be educated he may be a lawyer he may be a doctor he may be a fisherman and his soul is a soul is a soul and his precious God God loves the soul of the whole world I didn't love just rich people or not everybody all of all the people in the world the whole world call us everybody call doesn't just love you God loved the whole world soul is a soul and he's precious to God church I tell you until we come back to the place where who's what what bends in the heart of God is what bends in us will be out of his will and far from his will when you go home today I'll give you a challenge don't just bring people to church because we want lighthouse to have more people but think about the soul of the president in this person if he dies how is it going to go to heaven or to hell [Music] when I was in the finance minister who died bound ready when he died a lot of people just be thinking oh he was a school to stand for election here Oh MPP have lost this what does it mean they said that but I was thinking about his soul where is his soul when I saw vice president are cast ashes been sprinkled in women back for the fish for the redfish and grouper and other Saudis to eat him I was thinking about his soul that where is his soul where did he go where did he go why is he so as for you the body is just meat it will disappear into sand Maharis is soul every soul has a destination heaven or hell which one will be your home my home your mother's home your father's home your friend's home that is why we are preachers and every one of us must be preacher you must tell somebody tell the world tell the world about Jesus Jesus love the whole world Jesus cares and when you care what about what Jesus cares he will love you when I meet somebody who cares about what I care I start liking the person when I say I like this I want this the person likes what I like and once what I want I start to be interested in the person like what God wants love what God loves and he will love you father thank you for your blessing today in the name of Jesus stand to your feet everyone [Music] [Applause] [Music] hallelujah every head bowed and every eye closed if you are here this morning you want to give your life to Jesus Christ maybe somebody invited you but do you know what that your soul is going to go to heaven or hell when you die I want to pray with you once you give your life to God I want to give your life to Jesus Christ pasta pray with me help me to know God I don't know if my soul if God requires my soul today would I go to heaven or to hell you don't know my friend you better know before the plane takes off because when you're on the way you can't change your mind I'm going to go where it's going listen to me carefully if you are here today you don't know Jesus as your Savior I want to say pastor pray with me I want to give my life to God today you are here like that lift up your right hand and I'm going to pray with you lift it up high god bless you god I see your hand I see your hand let it have a posture pray with me to know Jesus as my savior god bless you I see your hand all your hands thank you thank you thank you don't sit there and just you are not sure be sure today if you are not sure be sure I'm going to pray with you if you are not sure lift your hand let me pray with you god bless you god bless you now if you've lifted your hand come to me come to me from where you are standing come from the back come from the side anywhere wherever you are just come I want to pray with you God sent me God is God sending us a prophet to speak to you about your soul come on the box all expressions and soul is the soul he may be a poor man he may be a rich man this is soul and his precious to God a soul is precious to God come come come from wherever you are your soul is precious to God lift your hands in front you and everyone joining if you can lift your hands also say this prayer say Lord Jesus please forgive me for my sins today today I humble myself and I come to you just as I am please forgive me for all my sins please wash away my sins with the blood of Jesus Christ have mercy on me cleanse me Lord with your blood with your blood I receive you Jesus as my savior and my lord I thank you Father in Jesus name please write my name please write my name in the book of life from today in Jesus name Amen [Music] god bless you god bless you god bless you now I want you to go with our pastor who is waving his hand over there it's going to give you one of my books and pray with you and you come back and join us alright what's your name Sam well let's give the Lord a mighty clap often as they go this way Amen everybody say a soul is a soul and it's precious to God a man you may be seated please
Channel: Dag Heward-Mills Evangelist
Views: 2,670
Rating: 4.939394 out of 5
Keywords: 2009, Dag Heward-Mills, Qodesh, Lighthouse, Lighthouse Chapel International, LCI, Korle gonno, Bishop Dag, Dag, Dag Heward, Dag Heward Mills, Christian, Teaching, Anointing, Preaching, Work of Ministry, Sunday Service
Id: FdpsTyRVII4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 49sec (2749 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 27 2017
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