The Wisdom of Soul Winning | Bishop Eddy Addy

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discover how the Word of God can bring a change in your life through the teachings of Bishop Eddie Eddie Bishop Eddie addy is an assistant to Bishop Daniel Mills and serves as the resident Bishop of the tip - [Music] [Music] annointed energetic and a practical teacher the servant of God will inspire you with practical teaching of the word of God that will refresh you energizing and bring healing to your body soul and spirit now to the message are you excited to be here today or are you clapping are you clapping [Applause] before I share a little with you you know our last but one no problem no problem you relax I have a very dear friend of mine when I went to London early this year and you were missing me you will be there no this one is what you'll be so if you need someone to win a soul I'll be there you'll be shouting I'll be there not when they are talking about London you have wanted to go to London for a long time but the Lord needs a suit to be saved also but I have been blessed in my very long association with this great man of God very sweet spirit that man of God I think my first encounter with him must have been either late maybe early 80s like 83 84 you are not born forgive me somewhere crawling messy it doesn't matter but he has been at the forefront of the charismatic move of God for many many many years with victory Bible Church those days we used to just look at them from afar because I mean they were damn men you know the way the powerful is we see them Cambodia white shoe big Bibles you know and they blazed the trail for the charismatic move in some way in 84 and he's been an associate pastor for Bishop takea boy who was here a few weeks ago and together they built a very great denomination in our generation and we salute them we enjoyed them I enjoyed my fellowship and frequent calls I'd I call or he calls Bishop takea boy is always calling or I'm calling it's like that always checking on me telling me they tend to your tastes ambient motel Oh Minnie Minnie Minnie ah no these are the common sentences I hear mini yawn was going on you know was the latest you know and it's been wonderful and when I've been to we we started a give thyself wholly in the UK I found myself sitting next to him yes often in the meeting Bishop with administering them he's sittin just by my side or just a few seats away and I've seen how God has multiplied him now he is in the UK has actually been in the UK for some years and built a big church and a great movement of God over there so early this year he invited me to the UK where to day to day expect to meet only pastors and some few elders in fact if somebody can ta as they say a ticket for you and send you to another country and put you in a first-class hotel and feed you uh and hey and then afterwards see you off in fact is too powerful and I enjoyed my time with the church with the people and with himself and I kept saying that our relationship is a kind of relationship which is very old even though we never used to meet but we've been close I believe both in the spirits I think in the space physical - but more in the spirit because when we meet we talk like we've been together we've been close friends from primary school by his many many many years ahead of me but very solid man of God I remember one day how is she to tell Reverend Al Capone that he never added me to his circle of friends to much much later because he had Eric and friends and Eric and friends were his friends leading worship together at the bit in Palmer aho and I just went to participate in the program I was not invited he didn't mind me at all at that time but Reverend Clement AC he was one of the Eric and friends he said very solid worship leader and a very nice in fact nice man of God and one of these days we are also going to bring him from the UK and put him in a nice hotel and Fatima and I like him - minista tell but that time is going to be nothing in his life spiritually that he'll be going back with unless he goes through a Jamaat afforestation fight - well refuel before he can go back to the UK with something to go back but tonight I was there when he called me I was actually in a meeting but when I saw it was him calling I just broke into the meeting and answered very quickly and he was trying to tell me that he was coming to the service yes because he's been in town for some days but hasn't had time you know the space boss is a very powerful person in the victory circles I mean no hazama never mind say oh you are very powerful we a mystical into Delta formulas itself so I was very blessed when I was returning their call on my way here and he said I'm already in your church I said oh I'm coming cry so ladies and gentlemen we are so blessed to have this great-great-great-great 7 of God who I love so much and I know that our relationship is not late is going to go for many many many years to be a blessing to ourselves personally as well as the body of Christ to whom God has called us so if you are as excited as I am please join me welcome Reverend Clements is actually be shocked Clement a signal she didn't make that mistake god bless you sir thank well Wow please take your seats when you are introduced like this you don't know what where to start from I'm a very shy person but I'm excited to be here with you your bishop is is it's now written on the on Hardwick calling on the archives of vbci UK that he came this February and made an impact now the word he left with us is follow the right bottles that's what everybody's saying now anytime they say follow the right bottles but let me tell you you have a wonderful powerful be shop [Applause] I tell you please any time you don't want him let me know [Applause] well we see that um I'm just honored to be here I'm excited I told him I just want to be able ass time I came here to see this powerful edifice towards the Sunday after service and I was like what have you guys been doing and so I now understood why these things happen in now United denominations of light house buddy me yeah he came to bless us and we are so much bless and sometimes you you need like-minded people to just talk just you know interacting and your bishop is one of them the first time I heard him preach was preaching in one of our Men's Conference I was in UK I was watching him life and I was like what I don't know this guy who is this and I've never seen him preach before even though I knew him from afar I never saw him preach but you are blessed and I'm telling you and I mean it when I say you are blessed to have a man like him in so sweet and has made an impact in our lives in the UK and I don't have I don't know what to say again but I said listen since I'm here I want to be here and breathe but I want to say something which is very very important maybe some of you don't know I told them me I'm victory here in my heart but I'm lighthouse here he understood what I was trying to say all right your church has something to offer our world and I know you know it and you must know it a lot of people they might not tell you but they are learning from you seriously learning from you because Bishop Dagobert Mills is is unbelievably a blessing to our generation I'm telling you I mean you know the first time I got to see him was he just came to live right you know his old house in south or dock arrestees and we were living next to his house and I remember the first time which of that came to stained I think it happened to be his father's place and that's why he went to live and he came to a house to tell us that he is the next-door neighbor and I didn't have time to interact and that's the painful bit that I have because wasn't too long I traveled to the UK I said I wish I had known this man so any but it's not too late yeah and your your program they give thyself wholly conference it's been a blessing I always register all our pastors who are available to go that's how powerful your church is I'm saying this so you wouldn't take your church for granted don't take your church for grand no matter where you are not only in grana here worldwide I'm telling you are having an impact in people's lives I have my home my Kairos under my bed and I'm reading it key and flow to and fro so maybe you have to challenge me and see whether you and I who have read the mikanos well it's a blessing cry it's a blessing it's a blessing if I want to talk I'll go on and on and on but I think you have some message to hear let's say let me leave you with this live full but died empty you can write this somewhere he's been a blessing to me left full but died empty the ultimate reason why we need to be full of the Holy Spirit full of everything is at the end of our years we have to die empty you know Elijah didn't have the opportunity to die empty he needed to pass it on to Kaz and there was nobody there to take it so he died and the anointing was in his bones in the grave and imagine after years the anointing was still there so what is meant for you on earth is not supposed to go to heaven if God anoints you that 19 supposed is for earth it's not for heaven that's why the Illinois two are still in the bones so top everything you can tap from this man so k because it's not going away that no it is not going anywhere it's available to anybody who followed this but Rose II seriously follow and may the Lord bless all of you right thank you so much god bless you I came to land small that's why I'm here and I came to breathe the air around thank you so much for having me are you clapping clapping clapping clapping Thank You Bishop Clements and simile thank you so much for those kind words and the direction sometimes we're on your own father's house you don't really appreciate the food you eat and the bed you lie on the room you are given the air condition you have all at your disposal so you take them for granted and others I live in somewhere and are tapping into whatever blessing your father has it must never be so god bless you again for coming and like I said it will not be the end because I think that God has brought our denominations together for a reason and God has brought you and I together for a purpose and it will be fulfilled let us pray father we thank you for your blessing bringing us together again tonight have your way everybody just lift up your hand and just speak to God to speak to you tonight few moments we have you want to pray that God will touch you God will bless you and that through his word the Bible says in Hebrews 11:3 by faith we understand that the world was framed by the Word of God that so that the things which are seen were not made out of things we do appear blessed be your name father today as we come to hear your word we are praying that Lord our world would be framed as your word is coming frame our world rearrange things in our lives rearrange things in our lives in our ministries we don't want to live here the same because according to you whether we end up by the north gate we must exit by the south gate then if we enter by the south gate we must go up by the north gate indicating that we should never leave your presence in the same way we came in have your way Lord in Jesus name Amen god bless you you may be seated I want to just give you a short Bible lesson because we have already received a message when somebody is speaking like he just spoke it's a whole book that has been written and for to make a statement like live for but die empty yes I saw it a few weeks ago when Deborah passed and the funeral here I saw somebody who lived for touched I mean even the number of people who gather here and the different caliber of people who had interacted with her and were making giving testimonies of how her life had touched them then you will see that she had lived for and who had gone empty even though she was very young may that be your story and your portion so for a few minutes I'm talking on the wisdom of soul-winning the wisdom I've been preaching about why are you not as a winner becoming a soul winner so we are looking at the wisdom of soul winning number one you must be a soul winner because it is great wisdom to win souls proverbs 11:30 says the fruit of the righteous is a tree of life and he that winneth Souls he thought winner sources what is wise it is great wisdom if you have never been called a wise person when you win a soul the Bible says you are a wise person he that winneth Souls is wise that converse is also true do you understand when a sitcom vests or until Sam Roffe honest I own two men came in and a sales rep apart because ordering what are you thinking about what is Bishop saying what is their canvas that the opposite of that statement I hate that winneth Souls is wise can also be put in this way that he that way net not sauce say it when I say to say I'm insulting you say to yourself no he says a fool not wise we are using not please don't insult somebody here but the Bible is saying that the fruit of the righteous is a tree of life and he that winneth Souls is one hearing God the Bible says is the beginning of wisdom we need souls is one of the manifestations of wisdom because he recognized that when a person is not saved the spirit of an unsaved man is what wicked is dead and desperately wicked the person who is not born again in his heart his out of control that's why is if you were to understand this you know even like to marry an unbeliever or even considered but when we are not wise you see human beings as human beings but the Bible says their hands for no we no man after the flesh because in the flesh a man is not himself just because his flesh flesh and blood is not just what you should consider what spirit is inside the body is very important when you see somebody who is nice sometimes you don't think that a person who is not saved it's an unfortunate person walking our world Bible says he that winneth Souls is wise your wisdom is in so women this is the fact that you are making steps and making moves to win a soul is demonstrating your wisdom because you have seen that these people who don't know Jesus they are bad they are wicked they are in their sense yes remember we were reading the scripture on Sunday that because he has set his love upon me therefore will I deliver him some 91 14 he says therefore will I deliver him and because he has not he says I will set him on high why because he has known my name do you know his name where you know his name Jesus what is the name what does it stand for he says he shall be called Jesus because he shall save his people from their sins is because we don't know his name that's why certain promotions are not coming our way but God is going to lift you up on high because you know his name as the name that saves not a man we just think about the church is full of Christians who are just singing about the name but when you understand the name that when the call is made Matthew 1:21 he says his name shall be called Jesus the reason why we are calling Jesus is not so than where you mention it you demon so safely that was after he even resurrected and was given that name to have the power but the purpose of that name the underlying meaning and the reason and purpose is for the salvation of souls a church has lost his way as mr. schmuck when it does not engage itself in so we name a believer has missed his way when he does not engage in so winning hey today most of us in the church are looking for husbands when you marry then you are looking for a child when you have a child and we are looking for good school to take your child when you take your child to a good school you are looking for him to be intelligent when his intelligent are looking for a secondary school for him when you get a second new school for him you take him to university when he got university you are not thinking of that cost to do and the subject to do to become a doctor something you that parent couldn't become you want to a child to become most parents want their children to be doctors but they couldn't be doctors you want them to be pile of yourself couldn't do science you are now telling you achada when I was in school I always was fast I don't know why your head is bad like this and somebody said yeah I didn't almost every parent says he was fast which of their parents was second who was dead and who was last Hey one two classics I was fast all that time and you're your colleague is also telling his children that I was also first of all that time I don't know why you people are always nominated two out of 25 so you see that the whole church our peppers the reason for our existence has been shelf and put aside Jesus's Fest was when he met the disciples was follow me I will make you fishers of men Jesus's last words when he made a disciples was follow he says go ye into all the world and preach the gospel so one is that we should go we are accosting and enjoying fellowship and having different programs to make our lives - I am better do you get it have conventions that preach about you know how you are going to reign in life how things are going to be better tomorrow I am going to break through break forth and break out this nonsense master Goliath must die tell a happy Liza is here a happy life dies yet and what other teams are there enough is enough untie these goats [Laughter] and and then the theme of the commercial your hair shall grow again then we have Prison Break season 1 so what people saws Prison Break season 1 they thought it was the Arabic of the Prison Break series not knowing the as a convention Prison Break we are breaking you out of prison we are bringing you out of your captivity you shall go free by this convention when you the enemy see you they will run away so you see that must be and then most believers now jump from check teaches Convention to prevention seeking for what deliverance deliverance deliverance promotion is that muscle promotion being set on high meanwhile these are promises God has given to people who are sad your love on him now because you have sexual love for me therefore will I deliver you and because he has not my name I will set him on high when you pray he says he will call upon me and I will answer him I will be with him in trouble it's not know what you are going here at the edge ma am I somewhat immature da da me fear for her make her happy a dangerous one who fear for how but you said that when were in trouble I either love would be with you and I would deliver him and honor him that's the promise he has given to people who love Him who are such as love on him their love on him and because you have not sexual love on him you are trying to find him and you are trying to get him to help you in other ways yes they are imodium war for three Musa OH is finished yes they slapped your face are your Dory's dislocated you want alumina and some people delay us double slap pie Shadia where people pack you see that you go will go down because if you keep standing then they give you honour Allah help in you so as much as lean on of hands ministrations and all these are relevant and important that's not the purpose you set your lap on him and he would deliver you he was promote you he was set you on high he will he will be with you it's not not long life you are looking for don't you look for long life I will not happen conventions for long life he would not die today but you will live and not die but declare the words of God look at what he says with long life I will satisfy him and I will show him my salvation brother your wisdom is in becoming a soul winner when you win so you have set your lap on what his heart is on the songwriter says break my heart for what breaks yours everything I am for your kingdoms cause Castro set your lap on him Oh honestly these things delisted they may have worked in almost every one of them I'm still working in long life but that one is continuous as I'm here and show him my eventual salvation Oh Braco I caught shots matter station 5 y 7 days drive three times last year 21 days with water and fruits twice last year by the time you finished with Mortimer's it's not that they are not important but why not seek first his kingdom and his righteousness so that what he also has he can give you there are people might not do what you like but they want your money they don't do what you like then you come and stand there Priska may have some small money I want to look at you look at you when I say clean here you don't clean what she are you washing I on you I on now I come here to standard are you help me so I should forget about my needs and what I wanted you to do for me and just blindly look at your needs and satisfy your needs when you don't think about me yes that's what they are not you say a lot of the churches like that that's why we keep having programs to deliver you but you are not being delivered they are give you long life but you are not getting you are not happy with in the long life it will get it do you understand you are calling for promotion promotion promotion promotion but the promotion is not coming and when it comes you see that is not easy to enjoy it you can't come to church you can't pay your type what does promoted you you claim they are promoted by you don't pay atai what kind of promises did away approve you can come to change preach the way you are preaching yes you can come to church Sunday morning you are going to check what the ATM machines our can all the ATM machines in the city of Accra so at the time that you can believe in prior alidium praises you see that you are now coming through ATM across you are the one in charge what kind of promotion is that but all of it is here set your lap that's the wisdom see you are wise where you know what is good are you working it if I know that this is how I can be blessed in life with long life promotion deliverance what else is there orna is do you see the unlisted arrow how they come gonna show you set your lap on me because he has set his love for me yes therefore will I deliver because yet he shall call upon me and I will answer him answer prayers would you be tired of praying prayers that are not answered I mean we we have all kinds of giving postures where we pray my by my bio then we are prayer formation when I said by using for Maya Maya you are too slow my god bye bye Priya meteor the people they will change this way or pray out for one hour byah byah byah then we are praying for machine dances byah byah byah byah [Applause] [Music] [Applause] are you joking on you are serious so it's not that God as he answered this type of prayer but he assured you I was unsafe if only that's 14 best 14 with the best 14 because he has set his love upon me therefore will I deliver him when you set your love on someone you see what the person likes you to try pal you be looking for it to try and satisfy this anything to make you happy the person won't do it and what God has said when he will send Jesus God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believeth should not be bad you do you think that he sent Gosselaar what I did was the horribly finish not should not pay back have a car or have a wife this is like God there he wants to provide a wife for you it's not like that Oh touch we got to be serious but we say that he that winneth Souls is wise when you know the formula for all these things and you can fall it's like but you would know how what it takes from God to deliver you to set you on high do you understand to answer your prayers to give you long life you know I tell you I'm not doing it so I don't matter which way you are wise about me I mean I'm God and I've showed you what to do so that I would deliver you I will let that thing's manager know ever searching for Sam Sturm was 14 I will deliver him he will set you on high which is promotion because you have known my name and because you know his name is Savior you know his name is save all his people from their sins that's the name so you live for that next one best suited he will call upon me I will answer prayers will be answered and we will show you the formula now when I do understand how your wisdom comes it you see the people who are in school you have got a marking scheme they have showed you that this question or this how to incite this question is how to grow this a compulsory question then when we got there know you are handsome question that the options they say Elsa we have five questions here and someone you've answered all five a lot of people fail exams because they like will read the instructions what is questions and your questions not by Samantha okay my a number one my number two miss Mina Mina Mina what panetta fsy wrapper twist twist my poor person trees map Oh question forest map or memoir when you read it on a section a and someone out of their five only one so do Mac you on only one you've answered my question the Section B is composed one question you didn't do that one and Section two carries 60 months yes so when you come as oh they're very good maybe you can do an exam II and when you finish you see that summer there were questions at the back it's happened to me before yes five minutes to dance top web then somebody hit Ali so how do you need to drag graph for question 6 do you need to draw a graph of position question six graph is at their back then when you turn question senses are their back everybody and you had learned for it too and we are expecting it to come but when you stop five questions in front because they're passed questions you are using perhaps five questions in front but this one the other two other back so what I'm saying is that when we have showed you what to do and you don't do it what would we say to you you see if you use that word area where you see that is an insult so we just say you are not wise but from today you are going to be wise you are going to be a soul winner he that everybody promised after 11 verse Terry says one no start from the beginning self is our fourth lesson the fruits of the righteous is a tree of life and he that winneth Souls is wise tell yourself I'm going to be wise from today number two it's related to this one tamio chapter 12 and verse 3 it says and they that be wise who are those who are wise who are those who are wise and they that be wise or if you like at least we know for sure that if you win Zeus you are wise so in this particular context we can insert heat and death winner sauce is not the same thing he that winneth Souls is wise it doesn't mean always reply only whistles but it's clear that if you win Yasu winner who are wise so that can fit here that day that we met souls shall shine as the brightness of the firmament and they that turn many to righteousness as the stars for ever and ever so what is the wisdom here you must be a so enough so that you will become one of the stars who shine forever stars who shine forever stars will shine forever yes you'll be shining even here you are saw in a sign here when I look at my father Bishop that he's signing he's assuming eyes shining shining if you win souls and you engage in winning souls and having combat Gloria you follow what I'm saying yes you will see that the people you have brought to the Lord they will hand you like a king when you come to check they'll be flocking around you Oh sister this brother taste thank you very much this and as they change and digs established and they love God and the love judge they will be verifying data too it is there that people who bring you gifts on your birthday I feel better nobody takes you nobody calls you Amish I mean the prophetic words that you the path of the just is like the light of dawn it shines brighter and brighter to the foodie okay find out the prophetic way now how do you get to that place one of the ways is that there's so women path it makes you shine and then you shine forever not only here you see this type of stars while they say be a star they don't even when they get to the grave did not did they stop shining now finished gone too soon they are finished what a shock is finished boom call come to glory surprise surprise surprise it's like your death was a surprise to everyone have been bound but painful exits painful eyes it you are born is that all that's all when there be went the wet place the atribute was like five lines seven lines that I'd have to fight find something even the person was saying they read at a store small Isis god-fearing she loves God the receding joke with Christianity they weren't blessed yet is that what she did they didn't highlight that oh when she came to HR she brought changes and she brought the system that there was nothing like that unless there was some old system which he actually and she should pay everybody on time there was nothing like that they will be Mahalo never useless it doesn't come for anything I said doesn't come forward and it's saying what she did for God oh the children tofu this was caring for children parents loved her for caring for their children yes children love head they did they were happy with a yes she paid for camp meetings for people's children so that children would go for camp meetings yes they remembered all that to a shining if it in her deaths was the tributes were glowing tributes are even here we are even impressed by it but in heaven beautiful beautiful and their song where's Eddie the song that Edward was Edward pass Edward this here yoshi-p son maybe these are the big one this thing then they disappear I dreamed I went to heaven yes and you were there with me a missionary came to your church is pictures made you cry you didn't have much money but you gave anyway yes Jesus took the gift you gave and that's why I'm here today thank you for giving to the Lord it where you go to ever you be Simon he says I know in heaven you are not supposed to cry yes but I can almost see tears in your eyes yes as Jesus took your hand and then said what what did you say say what did you say say what did you say my job look around you great is the reward you shiny here you beside me just ask here no most of them end up in scandals and disgrace the people who shine here like Michael Jackson was a major style these are the start I won't hear of them stars do you see I had recently are Kelly he's been charged with all kinds of Bill Cosby who was a mean he had a spellbound with Cosby Show is the style he was a star on air but but the town is dying or his time has stopped shining then the bright star become a black stop Blackstar but I don't know what up sighs blackwell black star does it shine yes what I'm saying is that the people that you people sometimes I want to be like this you have their photos in your house and all that they are your stars they stopped shining this some of you you made your hair like Oprah Winfrey and we are talking about something God is saying that look you wish I know you with I know you wish I know so let wisdom fill your heart and become a proper show winner instead of this playing games and playing Church and just looking for a girl in the church and a boy oh boy dia open now as you are going along look at the beach she got a boy to marry and she had a child along the way but you are sitting there every day's like you don't I see flying it as if I'm watching it I'm telling you that wisdom is in so winning and those who win souls who know the Bible says that they were sign as last forever and those who tell many many many to righteousness they will be like the Stars forever and ever forever and ever you are going to shine I said you are going to shine in this life you are gonna show you see look at me this great man of God is sitting here and he's saying that if you don't like me you come from if you don't like now go much because the money say he likes me they like me Mina sundays could be Krakow ha anga bodily my news Londo yes Minnetonka car I said my phallus ah yes now see I'm a cm power would be roof repair what I'm saying is that look at me I'm not your lecturer I'm not your what about Nam we'll give you money or anything like that but you consider a certain love and a certain affection you can cut it as a politician you can't get it as Electra you can't get it as a banker you can't get it as a McCown tax you can't get it in any other way I tell you but as you are touching the lives of people we mean so tell me bad people have countless text messages Oh Bishop thank you your messages are changing me I see I'm changing yes I'm changing my life is changing see mum turning made me to righteousness and as the people are changing they are becoming more and more grateful yes if I was to stand and say look I need some money personally honestly I've never taken an offering from you so today I want to take an offer impose I don't have really Mike I want to just get some fuel on the way so I meet if I can guess of you to give thousand cities two thousand or five thousand you can you if you come and stand yank or do do carry you out and throw you out but if I start even if I say I'm joking as a joke and I say I want some only 10 people there will be more than 30 who can write in the service that will run here to bring me thousands it is right now and I take it to my pockets like that or not I'm going to buy few but I just need you to I want you to plant a seed in my life tonight as a man of God I want to pray for you when you put the money on their left and then I pray for you on the right so come the money's here pray for you when you put the money on the lab just come to us my right hands at my hand is waiting for input your head and I mean stampede one day I was in a church in America more than ten years ago I was preaching at the camp meeting I don't know it was almost like a joke actually I was preaching and I was trying to mimic that look these days there are Christians if you use anything to preach they can be shouting yeah yeah so so much a mary had a little lamb I mean it was white and that that lamb went everywhere Mary when I tell you Mary went to the grocery she was there Mary went to school she was there Mary Mary went to the mall the love was following my take can I get a witness for the Lord but during the what look like as if I was playing then suddenly came a wind I don't know where it came from and then I was I don't know where that's professor I don't even know I can't remember what I was being hey the people started coming towards me and I had not invited anybody and they were coming slowly but they were coming slowly to a current slowly then suddenly they started touching my body and and holding my trust at the point that I had to hold my belt because it could easily have fallen down because they were pulling it every and nobody could stop anyone because it was like a certain wind blew to attach in everywhere to see they can't touch something and get something from it was not easy at all I've never experienced that before I say if I stand here and I say look even I need three people to give ten thousand between my and Sunday I'll get maybe four people not because I'm calling you or this - what journalists can't even handle it or they don't realize that when you are telling many to righteousness you have you become an MVP most valuable person lives always corning well me people the first thing is you want money from their money I'm trying to help you to be a better person a better Christian that is more valuable than trying to get money from you eventually that's one can even little net Achra there are people who used to finance bury him they give him the arrested they will Manas Emilio's wife for touching them so you will shine in this life forever in this life and forever and finally also quite related to this is point number three every good someone has at least three points you must be a soul winner because so winning makes convex who bring about major changes in society so women makes convents as done also who bring about major changes in society so women makes convents okay and the combats bring about major changes in society first Timothy chapter one look at best the team who was before a blasphemer okay don't know who was before who it is this is Paul speaking Paul start from best 12 or something like that and I thank Christ Jesus our Lord who had enabled me for that he had counted me faithful putting me into the ministry are you watching are you watching are you watching who he is not describing himself who was before that means that before he was put in the ministry he was a blasphemer a persecutor and injurious but obtained mercy because I did it ignorantly protein and that grace of God was exceeding a banner with faith and love which is in Christ Jesus last 1:15 this is a faithful saying and worthy of all acceptation that Christ Jesus came into the world to do what to save sinners of whom I am chief of whom I am chief Jesus came to save sinners of whom I am chief a blasphemer and what a persecutor injurious injurious heck 10 people he is the one who supervised the storing of Stephen yes and he got a letter from the high priest to go to Damascus so that he could arrest people of the way people who are believing in Christ and following Jesus and bring them and beat them and stone them corrupt passing when he met Jesus on the way a light came upon him many you need to see light see that light is representative of the light of the gospel the way he saw the light immediately his life changed men need to see the light oh I see the light the Lord has given [Music] yes the lights the mouse is the god of this one has blinded the minds of the children of disobedience yes those who don't believe their minds are blinded they can't see the line it's a blind man we are shining a torch light in front of we can't see doesn't know what eyes red or white and light of the glorious gospel who shine it to them and palm that light came up on him he fell down his horse he became blind he had the voice of Jesus Jesus telling him why are you persecuting me so who are you not he said I am Jesus whom the persecutest hey what would you have me to do these are the two questions who are you lord brings you into revelation of Jesus what would you have me to do is that mass question what should I do now that you reveal yourself to me what do you expect me to do these are the two most important questions of every Christian what who are you do you know him Kawai you that day you know him your life would be different you don't know him that's why you don't know him you don't know him you think that he is out to prosper that's not the reason you don't know him that's why that's why I'm at 3:13 he said he went up into a mountain and called unto Him whom he would and they came unto him and he ordained twelve that they may be with him and that he will send them far to preach he he called unto Him whom he would on the mountain and became then he ordained twelve and the first focus on the ordination was to be with him so that they would know him so that he would know them so that you strip them of yourself and strip them of their mistakes and strip them of their shortcomings and strip them of their own personal ambitions and then he will send them photo please he will strip them of their position consciousness was what do i with him they used to content who's the greatest amongst us who is the best who is the next if you are not there who is there yes they ask questions we have left everything and we have followed you it's like every part inside wasn't what what is him it for me when I'm following this man be with him then who sent them for to preach that's what I posted who are you lord who are you show me who you are I am Jesus whom you are persecuting just hitting some people and he said what would you have me to do these are the two questions that you must always ask and seek a merciful well you don't have a revelation of him you can represent him well yes I so women you can see how it has ten a blasphemer a persecutor and in Judas person and we if we want to extrapolate it a fornicator like you look at today a sitting judge look at you you are an unofficial prostitute but you are not registered under the gonna do be registered on the door registered not in Ghana Ghana did not register but they are the aroun Association you have their headquarters a second with a pit row with a madam yes but you are non official one you use your body you you you sat on a lap to get a laptop you lay on the desk to get a desktop you played with things in your palms so that you can get a palm top and an iPad and look at her today you are sitting yet every that you wear dress that covers covers the upper quadrants yes of the inner loop that today when you dress we don't see the upper quadrant of the inner loop of your breasts it used to be life of wimp and a sh [Applause] [Music] when you are serving your boss tea and you bend over like so we don't know whether you are 7tm bread or tea and breasts but today crisis appear to you salvation has come to you you are born again you are talking in tongues you are not classed you are washed and now he has given you the minister of reconciliation to also go and bring others to him look it changed his life salvation changes life so women bring mixed combats and complex are converted their lives are changed and transformed my Akashi fatah gaya God have mercy on us how you now you are washed can imagine soul who has become poor he doesn't preach jesus said you are going to go and meet Anna mass he's in a play stay in that how he will show you what you should do how many things you do suffer from Isaac we are going to be a witness of the way so attack let's rise up and be counted yes you look at the society politicians they can tell the truth because it's not in them to tell the truth I don't know why we got shocked even or they promised Odyssey they can do them for me to fail the nature of an unsaved man is a truth breaker read romans chapter 1 is a truth break up often and breakers selfish injurious lovefest of self more than lovers of God preached 2nd Timothy chapter 3 you see their descriptions who is going to bring that change into society do think that NPP can bring a change in society or prism can change people there people go to prison they become twice more intimate they go even if you're a petty thief is dangerous to go to prison because when you come out of the prison you cut at devices like homosexuality was only man I'm a prison there are bedrooms that toilet is in the open is in a corner if you want to you go that you said everybody can hear you if you make sounds everything they kind everything if you are there you alive down that you are caught they all lined up there's no bad there's no you don't have a bedroom one guy told me he said not you Peter you be hearing a shot I went to some prison with Bishop to visit that's maximum security people the wall is how I like this room here you can you can't even imagine to climb it and and one of the prisoners said I look you'll be there no ago he was the leader of the SU you have killed somebody so he was dead yeah I don't know what I got born again he was the leader of that Scripture Union there he said sometimes she beat on you here yeah I am you I am you on my name Bobby Mann Junior mm-hmm Oh is very bad and you see three men form and have captured a new guy who has come a smoke a young man who he just told somebody spark a kept by the time is coming back we will be introduced to a possibility I can present with form anybody that the people who have the power who in whose hands they have been given the power of God unto salvation unto the changing of lifestyle you you under people you had the people and we are those who have decided not to also preach and speak so you see that there's no hope for the society these politicians they come corruption corruption corruption buting journalists can bring politicians to book and make them to the right thing they can never do it they don't have the power yes for he came unto his own his received no but as many as received him to them gave he power to become power to become a son of God who will be given twenty million dollars and who used twenty million dollars for what is there for the managing director who is asking I had a story just this afternoon awesome no yesterday afternoon somebody had gone for a job they interviewed had so many interviews on when you go to the embassy look in this Bank that we are employing you know there are some finances who make the bank whack you must be prepared to remove your ring from time to time he said oh oh a pastor interview I've got the wisdom the priest and a certificate for it and I've answered all your questions now as you add my body you see over I his same was he conceived and you are the ones who have been given the money to carry this gospel to the world but we are not doing it we are rather busy we want to marry when we finish married want to beloved us first of all so you see them coming to that sometimes even a single active you but you are not really active they are seen abroad I'm the choir and you have seen that if they follow him a bit it can wake so that you can see him why you see you not to tell now one of us was also to teman a bow a new soprano also to tell when they said that the tenant should go outside and practice then with the magic sad don't-don't-don't on because I know that by all means I will see him more and any sister who is interested in him Katya so the wisdom of so winning number one it is great wisdom to win souls number two so winning will make you shine like the Stars forever and ever and number three so when I mix convex and the convex bring changes to society I mean if you had a bunch millage of equipment I expect that there'll be no and handling.that to pull up the band if I live someone who doesn't know Christ I can't guarantee if it if he's there he's falling the banquet all kinds of deals nature and the society is as rotten as it is because people are not changing in their hearts even some of the Christians you know somebody said to me daddy oh the guy goes to your church I said some time ago if you had to say this I'd have said oh praise God but right now if we said that guy goes to your church he asks your number yes my mama doesn't mean anything he even the last time I saw you talking to him I talked to him so sister Regina Monica said he talked to me the last time so it means what it means nothing unless a person is transformed by the power of God I tell the heart of a person they're desperately wicked and very very bad but God is going to use you to touch many as you step out to be a soul winner stand to your feet let's go [Applause] lift your hand lift your hand when we walk with the Lord in the light of his word what a glory he sheds on our way while we do his he abides with us there and with all who will trust Oh trust and obey for there's no other way to be happy in Jesus her to trust [Music] when in fellowship sweets we will say it at his feet by his side in there what he says we will do what he says we will do where he says we will go never fear only trust when in fellowship sweet we will say that is me Oh we'll walk by his side either way what he says we will do where he says we will go never fear only truelist everybody lifted lejana singing trust and obey for the slow hot away to be happy hey Jesus but to trust but to trust but to trust that little baby but you trust them light of the world you step down into darkness open my let me see Oh beauty that made this heart ha I spent way [Music] oh here to oh here - but and here to say that you're my god you're altogether lovely oh all together and all together 40 how dare [Music] my heart to see [Music] I'll never go [Music] come to see I say I'll never know [Music] to see I to where oh yeah to say yeah you are all too [Music] Oh Oh father we thank you for your blessing bringing us salvation changing our lives making us better and better people tonight we pray for the grace the grace of God that brings salvation which has appeared to all men me that grace move us into soul-winning and be so Venus carrying the lights of this glorious gospel to the ends of the world thank you we believe the Word of God has come to you and you have been blessed by this servant subscribe to this channel and get notified about every video posted
Channel: Eddy Addy
Views: 441
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: EtTA4_9qUj0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 75min 51sec (4551 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 20 2019
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