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you perhaps with the nine o'clock service and I would encourage you of course for those who were 1130 you need the message from the first service and if you're at nine o'clock you need the ship DAGs message and I I just want to say a huge amen to everything that was preached this morning at the 11:30 service in regard to the purpose really of everything that we do but certainly the purpose of our prosperity and as I have told you as your pastor I I think it's a mistake anytime and this is what has led people into error is to emphasize one doctrine over another or as Bishop described it today - for you exactly what phrase you use but over emphasizing a doctrine and emphasizing prosperity for example and forgetting to temper that and balance that message with the purpose and I take as long as we keep our passion for souls how many know you know when it's God's vision then it's his provision and so money follows vision and as as sure as signs follow the word we don't seek the signs kind of hearing amen we do not seek the signs we believe God for healings and miracles we don't seek after signs we seek the Lord and we preach his word and we declare his word and believe his word and receive it and signs follow and similarly I think in the area of prosperity so gosh I thought you were better this morning than I thought you were going to be yeah yeah it was really good can we give them one more hand thank you mr. tonight these are how many was our interns tonight all right and how about pastors care pastors cadre leaders small group leaders leaders who've gone through the five tracks where you all right good how many Tyler's are here this would be interesting how many of you have been to the continent of Africa would you raise your hand okay keep your hands up just rolling how many have been to Ghana one two three four okay five okay all right do we have a world map we could put on the screen I could show you here but in fact if will I'll get my finger on Ghana and then you can zero in on this isn't there right in here yeah yeah where's the camera can you zoom in on that can you see that no okay there's gonna there's Africa and Ghana is right there that correct this is dry too late that's right okay that's a long way around the world brother you are a long way from home Wow you're here in the States for what reason and how long will you be here in the States I am here for to preach in your church and I was preaching at a church growth conference over the last few days and with Larry Stockstill with lies doctor and dr. Cho and dr. Turia and I'll be going to Toronto tomorrow and then to some way in Maryland and then then to London and then home you obviously you're going to those cities on purpose you have churches in these cities churches in these cities and I'm holding what I call partner services trying to rally support for my Crusades I'm an evangelist now so I basically do Crusades and I meet support for the Crusades and trying to get people to be partners you have you started the healing Jesus Crusades and I think we may work willing we may see video later on this and you saw some of the clips this morning in the second service from those Crusades and so recently you have made a change you have other men and women who are pastoring yes the main church there we started a church in 1988 and that has grown into quite a large Church in a crime we have a new building there and then out of that capital city is named the croc rise and out of that cheques have come many young people like this and who have become pastors started churches and now we have about 700 different churches that have come out of the same church there was no church in a crowd Wow and we are spread out in 52 different countries in the world Wow in Africa in the Caribbean in South America in Australia Pattaya Guinea New Zealand and so on and the Lord led me in the last you know two three four years to leave the pastoral work and go out and hospice aids and evangelize and that's what I call the healing Jesus crusade so we started that about three years we've been going for about three years and it's grown from first crusade we started we had we arranged 600 chairs and no one knew me as an evangelists so I was really scared and I was battling but we started and let this last we said we had two weeks ago we had in one night over 53,000 people in attendance in Alleluia who said so that I mean the Lord has really blessed it and it's really growing and it's very very expensive and I can understand why there are a few evangelists Wow and and there are some of the expenses the expenses oh there are several things if you watch the clip we're going to show you see that many trucks there's a lot of equipment sound equipment lighting the stage lots of metal structures we have to carry them as fuelling that's a few of the trucks and people go ahead after crusade they live there like as we're speaking are there people in Ivory Coast preparing and are people in another part of Ghana preparing they have to live there and go around villages and towns showing them videos preparing for the crusade months in advance right we have to pay all the staff advertising what else is there problems buses yeah we have our own buses we go with a fleet of about 24 buses Wow yeah to bring people to the meetings because there are no buses where we go there there's no transports there are no buses some of the places we go to can be like into the Garden of Eden nothing you know I mean believe it but there's really just nothing that the people scattered all over who don't know the Lord and then we give I give a book to everyone who gives his life to to the Lord a book a little book I wrote on gospel salvation so the last to say I give out 90,000 well booklets as to every single person gets that's my effort to follow up so we give out books and better and hold pastors conferences in the mornings and and that one also we give out books to the pastas actually we just found out that they value it more when they buy it for very cheap so we decided to just sell it that it comes to the same thing so we give every past that you know who comes there a number of my books and you know generally there's lots and lots of explains advertising billboards posters whatever you know and then and then we also clear a forest yeah cuz the places we go to there is no field there's no space so we have to pull down a forest and clear huge space really yeah in order to have like you say so it's got an exciting we set up a tent we started with a tent and we've outgrown depend so we don't have the crusade in the tent anymore so we use a tent for the new combats classes so most of the buildings are outdoor now we've just moved out and moved out this year other than based on the one picture we saw this morning yes I mean no ten because there was no time so the tent is the stage yeah now and then it used the people sleep under the tent are the rainy seasons that you have to avoid and obviously and yes there's really seasons weather weather pattern has changed and you can tell when it's a rainy season tomorrow really so we just go and they did arrange its rains but so far we've survived but I know bunkie has had several who says rained off he started raising you just go so we just expected it rains will just stop come back tomorrow so every crusade lasts for five days so we we go with a large team and we're there for five days basically a week takes a day to get there you ready and we say that for five days and you message today on a hundred thousand hundred fifty thousand dollars would that be the cost of a crusade yes crusade cost us about a hundred and thirty thousand dollars for one procedure here in case anybody here wants to pay for a crusade tonight lay hands on your neighbor say yes say could you give us a little bit of your testimony because it's so unusual and I obviously we don't have time for the whole testimonial you were a medical doctor that's right and you have such a good English accent so you were not raised your entire life in Africa so a little bit of your story and how you get into the ministry well I was I was born in England I lived there for just I think a month or two and then I came to Ghana as a baby my parents met in England and I grew up in Ghana all my life actually your father is not my father's gun in Africa is a huge continent essentially fathers gone in your mother is with her mama straight from Basel she still lives in Ghana my father died from years ago and I went to medical school at seven years from 1982 to 1989 I qualified as a medical doctor and whilst in medical school I started this church lighthouse in 1987-88 we started and it's grown out of a classroom a little classroom and it's become you know a worldwide church now now how did that happen because you're in medical school preparing for a medical career yeah and yet you start a church well it started because of what we call the lay ministry working for the Lord while you work in whatever job you have so as a medical student or any kind of student I believe you can preach you can teach you can have a church you can fast you can pray because I mean also then do all sorts of things they play tennis they play games they go to discos they have sex they do what they want to do and they smoke they take drugs they do anything they want to do so why can I do Church I can do churches I can do that I can do church that and that's my philosophy so when I was going to churches going around organizing a church and so on though they used to look at me you know and laughs and so on but they had things that they were also doing and while as we were fooling around I was studying so it's your choice really because everybody has enough spare time to do what he wants to do whether it's even if you're called to be a pastor at that time or were you just kind of I felt the Lord wanted me to wait I didn't know what it was oh I I didn't have all the right terminology yeah but I just felt I wanted to work for the Lord I felt God wanted me to work for him and I just wanted to give everything to him and I've always felt that way and I still feel basically that all I'm doing so when people ask are you an apostle Ayyappa I didn't really know what I am I'm just trying to do something for the Lord show you if you'd like to know but you had many students that were students with you at the time that God say came to the church became part of that yes yes we have many people who was in school with us then ha stay with me have grown up like my wife my wife was a law student I used to go around following up on her to see if she was doing well in the Lord and she was she was okay she didn't like me because she thought I was too zealous I was too strong so she would hide for me so tell her roommate to tell to tell me that she is not in but she was bad she was hiding behind yeah she did it a couple of times and but in the end you know I found a little fellowship a little group and she joined the group with some other friends that many of those people are with me still from university days we've grown up together and we are all still preaching and having churches and working together wonderful Joelle that's a joke played the organ on my wedding I was 20 years ago Wow yeah you can swiftly and was at about the same time then you started the church has it been 20 years yes about 1988 something like that okay yeah wonderful you obviously now have proliferated with starting other churches what got you into church planting or sending people out and okay I would say church planting the main thing that got me the church planting was the kind of teaching that I seem to give naturally I talked about working for God and I find myself gravitating towards people who want to work not just attend and be cooked a little patted on the back encouraged and so I find myself talking about God's work all the time and teaching about that and I've there's been a very strong anointing on me when I have camp meetings I have a collection of CDs called the mecca name it's a Hebrew where which means the camp and that collection of all the camps with hell I have held and I preach that and there's a very strong loyalty in those messages because it goes for the whole day and people listen and many of the people who are in full-time ministry today and who have given their lives to the Lord can point to account at which they decided not to do anything else except to serve the Lord yeah and so I think it's that annoying thing that has trained the people and joined them to just work for him and I've done has given me workers which were not sent out go here I go here go here and in this in the line in the last few years I've had people who are ready to go anywhere I remember a couple living in England the lady was a lawyer and her husband was an accountant they were working in Nottingham in England and I mean do either camp and I once said well I'm changing a profession you know and combatives she they didn't want to work for when you want to work anymore do anything just wanted to work for a law so I sent them as missionaries to Mali it's 45 degrees Celsius there and they went happily and recently I asked them to come back to Ghana and they didn't want to come you know and then we had people going from all over everywhere they just want to go out there they want to plant the church they want to do something you know for the Lord so my problem has been you know what I problem is now you know having somewhere to send and the money to finance a mission but I have people and I'm sure these people look like people who you can also send to places can I have an amen yeah so I think that is what has led to that planting of churches and I think I found my interest in church members is in people growing from being a member to becoming a minister I believe every member can be a minister every member can preach can teach if they want to right so let's be the bridge and I realized after a while that I better leave the church for a real pasta and train people and preach and evangelize you know so that's that's what I'm doing here the Bible College and so you're doing do you do a lot of the teaching there I I don't do a lot we have a full-time Bible ecology there were 500 full-time students and there they are in the school for four years there they have to be there for four years so these guys are wild wild guys I tell you and they're all coming out graduating you they want to go somewhere they want to do something so they I don't teach at the school but they come to the church and I have Sunday evening services like this we call them impartation services and those revenues are I tell the judge if you are not serious don't come in the evening it's for wild people who want to do something for the Lord yeah can I have an amen you see the Cheston either be a family or an army of this and and there's a time when we have to move into the army mode which is sacrificing dying fighting you know fighting judge mastitis it's a good fight so there's a time where we need to fight the devil is throwing everything he has at us and we fight him and we give our best and we give our young people the young people are the best soldiers can I have a name in front of the young people so so that's how we got into touch planting so I'm still very much a church planter but it now I'm doing this position which is a whole new challenge but I find that it's exposing my ministry to many other non lighthouse ministries and that's I think it's one or one more question related to church planning when you're when you are looking to send someone to some city to start your what do you look for in that person what are the characteristics you looking for faithfulness faithfulness our people who've been around people who have been tested web done things I mean just working in the church is a very good training experience but I can say for sure that you will never know who will turn out to be a good feed until you send them yeah because I think that many things you just men out there on the job if you are determined and if you want to do well I have a book here called steps to the anointing I mean if you want to be the ministry and you want to really bear what you will be looking for anointing you'll be looking for anything so it will make you study it will make you land and when you get out there on the field the issues and the things you meet will force you to land will force you to find help of anywhere and we're 42 study you know that's what I find so I think those going out there that there's no substitute for actually stepping out and clearing your hand and I think the people are building church for years when they watch you or they watch any possibly just learn how to by watching and then they go and do it is medicine you know to become a surgeon but there's a formula we have what we call this a watch one assist one and do one that's not that's how you learn to be a surgeon I've had somebody learn how to up take out a kidney together watch one assist one and do one yeah so you watch that you assist you could all grab everything you assist you assist several times that you do with assistance you know so that's the same way you can become a minister you watch you assist then you do good either you have some questions oh my goodness all right let's get started depends on who you ask some Africans are very impressed with the American church and someone coming or not I think the church that is like the American church generally is impressed with it yeah yeah III as a person I don't enjoy watching most of Christian TV that you have it doesn't bless me it doesn't edify me I can't watch most of the things I'm not blessed by by many of the things that I watch it doesn't minister to me sometimes I prefer to watch CNN and to watch television that's low yeah your box CD Foxley okay another question Jude I don't know how good the passion for tools I just have a passion I have a passion I think that's what the Lord wants so I think that's where he that's why he died for us I mean and I feel so glad to be saved because I think I could do not have been saved when I look at myself I look at my life you know you know I'm grateful and because I don't know why'd you just love me I don't know why he can I don't know why he sacrifice his life all that I'm glad where would I be if Jesus didn't love me where would I be if Jesus didn't care where would I be if you haven't sacrificed his life so I'm so glad Jesus loved me and died for me and I don't know of any other way to say thank you than to serve Him till I die and I don't know if any other better thing to do than to tell people about this how long he has been Conference disciple and following on a crusade and that was one question I had was after you do a crusade are you is one of your goals to start a church are you working with other churches or both or yeah we went with existing churches to prepare supper to sit under that counselors and fellow up teams and so on that is one thing now the second thing is the books that we give out because that's about Christianity now that you are saved what I didn't mean to be saved etc so that book is a very expensive but important fellow up to and then the third thing is we have these fire conferences if you like that salvation baptism and neucom that's what you call it in the tent whilst we are there for the five days so every morning that is going on foundation legs yes yes yes it is three three greenways we follow up and and I learned from long because donkey started giving out books recently you know and I thought it was a very good idea so I decided to print millions and kid already view given away I I don't I don't have the figures but we just started this year so I know the Last Crusade was 90 something thousand that I did a number people who gave their lives to Christ over the back crusade Wow so I mean we have planned to say that a million books yeah yeah Juden uncertain vandalism when people experience line and don't hear the word of God how important is the love of Christ lat when people are when people experience is line they will to share luck work how important is love I feel a strong well I think it's it's important to show the love of Christ that's important but I think there's something more important than than that and that is I believe every ministry has four phases one two three four the last one is the fourth if I could you die eventually Jesus ministry has four phases his ministry injuries in Bethlehem where I was born his ministry in Nazareth where he grew up then his ministry in Galilee where he had his miracles and all that and his ministry finally in Jerusalem when he said his blood on the cross and if you read you know Jesus said go to preach the gospel in Jerusalem number one then Judea number two Samaria phase 3 and phase 4 the most parts of the world and the Bible talks about the seasons which says the early rain and the latter rain so I believe that many of us make the mistake of staying in Jerusalem with people who will not get saved in our ministries and from our ministries and that if you were to press on and go to Judea we would see much fruit and then at a time when GD has saturated with you and your ministry and then to Samaria and then to the uttermost parts of the earth so instead of staying with the old hardened souls who are so familiar with you you need to press to the next level then you will see more fruit now I haven't been here for I don't know how many years but to me this church has grown and when I was here there were no compasses but now that compasses bansal's here here here here you know and it's threat but you could have stayed here majestic everybody should come here but is it as more suit outside this building amen and that's what you are doing so there's a good that's going to be tired of you you know and you have to just accept the reality that they don't have to come a time when you have to go to the next step the next group and minister you know otherwise where would well with the concept of missions even coming no one would ever go for missions because there's always people in your city who need Christ so I mean there's always a reason to stay here but I believe that it's a spiritual principle to move to the next level to bear much fruit very good very good amen good question because of the hunger of the people Bible say that and this book I talk about the keys to the anoint especially on several things one of the steps to the anointing one of the things that causes the power of God to come is hunger now the Bible says blessed are they that hunger and thirst after righteousness birthday not everybody they the hungry ones and the first ones shall be filled amen so there is a very small hunger incentive and this is the same thing I was talking about a time comes when that people around you are not hungry for what you have but what you are Phyllis for what you are going there for so you need it go to the next place then you find hungry people the best ever I am away from home the more miracles I see the miracles I have are directly proportional to the distance from [Music] father more miracles yeah I saw that dead raised in Colombia I tried to wait you know once I tried to raise the dead in my hometown and I try I tell you I went to a hospital that this guy who died I went there I said close the door you know when Jesus said send the people out I said send the people out we closed the Vice trade over the guy he wasn't rising from the dead then I remember when Peter and John went to the temple and he held the guy by the hand and he said servant girl I've analyzed the name of Jesus so I told them untie his hands cause he was dead I held him by the hand rise in the name of Jesus he didn't rise I did everything until the nurses and whatever the husband came to drive us out and I just said these guys don't have faith and I went ah but the guy wouldn't rise from the dead I tried another time to raise I tried looking for lepers anything to do that was in the Bible I tried to do it and it didn't work but after when Trevor I saw what I was trying to do it doctor in Colombia I saw the dead raised the next day they brought dead bodies came Laden by the platform covered in white bedsheets lying by me ambulance has so many ambulances cripples wheelchairs you wouldn't believe it and I was worried it was me and a lot to me I'm encouraging you yeah it was just something to encourage me I have tried to have miracles at home a fact that is not accepted in his own home I think it's I think it's a first thought I have debt people come to your meetings I hadn't heard that before you know baby they were heavy better you didn't kill okay everything that happens in America eventually affect what happens but not so much not so much for now America is a very small place if there were hundred people in the world only five of them will be North Americans only five yeah if there were 100 people in the world only five we know 60 of them would be agents and 60 with the Asians and 13 would be Africans yeah and 12 of the Europeans and nine would be South Americans and three would come from the islands clap for Jesus okay so America is it's not as big as you think and there is Judea there is Samaria and there's the uttermost and I want to say God bless america I tell you one of the reasons why America is a blessed place is because there is an American blood not marines blood but missionaries blood all over the world America has sent missionaries as preach the gospel has lifted at the name of Christ all over the world for many years even today the American church is more and money church it was more of a prosperity Church not a missions judge you know and we evangelize by sending money and going on TV you know but before we will evangelize by sending people you see but now we have the money but we can't send the people but nobody wants to go and we let me interrupt right there and ask you got you and I have talked about going to Muslim yes and are you having some favor and success in gaining inroads into Muslim nations well Muslim nations are very very difficult to enter what is happening now is that the whole of West Africa for instance has become Islamic it's just quiet like something that's spreading because the churches are in the rich capital cities and we have mega churches there you know but we don't go out but the Muslims they come quietly from the north and they've come through every port place has Muslims everywhere so I was able to say we have now is in a more Islamic place this this time we're going to next you can see on our website healing Jesus Crusade it's a town called bon dieu queen-high because it's Islamic anyways Islamic I'm sorry repeat repeat that I want to put that up on the screen your website yeah healing Jesus crusade then Lord Jesus crusade org okay yeah everywhere is everywhere is basically Islamic so I mean and the Muslims give their life their lives to Christ miracles happen they get here they actually give their lives to the Lord they they do all that but after that you know because it's official you cannot change your religion and in many Islamic places like in Malaysia it's a law now and you can't change so a Muslim you can't change to any other religion you know so that's what they want to do but so we are preaching so I think this is the reason why we need to go we need to go we need to go in you know God has encouraged me to go and it's working you know so there are many many many places to go and I believe if we all go like we talked one time you know little pot yeah you know yeah amen [Music] the church has a role of helping the poor ministering to the sick Jesus that I was sick he didn't come I was testing you didn't come I was naked you didn't help I was a stranger I was an offering you didn't help so all those things are part of the work of the church but they do not replace evangelism yeah they should not replace evangelism you know they they they ask to be done alongside because Christ came to save the world and if you give somebody food and he goes to hell you haven't really helped him you know so when you give him food right it helps the people to see that you have to laugh and that you really are really loving but it does not take away from the reality that people are saved by preaching Paul said God has chosen that by the foolishness of preaching you know by the foolishness of giving food about the prisoners or giving clothes about the finishes or giving medicine but by the foolishness of preaching men should be saved so we need to preach preaching is very very important in your in your Crusades as I understand it because of your medical background you have also incorporated medical clinics or helpful people we have a clinic a huge clinic I don't know if you call that a clinic five thousand ten thousand people and we take drugs we take medicines we go with a large team of medical people and we try to see them with form different tables talk to them find out what they can examine them if we can and then we give drugs free everything's free well we give glass and until our medicine is finished and until the time is gone and then when they are setting really bad cases which we can help surgically we bring them to a crime because we have a hospital that we built to operate on them and look after them free of charge send them wonderful so that's just to help them then that in addition to that we actually get we look for poor people and at the clinic we give them an envelope of money you know to help them you know some of them are I'll be very very poor yeah okay how does obstacle I think I've always had very hard obstacles I don't know which one there's always something to fight I don't think you will ever have it easy if you are following the will of God you will always have some kind of obstacle to fight so I I don't think I can put my finger on one particular obstacle I mean yeah oh it just takes when I go on probably takes about two hours to finish when I stop preaching till it's over yeah I don't feel so long like this morning's short snack snack yes what do you preach are you preaching in the Crusades I preach like what I preached this morning the lost I preach Jesus Christ the same yesterday today forever Jesus is the wages as the answer that Jesus is knocking at the door of your heart you don't have to go to hell why did you not perish in the lake of fire fish about a rich man and Lazarus I preach I've got a sloth God commended his last towards us that while we were yet sinners evil eyes on Jesus Christ yeah Jesus Christ foundation what it means to be saved the blood of Jesus the cross and how the blood of Jesus will wash away our sins that's what I preach I don't I don't wish about healing I preach about salvation about the blood across that's what I preach others are the most outstanding healings you've seen humans we've seen you've seen basically everything in the Bible we've seen blind people see breath people here paralyzed people walk and we have a nice little DVD cause he touched me like that this guy was totally paralyzed everyone thought he was going to die came to the Crusades was carried there you know he got real paralytic yes a paralytic several of that but this guy was dying I don't know what he was dying off and he was paralyzed everyone he went to so many witchcraft places witch doctors we got healed and he came back to us at another crusade with 53 people when he heard our that another two hours other crusade he traveled 300 kilometers 700 with fifty-three people at delegation and he calls me he calls me I mean he calls me my god he calls me God for His healing in entry we said we know to Tom and if you see the video he explains like that's what I call him he's got to be because he got healed you know so we've seen are they basically everything that the dead raised is what I'm looking for I'm looking for more dead people to I need to revenge on my first experience with Brad early tonight but we could practice you know to camp meetings I have company teams but two days for three days when we started them sounds like what we call an encounter type retreat like a retreat we go away huh no you can't go and come and there's nothing like we are late we are going too long and and it's restricted for really serious people like the people here tonight and then we preach at reach throughout from morning till evening morning to evening morning till evening I think I'd talk with you once you did 12 hours all right breaching yeah preaching and they said that that's how that's how the pastors were raised up yeah [Music] anybody wanna camp for adults two hands okay all right good was [Music] there's no real average-sized I'm done that calculation but the judges vary in size it depends on where the church is some churches have 100 people 300 500 son of a thousand some are 70 but I understand the average size of a church in the world is 70 is what 70 70 there so it really varies in some places the judges haven't worked like like like Senegal we strike twice it's so Islamic it just doesn't grow you know and and you have to pump in so much money so we just pulled out our missionaries from Senegal we'll probably try again you know later but I decided to send them elsewhere you know so some places it does what but jesus said if you go and they don't receive you shake the dust go to the next town so I don't struggle with churches that don't work if you don't work I close and I go and start again it's not a problem and I don't feel embarrassed I doesn't work because Jesus said some will do work you know shake the dust off your feet and go to the next place there's my gift leadership I don't know my gift I'll do anything one of the things that has become a very powerful part of my ministry is books I've been invited to so many places now because of these books and I've like I was in Ukraine and I mean I was surrounded by Russian pastors on the last day they came around the office and this guy comes from Siberia he said your book on the art of leadership he said it's torn inside out another pastor came from another town he had 4,000 members in his church he said to me this pastor you the one who invited you told me that the best book on leadership is your book so he said I got that put it all in Russian and he said now it's compulsory to read that book for two years the art of leadership and so many other pastors from Siberia so it's funny to me you know I was amazed that you know my books are being read in such places and not just be read but become material for pastors and leaders and so on so that's really touched me and I want didn't have a vision when I asked a lot what should I do to bear fruit and I had a vision and I saw a hand holding up a book like this and from then I became I realized that the books were a real major part of what I'm doing I'm supposed to do so how do you write your books and how often are you involved in that hi dictates our dictates to my secretary and that that's how I and I do it in seasons I don't do it all the time and I write if I have something to write I don't just write on topics for their good Christian topics and I find myself writing to leaders and pastors and sometimes I just fall asleep if I have to write a book on some Christian topic nice Christian stuff and I found myself asleep and I find that I'm not fast asleep and just bored with your own writing not with my own right with the topic I say yeah okay Wendell is always poking me what do you do to keep your life balanced you and your wife Adelaide your beautiful children you have a great staff you have a lot of leaders you have churches all over the world so how do you keep your life balanced exercise health and so forth those kind of things well in terms of the family I mean on Monday is our day off so that's a day that we can be together I make tea for hair every morning we sit down and chat she likes chatting so she can chat my wife is has a gift of chatting I mean all I have to do is to change the channels I don't know sound I just keep changing channel that she keeps talking and I just say Amen yes it's true Wow powerful and we can go for several hours but we go away as a family quite often and spend time together and I played golf as long as I can I understood you have a very good putter pattern that window but for me the last time I was here he told me that it was Tiger Woods pattern so that was my birthday present I think it wasn't me and I've been using it since then and I missed quite a few birdies all right so I hope you have the latest Tiger Woods Pallister yeah beyond Tygra untie yeah we're golfing tomorrow together would you operate in no rain and that I win one last question you have won two more maybe yeah okay [Music] well what makes a good leader I think a good leader is someone who can take decisions I think the greatest mark of a leader is his ability to take decisions and bad leaders and people who don't take decisions and I think a good leader someone who stays focused on what the primary job is because when you lead there's so many things you can do you know for instance I wasn't I wasn't really coming here and what I came because of my relationship with with the window so that's all it was actually invited something some other board members Church in America who also wanted me to pass by but I think we focused on what is important to you and what God says you should do I think that is what makes you a good leader yeah one other question that I would ask would be some of the young people who are here young couples etc desire for church planting being involved in the ministry etc probably everyone here as you have defined it is a worker so everyone is involved in ministry but what can young people some of our interns who are here tonight what can they do to prepare themselves for successful ministry including the possibility of church planting well I would say to you pray one thing you could do is set yourself a task to pray for 100 hours for your future so get a sheet of paper and wrapped 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 200 and pray for the will of what Ephesians chapter 1 verse 9 talks about the mystery of his will his will is mysterious you can't really know and understand his world it plays out it wrecked itself out as time goes by so some of you may find yourself in Seattle some of you may find yourself in other countries but his will is mysterious so true but his will should come to pass in your life that's one thing and you could take that as an assignment for 100 hours well to pray for your future you know for your future ministry of your life and what the will of the Lord is or Allah Jesus pray for three hours the same topic thy will be done thy will be done thy will be done for three hours so 100 hours is not too long for you that's one number two I would suggest that I mean whatever training program is going on here and whatever you are being asked to do do it do it humbly do it faithfully because the ministry is all about recommendations it's all about who can speak for you who can say this guy is a good guy you can say this guy is a faithful person so you need a good reputation from here and then the third is to sit in preaching and to sit in books and tapes and CDs that will build you up because to be a teacher you must listen to preaching you must actually anointing you must be filled with the word because it's going to come out of you all through your life so I want to recommend I I don't have any here but I have this set of CDs mp3s called the Macan and it's a very powerful collection of CDs of different camps that I've held and I mean I recommend if you ever able to get your hands on that to get that it will it will it will change your life and it's just the pastors and workers it's not Christian stuff it's army stuff good so so I recommend that to you and I go to Bible School I listen to Kenneth Hagin preaching he was preaching in Bible School you know just long preaching talking in praying in tongues I loved even listening to him prayed in tongues I didn't understand it but I was blessed and he would talk and encourage ministers you know and that's what that's what best me into the ministry I didn't have a chance to go to Bible School so I've grown up on books and tapes I really value books and tapes I think these three things will help anybody here you know the prayer for the future the mystery of God's will for your life but it's at least you look at me I'm sitting here from Ghana I'm in Seattle I'm onstage in a chair I didn't know it's going to be here tonight sitting on a chair we interviewed United mysterious number to have a good reputation do everything right here if they say go go they say jump at how high you jump run anything do it and wet have and number three so clean see these tapes preaching you know I let me tell you something God has anointed some people for you not everybody can preach for you to understand them to be blessed there are many preachers but there are some people to 3 maybe that are the people that God has anointed for your life and for your ministry and when you notice you know just throw there and keep on that track and go for the same books and the same tapes and the same materials it will get into you because it's already entry right when I watch TV n there are some ministers who have huge churches I mean it's about the same you're not getting it you're not getting it you're right and I said to myself I am not getting it I don't get what they are saying but I look and I see thousands of people who are getting it thousands of people who understand what the past I say so I realized that they understand but I don't understand so but there are other people example for me with me a good examples Regina I mean that many people don't understand his books and what he's saying but I I understand God has anointed him for me so I always read his material I always get revelation and I always had this butch with me now it used to be Kenneth Hagin all the time and now it's turned that way and I'm always blessed because and I'm humble enough to accept that God has anointed this person for me it takes the ability to realize not just humble yourself before this person because he's a blessing to you and it seems that everything is coming from there and then so just humble yourself and God will bless you as you see for those who were involved in the church planting school we've talked about getting some of the Bishop's books and materials I think those CDs would be very good and so we'll be talking about that in the sessions coming up and regarding that we're gonna we're going to take a little bit of a break have the worship team come back Elijah if you would please right now we're gonna take a little worship break and stretch and sing a little bit and then we're gonna release the bishop to his preach whatever is on his heart tonight amen can you thank just a bag one more time you can stand together and let's sing a little have you also make it [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] you have to [Music] after that let's just in the spirit anyway I will not brought you even though the displace here tonight says the Lord and then to this juncture in your journey and with my hand not rested upon you for good and when I protected you rescued you time after time I set before you a new era a new season said the Lord from this day forward I will bless you you will remember this night and this season in your life the call of God is heavy upon you in the mantle of his calling rests upon your shoulders and even tonight there is a casting upon you on the mantle of award there's a sensing in your spirit the Lord is asking we would pick it up and run them hard after the Lord your God these are the days of Elijah these are the days of the prophets of old the profits of the do these are days says the Lord where I will begin to direct your steps in a new way tonight the word of the Lord is to lay aside every weight and every sin that so easily besets you and to begin to run at a greater pace and with a lighter foot says the Lord to run hard after the things of God from this day forward you will not be the same you will be turned into another man into another woman for the hand of the Lord is upon you for good and the hand of the Lord is upon you even now says the Lord your God hallelujah thank you Lord Jesus thank you Lord Jesus let's just receive the word of the Lord right now Thank You Heavenly Father Thank You Heavenly Father put your hand on your heart today thank you Lord Jesus - say Lord your kingdom come your will be done in being in may Lord you kingdom come your will be done ending grace grace grace thank you Lord Jesus thank you Lord Jesus as I said amen amen you may be seated [Music] we're going to take the next several minutes and I'll just kind of let you know what our plan is here tonight and if you do need to leave you can slip out but we're going to watch a video from Ghana and from some of the healing Jesus Crusades and then Bishop dag is going to come and preach another short snack message to us tonight an accident looking forward to this and I don't want to limit him but at the same time realizes on many of us that had a long day but we're taking the extra time tonight to heal the word of the Lord amen and number by you but if indeed the Lord has anointed certain people to speak into your life I'm sensing he was speaking he's anointed the bishop dag just begin to ours amen and some of you were really I'm confident really really connecting tonight and so we want to give him Liberty to speak but first let's go to Ghana amen [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] in the region [Music] there are two significant features about this crusade the first one that it was held in the region we're gone is first president dr. Kwame Nkrumah was born a monument had located in the center of the town and marks the site of dr. Mann clueless childhood home Kwame Nkrumah the great [Music] thank was held in the oil-rich part of Ghana recently always discovered a massive quantity environment mostly in this region will inform that in from the voice although had ribbons groans perfect a very very common only taste that's right in the middle I all informed in ancient plants and animals deposited since the Cambrian period 500 million years ago this will don't matter centered on the speed flaw of their era mixing with and being covered by sedimentary rock mostly sandstone and limestone over many years deposit for more sediment tectonic plant movement or volcanic activity led the public under and interminable at may our own and my trapped under high pressure with low oxygen present I broke down the dead animal into hydrocarbon such as coal oil and natural gas once formed in this pedimental male all tend to squeeze out all washed out by underground water flow the team visited the site and evangelist accurate milk prayed for the prosperity of the inhabitants of this area and nest royal of Ghana we have come to a place in the middle of the forest where we have discovered oil and as you can see the oil this is another panel of a bottle and the oil is coming out this is actually returned from this peak and as several of such picked all over the forest here to be very careful because [Music] [Music] look a lot of oil with oil let's beat up a hundred father we are thanking you for the blessing you have given to John I have given at oil and we are praying and you will remove the cake and remove the headline and then tumbling block not prevent us from benefiting from the riches they reported the blessing the prohibition that was given to the nation gather and we say Lord legislation what they are is what if not this one without some people [Music] the method of salvation has preached and more than one been a journey to save it got to be unreachable nice appearances restful Rav is a delay D which means services worth of this specimen is located on one side of mate time darling which is fed by few nearby rivers Empire according to legend their ancestors were thriving getting that most repeated if you several hours drive from possibly with swim contains apart our calls were hospitalized in multiple times eventually your bike and get up [Music] the magnet is back you ignore the team members were handed padded start paddling it was nothing short of a frightening journey through a thick swampy forest [Music] we braved the knowledge of this world 15 minutes but another specialist earlier after the beep black open lake and leading canoes [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] recreation recognized evangelist hear the word of God although with your presence nor any of our speaker they heard the gospel of Jesus Christ and you blood that was shed on Calvary and surrender their life I know that things couldn't help my compartment grass and leaf I found it right back in my glory [Music] how's Nikki say turned out to be the largest gathering ever seen in the district thousands gathered from all of the Southwest in Ghana and talked about the amazing country and the number of each as with given out free oh boy and I saw the beautiful mm and screaming and then what this one even human [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] and we're so excited we were ordered I mean the whole one let's do that everything that comes in and this offering will go to these Crusades and if you can write a large check you know we've been talking about sewing even in a time of financial difficulty let's practice what we preach shame in this good soil can I just tell you that I have I've been there I've seen I haven't seen healthy things till tonight but I've witnessed the wonderful things God is doing through Bishop day Heyward Mills and also lighthouse Chapel International it's very authentic very real very good and I think we were all touched amen you know if you just watch something like that and you have a whole different a new understanding of you know Acts chapter three and the man was leaping and praising God and holding on to Peter and John and and there in the temple and attracted a crowd amen well praise God so we just sowed the seed father tonight in Jesus name we sew it into lives and the souls into Africa into all the world as you lead bishop bag we pray Lord that what we do give tonight would be as a seed for harvest not only a harvest that we will reap back from but also Lord the harvest of souls that we will participate and partner together in with Bishop and Adelaide and their wonderful pastors and team we thank you Lord for this miraculous work that you are doing and thank you that we can be a part of it in Jesus name Amen amen praise God praise God hallelujah praise the Lord amen it's welcome Bishop back as he comes to see [Applause] [Applause] hallelujah speak for just a few seconds and then very prayer I want to pray for Judah he's 30 years old and the Bible says that they shall do the service of the Lord from the age of 30 to 50 have you seen that so the work of the Lord is forth it's it's it in therefore the Levites you know the Bible says teaches us the praying time that's what those are the prime years you know some people say they want to serve the Lord when they retire and when they are too old for the bank to use them or they're too old for any other organization to use them anyone to work for the Lord but the Lord wants to use young people and the best part of your life amen and that is why the Levites were to work from the age of 30 to 50 so that is a very important age and I'm sure that many of you how many I practice I mean I'm not yet thirty uh-huh so by the time you effect you should be just getting onto the runway ready to take off when I was 29 years old the church you came to we owned it then I was 29 and we we moved in there so by Fetty often you get to a certain point in the ministry Amen father thank you for this great blessing oh Jesus we love you we thank you for this opportunity bless us Lord thank you Jesus amen right how many of us want to work for the Lord you want to do do you really want to yeah now that I would say has been one of my greatest desires is to do something ABCs you know and that must be your desire anything that you can do please do it before it's over because it's going to be over before you know it's over my mother told me have fun with your children because after ten years they'll be gone they'll have something else to do and they'd be interested in other things so as she was right I found my house gradually getting empty when I went to medical school for the first few days I couldn't believe I was going to be here for seven years I remember taking notes in one class and my whole book exercise book was filled in one class you know and I just couldn't believe it and I said are we going to be here for seven years that was in 1982 there were seven years passed so quickly in 1989 on the 10th of March I became a doctor and it's 1999 has passed and we are heading for 2009 so sometimes it looks so far like it will never come so I tell you it's going to be over before we know it's over your life your opportunities everything so it's very important for you and I to find what God wants us to do and do it with all your mind with all your strength whatever you can do in a large house there are many vessels every vessel is used for something something otherwise good for stabbing rice some are good for meet some are good for ice cream some are good for serving drinks but whatever you are and however you remain you must do what God wants you to do it right now there is just one thing that you are going to deed to really help you but for that one thing I got to turn out very important things that you will need and that one thing is the anointing all right all right that is the key to becoming anything and do anything but unfortunately most people don't realize that it's basically the anointing that does things like you see the Crusades that we will just watched I tell you I am as surprised as you as a leave you a surprise that I am surprised when I watch myself is it be surprised oh yeah but I tell you it is the anointing so you must be anointed several reasons why you must be annoyed I'm Shane from our book steps to the anointing is because that Araya said is not by my it's not by power but by the spirit now unfortunately when you see a successful ministry you often attribute it to some other kind of power okay like if you superheroes or because they are booing and they have Microsoft they are Bill Gates they have all these guys and all these people in the city so that is why when you see somebody's educated or because it's educated or when it is a method American or is because it's African or because he's tall because he's short because he's a man because he's 40 years old his fifties or when I was young I wanted to be old because I was cool I mean I everywhere when were people are working together were all much old on a deal the first time I went to the church growth board and I was regarded a big dr. Joe's son every other pasta was at least 10 years older than me 10 20 30 40 years and they've always called me small boy small boy in my city small we see what who died oh god what did he come you know I always wanted to be old so even both of glasses to wear so that I look older because I thought about 19 comes by age and I've got older I wish I was now younger because I realized that it is a very powerful and blessed thing to be young and there are many these old people cannot do we cannot jump the missionary so that they cannot be like missionaries either they are to where they have too many responsibilities mortgages houses death children so many things they can't do them so I have found out it's not any of these things that makes you do well your age your height your sex some of the ladies you you can't do well because you're a woman if you were a man you know but the most anointed healer but I have ever known off is Kathryn Kuhlman you read her miracles there is a book by a medical doctor I have beside the focuses I always read one of fashion criminal stories it's like healing anointing that I just sort of received you know I just read one of the stories and I become encouraged that miracles are real I don't know the name of the fidelity but the doctor brother is this medical doctor who who wrote a book and he described some of the miracles to the x-rays best hands in the book we see cancer time sharing the blood vessel go like this when it gets to the cancer and the hip joint good the brother goes like this around the cancer and this is a middle-class obvious she goes to a miracle service and then the cancer goes down that we see it goes down like that and so straight two years later straight like that cancer of the bone job just old about to die spreads and miracles I mean look at you but there is something like healing no no matter what you say very something real like healing that happens and can happen suddenly and it's like nothing the power enters you and miracles happen you know and I tell you to stop Kathryn Kuhlman but I see such loud and powerful miracles you know and I believe that this power is real so you don't have to be a man because a woman have such power you don't have to be over because young people have power and anointing so it's not like this is not by that it's by the spirit so take your eyes of people don't look at people's money I talk about poor country and I'm doing the Crusades I'm having there you cannot imagine the cost I don't even know how we do them I sent missionaries to South America to the Caribbean to Papua New Guinea from Ghana I'm not an American I don't eat American dollars I live in Ghana but we've been able to do things you want that somehow that's how we're able to do the things you get it so it's not by any of these things I mean what you did is the anointing the objetive direct your eyes don't don't think somebody's lucky think the anointing that is on the person amen - you must be anointed because even Jesus Christ waited to be anointed before beginning his ministry the career said so Jesus Christ said started his preaching on notice it says now what are the people are baptized it came about that Jesus also be baptized and three day was open and the holy day defended in a bodily shape like a dove on him and a voice came from heaven which says thou art my beloved son Indian well please and Jesus himself began to be about thirty years of age being as was supposed the son of Joseph Luke 3 21 to 23 all right calm down Jesus began to do miracles from the time he was baptized in the Jordan but after that time 30 no miracles we didn't know of him silence silence no activity no power nothing great not nothing spectacular but from the time that the Holy Spirit came on Jesus the Dark Descent on him we began to see a difference so look for this power of Jesus Christ the Savior needed that anointing but everything is just the Holy Spirit then you my friend you my dear intern you my dear pasta you need more than a certificate we need the unknowing thing of the Holy Spirit on your life can I have an email from somebody because even the Apostles were asked to wait for the anointing Apostles Peter John and others are jesus said to them and being assembled jesus said wait for the promise of the father said he you have heard of me so wait for the anointing apostles so looked at the anointing amen number four plus acts 1 verse 4 you must be anointed because great prophets like Elijah asked for the anointing when we were given a chance to ask for what they wanted this great man like he like Elijah ready without what you want anointing recently I was visiting an old Richmond and he was very angry with his children and said my children just want me to die that they want to inherit my stuff my houses when somebody is going the people around think of what we are going to get from him are we going to get house car properties Millions what are we going to inherit so Elijah knew Elijah was going and he asked Elijah Elijah asked what do you want you have a house oh my car you're my wife you want my money no I said no I just want that spirit that's on you I want the anointing that's on you what do you want that's what I want to say every man of God you look at it you see don't desire his money I had better he'd say the other day he uses 1.8 million dollars every five days for his ministry to me that's a lot of money I don't know if it's a lot of money to you but to me it's a lot of time where I come from 1.8 million dollars every five days is a lot of money there's a lot of money here I don't know but I have to ask you know I I don't need that Benny Hinn's money I desire the anointing I'd rather noisy that he has that will give me more than the money that he has because if the anointing that breeze you know I had somebody say if you have money you can gather a crowd in Africa and have a last receipt come and try bring your money come let's try so there are fossils needed annuities tell your data you did the unwitting Elijah number five who was world king saul was transformed into another man when he was anointed a mint test how much up to ten you know that story by six and it says a bow shall be turned into another man the prophet told it a good a pour oil on you and knowing to you you go and you're going to be turned into another man Wow another man my mother you know my mother my mother's from Switzerland she was sitting interested I don't recognize my son is that my boy well my son had only son so when I'm preaching I'm out there working she doesn't recognize the person she brought I mean this is not that person I brought up because I chase I've met people who stick I'm not used to you I said what do you mean by I know you say I've got used to you what do you mean by you are not used to be said and usually you play the organ you know I used to put opinion but there used to be play the piano a church or sitting quietly somewhere and they're not used to me be Who I am yeah I'm either not used to myself he says you'd be transformed into another man by the anointing may you be inverted in the name of Jesus and I was sick you must be America because King David attributed everything to the anointing he'll even call himself a lot anointed he stopped calling himself David he called himself the Lord's anointed how many young people want to become the Lord's anointed yes and he really really respected anointing I wonder I want to tell you something respect the anointing on people recognize that there is an anointing don't think of people in terms of things that they have physically or what they often think of them in terms of there's some spirit some power on their life pastor Wendell cannot have this church and could not do the work he's doing if there was not a second a second a visible power that is with him and tell you you may be new in the church a young earth you are definitely braided do you think in terms of physical oh he has a lot of people in the church because he had a church in this area because look it's none of those things it's the anointed and that's why we was why we travel - doctor - because no one can have 700,000 members unless God is with him don't say all their Koreans or their agent don't think in that way think in terms of the power the anointing hallelujah and finally the data said cast me not away from thy presence and take not thy Holy Spirit amen finally the anointing is essential because Moses refused to continue his ministry without the motifs that mother said is that if thy presence go not with me carry us not options we are not going if I present is not going and I'm not going no persons no way I am going away so in France pastors workers seek for one thing seek for the anointing you think God the Bible says that they went everywhere preaching and the Lord working with them it is the Lord who works the Lord is the one who works now I just want to give you two testimonies you know many years ago I I left a lot so much and I loved Kenneth Hagin and I went to a hospital outside a crown capital of Ghana is a crime and I went to this hospital to work for a month 1000 medical school I was already at which I was already a pasta but I really you know what looking for more that's our thing you know somebody's asking what would I recommend that you go out there look some more look one more thing look for something try to get connected write something that will help you the power of God so anyway I would just listen to him and my wife lent me her little tape recorder red tape recorder Sunni tape recorder auto-reverse played this way then it plays out we play this way this way that way never stops so I borrowed it but I didn't have one I bought it from her I went up north and I was in this hospital I finished all the work I had to do for one month I finish it in one week and I started just waiting on the Lord as a student but I was a pasta and I tell you I'll just pray we don't go out go out a bit do some ward rounds come back pray because you can't do it if you want to so one night one night I was in the room listening to television I'd heard him preach the same as it hundred times and I knew the story I knew all his stories I do know all his stories his uncle his sister's everybody I know his family you know never met him never chatted with him but I know him from the tapes and one night I was there listening to this tape and I was nearly done about by my bed and I was praying and then I fell asleep don't be discouraged if you fall asleep because the sleep is part of the prayer sometimes he says in the presence of the Lord because God can't see that you are asking for something and the only that you fell asleep so other other trade that the tape was playing - I'm throwing was playing like that then I woke up at about 3 a.m. and at 3 a.m. in the night as this tape was praying and Hagen was preaching something jumped out of the tape and came into my belly here and I felt something going to me and then I had a voice in the room and the voice has come today you can teach whether from today you can teach that was in 1988 yeah and you see somebody ask is it biblical we I think it's so biblical what does Galatians said is that did you not receive the spirit by the hearing of faith you see the spirit when you hear and you are believing Ezekiel chapter 2 I'm giving you scriptures video chapter 2 verse 2 it says and the spirit entered into me when he spake unto me when we spoke the spirit entered though we when you find it there is the key chapter tivity and the spirit entered into me when you speak to me with access to 10 that's 34 what had happened Peter was preaching and that was this actually was preaching in verse 44 the spirit are they were listening to pick up with the spirit sell of them now that's why I was recommending this mechanic I recommend preaching you know because must listen you can tell when you meet somebody who listens to pretty and you can tell when you meet someone who listens to CNN or the radio you can tell a preacher to listen to preaching and even you can tell the difference between somebody who listens to appreciate somebody who reads books they are different they're both good but that's the difference I know the difference when I meet them yeah and that night the Lord anointed editor Tom today you can teach now when I look at my ministry today you know I teach mostly passes and that's what what the Hagan was doing most of my book I don't enjoy writing I've hypothesis it if you write a book you know about this more people bicep I don't care people buy books I don't earn money from books okay people Bible so I have published now almost over five million books we people published book thousand two thousand five thousand sensors attached over five million and it's going to be more and pastor invite me and people want to read it the same spirit is you can see our anointing when you see the person doing the same things the things that doesn't that that tells you what kind of anointing is on the person like John the Baptist he had the amazing of Elijah John the Baptist wore panties in the desert and Elijah also wore panties in his world Ernest when our Elijah was eating when from the radians whatever and John a Baptist was eating locusts Elijah's ministry confronted a woman the Queen Jezebel and John the Baptist means she was also confronting the Queen that is Herod's wife and both of them ended their ministry by a woman a woman ended their ministry you know sometimes the same things and gives us that if you care to believe that's Elijah he talks about John about that Elijah so you see the spirit that is all somebody by the work that he does oh yeah you never know you got this Dublin concept you see red anoint your blue and yellow anointing no there's nothing like that written on somebody's chest but you just watch the works of the person if it's a pastoral anointing and apostolic and only evangelist whatever it is so you can be anointed whoever you are I promise you that you can be know when I wanted to go into healing that was very difficult for me as now a teacher I was teaching and now the Lord said to me you learnt it the first time by accident by chance you became an orator to Papa Hagin now you know what to do and I said Lord we need to have to follow somebody have to throw somebody closely until I become an anointed yeah because I and and and I said I want to follow Kathryn Kuhlman and the Lord said well you have to follow Benny Hinn I saw but I mean I do understand when he preaches because his PTO so mystical I mean if you if you is it fish about this Oh Tessa doesn't wish for any test of impeachment notice all edited cars done best job this Passover I tell you I listened to him for years I couldn't understand then one day after listening to her for about ten years I was lying down in my study suddenly understood what he was saying he preached about steps to the analogy I tell you for years I never understood it even when understanding begins to come the spirit and it begins to coming to me for the straight a spirit of wisdom and revelation so that that already started to flood me everything was talking about I thought I enjoy I mean credited to his anointed steps job isaiah advanced magnificus numbers exodus is the one of the typical Corinthians or James or something we can understand but I was duty for anointing healing anointing yeah I followed him closely I don't I don't feel sighs it many of us cannot enter because of Pride and because you criticize the person who is carrying the anointing you need when you speak against it it can never come to you something you speak against cannot come to you you criticize something you you take it they won't come to you your cats will not come to you because you kick it and your dog will not come to you because you take it alright mercy merci yeah another miracle here criticize Benny Hinn but a few people like him who entire country and thousands and thousands will gather to hear about Jesus how many were gathered to hear you when you come have you ever wondered no one even comes to meet you at the airport and thousands of people come to meet him so instead of criticizing him just open your heart they have there's something good that you can be blessed with amen and so I started to open my heart or and then I began actually I remember that says that I prayed for somebody to be healed at the window it was like I was sweating I almost died before it happened now what you ask people to come forward if you are here but if no one comes you wanted to disgrace you today the way it was a parable I sat down sweating after the service and I remember the first time I went out of my chest to pray and I pray for the sick oh man I almost died from Mornington it is thinking about praying fasting and I remember when I went out of my country and prayed for the first time for somebody to be here and on and on and on and on and I'll see head like this here skin rash there's little things so I began to see other things and so I've seen anything in the Bible I've seen one before at least I've seen ones doing that but this are still at least seen it before have you seen it before the don't criticize when you see so - quite all of you young people listen there are many things you don't understand learn to shut your beak learn to keep quiet learn to keep quiet about things you don't understand learn to shut up lengths not to criticize pastor if you don't want to buy Ellie you don't want to do to end your ministry before I learn to shut up about things you don't understand you see men of God understand what is going on with them God allows things to be a certain way because it is his will why Jesus was on the cross with Teebs another father he this treatise on the cross so that God allows his servant to associate with certain bad things it's part of the disgrace of the cost that's why we posit associated with it we are we the people see us as dishonest money loving money-grubbing men I don't know how they say yes God has allowed it so that we bear part of the sufferings of Christ things that we we know in our heart we are not doing they always they always put it on us what other liars thieves lot of money wicked men all kinds of things it's the will of God we have to be on the cross with tapes and received a disgrace together with our savior hallelujah so I want to encourage you to come to you I love anything I wonder if somebody gave me a book called a different gospel criticizing Kenneth Hagin you know I want to open the book I saw something wonderful about it I think in which I always remember even in the mid to now when I was preaching I couldn't even see something negative in the book my eyes were just full of admiration so that is good to be far I just saw he said I saw something in the book is accurate again weaves between supernatural experiences and the word that's what he said some he said oh he just goes totally super nod when it comes to the word and he goes back and when I told you the story of how I became annoyed that I went into the word and I gave you scriptures and I came back and two and forty and I just remember that statement so even the negative which was intended to be negative became positive for me because I was full of admiration and I my heart was open but whether I love with somebody you love them but you have to just open and you can receive the anointed you can receive the blessing when your eyes are full of criticism and man wings that you don't receive you just see the person as a man humble yourself and open your heart but I tell you God is busy sent people from Seattle to the world let me tell you there are things I cannot do in my country there are people want to do from time come Jesus said go go go go to the uttermost parts of the earth I tell you that I think people have to be sent on outside to come to Seattle to do you will be able to give them in just in the next house here but you can save them if somebody would come far come and stand right then do what you haven't been able to do for twenty years and that's why God sends has brought the next and to the next and to the next and to the next and I knew I see it I see I feel it God is going to send you God is going to raise you up what is going to use you there are many young people I see it in America young people I saw it in livestock those are young people they want to do study they're like they're like they're like animals that are just about to be set free two to two hundred to fight and I know God is going to do it God is going to use you and there's one thing you're going to need is the anointing six or they are not me that's for the anointing baskets are beginning to you sick sick you frame it like that totalizer you have after happening it's hard to be anointed very hard it takes time fifty years but if you are determined one day you watch yourself on the video and you say that means and the law states you is my work it's my power it's not my might it's not bypass it's by my spirit says the Lord stand on your feet are let's pray yeah I feel it anointing in this place if you are here and you sense God is calling you over to send you out into the ministry to serve Him yep which I come come to the throne I did not just come around here I want to just play with you just come lift your hands father thank you for this anointing just lift your hands now God God God wants to use you what was the same deal allows you to go far sometimes he wants to go near what we desire the anointing needs your hands Holy Spirit Holy Spirit come on me fall on me all I need you are noisy what I need your power I need your presence Moses that is your presence does not go with me I will not go I will not go tell us thank you for that morning receive that noisy right now father thank you we see the anointing we see the morning we see the anointing thank you Jesus thank you Jesus thank you Jesus for the anointing thank you for the anointing thank you for the anointing thank you for the anointing father studies young man for this young lady young man God is calling you Monday oh thank you I've got to give you a special body I know some of you have been working you been working you'll be working but you need an anointing thank you for fresh air thank you for fresh oil they give a place are exploring exploring the higher heights lost the new things in your presence not seen despondency the Kinnelon are they my God my God my God my lady father thank you for your blessing thank you for your blessing I thought for the grace to to receive it anointing thank you Lord my God my God come here my dear with your hands father thank you it's powerful Lord it's flowing it's slowly lon Thank You Lord it's flowing thank you about a pastor of this church you are blessing them Lord you using the path that posture lay your hand on your on your belly God is gonna ignite a new river and you oh yes Lord yes Lord where are the pasta classical pastors have to come here please thank you thank you thank you thank you for your anointing you're always growing thank you lord thank you Jesus oh yeah thank you thank you know follow thank you for these wonderful pastor Jesus thank you receive it receive it miss didn't receive it receive it oh yes law Thank You babies pastors thank you ladies records law that's insane no thank you all thank you Jesus for your blessing your blessing now talk about everybody's plan go for it but a power thank God for the Holy Spirit thank God for the Holy Ghost flowing it's flowing just receive it just receive it thank you Jesus thank you Jesus for your blessing thank you for your power come on Alec oh yes it's Rory exploit we see that receive it receive it thank you Jesus thank you Jesus what every nationality here we pray for your power to flow thank you local power that is flowing by big nationality that is represented here thank you or you're going to raise them up and touch them is not alone they're going to be powerful in your work hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah listen I want to put a passion to have God packs for what God wants to do just lay your hands on your heart not touch me so that I will always think about what you are thinking about I will always have a heart to what you want but I pray for duty for your blessing upon a life we all are your bereavement that you have witnessed and thank you for your blessing ma che bella Speaker the tillable and the lava Fela your healing power in her life my god oh my god [Music] [Applause] Thank You 5 you love for Jesus you love for Jesus you love for Jesus I do not watch it a lot for a YouTube load [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you Jesus give a street of gratefulness thankfully it's flowing and flowing exploring it slowly thank you Jesus never the same again now the same again cheetah thank you they are great I feel lighter right on thank you for these wonderful past hoji is my God thank you we do some fight fight on final wasn't right you must fight that's what the Spirit sees he must find follow thank you for seven everybody stretch out your hand God is God is doing something from the age of second he began to be anointed power Phil Phil let it you spirit laws diverted him [Music] [Music] [Music] she shall give to you he has give it to you thank you Jesus not to just want to poses father thank you for your blessing thank you Jesus for your blessing with your hands we see the pledge level of father thank you for your healing power and your bedding re neutralism I review taste I rebuke lies and if you wickedness I will do death and I review every thought that it lifted up against your life energy we will reverse Jesus's be blessed we bless the blends be blessed touch this one slowly use the block secrets to cast a telepresence go Cesar pellis people apart la barracuda lake or simply papa Santa of the cave and anything thank you God for your black people Jesus I thank you he will serve you long he were alone he will not be caught by the enemy every traffic that is literally gave His life shall not work thank you for your blessing of the enemy thank you for Percy thank you for healing thank you for your blessing but I reduce the energy of whether Smith in the name of our beauty I rebuke it in Jesus name thank you thank you chains are broken
Channel: Dag Heward-Mills Evangelist
Views: 12,719
Rating: 4.9003115 out of 5
Id: _aULcmpEasQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 146min 11sec (8771 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 28 2017
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