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our theme is that the army of hard followers [Applause] the army of hard followers are you excited to be a man-god especially chosen you that's why you are here amen the army of you don't say hi sit down now I believe that God is supernaturally making you a hat follower some 63 verse 8 some 63 verse 8 my soul followeth hard after thee thy right hand upholds me Amen my soul followeth heart after thee and thy right hand upholds me amen this beautiful vase is a very important verse in the Bible he says my soul followeth after thee God doesn't speak like audibly he's made the earth put us in it animals oceans the Sun the Moon the Stars everywhere right when you search everywhere you can't find him do you see he can't be seen but he's real somebody must have made all these things you know so where is he four years and yes human beings have not known anything about these marvelous planets what they are even after now we don't know what they are some are cold summer hot some are freezing some are solid mass and Co are solid but Jupiter is made of gas and Saturn made of gas with rocks and they all have moons some of the moons are as big as the earth this this we are there for four years you know the Sun is one of the first things to be worshipped by human beings the Sun has been a god for many people the Sun God worship it pray to it you see cause it's so mighty when you look at it your I can get paid I thought it was flat but after some time when they were able to make Rockets went out into space and I found the Sun is an exploding ball of gas with nuclear so much nuclear power that can burn up the wall earth thousand times over exploding you don't find God no one is speaking no one is saying here one is saying I've done it huh so this invisible God whom have been praying too for yes and two I can pray and I will hear a single word audibly not one word like you to walk away from your prayer and believe that he's there and that he had you and he was with you and I he is with you is it not amazing and this God is the one that they be said mice follow wet after D I'm following after God God who cannot be seen cannot be touched cannot be felt my soul followeth had after D and that is the quest that the army of heart always has as well if you are a heartful while we are hard for us of God not at for s of money yes recently a brother who became a minister of the gospel is a reverend a pasta a missionary he said to me he was privileged to visit some of his friends in America and then he wrote me and said I am glad that I took the option because he was faced with the two options to save God on the mission field I'll go to America where his relatives are and he said I am glad that I took the decision to serve God because when I went to America all that the people they have our dates and he said to me I am richer than all of them at least I am above zero because zero is more than minus 500 our people have forgotten much yeah if you are if in 10 cities and you have nothing the one with nothing is richer than the one with minus 10 don't forget that in your whole life is a very important calculation Alleluia so my soul followeth after the God I cannot see the God who you may serve till you die and never see never here went from you have to die believing your reward is going to be very great yes one day Stevie Wonder came to our church play the piano and sang and somebody told me you know that Stevie Wonder it's not that he's such a fantastic pianist but it's because he's blind and can't play do you see that makes him so great he's blind he can play and sing and cannot see that makes him very great now those who can even see cannot play but you can see you can't play [Applause] so what makes us very great is the fact that we cannot see another we cannot see God cannot see him at all but like we are walking as if we've seen him as if we saw him early this morning is a fantastic thing and it makes you very great so impressed with you so when you are going in the right direction this guy that's why you will rule over angels never have done what you've done to believe in God you cannot see and follow him they stop surprised but they can see how great he is and we who cannot seem have composure so how great how great we can see all Lord my God when I in you are the universe display you know and I studied a song better isn't it yeah since my soul my Savior God how great how great then sings my soul my Savior how great how great how great now I can see you and I cannot see and most of us cannot see most of the things that God has made we don't know even on the F some places if you ever get a chance to go it's worth going yeah like the Attic circle if you have a chance to go it's very quick I've never been there you see ice bags you may see the aurora borealis that the waves from the Sun come in and it in there it in the North Pole yeah they used to wash them before they were angels flying is fantastic if you ever have a chance to go to the antarctic and Pataca not attic and cut it this is also different it's a continent and it expands you in winter the sea freezes the sea freezes and becomes ice [Applause] there are many great places right on earth and you don't even get a chance to see and see the great things that God has made that are so wonderful right in the ice there are animals that live there that's where they are okay that's where they are happy the Penguins minus 50 degrees you see them the wind is blowing and they stand there in the in the winter and the wind blows on them yeah they come every year for that feeling and the one who made all these things is not saying anything watching us whether we will believe in him or we will follow him we will flow with him he's not saying anything so you can see it in this David all that he knew was Israel just about two hundred miles radius and he says my sofa wet [Music] so anybody who follows God is a great person because you are a man or a woman of faith to believe in God and these are the small thing to believe in God you can't see him it doesn't speak you know one time I was in a hotel in South Africa and I was praying the whole day suddenly in the more it was back that they came they finished it was evening I was still praying and I was saying God you will show up at all you wouldn't say anything at all not a word don't listen you hear people outside moving nothing but my soul forward so the armies of her followers are the army of reward ripest you be congratulate throughout your - when were words are walking through heaven now walk into heaven there will be saluting you Emira join us vision and recently 1998 oh when he went to heaven and saluted him it was saluting him bowing yes it's a great thing to be a heart follower of the Lord if you like you can read it and find our quest and do about it ask them why you be surprised when you get to heaven do why what am i woman he said because you are being given the privilege to fight in the last battle all of you here have been given the privilege to fight in the last battle are you excited about this I'm excited I've been given the privilege to fight since I was 25 I became a pasta was 25 years so when I became a pasta and I've been fighting the last battle since day I've seen so many things yes through many dangers toils and snares have we already come you know that song through many dangers grace you didn't know it was amazing through many dangers toils and snares a splash is a surprise [Applause] whenever you see a surprise you are usually seen high level satanic attack on your life you see what you expect you've prepared for it's what you don't expect that you haven't prepared for and that's what all your guts are sleeping all your guts on vacation all your guts I'm going to buy kinky they are all not around on Sunday one of our members was going home on the motorway and he said don't drive fast on this motorway was a tipper truck packed waiting for him and he suddenly saw it just at the last moment and started braking braking went right under the tipper truck and the car stopped just before just before the windscreen of the body [Applause] yes you see what you when it's a surprise that's that's a high level attacks on your life drop because you are walking anything that will be a hole here not thought of oats in the ground not thought of this you're not thought of that if not all of this possibility so after you followed God for some time you would have seen smash you'd have seen then just you are aware oh yes you are not aware of as possibilities yes that is why the Bible says many are called now is these things on the way what you know what you never thought of me okay to you that's a possible thing that can happen sometimes something you expect can happen but a variety of it that you didn't think of but it could be in that way the same thing you know but a variation like maybe you are only expecting a young girl to be a temptation to you but then you meet a girl a woman [Applause] [Music] and you realize that this not what I expected I was expecting this from a very beautiful fresh watermelon system very rounded but this time it came in the form with a clock somebody was just come from a funeral so in the same trouble but a variation that should surprise you are you still around because his grace we say that's fine and grace will leave this grace that has brought me safe thus far that's fine this far and grace will lead whatever grace has carried you up to this point that grace is available to carry you to the end [Applause] His grace has brought me safe thus far and His grace will lead me home receive it in the name of Alleluia so my soul followeth after the god I cannot see the God I cannot touch but my soul followeth haha after thee what does it mean to follow heart number one to follow heart means to follow closely upon something until you feel its presence to follow heart until you feel its presence you amen number two to follow hard to follow something and to follow hard in that expression full with heart means to follow heart means to try to find out more about something so whatever you are following heart you are finding out more about that thing yeah that's what it means to follow haha number three what does it mean to follow her to follow her is to make efforts period of time to make efforts so thank God for your your nice young life in which you are following the Lord did it but to follow heart is to make efforts over a long period of time yes not easy to get you off the track not that easy to move you away from what you have decided to do yes amen so number four to follow had after something means to carry out something to its logical conclusion all right to its logical conclusion now the logical conclusion of ministry is full-time ministry is a logical conclusion let's let us take this let's say God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son the world is full of seven billion people few of these seven billion people know Jesus as Savior amen the world is coming to an end right before our eyes our chances of living beyond the hundred years is not so high true or not true our chances of living beyond a hundred years not very high even seventy I don't know how high it is not everybody hears only be 70 just being realistic you'll be 70 but why do we live our lives even you're supposed to retire by 55 60 depending on the country the logical conclusion of how much time you have is that you would do it all out being a layperson is something that we do because as we serve god that may be the only way you can do what you have to do for the Lord that's it but if really you're following him on a time will come when you follow him so much that you create so much work you say I my ministry creates so much work around me the people I've never thought I would meet in my life but they are all around because I create work my ministry creates work the fruit I'm producing creates jobs job creation I resign it's not intended to create jobs but it creates work you understand yeah and logically I don't have time to go to Cali boo - whack that's my original workplace I used to work at Hollywood some of you don't know I used to be paid Polly boo yeah yeah 25 City 25 cities the logical to follow hard is to follow something to its end it's like I love you you tell a lady I love you tell a girl I love you you don't know what I feel today was the logical conclusion of that one merida person is it all true so what I'm trying to say is that all these things we are doing have a logical conclusion so if you are loving the best of my love I like I like I like I love it Marie don't talk too much I propose propose say will you marry me or stop always I love you I love Island sight clearly [Applause] so God is also saying to us all right if you love him you love him you love him you love him you love him you love him you are working for him you love you you have following heart what does it - it gets to the ultimate whatever the ultimate and in the ultimate is often to work for him in full-time ministry in a full-time capacity all out not for salary for sacrifice go elsewhere for your good salaries Church we don't have good salaries for salary salary you need I will even take you up application letter to so many people I have a lot of people I know who can help you with a good job and a good salary and I need people with good salaries to support the work of God number five to follow hard is to pursue something in order to catch it follow something in order to catch it trying to catch like if you are following a dog they are trying to catch the dog following a deer and antelope now pursuing it in order to catch it that's the aim number six to follow her means to pursue a particular aim or a particular result amen it is to pursue a particular aim or a particular goal a particular result people who are not hard followers they don't they don't look for a particular result you see I wanted to have a church with people in the church now the result I was looking for I had nobody and I was at a church that's and then I had a church I needed a particular result in my life in my ministry I wanted to have people check to be bigger that was my aims I was following a particular aim that makes me a heart for but people who don't work with targets in mind or aims in mind they just they just relax and they are go on for yes so if I saw somebody saying I love you I love you but has not got the aim to marry you you understand that person doesn't become a heart follower is just a gentle follower like I'm following you said I love you but I'll see you like later I love you but I'll see you later but the one who is a follower he has the aim and the result yes when I started following my beloved in school I had a result I go to Mary I followed that result to its logical conclusion to follow heart is to pursue something to catch it so until I caught it I have not follow her those of you who have beloved's who have these endless relationships it's like having a relation with you to 20 20 to 20 26 and the last one is to follow heart is to follow something in order to overtake it amen are you there all right chapter 2 what do you achieve when you are a heart follow up the topic what do you achieve when you are a hard follow up following hab after your target will cause you to have a decisive victory decisive victory and I see you having a decisive victory first Samwell 14 verse 19 and it came to pass when saw talked unto the priest that the noise that was in the host of the Philistines went on and increased and Saul said unto the priest withdraw the in hand and Saul and all the people that were with him assemble themselves and they came to the battle and behold every man's sword was against his fellow and there was a great very great discomfiture moreover the Hebrews that were with the Philistines before that time which went up with him into the camp from the country round about even they also turned to be with the Israelites that were with Saul and Jonathan likewise all the men of Israel which had hid themselves in mount ephraim when they heard that the philistines fled even they also followed after them in the battle so the Lord saved Israel that day and the battle passed over and to Beth Haven amen even they also followed after them in the battle so that a Lord saved Israel that day you see God gave the Israelite under the leadership of soul a decisive and total victory by following you see when the enemy started to run then they followed after them to know the coffin very tight so that the enemy is totally wiped out and through that God gave a decisive and clear victory see there are some victories when you win not so clear is it true yes there are some elections that are won with just some few words and there are some elections which are disputed in court for so long so even when it's one it's not so clear it's like one nil it's also clear 31 is better for nil is better but one nail in the 92nd minute it's all clear you got it yes so what I'm saying is that there are victories a victory as a pasta a victory as an evangelist a victory as a servant of God God has given you your dream but not so clearly it's because you didn't follow is giving you the victory but not so clear because you may be a follower but not a follower you see the saw the enemy they were already running home but they followed to follow hardest to pass you something in such a way as to catch it you see I'll tell you no one who ever saved God in the Bible was poor you know that's why prosperity is one of the easiest is one of the easiest how do you call it areas to become a specialist in because it's easy everywhere it's all over the Bible you see who was poor Abram Isaac or David or Solomon or even Jesus who could take five thousand people to feed their KFC just eats five thousand people look at us here we are not even 2000 not to feed all of you it becomes a whole project with a huge bill now you don't even want to hear the bill to fib you let's say we are two thousand people and everybody's meal is costing 12 cedis it is twenty four thousand for breakfast twenty four thousand for lunch and twenty four thousand for dinner that's seventy two thousand for today so for three days of that is two hundred and seventeen thousand cities how could that be you understand the difficulty yeah no where did any follower of God that I know was like no so so so to follow it's like sometimes we follow to a point then we sort of not really catch it then it's if God didn't really step in to be with you and to supply your needs really it's you having followed hard to follow hard is to follow in such a way as to lay hold on something so when you laid hold on God I lay hold on his work lay hold on the anointing don't live it at all it's not you are cutting it but not fully people did he says when they saw that was oh man we turned hitting everybody was afraid when I did they all came out and even they also followed after them in battle to get that victory yes you get it yes so everybody here if you have so much zeal as to come here from school then you know what I want to ask you that one who says that then it's important to follow do it properly to the end to its conclusion logical conclusion only any part don't leave any part because there are many things that come from following heart if you follow partly you know look if you do biology or you even do botany unless you even do zoology you are still not a doctor even if you do physician assistants you are not a daughter you are not even good at chemistry you are not a doctor if you do law and you don't do the BA you're not a lawyer like you've done a lot of law but you're not a lawyer so a lot of people do something and then they will say Oh God the way you bless this pasta the way you play this man of God no sinned icon or blessing in my life is because you are not following after a to get a victory yes because if you follow hard after God after his work and his word many things will be added to you like I'm quoting abyss I was actually coaching invest but is exactly the same thing manatees shall be added unto you yes so that's what's gonna happen to you so you need you need to tell victory yes in your home in your life you know some of you are following hard you are trying to be open trying to relate there may be when it comes to marriage or Bulava doses you become secretive again and you sort of listen to advice except in that area so like even though you followed heart then there's a whole area which is wide open to demons all sin and all evil is brought up by the devil every sinew for me there are demons behind it it was Satan who spoke to the woman talk to her talk to a doctor so that whole thing was its little demons behind that's why the Bible says in the last is seducing spirits after their spirits behind sins it's not just sin is something behind it working so if you are doing something do it all around do it to the end so that you have a total victory so when we say your life is going to be better than our Liza it's going to be better in every way not everywhere except this area because every area ministry Church finance marriage the issues that are in life yours is declared better in Jesus name but you have to be a heart follower yes I cannot see why somebody like you shouldn't have a better marriage than somebody like me who never had five minutes counseling if in five minutes nobody can say I just didn't know what it was it's called enter to discover it's called what and tap to discover it's gone what and time to discover it's like you are you are an explorer the first people that went to explore the artic circle they died we died they died there the Korean the Korean come back the couldn't get back yes they built a cabin and everything they were there but they couldn't come back they died there the whole team died there it's called exploration later no no there's made a kind of airport and everything over there yeah doing experiments a whole town the whole thing that the North Pole this is with heaters and everything and they've left the cabin that those people made as a kind of museum yeah where they died yes and all their things are still there preserved this path and that will discover exploration that's I said those who come after supposed to have something better you also be better hallelujah are you excited about it alright number two following hard after your targets will cause you to get the greatest prize the greatest prize the greatest prize is yours because you are following fast some well 31 this one first some well 31 and verse number one now the Philistines fought against Israel and the men of Israel fled from before the Philistines and fell down slain in Mount Gilboa and the Philistines followed upon so you see anytime you hear that for long habit means that somebody is doing something wild which is going to lead to something great so following hard causes you to get the greatest prize not not not a small prize a great prize and the Philistines slew Jonathan and a banana mouth Xuan Saul sons and the battle went saw against Saul and I just hit him and he was so wounded of the ashes then said saw unto his armor-bearer draw thy sword and trust me through there with less these uncircumcised come and trust me through and abuse me but his armor-bearer would not for he was so afraid therefore Saul took his sword and fell upon it when his armor-bearer saw that Saul was dead he fell like wize upon his sword and died with him so look at it oh so salt died the next day salt died and his three sons and his Amma Berra and all his men that same day together and it comes from verse one now the Philistines fought they did we just fight against Israel and the men of Israel fled from before them and the Philistines and fell down slain him out Gilboa and the Philistines followed after soul and they got the maximum reward the greatest prize maximum they got the king he got his sons the God is a mob era and all his men that were with him all died the same day in one day there's a greatest prize now in every area where you take up the following of God and the ministry there is the greatest prize and there are little little tidbits here and there that you can have yes the greatest prize is being is on offer yes the greatest prize is on offer you are welcome if you want it the greatest prize for church work is on offer both on earth and in heaven is a great prize because when you have a church you have more than you have more than give you a figure of money you have more than money yes you have much more than money you have people I have you yes I have these more than money a person is more than money just one peasant one person who laughs you want bass who follow you one person who do what you say one bedroom wet for you one person who care for you it's more than a lot of money find it and see if you can find I mean I also said for you the greatest prize the greatest church comes to the heart always the greatest prize in evangelism comes from heart always that's why bunky has experienced and enjoyed the greatest possible pride you see when they went to what they didn't think that maybe we can get the king you see the one who caught Saddam Hussein in the well when we went back to America they went to see the they went see the president and the one who caught the ones who killed Osama bin Laden yeah yeah they are heroes it's like and when it saw assumable pass on Saddam in the well he was hiding underground what that time it was like a great price I want to pull him out yes the trophy is the greatest possible fry this whole Iraq walnut we've got this man himself so the greatest possible price the greatest possible church is on offer you can have the greatest church you have the greatest church growth you can have the greatest ministry you know one of the things you people don't realize is that when I encourage you to work for God I'm not really encouraging you for your own life because how many times can I come to where you are look at this one I sent him to Mozambique stand up Mozambique all these years you've been there for how many years loving yes now 11 years 11 years I've been there once twice what am I is doing there means is he's a boss it is his life is his ministry this his work yeah it's for him so then correcting you to be an even sponsoring you ain't happy yeah it's you greatest possible price available the greatest gifts available greatest are on offer you like you know like but it's for her followers when they saw Phil is that they were fighting with so low that wouldn't kill him they have to follow her before they would lay hands on him it's hard followers who get the big prizes so don't be jealous when you see somebody having the big prizes and big rewards yeah don't say oh why is lucky oh it's not like you they were not lucky to kill Saul they followed hard after Saul and they got even the guys children yes and all his men and it's a mob era on the same day by following ha and what does it mean to follow hard what does it mean to follow hard to follow something to his logical conclusion to make efforts over a long period of time what does it to pursue a particular result in order to catch it to overtake something to try and find out more we wondered whether to do whether to measure sauce height and his weight and check his clothes out and see if he had some more things gold and things yeah we're just fighting with you that is running is always running it and this is I'm not at your 400 meters I cannot run yeah so following hard after something is what gives you that great unbelievable price the unbelievable price it's waiting for the following people who fight fight but you have to follow follow follow follow follow follow follow you sit in here you'll be able to come to a camp from a school some of your parents don't know you are here they think you are in school but you are to come [Applause] now you do well in your exams are you listening can you hear me clearly so God is raising up an army of what yeah you know that you see your price going as you don't follow this one - after fighting all day and all night as you now follow this thing let him go be kind be nice yeah one day I watched a film I have not told you the name of the film but it's a true story some American soldiers when Afghanistan and they were up in the mountains they were looking for some terrorists and they were all dressed in there are things with goggles and guns and everything all of them they were hiding watching the village and far are we watching with a telescope and there what is this one not less suddenly they saw some some goods moving on the mountain near the so brown coat white could enroll coming and suddenly they saw one young man following the goods and then another older man also following the goods and they came to anyway so they had no choice but to catch them cut them and they put them there they tied them and they debated ah what should you do with these two guys that's the canning point of the film that debate will release them following goods somebody said he said it's a child-killer these guys he said nobody's a a cute and they're finally the leader said I'm taking the decision release them you release them let them go and we climb up to the mountain and then we'll call for helicopter to come and pick us because the mission has been compromised by these to go to followers when they released the two guys the guy started running within a few minutes the Taliban's this lot each one of them who survived that's why he came to tell the story these are not children you see sometimes we are full load you have inside your victory when you start so many ideas and over righteousness the Bible says be not overwrite chose yes why she does not destroy that self-righteous you have victory in sight but why should I stop destroy thyself so that day they took a decision is it unlike this we were following soul and even though the photons are solid fling he said this is drug at that time we have to chase and follow and what is now near us you see sometimes you fall out the poison everything love imagine is now near you but you still don't have it that's where the difference between following and following you can be in Guinea in Sarah Khouri or get a do or kisi dugu or my Center or Mamu I pray over these cities every night yes because I'm sending people to all these places ork India you can be there and lay hold on something and people will travel to KC do go to visit you as done what is happening here we hear there's a celebration here because you have laid hold on what you have imagined people don't follow I'm going to they start to say a lot in front of them and they don't follow to hold it yes that's why there are people who are semi Demi anointed people you know semi partly and then Demi is also passed semi Demi semi Demi anointed men partially anointed you can see the signs or traces of oil but not really anointed there are some churches where they drink the oil it's like the puzzle doesn't want to give any possibility of missing the anointing would clear out everything that is inside are you listening to me so God is raising up people who are yes my prize you see I am looking at the largest Crusades I'm already seen it I'm looking at the largest church I'm seeing it I'm seeing a lot of things that way imaginations and I'm seeing them and I'm following I've no plans of leaving it at all when my price lies before me yeah and you too your price is lying in front of you are you gonna play around when it's right there all that it meets its energy because you must have been on the right track to have fought to the point where you can see it around somewhere I can see somewhere around I can see that some unknowing team there is something but now you have to follow it to the logical conclusion amen what a blessing number three following heart after your target will cause your target to surrender yeah at their point you see that the church growing to just give up and group and to just give us a look I'll just group the pressure is too much I will just give up and grow yes and I've noticed quite a number of churches have given up not growing their surrenders okay I'm growing from today the prayers are too much the demon bindings are too much the fastest are too much and the church has given up their I surrender I'll grow our group whatever I was chasing is surrendering to you today in the name of Jesus [Applause] tell somebody I'm a follow-up second samwell chapter one verse one now it came to pass after the death of soul when David was following after the one day be returned to the slaughter from the slaughter of the Amalekites David had abode two days in Ziklag and it came to pass on the third day that a man came out of the camp from saw with his clothes rent another poly said and so it was when he came to David that he fell on to the earth and he did obeisance and David said unto him from whence cometh thou and he said out of the camp of Israel I'm escaped and Davey said when the matter I pretty any answered now the people are fled from the battle and many of the people also fallen and dead and solemn Jonathan his son are dead also and David said unto the young man that told him how Lewis Dow that Saul and Jonathan his son be dead and a young man that told him said as I happened by chance upon Mount Gilboa behold Saul leaned upon his spear and lo the chariots and horsemen followed after him you see at the price can you imagine so they wouldn't leave him I thought you've won the fight but they wouldn't leave him remember I used to see solar-cell slain his thousands and David his ten David I just come and he says Clinton tells but so harshly they knew him and now these are price bubble says and the horses in after him and when he looked behind him he saw me and called on I mean it is the father is not true and I answered I said yeah my and he said unto me who art thou and I answered I am an Amalekite and he said unto me Stan I previously me for anguish is come upon me and my life is yet holding me so I stood upon him and slew him because I was sure that he could not live after that he was fallen and I took the crown that was upon his head and the bracelet that was upon his arm and I've brought them hither unto my lord so David took his clothes and rent them and likewise all the men that were with him and they mourned and wept till the evening there in the evening verse 13 every Saturday a man who are you here there's 14 and they say how was doubt not afraid to stretch forth thine hand to destroy the Lord's anointed and David called one of the young man and said Cunha and follow up on him and he smote him that he died that's just by the way those of you who strike the laws are noted you may think you are doing the work of God because the person has fallen or the person is doing wrong things when somebody you think somebody's falling because one of the things so did was that the last night he died he was sleeping the witch's house some adduced lived with witches speaks to their dead the correct person he killed all the pastor's the priests at Nob when David went and to the shewbread he killed all the priests wicked man and very fallen demonized so David had to play the hop so many time to deliver him from Devils but still not your duty to correct him no matter how wrong he is you have to be careful of correcting and killing the Lord's anointed you'll be surprised now even God may even use you to really speak against the man and you say you can you say this how can you do this who are these days and after you finish speaking sir thank you will you please turn to the left hand side for your execution and then he will execute you because he doesn't like he says he suffered no one to do his profits huh he said don't touch my anointed he reproved Kings for their sakes so whatever you think is wrong is something you have to learn as a me as a child of God is just leave God's work to him to choose what he wants do you understand your righteousness would never match up with God's understanding of righteousness even now what we know from the Bible is very limited and sometimes even confusing because David David since we're I mean quite serious also I mean imagine that killing his associates husband associates and then sleeping with the wife you know do you know any person like that it's easy to find such a person in the world today and God said this the man after my own heart and we must also take note that God didn't make comment about almost all their marriages Abram Isaac take up all the marital issues that they had got married in common what he commented strongly about was the idols that they had other things that they were wish which is the one thing that David never had David never had any other God so if anything you you may even want to clear yourself from ever worshipping money of following and I don't like money or any other type of idol or something that replaces God more than even what you are thinking as moral problems because I swear God they say Himself comes when you have another God [Music] [Applause] you understand when I say himself comes yeah he's very well when you have another God is what he doesn't want at all and most of us even past as Christians some kind of other thing that controls us apart from God apart from just then I love God this is the reason for everything I'm doing only that I love God most people I'm not just controlled by I love God controlled by other practice I love Ghana I love Nigeria I love America I love England I love my husband I love my wife I love cars I love money I like jobs I love this I love my country hey true you are not true so we have to be praying daily to cleanse ourselves of idol worship so David and his David who said my soul followeth had after thee after killing somebody is always following hard after God and he sinned God really appreciated David's way of following heart because you see the truth is that we are all Madras adopt rest lie as tips if you look whoever hates his brother is a murderer that includes all of us who serve our looks on a woman is already an adulteress otally here we are Madras an adulteress straight away liars I mean check the number of lies you've told in this life [Music] so thieves liars are doctress I mean it seems you almost automatically enter these sins by living on earth that's why we have to confess our sins every day and pray for cleansing every day so to find somebody whose heart is on God is a wonderful thing it's quite rare yes and I'm sure that is why God notice David it was only David and one other King who didn't have other gods all the kings first and second Kings Oliver had something something small if something not something big including Solomon with all his prosperity you never have an idol you will never have an idol amen now back to our scripture I was telling you about my soul followeth after thee it says you will cause your target to give up and surrender eventually whatever your goal is in this life eventually will give up and so because when they were following hard after saw he decided to kill him just look I better give up life because they are following after me I'm going to be caught yes I remember the day I pray to the Lord and I said Lord every day you are using me to start things but none of them gross I started Kaveri Road here cut leg on I started at I started at a motor school fellowship there was non-western compound then I started Kaveri root at lagoon didn't grow then I statically boo I don't see not of all the things I'm starting and I'm doing none of them gross and you see a day will come when that thing where Luke will take a spear and say I give up you know I give up I give up I give up I give up I give up I need to give up it will give up yes some of you are looking for anointing one day the energy will give up and say hey come and get come and get come and get come and get come and get ya the unknowing team will just give up and hoist up on what the Bible says when you when pray to somebody for something like a judge who is in a house and when ask for bread in the middle of the night everybody's sleeping da can you wake me up at this time for bread at the point the judge or the whatever in the houses you know something I will not even sleep why I wink to tomorrow if I don't get up and go and give this bread come for this bread foolish man that will sort when you get a anointing to [Applause] [Music] so Saul himself took his spear and said Charlie let me I give up I give up I don't want to live till tomorrow I don't want to be alive again I don't want to see my grandchildren anything I give up I give up prosperity you see we are not after prosperity here if you after prosperity it will be better you resign now by the sea prosperity is only in our case a side effect the side effect because it is God we are following it's not the main thing can never be will never be can't ever be prosperity that gada we are servants we should leave God and full of money yes so it's wonderful husbands are not are in wives are not our aim they will be added on to us it will be added on to us there will be other do you believe do you believe your wedding will be nice very nice very nice some of you may even go to the Attic second [Applause] [Music] Wow fantastic all right I don't know what you are what are you pursuing I ask you never tell me what were you after is it is about to give up tell them it is about to surrender [Applause] [Applause] yeah yeah yeah when I look back and saw the Tarot is this people following me I gotta go whatever you are following it is surrendering to you [Applause] hallelujah my soul followeth take a pen or a phone or anything you have tried not to use for anybody who doesn't have an iPad or a tablet lift your right hand right now father I ask for the angel of the Lord to distribute iPads tablets and devices into the hands of your people let poverty be taken away let life be taken away let our forms of neediness be removed from our presence in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus you have it the Angels have been sent from outer space to come until I die to your hands look take a pen a paper a phone three things that we are following write them down i prophesy they are surrender I said they are surrendering to you in the name of Jesus write it and if you don't want to write it clearly write it in a code in a coded way three things that you are following they are being delivered into your hands in fact the wastes all give up it was bad he saw that so twist a mobile a draught I saw through this and circumcised they are coming to abuse me you see abuse they were the way they were going to hold his body I don't know if you saw the DVD of Saddam Hussein when they caught him they are coming to hold you see God is going to cause you to hold I'm not prophesying about about money in that sense but I'm also telling one of the side effects you'll be holding the cash that you have never imagined that you would [Applause] abuse you even make it dirty so so that somebody was coming to abuses the anointing are you following anointing I following an idea watch and see if you fight is different from following hard hard chasing you know how a seesaw it's not a small chase and so look behind where they work I swear I give up the megachurch has given us a here yeah Mike at church anointing Crusades whatever what I was calling for its surrendering before you hallelujah my soul followeth tell your neighbor I'm a lieutenant in the army of ha tell your neighbor I am a sergeant in the army of heart followers tell never I am a colonel in the Army of follow now tell your neighbor make up your mind which rank are you which rank are you of Mason 3 are you lieutenant are you sergeant hallelujah number four following heart after God will cause victory to come to you and destruction to come to those that seek your soul will come to those that seek your soul will come to those that seek your soul some 63 verse eight my soul followeth after the following heart after God's will will cause victory to come to you and destruction to come to those that seek your soul Psalm 63 verse eight my so followed hard after thee thy right hand upholdeth me but those that seek my soul to destroy it so go into the lower parts of the earth they shall fall by the sword they shall be a portion for foxes but the King shall rejoice in God every one that sweareth by him shall glory but mouth of them that speak lies shall be stopped so destruction is determined amen to those who seek you do you seek your head as long as you are following after God amen this is the effect of following hard factor fully heart after God there are many enemies never practice your Christianity without thinking about your enemy practicing your Christianity without thinking much about your enemy is to be a childish person there are more demons than you can imagine all over the place a lot of things are caused by spirits you see that is why we don't find God when we search for him in the physical because there is a realm which the conversion to that realm do you see is not possible so far by human beings we can switch to the spirit realm and if you switch this privilege it's completely different well and this earth was made out of things that are not seen so out of the world which is not seen came mass Jupiter Saturn and so they are utterly inferior things compared to what is not seen by us they have always been things not seen recently we discovered bacteria viruses parasites can see them but they are even more real and affect life more than you can even imagine so following after God amen it's important to be conscious of enemies now as you follow after God one of the great effects is those who seek you I don't know anybody we see him I saw it's because you are you don't move you are child yes yeah not you don't know how real it is there are people seeking for your soul spirit seeking from your soul that's why many are called but few are chosen because things are going to happen even as young people now you know you can see the issues in your it's not so much look at issues in your life yeah some of you have got grown-ups problems as a child so I don't know that a problem you have when yeah the problems you are having add mature problems of adults so that there are spirits at work seducing spirits seducing that out working any a lot of feelings that we have that demonic the origin is demonic you see the difficulties also being able to correlate what is happening in physical life and what's happening in the spirit so you have to use the names of Satan to always link between a spirit working and your life so anytime you see the names of Satan manifesting like the tempt eyes what being tempted then you know the Satan in some way or lies somebody lies to you all you are lying you must know that Satan is nearby you understand or if you're being accused or you are accusing they understand you must know that say time is around the spirits are there or you're being seduced or charmed seducing spirits and sweating yes this what happened to Samson yes that the night he was with Delilah Delilah has shown me the where the power lies and then she said tie me the way she tied him where she tied himself Samson the Philistines about he woke up and broken then after he came back to sleep again and then he was sleeping on her lap talking with her and she was telling ask him the same questions again and it's like you ask yourself that like if somebody is working the mind is really working well and I mean you've done it wasn't like if the Philistines came only on the day that it worked but they they tried it and she he saw that she was the one bringing these people as soon as she's tired the Philistines come once twice so you you can see well anytime something does it make sense you you have to think of demons yes it's AJ here it's AJ here oh it's not yet he's not yet okay yeah amen fantastic all in Romans the Bible says what I want to do I don't do and that which I don't want to do that is what I find myself doing then you ask yourself is what I'm doing what I don't want to do I do that I don't allow what I don't want to do that is what I do and what I want to do that is not what I do so this way you see the power of spirits evil spirit the presence of devils seducing spirits working working behind the scenes and that's why when he says my soul followeth after God and my enemies die so those that seek my so go down today they go down they are destroyed so by seeking God there's the natural destruction of spirits and wickedness that seeks your soul so sometimes you see that somebody who's six God a lot may not bind the devil so much but they are being destroyed so following hard after God and following hard results in you know a side effect almost of the enemy being destroyed why because if you get stronger spirits change decision of what they are no they are not they are in different ranks and they cannot also work in your case yes when Jesus appeared to Kenneth Hagin he told him that there are four categories of devils number one principalities that are the lowest type the next type powers and the third type rulers of the darkness at the Ted rank and he said the highest type of evil spirit o wicked spirit in heavenly places and he told can I tell you that he should concentrate on the first three but the upper one if you leave it yes those ones a lot of things are supernatural caused by spirits even finding the beloved finding a beloved is very spiritual yeah when Abraham wanted a beloved for his son he sent his seven and he said my angel and to go before you going to look for desert beloved receive your angel working for you in the name of Jesus so sometimes meeting people is caught by angels and as soon as he got there the first person he saw drawing water there's a present it looks like story incidents like the one I saw before hallelujah are you still around number five how many numbers you have for number five following hard after God causes God to uphold you he says my soul followeth hard after thee and thy right hand upholds upholds me my right hand upholds me Amen why because that is a rule for people who seek the Lord Isaiah 14 thou not known verse 28 has thou not heard that the everlasting creator the Lord the creator of the ends of the earth fainteth not neither is weary there is no searching of his understanding Isaiah 40 verse 28 and verse 29 he giveth power to the faint you are receiving power now and to them that have no might he increases strength amen God is making you stronger I say God is making you stronger God is making you stronger biscotti even the youths shall faint and be weary and the young men shall utterly fail but they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength they shall mount up with wings as Eagles they shall run they shall run they shall run they surround and not be weary they shall walk and not faint hallelujah this is the blessing of those who seek the Lord that's why I says my soul followeth after God and his right hand up hold at me and he said they the youths will be tired young people be tired I tell you young people will be tired you see the young people cannot even do certain things some of you realize that I have more energy than you [Applause] drew are not true meanwhile you are half my age but you are tired before I'm tired there is a very strong connection between your spirit in your body between your spirit and your physical body that is why when somebody is saved and filled with the Holy Spirit the person becomes attractive when you are not filled with the Holy Spirit and you walk in sin many times I see people I've seen people I just look at them and I know that it is not well with them I mean maybe it's a word of knowledge but just looking at the person's face I know that it's not okay Amanda once I looked at you and I knew that you weren't okay remember I told you not okay this girl but when you are filled with the spirit and you are anointed and you've been seeking the Lord you look different so those of you who be spending a lot of time on your hair and a lot of time on your face [Applause] don't be surprised if you don't get a beloved and somebody else who seems to be waiting upon the law it's rather the one who is finding the beloved and singing my beloved is mine and I am my beloved there is a strong connection between attraction and the anointing yes the strong connection yeah see that wait upon the Lord this amount of amount of the the go up in everything they go up in everything you are going up in everything they go up in everything and everything you see them going up try adness is a sign of the absence of Israel you know it's a word I rarely see I'm tired so when when I hear myself saying I'm tired it's something that I always notice yes if I hear myself say I'm tired I feel tired I notice it because it's something I rarely see and people want knowing that I rarely tired your manifestation of laziness and sleepiness is a manifestation of the absence of the spirits your manifestation of laziness and of a sleeping is a manifestation of the lack of the spirit say that let me tell you let me tell you a testimony one day I decided to fast for three days without eating or drinking or anything no food at all every night nothing I said I have to do it I have to do all these you have to try all of them so I decided to go for it and by the third day myself and my friend whose name begins with an a the two of us were fasting together so he came to my room and now I was also in the room by the third day I was lying down on the bed and he was also lying down and we couldn't move we couldn't move and somebody came to knock on the window it was Saturday I think we were fasting from Wednesday to Saturday tell me that your mother is here your mother has come from the house with food but I could not move when I said would not move I knew that the only strength I had was to lie down on the bed till the evening I couldn't lift my leg yes literally so I told the person that tell my mother that I can't come up to ask my mother was actually members this thing I cannot come this mess happy 1978 I couldn't I always remember my leg and Abed how to move it to slide it then it falls to the ground so I live like that never open the door we just live together like two dead bodies so some months weeks later I decide no I want to try it again this time I'm going to pray in the morning at dawn I'm going to wake up in the night and pray before the day starts for some hours this time you see my spirit was stronger the face of my spirit was just waiting those are the people who fast without brain it's a type of fast but it's not the best so I prayed this time I was like normal I walk in a bow and that should meet that drastic difference between a weak spirit and a body in a weak spirit and in a body and a strong spirit in a body yeah as my scream he that's beginning it in an unknown tongue edifies himself build up get stronger I was stronger in the spirit but it affected my body in fact the Bible says the body without the Spirit is dead so it is when your spirit moves out and everything that's when you actually die so then we got the spirit then you are you feel tired and you feel it affects your body until when your spirit is stronger it also affect how you look I tell you how you look how attractive you are so some of you brothers des you meet a spirit of attraction if you are building a church that spirit needs to be upon you the Holy Spirit people you see even people will like you they will not sometimes they will not be sure whether they like you or they like God it's true and at the point may be confused as to and if it's a girl and you are a pastor but they will always be wondering and if you yeah analytic they will be analyzing the dry like code or am I in love with this man or is it I am knowing what what am i what am i attracted to it's true because the unknown is said because of the ointment the Virgin's do love thee because of the savour of thy good ointment my name is as ointment poured forth and therefore because of this the pageant's to love me who becomes a little ongoing that your spirit you become more attractive people listen yes one day somebody's somebody said to me I like your voice I enjoy your voice hearing it is the anointing is it my voice when I hear my voice I will see what is in my voice you are the next anointed person in the system [Applause] [Music] [Applause] God is anointing you and God is using you finally then that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength they shall mount up with wings as he go they shall run and not be weary speed you can't be become faster when you follow hard after God you rise up in everything and you rise up in everything and you are faster faster faster you know last Sunday was Galatians 6:6 and I I realized the last year we were here for Galatians 6 in this hall yeah we are the service here and the next year we are receive the grace of God [Applause] [Music] faster faster all your mouth stones take your pain again I told you to take your pain area did you write the things that one was what about what three things that what you are following hard after they are all sad those three things you've written they were all surrender please write it now the all surrender to you they'll say I'm giving up on running away from you I don't know my schedule I want to surrender now now take out your pen again this time you are writing down what we call milestones of your life milestones of your life seven miles tools of your life one of your mouse tools is the day you find a beloved and another milestone is that there you Mouse to become a father is different from being a husband it's different from being a beloved yes a mouse tone is when you become a pasta some people are going to be appointed as pastas it this camp marks a milestone in some people's lives then another is when you become unknowing Ted yes is a milestone and another is when you notice the anointing and nobody can deny it I say you should write your masters I'm now giving you mouse tools but you write it anyway then our milestone is when you see the targets happening practically and another mouse tune is when you prosper and no one can deny your prosperity yes when you prosper such a way that people who even want to laugh at you they are quiet when they see you I said people who want to laugh at you their idea what quiet when they see you they just quiet no comment they can't deny that God has taken care of you yes milestones then we have milestones in giving the day the offerings change from Kilauea offerings to Chinese restaurant often calla lily offering is where the offering you give is what can be used for killing Willie more or less five CDs one CD two CDs a Billiken katia offerings then you move to Chinese restaurant offerings it goes high I see that this offering is not at the killer Willie level then from there you go to store room offerings in store room offerings you see that you're offering is like a sack of rice now offering is like a cotton it's like you you're offering alone can provide for a lot of things for some time that's number three number four and you're offering moves into a second home use secondhand pass second-hand cars and then number five the offerings moving to new cars was a car it's like a house so that's one it's almost like a house by a car and the next often is houses well you can give somebody a house and say here are the keys you'll do it I say you will do it many of us our fathers didn't give us any house your father could have given you a key to a house and say here is your house by you I told you your life will be better than our life you will have a key and you will say here is your key in your house in the name of Jesus so from Kelly wailing offerings to Chinese and what I said Chinese I don't mean don't mind your wife drop by no that is slightly higher than killer willing orphans do you know don't mind your wife choppa you are moving higher you are moving higher they shall mount up hiah hiah hiah archbishop in the Xhosa I had him when we went to break do the short cutting for action many years ago he said God did not call you to demote you no God did not call you to reduce you never forgot those 2 words to demote or reduce doesn't happen God doesn't call people to demote them or to reduce them causes you to bless you and to raise you up multiplet wings us eagle hallelujah are you excited about it is it amazing is this fantastic and that's supernatural is that wonderful and finally following heart will cause you following heart of the God what caused you to rejoice in God to rejoice in God you rejoice in God what does it mean to rejoice in God some 63 verse 8 my soul followeth hard after thee thy right hand up hold at me but those that seek my soul to destroy it shall go down into the lower parts of the earth they shall fall by the sword they shall be a portion for the foxes but but the king shall rejoice in God you see what you follow heart after you will be happy in it that is why many of you are happy to come to a camp like this somebody when I say I tell a what lectures are these that are lasting for very long time telling the whole their whole day like we are tired we want to rest but he says but the King shall rejoice in God amazing the King shall rejoice in God the Kings are rejoiced the one day following after God and God will be happy one day I brother said to me you make ministry exciting they say it is nice when you when I'm with you have full happy Apple as if it's a great thing to serve the Lord it feels like something exciting that is happen because the king shall rejoice in God my soul followeth and the king shall rejoice in that God that is following a greatest sacrifice for me will to to be to work at qualify say that you have sacrifice a sacrifice what happy around I think you should better leave oh look organize one pass for those only to live they can go Ally find somebody who is sitting down and say listen it seems that's a problem as soon as a problem lift up the presser say I'm carrying you to the bus carry the oppressor to the bus I tell you Wow sit down everybody it is a great thing to last on and sing that song it is sad [Music] [Music] to serve the Lord it's a separate [Music] thus everything [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] it is a great thing to serve the Lord Wow fantastic [Applause] sit down you now the next one is chapter three instructions for hard followers instructions for hard followers [Music] now right I found what I was looking for how we I'll give you the instructions for hard followers later but I want to give you chapter 3 how you can be converted to become a hard follower number one repent of the sins of your father's Jeremiah 16 verse Jeremiah 16 verse 9 Jeremiah 16 verse 9 for thus saith the Lord of hosts the God of Israel behold I will cause to seize out of this place in your eyes and in your days the voice of math the voice of gladness do you want not to go out the voice of the bridegroom you know how bridegroom's shout when they get married when during when when they are in the honeymoon center [Applause] they'll be shouting what is this what is this what is this oh my god [Applause] and God says that I am going to send a punishment and that punishment the voice of the bridegroom will not be heard again do not happen you be shouting soon how many have not had the experience of being a bridegroom ah Rajani of know how that experience is one of your mouth stools [Applause] you will soon be salting [Applause] we'll be so what exactly's [Applause] use our captain to foul [Applause] hallelujah anyway listen the voice of the bridegroom and the voice of the bride do you know what the bride will be saying [Applause] and it shall come to pass when thou shalt show these people all these words they shall say unto thee wherefore has the Lord pronounced all this great evil against us you see it's a great evil for the voice of the bridegroom to not be there the voice of the bride not be there what is our iniquity or what is our sin that we have committed against the Lord our God then thou shalt say unto them because your fathers have forsaken me says the Lord and I've worked after other gods the full of cars the followed houses they followed America they follow Germany and have served them and I've worshipped them and I've forsaken me and I've not kept my law or my car and ye have done Western your father's you have done Wes for behold you walk everyone in the imagination of his evil heart you see one of the things about their father or your father's it's not easy to be better than them although that is actually your call your call is always to be better than your father's but it's not as easy as it looks it's easy to criticize the most or easy to be better than them yeah taketake the Catholic Church somebody should give me a check one of these chairs take the Catholic Church you see that the Catholic Church they are our fathers their father they're our Father to us Protestant Catholic the lighthouse all of us can criticize it but it's not easy to be better than them I don't see that it's not easy yes you have to be very careful when you are not that is your calling to me to do something but to take up from where they're currently churches 2,000 years old we are 20 how will we be like in a hundred years what would we even be living what kind of bishops and people are going to come in the church forty years from now if I'm alive in 40 years I'll be almost hundred yeah the only pasta in the world whose sermons are reported by CNN live free of charge like on CNN and if a pasta dies or they said changing the chairman of the abyss shops council is reported life they follow the event is a Catholic the only powerful body that have provided school where there's no Christianity Catholic a day and those of us with big mouths here in the south we are not able to go there when they have gone so your father's sins and mistakes must be approached with care do you see because for you to even get to the level of your father's there's not that easy and yes and to get to wear whatever we've achieved in God and in secular life it's not a small thing you you if your parents are married you you see that the Ameri to be like your parents married even if their marriage is bad you just have a bad marriage it's an achievement are you still around yeah so that's why I said you've done West and your father's so behold you walk everyone after the imagination of his evil heart that they may not happen unto me therefore will I cast you out of this land into a land that you know not neither you know your fathers and there you shall serve other gods day and night where I will not show you favor I will not show you favor he says you will serve other gods that means you SAP money and I won't show you favor when you are saving money you follow money but I would favor you oh my god has a favor you all you have his debts my god doesn't favor you you see that as you have followed money a person who hasn't followed money the way you followed money maybe even better off than you that followed money so one of the things that you need to do to become a hard follower is to overcome the mistakes of your father's yes I have many pastors children here there are pastors who tell their children oh you know I would have been a bishop by now you know it's because of one or two things I was doing this and that and that it's not something unusual I've had it many times oh you know it's just whatever you know I wish I had a chance to go back so those things should not be ignored because as people get further on then they realize you look around and realize you know this thing I should have just save God in this way yes it is the absence of certain people working for God that makes you see certain people around they are all replacements of others you wouldn't have seen such people you know I've known them even so look carefully and one of the greatest mistakes that many of your father's have me when I say your father's like the father's in the church it's not following you following her what was this one of the definitions of it taking something to the logical conclusion yes taking something to his logical conclusion yes you see one day God showed me a vision it was a plate of pieces beautifully served feces brownish with some liquid on it and part of it was had and part of it or soft abusing some before and I said oh god what is this and God said to me that's you I said oh how and he said this is how nasty you have become to me and I said why have I become nasty to you he said because now you don't send people on missions to the right places you only send them to places that have money and that are famous cities where people prosper but there are real places where people need the Lord you stop sending people there you only send to America Germany England and so on Johannesburg and that you have become stinking to me and I was afraid that was the timing point in my life and I decided there's a tenth of them sending people here so all the impossible places you know I started to send people to a lot of impossible places and I'm still sending two more even now I'm not sending two even more impossible yes a place like Guinea which is totally non-christian this is 99% non-christian our pasta recently you know I said we sent him as a young missionary young after school he now has over hundred people attending [Applause] practically infinitely yes I tell you and you see that all such places have stops and I wouldn't send people there so would you like to go to Massachusetts California Amsterdam why Germany dĂĽsseldorf Frankfurt people were happy but not to Perico Dino Perico is in the north of Benin Okara family me I've been praying for these towns every night to mean tonight I pray for them yes Paulo me is in my prayers so the father's your father's mostly they went to the only went where they will get jobs number one was survivor and money ministry was number two in your case minister be number one and survival and money to be number two [Applause] switching it switches and I was I was also making that mistake even as the leader of the church I was making that mistake and that's why God had to show me something yes you see you don't follow following code is different from following prosperity safety and when you do that you be you go from God because following God involves sacrifice once you take away sacrifice from the message and the ministry you lose the essence of saving God and trusting God there's nothing like saving God without putting something down it's not possible doesn't exist amen so friends the sins of our fathers it must be the first thing for you to say you know I liked it first God and his work second is my life my house and my minute my survival my children's whatever I never thought of well my childhood go to school no no well my wife told me that it's time for us to find a school I told her why should they go to school now because it's a mess recentness you didn't need to go to messy as I do they need to good I said necessary she said it's necessary they go to that one fest before they go to kindergarten all right there's something even before kindergarten and that's three then I said to her find one in the area anyone I don't care she told me that's one in the area somebody is touching one day I put a banner in front of the house starting a new school in September Tobin I said taking the take him there I'm surprised that I have children one he said doctor one is a lawyer is there surprise to me I was going to take care of it so ministry is fast how things will be in that regard I left to the grace of God more of course you do what you can do but it's like it's like if it has to even suffer so be it so be it because we suffer so be it if it has to lose if you have to lose sabe I lose then I've lost no problem it was a decision a quality decision I took and that's so be it if I never have anything so be it is what I choose it was my decision hallelujah so the the mistake of your father's that's the mistake and you see that many people have not have much if you come to the church I do fundraising few people are able to give certain amounts in fact sometimes people who gives that normal div new in the church keep watching but it's still not easy to even be like your father's that's an amazing thing like some of them have worked so hard in the church console yes lighthouse is family lawyer yeah just family families not easy to be to get to that level that's right even as we say yes Catholic Church will understand the message they are preached and all that brother it's not even easy to be 50 years old they still be preaching are not very old you listen to what process are preaching you wonder what are you I in a bank agua in a university in some yes to come you wonder what we'll be talking about so please understand that even as I direct you to say to show you the taste and mystic of the father's it's still not easy to be as good as they have been but you must also see that you should not have God God is only first he has only one chair that he sits on even when you go to people's houses they ask where does the owner said should I go sit down this like that's what he says that's his chair you can't give God a second chair he doesn't sit on chair to buddy's house he doesn't accept second chair now this the only problem Gazoo I tell you look don't tell anybody I told you Abraham had other wives even maids his enemy died he married a wife the last anytime you bought me some bread and I liked it I mean come over come on girl and we never heard of him having weddings was just Mary Mary Mary Mary different children amazing but if you like when get a god then you see how he the King sacrifice them and spread them over the nations acceptance and what gets heated up today you say you would was to instead of me that's what God doesn't like oh no everybody you should know what he doesn't like yes a certain man was married to a certain wife and one day he has had his trousers were hanging behind the door and I think his wife was searching for things especially evidence if you become my wife don't do that oh like you again there are other ways to do things when do you stop that you won't like you again even if he stays with you oh yes there's the last thing you should do is to shoot somebody that you don't trust if somebody is holding my money and one guy I just asked the peasant how much is it I don't like I don't trust what you ask the person say please take your thing and if you can't carry I don't need to me I don't still my donno why why say what do I say you get it anyway man I mean hung his trousers and the wife was setting to the Trans Am found a note from somebody oh I've caught you that was it he never spoke to his wife for 20 years [Applause] yes sir I don't like pass things I don't like such didn't mind he after that time I was speaking to it was more than 20 said no they don't have anything to do so yes 20 in the same house you see some of you you may not know people live together they don't talk you've not seen one before you said it they can stay you see that even when the same press but they don't speak so everybody has something when you touch it it becomes wild and God what he does also like them but that one is there is there is there is the trousers one is the one of the trousers Oh all my stories are true unless I tell you otherwise it's true he said true story oh and that was it us at that time I was taught the best were talking yeah I'm nothing to do I don't know if she was our ask after Jeff because the president tom is here I'll find out in the next session I'll tell you more about that story how to live for 20 years without talking to you it will never happen to you in Jesus name of Jesus so let us not follow the mistakes of our fathers amen where are we don't make them yes repent of the sins of your father's alright number two go further and do more than your father's because all fathers including myself have fallen short of what they could have become go further and do more than your fathers and your parent those of you who have parents for the swine church who a spiritual who are pastors who are married some of you your parents are not like that but if you do listen carefully go further every parent wants his child to have a better life and I skipped some of the problems that they had then if it's not today it's not a parent is something else Zachariah chapter one verse one in the eighth month in the second year of Darius came the word of the Lord unto zechariah the son of berechiah the son of e to the prophets saying the Lord have been sore displeased with your fathers all through the prophets you see them say god that's not happy with your father that was said i want to them thus saith the lord 10 he unto me said a lot of both and I will turn unto you saith the Lord of hosts be ye not as your fathers and to whom the former prophets of cried saying thus saith the Lord tell me now from the evil ways and from your evil doings but they did not hear nor hearken unto me saith the Lord and look at this your father's where are they where are they and the prophets do they live forever your father's where are they you see where are your fathers in ministry some of you who have pastors who are fathers passed out 60 people or 70 people as a lay pastor is that your father's where are they whereas maybe he could have been a pastor of 2,000 people somewhere else or I could have been used by God to open the doors into certain places so he's saying your father's where are they where are they where am I I could look Regina said something when he met Apostle Paul Paul told him look II I know you admire me and all that but I fell short of the purposes for which God called me and he said everybody has fallen short except everybody as well and I know that you find it difficult to take what I'm saying but you know that nobody can lie here no it was in heaven nobody can tell lies here everybody has fallen short so what you see in me is a falling short version of what I could have been yes and you have to believe it you have to believe it enough to believe it you see ministry is such that when you don't see the future and you are today it's not easy to understand the future you see one time I had an accident on the way to tamale and somersaulted and order almost died but we didn't die when I came back to a crowd I came to the colleague oh no that time we were building Caligula was it was in progress you know it was already built but we're still building so when I looked I came from the airport and I looked and I stood and I would have died that would be the end I'm not even written a book I have not written a book you see so if I had died you died settle a man of God talking what males died whatever whatever he built a church at Coleco no people see but that is less than what is to come not a few branches yeah yeah if you got a stew tamale I was from family yes so when you see something in as you look it looks great nice actually less than something else and even now as I stand I can see my mistress powerless now what it could be and I'm still fighting I'm fully hot after Saul and his sons I mean which represents my visions in my dreams that I believe God has given to me every father has fallen short God should soon I said then I told God so what about Benny Hinn what about bogey what about all these great people died man he's told me all of them have fallen short oh all of them and I started to think about it I said can I take this a yes can I begin - oh all fathers are falling short and fathers have to be honest yes can I take it could have had a mean a ministry to French by he didn't that's why when you go to the French world is either check today is very different from the English part of Africa it's very different because the mainstream was not French was not made into French it could have been made into French even like us we could become what French for half of Africa is French everything that looks nice could be uplifted into a highly-efficient could have been yes so whatever father you have always another but always know that even this one there's something better that could be if your father has a good marriage I tell you there's a better version maybe he hasn't told you oh yes maybe part of the marriage you don't know just no part because most of you any crap you saw your mother's you can imagine your mother's Wendy well sexy beauty is moving around you see them as Madame sweet you can imagine some of your mothers were very voluptuous delicious agile so then when I serve on you I mean you think you are neither they were nice tonight you maybe some of you are nicer than them so your father's where are they I mean like what is the estate what is the estate have you look at them you see this one could have been this good up in this this one it'll be this fallen short of what could have been you see so that's why you must aim to be better to do more but very respectfully because no easy to catch up no it's not easy to do what I'm doing try and do what I'm doing cut up not easy so Jesus is the only person who didn't fall short this is amazing okay your father's where they both of you who have fathers who don't serve God don't like the church criticize the church it's easy to see where they are lost but is those who have fathers who are pastors Christians serving God whatever you should know that even though they are doing well they could have done better if those who have been full-time ministry they could have done better all right and you are going to do even better in Jesus name fantastic now quickly quickly very quickly number three become a refined and purified version of your father's become a what refined and purified veg version of your father's Malachi chapter 3 behold I will send my messenger and he will prepare the way before me amen and the Lord who be seek shall suddenly come to his temple even the messenger of the Covenant amen whom you delight him Wow behold he shall come saith a lot of hosts but who may abide the day of his coming and who shall stand when he appeared for he is like a refiners fire and a foolish soup amen he shall sit as a refiner and a purifier of silver and he shall purify the sons of Levi does apostasy and purge them as gold and silver that they may offer the Lord and offering in righteousness amen then shall the offering of Judah and Jerusalem be pleasant unto the Lord as in the days of old and as in former years and I will come to you to judge men and I will be a swift witness against the Sorcerer's and against the adulteress and against false swearers and against those that oppress the hireling in his wages and the widow and the fatherless and that turn aside the stranger from his right and fear not me saith the Lord of Hosts amen notice he shall sit as a refiner and purifier of silver and shall purify the sons of Levi and purge them as gold and silver amen so God is going to make you purified is going to purify you and make you pure it's amazing you want to be pure and you want to over even the sins of your father's most of your father's are not into pornography whereas you are into pornography you see now I thought it's not easy to be asked your father's you may say they are falling short but most of your father's know that they are so good but obviously they are not into pornography the way you guys even girls watch pornography sure you are not true so as long as it's not easy for you to be faithful loyal pure yes most of your father's have never looked at pornography on again on the phone you know didn't know care to them now they don't if you know how to do it they don't know how to within Google something a little what sites there are so you see but you still can do better than we did and how God is purifying you purify purify so that you appeal is going to burn out the impurities in your life bail it out pornography from your life is better not evil practices from your life yes if you want to be a hard follower you need to take away some elements from your life and you need to allow the fire to take out certain things yes one day I saw a certain lady and she was into prayer she was into prayer yes she was into coming to church giving offerings doing wonderful things but boys and men boys and what she kept on falling for this then she'll do this but as for their church and prayers how can this person be made better by purifying myself she's already enterprise which is great but she needs to be badged she needs to be purged of all these things that are negative and wicked and destructive if you want God to use you you need to allow the fire to burn somebody so how by suffering suffering is not you have to suffer until you are no more a wicked girl that you feel your jealousy coming and your wickedness coming just control yourself these things that we are struggling with he is going to purify us brothers a lot of physical things lots and other things that you never go you know it's always there but you have to you have to dry it out to dry out of you are you listening to me and the sisters your character behavior it has to dry out now the young girls of today before I realized they can propose to you yes like they can just propose to you like I like you I mean you see that she likes you your father's the youngest cannot propose then you sit quietly as if they don't like boys they like but as if they don't like but now they are more open that is serious because apart from that we have the other character problems in the sisters and the wickedness I would pick darkness [Applause] one day a certain sister was describing how a brother or somebody a beloved whatever left her and then she was moving it home like this and she said sometime either he left him the way and went I saw that if it was a guy's head she would have liked to kill the guy [Applause] Thomas we're awesome not humble argumentative stop on and in the moodiness and in addition to that you are adding pornography and following boys then what is left of you because you are adding the boys problems to your series as it was only boys who have those problems now you've added their own to yours you have two sets of problems every sister here is declared terrified in Jesus name every brother is declared purified in the name of Jesus in Jesus name when you have only stain amen amen why why are you looking at it how many want to be refined some of you are like Bushman we are like villages but through your presence in fast laughs you are being refined and made into a gentle man how many realize that what I'm saying is true yes affable hola paper Ola and a favor I will I will I tell somebody are you a Bushman you are you a Bushman before you came What did he say say I am being refined not sit down in the Bible school now every Bible student is expected to attend is it 11 Venus but 11 12 Dimas yes it's not part of their school it's not a large dinner it is a small to see your Manas table manners how you behave 12 of these otherwise you'll never pass out of the school [Applause] because some of you when you are holding a knife it's as if you are going to stop somebody [Applause] are you listening to me yes you are being refined all all of them never pass without going through this so now don't you see that you speak English better than your parents and sometimes when you go home you realize dies wearing good at the time so you see God is making you a refined version a refined version of where you came from something better but you don't have to be proud the God is refraining you Saddam he shall sit as a refiner and purifier yes so don't don't don't don't object when things are being pointed out to you yes one day a sister was preaching after a quote I said don't scream when you are preaching don't do that don't be upset there are all things to refine and improve you step-by-step step-by-ste a beautiful is it exciting as if fantastic is it amazing and the last point how many what's up tez is what is he called how you can be converted into a ha follow up step point number four decide to become a savior tend to of instead of a receiver of deliverance Obadiah 17 Obadiah but upon Mount Zion shall be deliverance and there shall be holiness and the house of Jacob shall possess their possessions this is a scripture that encapsulate Christianity upon Mount Zion three things one we are delivered from evil we are delivered from demons we are delivered from all works of the devil number two there shall be holiness you change from being a base evil fleshly human being following every desire of your mind and your heart and you become holy they shall be holiness Jesus Christ was declared the Son of God through the spirit of holiness Hebrews was declared through the spirit of holiness amen so he says upon man's arm they shall be deliverance and they shall be holiness and then not only deliverance not only holiness but Jacob shall possess their possessions you're gonna have all the things that call this is where your fathers have reached many of Christians have reached this level of Obadiah 17 they are pre the level of belief what are the three things are new bad Obadiah 17 deliverance number two holiness and possessing their possessions but when you go to Chavez 18 you move deeper the house of Jacob shall be a fire that has a little flame itself Istanbul they shall kill you that they shall devolve 19 and they of the South shall possess the amount of Esau possess the fields best 20 and the captivity of this host of the children of Israel shall possess none of the Canaanites and it goes on verse 21 and savior's shall come upon Mount Zion what shall come saviours shall come upon where Mount Zion the same Mount Zion look at verse 17 what would be on Mount Zion because we are come unto Mount Zion to an innumerable company of angels to the spirits of just men made perfect this is where we have come the General Assembly and Church of the firstborn this is Mount Zion says upon Mount Zion shall be treaties deliverance so that's what ordinary Christians experienced deliverance other user experience holiness ordinary presents experience both sassing the Appalachians is what America sent experienced but oh but I had 21 what happens in 21 saviors shall come upon Mount Zion to judge the amount of issue and the Kingdom shall be the Lord's so you move from scuba daya 17 - oh but I have 21 you move from just receiving deliverance and just get in holiness and just getting this possession your possessions to becoming a savior not not the Savior saviors plural saviors help us of people people who change people's lives people who affect people would turn things around you grow further and become a savior yes shall come upon Mount Zion saviors so instead of allowing your life to be just lord I thank you for making me holy you are holy Lord yo hey people are with you people people [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] people need Savior shall come upon Mount Zion saviors Salazar come to kisi dugu in Guinea Savior Mamu savior succumb to Messiah so the Sun come to city sha [Music] save yourself come upon Mount Zion to judge the mount and the kingdom shall be the lord save yes that's why God is refining you he's making you a savior instead of just receiving and receiving a thousand things every time Savior come upon Mount Zion Savior shaka saviors saviors of people's lives saviors let's Johanna thank God you are being converted from into a heart follower who is going to prophetically rise up and be a make job blessing people follow we give you praise we give you thanks we give you all the glory mando Santana macabre and Alomar Jean de Labarre we give you thanks we give you praise Savior come upon Mount Zion Savior sir come upon Mount Zion we give you praise we give you thanks shondo Sandow melodies Milan mondo baron de Lima Mandela Baba yonder [Music] here's the plan people [Music] [Music] here's the [Music] save us save us save us save us [Music] father we give you peace we thank you for your great importation into our lives today in Jesus mighty name we pray amen you
Channel: Dag Heward-Mills Evangelist
Views: 11,738
Rating: 4.8993711 out of 5
Id: uT9VTW8o9eU
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Length: 204min 27sec (12267 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 27 2017
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