SESSION 1 : Obligations Of Christians

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Jesus I love you [Music] you are the word to me oh I pour out my heart to you and yet I pour out my heart to you for all of my day oh yes I will for all of my day and I just can't get enough for you my lord and I just can't get enough for you my lord and every day you're sweeter than the day before Oh I pour out my heart to you and yeah I pour out my heart to you all of my ideas or get away and fall of my day and I wanna tell you Lord that I just can't get enough for you my lord oh yeah I just can't get enough for you my lord everything I am I owe to you Lord you're the very best part of my life floor and it's your sweetener it's your tenderness it's the way that you care for me listen there is no other friend I'm Jesus my friend [Music] yes I put on my heart to you for all of my day oh yes how we all love my day [Music] this is your part you figure along with me I believe instead I just can't get enough for you my door come on I think I just can't get enough for you my lord you're too much just can't get enough for you my lord I just can't get enough for you my lord [Music] hmm it's your sweetness and it's your tenderness it's the way that you care for me I said I just can't get enough for you my lord oh Jesus I just didn't get enough for you my lord pouring out my heart didn't get enough oh you my lord I just can't get enough for you mind [Music] I used to walk look up like you I knew everyone before our game and kept playing I was gone I was going away for you oh never mind when I phone I was so fearful my perfect I died there wasn't a hole inside never thought about the Bible but it was only God's grace that brought me back on the back but my way there were no friends to say that love will never turn away I had to say that there oh I think you wanna that side again q5 last week I desire Lord help me please help me after your my feel Lord be Ryan [Music] thank you thank you [Music] amen amen I don't know why we are so blessed to have another come with our Father amen and I don't know what God has in store for us for this come but I believe that God is going to minister powerfully to us I don't know if I believe that born as when a minute that parsley so ah if you excited why don't you stand up as welcome either hallelujah are you excited to be here wow what a blessing father we are excited to be here we ask you to speak to a heart and to lead us in Jesus name Amen you may be seated welcome to the obligations camp obligations of Christians to use means Amen for the conversion of the heathen that is the theme of the camp and if you just meditate on it you can know what the preaching is about is then also now when we say obligations it means something which you are bound to do you are bound to do all right certain things you are bound to do them all you are obliged to do them as a result of a sense of duty you get it so that is the obligation it's like something that I really have to do is that also something that I really have to do and when you are Christian there are some things that you really have to do and that Christians really really have to do like we are really applied to do them out of a sense of duty okay sometimes it is done out of like maybe it's a custom value some customs you know make you have to do things for instance in certain parts of the world it is customary or a woman to cook if she's married and she's a wife is a custom to cook and some places is not a custom to cook if you marry somebody who doesn't have that custom and you're a woman you are free you are free from that custom but if you marry somebody who's custom is that the wife cooks then it's an obligation you have to do it otherwise you have seen as a terrible woman all right now an obligation is also like a binding promise that you have to keep you know it's an obligation some kind of a promise like sometimes it's an unspoken promise that is there in your life and you have to keep that promise you know out of a sense of duty again you know and when we are getting married many times we have many things that we are really obliged to do because we promise we will do them is that not so another meaning of obligation is like an indebtedness it's like kind of like you owe something you get it like you owe it you know like Paul says we are debtors to the Greek to the Jews to the whole world is like if an obligation I don't have a choice in the matter I have a debt to pay what is the debt you have to pay Christ has saved you washed you changed you amen done many things for you and it's almost like somebody has saved your life and there is something you've got to do you owe it you owe you Oh so Christians we oh yeah we owe something to God for his great efforts to save us amen now Christians we are redeemed we are redeemed people you get it do you understand me we are redeemed like what does that mean like we are kind of saved out of a lot of bad things and bad the world is bad and the world is getting west this is no other world is getting worse because the Bible says as it was in the days of Noah so also shall the coming of the Son of man be so in the days of Noah there was a lot of evil really really really bad human beings became very bad and the Bible says as it was in the days of Noah so also shall the coming of the Son of man be so it's like evil is going to become more and it is more there are there there's more better ever before you just have to put on the television you'll find who's been killed I had the other day some people were killed in a church guy attended a Bible study and just saw the people after and let some others I'm leaving you so that you're going to say what you saw is that what happened yeah so wickedness beheadings murder in our church we have had two pastors killed by armed robbers in Ghana think about that one church we have two pastors we can point to who have been shot and killed in their homes in the night by feet so that should tell you that there is a lot of wickedness then also I still around now we are being redeemed and you can see traces of where you've been redeemed from on you can you not see the traces are on you the traces are there traces of wickedness even last badness half is on are still based on where you have be redeemed if you've been pulled out of a septic tank you see that some toilet rows and things are on you so as we are sitting here we are like people with tissues to let roll and other things all over and we are sitting here you get it and out there are all our relatives and friends who drowned in the septic tank but you have been redeemed you were rescued and yes there are some traces of the things on you we understand know that you should be there but you should back try to be batting and that is why the Bible says the washing of the water by the weight as we keep reaching the web is washing off the traces the toilets roll the different solids and brown waters data on you hey are you there are you listening to me so obligations we owe to the one who pulled us out of the water the one who pulled us out of the septic tank is standing there and asking will you please remember that some people are still swimming in the septic tank I will need your help to go and take some of them out of the survey as you have been brought out and you stand that you look and say all as AB Brown you realize that there is something wrong with that so Christians have a lot of obligations we are we are indebted to God amen are you still in a church yeah so I don't want you to live your Christian life without realizing that you are a debtor hallelujah Roma chapter one from verse 13 it says now I would not have you ignorant brethren but in others I don't want you to be ignorant about something he says I would not have you ignorant brethren that oftentimes I purposed to come unto you like many times I wanted to come to you but was let hitherto that I might have some fruit among you also even as among other Gentiles I am a debtor both to the Greeks to the Barbarian to the wise and to the unwise so much as in me I am ready to preach the gospel to you that are at Rome also for I am not ashamed of the gospel of Jesus for it is the power of God unto salvation to everyone that believeth to the Jew first and also to the Greek but therein is the righteousness of God revealed from faith to faith as it is written the just shall live by faith so notice what he said I wanted to come to you so that I may have some food among you as I put at other Gentiles but I am a debtor I am a debtor to the Greeks to the barbarians to the wise to the unwise like I owe something to them and this without thinking that you have an obligation you can never be a good Christian without thinking that you have an obligation you can never be a good husband without thinking that you have an obligation you can never be a good wife you need to think in the sense that I owe something but most of the time we lose the sense of obligation and we rather begin to have the sense of entitlement like I deserve something that I am supposed to get something where's my blessing and when we come to check so where's my blessing I want the man of God to minister something to me today I'm here to receive something and so we have a mind of receiving something but since I became a Christian even though I have been a space person and a faith product the faith people and part of them and part of the faith people even though I'm a faith person I have never felt within I said that I am owed something I rather feel that I owe something I have something to do and something to give when you think you have something to receive you are not a good Christian not a good husband a good wife look Christianity is a lot of common sense or if you apply it to marriage do you see sometimes you see some spoiled girls who don't know how to cook they're just doing hair dressing clothes shoes whatever and they are heading towards marriage and they don't know how to cook where they dwell among people where the custom is that when you get married you the woman would know about cooking than others she only know cuckoo cuckoo cuckoo I mean you are just empty but you are heading towards marriage with a sense of entitlement someone's gonna love me somebody's going to be nice to me I when somebody's going to talk to me nicely I when somebody's really care for me I want somebody who is like this I want somebody's like that that's not a good way to get into marriage it's going to be all disappointments for you I'm telling you have to go into marriage with a mind of what am I going to do what are my obligations if you go for my counseling you have duties of a husband duties of a wife or obligations of a husband and obligations of the wife and obligations of the wife are far more than the obligations of the husband yes true far far more because for a woman your life is going to change so far more than a man's life eternity you're the one who's going to have a baby you're the one who's gonna have to look at the babies is you are the one who have breast who can feed a milk instead of me it's not about argument your breath up abusing the milk you cannot argue you cannot argue if our breast will also produce and we will treat them but we don't have set to see them so God has already chosen who is going to feed nature shows you who is going to fail the baby it's not an argument are you listening to me so dear friend if you go into life if you go into marriage with a sense of entitlement a sense of what I what can i what am I going to do what do you know I want somebody who looks somebody who talks gently you know but you are the rudest girl in town I want somebody who is like this I was somebody who dresses nicely and somebody who is you know when I want a gentleman but try the bush girl Jenna Bush care I mean I I want I want I want a man who you know who has perfume I mean when he comes around I can smell you know something you know balsamic I want something buy something [Applause] Wow but you don't even brush your teeth when you get up in the morning you see them walking around the house no passion of teeth they're like a biological mosquito spray that itself killing anything with within range biological warfare you wouldn't know what I'm saying is true most of the things I say are real things that jerseys and people don't know a lot of girls don't brush your teeth they don't like brushing it you see people always want to say nice things about girls but when you are here in the first love chat and right girl we want you to be ordinary and just real so that we can improve but if we follow your deceptions and the delusions and deception that around you we will not even talk to you properly yeah we'll just be praising you all the times oh yeah that just rumor when there's no vet you in you to a vet your mother's DuPage Shelley the battery spinner I want to learn who provide now you can't even cook you can't even provide just a meal you cannot it's going to be a prop so low vision I can cook you can cook how do I know all these things because I've been a Christian for quite some time do you understand what I'm saying I beat in Christianity for some yes can you imagine I was a Christian from around 1978 78 79 that's when I became a Christian yeah that's progress I'm trying to go where were you believing you had your parents hard night yeah yeah I went when when we started a church we have something we call psi we still do PFI I will go with that time was not so many pasta we go fasters house and next pass that house each time after church we'll go to somebody's house or pastors to fellowship and interact so we come to your house it means you are cooking for me [Applause] do you understand me and by going from house to house and house the heart your again to see that Cali it is not a simple thing here you find out they can't cook they can't cook truly you see when Jesus was before Pontius Pilate at a point all right are you still here they were asking him a question he said if I tell you if I can tell you if I tell you will not believe that but a if I tell you you will not believe and if I ask you or if I if I tell you you not believe never ask you you will not answer yes that's what he said most of us if we are asked we will never answer the real answer if I said can you make jollof rice you will always got answer the truth are you there how can we bring ourselves closer when I go here I feel far from here when I come here this far from here what can we do general I should stay here this is an idea we can turn around this way what pastor Evo are you around pasture yeah hmm if I asked you without answer they will not so you don't even answer I'm just I'm just telling you the truth amen so you are getting married and you expecting I want somebody who can prove I like a man that I want to marry one of my mates only marry somebody was my chil somebody who has a car somebody was a fridge somebody who has I mean a microwave and yes everything I don't want this small boy and they're not true you want somebody to provide and are you going to provide you have not climbed that at all yes it's a problem for your mother to get you to help in the house I'm talking about obligations of crystal it's a problem for your mother to get you get involved now or anywhere you stay for them to get you involved it's a problem and I would I want somebody who care for me I wanna know who helped me to look after the baby I want to domesticate that brother but what are you going to provide that is that he that's how we are as Christian I want a God who will protect me I want a God who will answer my prayer I want a God who send me what I need I want a God who would take care of my children I want God will bless me with angels and finances I want a God who answers I want a God of the rainy season a God of the dry season Wow you really want more from God what kind of God do you want have you ever thought what kind of person God wants to save like somebody who he has saved and the person also is not thinking of what he has to do for God and not what God has to do again I mean after salvation I don't know what else can I think about it to be save is great you people don't know many are not saved when when you say you are called few people are saved few few people know God I'm telling you very few V ery very few yeah in every country few know God and when they get to know God is corrupted and the pastor's don't speak the words of truth anymore because we possess are under pressure to sing nice things and things that lead to financial improvement the marital improvement I promise always under pressure to say nice things about girls and and wise yeah if you write if you write a book those write something say something a big negative about the man and balance it so that it looks like they're in support of poor women but I've noticed that spirit yeah I totally ignore it sort of ignore it when I have to face the sisters are facing squarely and nobody has as many lady process as I do I appoint more I believe more in a lady I'm just like John Wesley in that sense I believe in women and comes in and of you also believe in women pastors yeah I like the very good pastas very good very good very good at so many things yeah that's that you can't take away from that and and this other side is true what do you think true or not true brushing of teeth is important yeah I want to know I don't want a man who's smelling of sweat have you thought about yourself who wants a girl smelling of sweat and urine some of you sometimes almost collapse in when you are in you're in Europe oh yeah in your room yeah there's no joke in the pre genome so Daenerys is actually we are talking to you so just listen to what is this Adam you want a man who's I mean I wanted I mean a sweet fragrance obligation so you I'm trying to orient your mind to think of what I your obligation yeah and if you go into if you go into marriage that way you're going in a far stronger a good on the strong footing like what am i obligates what am I going to do you know I've been officiating wedding for a long time when I talk to the bride they're all just thinking about the wedding hello the colors you know okay so what if you know that a child is you know so you see that also gives your mind that what is the mind how big is the mine oh how large is the mind like how far how long like guess that two hours or just three hours of that event that's all the mind is on just that day just that day somebody didn't think about eating what's going to happen in the evening or the next day of the same day is [Applause] [Music] hey what what I'm saying is it true it is not true how true are you married yes be sure the truth is true very true personally I think that myself I I didn't think about the wedding night asked about the colors brightness I have to embrace me and then like night since our way I do you think that this is our mind is nice laundry and what are you before I do you think about [Applause] [Applause] obligations tell somebody obligations what what do I owe do you get it what do I owe for this person me getting married to this person Jesus saving me what do I owe and when you don't think that way you become a bad Christian I tell you this this name obligations of is the title of a book this is the title of a book this is a title of the book the one book written by William Carey yeah and he was is the first British missionary and he tried to inspire people and to inspire that chanting reminded say that we have an obligation and and in his book he was arguing and explain to people that don't say that is that puzzle but the river was ever know the Apostles went to the ends of the earth so that's it we don't have to go to any end of the world there's nothing end of the world again it's over and he was explaining that it is the application of Christians today to use whatever means they have to be a disposer for the conversion of the hidden in this world and the Christian today at that time must rise up and consider our obligations what we are to get what is aspected of us in our time in our day instead of circulating his book and people started reading and he managed to get some people to be interested in what he was saying and so we were invited him to speak when they read his book are you listening to this yeah it's nice to come to Christ Christianity and just have what Concha blessed me with a good marriage I shall not die today I cannot die tomorrow cuz your blessing with a car cause your blessing with more time I'm building my house with two garages bubbles in the sitting room bubbles in the car back wow I have a condition everywhere with flat screens this is my life my future my destiny God is moving in my life there's my wife on my right side and my three children on my left Wow my god no weapon that is formed against me shall prosper my landlord I blind his eyes on every increase of rent this month and next month God is providing me a better job this is how people are thinking about Christianity that is not Christianity I'm telling you I'm telling you a while as I found here say exactly what some people said where it's under so strange they started so strange when William Terry got up instead of saying my guess is that the Apostles went to the ends of the earth versus Thomas and other they all dispersed to the ends of the world just after it has been fulfilled was an instruction to them to go so he got up I said no no no if they what they were told those web go to the end it was something that applies books today that wish you and it is an obligation of Christians now to go to your slings you know it's like what can you do to go there yeah what can you do to go there yeah oh he used me and he went and he went when he left England in the ship I'll tell you his story he never came back to England he died in India his wife died his children died a lot of them died in with all day buried there but that is how application and today I tell you yet again the check always for because when you leave us because of the demons that I in the world the church has a way of just becoming a certain way just naturally we tend to focus on ourselves and become selfish minded you will never be a good Christian just trying to receive things telling you like I've been trying to explain in the past few weeks just having education having a good job will not make you rich it do not let you be prosperous pay see there are many things that go into doing well in this life and one of them is to have a good hand towards God and to be a good Christian if you ask me whether I am prosperous and if what is the secret of my prosperity a sacred of prosperity to me is Matthew 6:33 seek first the kingdom of God life it is fast not sick second like after you've got this after you've got this after you've got this then come and seek the kingdom of God no no fast so why not be something that you know you may never get the second you may never get anywhere to stay you may never go you're to remain ever go to any good school this may have been done here but its first and foremost is that a everything else is secondary whether it comes on or not it doesn't matter that's what it means to put God says and it is a key to genuine prosperity take it from me yes is it key because once it's fast anything that is second may never come on an investor reject usual you lose any summer application is the application of Christians as I am editor I am a getter to read the Greeks and to the Jews to the barbarians to the wise and to those that are not like to the idiots amen so Christians have things they are supposed to do and once your mind is focus on what you can do know what you are supposed to receive you are not any good peasant oh we have what we called G or L giver of little and if you marry a gol you become an rol which is a receiver of letter true a gol is a giver of little when you marry a gol she is somebody who has little to give no matter how you love her she has not much to give you can love a shower hair with gold cream you'll be stunning the evening to get up and make a sandwich for you or to cut a slice of bread for you or to make a cup of tea it will be a special request an apple telling you before the things are pitching you don't know how to do sometimes when I'm preaching is he likes people I don't know look at what I'm saying is extreme that is nothing extreme about it there are people I tell you you get an A one A one God God is a one God's love for us is a one love is a stream loud so when he loves us with is a one love and our return is very small it's very funny very funny yeah very fun so we are expected dear friends obligations of Christians so first of all your mind must be tuned to the fact that I have duties I have obligations as a Christian rather than I have to receive something yeah if you marry catice if you are lady you married is this like ladies you wanna marry catches okay no problem but if he was the one going to marry him you should marry him with the mind of the obligations you have to him like the beauties and the things that you would owe him do you see I understand what I'm saying like the obligations are all I have to do this for him I have to care for him I have to love him have to talk to him after show him interest whatever and respond after respond to all his love the venerable person he is he may be a very loving person may be an average love I may be a low lava Valachi that is a high lava [Laughter] VHL then when you're marrying him you should be mind him with that in your mind but most people would be marrying him thinking about themselves yeah oh yeah I'm going to be a mrs. Pettis I'm going to do this I'm going to be that I'm going to be this and he's going to do that he's going to sing for me he's gonna do this is over huh every night you sing me to bed ah you wake me up with a song wake you up with a song every morning and what else we will sing me to bed at night Wow he would serve me breakfast in bed hey you see you're thinking about what you are going to receive so you are a bad candidate yeah I remember a lady issues a Caribbean layer done over which Island st. Thomas him since this then auntie got one of those places she was getting married to a cameo in another country but she was from the Caribbean and has also a gana she precipitate for the marriage yeah she prepared she I mean when I saw the oh and the things that she was making and anything that can be made that a ganyan would eat and I was thinking to myself is he a gamma girl I didn't know how to make all these things true or not true yeah so you see you you must enter mariage with the mind of your obligations and you must enter Christianity not with a minor I'm going to be blessed God is really going to prosper me I mean this is my moment of riches you have made a mistake rather you must another minor dislike tally there's a lot to do for God to say thank you to God yeah obligation there's a title of a book I didn't write a book somebody's book when I look at that side I kept on thinking about that title in his Old English isn't it so it looks like some complexity to that is that is it about 400 years ago obligations of Christians to use means for the conversion of the healing that is it is our obligation are you going to come to Christ with the mind of have something to do so all the things that God has given media or extra I'm not expecting to have anything yes when it came time for my first child to go to school and my wife told me we have to get a school okay quit school address what about school you say we have to get a nursery school now because it's time for this I say are you sure can we not postpone it one more year my mind is not on that my mind is on what I Oh God are you Leslie yeah what do you Oh God you all got a lot so then I said nursery school is not important find any school in the area that children can't go there hey photos you know this Sam Monte sorry this I said look it all necessary I didn't go to Montessori you didn't go to Monte we are all telling the world what any of those we are Korea so we found a school that somebody was packing there was no student in the school run brand-new they just put a banner outside adversary's who started new and I took my son so my son is the founder so recently they were celebrating 10 or 20 years they call him later by the founding member of the school my mind is on the obligations I have to God not on how to go to school and what school and what did you mine that's what everybody's mind is on and so God is trying to lift up your mind it's not you somebody here to lift your mind up a bit above your own little life you're only the few things that you have in your own little world and trust that God would take care of the rest for you I wouldn't want to marry a person who doesn't have the sense of applications that she has no now when I got my my wife had a sense of so many obligations that she has to do she has to cook for me she has to do this years to do she have to do this so many things yeah I mean very studies that is that bad and you expect it you get it and I also have married with a mother I have to do certain things I have to do this have to do that have to put that's some people they sit in yeah they don't even provide it don't do anything yeah I guess that the Bob is of the final where it climbed yourself woman I don't know how to change Bob yes find your way help yourself fend for yourself there's a lot of has been like that nowadays yes don't look after children yeah you have to negotiate and argue for school fees for money but you have to come with a mind you can you can you can't be irresponsible that this I have to do this so those of you want to get my you you don't have a job you don't have any income you want to get married you are just thinking of sex if you think of your obligations you have to give your wife money to grant buying meat when she brings it you have to put it in a fridge and freezer she needs a cooking pot and a stove and a lot of things you are just thinking of sex Hey think of your obligations and you'll be a better person to enjoy and if to such obligation thinking people meet Y will say I'm making people to go I'll make tea for you that's romance are you service under the papers all people in myself oh no let me pay more they'll be arguing with to paper ah I sense a pattern I'm going to hit water points on let me he people talking like other people if you struggle about the bucket [Laughter] yeah and you can you rather struggle over like no let me let me do it let me do it I will do it no you do know how to do it but I did use the way I do it you do you do how do you do would you not like to marry somebody like that you really want someone like that and that also really well somebody like that you know kind of the want somebody like that I don't need anything else how can I say thanks to you for what you have done for me I rather want a way to say thanks to you for what you have done for me my god is looking for people whose minds are on their obligations yes duties death duties and death go and check the model Marr you see duties of the husband duties of the wife wrong list Hey people marry without thinking about that naturally by default if you're a lady you'll be thinking about hair shirt dress this which is not family we are not again so we want you to do Islam other boy you have to have all those things without it you're not normal but you must think about your obligation if you have fingernails like Dracula you understand and it's like you can't even cut onion so you can't do anything you can't scrub anything because of this pressure thinner fingernails what is your what is the use what is the point what is the point is a so we have to sing that song [Applause] are you listening to me Wow this is fantastic obligations of Christians obligations of Christians amen now the first obligee I want to talk about a number of obligations of Christians right and after we've spoken about the obligations of Christians right we can continue to the topic of to use means and after that we can talk about the convention of the hidden right so obligation number one that we have as Christians is to the obligation to love the Lord Matthew 22 verse 37 and jesus said thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart with all thy soul and with all thy mind amen amen thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy soul with all thy heart with all thy mind Wow now it is our obligation that is the number-one command to love the Lord I mean loving God is our number one responsibility now I want to ask everybody what is love what is like when you love somebody thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart with all thy soul and with all thy mind amen with all thy heart with all thy soul and with all thy mind so right here you can see something and one of the things you can see is the fact that is the fact that our loving God is something that can be done with the heart with the soul alright and with the mind hallelujah now even though we cannot see God okay you can love him like you are loving a human being yeah even though you can't see God you can love him as though you are loving a human being because he said you should love him with all your heart and your heart I love you when you love somebody with all your heart you love the person huh Wow some of you have been in love before what are the elements of love give me the four elements of love one I'm thinking about the present no just think about being in love with somebody these are the four elements it's always the same whether husband to wife friend to friend man to God I mean wife who has been beloved to whatever is the four elements are always the same so he has given me one who gave me the one you thinking about the person number two want to see the person you want to talk to the person so you want to be with you think of be with with you're too fast for just four I want to see you I'm thinking about you I want to be with you I want to talk to you and I want to I want to do something for you that would make you know that I was really really love you true or not true let's take it again for things I've been thinking about you I'll be thinking of you thinking isn't it though you're far away you in my huh and there you'll always think till we meet again someday I'll be thinking of you thinking of you so the person goes away and you be thinking of the person that is the sign of Lu ya so that's why when people are in love and then the person dies even though the person is dead and it's like you're moving on the person thinks about the dead person and starts crying because I'd be thinking of you thinking of you and certain things remind me of you when I go here I remember we were there together when I go I remember what I said at that time I remember we were sitting by my car when I proposed to you sir whenever come to Cocozza I remember I'll be saying to sweet memories so I'll be thinking of you number two I want to be with you I just wanna be yeah I just want to be where you are what I wasn't like I want to come to you where you are how can I come to your room can I sit in your room I just want to be I'm just happy being around what are you doing I don't not anything I'm doing just be there I just wanna be where you save elements apply then applied to falling in love with a boy falling in love with a girl God God became a man he'd help us to relate with him and so any things you love the Lord with your heart and we feel so the elements are still the same I want I'm thinking about you I wanna be with you then number three I want to talk to you bikinis when somebody dies you can't talk to the best difficult part about the thing like I wish I could say something you say something back can I go do you see people I was talking to somebody the other day who said before we got mine he used to call me like 14 hours on the phone seven hours phone call like you can talk for a long time you don't you don't even know how long you'll be talking will you check the time and it's a one-hour 16 minutes Wow we've been talking for one hour I didn't I thought it was I thought it was six minutes Wow I want to talk to you do you agree that that forms part of learn so when you have free free calls free credit all night call free night call and you see lovers are talking after midnight you see they're talking you're not true keep watching my fantasies I'm gonna get a message you are not true I want to hear from you isn't it JP with God I love talking with you I love talking with you everything you'd always true but I'm talking with you yeah you left true or not true and then when you love somebody you want to do something nice for the person isn't it I want to love you oh baby come I want to love come closer baby come closer a that was I want to love you I want to feel you I want to feel your arms all over I want to do something nice for you something you're gonna like is that it that's what sometimes you know things that are important to man they do for ladies sometimes they buy a car for her because it's like it we're like them it's a great thing like a car is like a great thing just like you buy a car for you although the girls don't we didn't even know which type of coyotes because I they don't even know that types of cars you get what I'm saying like you have gone out of your way to buy a cup ice doesn't even know what type of what okay I thought it was this one who's old I thought was a hood dive no no it said to yourself I don't know the difference because like they don't they don't they don't have 16 it's not important to them are you listening to me are you there I want to do something for you and when you are a girl and you learn I wanna do something that makes you happy I want I wanna you know one person told you those of those a brother who was not married and she said I mean you tell him go tell him that if he marries me man I'm making happy hour hour I would do things for him oh man you tell him you tell him if he chooses me all my stories are real oh yeah I'll make him happy you telling I know how to love a man are you listening so these are the four elements of lada always the same always in a me love is always there and I'm telling you we have an obligation to love God number one thinking of him you gave me the four principles I didn't give them to you gave it to me I didn't read it notes to you I actually told me number one I wanna be with you I'm thinking of you I'll be thinking of you each one we have a song for it then the second one was what I wanna be with you I just want to be where there's a song for that the third one I want to talk to you I love talking to you isn't it and the fourth one is I want to do something for you come closer to me wow you love God these are the four elements number one thinking of God you are my meditation all the day all the night thou shalt meditate on the law of the Lord and even on God day and night day and night when you love God you be you be God conscious you be thinking about God it's nothing wrong with thinking about God all the time it is a good thing to think about God and when you are a god lover everything that happens makes you think about God in a way like God comes to your mind oh god oh god oh god everything is God God thank you God God God God God God God everything's gone when you love God I want to be with you you love going to church I just want to be there Lord oh what did Eddie say I one thing have I desired one thing I've I desire that will I seek after that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days he God God these are God loveth I was glad I was glad when they said to me so you see that that's why it's such a wonderful thing for young people like you and myself all of us we like to come here like you like to come to a camp or you like to come to church if your parents knew what it meant for a young person to like to go to church and stay in a check for a long time if your parents knew what it meant they would they would line up in a queue to pay me I'm telling you I'm telling so KB to say hey I don't know what you done to my child actually I heard I had a lady who did not give to give me and she didn't give me anything but she came and she she said she said this is somebody who would never go to a charismatic church very very very critical but she said what has been able to change my son I want to see that place and she came and she really helped us yeah she said what I've been able to change my son I want to know where it is what is it to make a child want to be in a church what are you doing here is there nothing better to do to find some girls you know how many girls would like to see very young upright man you know have the girls they are available available you don't even have to have much money but here you are trying rather to be against those kind of feelings and I mean look at how you are almost going against the tide Wow and you want to be in the house God want to be with God so when you love God you'll see that you wonder you you you wanna be with him you like to be with him you know that that for me if you ask me how come full-time ministry full-time ministry you sacrifice sacrifices is a joke when you see the West sacrifice is like a joke I mean what is what I sacrifice to me to come to the house of the Lord every day I mean it's like offering me the greatest pleasure and treasure I will I will I get an apple you know get it to be the house of the Lord every day something that I like doing I come every day come on Monday Tuesday Wednesday F a case about God Wow I couldn't wait to finish that maybe cousin I was doing hélène everyday I was just checking the watch that time if we leave ourselves you know on this and deal we will never go home or it will be morning and on occasions we just forget about that time satisfies I never go home in the night how is good bright morning sunshine I by bufferton I go home because he does this along the path a new year so charlie we just be there chatting why not why not we like the church and we like God we love his house yeah some of you drive cars you see your former boyfriends house it is owned how many times I've climbed the steps to go to this house [Applause] you love the house because select is a place of your love I wanna be there I want to be my boyfriend's house in his room hey I want to be there and then I want to do nice things for the person it's like this like spontaneous reaction of love like if you love somebody I want to do something nice not even that he has sent you going to all the world but what can you do to love God if you love God will not even have to preach they'll be running of the Bible just the love you have for God will guide you to things that are already written in the Bible we have to tell you because you are not loving God that is why this preaching even comes about the pricking comes about because we are not loving God yeah why do you think the Bible says husband's love your wife because at the point is against nature to love it your wife yeah it's a mysterious is whoa why does the mom as a wife submit yourself your husband huh because a time will come where you see that the person you are like submitter to is the person you are married to you be submit that to this to this device therefore ye total said no no listen I I don't think that is the other thing what do you think about have also posted some pictures of one to another so you serve me sometimes I subject sometimes and we continue the discussion and you find the person you left obey without thinking is your husband that is right in the Bible because that is exactly what people don't do so that is why you must watch out for stubbornness not a good thing because the stubbornness is rarely manifested in mariage yeah Oh Mallory Anala cute on a leash or sighted she tell him energy short-sighted like well you see her she's short and short-sighted just like that when I say that she's shot hey I wanna play with you and then another these are the first four are the main four then we go to other one I want to feel you I want to feel your love when when you grow in God you start praying to feel God yeah you start wanting to feel him feel you all around me and inside Wow do you love God all I would ask you as a born-again Christian don't be angry with my message don't be upset with my message I'm just telling you because you know as I'm preaching some of you you're remembering some of your lives that didn't work out that way and you're already angry with a message you know what I'm saying like you are not so excited about the message though yeah yeah yeah I know what he's talking about I didn't work out that way for me it didn't work out that way and maybe it's not working out that way that is true I wanna be with you I'm thinking about you I want to talk to you can I talk to you why do you want to talk to me so you think if you are a brother and you don't like talking and Waggin want to talk to me talk to my hey we don't do that you don't do that if you love if you love her talking talking or whichever way you talk love is talking no love no talking you can't say there's a wise the other day while watching television again talk talk talk God is waiting for you to hear from you you don't talk to him at all some of you talk to God at all unless there's a crowd that is gathered together to all shout at God at the same time then you say you've prayed but like Leslie like two of you alone like just to man to man the two of you 1:01 incited two of us the two of us is not much interaction just two of us the more you love God the more you start speaking in in your language English whatever languages as well as terms like you want to say more things the more the more you love got the more he you have to see or imagine God almost like a person like you are always discussing with a patient if I if somebody follows you close the person may think you are mad because like you're always talking to somebody we should talk it we see them yes yes okay Lord is always telling you just yesterday you do this another I ordered we don't want somebody to when somebody wants to be with you and you don't want to be with the present can you imagine how to present for you so you started picking little pinches at the love little pinches at a lot a lot of us are experience that I really love them but she didn't seem to you know it wasn't coming back the way I felt I thought I would get it I called her but she didn't call me back I sent seven text and I got only I got one the next day I called 20 times she never called me as I call her how do you think God feels you never call him you never call him a little something like a crisis or some kind of a problem like there's no problem are you and God are having your two men there's no crisis some of you you sleep and you get up with your unbrushed teeth and you start singing praises for three minutes and then you cook you think I'm not in the house with you well how many realize that ago I was in the house with you it is your obligation to laugh God back if I give my heart to you what will you do with it will you tear it apart please don't even go there don't even go there don't even go there will you tear it apart I love when you carry the pie how will you respond to my learn will it tear it apart we have three responses to the love n L ll and HL n L no love ll low love and HL high love in terms of the levels of return one day a brother travel abroad came back with a lot of gift and presence of love like that was his lucky we came back bearing love to his wife she was so happy to receive all the gifts oh yeah beautiful when he finished loving hair with her kids you know what can I tell you the stories you think that it is imagination he had not seen a person fall on time several weeks you think it's an imagination I mean I wanted some comfort I want to feel you she said you know something no listen for some technical reason okay you can fill me all over idols don't touch be feeling now that was Monday that was Monday that was Monday Tuesday he hadn't seen his wife for like maybe ten week Tuesday I want to feel the bass with no Wednesday Thursday Friday on my face up to what it is a game I would tell you that it's not true Saturday Sunday Monday I don't then she met a pastor Patterson oh how was your reunion beautiful pass time is 5 2 persons buffer lady pastor how was all you get back another bishop I tell you something is happy to me something is happy to me in the house but I don't know what you see I'm talking about bond again Christians you know yeah we have three levels of return of love NL ll HM NOLA Lola Hilah then with the love of tear twisted love [Applause] so now the pasta call the lady lady why you do this your husband why you do the job your husband has come home he's looking for you blah blah blah there's nothing okay okay okay okay when I go stupid fool I'm talking about Christians on Christians talk about Christianity and why am I telling you all this so that when it's your turn it's your time and you are called missus you be your behavior a wicked that's why I'm the Bible is called benevolence your due benevolence yeah huh benevolence are you there I'm talking about loving God I want to feel you lord I want to talk to you I want to be with you I want to do something for you whatever they can do when girls I love with boys so I want to put anything you say don't lift up the leg hyper I like this sounds like this fellas you should see it for yourself [Applause] nearly down anything I totally just a doctor a good birthday for what what is it climate table when the love is finished is not that they will do nothing for you yes Ella NL I'm explaining to you when you love God you will do something for God that you love is not theory I'm telling you clearly so it is your obligation to love God and show him love back for what he has done other obligation of a Christian and it is the number one obligation of a Christian if you don't know to love God but there's also another one come I said the number one is to love the Lord your God with all your heart your soul Hailee's you must love what we see in my 50s of you're not of your Christian imagine both crying how those of you have ever cried I got me feeling sorry for yourself for a problem that you are crying and praying and he like just about God something to do with God and your cries Oh God right I feel for the souls I feel for your word Lord they're not crying look at this blood Viper swapping to me no I don't need that type of God s crying for yourself are you there you're going home Wow do you love the Lord brothers let me give you some small warning [Applause] especially a one brothers who really love the lord and want to be in the ministry be careful because when you're attracted lady senses that you like the ministry she was seem to also like the ministry the word is seen s ee m seen she was seem to like the ministry but not all like the ministry if you'da like and the ministry is the back that you are holding true that is why we are married but afterwards there's problems you know all my world you know i've been so long since i was an unbeliever my world is the christian world for soon for decades so all the things I talk about are to do with Christians in the Christian Church yes so listen my friend I want you to decide I'm going to be a god lover a god lover God lover I love God God is the one I love I would do for God and when I go to love God now what I love him later do you know what my my when I proposed to my wife and she went to teach I think she told her father and or whatever I was surprised at her father's response I thought if father's response was going to be negative her father was gonna like bomb me out her father said something unusual she said he said a good man usually if it's a good man he wants to marry you now that's what he said no man I feel like sometime you live longer when you speak he's like the Bible she said like a good person he wants to marry you now those peoples are married advice yes I go to my mother I'm going to Norway I'll do my masters and come back and after that would learn engage me that we might one year later three the good guys they want you now they can't wait now hey the guys all will marry the future one day I'm I'll take you down the old I promise you I'm a man of my word there's no girl in this one girl's day I lied to her and a man about what I say I married you I marry you yes sweetie but you got to wait 2019 [Applause] now you know what I've seen those who really love the Lord and go to serve the Lord they serve Him now when I when I met dish of sake I always remember you know where we had a discussion in the our block hotel I was founded by this techies and then he had come from Legon and we're talking something about me going to the ministry and we want to do the ministry we're all students in school I said people who love God they want to stand corner from the day he finished high school there was nothing like a moment of like what are we doing the only thing we are doing is about God at all and those who have been waiting and checking on things and subtleties are assertive we are we are soaking up to today loving God is different from being a principled person and the more office and a good person in society usually people who love God they don't sometimes look so principal utterly in a way this principal orderly people they have used their spiritual energy to be principled and there's nothing left to love God look those who don't love God and don't obey God most of them have the most a one mystic principal people you can ever find jesus said go into the highways go out and invite them bara invited to my supper the first one said number one my property as a man of integrity my work is very important I can't just leave my work for practice I don't waste my time so and man of principle is into his business his yoke of oxen is into his business into his properties sadly I have married a wife they always get breezes family reasons my children my wife it is the number what look a good tell you not get him to love board the young ruler came is a lot what does I do to have eternal life they said all don't commit adultery don't do this the man said listen let me tell you excuse me let me stand on it don't let me fall down hold it he said from my youth which means that you know a lot of young people do bad things and then they become good later he says from my youth I have done all those things yeah and I'm very mystic and Jesus said give up your money and come and follow me and he did not and Jesus when I was sorry because he had great riches all a surprise to say great riches had him imagine that he's a good person he will not obey to love this will be a good person there are good people does mystical being good and principle for loving God laughing God you you wait to get to heaven you see these principles family people and so much this and that you see where they will be as against those who are taking up what God says I'm going to do it that's right God uses people like Michigan's are winners somebody was into drugs into this into whatever because you guys who are very principled descent whatever somebody who are selling PK at opera square do not be key Kingdom peaking yes is the one God to use you good person from a good family you went to Presley under Candace you've never done this before never are we asked you to do or not do it reggae whatever go anyway so just so decent it's time to set aside all these apparent outward looks of goodness and rise up and love that God who has loved you coming into this messy world to be associated with somebody made a film about Jesus the other day with Mary Magdalene look at a mess somebody made a story about Peter that is stealing bodies from the grave you can a mess people say all sorts of body wicked people and this Lord Jesus has come to join them to save them no problem how about you mr. principled good man mister doctor man doctors love to that yeah principle idealistic virgin istic protectionists good people Wesley girls graduates what have yous one day I had two pastors one was a perfection good principal never done so many things before the other one was like having suddenly difficulties in his life fornication here and their fornication here in the fornication here and there one day I was sitting to myself I said let me see who I would choose if I want to choose any of these two guys to be with me immediately it wasn't even its concentration the perfectionist guy I don't don't want him at all but I don't like about at all I mean this a dugout prepared to scale with him travel with him go around with given issue because I prefer hundred times so how many passionate Saria check your next niba to see if she's a perfectionist successfully by you very good girl good boy hmm hallelujah how many are go to love God how are you going to love him what are they going to do to like kind of develop are you a gol o and rol or what are you what are you but what is gol give that off later are you a gol by the way how do you think you will do when you get married huh do you think you'll be a gol brothers duty to be on our well what is a narwhal brother yeah not for bitty city Hey look at what I say God for God forbid that you should God should be a narwhal in sense of you hey none of us wants to receive little we want to receive a love love attention time interest [Applause] God wants attention time number one he wants to be number one number one in your life I'm telling you not number two it means number one means number one yes yes number one hallelujah will you be number one for God religion in your best will you give him your all I wish we had a love song to sing to the Lord isn't it huh the other night we had a love song and love song how many love songs love if you have a love song hallelujah Wow obligations of Christians to use means Amen for the convention of the heathen so we have obligations we do and our number one obligation is to love the Lord does anybody want to ask me a question you know something if you love the Lord all right there will be nothing to preach about everything would be automatic have you seen unbelievers acting a film another day all unbelievers some of the type of Christians we have today but when there is a motives you see the performance have you watched a fool where they say girl even the girls are smiling that's another one smile who want somebody who's not smiling most people don't smile in their houses talking you understand it the person has packed the pieces frame not smile like this but when you watch a film they are not having it in sexual but like maybe they are kissing or they are doing something like you should see if you just watch they do it for money and they have to do it in a good way that fits the film like a turn to show that the woman really likes the guy oh you think so okay now number one turn to the right side number two stretch your hand to the shoulder number three Christian's you see them as if you need to read a manual now next thing to do is move closer number two put your hands on his shoulder yeah so then you ask yourself is there laughs I'm talking to Christian I'm talking to Christians and I pray that you people really believe if you believe what I'm saying all the things I'm saying you nice created in one part of what I'm saying you will experience and if you don't listen to what I'm saying it will happen to you practically said Bishop said it all he said it all it is happening it is happening I become an rol I've become vol and the way you can show that change if you see it in check a gol inch a G but give off little to God yeah give up little too broad so if you can get this path I'd love to tell you not okay so number two you have to go to all the world you have to go to every part of the world not to sacrifice your life these are the principles of sacrifice number one sacrifice it means that what your sacrifice or finances about to what it was about your marriages betray what your sacrifice and your your your job you sacrifice one's your various numbers you sacrifice the country of a nation that's Rob Morris marina that should be at number seven sacrifice was your turn number eggs oh geez unnecessary if you love the Lord and do you think we have to give you all these points that is right if you either relationship I you are not receiving the love that you expect in a relationship in the relate not in the man in the relationship in the relation is called what red flag or what red flag is called what red class is called what red flag is called what that is what you see more yes as long as you say they relate the more you I see what you will see is party saw what you saw is what you see he saw three or not two obligations tell somebody obligations does anybody have a question to ask me you can ask a question yeah question time yeah you got a question is it telling him tell him yeah what's your question I actually have two questions awesome and I wrote them down when you were talking and the first one is all right answer them yes why am I not in love with God the way I'm supposed to like thinking of him all the time being around him all the time talking to him doing things for him and then the second one is how can I be in love the way I'm supposed to thank you I think I can answer this question why am I not in love with called the way I should be not like when he's thinking about him and talking to him and feeling him and doing something for him why do you think cuz anybody got the answer you got the answer Fortunato has the answer wait wait a minute you got to have a microphone five hello daddy maybe she doesn't really appreciate the things God has been doing for her she thinks they are little and when you are in love with somebody you see everything the person that is so great that you think that oh nobody else can do this thing for me like if he even gives you a phone or a pen so what's a nice pen oh maybe it's not even nice but you just appreciate the subsidies so maybe she's not really seeing the things that God has done for her like her life as she's alive she doesn't really value it if she's really thinking of it as a summer life if some people are dying like on the words they are dying yeah they are really in need of somebody to tell them that oh you will be well and they are not getting you really appreciate the fact that you are living like air you breathe you just think of it some people are on oxygen and you you are not buying a you just have it and if you are feeling cold that age yeah they are around you is too much for you when you think of it that way you really appreciate God you will love him no matter who you are you will love him so I think she should think of the things around here in nature and then use it as her own like appreciated but oh this is what God is doing around me and I thank him for those things and not being over maybe boys should bring me something big know that things around you understand what she's saying do you agree and when you listen to preaching do you listen to preaching so when you listen to preaching does it not make you appreciate God more yes it does yes so the more you listen to preacher more you learn about what God is and what he has done for you then you start to think in the right way and start to realize that I rather have an obligation rather than I have to receive something again yeah so there's a sense of entitlement as against a sense of having an obligation all right like nylon tie stand-up nylon guy who almost got killed and some of her own people who she works with are killed they are all gathered in buried 10th July yeah don't we bury don't take July all the victims know my colleague your core being that died yes 10 she's finally the church mention the date of the sunnah of heck Foley so but some people it doesn't bother them at all they will carry on but if you I second way you will think about a look based on what God has done for me I should be dead from today so from today on what is a second life in that life I'm giving it to God that's a way of thinking so I guess it's the way you think the way if you think in a certain way you will you will start to really appreciate God in a certain way and want to love him and do something for him how most people don't think that way so they are just bearing their thoughts which are going more yeah yeah I need this I need this also of receiving this I need this I'm listening these ideas are receiving this I need this like look if you look at me you would think I don't need anything I don't know but I need a lot of things I also I also need things jiggidy by you the singular you need something from me and I also be thinking I also need something from you so you know what's your second question it's been answered as we're talking or was it a good word because I said how do I love God and then you said as you think about the things he's done for you as you listen to preaching messages you begin to love him yeah great thank you have you got a question all right why not we're all preachers thank you and I also think that you can appreciate the love of God more by believing in it and I think sometimes some sisters when brothers are showing love to them they don't really believe that I mean this guy really loves me so son I'd want to test the love and with a while before the response they love so I think also believing that God has loved units that you will also meet you also come out a response thank you that is powerful people don't believe my God loves imagine God as a person if you imagine God as a peasant help you to love him they help you to talk to him in it that's way yeah I mean later him in a certain way personally and don't speak to God with special language speak with him with elaborate language yeah any other question down over there your name Miriam Miriam Oh what is it Miriam and my question has to do with him you said one way we can sure we love what is speaking for him and my question is that some sometimes you want to speak to him or you try to pray but it's very difficult like maybe you start and then your mind just goes so perfect so my question was that doesn't mean that because you can't concentrate and talks to God you don't love him Oh maybe the love you have for me is not that's great because personally I find it very very difficult to pray okay okay now you are not alone in your problem how many have the same problem you're not alone now listen the the mind okay is it like first of all you see it's easy to serve God so if you think somebody's been born to easily serve God you are making a mistake there's nothing like that everybody is struggling including the pasta so struggling you're struggling is it good to know that okay now the answer to your problem is that our minds tend to room when you are even praying your mind will go to everything that is not prayer you'll be checking your phone checking the internet checking whatsapp and all sorts of other things so the way to overcome that is to pray with three things the Bible they that read your Bible reading Christian books and listening to music Christian music and listening to messages these four things when they are present help to control your mind but you see the other day I was praying and I was you know I had been praying every day I come and I pray the same thing so I was sitting there thinking to myself that God is not tired of my prayers because I keep on saying the same thing every day I pray for the same thing every day so like God is bored then as I was there I read a scripture and the scripture Jesus came to the disciples when they were sleeping and he said why sleep as Dow rise and pray it was as though Jesus was standing by my side telling me rise and pray and I start suddenly that rising up to pray was a powerful thing but even though it seemed I'm just playing I can't see God it never says a word when I pray like it doesn't say anything if I did stop somebody doesn't answer back you get it like but it's like it's really working so like Jesus who is in heaven who came to teach us about God help says I will rise up and be praying it works like it has an effect in heaven it really does so you have to believe that it really works and it does so it takes place prayer is an act of faith one of the greatest act of faith when you pray a lot you are a man of faith automatic without making any confession you i man of faith if I take Spade to pray somebody you can see and symbol - I'm such a wet you get it where's Miriam so do you gather pause it four or five things I said you need preaching Christian books preaching message your Bible Christian music Christian book even video helps once it's also present you are in an environment atmosphere and that atmosphere God like this morning when I was praying I was listening to a message it helped me it helped me my prayer I listened to the same message twice I've already listened to that method about seven times I listened to it twice again today that's two hours straight away that's two hours so it was on and I was reading my Bible also and praying and walking and sitting yeah it's not easy at that point I was falling asleep and I further took my hand touch in a kitchen I jump in i got up and i continued to prayer one of the commonest things that happen when you are praying sleeping have you experienced that before so nobody can do that for you you see no matter how I preach to you what I'm saying you have to implement it's like your father cannot come and write their exam for you you have to do the exam nobody can pray for you in place of your prayer it has to be something you rise up and experience talking to God is part of your spirituality in your life for God you must talk to God you must and then you must do something good for God yeah and do it now I told you the good guys are those who want to marry you and how many want to marry God now or one my god later yeah you know you can talk to any of the olden a pastor's ask them tell them tell me the truth hastily pasta do you regret not coming full-time ministry earlier eleven answer you ask them okay when you if you are friends with them ask them so pastor tell me the truth just tell me the truth they will all tell you they will tell you the truth that you know it is something I should have done yes so that mistake you will not make it in Jesus name what do I mean by brought up is given your life fully to the Lord it's not about employment from the church the church is got one thing more people to employ we are talking about giving yourself hola William Terry when he went to India he acted as a printer they wanted a job for somebody who run a printing press and when he got a jaw he was so happy that's what he used to stay in India and finance himself that's what he used and it sustained him throughout his stay in India was able to do all the Bible translate everything and he stayed there that's full-time ministry it's not about receiving a salary from the church it's like I've given myself to God and whatever means you see the obligation of Christians to use means for the convention of the heathen whatever means you have to use you use it that's full-time ministry that's all our and that once you start now if you start now in high school and I'll start to finish school there's no break I'm all out for God never a break from but never in - oh I'm setting for this I am getting this know all out from day one whatever means you use you have it and if in your school and what you have like is part of the means you used to serve God but God must rise to be number one and that's also part of loving God he's number one he's not one of many he sought number seventeen is the number one Wow obligations of Christians to use me for the conversion of the heathen I mean are you listening yes any other is it David yeah question all right thank you if I wanted to find out like how can I keep on lovin goes to the end because you know when you start to do things out of love at the point sometimes I have me personally I feel like has become my traditions I've become my custom them I'm just supposed to be something I'm supposed to do but then it's not that I love God how like how can I avoid that and do everything that I'm support all my applications out of love not as lot of the responsibility that the church expects from me or my path day expects from me I'm doing it out of love how can I avoid that how can I avoid that yeah thinking that's what the Bible says thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart and all that I saw so for me you know I avoid things that are just routine if it is from my heart I can do it very with energy I will have more energy than you even though I may be thirty years older than you do you see so there are always duties and responsibilities that you have to do sometimes repeatedly but there is a way in which the things you you do must come from your heart and the half-cell things are what you do do you see so yes it can become a responsibility and there are some duties that you must fulfill but you must fight to minister and behave everything do everything from the depths of your heart always you know I don't know how else to answer that but that is as best I can answer that have I answered your question yeah you know how many marks I go for that this is what Isaac what's your name Michael Michael Michael Moore yes oh yeah does the feeling that I struggle with and I want to actually a way out of it at times I think so much about like like I'm not doing much I mean I I think so much that it gets me heavy but I tend I've come to stay like I can't think straight and I begin to criticize myself and analyze myself and begin to bring out my weaknesses and it doesn't help me so I want to know what you do if I begin to get depressed from thinking about God and what I can't do for him well it happens to be true I also sometimes become disturbed about my life but I don't know what I'm doing for God I feel so it's true I'm not lying yeah it's something I'm sorry that worries me sure but you see you you are looking at something that's why you think I'm doing something for God but if you look in another way you you you can see that it's nothing so it is a good way of thinking but it must drive you wealthy a man tribe you to continue to make the right decisions for God and for the ministry yeah keep taking the steps and each step you take will last a few years then the next step comes then it lasts a few years then the next step comes and it lasts a few years and next step comes and it lasts a few years every step you take like the step you taking to be in first lab tech now it lasts a few years then the next step will come then it will last the next few years then the next step account may be a year then another step will come it may last 10 years and each step takes you further about the feeling you have is the call yeah this is all day all these people all these people you wait when I start going through with you you will record some of you recognize yourself in them in fact there are some here some of you here that I recognize book yeah I see that when you read their life you see yourself especially how they even came to the ministry yeah count Vincent of who was the first ever European missionary I mean started this whole Moravian missionaries moment he got to know God at the age of four and at the age of twelve he and three friends made a covenant and the chorus and a letter from a secret society call I think the order of the little children who love God something like that yeah at the age of twelve four of them that we make a pact that we will save God for the rest of our lives yeah twelve years old do you see yourself in this a lot of us you are called by God and you may seem insignificant and all these things they are real and that is why we I had no son I'm here to show you that look you are a very important person to God in terms of the call of God and how God wants to take your life and use if one you will allow and believe that you have an obligation to use means for the compassion of the healer and to use your life for that oh yes you'll see you recognize yourself over and over again and the reason why I'm going to use them to explain to you is because they use themselves in fact when her adoniram Judson would speak he would refer to Kerry and you were referred to there's another guy called David Brenner you refer to them it's a cowardly attack using what the parties are God what about we what type a country also do let us do so you are support your life is a message to somebody yeah so a lot of you are called you are deeply cold your struggles are nothing new the feelings are you see children have decided to love God wish of sake has wanted to be a priestess he was a child yes Jeff I just I just met him I didn't want to be a priest for my child I wanted to stab God but you see God caused people you see you only God you like ha ha you know if we are pausing here there is hundred thousand who are not here ninety nine thousand Otley don't care two hoots about God the majority this is a small number that's why I say you are looking at it in there with us why you think that I've done something yes you are looking at it in it in a way from an angle that is a wrong angle when you look at it this way you see the call that's why you're not supposed to praise your self at all yes why do you think William Perry said when he was dying he was sick long enough to tell them what to write on his tombstone when he was dying said please when I die write on it f poor wretched and helpless when I am on thy kind arms I fall yes a very great man who saved God - he died he was recognized by the Queen the King and the work she had done for India a few you know when you look at it from up that what have you believed I won't look at India today habitable a Christian then the whole nation has fallen to Hinduism Islam this that what have you yes so don't praise anybody especially don't please be think about just a pot small thing you also come and contribute you know you're going home that is why I encourage you from day one there's no break look when we finished we are not on break oh we are still in motion having more and more deeper each time step then another step then another step we are skipping over a pressing on deeper as a lie to God yeah you are you some of you here you are not known anyone called L died or not you'll be the surprise of it of the camp you'll be the surprise of the camp what keep watching surprises are coming out of you Michael how about answered your question sit down yes esta Thank You Bishop Bishop Leto can we have just that how can I have at least that love for God and I'm wondering what I did wrong on what I can do wrong to dress the love I have for God twisted love is a special topic which we will retreat to it later you don't know do you know what it's crystal okay what is Christa please I don't know what it is so you pray that you look so are you know one day give your beloved husband a twisted life it's like you laugh I love you I love you back some people love that way I watched a film once that was the the man's way of loving he beats the girls that he loves so one day he went there did it to the wrong person so I see was Lobby head to fine get some I do mean so some people they are response to your love I me know that we are loving is very strange very weird us to stead love Wow and if I should just since I've started talking about it just some people love by accusing like either love you that kiss your it allegedly yeah they try to control you i they love you the afraid of you that's how they love they love you by always accusing you oh you like this person like this person you like this it up how they love us hardly change so I love you so oh you know but why are you talking to this I feel actually love to a behind it about who are you on the phone can I see your food that's how they love like that's hardly I love it yeah it's twisted that is why the Bible says perfect love casts out fear because it's a kind of love to love that is how some people love maybe God love that with in love by being afraid she laughs another I sure we let them know oh it is this person that they can't even accept that you love them is not is not nice to laugh such a person is that enjoy because before I realize will you expecting that from your pasta is yours are exactly this lava that it's my love but I love you say so my love I thought you Nathan he was not expecting that my love I was I was being affectionate is it nice all right thank you sinner who wants to ask a question you want to ask a question why not where Jesus always said what what did you just say yes always learn to say what yeah dance ice yes can I see yes can you come yet can we have a meeting yes is it possible yes okay I'm Vishal please I want to ask how I can love God with feeling feeling because feeling yes the show sing brother sing sing to the Lord sing to the Lord Wow sing and then there's some songs that bring a feeling for God whoo when you started feeling you feel it that's that feeling love not with feelings Bishop the other thing is most of the time when I'm in prayer meetings and other kinds of meetings they sisters almost always cry during worship yeah yeah and my blood vessel it's like a car which is leaking what you qualify on the welding and all that we get is that engine oil it's like an engine this week [Applause] my my whole life I can recall only one time that I cried I was alone in my room praying and I say thinking about how bad I was and now God has saved me and I'm talking to people about what I'm feeling you're starting to feel keep feeling brother keep feeling it's coming it's coming does that he should be crying about that that's how I don't need I'm Justin God saved you know it was very very some way experience sending to school when he came back doesn't believe in God I don't pretty your church I don't believe in your God I don't believe in whatever and you had a best friend and that best friend here and that guy they were like tight it's like we are BR we are believers in something new and one day he went somewhere stayed at a hotel and then and a hotel there was a guy sleeping the next room the guy was dying help each other story before some of the guy was dying had a guy shouting and screaming the whole night knock and then it's exact they as well who was that in dimension named as his best friend he said no no his best friend was next door dying and died god bless you with new wave thinking yeah that's what changed him he came back home started crying so when you start crying telling you you're crying all of you haven't cried before resign let me pray for you those who've never cried before God not oh you need something like you are trying this in God their present father touch all of us who have never tried before to start to love you with our hearts and our souls in Jesus name Amen okay so now what's your name again event event here okay one more one more person that we're closing for is it time for luncheon luncheon this of a temple urchin is that a phenom you know yes a phenom stand up I gotcha baby Thank You vicious I'm tested ask okay I want to ask sometimes in your attempts we love God or even to save God sometimes you make mistakes sometimes you have discouraging events and they seem to eat up your energy and it leaves you with some lethargy but then also as healthy you can rise out of it and get back to your oath speak of really loving the way you used to yeah how many I've ever done something and it makes you kind of cool down when you come to church like well you're about to raise your hands of the head remember remember put your hands down please put your hand down please holy people are lifting up your hands up put your hands down have you had this before have you had that before [Applause] Wow do you want to know how I'll tell you how I learned it from my friend yeah one time I had a friend I I thought I knew him but I realized I didn't know him and one day I found out he was the number one serial fornicator I'd ever made as a friend like he was freely into fornication like with every and any girl he put in the fellowship and out of the freshmen everywhere yeah the number of his victims were in the fellowship so one day I went somewhere with him and he exercised his faith and I was at least and I thought to myself I didn't know this about him I thought I thought to myself this is the greatest man of faith I've ever made as a friend yeah then I went somewhere again and then he exercised his place again and I said to myself this is the greatest man of faith other than many times I'd be with him he was he exercised his faith tell me teach me how to pray another exercise please this was before the cereal what do you call it came out so when it came out I realized I know this guy you have faith in forgiveness this is like he never feels that God will not hear him yes I realized that to be a man of faith is also to a man who believes in the love of God in the forgiveness of God like Kelly you flew the telly God I'm thankful bother you forgive I mean Charlie if you didn't forgive like it shouldn't be good there so I really like your forgiveness and Lord I'm really flowing with it so and it's true do you know the number of friends I have lost because lighthouse has become a big church so many people they think oh I you know you a big mascot pikmin you're my friend this whole by you you are now what about you think what are you say the number my friends they cannot believe that if God has to move the church and I what we are doing has wet how still be their friends think they can't the gum flow with it is I think they don't believe so I realized that people don't believe in love people don't believe in forgiveness people don't believe in whatever you have to believe in it if you are going to flow with God Charlie it's a very nice I mean blessings like a are you played Monopoly before there's a card get-out-of-jail-free pad like if you get that card and you go to prison you play that card and you come out free it's a get out of jail free card are you listening yeah you don't believe you are forgiven if you forgive them you love them so are you sure I know you don't know your mind is I owe you that and that's it you cannot print win them shall I don't marry anybody who when you tell the person doesn't believe it - because it's true the person doesn't believe it and you will never break through leave the person to find someone somewhere because the loved are you are not getting everything because the person doesn't believe in your love yes I love you oh yeah I love the inaudible I mean of course this and then an always is like that so that my friend made me believe that to believe in forgiveness and mercy and cleansing is also part of faith like faith in the blood but pastor when I am when I when I ask for forgiveness and I go and do the same thing again so that is actually the problem because it keeps returning how many relatives returning keeps coming back things that you wonder why you 18 confessing huh you know why are confessing okay I'll tell you shall I tell you the secret you want a secret yeah Keep Calm fasten it as a problem and as a sin and keep saying it to God for it to be gone and for messy and a day will come when you will find out that it has mysteriously dried out of your life listen then you realize that you were pray for messy for a season of sinfulness in your life I I don't know if you understand what I'm talking about yes cause if you look in your life you realize that there was a season of life then there was a season of stealing from your mother isn't it and there was a season of fornication there was a season of the understand so something where you are deep in the season the middle of the rainy seasons keep on in the brain about lot of messy lot of mess it all up mess it all up I promise you that season is going to finish soon and either you look back and realize that no thing that used to worry about is how I finished over your life oh yeah oh yes it's a matter of time one time in the spirit I saw you know the changing of demons you see there are demons assigned to you and a time come when you grow stronger they are forced to change the one that has been given to you to follow you because it's like the old one is not working yeah now the problem is changes not working anymore that way and the demons are frightened by the size you've grown into a tsunami understand what I'm talking about however have I help you yeah it's working exactly so have faith believe believe taken believe in love all you see otherwise you through your life you can't flow you can't through your love you are not loved not forgiven my little heart oh my hands are dirty her design is not good hand her lift your hand to the Lord distill washed by the blood believe in that forgiveness it's part of the things you must believe in blood you must have faith in the blood yes through faith if if you like read the scriptures on blood is you glad to faith who else has a question to ask I said one more than I I said one more okay you have one more question is that lunch it's lunchtime ready where do we go for lunch right across we just walked through the Macarius courtyard I did not fantastic is it beautiful and thank you very much yes that is my name is Nathaniel your dream is what Nathaniel Nathaniel is Cle I'm pleased my question is as a young boy something we should love to do souls but sometime when you go to the missions the more you preciate Omonia not cause of people don't respond so because of that you feel fed up doesn't mean that your love for God is is low and it is blue how can we make it high thank you very much have you been on the mission before it all comes I will go for an acausal you preach yeah it is a mission and it is a mission yeah so William Carey seven years of witnessing before one person you see distantly breaker the one guy after seven years only one person this is a people spirit touch a laser it's nonsense what you are doing is useless that's a point so you don't have to be scared by the way people do you want God to take away your feelings you want God to take away your feelings why are you always complaining about your feelings like when you have feelings of discouragement oh god why I'm a Vietnamese of the sky when you're having normal sexual feelings we are also complaining every day Lord it's a bad thing for other sexual feelings is not a scene with normality thank God you are not attracted to a money to a man so when you start having feelings stuff a lord I thank you for the power that I feel I thank you for the grace of God I thank you for the energy my god I thank you for the feeling Florida sky yes thank God for it one of the saddest things is to meet a man who says I have a desire for this man and it's becoming more common so when you are experiencing desires for ladies first and then feeling a racing through your veins your actress I can thank God what a blessing what a pleasure it's symptomatic of health health normalcy yes and ladies as you are attracted to the man it is God's Way of multiplying the human race [Music] because we have multiplied so the will of God is being done replenish the earth God still that command has not changed as not said don't replenish the earth again we are replenishing most of you ladies it is just to fulfill that commandment bring forth one two one two three one two three four five that's all when that is fulfilled you see that all your desire will finish if you're looking at this man ahsoka why did I marry what do you think have I answered what I answering a question more than the answer I've answered your question right more than the answer thank you all right all right Loretta God don't be angry at your feelings look there are older men who are praying Lord me when I was in my 21 hours in my 30 Wow the things that I could do spontaneously yes they Lord revive me again is this I [Applause] another touch so thank God thank God all those feelings that are racing through you it's all the sign of health Prince any morning erection give glory to God because because I tell you when you are not well it will not come when you don't sleep well it will not come it's a sign that you are healthy when you are still or when you see the signs notice your marriage is near and that God has made you strong so insult yourself of being oh man I got shot at yourself everything you get where everything don't you love God don't you love God Elijah was a man of life he later had the same feeling Jesus was touched with the feeling of our infirmities our weaknesses he walked where we walk he woke up early in the morning with erections [Music] yes he was fat so when he spit up the other Bank he walked where we walk it's not what we feel don't shut out yourself every day tell them to stop shouting at yourself don't be angry with yourself that's focusing on God [Applause] hallelujah amen wow what a blessing we have obligations of Christians amen no lo at this time for lunch what time is it so class all right we got to take a break now sit down you're gonna have lunch and then what time 4:00 o'clock okay or o'clock not a good time okay obligations of Christian to be here by 4:00 is it possible when you get my what is going to be your mind uh I didn't hear you answer when you get in my wife good of your mind what am I obligations not what am I going to receive they're going to love me care for me take care of me talk nicely obligation for you to talk nicely let's keep on thinking of your obligations on the other way around you're better as soon as you change that tune so another I'm a beloved one I will get my obligation to do this my vacation to do that you are the good beloved oh yeah yeah good dilaudid Google Eric Amos the end has come to the Christianity of just we are here to receive too much Wow who will receive that entails look the time has come for worship today is a time of obligation I receive your obligation mouth [Applause] as the fantastic and as you focus on your obligation God will be sending these angels to provide all the things that are like dreams to you today you will have it and you'll be you be amazed a lot it wasn't difficult at all one day I wanted a car and I saw the car that I like packing somebody's house [Applause] so any pneumonia is well walk in front of that house and I look at the car and I'll speak Shabana Basha hey but God had better kind nice that guy so old I read Oh even make it now yes it's not a bitter no nice the ones the angels of the Lord are prepared for me are superior to him I was focusing I needed to focus on my obligation not on these cars come is yet now if the easiest thing oh yeah easy yeah it would be easy for you to do you think you'll be poor right a secret you'll never be poor in Jesus name you are right again we met before God will take care of you the more you think of your applications then God's love will also grow Wow that towards you what should I do for my son look at my son number one is dried up without don't something for him does it that's how we love laugh and you beloved amen check out your offering quickly obligation to give offerings musicians check out your offering everybody how many know that we're going to give offerings at this camp remember that your comfy has been subsidized you know people are accusing me that this is not a price even children when they're coming for comes here they 300 and something and then this place last people they only pay small amounts and all that so don't worry but I'll handle that for you but you give a good operator I was a baby somebody that first laughed we were having camp here when there was no even what do you call it we're batting outside sleep on the floor there was no room nothing yeah so I mean we deserve to have some few what you call it lets you offer another let's pray father thanks a million for this offering in Jesus name Amen [Music] [Music] the girls on the Jesus cry was willing to lay down her life and to live will no matter what a bride well I am baby for the blind man who can hear about nowadays [Music] and I'm singing for the blind man about what matter and whenever out rustle - what matter that should be the line [Music] when I test it turn off this rugged Rome at raveloe and there were times when I say Jesus can you find another girl your song well I know it's not that I am the only one who can sing this melody but he has chosen me to bless me and to see me into what is best [Music] what matter and what other has to cross all - [Music] you see the light and whenever has this problem - wrong [Music] [Music] and [Music] [Music] Wow come on over and join the cup I'm in a very fast but that only so Papa daddy thank you so much
Channel: Dag Heward-Mills Evangelist
Views: 5,832
Rating: 4.9230771 out of 5
Keywords: 2015, DAG HEWARD-MILLS, DAG HEWARD MILLS, BISHOP DAG, EVANGELIST DAG, ANOINTING, TEACHING, CAMPS, MACHANEH, MAMPONG, GHANA, FIRSTLOVE CHURCH, OBLIGATIONS OF CHRISTIANS TO USE MEANS FOR THE CONVERSION OF THE HEATHEN, evangelists in africa, evangelism in africa, pastors in africa, Christain authors in africa, african christian authors
Id: Hw1umVBD4q0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 170min 37sec (10237 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 28 2017
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