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four things paying tithes some people find what should you pay tithe you're stupid to pay tithe 10% are you crazy we have a lot of things to do but that's easy if you want to be used by God things which look stupid with things that you'll be embracing because God is living out certain people who mock him yes when I step out in the ministry everybody was a doctor and I was now choosing to be a preacher with a few people like this room one two three four if we Church bluehair change booth up to here five oh yeah like this one two three four five this is all this was my children and I gave myself nobody in the church had a car nobody in the church had a car and I said this is my future and with these people I'll preach to them wow it doesn't look so smart many of you here Africans or maybe you are from whatever you've come to Canada for looking for money most of us you didn't come to Canada on sightseeing you didn't come to look at these waterfalls we are not tourists let's be serious you are money hunters [Applause] true or not true your money hunters that's why you are here yeah looking for money so when you see somebody who doesn't seem to be looking for the money that you are looking for then you are surprised and you even despise the possessor you are crazy you are crazy ridicule shame when I preach about mortgages and I advise people I did it once and after that I have kept quiet and I've watched most of the people disobey what I said I preached in 2001 you know September 11th September 11th right just after September 11th like about two weeks after I came to America and I preached a camp what is your life and I backed up I spoke about this thing you know most of the people consider me as a fool most of them they wouldn't say you are a fool but politely they act out that you are a fool and you don't know what you are saying most people have experienced a lot of difficulty yes which they shouldn't have there have been far richer now most people not believing so there's ridicule and apparent stupidity in serving God yes I thank God that as I speak today I don't know anybody anything the check doesn't know anybody you know anybody everywhere 99 94 countries we have a lot of employees a lot of people a lot of projects a lot of buildings by the grace of God ah all are going on at the same time yeah by every time somebody wants to bring these things a please let us do simple things yes money on the left building on the right finish we change over and then that's all no big we're edging these that equity different words monetization so yeah so simple things people make fun of it you don't know anything about living in the West you know you've you live in Ghana you didn't know problem but never forget that you came to this place to get money which you still don't have so realize that your vision is not being fulfilled the serpentine for this how can you go hunting in the forest from Antelope after so many years you still not first for the antelope I mean nobody hunter can you be so you may mock but he who laughs last laughs best so following the ministry you may be a young person God has called you to go all out and so I'm leaving Canada I'm going to this country I'm going to do this island I'm going to South America and somebody may look at your father you are mad but this is type of being so you couldn't have a child without being pregnant you are mad it's normal to be called mad when you are serving God if you don't want it resign now and just start change the camp to bless me help me yes bless me help me come and you think I couldn't have preached bless me help me I mean I must have people at least once or twice bless me help me but God wants to take you to a level by asking you asking him chose me out of the girls chose me out of the boys choose me out of the people in Canada just me out of the people move migrated from wherever choose me out of the people who came here to seek greener pasture out of them chose me and use me it has a great implication and there will always be a time where you look funny don't worry about looking funny don't worry about looking funny there are many people who mocked me I can employ them now they mocked me but I can employ them and pay them every month I can see come I'll give you money I'll look after him but when I was deciding to sell though they look anything people despise pastors so all these guys were just looking for money all that they want is money all pastors are despised in that way that's why people don't want to be pastors and people don't want their children to be pastors you know one day somebody brought her the child or the brother child or brother to the Bible School and parodies his smoking be weed is gone bonkers and he's come down so we want him to come to your Bible School so I asked a question are you listening I asked a question does he have any other brothers apart from this one in your family is there any normal placing in your family and they said yes we have he has a brother who is a medical doctor yes a brother who is a head of this and that but this is our mod this is our brother who is mad he's gone podcast from smoking weed because one of the causes of schizophrenia is marijuana one of the only known causes of going of of fizzle Fania well most places Liga but I'm saying that when I was the medical school touch causes of schizophrenia one of them was a process I'm not saying that is illegal is illegal all over the world and he said this child is bonkers is compo I said you have another chance we have a doctor this so I asked why don't you bring the doctor to the Bible School you bring the one who is gone off you bring the one who's this is Cindy starts is 15 the Sun and the moon and the stars every day this is the person you want to come to her you people don't respect God and the door is cracked the ministry the door is practice at the church is nothing to them yes and we also in the church don't respect that we don't respect the church so brothers and sisters I am Telling You to be chosen by God is to suffer ridicule and rubbish and nonsense yes when I wanted to be in the ministry I wanted to have my wedding to get married to to my wife and we went to see you know in Ghana we have a nice church whose name begins with an R and this church had a beautiful chapel and a beautiful place and I wanted to have my wedding day so the person who was in touch of that church at the time was a doctor a reverend minister who also happened to be a doctor so my mother my father-in-law my mother went to see this person this Reverend minister to ask for my mother was all involve our church was my mother-in-law my father-in-law to see this person to ask for the chapel so that we could have our wedding day yeah and this Reverend Minister spoke to my father my wife's father and my wife's mother and told them do you know the young man your daughter wants to marry do you know who he is what is he doing I said what is he doing she literally said the only person I can like him him to his Jim Jones dunno dunno Jim Jones yes I can liken dismantle Jim Jones it's the tow the tow so then my father-in-law my wife's father and mother they became more afraid of me our daughter is finished she fallen in love with yes then after calling me Jim Jones he the second person I know to people who commit in Jones he's one of them then he gets a condition - my father in law and my mother in law he said I will allow them to use this wonderful Chapel on one condition that he would close down that the church was sitting in this church he said that you closed it was at that time it was a seat which was just at the beginning he said close down that's it he was closing on 94 country so was closing not all of you you see how it is to mock and ridicule when somebody says I want to be a missionary I want to go to Latin America we go to South America you know what to do it because people are mocking if you follow mockery and ridicule you not work for God you will not will not work for God because Satan is one of his chief is is to insult you and to ridicule you second is an insult there's a word like that yeah so I told my wife I believe it we can't have our ego say we should close down at Iraq I'm not going to close down the church so we found a chapel in the university to have our wedding so we had our wedding in one of the school chapels yes and even though that church is where even our family would go as a family when we go as a family that said we will refuse there on these two counts Jim Jones and closed down your church by a Reverend minister so those of you who are you like perfection a good-looking image you know very proper you know very dignified you you you you can't easily be used by God to be used by god there's a setting dirty feeling that comes with is that you had a child without a husband come on I mean that's a decent woman you know the Bible says Joseph was afraid to marry Mary get up and say I am pregnant without a man me be serious but I mean the Bible says he was it took an angel to make Joseph change his mind to marry her the angel came and said not to marry to take Mary as your wife and there are people you should be afraid to marry I mean there are some people when you see them you should be after to marry them and Joseph was right to fear there are some women you should fear from marina you have married the continuation of is the evil the evil that is brought into this world continues yes through manipulation witchcraft Jezebel Italia and all those people yes so ask your neighbor you a goody-goody type of I mean look good look good type of person are you looking good type of you need to look good you need to people need to be impressed with you you know if you look at my life you see that I rarely come to America to Canada to all these places you find me so many other places preaching yeah people are afraid of all those places I just what I'm just watching all the fearful people okay how many points do you have because I told you my points are not many four only four okay number five to be favored is to be given great honor in verse 29 she was troubled in her mind to be chosen is to be given great honor and great fear and great respect amen a man what manner of salutation she was being saluted now the Bible says that which is highly esteemed in the eyes of man is despised by God choose today whose respect you want who whose respect you want whose honor do you want to have do you want men to respect you do you want God to respect you it's up to you you have to choose amen you want men to respect you when you say Canada what are some of the streets you have famous streets you have in Toronto Wall Street Dan does Dundas and what else steals Bay Street it sounds more prestigious than Papa Brown Street [Applause] it sounds nicer yes there are many famous roads streets boulevards you have any boulevards here like which one which Boulevard you have lakeshore boulevards whose respect do you want to have whose respect do you want to have choose the respect of God choose to be respected by God she was saluted by an angel the angel not salute you but the angel was saluted that's why I'm so surprised today when I meet with so many people I said me I was despised as a means of scoring of this world I thought so low I remember years ago when I was in medical school because I started a church when I was in medical school people insulted me so much for starting a change this instead of concentrating on your studies look at the nonsense that this man is doing carrying instruments up and down come on some students wants to see the Dean of the Medical School to complain about me but this man is disturbed with clapping shouting singing it disturbs us in the school please shut him down and the Dean said as long as I Medina can shut anybody down [Applause] amen yeah so we know when I qualified from the medical school I remember that they the certificates were being handed out we gathered in what we call the medical school canteen they had a big ceremony there and they were mentioning the name fifty five of us qualified 55 people in the class so they were mentioning him and each person whose name was mentioned then people would clap and there'll be food for depending on how popular you are have you seen that before I like when you are more popular do they do have a bigger clock you see a my name starts with H and we have a lot of people whose name starts with a so all the ace-king b c d e f 2 by h @ was somewhere in the middle all towards the end not the end but almost after the middle and i was saying to myself as I was hearing the clapping for the different people say dad when your name is mentioned this room is going to be quiet because you are such an embarrassment a bad person starting a church instead of concentrating on your studies so the names when e f g then h was my 10 then they mention my name diagonal i had the loudest clapping because I remember because I was expecting dead silence yes because things have had yes and you see that's what God is also saying that whose honor do you want to have you have to choose I don't meet your honor I need God's honor and what I thought honor God by this way of giving you online his own way but if you're always going to be sucking up to me licking bottoms just to get a bit of respect and dignity from human sources you are going to miss the will of God for your life that clap I remember because I tell you I knew today is the day of silence so choosing God is to be quickly respected recently this is that a president here used to be a president you know what when I walk to her he said to what honor to work what do I owe this honor many times I don't know how long do these people know me so to what Martha was abuzz in a president house and when I say that he said to me you exude you exude power I went with one of my pastors sons and two other people and he said you exude power I've told number of presences close your eyes say what am I saying say Jesus Jesus forgive me have mercy on a machine I'm a wicked man today you must choose whose honor do you want the angel saluted Mary so to be chosen by God is to be given a great honor even though men will be making fun of you actually you're actually being honored by God you are actually being honored by God you are being honored by God even though it looks funny you are actually being honored by God a funny thing seems to be happy you are giving birth to a child without a father but really jumping on it I wonder how many of my class would have met as many even secular presidents and what-have-yous as I have made say now hmm are you still here you are sleeping stand up for a moment stand up for me I want to feel that [Applause] amen those are the back some people at the back are not standing or they are all standing up grandma Dez can sit down please grandma disgusted oh thank you God bless you grandmother the next one sit down to be chosen is to be greatly blessed of God the greatest blessing we have if God chooses you and uses you ah that's when you are blessed Luke 1:28 blessed are thou among women that's all blessed are thou amongst women Wow is it amazing somebody said I've got a new I've got a mortgage congratulations you know my son was telling me when he used to work in the bank he said when you have a mortgage they celebrate in the office he used to work in this big bank with glass windows from top to bottom was glass yes high into the sky he said when you get a mortgage they bring champagne to the office I don't want to mention the name of the bank but his name starts with an H and they bring champagne and the whole office celebrates with you that you've caught in your mud cage that's that to them is a blessing I've never seen a large debt which I will pay in 20 years as a blessing I don't know how it becomes a blessing to me why would you be even in seven years what would you be in three years time but will you be 16 years and those who are giving it to you know that 80% statistically never finish me and can't ever pay and they would take it back for me plus all that money me put you but that's what they've been champagne celebrate because that's what you see as a blessing you know you must know what is a blessing one day as a sister was telling me a story she said that she was driving on the road and there was no pass on the road then she met with another set of cars I think one was a Mercedes one was one was an OT and one was what a Mazda Mercedes and Oddie and another car so they became four cars then is the word they were racing on the road like it's like whose car this is going I'm talking about this listen carefully you know I want you those of you in this camp I want you to really listen to everything that is being said yes because God is speaking to its purpose and to you something one was an OD one was a Mercedes one was a Mazda and I I think one was in a Jeep or some other forgettable so we're going at top speed and suddenly the police came and she was hot she was selected to the side to the side to the side to the side are you listening to my story so I don't know how much she was made to pay and they gave her the speed - was the word 150 so she finished with the police and continued you see those ahead those who were not caught by the Priscilla Kelly we are blessed yes yeah bless I'm trying to explain what is a blessing now we are often celebrating things there are not blessings now ice was going dance is so smoke and dust all the forecasts the three but she had been caught that was a smoke oh I don't know how it happened crash when she got there they were they were alive one of them their legs start up said the man became blue that he became great and he spoke to her before he died he said I we just we were just having fun in a Mercedes we're just all of the everybody died yes and even the guy was surprised that your powers everyone was dead she has escaped listen to me my friend there are things that are not blessings that we have celebrated us oh we are blessed it's not a blessing at all and you know it's not a blessing occasionally you see things like this that reveal to you that this thing is not a blessing and stop lying to yourself and calling things that are not blessing blessings is not a blessing he told Mary that women why are you placed because I choosing you and I'm using you this is the real blessing this is the blessing and I'm chosen [Applause] yes this is depressing the cash which has kept the police thought the web less when she described they the man in the seat and he said he was drinking there was a drink by the side so we were just having fun I thought he changed color then he changed color then he changed a lot and then he went God is telling you stop celebrating things that are not blessings as blessings what is a real blessing is if God would choose if you will choose your child these are things to celebrate not celebrating deceptions and celebrating human things and innovative things of humanness not things of God when it says bless then you have to know that is a choice that God will chose you and don't use you this is real blessing these people who are highly blessed because I've chosen you and I'm using you [Applause] yeah number 607 to be chosen is to become a blessing to become a blessing to many people to be used to be favored he shall be great he shall be called the son of the highest the Lord shall give him the throne of his father he shall reign over the house of Jacob forever and of his kingdom there shall be no end to be blessed to be chosen to be used to be favored as when you're actually favored when you are being chosen to become a blessing when God now chooses and says that you a whole kingdom is going to come out of you that's when you are ready blessed and that's when you are really being used by God if God is using you you become a blessing to others you know this type of bless me help me give me money give me a job give me a house give me give me give me bless me help me touch me give me we have been promoted above that in this church what desire is to become a blessing to other people you know yesterday nights when I came as I was going entering the hotel and I saw people drinking dancing fooling tweet everything and I can see their mind is not on God at all I just look at the people and I have a feeling my hat all these people need that Lord all these people they need Jesus badly huh and until God has used us to become a blessing to people we have not been used by God he has not yes not really chosen you because you don't affect anybody let's look at the Canadians of Canada how many Canadians have we affected yes you know everywhere where the gospel doesn't go something else goes something else goes every nation in Africa Christianity is not that another religion is there fully when I was in Managua they were telling me El Salvador the highest murder rate in the world nextdoor Honduras and so on Vanus it's like you know and my pastas I would have had churches in Honduras and churches in El Salvador long time ago my path tests from QFC many of them are disobedient to me they are not rude I do mean root no no I said this would be the web root that means the word root never know rooted in root for likely disobedience but disobedience yes I love hot churches and out of Hispanics my Spanish people the convention for the spanish-speaking people would have been as big as any other I have to do only the Spanish yes my Spanish process they will be with that I be with me are out of what in here with my Spanish pastors and of Chania with my Spanish speaking pastors yes oh yes they wouldn't do it I never said a word root and I never said disloyal but they know they know there's no one that you are not really used by God and chosen by God until they become a blessing to many other people there are others we have a book called others it's not a poem it's real there are other groups of people it's only black people there are white people there are Latino there are Spanish stop moving English language come on people are the same everywhere it's only that you are broken into their lives that's why when you watch a film you can relate with it the film will be acted by a white man and you are a black man and you can understand the film it means a lot to you because if you people are the same all the things we are saying that they are doing it happens to you whether I sell a film where as an action film where I say fighting field whether it is a rescue what I stars are around or anybody it is the same feeling real people with real feelings that's how everybody feels everybody is the same but we have not born out to reach out to others who would have received us my el Cercado pastors would have been here you don't love them and my Honduras fastest you have my Costa Rican pastors and my Panamanian pal Central America all of the nura be here and the Mexicans have even been solving problems between some of them maybe a mexican bishop by now yes maybe maybe even looking at some of the issues with their projects no we wouldn't want to do it what I want to do it but I know that some of the younger ones are going to do it that is why it becomes a double cast when a parent a disobedient parent is now supporting and reading within my messages in the house it's changing to something else look there are many people who God would touch if you will say Here I am choose me use me yeah for whatever he chooses and whichever part of you he chooses yes one day I called the sister and I told her I'm given her job I told her the main thing I need from you is your British accents and she grew up she's from England she grew up in England I said the main thing I need from you is your British accent use it here there are times when you speak people don't understand but here now this job you need this accent use it this is it yes so choose me use me Lord can I have a name in from somebody tell your neighbor I think the man is preaching about you [Applause] he knows including those at the back there those are those who have made yourself officials of the back room you've made yourself officials of the back like you have formed a fellowship at the back God wants to use you to touch another culture another color another accent another country another group God will use you so sad you know when I see all these things like my el salvador pasa rather they're gangsters there are people that would have been puzzled they're downstairs I mean we the highest matter in the whole world to go to a restaurant you need two soldiers and police to go to what was I was telling me went to a restaurant so just all around to sit and eat yes just yet everywhere we don't go and we don't wait something else takes us oh you don't like that I like it you devil say I like it I'll take all of them it's amazing of his kingdom there shall be no end there will never be an end to the expansion of this kingdom always be expanding the very end amen sit down are you still around all you are living yeah when we finish this then we'll go on to how many one go to choose you I'll show you how but I'm showing you what it means that God uses wrenches you become a blessing to many people there are many people who are blessed through me the proper people are people are surprised a bit there are people who criticize me they feel no they don't hate this man I see why is he god me and God I'm the most ordinary person you can hear for my preaching is he somebody was listening to my preaching what I said but it's not pretty this is talking in that talk it's my prison not talking and asking you is it not talking but some people are blessed know the other day I met a Frenchman as white as we can can be from France he said to me since 2000 and whatever you mentioned earlier I listened to you preaching every day at least for two hours he said FPT he said because I listen to the mechanic a Frenchman you see I am in the ministry I want to be then I am now in the ministry and when I met him I was I was outside and I feel and he said to me we do ordain me I saw Damien I said you know then now and now then him right there [Applause] you are going to be a blessing to many people yes then I know that God has chosen you God is using him Mary is a blessing to all of us not use her she brought for Jesus she will always be a blessing one day I get somebody named Mary see the Mary the meaning mary mary means bitter it's actually not a good meaning but mary has changed the meaning of mary to such a good thing it's like Judas Judas actually a very nice man but you just asked for the name so no one is called to us anymore mary had on The Oprah vest Mary's that we Fest is a bad name which has changing its meaning cause when she married means all these things I'm saying this what all this means Mary is a big name it's not a one of the biggest names you can have for Mary Maria Miriam mark Mary all these names I hope you have a good name tell your neighbor don't have a meaningless name with that it is just tells you a born on Tuesday or you are born Friday [Music] [Music] huh Canada you are a blessed Church Oh buddy I don't even know what God is going to do but it looks like he's doing something wonderful and it's quite characteristic of God he does choose his people without any reason that we can find and decides to bless and multiply and do something great with a person hallelujah all right the next one number set number what hate to be chosen and to be used is to be given a chance to live by faith there's to be given a chance to live by faith look one verse 45 it says look one with 45 and he says blessed is she that did what believed I have a new book called faith secrets it will be your favorite book faith secret because even me when I read through just the table of contents I want to start teaching it again it's called faith secrets about 74 of them yes blessed is she that it's being given a chance to be a man or a woman of faith you see all of you who live by salary you are men of much nature man of nature you know yes God God when God wants to lift you up he help you to elevate your life to a life where you live by faith you see a salary and I'll tell you you listen to my words I hope you are listening carefully you know a salary means that I do dis dis dis dis dis and you owe me this P is their normal way to live when Jesus was anointed straightaway he went out fasting and when he came back from the fasting he went around and started employing people somebody who doesn't have a job he started employing John James who was employing I mean just employed by this by the people who had jobs people who were fishermen people who had incomes and families he was recruited as a follow-me he had nothing yes money what you don't realize is a very supernatural entity few people ever become rich on salary you have a lot of salaried workers in Canada you can pay your bill to treat your cancer you can pay your bill to treat your other sicknesses you can have money to pay your insurance have money to pay your rent have money to pay this and does it and feel ever break into a certain many times many times it is if somebody dies or even by the time the person's dying maybe breaking even to survive in life what is kasnian see yes look to prosper is mysterious the day you stop believing in God and trust in Him and you can enter that's why Jesus had to stop when I sent you without place and without money did you did you like they was trying to tell the money was being brought to you supernaturally that's why you have people work for 20 years 30 years as doctors they still don't have much you know when I was when I was living the medical profession to enter into ministry it was like one of the most dastardly stupid decisions a human being would ever make let's be serious it was of them order of insanity yes today I don't need to I don't need to work anywhere again I have so many churches I mean I'm I'm a few years to be 70 years old yes not not so few bucks 70s is there I can see it it sparkles are I'm SATA 17 and 0 yes to to do well you need God's power you need faith and that's why it pains people when they see someone who has lived by faith prospering and someone was lived by his faith in his salary and faith in human things that is like this person who didn't doesn't seem to do what we do seem to be going higher Wow so Mary was being given a chance to step out of the natural and step into a life of faith yeah do you understand step out that's why people don't want to be in full-time ministry you know my real fulltime pastors some of them you have them here do you know passel I was my chief of staff as a Larry but you no these are the closest people in my life this was one too as the who killings here Andy Larry recipe Nana and so on these are the closest people my life these are my food these are my full-time pastors and bishops they didn't want that they didn't want that know after church on Sunday I used to sit down and chat with them we sit on the benches and it'd just be talking these are my closest people yes they're very polite the only wonder the people that you see around me now I all rejects and I mean objects that have been picked up over the system to just fill in the gaps most people are filling the gaps people yes they become important almost by accident and sometimes you see them you say what is this person become important yes it's amazing yeah faith is the opportunity that was being given to mérida here's a chance live by faith Wow you know when you're educated sometimes it has its disadvantages you know like me educated educated been to school seven years I mean I couldn't even imagine the idea my father told me I cannot imagine my son living off collections collection my father told me my son to live from collections the son of and then he would Nelson to live off collections which is exactly what I do now [Laughter] yes by Elijah I wait for the Ravens to fly and to bring some bread what do you call it someone's little bits of worms here and there it's also pride that will not also let you humble yourself yes it's amazing so a chance is being presented to you to have more faith and more trust in God to have more faith in God when God wants to use you this is okay you have to believe more things don't just believe God is there in heaven one day but now believing God before you are diagnosed before you are sick look when you are sick you believe you don't mean you will believe one day I saw a church member I was telling him something when he was angry and he just walked off when we got sick after his operation and everything now he was record I've not seen him in chat for your nose red blood he's brought his bronze as for sickness you believe no matter the medical care that you have because even if you don't take an advanced medical care area though even frighten you and tell you you would die before you die because they want to cover cover their trouble their box or covered cover whatever they want to cover otherwise they will do they will be sued they will say in big big things you'll be dead by this time but this time this time this time and so on so that's what I like you didn't tell them the truth how many want to be on admission in the hospital and a preaching message will be put biocide by on your the side table of the hospital bed and you'll be listening to preaching and that preaching you now say I believe one of my church members was listening to a message as he was on admission just now saying these are very good messages it's always being good but you didn't listen you didn't believe tell them I'll believe if I go to the hospital I believe people don't believe things till they go through things and sometimes after that there is no more chance paying for things but you believe believe tell someone you are being given a chance to have more faith in God and believe more thing young people do you believe [Applause] [Applause] are you sure you believe you know we are we are we had the Niagara Falls I once had a story about the Niagara Falls I don't know if it's true sit down let me tell you the story those of you in the middle at the back here are you are you all right everything okay everything all right yeah I don't know if it's a true story but there was this man who walked put a tightrope across is it yeah and they were waiting on the other side for him any word like that then he took a wheelbarrow and walk through is in here when he finished he said other people are happy and yes how many believe that I can put somebody in the wheelbarrow and believe then he said who will come to the river not even one person so shouting i believe the bible says i will show you my faith by my works so Shelton I believe is not what we need is actions his actions is your life your faith is your life your faith is your life your life played out shows the things you believe really what you believe that's why I know many people don't believe what I say because what I look at their life played out the things they do the decisions they think I said this man does not believe or that USA are you though you are living we are going to break for lunch in a few minutes are you ready for lunch No now to be chosen to be chosen is to be given a chance to be thankful and to praise God all your life amen tell somebody I'm thankful I'm grateful you know all the missionaries that have sent are so thankful that's one of the things that touches me I've never seen a missionary really who is ungrateful they are so thankful and I don't think Mary was sad that her firstborn was Jesus yes even though Jesus died at the age of 33 people who don't want to bury their children attend their children's you know but Mary had that experience she was there to see her child die as something yeah but she would be grateful for eternity that God used her amen and God is choosing you in Canada they're going to be grateful all your life God will choose you and that he would use you hallelujah finally God is going to choose you and to use you and choose you s to have as to be greatly promoted but I want to leave out something here to be greatly promoted it says in Luke 1 verse 51 he has showed strength with his arm and he has cutted a proud in the imagination of their heart he has put down the mighty from their seats and exalted them of low degree so God exalts a person to be chosen by God is to be highly promoted amen alright so God is going to bless you might and it's done to your feet everybody and I want you to thank the Lord for choosing you for using you in his great work to be chosen yes thank you thank you Father for the blessing of choosing us mightily we are grateful for the blessing that you give to us hallow it be thy name Lord Jesus hollow it be thy name Lord Jesus thanks a million for all that you do for us for saving us for blessing us we are grateful father we thank you calling us sending us choosing us out of many many options it chose us to serve you thank you Father for this great blessing in the mighty name of Jesus we pray with Thanksgiving and everyone said amen sit down god bless you take out an offering [Applause]
Channel: Son of Dag Heward-Mills
Views: 13,376
Rating: 4.8927202 out of 5
Id: tsuTETXn-XM
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Length: 70min 34sec (4234 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 24 2019
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.