SESSION 1 - 7 Reasons Why Atmosphere Is Important For Christians

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so this richness white atmosphere is important for Kristen please come through every question so you will not throw everywhere some slick this one I put you now that the end of your Christianity you look for me that's it it's over forget it it's not it's all going on it's finished done for you are done for you understand what they were done for it's like you are it's over it's over for you Wow huh it's it's over forget it forget about the Christian thing forget about the ministry thing you are done forever I say you are done for there is no preaching that's nothing finished it's over so a lot of people who are doing well it's not that they are greater they just are in some environment is just saying they're being dead I think if you get the film and watch it being there I'm going to look for it for being there the star is optimal to Peter I think Peter Sellers you know if you know Peter Sellers Pink Panther that man it's not a Pink Panther film that it is him it just plays there in a suit and it's just just then when you stage what we think it's a very great white wedding it's fantastic a stupid film but it's amazing a lot of people see that is why you must not look down on somebody who is not also doing because the environment now they grew up in different yes there are some people from Europe America if I send them on a mission and I say go to Cameroon or go to Ghana or go to Nigeria or go somewhere in Africa you will see that they cannot we cannot why they are done for because they they have grown up in an environment which has made them a set away so maybe there are trees like this maybe very slim yes I thought see that it hasn't developed in a certain way setting branches that it could have had it don't have if you see some of the trees here in this area you see that it's different from the trees we have in a crime because the environment here is different it rains more over here just look over the window you see tall trees it's like a rain forest you get it so the environment here is completely different so treat it to flourish and you think of this especial tree I mean I really thank God for this street life what a blessing he has been to this is just the environment that is as big in yeah I mean some of you are veggies but is the environment the environment has made you imagine yes atmosphere but if you have been transplanted for six months in another atmosphere in another environment you are down for silver just six months yeah so when you are Christian and you're about to go into another and a certain environment you must really prepare otherwise you've got to hit that cold you just die yeah see that's why so now when you go to do into winter you busy because you know it's something that kills sort of you spend a lot of people hate actually come up because it kills it chronically you stay unprotected with short while you are over when Hitler came into power one of the experiments he was doing was to see how long people could stay in the cold without dying so they put people in see that one hour he's dead one hour 20 minutes a person is dead the second type of temperature you are say that you die it's over you're done for you get it so so so somebody may be looking down on someone but that person has even done better than you because in that environment I got atmosphere what the peasant has achieved and what you have achieved nothing in the good atmosphere look at atmosphere like this and you are just grass you are just a small low line graph instead of becoming a big tree in this atmosphere look at the trees all around you just were able to grow up to this yeah so the atmosphere in which you are is going to actually determine everything all right so because you are treated as the first reason because you are a tree second reason and I've shown you a thousand scriptures about that number two is because you are a branch you are called a branch of a tree you are called advance I mean the Bible calls you a black tree it also calls you a branch you are called a tree and you are also called a branch amen I am the vine you are the branches I didn't call identify the Bible Bible calls you a branch of a tree and the branch of a tree is as doomed as a tree when it is in a bad atmosphere over you are done for some of you when I see your new friends I know it it's finished so god you are done for it's true you see some people you guys join NPP or we're joined at pieces NVC like they are doing politics now as soon as I see your group tell you I know I know your future you are down for it's true I can tell Bible calls you have Branch Bible calls you a tree I didn't write the Bible reading it just like you number three the Bible calls you a garden first Corinthians chapter 13 chapter three verse nine we fellow workman joint promoters laborers together with and for God you have God goddess you have God goddess you are God's garden and vineyard and field under cultivation you are God's building so God calls you a garden pressed oranges of the previous night what does your Bible say you are God's Word you are God's husbandry if we don't use that well as bad dream you know anybody who stood as my W my husband read that's nothing like that there's nothing like that today okay it's an old ways all right it means Gardens or fields or vineyards okay we don't use husband day I'm going to my husbandry I'll be back on Friday it's nothing like that I'm going to water my husband tree oh no no no okay you have the husbandry amic this nothing like that Oh English okay do you understand what I'm saying do you understand what I'm saying yeah you are gone garden so if you are a garden it's no surprise it says I come in the hammer time and Barb and I see you because brown brown it's so surprised you should not be surprised if I find you Brown took a leave with it I realize that you are being slaughtered in the desert one day I went to a certain golf course in a certain country in that country the environment is hash so there is no grass on the golf course the golf was supposed to have grass so when I when I said what we want to do and the man said don't worry when we go to the pleasure they're supposed to play on the field weather was supposed to be grass he opened his bag and brought something out it was a cabbage a special carpet with like grass prickles on small one and you put it on plastic glass yeah yes so everywhere you go he put it there and then you play you know the environment is that that the grass will not grow that if you go to book enough s oh wait that's it there is no graph on the golf course is read the desert and it's a golf course yeah so that is the environment as you'd expect trees that give you some water I see something somebody OS your gun what's your gun what was her name again Candice your what's her name again this way my darling here watching him assuming she's the staff or the access right no fire with this one if you said yes by yachting so you don't fall down it sit down if you pull it down but is surfacing so Chicago City seek fully fire uncertain okay alright is now down you are God's garden what are you my garden I will not be surprised as you are moving in a sudden environment and you just wither no no be surprised at all yeah when I was coming to Lake on campus I have had about this school I said place way before many times I've entered new environments new atmosphere and I knew what was there and so I prepared for it yeah before I came to Lake on I went to the Botanical Gardens to fast and pray for my entrance into the school yeah I used to take off my set and walk in the gardens I've finished I've finished six four which is like SS and walked through the garden truth under the trees on the road test truth I know every corner of the garden yes absolutely virtually live there sure I come from home and I come there this I'm not associate entered University and I was prepared I've said that there is a place called legal when you go room for you bus like this will happen this will happen this won't happen so I prepared myself so that when I hit the environment when the winter hits me I pick my jacket yeah when I when I travel I mean the weather changes you see you like it's hard out here when you enter the plane the temperature in the plane I think sometimes they bring the temperature down to maybe 12 degrees I think or I don't know what 15 or 12 degrees in the plane sometimes I thoroughly depend on the airline and you see that it's freezing especially here by the window is colder than in the middle of the plane yes and outside that has minus 55 degrees minus 55 love the wind speed of 500 deserves married man not hundred and assess somehow when I travel I realize that paratimer and there I am almost dying out of the changes when you cousin was coming from England right now it was winter winter ice cold when I write there's hot Osmos the changes immediately everything changes yeah so epic change of atmosphere was an images are Rebecca if you sleep again you have to open your mouth and we have this facility so listen many of you have entered as music there are some people the way they were Christians in what do you call it now that we have NBC we are expecting them to do what they are promised which is free basic education free basically for all people a base body in Ghana from now and three SHS from 2016 yes we saw three Assessors from 2016 and then to increase the number of they're going to build 200 SHS schools they are going to build 200 so we are specialists now and then also 10 teacher training colleges that want to those census a trainee colleges and then we are going to have yeah hobbies and then they are going to rehabilitate the commercial jute factory and the abyssal glass factory and the appointment so steel and iron industry is also going to be revived and brought on board and they are going to increase the support further support from 16,000 farmer to 40,000 farmers and increase the youth employment with the 10 million CDs whatever obviously I not happy hour all these wonderful things as a better Ghana with single digit inflation GDP growth rate of 8% and a strong currency which will not go further than the current two to one yes these are all things that we are all excited to going to have 200 USD to school back to back to what we were talking about what are we talking about ha huh [Applause] but that's a Christian I knew wow I wanted to see whether you you you where I was so listen you when I was coming from Christian I was coming from secondary school SS or whatever I was not a desert I was delivered from birthing and then I entered a un para me where suddenly you are free you can first visit a boy at any time because visit a gala either you can sleep in the same room on the same bed you don't have to go to like that nobody knows whether you come or you don't come but I le whether you are late nobody cares nobody checks ha no Rocco no housemaster ghost in your house mistake no lights out don't prefect know that you can't have a phone you can't do this you're not under the law we can do everything suddenly sighs Liberty it's a sudden change of atmosphere yeah and people go wow that's why they wait for the fresh freshest and the first years when they cover the start with germs and what was big parties and welcome debbye but observers and all sorts of things when I when I when I visited my my my my she was not my why I was going round on ministry visits ministry visits and I was on one ministry visit and I came to her room a room what p20 both aha so when I got there and I saw in her pigeon who had a little thing that you can put notes it was oh oh hey this I saw this what are these invitations she was being invited to tour down here party this welcome fresher what are these was I've not been invited to keep it in your UI gal and also going for this welcome party can't you see that you are like an antelope with Lions trying to locate you and grab you invited to come to the forest that savanna to come and roam around openly for them to pounce on you and you're also going and when you come at you because I don't know what happened to me I fell asleep you fell asleep they let you sleep it made you sleep and what happens to you while you are sleeping you never go and you are also going because you hit a new environment of Liberty and you are shocked but that's how like every time you move from one when you finish school to life you hit a new atmosphere you will be shocked when you travel abroad and you travel that you hit but sometimes you've been away from home when you come back oh you hit an environment where you used to do bad things so there are people who do well in school as soon as they come back oh but you just maintain the back into the environment of that misbehavior and then you revive it and it's not against up and down to it cold hot cold or co-op go let's go on because you are both garden so you keep responding to the different environment and atmosphere that you fall into that's how we just exchange it so at a point you not need to get your security and your protection whereas your coat your wings that was a source I hate this Obama has put this one on out change when I go into this new M environment sometimes you be surprised every will play with you go Campbell Campbell you go you taste you can't you just go like that back and forth back and forth back and forth so that can happen to you three so father before you realize that the environment has changed and making you change again changes making you change again cause it depends on what sometimes you go home the parents will not allow you to go to church they will say no no no no this tool and that's one another you see that website sometimes your parents of operate like a witch or with that and actually induce fornication bring it and close to come and said this your uncle do whether or not that uncle wants to sleep with you h2o sometimes oh this your cousin what about cousin is sleeping with you yes or sometimes you say no no no don't happen as do what you do rather be sure to display this unbeliever and summer some others want you to have things to do because that's all that they'd be true that I thought they'd get better you use my mother you have my pet to tell you mama tell me about you tell me tell me tell me tell me tell me more I want to know you about you have any picture of how you were when you were young mama tell me some story I want to know I want to know you as you see her in a cloth with her big bottoms working around you can I imagine how she want [Applause] [Music] something all over the place having sex with groups group [Applause] [Music] [Applause] so mother your mother you'll be surprised that's up question listen Norma I want to know tell me mama what were you like Nana before you met daddy and you had me and then you change so much and you became bitter Widow or Victor whatever you are but Ella beta we do by the time most of us grub we saw the pic earnest of our mothers not their sweetness the sweet era have passed and they are turning to their bitter mothers that you look with negative things to say about your husband and Mormon husband and all men except those who are restrained by the ways of God and they don't say much most of them uses and the cause of you do call your father your father your father demands the father a father it is it don't put it on hold daddy they don't call him daddy or anything or sweetheart or my darling because da da da da father it's like not my editing job father it's not my name is about your father have you heard so mechanical so he said it has figured you for having an idea of how the model works how the water was the model was [Applause] your mother was like a dancing queen [Applause] your mother was coming and setting up shop you have no idea you think you are beautiful you are ten times four pieces not to ask for this ask for pictures and I want to see your papa who are your boyfriend's before before investor you are but I don't know what happy what's happy I got this life take your death of birth is the death of your marriage [Applause] [Music] some of you your father was going to carry somebody else until she met your mother the last minute I sit down here with her senses because of sweetness with a sweet boy and half that I see knew what the man wore when she asked sex with your father we are toasting some because what is [Applause] [Music] [Applause] what are we talking about before we got into a mother you have no idea you have no idea so the environment the atmosphere of your life is making you while becoming something so you better get your coat ready at that time you are grown up but I've done so many things that Monsieur has change in the house what do you know how you wear wear sweet Mahalo are you listening I have learned to prepare for the new atmosphere oh yeah atmosphere of life as soon as we finish school family is like that we enter a new old beta whether go to the god of catches and see the people's inner you see the mother you see them sitting there either very quick when you see them they just look at you but they were nicer than you they were gentle and Liza your mother's you see here that it doesn't when your father so she doesn't even tell her neck the neck doesn't even move it was nicer than you did she entered into a business well a cold weather a covetous change nice plant has changed she was tougher than you you you are you are giving you are even the ugly duckling compared to her it is people I wasn't ia beautiful woman like help getting best to you [Applause] she was nicer than you I'm telling you but when she met a statue whether it's a change the stretcher the garden new moon does it look so gentle speaking with a shaft on rebuking your father talk in a certain way yeah insulting hey it's a cold weather that she met yeah go to the churches you see each day you hate you you move on a certain University and what I have seen you move from University you hit relative see that that inner strength you travel to lunch I'm going to do a math test but Eustace weather has 10 when you go to learn you see that own you are looking for accommodation they said somebody who you couldn't get a parent one room is 200 pounds so when you look at you can touch with somebody that person is not released the first you couldn't get the person you know that sister that you know the offender you know the other day where she says fast Manchester so the only person I you know is this guy who has got a possesses got a room that is what a less time so you campaign when you go the SRO Dialga is a sitting room of a room the sitting room of a room so as someone the two rooms is one room and then and so it's like because of one two one two your job is also near so but somehow catching them before I realize you've moved from the second room because there's no heating in the sitting room yeah though you can go to a place where they slot for heating you know slow you push slots at some houses any other no a visit you slot 50p for the heater to come on 5050 if you got happy is the goal and you see the weather the weather it comes into the house here once on I went somewhere to I was going there to for for something and when I caught that the heeta was not working I told the people but I cannot stay here I left I guess I just came back to Ghana I cannot stay here you can't you can't if when you work closely you can you be like an Eskimo in because I said after two days ice towers modem and as you man hours or passes every truck with hot water I thought and I dress like an astronomy the hub I cannot see after as I said no I'm going you cannot stay oh yes you are done for many years where anybody who goes to London bus lines or Ducks life oh I knew all my friends back slit so when I went to land I went and look for all of them brought them to church I went around the whole of ladder brought them to the church that I found that yeah that that person who ordained me my pastor who ordained into the ministry his church I got that anybody I knew from school I went as far as I know I know everywhere London I know everywhere London by following people following I am student nobody's been at Philippi for Christ I'll find the house at any place you mention and I know that area I followed somebody daddy for visitation following up a pod canna taking booklet there's no one I'll give to them so here here here I give them some comfort they come to church I'll go to them from their house and with Sunday Monica let's go not my church I wasn't collected anything from that and I wait for this at least school this is the way to the church and we go go many people yes they are all fallen away when I came I had their mind that everybody falls out no for here I came ready hey even the readiness it was almost not easy for me hey Saba yeah your mother was nice take it from me your mother was nice her mother was nice mama how sweet you were it was not about you who away see it's the life atmosphere then she became different and when we by the time you grew up that was as welcome as well or never long time when you first started to talk like that anyway 11 13 15 that was the sweat on head of life so you don't know you know a divorce house she was 10 she was charming he was selfish now before she hit the atmosphere she's gosh was also God garden and she had a crazy atmosphere actress and she's Gina as I see what I'm pushing as a that you are going to do better than we did because we are preparing you for case I see atmosphere yes I see atmospheres and you do too well I know for sure that you will be better you will do better you'll be happier yes in Jesus name Wow I are you excited are you our garden hmm so I'm giving you seven reasons I'm giving you three number four atmosphere it's important for you because you are called a fruit fruits amen tell me business John 15 the iPad sizes galaxy passes for do you believe what I'm saying how many Armenia have already had certain new ponies come with your life new phones happen in practically John 15 I have chose you have not chosen me that's the best way really for the prayer time you have not chosen me those of you thought you choose God you have so you are choosing to support God's chosen you but I have chosen you and ordained you that you should go and bring forth fruit not God and that your fruit should remain and whatsoever ye shall ask the Father in my name he may give it to you amen so the fruit that you are supposed to bear ours is in all human beings I don't know people so we are also called fruit yeah we are so I'm somebody's fruit as I have done like I'm a fruit I'm a fruit you also have fruit now somebody's fruits I'm somebody's fruit everybody's somebody's I want your goji berries fruit and fruit needs as attic atmosphere first of all to be born for the fruit to come out even the weather tells you that this time to birth with a three Wow Wow let me let me tell you something you know in in there how many continents we have by what are the continents Africa Asia Europe North America South America Australia okay six now we have more than that which other ones Antarctica service what are the ethics it's not Antarctica yeah you know how do you how do you know how Antarctica how big it is you know how big it is it's just little ice okay but if it's as big as this square every year you have winter - come on for just a few days a few days I'm talking about fruit don't forget so you always forget where when I asked you you think I've forgotten I'm also trying to see whether you can remember and in the winter time which is almost the whole year when the summer goes or just a few days the ice the answer it doubles the sea freezes the sea becomes ice the deep blue sea becomes ice and the whole thing expands yes I learn and few animals there are no trees but few animals there are some places that if you are Christian and whether you are sanguine Christian penguin Christian only penguins and polar bear crystals are able to say in certain places so if you know another penguin don't go there do not go there is no you are not a stray to a penguin or a spiritual holiday got no business in certain environment if you are going to be a politician and you are young beautiful girl every all of them want to sleep with you qualities goes with sex and deception and hypocrisy so if you if you are not a penguin the ritual is able to withstand winter and withering icy conditions then it is important that our could even meet our usual as if you are diving isn't it your sizes fine again okay now if you know if you know you are not a spiritual penguin or it's very truffle up there you have no business in certain places as I expect to see you there yeah true you you become you you you'll be destroyed right down for now amazingly amazingly you get it exactly at the moment when in time the weather changes all right the Penguins come from the sea they come from the sea come to the land all right the pull up the seals also come the penguins come at the particular time when the weather changes they come everybody finds a mate yeah they define it that's why that's why some of this finding of path neck as long as you know that it's so natural I have to learn how to control what animals don't control it well if you can contrast assist I can't control the finding of the middle Brad I can't control it well just a penguin the understand that's a penguin now listen listen when they find the lava that penguins a state to get up a life unlike most animals after making the wife okay we give this to the egg and transfer the egg to the husband yes from stir the egg that the temperature is minus 20 they're in it yeah okay and just that short window when the weather changes the atmosphere changes no the fruit comes then they transfer the eggs to the month to the legs and the math the Brotherhood who's the egg and the wife goes to the sea all of them go to this as if they are being directed believe the advance day and the husband's pay for the whole winter they stand there they stand there with the egg and that the wings herbs of descent and now the freezes good water and and then the wife go back to the sea and they swim and they eat they do whatever for the next whatever and come back at the next see the seizing of fruit is fantastic I use it's amazing you should see and you see that HS exactly at the particular eating the eggs when they are transferring the egg the egg should not touch the eyes one is as I see just freeze so like the success more atmosphere that which we did which you can bear the fruit so that's one size changes a better store this egg lane and whatever is finished it's time to swim it's time to just handle either this plant and the experience the wings that they defects already school that some eyes my nose whatever before the width is going dead down man 100 in back and cold are you listening what I'm saying is that you are called fruit and we are called fruit bearing trees but we also call fruits you have somebody's food and at a particular moment you can bear fruit just at a particular moment I am one of the fruits of pop I hang my real father my real father is Papa Hagin man father in the ministry we are we are we are the one who over me in a certain way Papa Hagin really really and I encountered him when I when he was 63 years old yes and that truth that he born in me it came from encountering me at a particular moment of my life tender 16 17 years old he ministered to me when I was a teenager and and I loved him I immediately fell in love with I immediately fell in love with him recently I was listening what's up as you see me in a house the house is dark and only his voice and I'm working in a frame what am I was praying and I was listened to at a point I said but my stab at this is my fear father this is my real father I tell you the power and anointing was so much in the room hey yeah I'm telling you anything there is only a window within which you can bear fruit when the window process is over you can even bed a fruit it will even come through this territory window relations like when people want to better our focal later I'll do this at this time later how it tasted a short window it's too small to bear fruit and you the fruit itself is just delicate it can survive enos at any environment and after that it cannot see the reason why there are no Lions here the reason why neurological they are human because my environment care for Lions there's no environmental for and if you take it for me they were wild animals here they were rather the way laptops they were laptops there were animals once human beings come they kill because since we came we have kill snakes that can only be found in this room yeah I found here around us it she only be found as rubra as we have come here we are killing them one by one we started digging the foundation we saw them brown one see this one is going here this one big big snakes they have lived here peacefully an atmosphere of tranquility he went a book at mrs. Allah less light so that I tranquility be extended that tranquility was no more extended here hallelujah are you listening to me Wow you are you are a fruit somebody will pay you at a party and you to your best fruit and step particular moment of your life those who are planning bad fruit in the future I'm planning on us I'll be this I'll be that I will become after this after this after that so anybody wants to save go there it's heart to serve God when you are young simple and I have said him all out or forget it you are calculating with God God is not a calculator you cannot calculate with God God is somebody who you either keep yourself to or forget it God is not something small what is what is MPD what is anything that's why I don't commit myself to any of these things I should be blindly loyal to people who are full of all kinds of things I can't I cannot be possible they cannot be possible no business to do something like that the person instead is far higher far greater can we start these people are you listening to me yeah so my friends you know I want you to really take food pairing this is you are a fruit and you will be fruit since you are a fruit and you will bear fruit since you are a fruit and you will bear fruit you must remember that it's a window so does you see some ladies you know there's also an hour later later later I'm not let yourself somebody wants to my soul you want to be nice out that later you know huh no no no thinking about that now oh no no no boys I don't want to yes it's true but just like boy buddy you must also I think about it at a point and think about it in time in time and ballast to the same yes is to think about it it's something you have to get at a point but it's always with window related can you imagine as I am now going to I'm going to start a church I've come from America go to static-x and I need imagine I am now going to start a church I've come from America I've got everything that I need now and my classmates and my friends most of them don't have everything that they want also them don't have everything that they want you cannot easily get it so you want to marry you should be a zealous for wanting to save God forget about the marriage plan and save the brothers just be more spiritual and and and you follow things properly you you you will not be that you not you will choose we choose moralism as opposed uses any money they got a line-item no anointing sisters be dead a strategy of being there they know that you are there don't be there you will not have to spend much on her now just be yourself be nice makeup eyes doing things as with the eyes changing your eyes by the time you visit the detector you'll be blind please this is your eyes since this is your hair so many things no no no no don't don't do don't do that to attract any boy it's not good it's not a history that be yourself how you eye in the room how you eye in the room be like that those of you who tie your hair like Captain Haddock [Applause] so that you can impress us during the day we want you to know that we have seen it all and we are no more impressed are you going to Bethel you have a shot we do another small window take it from me you have a small window if the Holy Spirit doesn't help you you will never bear fruit take it from me you have a small window of your life with which you can bear fruit for God it's very small as soon as you cross a second listing you can bear fruit again I'm turning it maybe some gas on I mean some liquid something fruits no some pellets that's fruit / is what I'm selling some way you want to have you want you want to have a catch it's comes from its own the whole life the whole life is used for that you see like how you are you are listening to me what time people will do from what I'm saying when I finish with go make a song out of it that's all but God is more than a song but somebody will listen to what I'm saying and say Here I am I am I am giving my life for Jesus Christ I'm going to do something for God and I go to bathrooms that's why you know most of my fathers when they always want to show me their members when I go somewhere they want to console oh I'll touch this they wanted there are some of our men best from you see it is it is it is a person pretty trying to show you his foot is he yeah so these are my these are my fruits that they are not stating that spiritual way but that's actually what it everywhere I go oh this azimuth I remember like like the sister who came from hungry with a diverse history me - and the fruit also explained that this is social I came from this place is the tree also these are all our numbers from man whatever they were to say hello and I just wait are you all we have players when I was in Guinea Bissau the pastor brought all the members from the be South Church so there are other studies over that's oh how are you so what a shot that they all water so ADA bye-bye and then I was gonna finish the only show the food of course on fruits to show I got some food I have got some fruits I've got some fruits I've got some real food yeah is that amazing as a fantastic thank you for your dance thanks for your time for your thanks for your music now you see why I moved from drums yeah you see I don't know if you can't play this song sweet communion on the drum but most drummers don't know how to play but I can play welcome a scapula if I say please sweet come you know how to play I know how to play sweet con athletes sweet communion you know how to sing that song sweet coming yeah most they don't know how to twenty play those for the song piano playing I did a TRS and I got up too quick seven the highest is create either if you know you can't even know what you don't know needle you don't know needle your God got him Wow your gostrey our God's branch and you are God's fruit it's getting is getting louder I'm giving you seven reasons why atmosphere in spite out for you number number what am i fine I still turning leaves [Music] [Applause] come for number five atmosphere is important because you are called a harvest God calls you APIs John chapter 4 Jesus calls you harvest 10 10 10 10 10 I should have been telling you tappy tappy or scroll top screws yeah I'm tapping and tapping tap your Bibles I'm tapping to tap into you John chapter 4 verse 34 jesus said unto them my meat is to do the will of him that sent me and to finish his work verse 35 say not ye there are yet four months and then cometh harvest behold I say unto you lift up your eyes look on the fields they are white already to harvest hallelujah the thirty-seven herein is that saying to one so as I had never written I sent you to reap where on you bestowed no labor other men labored and yet entered into their labor amen Jesus says look at the harvest what is that was it what you call it corn harvest well it means a week a week or any of those days now it was talking about the people the souls so souls are called habit and that habit is available for just a short period a short window and it is says no as an environment it doesn't come forth now when you talk about Ellie Rin is a lot of rain in the Bible the Ellie rain cause it comes to water the ground so that you can plant the seed then there is a long period then the latter rain comes and the latter rain comes to bring the thing to maturity so that the after the lottery then the harvest comes so there is a long period between the first and the latter rain now God is telling us that there is just this window where how the same occurs if you don't get a harvest there's hunger it is a short period and you need the weather to change the whole season to tell the rain to come everything the writers otherwise that call it's called a failed harvest it's very delicate so ladies and gentlemen you and I are harvest for somebody and somebody I'm somebody's harvest I'm somebody to harvest and you are somebody's habits as well is it amazing it's getting well done the next one you are called grass someone or three atmosphere is important because your life is like grass some honesty to speak up for man his days our grass isaiah 42:6 the voice said cry and if I was alive Christ Christ at all flesh is grass all flesh is grass and all the goodliness thereof is not the flower of the field so you are just like grass grass Isaiah 46:10 tend to Isaiah 40 and the last point is number 7 you are called a flower you are called a flower flower so you can only flourish Allison you can only prosper at a certain time and it in it yeah everything that is you're gonna have to do you have to do it in a particular season otherwise it's not going to be so you are grass Isaiah 40 that six tells us what does he say read it do you have it our voice said conversing I read it for me advisor the voice said crying and he said what shall I cry all flesh is grass and all the goodliness goodly miss their office as of the flower of the field goodliness oh oh goodness niceness I thought your mother was nice your Nana Nana then you'll get a child to school normal Stan has asked you canola was nigel de mano a sweet young honest chance before Madison that group as big that she now has no way and has become like a can cook now before she was nicer than you take it for me she was coming she was enchanting I'm telling she was Woodley Putin in this hood she was living his people liked her she used to have your father know she a stop against Isis this is just evening evening more amore you're goodliness he and a flower it comes in a particular moment when the environment changes does it look at the grass is because it's been raining if you come here in the Hermit on a horrible time you will still brown everything is brown the best place to see this is a the golf course a team on a golf course because it is it is it is not being managed by intelligence it's being managed by the by nature nature manages the course it's natural management so other season changes it changes it becomes totally flawless no graphics was red when I first there playing go it was red places with that totally red red just red Sun now even now it's a little better but you see then and I saw the atmosphere changes and the rain comes if you go to Kumasi golf course you always in green think the grass is take the green grass you see beautiful nice thick nice to walk even in the helmet on its green green green this Kumasi is green and empowerment changes you so much so those of you who talk with environment you are talking with your life you are done for those are who are walking with groups lockdown for those of you whose friends are thieves and Liars who are done for those of you are surrounded your stuff and put yourself in an environment and are not smooth fear of certain things if you go down for yes mister if if your environment is ministry type of people people who listen to messages people will read the Bible people who are certain ways and you also pick a wife or a husband from that environment you are better off but it's not it's not you know what is going to happen you are going to pick a mystery and you're going to marry and mystery [Applause] and you you will never know what you are dealing with mystery will be telling this way and that way you will always not know what you are dealing with like this you'll be sitting there in this issue he I pray for you that you will be a green grass in the presence of the lawn Wow yeah one day I planted grass in my house and the grass will not grow I did everything and the whole house was brown one day the weather changed yeah I think I planted at the wrong time so it was struggling when the weather changed I remember one day I look out of my window and as I look at the grass in the house the change was so dramatic and I realize how much change comes when about this and the Lord will give you rain in the time of the latter and great grass in your field you change so much by the environment some of you have been tamed by coming to fester that your parents will not even recognize your up who you are once in a while what change and is that I've been in a certain environment yeah singing for the Lord dancing for the Lord becoming a shepherd I mean when you become a responsible shepherd look when the angels were appearing by an idea appear to Shepherds what purpose was there from my mind did you not get be singers then I appear to dancers there are just worship leader they appear to Shepherds walk that's what their flock by night by night that's where watching they get best thing to be is to be a shepherd shut that up by image I shuffle shuffle shuffle leader a shepherd is a leader a shepherd is a leader a shepherd has read the Bible for himself except I can share the Word of God a scepter can get a perspective on what is going on except that and take something except that it's not a blanket I said that it's not a branch PD I certa has something to say something to say I suffered a spiritual yeah and a certain atmosphere makes you into a shepherd yeah take it for me if I can become a shepherd you can become a shepherd because I'm not in zero I was zero no one ever chose me no one ever chose me for anything it's true for anything after two days they just don't choose me so if I can be a shepherd now for all my teachings are how - how - because I'm sharing with somebody how you can also whine even nobody is choosing where you don't look spectacular or dramatic you don't even look great you can be you can build you can actually become something for God yeah and I know you are going to be in Jesus name in Jesus name Rugrats and you needed the ish grass but that's Brussels we need some entitlement I tell you otherwise we are going to change so I'm going to now share with you the different types of cosmospheres not have different effects as you go along on your Christian walk and keep changing these atmospheres so that certain things can flourish the eggs can come the gas can and then the eggs can come do you want these different types of atmosphere that are necessary for Christian performance it stands fruitfulness for the grass to be green do you know that when I see you I can see even when you are not doing well yeah there are many things that I see sometimes I didn't know what I was seeing but I was seeing it when I look at somebody sense that I can see the person as with it in the spirit is weeded in the spirit something I can see the person sick in the spirit true I said as I can see when darkness has fallen on someone to serve as a tactless pose on somebody in the spirit that's not a blackness also the person and the person disappears under a dark cloud unable to write and unable to shine residence around arisen in it's enveloped in darkness there are spiritual withering to report disappearances the Bermuda trial of the strangle of the spirit where people vanish and disappear into you can see it and you can see that there is no more vitality and the strength is finished sometime people sing and you can just see you can shake hands and you can see this well you are working insane by walking in darkness they are falling the following this type of falling brother I can see many times yeah it's a spiritual thing so you are spirit you you think you are physical grass was very progress spiritually water just like Elijah see all the things that are physical a spiritual Elijah was taken to heaven with Cheerios and office this the most difficult there were spiritual horses with its original grass service is rough the spiritual grass so all the things we have grasped the ahh spiritual also and just as this one with the standard Amazon you also winter and I spiritual understand when you live under a spiritual ammas from and 3 - ahah matanza spiritual dry seasons and you can see when somebody flourishes under stretch or rain levels is that your top three shall fall like rain they stay screeching that is the preaching of the Bible the top is called rain some profit when they see ray a picks of teachings falling because the bubbles are your top knee shall fall like rain it's like doctrines and teachings following a person see the peasant changes under teaching that's why my sister Melissa - a mechanic listen to this listen - they say the person is changing change you can't really see that the pattern is changing literally yeah you are spiritual I stare across to our sometimes I look at myself in the mirror to see what I can see some of those changes that I can see in people in myself like if I see a change in sucks I can see this and it makes me why when I see then I look at myself whether I can see in myself what I see that makes me worry because as soon as I see I can see even sometimes when somebody's above you spiritually you can you can see that person in a certain environment one day when Benny Hinn was sharing some things with me I said oh all these things I knew them but I didn't know that I knew them oh yeah because I knew that could see but I look at him at all so the man is in a certain atmosphere too hot but when he went he spoke and he said I said no I know hi she is fantastic the atmosphere can bring you out TenPoint you can try to make you with us but God will give you the anointing of her save women and follow them I'm going to say in the women in the withering environment to survive if it is the case that it is his will that you should be in that environment yeah that's why you are also prophesied to be like a coconut tree a coconut tree way to grow in the salty water even buildings cannot be built in the sauce when they to massage you cannot build and trees cannot grow but coconut tree palm trees they will grow they will grow they will grow in that with the rain environment salty environment yeah and so when God has called you and God has determined that you are supposed to be set in place you see that you can stay there and you can do well one day I sent a banner to the mission field after some time I saw I say he was withering his wife was withering he would you will be destroyed I could see that if he chunks of the tree were almost off me I had to evacuate him fast before it all was over the environment it will change you so much environment it will change you look under every big tree you see of any grass doesn't go there you see that the Sun is cannot come there the Sun cannot be there I with me yeah so atmosphere is very very important for you to do well in the ministry so the atmosphere the different different types of atmospheres are what you now need to know what are they so that you can pick the atmosphere I know for myself for sure that atmosphere affects me very very much very much even physical atmosphere affects the spiritual yeah even the physical environment affect the atmosphere and affects what you see if you are tired that's why I don't like people sleeping in front of me if you are tired it affects even my ability to bear fruit because I mean the dead man atmosphere changes to the presence of tired either they are not called or the enou spiritual because as leisure people sleep at the height of spirituality when the height of the anointing or the height of the presence of God then before I feed them and spiritual people and people who are not called sure then at the height of something see that they are now the ones that are sleeping when people eyes are wide open like this and then that one is now of yeah I've seen it over and over and over and over even that's not happening it's not everything that I see so you must be kept and also people who eat a lot and their flesh is not controlled so the flesh is not controlled is revealed in eating is rebuilding sleeping a civilian ability to wake up early early in the morning to to get to work they the flesh is not controlled and to rise when you must rise the flesh is not under control its uncontrolled it's also spinning overweight the flesh is not oka because it takes a huge effort to control the pleasure to go overweight at a certain point it's natural to be overweight it's not unnatural it's rather natural most of you are slim because of the age your age and also the lack of [Applause] amen all right stand up let your hands and just thank God for his guidance for your ministry and for your life [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Dag Heward-Mills Evangelist
Views: 7,135
Rating: 4.9642859 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 81min 18sec (4878 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 28 2017
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