Service Members, What Is Your Worst Military Wife Story? (r/AskReddit)

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service members of ridet what is your worst military wife story I am a military spouse but worked as a DoD employee with the Marines got a call that a military spouse was in the hospital her place on base housing had gotten broken into the nine month pregnant spouse was violated and beating and taken by ambulance to the hospital the assault caused a miscarriage I was devastated and went to the hospital with several officers in the Marines chain of command one of the nurses tending her looked me in the eye and said I am very interested in how this is going to play out I was so confused the nine-month pregnant debauchery and assault victim was given an ultrasound and blood work performed upon being admitted to the hospital she hadn't been pregnant she wasn't violated her due date was the next day and she's been faking the pregnancy the whole time she beat herself up and carved herself up with a knife then made up the violation story resulting in miscarriage as a way to cover up the nine months of lying to her husband about being pregnant I've never seen this level of crazy until three months later when said marine reunited with bat-crap crazy girl even after all that standing gate guard in Washington DC officer's wife drive through the gate and presents her aid I await her through she doesn't move asking me if I forgot something I said no I didn't believe I did she said I forgot to salute her pointing to the blue sticker on her windshield I leaned close to her windshield and saluted the sticker wishing it a good afternoon I got removed from that duty repeat after me you are not your husband's rank saw the newer a man with no belt on I asked why don't you have a belt he said he can't afford one so I give him five dollars and tell him to go get a belt a few weeks later I see him at Ruby Tuesday cleaning tables I asked around and apparently his wife was growing weed in base housing and he got kicked out of the military he swore he didn't know what she was doing I got accosted by a defender at a home depot parking lot because I parked in her space I parked in a veteran spot at Home Depot I am a veteran I had my two toddlers with me and the spot was next to a car stall as I am pulling my kids out of the car this lady walks up to me and starts asking me questions it's simple stuff did nothing out of the ordinary but I leave my kids in the car to be safe she then starts asking about my veteran status which was weird but not bad I told her I'm a Sgt and the 123 Trans Brigade not real part of the natty Guard well my husband's a left tenant call which means he's a higher rank she said well if he's a commissioned officer he's already a higher rank I said so you should give me your spot I was dumbfounded WTF I told her to pound sand to which she wanted my info rank name etcetera so I said yes sure and I'll make sure to give you the spot next time no crap three days later I get a call from mine Kovac hey Sgt stuck in post do you know our LTC s face to which no I don't okay I got a LTC in my office looking for you said it's important all right mine colic puts me on speakerphone hey Sarge this is Lt CEA's face I wanted to apologize for my spouses behavior the other day I jokingly told her she could parade up and down the street ordering other soldiers to do things and I had no idea she would take it literally I'm sorry this happened and I hope we can put this behind us I accepted his apology because up to this point no Co has ever apologized for their actions chillest LTC ever plot twist this didn't end up where I thought got back from an eight-month deployment buddy's wife was six months pregnant FedEx is amazing really I got rest' a Shinto states from Germany I flew my German girlfriend over and we ended up getting married she w NT back to Germany four days later and I never saw her again law whack a friend of mine came home one day early from a year-long deployment wife was busy freaking another guy on the couch in the bedroom was a baby she had never mentioned fathered by yet a third guy not military-related but this reminds me of someone I worked with years ago she had two kids was married living with a different guy and was pregnant with a third guys kid she was 19 at the time oh I'm gonna post some of my friends highlights she was the Midwife on an Air Force Base delivered lots of babies colonel brought his 16 year old daughter in because she was pregnant turns out the father was a new junior enlisted he did not last long in the military dude's wife left him and moved in with her boyfriend off base while he was deployed she got knocked up since they were still married she was still going to the base for medical care their divorce wasn't final by her due date so she still got to go on base and deliver her soon-to-be ex-husband the military guy had his buddies and security forces put a security flag on his soon-to-be ex-wife's boyfriend the boyfriend couldn't be on base for the birth of his child and always the favorite baby's coming out with the wrong ethnic background of the father was at least a once-a-year thing colonel brought his 16 year old daughter in because she was pregnant turns out the father was a new junior enlisted he did not last long in the military ha when my sister was in high school she briefly dated the steward assigned to my dad the captain of the navy ship he was a good guy and I think what finally ended it for my sister was that it didn't hurt my dad enough the issue is that people forget the military is filled with 18 - 20 year-old boys many of whom you know lacked relationship experience and marry the first girl who gives them attention it's true take care poorly educated kid away from their support network off friends and family at home and draw then thousands of miles away with a pride full of Bhutanese and a toxic culture sprinkle it with lack of life experience and bam you've got to nee 3 marrying a second-class stripper who ends up also buying a muscle car for 25% posting on behalf of my husband West they came back from a 15 month - in Iraq his platoon sergeant went home to find another man living in his house with his wife and kids his kids toddlers were calling the guy daddy when he walked in his wife basically said yay I want a divorce I'm with him now worst part was the platoon sergeant a new daddy kinda work together but was one of the few who stayed behind for clerical stuff while the rest deployed yes I know this is absolutely against the rules this was when crap was the Wild West and a DUI was an unofficial requirement for e6 ETA I asked my husband what happened after this he doesn't know what happened to Jodi aka deployment replacement daddy the husband threatened to take the kids and kick her onto the street which he definitely had grounds to do instead she agreed to on demand freaking in threesomes including summoning a prostitute if he wanted one and helping him keep it on the DL , posting on behalf of my husband had me really concerned for half a second while delivering our fourth baby at a military hospital we were talking to one of the nurses about infidelity and crazy things she had witnessed as she told us about a woman coming in with her husband for a c-section that was not scheduled and the woman insisted that she was scheduled for a c-section that day they did an ultrasound and found that she was three months pregnant not nine months pregnant she was willing to deliver a baby six months early so it would appear the conception lined up with her husband's mid to a leave oh man so many one friend in the Corps a first-term sergeant who hated every minute he was in uniform he re-enlisted so she could go to school left for deployment after re-enlistment came back to a divorce in two drained bank account had another sergeant who made his wife while he and like seven other guys were running a groupie on her he decided he needed to marry her so many crap stories there but I mean he probably deserved them cause I mean wow one evening while I was on staff duty my then wife decided that I was cheating on her and not in facts at work I was totally at work nor had I ever cheated on her so she texts me and says I'm going to go to the barracks and frik the first soldier I see I was so checked out of the relationship at this point I was just waiting to get out to leave her so I didn't bother responding she showed up at the barracks and got turned away by CQ because she used her dependent ID to try to check in to the barracks and couldn't tell them who she was there to visit heard one not long ago about a left tenants wife who copped an attitude when informed that her husband did not qualify her for General Officer only parking a guy in my shop Air Force deployed to Iraq for 4.5 months before he left he signed over general power of attorney to his wife while he was gone she started freaking another guy in our shop then signed the divorce paperwork as his power of attorney and his rights to see his kids as well as draining his bank account she went to live with the other guy in my shop and his friend off base they were both arrested for check fraud while trying to pass off a check that was the run mates in the ship head on base the guy she divorced eventually got full custody of the kids and the other guy in my shop got kicked out of the AF there were other stories of cheating and all of that kind of crap if this one takes the cake she actively worked to ruin his life when all he did was love his kids and get deployed to Iraq don't give anyone general power of attorney ever I don't care how much you trust them or how much you think they love you don't do it you can give them specialized power of attorney that only allows them to handle your affairs that you very specifically need them to handle general powers are basically worthless nowadays our neighbors too brought us some stories one unit deployed and she met a new guy used power of attorney to divorce the husband overseas and married the new guy so quick she was able to stay on base in the same house first husband came home and ended up being in the same soon a second husband who now lived in his house with his kids and all his belongings - when we first moved in on base we had a neighbor that was super friendly wife told us she had cancer so her brother was staying with her to take care of her we think nothing of it a few months later they moved out to live off-base normal things so no reason to be skeptical fast forward a few months and I'm shuttling the driveway and a guy from next door comes over to say hi I say hi and welcome him as a new neighbor he's not a new neighbor he's had that house for a couple years I got confused and asked about the woman who had moved out recently he told me that woman was his wife the brother was a lover she didn't have cancer and she spent all his money on farmville then moved out with everything they owned freakin dependents and their farmville dude in my platoons wife falsely accused her ex MP boyfriend of debauchery 20 as far as stabbing a mattress and swallowing condom to set him up dude spends weeks in jail before being cleared of all charges when it comes to light it was crazy lady vindictive bull she amped up the crazy she handed her friend her and my platoon mates baby through a window it's night while they watched a movie platoon mate went to check on the baby and it was missing prompted the first Amber Alert in Alaska history she tried to pin it on the MP as some sort of act of vengeance I can only imagine what the poor dude was thinking when the cops came to him with this he was very quickly eliminated as subject and they figured out that the baby was safe rather quickly long story short someone a in my unit walked in on his wife cheating on him with someone else be from our unit they separate she moves in with B and leaves the unit eight months later we returned from a deployment and a goes on one date with a girl his ex-wife finds out and calls the one st Sgt a gets charged with adultery and reduced in rank while B only got switched to a different unit I have to first I was the witness to one of my soldiers wedding it was a typical Joe wedding about it took place midday at her wings end things during the lucky bride's lunch break the mother of the bride aunt said wings end things but refused to attend the ceremony despite being at work that day it was pretty amazing second I was at Officer Candidate School with an army hot blonde she was a deployment nine stroke ten and everybody hit on her she was drowning an attention that it was all from North because she was married to a green berry or something well all that attention finally got to her and she started sleeping with the cadets it got to the point of her and another married female getting nailed in a hotel room at the same time and they reportedly high-fived mid-coitus about free stroke four of the way through the course she started to put on a little weight and it sure seemed like her belly was growing faster than the rest of her about four weeks before graduation it came out that she was in fact pregnant with who the Freak knows baby not long after graduation I heard that her marriage to mr. SF did not survive the encounter hope this counts my grandfather was stationed in Germany where he met my grandmother they got married in Germany and she moved back to the states with him where his family was absolutely not very happy about it his mother actually offered to buy him a brand-new car if she married a nice American woman instead obviously my grandma wasn't too happy about that and decided the best course of action was to have a second wedding in the US to prove she wasn't going anywhere they were married 55 years and she's still living in the original family home she really didn't go anywhere my brother-in-law was on both sides of crappy cheating stories he married a woman he chatted to online for a few weeks when he was 19 then he had to go to Iraq a month after he left she told him that he got her pregnant he comes home after six months then she has a baby the baby definitely is not his fast-forward 10 years he's married to an awesome chick we all like she works a job and takes care of everything around the house he cheats on her with her 18 year-old girl that worked at Sonic she catches him and leaves for a weekend to go stay with her sister to figure out what to do he puts all her stuff in cardboard boxes out under the carport and moves in the new girl he really is a piece of crap Air Force and Navy veteran here and I'm a marine wife the worst thing I ever experienced was the death of a beautiful five month old baby girl the Sgt and his wife were serious gamers the wife also suffered from mental health issues both were weird and ignorant the wife was tired of the baby crying and not sleeping so she propped a bottle on a pillow used more pillows to cushion her and left her in the master bedroom while she and the Hobby gamed the little girl suffocated neither parent checked on her for 12 plus hours they said they thought she was sleeping they found her dead left her for several more hours and made a failed attempt to resuscitate her while they were on the phone with 9-1-1 they're so stupid the police and demme's shared with me that rigor mortis had already set in and it looked as the baby had been dead for more than 24 hours the parents went back to gaming because that wanted to finish their match or whatever the mother showed zero remorse however she was completely fascinated with how popular she was becoming on social media so much so that she was super giddy with her local fame and said her kid dying was worth the fame and GoFundMe the Marine was indifference to the whole thing this was one of my husband's Marines we got the call to go to the family and bring them whatever they needed for temporary lodging we had no idea what a crap show we'd be walking into I was pretty much even got maneuvered into a couple of crap situations first somehow ended up alone with colleagues wife she starts telling raunchy stories and getting closer and closer to me tells me something like nobody gives better BJ's than me it made sense in conversation it also wasn't really necessary my somewhat intoxicated response okay then good night I'll be leaving now ii was drinking with a different colleague he got very intoxicated and out of the blue starting the rating me Phil trying to sleep with his wife I did not want to sleep with his wife and was not trying to the noped out of there - later that night wife showed up at my apartment ostensibly to apologize heard some other rumors that was never sure what to believe obligatory not me but my friend who I'll call Robert Robert was Burmese lobby looking guy who was always on the receiving end of jokes and pretty much only survived because he was a nice guy so as lazy as he was most air men would cover for him being a genuinely nice guy goes a long ways in the military so Robert had an unusually hot wife like completely surprised everyone that ever saw them together and we all assumed that he was packing some real heat or that she wasn't a shallow butthole like the rest of us so I'm not sure how this was arranged but Robert had a best friend who I'll called Greg and one day after a few beers Robert decides it would be real cool if Greg flicked his wife and let him watch Greg is objectively a better looking guy bTW and it happens Greg Fricks the wife while Robert watches and this happens a few more times until one of the times the wife finishes up with Greg and tell her husband Robert that she no longer wants to freak him that she only wants to Frick Greg this made him very upset and why do I know all of this because Robert came into our squadron and had a mental breakdown and told all of us I was there trying to get some leave paperwork signed he straight-up told this entire story to all of our leadership and finished it off with a demand that Greg be punished Greg obviously wasn't punished but was asked to stop which I'm sure he didn't in facts one was punished and in classic military fashion this story spread faster than his wife's legs for Greg gossip runs hard in the military I knew a guy who got home from sea a day early back when there was no email or phones to call home and let wise know they were in early found a different car in his driveway and someone else in his wife he kicked his wife naked out on the front lawn and then proceeded to beat seven levels of heck out of the guy he spent two months in club ed for assault but he said it was worth it my best mate in the Army married a girl he just met and then deployed while he was gone she kept begging him for money to buy everything that the needed to set up house when he got back when his tour ended the girl was genuinely P and wanted to know how soon he was deploying again after some days of heated discussion it turned out that she expected he would die in combat and told him that her her family and her boyfriend were counting on the money he was an aircraft Tekin never left the airport he threw her out and told her they were getting divorced and she offered up her sister as a replacement not a service member but my uncle is an Co his first wife cheated on him with a Colonel's wife he felled them in a very promising situation in his own house so he did what he have to and heated them naked out of the house for all the other people living in the military houses to see including the colonel got a divorce full custody of kids but she says it's not cheating of its with another woman my old roommate when his girlfriend did this I was in the Officer Club you Nakia now we're around 2012 or so in walk at least six women in s cute off shorts versions of flight suits that to a bright orange I was pretty confused until my marine friend told me that meant their husbands were deployed and they were looking for a good time apparently it was an open secret while I was in the Air Force way back in 2003 or so a guy's wife started hanging out in the dorms without her husband - me and my buddy avoided her because we figured it wasn't going to turn out okay yeah turns out she was just running through every guy in the dorms and even had Frick tag on our shop I mean that literally he brought her into the shop in the had fricked on one of our work benches again back in the early 2000s guy I know had his wife attack him with an iron skillet both of them were active duty he ended up choking her out because she was trying to kill him cops get called because it's base housing and walls of paper-thin wife admits she attacked him and he was just defending himself first sergeant presses charges on the husband husband gets found guilty and kicked out of the AF and becomes a house husband for his wife who is still in the military wife never got charged with anything you have been visited by the wealth rat subscribin 12 seconds and he will share his wealth with you thanks for watching if you are new to the channel you can subscribe I publish new videos every day until then check another video or don't either way have a great day you magnificent people [Music]
Channel: On Tap Studios
Views: 170,193
Rating: 4.8743372 out of 5
Keywords: soldier, military, military life, military wife, military wife life, military wives, soldier wife, soldier wife affair, #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, \r, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, sub, reddit cringe, memes, comment awards, dankify, toadfilms, updoot everything, updoot reddit, chill, story, stories, reddit on tap
Id: 5Sxas1o6628
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 47sec (1307 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 21 2020
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