Stories From People Who Have Been Clinically Dead

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redditors who have been clinically dead what did you experience in death if anything i was dead for six minutes i was laying on the gurney and i was getting colder somewhere my body started warming up and everything became really calm and peaceful i was not longer in pain all the noise from a just went away it was really enjoyable i was thinking about my daughter and i was remembering all the things we had done slowly it was just black and nothing there was no knowledge of anything i explain it as it was like before i was born then the worst thing in the world is being revived i starting hearing loud noises i felt this massive pain then there was the nastiest stench ever the smell was like every dead animal had crawled in my nose the smell was so bad i started vomiting i remember the dr's turning me on my side and watching my vomit spray on a nurse dying was the most pleasant thing i have ever experienced and being revived the worse not really sure what happened and it still freaks me out to this day my daughter was four and developed pneumonia her breathing would stop in her sleep so we took her into the emergency room she was there for a total of five days for the first three days our health kept deteriorating and on the third day my girlfriend got to call that to her mother had collapsed and was taken to the hospital she was without oxygen for 20 minutes and was declared brain dead that night my daughter woke up and asked about grandma no one had said anything to her or in the room with her we asked her what did she mean she told us that grandma came to her in a dream and said it's not your time yet i'll go for you immediately the next day she was almost 100 better that is freaking crazy i think about death a lot like an insane worrying amount i cry about it a lot too i'm terrified to die i'm terrified of what comes after and i'm terrified of losing people i love this thread has actually made me feel a bit better about it so thank you op i lost my mom last year and i remember her telling me when i was little because i would say it first that she was scared to die i'm glad to know that it isn't as bad as we both thought hope you will accept some hugs from an internet stranger i have the same fear i think about it every day and i have panic attacks this thread does help a little anaphylaxis wasn't breathing i considered all the hallucinations i experienced likely due to hypoxic episode until i told my mom what i saw a middle-aged man who wasn't and scrubbed standing still at the end of my bed while all staff were running around and doing their business i was having a non-verbal conversation with him and he was telling me to calm down focus on breathing he wore a tropical style button-down shirt one of those old-school news boys hats and had a very pleasant demeanor mum showed me a photo of my grandpa that i never had seen before and it was the guy at the foot of my bed and he died before i was even born didn't know this would comfort so many people just remember not to worry too much about death and remember to enjoy your life while you have it that's super eerie comforting though friend of mine described it as deeply relaxing and that she could feel herself drifting away but was brought back just as she was ready to leave after that she embraced life and death she said she doesn't fear death anymore since it was so relaxing to experience my girlfriend is anaphylactic and it is triggered by a chemical called salicylate found in pretty much every food when she was in high school she had her first big reaction and the school nurses refused to administer her epipen adrenaline shot until the ambulance got there now obviously having an anaphylactic reaction doesn't give you a lot of waiting time so by the time the ambulance got to her school she was in pretty bad shape and barely conscious the paramedics immediately administered one of her epipens called the nurse's freaking [ __ ] and loaded her into the ambulance as her mother arrived she continued to fade so they gave her a direct injection of adrenaline this time still nothing they give her a second direct injection of adrenaline and this time it hits her about 30 seconds later all at once and her heart fails she stops breathing no pulse nothing dead to the world for about two minutes and 46 seconds she was clinically dead and the scariest thing is she saw nothing she tells me that when you are losing consciousness you can't tell the difference between waves of drowsiness and when your body actually shuts down all she saw was the darkness of her eyelids and it felt like going into an extremely calm sleep where she couldn't hear or feel anything and she didn't mind it all despite the fact her mother and the paramedics were screaming at her to keep her eyes open and the ambulance was flying towards the hospital she miraculously just came back to life almost three minutes later as they were giving her chest compressions and the cardiologist that assessed her later stated that all the adrenaline in her body was enough to not only stop her heart but also restarted with a little help from the paramedic pumping it around but still do this day she can't differentiate falling asleep after a long day and dying overdosed flatlined didn't see a dang thing when they hit me with narcan i woke up really mad ripping ivs out of my arms cursing out the poor amazing staff who saved my life good times six years ago now with all that crap behind me luckily a black void then waking up and are surrounded by people running around like crazy i was cold off but in reality just room temp had to add and say that it was relatively peaceful like being wrapped in a big warm blanket my wife and i discussed this at length four years ago she died twice in three months needing full resuscitation both times both were lengthy rescues one resuscitation was often on for nearly 40 minutes i asked her later when she had recovered if she remembered anything at all during the times she was clinically dead she remembered nothing blackness no light no relatives and former pets waiting for her just black thankfully also no pain she finally passed 18 months ago and i hope she felt no pain or worry the final time it started with two spontaneous brain bleeds technically it started with her having lupus the first brain bleed led to her passing but they did craniotomy revived her then a rebleed the trauma from all that caused her lupus to set fire which led to complete kidney failure and another cardiac arrest passing and recovery which led to two strokes she recovered enough to be home and mostly independent but having to go to dialysis three times a week for three years she passed the final test to get on the kidney transplant list on wednesday and had a massive cardiac respiratory event at dialysis on friday where she passed again but was kept alive on life support i waited a week hoping for recovery that we disconnected life support for her wishes a topic we had talked about many times i'm sorry for your loss and for what sounds like a lot of trauma leading up to it my father committed suicide recently this year and these responses are helping me find some comfort that his last moments were peaceful i'm going to counseling soon to help get through the hard times i'm sorry for those that have experienced loss and i'm glad we got to share this feeling of peace reading these even if it's just for a moment sorry for you loss i know three people that have been clinically dead and have come back what they described is something much different than what people are talking about here they all said if you paraphrase that it feels as if you're passing out someone compared it to odin on whoopits nitrous oxide a feeling of your conscience slowly getting focused into one point in the exact middle of your head while your limbs lose feeling in a tingling pleasant way and then you lose consciousness one girl said that when she came back into conscience she was hallucinating because she had no idea what was going on and that she started dreaming of something safe that is her mother hugging her in a warm bed i died twice after i got mrsa into my heart area after a major surgery i don't remember much of anything when i was out cliche as it was i saw a light but dang that year sucked understatement of the year mayo yeah that year where i died sucked pretty bad not mine but the head of my program was in a horrible car accident she was dead for a few minutes on the scene while paramedics worked on her she said it was the most amazing feeling she's ever experienced it was blank black nothing but that was perfectly fine and she felt a comfort she can't even explain she remembers being angry at the man working on her when she finally came back to her body because she wanted to stay there she told us she can't wait to experience it again when it's really her turn i'm really pleased this resonated so strongly with so many of you i wanted to add some detail about her she is not religious in the slightest and she actively quashes our ghost stories and crap mortuary students because she only believes in tangible things so she fully turned me into a believer felt it's important i make a distinction she was very adamant about when telling us this story she's not advocating suicide she stressed that she isn't telling us she's trying to reach this place again but that when it was her time she was going to be comfortable embracing it comma she told us she can't wait to experience it again when it's really her turn this was honestly very comforting in a weird and unexpected way a friend of mine described death she was technically dead twice as being surrounded by darkness and floating with some sort of warm gel-like substance covering her she never wanted to leave that state oh my gpd that literally described the tanks that the machines used in the matrix oh frick as someone who lost his younger brother four months ago to psychosis induced suicide after years of painful and miserable addiction and anxiety and depression many of these comments give me more of a sense of peace that he just couldn't be here anymore and needed to go el hope he felt okay in his final moments and wasn't in the constant pain he felt 24 stroke 7 here and in his mind serious tag or not i'm glad the majority of the comments seem genuine thank you my sister killed herself in november of last year at the age of 15. my mother couldn't take the grief and killed herself a couple of weeks ago i hope they are both at peace because they hated it here no heaven no heck i hope it's just peace this thread and stories like these give me hope i don't know if this counts as i don't think i flatlined but i had a huge postpartum hemorrhage after my second and last child was born i lost 2.3 ltrs of blood which i think is about half of all my blood and considered the highest classification of blood loss before death occurs i was given general anaesthetic before i passed out on my own but leading up to that was such a surreal experience as someone has previously mentioned there is this sense of acceptance of laying back and going with it when i first started bleeding i was scared and panicking by the time i was being wheeled into theater i was smiling at the midwife and telling her it was going to be okay i was delirious and euphoric and not scared at all my vision started to go at first there was coloured spots then everything had a grey hue as tunnel vision set in sound became muffled like putting my hands over my ears the whole time the general feeling of indifference and no urge to fight it was there it was so calm i don't think i've ever computed just how lucky i am to be here so when your death experience by blood loss can confirm not bad the recovery though i felt like crap for freaking weeks and had ptsd i was so physically weak that i could barely take care of the baby and had to inject myself with anti-clotting meds for six weeks every day i was dead for a very short period of time like 30 seconds to a minute there's a big misconception about it it's not like sleeping at all i'll try to explain there's always a sort of white noise in the back of my mind it quiets down when i sleep but it's still there i never noticed it before i died but i do now i don't want to romanticize death but when i was out it was like this perfect nothingness and nothingness is so hard to imagine normally but once you experience it and they bring you back part of you wishes you could have stayed there's no positive feelings there obviously but it takes away everything bad too all your stress the nightmares the troubles all gone just nothing exists it's beautiful in a way i'm not suicidal at all and hope to live the rest of a long and happy life but i'm very much looking forward to a lack of consciousness when i do eventually pass a game and i can honestly say i don't fear death anymore i was not the one who experienced this but it was one of my teachers i had in high school a few years ago she was having open heart surgery in minneapolis minnesota and coded three times during the surgery when she came out of surgery and began to regain consciousness she kept speaking of all these souls that she saw i remember her saying she was scared for them and wasn't sure what would happen to them i can't remember exactly what she said about the souls but i do remember her saying that they had all just died in an accident her surgery was on the 1st of august 2007. this was also the day that the i-35w bridge collapsed in minneapolis minnesota the same city she was in it collapsed while she was being operated on [Music] clinically dead on two separate occasions i didn't experience any visions or light and i didn't feel anything at all it was like a switch was flipped and my existence was just shut off coming back was another story slowly i was able to hear the voices of those around me fading in and they slowly got louder until i was able to open my eyes that's it nothing spectacular one second you're here one second you're not somewhat comforting when i was 15 i was scheduled to do a tilt table test they lean you up at an angle on a table because i was consistently experiencing dizziness and fainting spells after about 20 minutes the doctor tilted the table back and i could feel myself passing out i got severe tunnel vision and lost like 95 percent of my eyesight like looking through a straw and then i blacked out i remember hearing the doctor call the code and my father cussing at the doctor that he killed me i remember hearing a lot of slamming and banging around which i assumed was the crash cart and nurses shoving into this small testing room i felt a pressure on my chest like when you have someone stand on your back to crack it which i found out later was the nurses doing cpr i saw an array of vivid colors kind of dancing around forming objects in the dark the scariest thing was how peaceful it felt just pure 100 peace no panic no pain no sadness nothing just bliss i coded for just under two minutes and as soon as i came to and opened my eyes i felt seriously angry and hostile i started ripping off whatever i could get my hands on and yelling at the doctor to get me off the table my heart stopped because i had an undiagnosed heart problem wolf parkinson white that caused my heart to more or less misfire not me but right before my great-grandma passed she kept trying to explain these vid colors and smells she kept saying how beautiful things were and she was saying it's unlike anything she ever saw but she was an extremely religious woman a little while after the colors and smells she told us he said we have to say it's okay for her to go i mean my whole family was standing around saying goodbye i vividly remember this even though i was only nine once we all said it was okay she passed on also the night before she was talking to herself we asked her what's going on and she pointed at the chair across the room and said please don't be rude i'm having a conversation with her and we were confused and asked about what and she said the woman was explaining what we were going to do with our futures so strange and i'll never know if it was real or what was happening but it's kind of cool to think it's real when my grandfather was dying at home from cancer he would often see his sister and brother-in-law he would tell us when they would come to see him the hospice nurses said it's very common it brings me great comfort to know they probably welcomed him when he finally passed not necessarily clinically dead but i was pronounced dead two times in the same night after a car accident i was in when i was 16 but my great-grandma pulled me out of the car and we walked through this really peaceful field of flowers when i woke up two weeks later she was sitting on the edge of my bed and told me to tell my mom that everything was going to be okay my great-grandma died when i was 10 and before that she had been bedridden after a stroke i never saw her walk or heard her talk in my entire life it was amazing and beautiful my mother experienced a long corridor with arched doorways one was open and she said she refused to go in she suffered a massive stroke at 27 to from a spinal tap done a week earlier former co-worker of mine died during heart surgery i think she was out for 90 seconds or close to it she wasn't religious or anything she said that she remembered being in the room and seeing her dead uncle and cousin standing at the far end of the room watching everything going on she shared this information during an icebreaker give us a fun fact about yourself she didn't remember seeing a light or anything just seeing her dead relatives at the end of the room this actually happened to me monday tuesday morning actually was going through a lot of money issues and thought i was going to lose everything hung myself in the closet fiance found me cut me down called 911 i was blue dead in her arms and i pee in my pants town gay is still swollen have no idea how that happened the emts brought me back i was dead and they brought me back i'm still at the hospital now and don't see me leaving anytime soon anyway i saw nothing just darkness no sounds no white light nothing black next thing i know i woke up in an ambulance suicide sucks guys don't even try it people love you suicide sucks guys don't even try it people love you truer words have never been spoken i'm glad you're okay not me but a guy i know claim to feel extremely at peace before having his heart started again after attempting suicide he was schizophrenic in a poor country and fell off the map after neglecting his mental health felt bad for him but he was not someone i wanted to spend a lot of time with i was six seven years old and one day i got rushed to the hospital by my parents because they heard me breathing really loud and hard the last thing i remembered were faces of the doctors and nurses above me while i was lying on my back then i flatlined the weirdest unexplainable thing happened then and there i suddenly could see the whole scene as a spectator like i was a floating spirit in that room i could see myself getting revived saw my mom crying and my dad comforting her but then i saw a white entity shaped like my body falling through the ceiling and slowly like a leaf on the wind falling down to eventually land inside my body but that's when that experience ended i was put in a medically induced coma and i woke up after some days i don't remember i had stuff plugged into me an iv red glowing elastic ring on my finger etc anyway i later mentioned to the doctors that i saw it all i saw them using the defibrillators my parents etc no one really believed me and told me that i was probably dreaming and biasing my memories due to watching tv but i know what i saw i don't really recall what was the exact cause of my hospitalization did i know that it started with an asthma attack alongside with a heart failure my memories from that time are a mess and i spent a lot of time in hospitals and i've taken heart meds and steroids till i was in my mid teens wish i knew remembered more but i never really had it explained to me i just went along with the doctors my parents and medicines as for the defibrillators part some of you mentioned i'm really confused right now i could have sworn that i saw them preparing the defibrillators just after they did cpr on me for some time maybe they used them after i got my pulse back sorry if it all sounds like a mess maybe i was actually just hallucinating like some of you imply i just recalled one thing i remember that while i was in the spectator mode i saw a nurse handing a paper to my mom for her to sign i later asked her what did she sign that night and she was like how do you know i signed anything you were unconscious it turned out it was some insurance stuff also i have a heart defect since birth i don't know the exact name but it has to do with something in my heart not opening closing properly which caused me insane stabbing pains in heart area once in a while they're gone now so i'm off meds it's so frustrating as a kid to not be believed when you're certain something happened i don't share it much but i've had four heart surgeries and in my first and third one i coded you had to be conscious for these surgeries to get your heart to react appropriately the first time it was just nothingness black just nothing i can't even explain how long it felt like nothingness and then i remember waking up with them over me saying we lost you for a second there are you okay the second time is the hard one to share i woke up in a type of subway feeling thing but everything was white the subway the tunnel walls we were speeding through i didn't have a body per se it felt like i was the subway at times and the at times it was like i was just looking out a window at the tunnel wall it came to a stop and it was just black nothingness again and then i heard a voice of a much older man he said are you ready to go and i just had nothing like i didn't know how to speak we're going now if you're ready and something inside me felt so ready to go like i was a magnet to it this unknown destination and the black nothingness ahead i remember finally saying oh okay he said another time with a slightly different tone we'll be leaving here you are ready to go and finally something in me snapped and i remembered i had a life and people i'd leave behind and my first thought was i can't leave my girlfriend i couldn't do that and my mom and dad my puppies i can't leave any of them my family my friends and i made a decision i couldn't leave i didn't even have to say it once i decided i couldn't leave and i was for sure staying i woke up and came to consciousness with the medical team all around me this is eerily similar to when harry potter died and he appeared at a train station which was all white with dumbledore which also gave him a choice to stay or go if you are new to the channel you can subscribe i publish new videos every day until then check another video [Music] bye for now
Channel: On Tap Studios
Views: 7,000
Rating: 4.970149 out of 5
Keywords: clinically dead experience, clinically dead, clinically dead reddit, clinically dead stories, clinically dead come back to life, #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, \r, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, sub, reddit cringe, memes, comment awards, dankify, toadfilms, updoot everything, updoot reddit, chill, story, stories, reddit on tap
Id: 6DHeh23mFuY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 26sec (1466 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 28 2020
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