Serve contact hip and trunk rotation | Tennis Serve Tips

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[Music] the checkpoints of the hip and the trunk rotation of 45 degrees now the reason why you want to achieve these key values of 45 degree trunk and hip rotation is because it's going to allow you to generate the maximum amount of force from your shoulder at contact to intuitively understand why if I went ahead and just over rotated my body you'll see that I'm going to have to internally rotate my shoulder more to make contact in front so by rotating at that 45 degree angle it in essence allows you to get the most force from your hitting arm
Channel: Grant VanderHayden
Views: 10,959
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: coach vanderhayden, tennis coach, online tennis coaching, effortless forehand power, forehand, effortless, tennis, modern forehand leg drive, modern forehand, tennis forehand leg drive, tennis forehand, forehand power tennis lesson, tennis forehand power technique, forehand power, modern forehand power, tennis power forehand, federer forehand, tennis forehand drills, topspin forehand, grant vanderhayden, tennis serve, advanced tennis, tennis instruction, tennis tips
Id: WOfjlSZMlQ8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 0min 38sec (38 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 03 2023
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