3 serve mistakes you could be making

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[Music] contact you want to have your wrist in a slightly more radially deviated position this is gonna allow you to get more from shoulder internal rotation just like that the shoulder going forward and around the second thing to improve is going to be the positioning of your trunk if we look at Federer's contact you'll see as he follows through that trunk is going to go forward into the court whereas yours is going to go to the side and kind of back third and final element is swing your arm immediately comes down like that and around what this means is that you're using two muscles differently than Fetters using he's powering his serve predominantly through the shoulder and that's events by his follow through shoulder internal rotation versus yours is powered by the wrist flexing and going down
Channel: Grant VanderHayden
Views: 29,790
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: coach vanderhayden, tennis coach, online tennis coaching, effortless forehand power, forehand, effortless, tennis, modern forehand leg drive, modern forehand, tennis forehand leg drive, tennis forehand, forehand power tennis lesson, tennis forehand power technique, forehand power, modern forehand power, tennis power forehand, federer forehand, tennis forehand drills, topspin forehand, grant vanderhayden, tennis serve, advanced tennis, tennis instruction, tennis tips
Id: n6HKrvwjpCs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 0min 59sec (59 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 02 2023
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