19 Nov 2019- The Rich and Famous By Bishop J Maphonga

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ye Warne whoa Kassem love giving la la' Shalini both singing missing gasps ooh Vasya Vasya Vasya Vasya in the windy in the way in the wind go sing give me sebas Vasya Vasya Vasya Vasya [Music] and away and away in the wind go singing miss Ledbetter goosey goosey mommy said it was a baby all need to do da Wendy yep again babe go singing reset pants ooh you grace we want to thank you for bringing us to your place of worship we've had different experiences throughout the week we have come that we may see that you fit some of us come from a different difficult experience some of us have Thanksgiving in our hearts we pray that you reach us at our level of need we pray for that as we are seeking to find relevance in the space that you've placed us in may we be relevant ourselves we pray for the four men that you've appointed to deliver this word to us I pray for the lady fair the devil had set to wrestle with him that the angels may bring about protection around him but if he was meant to be sick this week maybe postponed to another time I pray father that you protect all of us and be with those that we are going to invite and as you where is shared amongst us for the made fine fettle crowd may we not only enjoy it but may changes and make us better people Sampo pray in Jesus name Amen I also like to welcome those who joined us after the the welcoming our prayer was offered by Richard Melissa my name is Sonia Lu kumite our past and preacher for the day is pastor J McConnell and the task is also for me to share nuggets from the previous day's message but I will read it as the pastor wrote it on Facebook so that I don't do injustice it reads as follows so maybe just also to let those who don't know the even though the day is past but the the previous messages are still available on the church's Facebook page also on the YouTube channel so it says gospel and culture I am the vine three things to understand the tree the fruit and the seed they are all different but the same kind each one carries the other and becomes like the other different identities but same DNA your grandfather is the tree your father is the fruit you are the seed by watering the tree it bears fruit what are you roots and you'll have a season of fruit preserve your seed for the fertile soil don't scatter your seed recklessly your seed is for continuity genealogy captures your ancestry and divide out or defines critical parts of your DNA to know you or your ancestors history is to know yourself you can count the number of apples in a dish but you can't count the number of trees in a seed he who gives you a seed has given you a forest potential awaits fertile ground timing as of a season to yield an abundant harvest place yourself in fertile strategic positions to make the Mize your potential embrace your roots and you'll understand yourself study your ancestors in brackets your previous self and you know and you'll know the present you I am the vine stay connected to the tree trace your roots to the source of your pink the seed which was in Adam has not died until you you were there in the beginning on the loins of your ancestors I think from this it this is also on the Facebook page so you can also read it for yourself so we're still on the journey of finding relevance and I'll ask the pastor to come forward to share the message for the day you hello and good evening it's painful to think is it I can look on your face lon people don't know where to bite and where to let go you know kind of thing yes I know I know when people are used to recycled Kentucky's and KFC's and getting marriages in KFC will you tell them to go to the bush and get the hips for themselves go kill the bull for yourself before he can make the lamb ribs and go kill the Sheep then it's like a man like I trauma my wife and kids the other day I went to the farm as a friend of mine who's got a farm so we went to the farm and we Pro to to ship my life then I put them in the yard to craze for two days yeah the grazing around around the yard then from there then I converted them from grazing sheep into the mutton in the fridge and they look on the face is like are they dead yes they are you know but she loves lamb ribs and they they are on this roof and I must say that our present generation does not own what it consumes it's even traumatized by the sources of where the things that we consume come from I mean the other day me being me I put an irregular comment why can't we just allow our women who no longer believe in breast feeding their children and don't breastfeed their husbands why can't we allow them to collect all this milk which agency I thought you excluded from this breastfeeding session and I said why can't we make human milk available for consumption oh that's not right until you get to Europe and actually find that they are now harvesting human milk and making it part of human diet and if you are used to drinking animal milk and he started off by drinking human milk what makes human milk more evil than cow milk when in fact the human milk is is better than cow milk but there are only only human beings drink milk from other animals the faces of the men but every night they are breastfeeding you know when they children plastic milk butter that's what other day but I would want to encourage I want to encourage that is Africans if you are find if you find yourself locked up in a cave and there is no food and only one person can eat for the night for you to survive make sure that is your wife then you can press fit you still be alive a few months later yeah but does affect make sure that the woman is alive then at least you can still be a life force but if you eat all the food in there's no food both of you are dead so we are not confused our women are precious to us and important they are a source of life they're not human or we men are not human they are supernatural they are created from the other space of being and every time women try to be natural they confuse us as men but we came here first you came with an idea of the other so fulfill the purposes of the other four you came out of what was not good stay away it is warm that's where you are to get out of not from our heads to manage us no man wants to be managed by a woman its offensive not to be cupboards where we can step on you know men like step on another person but stay from the side where you were taking be company and stay warm is that okay don't go up don't go down just stay stay stay on the warm side and you'll find that your men is a tame animal in your hands the world is rough out there I don't want a police woman there's a police station down the roads I want and I don't want a lawyer and a judge Jobbik municipality is waiting and the High Court is waiting with Supreme judges I'm just looking for company hello I'm just looking for company someone I can come and say 8:00 my day was hectic you know but really if you don't want to know what happened eh these people they don't know you my hobby they don't know you go to Maury and show them that's all a man is looking for a little bit of encouragement a little bit of company but unfortunately you have been taught from the wrong school where many of our women are tired of being women they want to become men we already more men than women so don't compete we are more you're more women than men so don't crowd the space just be you you be who you are or they've to many of you in follow in in flotation yeah it's a horrible introduction for a nice Tuesday Tuesday morning yeah but I hope you can feel well because you you are God met your God made today we are discussing a subject entitled the rich and famous we'll have a few tips on how to make money and how to lose money and how to make influence and become powerful so get yourself ready and on our way there may our Lord Jesus Yeshua HaMashiach Pilate us to Heights beyond measure amen [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] when it rest I need to show in the few who get lost Rojo trees we add the peaceful rest then widely diverse whole a aji they say to me [Music] I need these foods then why leave me all my friends home a ie they say to me I will pile of me [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] it is the famous William Shakespeare who wrote some are born great some achieve greatness and some have greatness thrust upon them three levels of greatness are outlined on that small little statement some upon great you don't need to work on anything it just depends where you are born I bet you Prince Henry and Prince Harry and Prince Charles don't have to work for anything all you need is just a senem bill gates son Mazeppa son rama poses son you don't need anything all you need is a senem it's therefore true that in some certain cases it's not about you being successful but just the disposition of where you were born in order to achieve and have that greatness that we are born in whether you maximise on it mess it up or destroy it it's in your hands but some people I just born with a silver spoon in their mouths accept it and don't fight it to accept WADA's wisdom to fight it is foolishness group number two when others are born great some achieve it that those were born with nothing in their hands and they look at the world and say just the two of us or negative we try and they refuse to allow their backgrounds to determine their future and they all work for it they will study for it they will thrive for it and they will achieve it they're people we know in this world were born with nothing and if you had seen me in 1975 if you had seen me in 1978 during the war if we had met me 1979 during the ceasefire selling mangoes and apples and eggs in on buses in triangle Cassini and Shirazi you would have never known that I could speak English by any way if you had looked at my trousers and you'd seen those lp's that my grandmother had put on my jaw walking bare feet on the ground could have never known that later on or become anything to recognize there is true that does not matter where you start you have capacity and potential against all odds to look at your past and say it won't determine my future when others are moaning and crying over the silver spoon that has disappeared from their mouths others have a wooden spoon which they'll convert into a golden spoon and when they achieve it I know reward can be smiling they're living in a how turn you think I'm impressed I'm not I know where you started no I started I know your mother and I know your uncle's I know your roots and I know if I can remove your shoes you can still walk barefoot it and I know you can eat those traditional foods in the bush without losing yourself you can still eat that slimy thing Gousha but there are those who started there and they're not embarrassed of where they started because life is not measured by where you begin sometimes you can actually check your disadvantages and make them into advantages come on talk to me guys the WAM grows best in manure in the midst of debt that's where whims get fed so what makes you lose your appetite in the midst of trouble when trouble Sage's those were meant for destiny that's when they thrive if you know the head of those who started making it when everything else had gone wrong come on talk to me guys do you know what I'm talking about when odds were facing them then all of a sudden I read a passage some in the book of Job that made me giggle I'm no longer attending studying but one or two with you which we have not yet read by the way it says job when he's writing god gave power to the horse the horse is an animal the only one of his kind that pickles in the midst office of a war when hearts of men are trembling with fear a horse who still whistle it's when swords are cluttering in the sky because God gave the horse a heart that does not fear the clutter of swardson spears so there are people in life when the tough gets going and they say bring it on that's when we start going he goes fly against the tide that's when they hide their best but others would cower crumble and crush when adversity faced them one small little divorce paper they will crumble into unrecognizable rubber even end up in a mental psychiatric ward with one shoe on their head and one on the foot because all along they were missing keys and increase it says man I have my son and back and the woman loses her head because you started defining yourself by external factors but those who have understood that we are born in one way you meet other people when it works praise the Lord if it does not work praise the Lord still life is not determined by your nouns is determined by your hips can I speak in English so stop telling us your name your announced I am mr. so-and-so I'm CEO forum so my foot we don't care what your nouns are just start doing who give you a name of who you are therefore verbs define life not nouns many people who sit in front of big doors with big titles but behind these doors there's nothing less stop doing as I've said in the past stop telling me I'm a mother just mother stop telling us I'm a teacher just teach me Bishop just be shop just pasta do the noun people who give you the verbs I'm a wife but you don't want to be a mother and a mother but you don't want to do if children have children what you want in life what you want in life it's just a chain of I want this when you get there I don't want that but I want that I will get day I don't want this I want define what you want to become do the verbs the nouns will come to you one morning a child look at Jesus mummy that's my mom and of course when they say daddy you know it's love when they say dad you know they want something but if I used to all the titles but just do and we'll give you the title some are born great they just wake up in the morning and it's on their table some achieve greatness work for it sweat for it the only problem of waiting for it is that sometimes the children don't know where you're coming from they because by the time they wake up they are the first group that are born in greatness but the other group was was achieved it and those who are born out of those who achieved it don't achieve it they are born in it then usually they mess it up again and go back to where their father's way that's why I find all those businesses in the rural areas that we are thriving well now yes fine the shops have broken down Hey this used to be have an old guy in my house in the title of the case my father was once rich you know you have all those old memories of what fathers ones achieved and children can no longer have a clue I mean we grow up sleeping next to the stove you might look like 100 350 runs you go for massage Paula's for three hundred and eighty five hundred Ron but if you look at you very well some of you I can still see this traditional thing is not leaving you and once in a while they really seems just to come out in the air Naz oh yeah and sometimes in restaurants when you're eating nicely and you're gonna the real pressure comes off you know the real you comes out because you cannot hide forever we are living in an artificial environment where we are made to feel like this thing like this behave like but at the end of the day there are people real people with a real history that we are coming from so some upon great number to some achieve greatness number three then those who have greatness thrust upon them by the power adventures of life hopeless young person growing up thriving and pushing us on trying their luck age coincidence myth preparation and opportunity who just on time when the good deal was going down in China you happened with the right name the right company the right fit number the right every just on time you never planned for it boom you woke up in the morning ouch Lion King Aguila who have it thrust upon them and then never expected it especially those who win lotto because they win low to innocent in lifestyle and the lifestyle does not leave because now there is money they continue to live in the presence of themselves and it has been proved 100 times later that all those who win lots of actually end up poorer than they started because we can put a golden ring on the nose of a pig he doesn't make it a princess it remains the peak that moves us to number two of oscillation show me a four fingers I'm gonna carry you on and sit in Jenny today I don't know if you come back alive four fingers first finger call it material come on come on I know Matt see I make me the small finger on the first one don't make it small if you are talking to other women and say I live in a house ish then you are sending all different messages start with the first finger the world of materials this is the world where most men of us are struggling buying cars buying houses getting debt fashion perfumes and everything else because we want to have these things and you want these things to become part of us I've told you this before i'ma say it again today because it's critical many of us who gather materials think that we have that some quality of the materials that we gather which is a lie you are not Gucci no you can put on Gucci but you are not going so stop walking in a certain way like now you you go Chi you can drive a Maserati you are not majority you're not you still remain Tandy is that fine one sentence hashtag define your materials don't allow your materials to define you don't start acting in a certain way because you have accumulated certain goods around yourself because the amount of goods that you have don't improve the who you are if I should borrow him borrow hit the Range Rover and I put a pig in it to the airport and bring it back it will still come back as a pig a pig does not become a human being because it's sitting in a Range Rover if you are cheap you are cheap put that between your ears and get used to that if you are cheap you are cheap you may have all the credit cards all the cars and all the right addresses have you seen how horrible it looks when a lady who is money but money cannot fit you're not here I'm saying they buy the most expensive Happy's but I companion doing Michael Pollan they get the write-back Hemis back I thought ahem his back we should already wasted fire on mana how hard it is for a concentrate but if it is not that hi-yah - hi-yah - hi-yah - expensive clothes put on a cheap body they look equally cheap and then you find a poor guy with no nothing much puts on a small little cheap trousers the smaller the cheap they rock it up when they come up and they look like a million dollars because there is something in it they got just the god thing they got the cloudy thing which money cannot buy now on Dona Londo hey in my next life I want to be born as a cause I just just to say a layaway layaway in the right accent if you don't have it you don't have it it cannot be bought it cannot be sword therefore to develop human character it's so much more fundamental than to expand your money or lots of materials that can never fix the emptiness that is inside your heart things that are external remain is external you can never take them inside to peel the emptiness of you you can surround yourself in the most expensive address in town get the most expensive number plate downtown put on the most expensive clothes hair pieces and etc when you walk out of that house if there is nothing in your heart there's nothing that we can see so there things that money cannot buy that just grace covers with grease just covers where your money kinda grace covers our drive in my small little old car no more than you to an extent you feel jealous with Micah your car you can buy four of mine but you can't have the dignity and respect in the owner of a man sitting on a horse galloping down the road and you pass with your Royce Royce and the men on a horse it looks more majestic because there are some things that money cannot buy bring born in Preakness does not mean that you're going to be great achieving greatness does not mean that you went for it it's just opportunities that made himself available having it fast upon you you cannot take credit for it at the end of the day greatness is a transaction of grace you could have been born in a manger you didn't hear me all your kids who grow up with silver spoons in your mouth stop laughing you could have been that child under the bridge I was laughing with her the other day he Laboon me go Sammy I'm not Shady I don't have a problem phase 4 phase 4 is when Escom comes in his videos of your light yeah you know phase voice you can't get better than this and I was loving within a scary already but you can still see me in the dark - no but I was asking if if it means that yellow bone Ness is an achievement that you can acquire - let me ask you what did you do to come out as a yellow bone can you also give me the address prior to creation where you ordered do what you wanted to become maybe I can also go back there and access it so that at the end of the day when you come up as you are don't feel better than the other person because you had nothing to contribute so those are born great those are achieved greatness and those are have greatness thrust upon them very few of us have contributed much to it but in the world of material world number one where we spend lots of our money look of our efforts to gather things to ourselves and yet who can never become like the things that we are doing ourselves with the question is what is it that takes us world number to the world of voice world of voice where you speak your world speak your word with your words speak your word create your world with your words you don't believe what I'm saying then walk up front here and say my apologies ugly I'm a swallow that for pastoral reasons then SAH humble J is stupid you stupid on my eyes may look at you and measure from which level of intelligence you're talking and keep on going he was wrong Yama young upon zombies well I'm I don't look at the porch and look at myself and I don't see any similarities am I am i wink at it I mean keep on going keep on talking and don't start putting my mother inside then something inside he starts coming up salute if you are normal like me I know some of you try to be acting Christian but sooner or later those who know me you begin to see you begin to see me a tweaking tweaking my nose and I'm processing other things keep on talking by the way I will not run end the whole story short but by sunset tonight if not night tonight you may be sleeping in another different bed with other equipments attached to you for breeding purposes I don't know what you'll do to me but I know it's our duty I will surely take my opportunity to reshape you in one way or the other whether I succeed or not is another story but you will not walk away without knowing that you passed my hands that's for sure what am I saying your voice is powerful look at all the relationships around you to measure them see the language you use around them your words are powerful your good relationships you speak nicely your bed relationships is badly therefore in one word your world is created by your voice this thing won't work start picking how many have said it the human mind works on dissonance and order so if you say Linea la la la' fair deal this marriage is finished your mind registered registers the owner has said it has finished then let's put the whole system to work to make this thing end and we must come out of this thing alive then we start working around the concept until you got back there to correct it you may be shocked that we've destroyed things that were in our hands not because they were evil but simply because we told ourselves we no longer want them for example if right now should come to you and they whisper to you all of a sudden you begin to look at you with eyes that one to confirm what you have been told it's not all so then all of a sudden every move that they make is ok ok carry one a guy one and thank heaven he needs so you are aware we ain't a church for example every bit of information that we dump on each other we mess up each other's relationships you take information there you give this one you take this one you give this one you take this one you give that one you check that one you move it across at the end of the day people are not talking to each other and you wonder what's happening in the church the language of the congregation determines the temperature of that congregation and you'd be a fool to mess up a place where you say is a place of fellowship so if you have nothing good to say shut up say nothing at all well number two is the word or voice speak nicely to each other speak nicely to your future speak nicely to yourself world of information number four I'm going somewhere collect number 3s collect good information get good knowledge you cannot speak what you don't know huh and when the lights are out when the lights are out here keep the door closed didn't hear me again when the lights are now off when ESCO miss Kubelik aha I am Oh voila maniac because darkness is a way of crawling out of your teeth and embarrass you in front of other people then if someone opens up their mouth in people go because they cannot marry who you are and what is coming out of you simply because information informs your voice and creates your material those who have not seen much with their minds cannot say much with their voices and the quality of their world is as poor as the information of their minds so what do you think if you give him two million bucks or three million bucks to a man who all his life has been dreaming about a Toyota Corolla what do you think he will buy you died without an air bag in a Toyota Corolla and you won't know that you can actually get a BMW Range Rover Mercedes Benz it Alessa costs safer because if your world is locked up in a Corolla and you cannot dream beyond the Corolla then you're stuck with the Corolla this challenges me on my introduction I made for you and somebody that when it comes to religious issues do not limit other people because of your Corolla mentallity those who want to drive trucks let them drive trucks if you are helping an owner stay in a nooner those who love convertibles let them fly in their convertible they are available in the shops you can go and pick one for yourself so when he says I am the water of life it means that bring your peaches bring your jars and they'll fill them up if you bring a teaspoon there is enough faith for a teaspoon if you bring a cap there's enough for a cup if you bring a dish there's enough for a dish you bring it drum there's enough for a drum and actors are satisfied with little when others are satisfied with much those who love little stay there those with appetite for more the quality of your information determines the volume of your voice and punctuate the quality of your content and your materials so right now I get up here and I say berries and Edmunds huh there isn't Edmonds say something [Music] berries and Edmunds something Varys and Edmunds it's a small little town on the north side of London in Britain where I stayed for about two years nest to Sussex right up in the Nazi beautiful small little town where I used to live if you don't know it you can't even imagine it Yaman body G American farmer a cos gamma mu gamma because if you don't know you can't imagine it therefore a mind that is traveled a mind that is traveled a mind that reads gets informed so that the quality of conversation comes from the quality of information get your mind with correct information then your conversations might just improve if all you talk about our weaves shoes and cars and soccer can even sock hole men talking about the dead ox skin buying clothes and fashion and etc fascinated about twenty two men who badly need rest being watched by 60,000 men who badly need the exercise and they call that again she must be bankrupt in your mind to actually make conversation out of such shallow information I mean if you really want to talk to me come on let's talk let's argue how many angels can dance the sharpest point of a needle come let's argue because one to interpretivist that says we are surrounded by a cloud of witnesses so if we can calculate the square meter of a shoppies point of a needle then I can calculate the square meters around you then I can tell you how many angels are around you today but this is a cloud of witnesses you want to do some mental gymnastics let's go tell me how a lemon tree in an orange tree and the banana tree are sitting on the same ground this one produces sweet stuff this one sour stuff this one bananas how does it happen if you say you won't argue science how do clouds carry thousands and tons of water from the sea thousands of kilometres across the oceans and across the land and water it's inland precipitation clouds formulation are you sure are you sure talking science but the cloud which you can touch carries water across being pushed by wind and when it gets bay it rains tons of water you say you understand science no you never want to screw this the different world of adventure out together how you talk about gravity gravity when things go up they must come down but how does the 35-metre country pull water from the ground it does not drop you wanna talk about science you have something to employ your mind with get information and get learning you may just discover how little you know about yourself and some of us say I know myself I know myself if you ever seen your brain in one little child of course what argue me the professor the professor says no copy a lecture do you know God the professor says is not dead get outside child goes outside have a look come back here come back did you see him cuz I didn't see him but is he still there he says yes is there so how do you know that is there says professor you know I guess you don't have it there are some things that we live with in the absence of evidence yet we know that they continue to exist in our world of philosophy we have come to understand that is the feasible world there is infeasible world but information unlocks your mind to understand the limitations of the voice and the limitations of the material world not everything that we see is what we think it is in fact what is in the mind is less than what is in the voice don't be afraid of what they say be afraid of what they think what they do is far much less than what they can say and for much less than what they think if someone can kill you with your mind and they swear you with their tongues and they can only slap you with their hands but man what is in the other side is far much more and always much more third world the world of premonition world of dreams well number four the world of visions and dreams every night we cross over into this world and we have conversations with demons and with angels here everybody creates wealth I knew where everything that we have seen in the world of information actually comes from the world of inspiration and revelation people have come here Bill Gates has come here he came down to the material world with Microsoft the only difference is how do you download your dreams and make them a reality when the Wright brothers thought about flying it sounded like witchcraft but from the world of dreams you need to find a scientific formula you guys must pay me for this let's play me for this someone's life is about to change when you dream it translate the dream into science and information if you dream walking under the water don't say it was a dream if you'd limit you can do it yes if you dream it you can do it wasn't the world of dreams every night supernatural energies have a way of catapult in our minds from ordinary to extraordinary straight you people are shooting with bullets your matrix things bite you but they can't kill you you know what I'm saying me in my dreams if you HS me you never catch me I'm not joking if you chase me you never catch me I just run nicely I ran and it closer to me I just started gaming graphic gravitation and in all my dreams I fly so you don't even find me there few moments later I'm looking at you India down there I've been having that dream ever since I was a young child up to now immediately an enemy is upon me few moments later I must still find a formula don't run guys don't I know she's in China on Jimmy's witchcraft but in the scientific lab they must be a science but if I are under certain level at a certain speed I should be able to lift from the ground and fly and the other day I saw these guys who are doing sky gliding with these small little parishes of theirs they go on the side of the mountains and they just jump out in the gliding day with no wings nothing as if these things look like spiders in they look like bad bets in the air and the floating there for every dream when you find the scientific formula you have just knocked the rich and famous the software for wealth is not found in the material world let me say it in a nice way every material is a world created by those who have visited the spiritual space one more time every cell phones cause fashion music clothes these very things that drive you crazy I want this all these things that get you crazy you're simply living in a recycled world of those that visited the spiritual world to download the software so why must you be living and eating other people's recycled gadget it why must you feed on what other people have dreamt about the question is what I doing with your dreams unfortunately many of us do every night you be kissed by snakes falling into big duck holes black clouds hovering over your life is that what life is all about in the concept of the rich and famous we want to say to unlock your full potential you need to find a process on how to unlock your gems and because you're an individual and you are unique the dreams that you have no one else has them so the world is waiting to see you do you want here the Philosopher's for a second every time you try to be like me you are depriving me an opportunity to experience you so black people you are cast as me why because every time we try to be like white people who are depriving white people the opportunity to experience black people to yourself come on show us what you're made out of you know if no competition my famous statement hashtag my apology you can never copy a mathematics exam when you're writing a examination no but we're not by limiting our computers question five these things are not related at all if it is true that every human being is an individual I want to challenge academic institution is the most stupid of all systems was it photocopies us into foolishness it forces all of us to become one shoe fits or if you fail mathematics you fail physical science you fail accounting you fail English it means that you are stupid enjoy failure but who says I'm a failure topic and tell me how many degrees Bill Gates his topic and tell me that people who have achieved in this life what are the academic qualifications will you not be shocked to discover that even say Isaac Newton himself could not finish school but yet goes on to discover some of the most complicated formulas so what is it in life finding yourself on fertile ground where you can plant your potential to look like none other stop comparing yourself to anybody else you want to be rich and famous go into the world of dreams going to the world of premonition going to the world of inspiration download your dreams into a scientific formula convert your science into a strategic partnership with those who know your dream create the material that you need a man who sells buttons is a multi-billionaire cutting horns of cows and making them into buttons a man who sells Colgate multi-millionaire mixing small little things we all brush our teeth every morning a man who makes coca-cola multi-billionaire in every town that is civilized there is a poster out there Coppola and we don't even know the formula of what you are drinking because that man accessed the world of inspiration duplicated it converted into science there's material that we have those who are making shoes I'm even fed up with the Chinese there it is madness they've been selling bums to Africans come on guys I mean come on someone say sis I mean I'm honest I mean look at the China woman look at the China woman is a flat pancake nothing at the back and there they are selling bombs to African women we have enough promise for Africa and the world over but for people who are not satisfied with what they are there is still a market selling us human hair lord knows what it is made out of but they know if you want to create your world where other people can leave you can create products that they can support their money so here's my punchline statement civilization is not civilization until it is sponsored by the colonized as painfully so who sponsors colonization Karuna blick flight the sake all the savings of the yay you take them and give them back to the white men christmas is coming all the savings of the yay take all that money and walk back to the Whiteman and say thank you very much for the money you've given us and we hand it over voluntarily buying perfumes buying shoes buying bags and etc they're all hard indications Allah can imagine as if there is no January we are my genuine whoever super genuine sakes around the 14th the 15 and there's only one bottle of water in your fridge you know what I'm talking about in the end you have blown up three five six ten thousand during the holiday because we have not yet come to the world of creating our own products owning what we consume in conclusion the rich young ruler a man plans harvests builds new buns new expansion project and he stands one night in front of his house and he says mother Chopra eighteen my soul be at peace I have build all these things for you and have made all this stuff for you now relax and have a good time and he closed his eyes to sleep joins the world of the Dead where he meets the supernatural who whispers to him you stupid fool tonight when you return that side of material I am coming for you I am taking you to this world this way ot this one so we are going together from here since you said we have enough from this world Nally wayna same what's up group we're going there and you are collecting your soul and we are coming back this way I want to see who is going to enjoy your things after you're gone what is being rich if we can't put our wealth in things that matter so hear me well call your mother before you sleep tonight make an appointment for Christmas go home but Jackie go go home home I mean H ome there lollipop kuma llama Qui Qui Shyama we've imatra P go back to natural hair public home carry water on your head experience life stop being artificial forever there's no sanity in cosmetics of cosmopolitan lifestyle those who are rich are not reaching materials they are regional relationships may God bless you [Applause] it's a woman from this enclosing we can may please stand and sing hymn number 52 [Music] or some tow where's Percy's when I do this one you may fool ah yeah you're Musa if I knew he phoned a zookeeper no someone forgive me young ladies your boat Angola go give me me nine years old seafood an easy-chair know who paper [Music] wah-wah-wah-wah chairman yahoo figured a guy who just sue one King and Mesa him some me again Ringo Sidney na Cyndi's he gimlet Yeley crew whoa musa or one even for Melo boom nuna crazy boo boo years and go sing Jesus ever be heat or ba-ba-ba-ba-ba Nancy 80 see your hair bigger who would look cool let us pray we thank you gracious Heavenly Father for your God in our lives we thank you for the message as we are going to dismiss from this place we ask you to go with us let your Holy Spirit guide in my name we pray amen Thank You church for worshiping with us this evening and thank you for also to those who joined us online so tomorrow we are starting at half-past six again we please remember to share the invitations and also to invite people to come physically if you can make if you are like me and your five thousand people are more on your Facebook page can you buy some 29 grand a time just for tomorrow on to Meagan experiment and see if all of us can go live on our pages on our Facebook pages so if you are 5,000 each like me and we are 50 of us here let's see how much of each we can do by the end of the week that fine let's just use these social networks you can just put your silent so when you're coming to church tomorrow charge your phone nicely get a twenty nine run a time just for a start or some data and let's plug in by Friday and Saturday I just want to want to see something I want to see something I want to see something you know me with it with the innovation aren't you something god bless you thank you
Channel: Kelvin on Atholl SDA Church
Views: 16,614
Rating: 4.8360658 out of 5
Id: _YAtJCvzNeE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 63min 53sec (3833 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 19 2019
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