Taskmaster - Series 3, Episode 5 'The FIP'

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] hello I'm Greg Davis and this is taskmaster well here we are we've made it to the end of the series it won't be long before one of our tasks trodden tightens lift high the stunningly attractive head the taskmaster trophy who will have amassed the most points only time will tell ladies and gentlemen will you please give a very warm welcome to our finalists and right next to me where he belongs is mr. Alex horn do you want to say something Ike's really yes last one of the series well thank you thank you for keeping me on and I suppose I'd like to say in invite you ready to join me and my family for a meal maybe at my and my house okay would I be able to see my family know that fine okay right price task then are we going out on a high I hope so we've asked them to bring in a photo of their most handsome relative okay so whoever has the most handsome relative in your opinion will win the first major point of the show and whoever wins the whole episode will win five photos of these guys family as if they needed any more motivation I mean that is that prize Paul whose photo have you brought in and why is it the best eyeball in a picture of my dad son sisters brother as well yeah I mean that's you as the Pope wears not me technically well you've moved on a bit yeah so he could still be living in a parallel universe that was what I had hopes and dreams you happy that's a relative I'm not no it's not a relative is it it's him relative did you bring I brought in one of my sisters or she's a half-sister and my mom got pebbles six months ago because she was lonely and I think she's very beautiful yeah you like cats do you know it's well-documented that I really don't like cats and and clearly you're not related to a cat I hope no biological relation but adopted siblings are still your siblings can you still appreciate good technically do that yeah I'm gonna put myself out and I hope it doesn't come across as offensive but looking at pebbles um I brought the picture my grandfather sir Rafe Murray when he was working at the Foreign Office and he gives off this old world distinguished another vibe you don't know that see there are family into the country I make pretty bit worse everyone makes mistakes until you keep reading all the stuff I think he's a relatively handsome chap I'm sure he was delightful thank you rob picture ever handsome relatives did you bring in well I couldn't really bring any of my relatives photos in because most of my mug shots so what I've brought in is someone who I think is my relative a bit fatter at school people said he looked like James Earl Jones and I said to my mum mum people tell her like James Earl Jones and she went oh that's your uncle she's just like I did I just I think she was funny would have been very different voice bye you there Robert writer Davey Boy well I think that the picture just just speaks for itself what is Cary Grant yes [Music] famously one of the most handsome men in Hollywood undisputably and as related to you I imagine as Darth Vader is to rob know his cousin married my great-grandmother's nice buffet ba tomorrow is my mum so Audrey above that is my grandmother Winifred about that is my great-grandmother which makes Sally her sister which makes Winifred the aunt - Phyllis who's married Joseph leach was the cousin of curry grant what you can't see just off the top is Adam and Eve really great yeah it's true we have to check it out it is true it is but most handsome relative is clearly Cary Grant okay mister that go on wins at are the second most handsome is Al's grand a third most handsome even though he's clearly not related it's Rob with James Earl Jones last place let's get the next task under way Alex what's the theme it's a bucket themed task and it's really fun here we go [Music] move the water from bucket a to bucket B I saw this coming a mile away you must not move the buckets most water moved winds you have 10 minutes or times dust not quite this year what have I got a sim is this bucket a yesterday yeah it's not a trick trick he's good well the peaceful oh my help move the water by got move that water down to that bucket yes please Paul ice is horrible it's moving a bucket of freezing cold water in it I mean there's actual bits of ice in here you've had tremendously bad luck with the weather all service was that was the first movie theater was like 9 a.m. and it was minus 3 minus 5 minus 5 and the weather for everybody else is perfectly lovely lovely wonderful collection of rubbish to help them move the water yeah Willy hat colander bag of peas in holes a tray a string bag so let's take a look ok now right loads of things are clearly useless for moving water these are intelligent people they won't try and use them right that's okay coconut that's the coconut for whatever you want pulp that's not gonna work you know No why not that was it in it well sellotape how much we'll stay in it I'm really you've got five minutes twenty there it's not gonna look either is it oh so cold I just talked about going in it this as much as I'm gonna get in there oh I must be Tommy buckets how working you should own that the beginning in it [Applause] are you saying that when you get cold you faster standards I I've got a two week old baby and I've been having no sleep and I just was all over the place and it was so cold oh yourself I was dropping water I didn't know what was going on got a little fart did a little I just in just I was so cold I tense up when I'm cold you tense up I did sorry yes I do that little fire thank you actually believe that a reasonably good method of there was a bag full of holes but he managed to fold it over so the holes were covered Nick managed to get four centimeters depth of water in it back Oh quite clever so he did all right we made two trips back and forth that was then Rob what about old farty ice-pop the FIP managed to the release threatening wrapper of Walter we eventually realized he didn't have to use his stuff there think you could use anything there's a lot of litter lying around so he found a little cut he did five trips and got a six point six centimeters of depth so he's a current currently not a bucket it's time for a break I think find out how at all David Sarah tackled our bucket challenge to the final task master of the series and tonight to make it extra special someone will go home with a picture of Paul Chowdhury Alex I want to say bucket course you do Greg that's your prerogative and the current task involves shifting water from one bucket to another on an athletics track without moving the bucket itself so far rob has complained about the cold next up we've got Dave and Sarah ready we got here sellotape this I was gonna wear the hat a coconut seriously ten minutes you say delicious snack what I'm thinking how's the water moving going there's no water being moved as yet just an experiment at the moment I'm not taking loads of journeys of a tiny coconut it's gonna move a little bit [Music] thank you Dave you're welcome you've got 20 seconds over 20 seconds yeah ah I mean I will say I'm not gonna let anyone touch that bucket if someone has to smooth the bucket I'm gonna be serious [Applause] I fell enjoyed a big very measured about him what can I use that doesn't work no that doesn't work ah the hose yeah that seems like a logical way of containing water good it's full you walked out of a pavilion which only took you about three minutes to walk from it full of buckets you could've run back we're gonna waste time looking around a pavilion for a bucket when you've you've got a coconut yeah he told me in between fairly hysterical crying please Sarah the best opener coconut then did eight little trips with the coconut in the end naught point eight centimeters of water did the most trips and achieved so far the highest score seven point 8 centimeter can we know if Al's VT please yes we can here we go I'm not allowed to move the bucket but you are no I'm not unfortunately because I don't want to you don't want to know too cold I got 115 pounds on me that will warm you up [Music] [Applause] [Music] gonna have ten pounds now please yes yeah there you go think so you like the money don't you I'm not gonna go Aibileen it's the other bucket not gonna go any further out okay 420 pounds you lift the other bucket up money yeah hold the bike [Applause] watching how Donald Trump would do things I mean you have been throwing money around and it's gross the way that gives it away to you but you're a little mouse works as disgusted as I was by watching Al's Display of wealth I am far more disgusted with someone else in this room I wrote down a quote from an earlier VT and it is as follows Sarah just so you know I will not be moving that bucket for anyone it's almost like you're just no I'm poor if you can break your own name I'm so a work experience so what have you done with 80 pounds I put some rounds in the bark and pretended it with my money right well it's unacceptable why don't you give us 20 quid each I think if the money's gonna go anyways you go to charity don't you well no oh I see 60 of the 80 pounds will go to charity 20 pounds will go to rob Beckett bankers he's obviously he's obviously got problems what charity would you like to give the 60 pounds to children's dolphins good luck dolphins sixty pounds coming your way I pass judgment on the point in a minute but first must be an extra penalty for you take one of your shoes and socks off one of my rear for the rest of the right foot the right foot that's the punishment yeah okay don't like it good this is the way I see it al Mary wasn't to know that his ingenious methods was contradictory so I'm not going to penalize him thank what i'm going to do is i'm going to award sarahpascoe an extra point fair enough see what looks yeah look like yeah let's have a look at the amount of water in the bucket it's quite nice to see them quite soothing image we've got Alma reset over 11 centimeters has pulled with the peas Rob beckus their six point six centimeters Sara Pascoe is just noir point eight and then finally we've got Dave Gorman's I was swallowing it and I was bringing up bile from within me because it was such a poisonous does he drink until you say that's come out of your mouth was that ways that colour no you saw I was cycling I was running hard I'm not in good shape and it was making me feel fight nausea you know Dave I'm gonna ask you a question have you again cheated can honestly say no to that because I didn't cheat before have you cheated we did film it well thanks Dave you've seen what I'm capable of we didn't know until we look to the bucket and then we examined their little camera yeah how much to give to the Dolphins I mean Dave you disqualified from that round nope Wow okay how the scores looking Alex well because Dave dropped out there we have a clear winner in second place is Robert in first place al Murray so far with nine points the overall series our lead is incredibly customary I want to say what the scores it but there are three people just a couple of points separating oh yeah wonder who they are Paul okay the next one is a team task ready here we go [Music] I'm not gay tonight wearing one of these hands on each of your hands at all times you indicate to your teammates and ends these films but CP broke you may not raise your voice most correct answers wins you have ten minutes your time starts when the whistles blown sure ARBs where are my teammates team mate there Sarah I have no idea who they are there's someone with blue irons it's wrong can you see me who is it I don't know who are you what's your name what's my name come quietly I mean who did you think it was it was quite far okay let's all have a break for a moment all five will be playing charades across a river right after these adverts see you shortly the series climax but first Alex can we please finish off what we started because we can't we're playing charades so the person guessing could shout the person doing the demonstrating can't shout that's rule I heard some people got very cross I've got old furious let's have a look at Robert Harris V T okay back okay it's a film is rolling it is ridiculous I mean I don't know if he's just living his life obviously this one I gesture to me Mad Max I mean he's hands-on even moving very much and this the book is called the boring shrug I don't know what this is [Music] windows [Applause] Samson sensibility a car near you buy a car your mate I'll go through myself I've got that one oh shout 1984 again [Applause] [Music] [Laughter] [Applause] hey merely hey don't apologize all right I've got the prize you're a joke I think you saying it's a joke it's just I mean I can't tell if he's accelerated or miming write a song in it so yeah right now what's the single ladies on the moon this is what it's doing it's like that and then doing that what's that song they did then wave hello is it Beyonce is it all the single ladies [Applause] oh I mean Sarah definitely the lovely time it was tough what's your sense though it's hard to place your odds when you can't either guesses but didn't you call me stupid enough cut that out oh I think I was worse than that I mean we've learned something though if anyone's got anger management problems or you're going into any threatening situation just ask the person to pop some of those big deal felt good been sour angry looking so ridiculous so I mean what's at the game I mean incredibly Sarah guests we aren't him doing them war and peace the Bible 1984 and a passerby suggested Batman which was on the card so 7 out of 20 she got some wise old men and Paul Chantry who is a young man okay here we go goose down on this see huh it's a book yeah there we got yeah Jurassic Park no it's not virtuosic park is it I'm doing a thing where I'm not allowed to raise my voice you're not me yeah yeah if you were to shout across that River your words The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe yeah I'd be very helpful - master - I know we're out of that Dave Gorman's sorry say good [Applause] they're out there running you're done okay we use five-minute how handy that Ben Fogle was actually he was doing a photoshoot on the foreshore of the river just by coincidence what happens when your grand as a foreign secretary ensure art is easier when you can say the night and I still didn't get one that didn't they generally didn't get they've called no sorry don't Gordon even when you're reading it you can't but they did get 19 out of 20 good that was good game you wouldn't have done the same in that situation no I like to play for fun the survey did I just win that one it didn't say that you couldn't get Ben Fogle to show how does that affect to the point I mean I'm surprisingly al Dave and Paul are now ahead of Robert Sarah that the scoreboard looks like this like one more touch to really complete the series - and here it is [Music] [Applause] that's cool right on it right do something that looks brilliant when sped up or slowed down you have one hour your time startsnow near a golf course could do a drive the squad could slow down with it have a little think about Eric and I've yeah I've got an idea actually quite a good idea I think we're gonna start with Dave Gorman [Music] [Music] would be a really good Guinness odd for Guinness if they are prepared to pay the price those biscuit crumbs glitter oh sorry I just well so pretty rock and roll video really to famously rock and roll things they're glitter and balloons great see some others ok the bar is set we're gonna see Sarah's slow-mo or fast-forward we'll see [Music] [Music] [Applause] love just asked me if there was someone in it's in Gromit yeah just moving a little bit at a time they would have taken Sarah one month very really impressive technologies always in films as depicted something destructive or frightening why not have a nice dancing robot and then companionship and then boogie in [Music] [Applause] I mean this is all the funny but you know that al is the only person well I've ever met who knows someone who owns a gong shop it's the second time the gong has appeared in person he's gone mad that's wonderful so presumably your facial expression was based on the wig coming off yes what was the face expression gonna be before it turned into something you know smoldering okay Oh does he pull traffic do I [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Applause] clever and the best to keep you up he's in it I can keep you up for a long time you did post a lot about your football skills before it was the ninth take but you know the point is you did a genuinely good film and I honestly thought it was gonna be hot so well stop now for a break when we return it's gonna really kick off there's Rob's movie the final task of the series but most importantly we reveal the overall champion of Daffy Master it's gonna be powerful see you there [Applause] [Music] join us for the promo part of taskmaster before long one of our five comedians will be awarded this hallowed trophy and make their families proud at last one of them will also go home with a picture of a cat exciting times ahead Alex let's get back to the action okay then we have seen four films with the footage either slow down or sped up and I like them all equally which is why I'm so here the only one seen here it's Rob tickets [Music] [Applause] [Applause] I am intrigued by the narrative of yours as to who this super villain is that's coming after you because he is using three very distinct weapons yes please watermelon flower you mind that you're a character and there was an enemy approaching yeah I'm gonna make some snap decisions on this is so tough I thought they were all genuinely brilliant it's harder when they do well in it okay oh god last place I'm it's gonna be ours you know why because he's used his gong already and he didn't mean his wait to fall off next place I'm putting Dave and Paul and the joint winners for me because I could imagine a narrative are Sarah and Rob I've done it [Applause] tell us how the race for the trophies doing the race for the trophy is doing really well it's so tight I'm not gonna save us in the lead I know it's brilliant episode this day was on thirteen points but in the lead is Al Murray with 16 points yes [Applause] just points the dish out don't forget this is not only counts for this show but also for the overall scores across the series so for one last time will you please head to the stage the banner - [Applause] Alex what's in the box well or no deals gone down market doesn't it it's the final task and I should say that our Dave and Rob close to be neck and neck close to be neck and neck as well but at different part the body and they in need right so in the box you've all got five donuts on a stick okay mmm who'd want to read the task Oh al please place one or more Donuts on your stick you have a hundred seconds after which the person with the lowest unique whole number of donuts on their stick wins what in there's more in the event of there being no unique numbers the task shall be replayed until there is a winner Joe me to explain yeah so you're all gonna put doughnuts on your stick there are five of them oh yeah do we take them off or putting them on at the end of the hundred seconds gonna lift up your box we'll see how many don't actually put on your stick whoever's got the lowest unique number of doughnuts wins for example if you three put two rope puts one you put three Rob's one it's the lowest unique number I need to make sure you definitely all understand though Paul I feel like a bit of a doughnut of it are you ready good luck everyone put your doughnuts on the stick you watching them yeah I'm watching them hang on Dave I'm telling you how many doughnuts realistic look let me Donuts will you stick solid doesn't anyone you can tell anyone anything you don't you could be lying just don't go for one mistake Sara how many donuts viewpoint you stick it's none of your business just tell the truth I can't think of what to lie 11 I've got 11 donuts have you finished Rob I can't work out how to do it what you don't realize is owls paid a man to be strapped up in the lighting there's only 10 seconds left you've got five more seconds to make your decision if you get all replace the lids in three seconds [Music] step away from your boxes please so armory has gone for one donor that's a bit cool Dave Gorman one donor the two old man cancel each other out at this stage exciting I wouldn't be so stupid four chapters puts one donor [Applause] we go again put your sticks back this time you have 20 seconds this time you're 20 seconds starts okay sticking with one learn your business it's always right but what are you doing hiding the doughnuts okay five seconds Oh gain from [ __ ] from owl okay two seconds left and short your boxers please okay how about you I'm genuine excited Oh Mary this time it's gone for one donor [Applause] Paul Chaudhary can I predict yes holes five Donuts nearly what will only win if there are all ones or if these two are both twos or threes or fours yep we have two Donuts it's either Paul or Rob Sarah can't win I think it's all right okay it's either one or two but if she's putting three doughnuts they will not be the lowest uniqueness yeah I now fully understand the game so if it's a - Paul wins if it's a one Rob wins Sarah has put three doughnuts Oh to the audience okay can you please come back to find out tonight's winner [Applause] [Music] doughnuts Alex what happened very interesting tactics I mean for me was Alan Dave not budging from one both of them the same man cuz I knew he was doing one too oh you had to block him yeah I knew he was doing as well did someone else punting one you could do too well I think the first time I knew that hid them one I didn't know what he'd done so I had to block him and the second time when you hid him one I didn't know what he'd done to had to block him what's your tactic Rob I just sit free off and just put the Box shut sometimes that's all it takes from victory okay Alex can you please tell us the scores for today's show I can and that that win has pushed him up a lot of places Al Murray has 16 points but in the lead and the winner in fact is mr. Rob Baker with 17 but kick wins five whole photographs for all yours Rob you are the luckiest man in Britain please go up there and collect your prizes well that is another series complete does it make you feel complete Greg sort of does it yeah but before we find out our overall Series winner well if we learn today well we've learnt if you want to hear Rob Beckett fart put him in a fridge today we learned that the winner of this episode is right back [Applause] okay the time has come at last after five episodes countless tasks and some bizarre and brilliant tactics we're about to reveal the overall winner and present them with this the taskmaster trophy Alex has added up the point across the series so I will now hand over to him to tell us the ultimate scores okay so tight it was tight there was just two points separating three men at the end which means there were five points available there's only one winner and yet won by six points overall it's mr. Rob Beckett [Applause] the champion at the third series of taskmaster is mr. Abed thank you so much everyone take care and good night [Applause] [Music] [Applause] you [Applause] for Walter Franta subscribe now [Music] you
Channel: Taskmaster
Views: 1,677,186
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Taskmaster, Alex Horne, Greg Davies, The Horne Section, Dave Channel, UKTV, Red Dwarf, Would I Lie To You, 8 out of 10 cats, Taskmaster full episodes, Al Murray, Dave Gorman, Paul Chowdhry, Rob Beckett, Sara Pascoe
Id: hDdx3oXQs9s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 58sec (2698 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 21 2020
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