Series 2, Episode 1 - 'Fear of Failure.' | Full Episode | Taskmaster

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] Davis and this is taskmaster you're about to witness five comedians do battle for points with the ultimate goal of lifting my heavy golden head above their ordinary heads as they are crowned champion of taskmaster it's a brand new series so let's meet our brand-new competitors they are Doc Brown I'm also joined once again by my lovely assistants mr. Alex Horne welcome back Alex how are you feeling more a lot more confident I've got a lot more self belief now so thank you I sort of see myself now isn't your au pair figure so I live in your house and I look after your children and I'm quite nice to look at quite pretty are you do you think so I don't know if it's a pejorative or not but I think you look a little bit like a pipe cleaner so the first task as ever is the price task today you've asked them all to bring in their most important document yes okay so whoever brings in the most important document they will win the first point and whoever wins the episode will win all the important documents Brown please tell us what your most important document is it's my first-ever or one of the very first full completed rhyme books from my time as a teenager and who hasn't got those it's full of some of the most worthy earnest annoying lyrics from it forget memory lane I travelled down attitude Avenue [Music] [Applause] Joe what we brought in what's your what's important about your document it's my wedding certificate yeah the thing about this is that when I said to our missus I was going on the show I needed an important document I said can I take my wedding certificate and she said no and I brought it anyway [Applause] that's not John absolutely terrified I'm I went big early on this one great well I mean that's gonna be hard to beat John what is your important document my certificate to say that I am a Guinness world record holder what do you hold the world record in the highest ever stand-up comedy gig on a mountain I did a gig on a plane did everyone else do the gig with you no darou obreon and Jack Whitehall were there for moral support all of the news today to the gig John I was comparing the gigs I went on first I think some people do genuine things to get in the Guinness World Records I don't believe in it Joe Wilkinson is married and I'm going to be ultimately went down attitude up Katherine well my important document is worth ten thousand pounds I do a lot of flying and I love it when no one annoys me on that flight by doing something like stand-up comedy trapped I fly so much for work that I have accrued enough points to earn a companion voucher any one of you could win it and that means that wherever you go even if it's first-class you could take any one you like with you and they travel for free what a baller you will seem like [ __ ] like John I've got something this is so important to me it's on my living room wall unlike John I actually have a half-decent guinness world record Wow verified and all sorts wasn't dinner fit on a plane Nadel oh yeah for naming the name in capital cities in a minute live on television name in the most yeah yeah I'm gonna make a very quick decision about from least important to most important no I'm putting Joe in first place five points in second place [Applause] I'll give Custer in third place to world record holders in the first proper action task [Music] place these 3 exercise balls on the yoga mat on the top of that hill that hill the task is complete when all three balls sit fully inflated and stationary on the mat fastest wins your time startsnow up there these serious daunting task not if you've worked at altitude before you know I'm looking forward to so we just see some okay you want to see the two J's was it Joe and John I do okay here they are your time starts now that hill justplease up there he's serious [Music] Oh Oh [Music] two minutes joke wah you've got two minutes I'll shut up no no [Applause] [Music] [Music] has to go back for the other ball yeah [Music] well thank you John yeah Alex [Applause] [Music] it occurs to me that my seven-year-old niece would have come up with a better plan than I'm going to hold to and kick one up I kicked one of them admitted by our tractor character I think I try to kick all three yeah I think yeah I'm not carrying those your total school with nine minutes and one second or you can run it up to ten minutes how many minutes do we add for him insulting the taskmasters assistant that's me yeah I liked it are you let's see some more who's next glamorous Oh doc and Catherine yeah yeah it's gonna be windier up there then it is down here might as well take two bulls someone already tried to carry all three at once [Music] do you guys feel like going up to the top of the hill and just keeping these from blowing away I mean I just need them to be stationary on a yoga mat that's so kind of you and I think that some strong women working together is the fastest way to do anything [Music] so all three just need to sit here so if you keep those there I'll get the other winner thanks ladies No [Applause] [Music] you don't feel like doing me a huge favor D could you wait and just make sure these don't roll down I'm just gonna run and get the ball and that is it and you can go about your day just give me two minutes please don't let the ball roll down ladies so all we gotta do get these on that that we can sit on them doesn't say don't sit okay I've stopped the clock well yeah okay hold on Doc you okay yeah feminist statement of power into a game involving plastic where you charmed them you had the strategy straight away right get some people get some help and I didn't ask them to carry any balls I carried all the balls myself I saw that don't you look like you're like massive game plan to me at the beginning because you went back okay it's gonna be windy up there mmm that gave me some hope because you're thinking hmm and then you use the old put the tiny rock on the massive board I realized immediately when I got up there that even just getting a decent sized rock out of the ground it was it was gonna be impossible so I was trying to pull like tiny pebbles at the ground getting stable give us some times for the these good people doc doc made three trips up and down and took 12 minutes 25 seconds oh wow I was expecting that to be good Katherine she got six minutes 37 to beat she took seven minutes 30 she walked she walked she walked is the owner that's just Richard Altman to go and imagine you just reached up we're find out after the break [Applause] [Music] welcome a taskmaster where for comedians and Richard Osman I'm playing for Joe Wilkinsons marriage certificate Alex what's been happening well so far John Richardson has been the fastest despite having some of the shortest legs in comedy to go yes we can have a look now how am I gonna do this is gonna be like a possible right all right let me have a little read of that again whoa that's a long way up right now [Music] Crossley Pittman Richard here yeah I was so tempted use this as a switch done it's really steep it's Richard Osman a genius or should that not be allowed there's definitely something in there about the balls and up the hill place what was the exactly challenge place these 3 exercise balls on the yoga mat on the top of that hill that is on the top of that hill I mean is there any way of knowing for sure whether he was in the spirit of the challenge I think it matters what Susie Dent thinks Oh down the task is open to interpretation with a actually said it's it's the classically ambiguous English prepositional phrase which is the title of mine you wrap up she finishes by saying I'd say how Richard decided to understand it is unusual but not impossible I know Susie and she had a few too many of them I mean I would discount it Susan dentzer knows what she's talking about and Richard Osmond uses imagination so as far as I think she's yelling at us okay it's going to be a heady mix of sport and vegetables potato my fave get this potato into the golf hole you may not touch the red green you may not touch the red green I get one shot of this No okay oh but if I throw it I can't go on it right ah ha ha ha that's clever so it's like a one oh man oh man you've kidding me I mean with this it's made pretty clear that they're not allowed to touch the red green right yes so the one thing you wouldn't do is you wouldn't just throw the potato at the hole and hope for the best no otherwise the potato would just be stranded they'd be strung you and really retrieve you'll be able to get through it so you'd think of a way around that I mean no one would just do that right Katherine and Richard yes please we gonna get it no I could risk it I'm gonna have to get something not losing him again what's the plan I'm gonna tie this potato sort of give it a leave so I don't lose it again we all love a game of skippity it's an old Irish game and you happy you didn't touch the red green I don't think I did good great yes [Applause] my initial impulse was where'd you get those welllet's they're awesome and then that was quickly replaced by what happened when you worked out a system that you could move the green you just moved it a little bit unlike Richard Osment I should respect the red green and like play the game well I mean you've invented a great game potato string by the makers of this program I'm really bad at sports I just can't work it out like most of sports it's like can we have some time out okay thank you most of I feel like the crux of every sport that I see yeah getting the ball in the hole never jump in front of the ball or like her window I don't get it the same and when I inevitably take over as king of this country I'm gonna ban football Sir Richard's in Lille two minutes 13 in total and Catherine six minutes 28 I didn't think about that through too early I was screwed now this is obviously gonna add to my time bar and that's one of those other jammy guys gets a hole-in-one I can I'll be all right back to square one yeah start with your method yeah chucking it in the hole [Music] [Applause] [Music] we got cleaning confident yeah man I'm gonna keep this balls to call people out crotch gaffer tape to a walking stick I love sports so much Shawn do you really run like that get in on his third attempt it took him one minute and nine seconds [Applause] 6 minutes and 59 [Applause] just show well consent to go let's find out how he did in part three [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Moscow where Catherine Ryan is desperately trying to win her own flight companion factor Alex where are we well they've all been throwing potatoes into a golf hole yes that's again John Richardson is in the lead despite having the littlest legs and we've just got just got Jo to see fastest wins your time starts now oh we're off oh wait [Music] Wolfie can't trade something very those Knicks Hangzhou good shot Cheers it's gonna pop that in there all right yeah Cheers well done Joe yeah Cheers I don't know you feel Catherine but it made me like sports it's incredible I'm talking straight how're you feeling instincts laser like yeah sure SC then another 17 times after that what I liked was what you said to Alec something you heard that but you went yeah we didn't think that was gonna happen it's incredible it's so incredible i person you know I'd love to see it again okay here it is again [Applause] guys sometimes it's hard to pay the test sometimes you've got to crush dreams that's the most exciting bit of sport I've ever seen it's not it's not like you're going back to an empty house please don't take it away from me [Applause] got real sense of power very precise or it's awful because clearly you've got you've got an awful home life we've established that already just speaking as a fellow competitor I thought was an incredible achievement all right listen if I'd done what he had done I would have wanted the five points that's my views I'm not suited to were two to Joe but and that's a really impatient and eloquent argument it makes me more inclined I'll tell you what I'm gonna do and it's unprecedented and don't think that we're gonna do this for the rest of the series because we're not it's a one-off I'm gonna allow your fellow competitors to decide we should send Joe out of the room and take a boat yeah you should go [Applause] [Laughter] four of you there you've got one vote so I guess raise your hand if you'd like Joe to win despite their so you don't think Joe should get it no I think if you really analyze the slow-mo those couple of centimeters that he gains over the Reds were you to take them away and it'd be a clean shot that potato would have been all rim and bounced out would have been all room crucial advantage do you want to bring him back in your verdict yeah yeah I can come back but you can't step on the red Joe yeah I gave you a fellow contestants the opportunity to save you and they were unable to conclusively do that therefore on this occasion I'm going to have to say that your attempt was null and void oh boy that's harsh dashi the same way folks he mate how's that affected our scoreboard I mean you've gone up in my respect if that was impossible I just think you're a wonderful person thanks mate the school board now looks like this he's gone from first okay I think just as I lift the mood expectedly genuinely harrowing moments okay we've got some language difficulties right Swedish or something I'm now following information from the Swedish person I thought you were Swedish find out the following information from the Swedish person why nailed that I already know all about you the Swedish person may not speak or write in English fastest most accurate wins time starts now hello hey interesting I wonder if that will affect the the mood towards Joe there because the sigh as soon as he found out the gentlemen the Swedish was bordering on racist this attempt okay we'll start with a bit guys Richard am shocked yes what's your date of birth shokran Vegas tonight are not yet okay the eight month that's August right shukran the Augustine 2nd of August Odette Newton hundra oh no 19 of the EFT iti try 50 60 70 80 81 excellent if I pay you money we speaking no no no father's job again is a normal life yeah no chance there for me painter decorator I should have that's so easy you frightened of anything I've been sick us yet meeting your greatest fear is your greatest fear an animal of some sort and I is it Heights now can it be described in one word yep yeah is the first letter between m and p yeah is the first letter P Knight is the first letter M yeah is the second letter a vowel yep mental your greatest fear what is your greatest fear again miss Lucas I'm tearing that ass looking oh you ain't sayin miss Lucas yeah hot miss Han mi SS ly my mister something obviously ran it sort of so is a fear of thank J okay yeah l y ck this is this is not English right I think it's no in English you're right oh so I'm not gonna know what the answers I do you know the word in English how many letters is it OH January Coco you said it will is it chain like H I yep fear of failure blow me that's like Roenick of our contestants would make the worst UN ambassador the only thing you managed to establish was that he didn't have an opinion on Astley very impressive from you mr. Osterman oh it's took a long time give me some statistics well Richard was slow he took 17 minutes but he got all six items of information correct where's Joe you were quicker you came up after 16 minutes and 20 seconds together all six wrong I think it was both their faults do you wanna see the little guys doc and John I want to say yo what is your father's job animala he's an animal Moeller a dentist can you show me with your hands what your your father does at work he's a croupier there's a painter and decorator idea I really go change my lifestyle oh yeah estate agent I a teacher I see unemployed like your poet I pretend to be your debt arrive at work and do what your dad does a painter what would you say to describe me do i contour finish yeah I don't know if that's an insult rack t'v tall no my height quite small yeah yeah quite small sure this is not good for my self-esteem did you describe me as tall brown okay maybe it was an insult Hey yes nice eyes brown eyes like small eyes evil eyes Don kind eyes kind guys that's nice this function is a lovely language isn't it Swedish I wish I understood it I've really got that time down I mean a lot to enjoy there wasn't there from the world-famous croupier mine we set about John by a Swede he has kind eyes sure shorten average we know that it'll be a little beard quite a lot of information being thrown at you another man just short half don't never got that I never got it and John did get his way to that so he was longer but he was more accurate and welded top two weighted very quick he only took about ten minutes just over ten minutes I only got half the questions right a sense there was more chemistry with doctor yeah we've got on we got on I could sense well you can't very well there was one moment where you you'd attempted certain strategies and then you went incredibly flirtatious with it was it friendly oh yeah friendly [Music] [Applause] you can't fake that chemistry did we have some statistics for John I don't know with you yes 15 minutes 26 so he's a quickest but he got five right he never got Miss Lucas correct I didn't know okay we'll see Katherine and the Swedes shortly Plus after the break all five will take to our stage for the final task of the show [Applause] [Music] [Applause] welcome back the final touch master where for comics and one television presenter slash who has one not one but two Guinness World Record certificates yes but first we need to see Katherine tackling the current task of finding out some information from our Swedish friend Fred who is refusing to speak English okay call my friend Sophie Hagen she's really cool you trying to call the Danish person yeah it's the same I think I'm gonna pass you two free drink who is gonna say some things in Swedish if you understand any Swedish from your Danish can you just tell me what you say I'm gonna ask him what his greatest fear is Friedrich what's your greatest fear miss Lucas failing to fail he's got a fear of failure yeah great good job Sophie and now I'm gonna ask him his father's job and I'm more letter yep great and now I'm gonna ask him his favorite food pan beef Copa tortoise get out source state lurk okay lignum steak roast beef no it's not roast beef is it like a stew is it like ground beef yeah oh so he likes ground beef like Hamburger Helper type of thing yeah cooked potatoes is gonna be cooked potatoes fried onion was there anything else for Jay okay so my Klingons at the end mushrooms lean guns Thank You Sophie Hagen okay Lane gone mm-hmm Swedish English dictionary Barry it is like it's a kind of berry called Ling gone yep Oh strawberry blackberry raspberry cranberry sauce blueberries you're having a berry that I know Lingle leaning on Barry it's like a kind of berry in itself it has no transverse order just so that's it hang on yeah lingonberry yeah so are we done here [Applause] I mean what you felt the need to phone a Danish friends when you were able to translate things alone with cooked potatoes free way that you untangled that was incredible statistically how did Casper get on well despite that lingonberry blind spot she was still quick 15 minutes 41 and she got them all right so she was slower and then John Richardson got one wrong but took only 15 minutes so it goes one two three then doc and so sorry by a long way yep we've got some support workers that there before where we've only paid for them for 48 hours all that means at the scoreboard now with one toss to go looks like this but we need one more test to sort this out will you all please head to the stage for the final task of the show [Music] and there they all are doc can you please read the final task oh there we go doc all right pack for your holiday all items must either be packed in your hand luggage or worn on your body fastest wins okay so everything's gonna be right there in there with the zip shut or worn as if you were checking in you need to be checked in simple as that packing for holiday fastest wins any questions contestants do we take our blouses off okay so when you when you finish just stand next to your bags good luck you ready sure your time starts now [Music] [Applause] I once shot he's got a shelter did or something right that's an all these things have to go in I'm Thomas wait hold on I think so I don't think you're wearing the bucket you can't wear a bucket he can't wear his friend ecommerce spades he's nowhere in the pinata you've gotta be shot gonna do the zip up place you have to shut it [Applause] okay are you done that's done I think two people have given up so I think that's probably all that horrendous mess that was Alex did that go as planned it went exactly as planned I can tell you Katherine came into third with two minutes 34 we're happy with the outfit John is wearing the panty otter as a bracelet as an accessory sure sensible John two minutes and four seconds in second place Richard one with one minute and 18 seconds to form really didn't it yeah well you were fabulously destructive force though on that well I just felt had nothing to play for you know and I fought I'd cut my knuckle so just laid into the pinyon much of the angry pinata base trap you're gonna find out the final scores so then when they can finally get their hands on those important and we can now see the final Lee table a triumph for Richard Osmond please go up and collect your documents thank you Greg thank me yes you're right and what have we learned today well we've learned that life can be cruel one day you're a happily married sporting hero that's your lonely potato throwing cheat with no future we've also learned that tonight's episode is won by mr. Richard Osmond [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] you for Walter Franta subscribe now [Music] you
Channel: Taskmaster
Views: 2,987,917
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Taskmaster, Alex Horne, Greg Davies, The Horne Section, Dave Channel, UKTV, Red Dwarf, Would I Lie To You, 8 out of 10 cats, Katherine Ryan, Joe Wilkinson, Doc Brown, Richard Osman, Jon Richardson
Id: RWQW73P3aN0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 19sec (2719 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 19 2019
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