Apr 10, 2021 - Can't Keep A Good Man Down (Part 1)

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um i felt very compelled to talk about something because a lot of times uh in messianic judaism sadly enough you know you celebrate passover passover's so elaborate and and you know you you you have your seder and you come together on the 15th of nisan for the feast of unleavened bread and and the last day the seventh day for the feast of unleavened bread and first fruits is lost and that's it's sad because a lot of times you're like wow you know i mean i don't want to celebrate easter but i want to celebrate the resurrection it's not lost i celebrate it it just doesn't say to have a holy convocation so i can't you know just do something that's not necessarily biblical right so i celebrate it for sure um i say this i'm about to say something not to sound smart but there are 1189 chapters in the bible how do i know that because i one day i added them up and we all know there's 66 books but i say that to give you contrast to give you perspective i'm not saying that to to know that it's not important to know that except to say there is no chapter like leviticus 23 in the whole 1189 chapters now the incredible thing is it's passed over by the whole church totally passed over and and yet the chapter there's there's no chapter like it because that chapter that those 44 verses teaches us historical spiritual and prophetic lessons about god's plan of redemption and his second coming like no other chapter in the whole entire bible you can't show me any other one not another 10 chapters that compete with it and that's just tremendous i mean just tremendous that god would put it right there in the torah we have pesach or passover pesach is just hebrew we have hog matzah which is the feast of unleavened bread and they're not really two separate holidays if you read in leviticus 23 they're part of one holiday passover okay you have yom habikarim the feast of first fruits and then you have shovel the feast of weeks so basically we have three feasts you know i whenever i think of three peas guys i just think of the times i've been in india and they have thousands almost every day there's a different feast to a different deity and so we have three feasts in this ring and those three feasts absolutely tell us everything we need to know about messiah's first advent or messiah's first coming or messiah's first appearance whichever word you like we know that he died on passover we know he was buried on unleavened bread and we know he rose on first fruits that we know that's happened it's historical but we should still celebrate it rabbi why should we celebrate it why do you celebrate your anniversary a memorial that's why you do it to remember you make it special not only that why should we celebrate it because god said we should but it's a sad state of affairs when you feel like you have to celebrate your anniversary when you go oh god my anniversary's coming i got to put something together that breaks my heart i love celebrating my anniversary in fact i try to do something special once a month i don't want to wait for my anniversary i might not make it to my anniversary something special something out of the norm not flowers because flowers we have every shabbat take burn of that somewhere i don't know just because keep it fresh right i mean i'm stuck with her i might as well make it special and then you have three feasts in the fall that's it it's beautiful six months apart you have yom teruah the day of the sounding got two verses in leviticus 23 and you've got yom kippur very elaborate you know you've got a whole explanation leviticus 16 and then you have sukkot and that points to his second coming the shofar will blast he will appear the jewish people look upon him toward the end of the tribulation and mourn like one morning's only son and he will take his throne and rule and reign for a thousand years sukkot tabernacle among us it's it's an amazing chapter you know just amazing i didn't see the fulfillment of it i didn't see its prophetic implications when i was jewish but i surely knew what those holidays were about then when i came a believer i was like oh my god i was flawed and then i was like how does the church gloss over it i mean it's so it's such an amazing chapter to teach us everything we need to know about the first and second advent just absolutely amazing so um i want to talk about first fruits and hopefully god wanted me to talk about first fruits but i'm pretty pretty confident about that um passover for us believers not some of my jewish family for us believers it's not just something that happened historically we do celebrate the passover that was because if there wasn't a passover that was we wouldn't be able to celebrate the passover that is you follow if the jewish people weren't delivered then we wouldn't be delivered no jews no jesus period end the story no jews know jesus so we celebrate spiritually not historically our redemption from sin and death right that's our passover take a look at romans 3 25. we're going to use a little bit of romans for these three only because romans is the quintessential book on christian theology there's no other letter like it none in the new testament and it would be really important for you to read it in its entirety as a letter not grab something in romans 15 and make a theology out of it so it says in 325 just one verse god put yeshua forward as the kippura obviously i'm reading the complete jewish bible i don't know what does it say in the other bibles anybody got another bible propitiation like anybody knows what the heck that means it's a it's a very fancy greek word that means to appease an angry god now god wasn't angry per se so i'm not crazy about the term that's why i much rather have this but god because he's holy and just he had to pay forward his wrath and on the cross yeshua took all of god's wrath past present and future the kippura is much better much better it means covered you know it's like when somebody says i got it give me the check i'll pay i'll pay the bill so our bill of sin was paid it was covered the kapoor for sin that's where you get the name yom kippur kippura for sin through his faithfulness in respect to his bloody sacrificial death i like that so much i love how david stern just doesn't make it look sterile you know it was a bloody sacrificial death this vindicated this vindicated god's righteousness because in his forbearance he had passed over there it is with neither punishment nor remission the sins people had committed in the past i mean how do you think abraham and isaac and jacob are going to be in heaven there's no yeshua how'd they get there it's going to be a phenomenal let me let me say this okay abraham was righteous he was obedient and his righteousness was credited to him some of us just say a prayer we live unrighteous and we're not going to be in the prayer doesn't get you in if the prayer was legit there'd be a different lifestyle so what god was doing here is he was looking forward to the cross he knew the exact time it would happen and god because he's god because he's omniscient because he's god he knows the end from the beginning so he credited abraham's account he credited isaiah's account he credited samuel's account because they were righteous men they weren't perfect job and noah and daniel but they were righteous and we need to be all the more righteous because sweet pea they did not have the power of the holy spirit now we have the feast of unleavened bread which spiritually we know what means you know we know what it means historically but spiritually god wants us to bury the leaven we've been delivered we've been taken out of that dark kingdom if you will we've been delivered from it now let's live like we're part of the kingdom of light right you can't shine what's not in you but it's supposed to be in you so let's shine or better yet unleavened bread is all about burying the old man stop living in the past stop talking about the past stop talking about who used to be because that that sinful that fleshly society is going to be like keep talking about it i'm liking this it says here in romans 6 1-3 so then are we to say let's keep on sinning we've talked about this a million times it wasn't like the jewish people were saying let's keep on sinning they were the objectives saying wait a minute if grace is so great are our christians just going to keep sinning so that grace can abound that's what they were saying it's like when you walk up to an orthodox jew and say listen if you if you accept jesus you could burn the torah no if you accept jesus the torah is then written on your heart the torah wasn't nailed to the cross our sins were jesus didn't die for the torah he died for those who weren't obeying the torah so they're saying are you saying because this is what was going on in chapter six they had objectives paul had objectives from the jewish community the religious jewish community and then he says heaven forbid with an exclamation point how can we we we are the we you and me are the we how can we who have died to sin still live in it how do you do that and then he says don't you know that those of us who have been immersed into messiah yeshua baptismo or bapto is different one is going into the water but when you pickle something you know you wash the cucumber but then when you pickle it it gets into the cucumber and turns into a pickle we need to be pickled with the spirit of god the baptism won't work you could take all your filthy or all my i could take all my filthiness and jump into a pool and i'm still coming out wet and filthy so he's saying don't you know that those of us who have been immersed into messiah yeshua have been immersed into his death in other words in other words the new believer attends the funeral of his old self you follow me the new believer attend you know the kamikazes would attend their funeral before they got in a plane you got to be like a spiritual kamikaze and then of course we have first fruits that we a lot of people miss and first fruit spiritually god wants us to be raised in newness of life that's the whole idea of the baptism you've been delivered you've died now come out new come out of the womb knew you're born anew you're born again first in the natural then in the spiritual naturally we've all had a date of birth that wasn't our choice our birth date was made for us our death date yeah you might be able to push it along eat well and stuff but it's in stone that day's already been calculated so we have no choice about being born we don't have a choice about dying it's all going to happen and guess what we don't have a choice about our resurrection everyone will be resurrected our choice is where we're going to attend the rest of our eternity after that resurrection so spiritually god wants us to be raised into newness of life in other words since the old man passed away there's got to be a new man if the old man died and there's no new man you're buried it's over but it's not over you're still breathing so it says here in 4-5 romans 6 through immersion into his death we were buried with him that's the idea a lot of times you know the the jewish people in the first century didn't go back it doesn't matter though it doesn't matter they would go like this like they were going back into the womb and coming out born anew and so that you were buried with him you attended your own funeral so that just as through the glory of the father the messiah was raised from the dead likewise this is huge we too might live a new life if we have been united with him in a death like his if we died with him then we'll be united with him in a resurrection like his that's about the best news there is some people say i would die for him he never asked you to die for him if anything he needs to die to you not him but we don't need to die for him we need to live them if yeshua was here i would bet he would probably say i died for your sins now you die to them according to everything i read now historically first fruits there there's always going to be folks especially the hebrew roots people you know the gentiles who come into the to the messianic faith and all they do is fight over genealogies and dates because lord knows that's important the bible tells you not to get caught up in genealogies it's like commanded what are you doing it's heartbreaking when i see this first fruits as he was either celebrated this year 2021 on march 29th or april 4th it all depends on how you read leviticus 23. is the sabbath the waving of the first fruits the day after the sabbath is it the seventh-day sabbath or is it the sabbath rest of nisan 15 the first day of feast of unleavened bed i don't really care when you celebrate it i think you just celebrate it and i don't think you should celebrate it once a year i think you should celebrate your newness of life every day of your life i see it clearly as the 15th of nisan 14th of nissan is passover he has his say that some people say well maybe they start to mess around they don't understand the bible so they start to mess around with dates maybe he had to say to her at the 13th that be breaking the law just because you don't understand something don't fudge it he died on the 14th passover before was sundown right three o'clock he gave up his life passover he was buried on the 15th and he rose the first day we can't argue that right every gospel he's rose on the 16th 14th 15th 16th if i sent you i'm going away the 14 15 16 you go are you gonna wait for three days just for the record guys when it says in matthew 12 40 that just as jonah was in the fish for three days and three nights it says that in 1240 12 other places it says i'll be raised on the third day so you're going to make a religion out of one verse verse the other 12. in jewish reckoning any part of a day is a full day don't stop messing around well maybe he came wednesday third you're driving yourself crazy 14 15 16. three days 12 40 is figurative he says just as the son of man just as jonah was in the earth jonah was in a fish where was his funeral do you know if jonah actually died in that fish oh rabbi how can it be preserved sperm whales have swallowed people whole they're mammals there's air in there you can live in there well maybe the gastric juices would have got to him that's probably why nineveh believed in him because when he went he was disfigured they knew that the fish threw him out and they prayed to dagon the fish god so they bowed to him don't you think that was god's plan to get them to listen and when it says the deep part of the earth yeshua was in a tomb that's on the side of the mountain not six feet under it was figurative anyway sorry i get emotional because i watch nice little gentile christians come into the messianic faith and just get whacked they get caught up with these idiots on tv people tell me all the time well my rabbi on tv you're a rabbi on tv he's he's a tv rabbi he doesn't even have a congregation he's making millions of dollars and there's no outreach you're a rabbi on tv wish i was a tv rabbi just spew some you know pour some kosher salt on a christian message and then get a check cool for that matter i wish i was a tv dad it would have been cool to just you turn on the tv and say hey burn how's the kids got to go jews get saved and we meet yeshua and we love him he's our messiah he's the king of israel we just want to worship him and we want to dance before him and we want to enjoy him gentiles will will study a genealogy for two years and be more confused after their study than before historically first fruits gets lost and and i'm not i'm not going to have a holy convocation next year for it because the bible doesn't call for it but you should celebrate it when i woke up monday i was celebrating first fruits first fruits gets lost why because it comes on the heels of the great feast of passover passover's huge right first fruits what do you do well the bible says the priest weighs the barley waves the ball you're going to compare that to the darkness to the locus to cattle disease i mean passover's huge right and then first fruits so it does it gets lost even in the jewish community many jews they even secular jews they all celebrate passover ask them if they celebrate first fruits like first what but in and of itself first fruits is a very elaborate feast it actually is it's huge back in the day the priest would meet the pilgrims on the edge of the city and he would lead them up the temple mount and there's massive music loud crashing music and everybody's singing and everybody's dancing and the priest is waving the baldy sheaves and he's doing that as an act of thanksgiving and worship because there was no publix or kroger back in the day and so god was providing the first fruits that's the first fruits that's the first harvest the barley no barley no bread no bread you could just last so long so they would take this handful of ripe and grain and it was a pledge a guarantee a foretaste if you will or what was to follow in other words the priest was acknowledging god if you provided the barley then you'll provide the wheat if you provided the first fruits then you'll provide the latter first fruits which shavuot is called the latter first fruits if you raised yeshua then you'll raise us it's huge guys it's huge in strict judaism back in the day before yeshua ever walked the earth it was known as a promise to come this is how we're living our believing life a promise to come can you imagine if it was just this you struggle you fight the enemy you work you you you go through all these things and then at the end that's it wow i could never live like that first of all everybody knows about eternity ecclesiastes says god put it in our hearts that's why we want to live forever that's why secular people never want to die they have a desire they don't understand that we can't wrap our minds around it but there is an eternity the soul doesn't die it lives forever and it will receive a new body it's guaranteed god showed us in yeshua that's why the resurrection is so important he didn't just resurrect as a guy he resurrected glorified don't miss that we'll be resurrected not like ourselves if i if i was resurrected just as myself who wants that you mean i gotta still go to doctors and and if we miss the judaic foundation of our faith then what happens when we read things like in first corinthians but the fact is this there's an argument going on in discussion about being pitied if the messiah wasn't resurrected he says but the fact is the messiah has been raised from the dead the first fruits now i'm sure as a christian you might have read that a few times and never tied it into the feast but this is a jewish man speaking to jewish people who was celebrating first fruits their whole entire life they knew exactly what he was talking about and you can't discount this the group came from mexico there was 14 of them they're watching hello uh hola and um i said to them guys if the bible was written by mexicans two mexicans in mexico about a mexican king don't you think it would behoove me to learn something about mexican culture wake up miss christian i don't really care how long you've been a christian the bible is written by jews two jews in a jewish place about a jewish king and you might think man you got an attitude yeah i do have an attitude i don't think i'm saved because i'm jewish i think i'm saved because i'm god-ish but it is judeo-christianity you can't get away from it if you vacuum out everything jewish you'll get the main message but you will miss a ton a ton and you risk having a faith that's a mile wide and an inch deep it says but he was raised the first fruits of those who have died so since death came through a man also the resurrection of the dead has come through a man in other words it was by a man adam that death came into the world don't blame him if it wasn't him it would have been you and it was by the man yeshua that there came resurrection from the dead remember what i said at the beginning the whole bible is contrast two paths isn't that wonderful i mean i find today is just i won't even go shopping there's too many choices just too many choices i mean i don't even know i mean remember when they were black cars or black cars remember when glasses were black or black i still live like that how do you go to a if you need glasses these are just reading glass but if you need permanent glasses or they don't say glasses anymore correctively oh give me a break you can't see you need glasses what happened to the good old days when you call somebody four eyes again i'm only kidding everybody's such a cupcake today and the worst cupcakes i see is in the believing world i'm telling you guys you get offended way too easy that's why i push it just to show how easily you're offended i could not offend you i could i could tie everything up nicely and make you you know very happy and nothing will change a lot of times when you're offended it's the holy spirit showing you how easily you're offended the holy spirit is showing you look at that person they're offensive they're showing you so you've got two men god sent his son into the world as a man in order to undo the work of the first man and to raise believers to a state of blessedness that they would have never known through adam you know all adam knew was god all he knew was god he had to worship god we worship god out of choice i think we bring them more glory take a look at this first fruits word i really wasn't going to go there because it's a little complicated but in the greek obviously we're looking to greek lexicon as a new testament to offer the first fruits to offer god the first of our harvest but it also is to take away the first fruits of the productions of the earth which was offered to god or the first portion of the dough this is unbelievable this word in the greek is just unbelievable the first portion of the dough from which sacred loaves would be prepared remember last week we read that a little bit of lemon works for the whole dough what a little bit of righteousness works through the whole dough too just one little dropper you see was blood in that dough and it makes the whole loaf sacred they didn't add yeast in the days of old they would take a little piece of the bread a little chunk of it like ever see like uh like biscuits that dough they would take a little chunk of it and insert it into the other dough just to make it rise because you only need a little bit right a quarter teaspoon to a cup of flour so all yeshua had to do is insert a little bit of himself into you and you're righteous before the lord it's unbelievable just unbelievable look at first corinthians 15 22 23 for justice in connection with adam all die true even a secular person will say yep you don't have to be a statistician right one out of one still dies is that still is that still in force so in connection with the messiah all will be made alive but each in its own order there it is again the messiah is the first fruits than those who belong to messiah at his time of his coming so basically what the bible is saying and what paul is saying here is there's two federal heads there's adam at one helm and there's yeshua at the other this means as federal heads they acted on behalf of others so what's it all about alfie it's all about who you're connected to i lived for a time i don't know 10 15 years i guess in a very very mafiosa infested area these were the capos lived and these were the heads and they were called made men and they were called connected i can remember some people saying don't don't that guy's connected you know what i mean we're connected we're not connected to a a mafiosa we're connected to the king of the universe man it's a much better connection if you ask me see if god made the first fruits yeshua rise then the latter first fruits which is who you and i will rise as well paul is straight up using the feast of first fruits from leviticus 23 to explain the resurrection to the saints straight up in other words if god accepts the first fruits then he'll accept the whole batch bernadette's the cook she cooks i'm telling you if you would have seen last night you would have thought what's going on we had sauteed spinach we had sauteed broccoli and garlic and all this isn't like you know packaged this is all you cut up the fresh garlic you get a certain kind of oil we had fried italian chicken cutlets we had salmon pecan pecan crusted you got to chop the pecans man [Laughter] and that was a very important part of the whole message thank you somebody's going to be like watching so first fruits is about processing food anyway but but lily's the baker and lily bakes and you know i don't have to listen i'm sorry but the way we live and new york city people i don't care how old she is if her cookies stunk i would tell it they stink i'm not going to sit there and eat lousy cookies but she's an incredible baker and she makes these lemon squares second to none second to none and so when she takes the somebody said burner that says how many did you eat i said eight she goes you got to be kidding me i said when you put them together it's just one square but i know when it comes out of the oven and i always eat the first one if the first one is good the rest of the batch is going to be good you follow what i'm saying if you're connected to yeshua you're part of the batch you're going to resurrect into eternity with the lord there's no ifs ands or buts where accepted and if you look in leviticus 23 it says when the priest would wave the lord would accept it if you look up that word in the hebrew it means he delights it's this it's not like we got by on some technicality like well the guy killed them but we didn't read them the miranda racks i got to declare him innocent god wants us what yeshua went through and you know what nobody should go through that nobody should go through that level of pain and torture this was the son of god and isaiah 53 says that it pleased the father to crush the son if you read that you would think this is a very mean sadistic god but they don't read after the comma in order that he would see his offspring that's us it's a hard concept but he delights in us i know it's difficult to embrace but we're accepted because we're connected hallelujah is the perfect word now i want to make i don't know why god's having to make three points don't worry i'm not becoming a baptist that will never happen point one look at point one the resurrection is just not a new testament concept i just think i need to get that out there because there's there's many prayers in judaism that are a thousand years old before yeshua and he who resurrects the dead sleeping in the grave he is mighty to save i told you every the jews of old newt everybody gets resurrected it's not a choice you're born not a choice how you live your life choice die not a choice how you die well the fear of faith choice resurrection not a choice where you spend eternity choice look at job 19 this was this was job is considered the holiest man that ever lived it's the oldest book in the bible that's how far back resurrection goes and he's being taunted but all of a sudden in a rare burst of light because this guy is being oppressed by the enemy i mean straight up there's no one that's been this oppressed no one and all of a sudden in a burst of light job believes there's a redeemer what in the midst of this darkness who will one day vindicate him and restore him even when death and decay come into play which he's sure of he knows he's getting resurrected the oldest he says but i know i know not i hope not i'm taking it to prayer not it would be nice i know listen ten kids history you want to talk about pain read the story man i think we read it almost religiously put yourself in his shoes but i know that my redeemer lives that in the end it might be a rough ride yep you might hit a lot of bumps there might be a lot of turbulence but you're going to touch down like a butterfly with sore feet in the end he will rise on the dust so that after my skin has been destroyed yes decomposition then even without my flesh i'll see god that's rich it's one thing to say that not go through any big difficulties but he's saying that after the difficulties that's what he said so resurrection goes way back look at isaiah 26 i'm just giving you a few not going to belabor it you might be like you don't even have to go through a few we get it well i want you to really get it plus i'm going to do what god told me to do whether you like it or not isaiah 26 19 your dead will live israel my corpses will rise god's calling them my corpses awake and sing you who dwell in the dust for you do is like the morning do and the earth will bring the ghost of life here just to give you some perspective judah is singing to the rock of ages after israel goes through travail the whole nation will enjoy a resurrection at the end of the tribulation god answers his people with a definite promise of national restoration and that was the hope of glory is coming and they knew it last but not least daniel 12 here daniel is speaking at the end of the great tribulation when's the great tribulation three and a half years the tribulation is seven years the time of jacob's trouble or the great tribulation is half of that time so this is the end and what happens then yeshua's return guys i don't care how bumpy the ride is i don't care what has to happen let it happen i'm walking through the valley of shadow death i'm not staying in it i want it to happen i mean aren't you bored is it i mean your routine you go to the bathroom the same time for god's sakes you get at the same time you go to bed the same time you go to the same job you have the same meals it's like it's like an automatron how do you live like that i mean there's routines but that is like horrific i want some excitement i want something to happen i feel like the church today is either a circus or a cemetery i feel like it's either dead or it's a bunch of clowns entertaining the goats and the pews don't want a cemetery and i don't want a circus i don't i don't want either it's poison and i think because we have no power we're overdosing on doctrine we're suffering from a disease i made up called powerexia and i'm like lord either bury this thing or resurrect it i want to see something happen man i'm going to keep doing keep teaching keep evangelizing keep doing keep plugging away keep moving but come on bring it on let's get ready to rumble rabbi i don't want to rumble i like my boring little life well that makes one of us okay when that time comes the end of the great tribulation mikhail who is the warrior angel not gabriel the messy angel over the nation of israel there are angels over nations the great prince who will champion your people he's going to fight he's going to fight for him stand up there will be a time of distress unparalleled between the time they become a nation in that moment great distress at that time your people will be delivered everyone whose name is found written in the book of life many of those sleeping in the dust this isn't new it's old man well i never read it well that's because you were too busy starting your bible in john many of those sleeping in the dust of the earth will awaken some to everlasting life and some to everlasting shame and abhorrence some will be raised with yeshua in the millennium but the wicked dead will be raised at the end of the millennium to shame and everlasting contempt that's a choice that's a choice you make that's why god said let's talk about this let's reason together right isaiah let's discuss this although your sins be like scarlet they could be white of snow but you know what like i told somebody a while ago god didn't say after the discussion it's not like let's discuss it and take your time he's like make a decision now don't go home and pray about it right now tell me what you want you want me to wash those things away or you want to die in them either the blood's on my son or the blood's on you either you apply to your heart or you apply to your hands you come before me with my son's blood on your hands it's not gonna be good everything just got real serious didn't it it is serious there was a time when there was preachers preaching the edwards the spurgeons the whitfields the toes the raven hills they actually preach this stuff and now you got clowns in black buildings with tight jeans and big fat watches telling you about how to use god's word to make your life better because god knows it's all about you sad state of affairs okay why don't we move on to another point point two the messiah's resurrection had to happen we didn't get saved by his resurrection we got saved by his crucifixion but it had to happen because it was prophesied and prophecy has to come forth where is it prophesied i'll just give you two verses that's it we won't believe this psalm 16 9-10 so my heart is glad my glory rejoices and my body to rest in safety for you will not abandon me to sheol in the old testament show is the grave everybody that dies goes to a grave right everybody you will not let your faithful one see the abyss so assured assured of god's constant care and protection the savior because that's who's talking here faces the future with confidence he's not being hopeful about his resurrection i mean if job knew he was going to get resurrected you don't think yeshua knew his heart is glad as yours should be he's happy his soul is rejoicing as yours should his body's safe he knows that god will not leave he knows he will not leave his soul in show or even allow his body to see corruption messiah will be raised from the dead he revealed his full knowledge that god would not allow him to remain in the disembodied state because that's what it is a disembodied state he entered sheol he did not remain there god did not allow the regular process of decomposition even after three days it was a miracle a miracle of preservation yeshua's lifeless body was kept from corruption for three days it had to happen it had to happen and they knew it that's why they put so many guards around the tomb point three yeshua himself prophesied his death and resurrection i'll show you three quick spots in matthew matthew 16 21 from that time on at this point in his ministry yeshua began making it clear like there's no more fun and games there's no more feeding this one to heal on that one that wasn't what it was about because that was never what it was about he was born to die his mission that was his mission to seek and save the lost he could not seek and save the lost if he didn't give his life as a sacrificial substitutionary offering that was his destiny from when he was in the womb his destiny was golgotha so from this time in his ministry which is getting to the tail end he began making it clear to his students i have to go i have to there's no way around it guys no plan b and i'm going to endure much suffering at the hands of the elders the leaders when when people in certain denominations teach that the jews killed christ that's about as demonic as it comes acts 4 27 said some of the jews some there were 12 jews that didn't kill him that i know and there was a bunch of marriage that didn't kill him that i know and acts 21 tells me there was tens of thousands of jews torah observant who were in love with them so be careful about what you say the head kohanim yes the torah teaches that he had to be put to death he was reigning on that parade he was upsetting their little apple cart he was ruining their little denomination he was rocking the boat but that on the third day it's a big butt he had to be raised had to so at this point what's happening why at this point this is the first time the disciples realized you're the messiah you're the son of god you're the one that moses said was coming that we'd have to obey you're the prophet that moses spoke about you're him oh my you are the son of the living god now they were ready to hear his first this is his first direct prediction of his death and resurrection they now knew that his cause could never fail no way and they were on the winning side and they knew that prior to his death how much more should you and i feel like we're on the winning side how much more should we feel like winners not on the best things in sliced bread not the charismaniac winners not that junk not to name it and claim it and frame it not that nonsense just you should feel special you're the elect of god if you're connected to the first fruits that makes you a son that makes your father a king that makes you royalty dude i don't care what the world thinks of you screw the world and the horse they wrote in on what's the world got to do with you or what do you have to do with the world why should i be friends with the place that killed my messiah triumph is a short for you buddy now you could say i must be special you're special because he's special give him the glory don't talk about all you're doing your ministry so somebody can go wow look at you yeah look at you with all i've done my righteousness is filthy regs i still have thoughts that i wouldn't even like to recant it's all about his glory and his greatness i'm just a tool in his hands and in more ways than one so the lord broke the news to prepare their hearts it was a kindness it was a love the news was enough to to spell doom to the movement it would crush the movement all except the last imperative it says he must not he may be he must be raised on the third day and that made all the difference matthew 17 22 23 as they were going again second time in the galil yeshua said to them the son of man is about to be betrayed we're going we're going to celebrate passover in jerusalem because we have to this is the end guys i'll be put to death but on the third day be raised they were all filled with sadness why because they only heard the death part that's how we live a lot of us sad because all we live is our circumstances oh it's terrible oh it's getting worse what's going to be i'll tell you what's going to be you're going to be resurrected to newness of life chief so the lord yeshua again forewarns his disciples he had to tell them otherwise they'd be completely disillusioned he tells them about this death of shame and suffering but that wasn't consistent to what they wanted in the messiah they don't want a messiah who would die they wanted a conquering king they don't want a suffering servant they didn't understand there's there's two advents the first advent yeah it's little baby on the donkey going to the cross the second advent it's the king on a stallion declaring his righteousness goodness and greatness and judging the nations [Applause] they were distressed because he was about to leave them they heard his passionate prediction but they did not hear his resurrection promise sadly enough we don't hear that enough either right we don't even think about that much do we i don't think about our resurrection we think about our circumstances last but not least matthew 20 17-19 as yeshua was going up to jerusalem he took the 12th tamil dean aside by themselves and said to them as they're on the way this is it last time third time we are now going to jerusalem where the son of man will be handed over to the headquarters and torah teaches they will send him to death and turn them over to the because the jews could not inflict that kind of punishment it had to be the romans it was their court it was their law who will jeer at him beat him execute him on a stake as a criminal but on the third day he will be raised once again he explains to the twelve disciples he'd be condemned to death handed over gentiles he'd be mocked scourged crucified but death would not keep its prey uh-uh he's going to be raised on the third day now i want you to see this i'm not going to go over this i just sent it out to you so you could study on your own so you have scripture references look at some biblical resurrections you've got the widow's son and sarah fifth you've got six that were before your shoe or the first six and i left you the references so you didn't have to look it up you just go the men raised was with him when he resurrected and then you have two after him in the book of acts there is a ginormous difference between these resurrections in yeshua's resurrection one of the differences is all of these died again the other difference which is even bigger is they didn't rise glorified double hallelujah now i'm going to end with john 21 because i can't go any further next week we are going to take a look at the resurrection of all resurrections we're going to dig deep into yeshua's resurrection because that's something that is very very encouraging to yours truly and i'm hoping that we laid a foundation where you'll stop thinking more about your resurrection it says early on the first day of the week while it was still dark so the first day that we can't refute it yes it was sunday when was it 10 the morning no of course not it was still dark so the sun didn't rise yet so should we should we celebrate first fruits if you want to do it after the sabbath do we have to do it at 6 16 do you know if he rose at 6 16 he could have rose at 4 14 or 3 12. stop it i mean if you want to do it drive yourself crazy don't drive me crazy i have enough to drive me crazy it was still dark why did miriam wait because it's shabbat she couldn't violate the shabbat well come on rabbi she couldn't prepare the spices no she's a holy jewish woman you shouldn't either are you saying we shouldn't go to lunch no i'm saying the shabbat was made for men i'm just saying why don't you take one day and slow down for god's sakes you are wound so tight so tight it's killing you would it kill you to sit the only time you sit is when you're exhausted from working too hard it was still dark miriam from magdala high tower up in the galilee went to the tomb and saw that the stone had been removed from the tomb so i just want to leave you with a picture so it's the first day of the week miriam goes to the tomb before dawn it's dark and i'll get into this more next week the tomb was a small room this is what they did back in that day there's many tombs in israel it's not like a mausoleum it's like this carved in the side of a hill or a cliff and the stone was no doubt shaped like a coin round and flat and it would have a groove or a gutter in front of the tomb so that it could be rolled across to close the entryway when miriam got there the stone had already been removed now many people think the stone was removed so yeshua can get out the stone was removed so she can go in and see that he wasn't there he didn't need the stone to be removed did he walk through the door when his disciples were together he's glorified now kids okay the god-man is now god he's glorified he's deified and glorified and he didn't need that stone to move so next week what i plan to do is roll the stone away so to speak and let you all go in and see how empty that tomb really was go over just a few ridiculous resurrection myths that idiots i mean intelligent people believe because this is the crux of your faith if this didn't happen we are the most pitiful people that ever walked the face of the earth but if it did happen and i could show you that it did you should be happy as a lock amen let's stand together [Applause] rabbi go over now i want to be happy now you should be happy now one of the things i do when i take people to israel they argue is this where the is this where what is this the tomb in the garden is this is it or is it where the church or the annunciation is or is it this is what i do know they dig in israel all over the place i've been there 18 times everywhere there's digging in jerusalem everywhere everywhere everywhere they're digging one thing they'll never find and that's your shoe with bones it's a funny thing when you take him to the garden tomorrow i go i got good news and bad news you always end at the garden tomb like what's what's what's the good news rabbi the good news is we're at the garden tomb and it's special because millions and millions of people have wet there hundreds of thousands of people have got saved there so it's it's an anointed place it's it's got a presence of god second to none so i say we're at the garden tomb and they're like what's the bad news and i always say nothing to say if you don't believe me go in it's it's an amazing part of our faith the resurrection of life glorified body to live with the lord on in a new earth forever with no more diseases no more appointments no more chemo no more ectomies no more sorrow no more suffering no more sickness no more sadness no more sin no more death come on that's un it's right rabbi it's unbelievable but believe it the best you can because it's ours for the taking may the lord bless you and keep you may the lord make his face to shine upon you and be gracious unto you and may the lord lift up his very countenance upon you and give you his peace in the name of the principle principal peace yeshua [Music] [Music] yes love you
Channel: Getzel
Views: 6,858
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Length: 58min 35sec (3515 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 11 2021
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