Sentinels vs LOUD - HIGHLIGHTS | Champions Tour 2024: Masters Madrid

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fault line at the start of the round so he's still got that but it's going to be a gunfight instead yeah just straight up I mean just dry into it no kit being utilized again want to face with the bodies and to be honest I think that favors loud yeah they've lost the breach but no smokes if they decide to go over and commit to B and low the re exploring down mid as well jqd and sewers massive proactivity being caught here by sadag but well J QT left to do so much more there just the one before the trade comes through but the B site now opened up entirely for them will be that plan sassy out wide into the open could have been danger there the N I guess staves it away and a call is made to try and fight into the spawn zelis snake bite now being held but he's got three targets to deal with luckily Z okay zackin right there vold will be able to get the damage of course he will followed up in the end with the snake by post morem youtil being thrown out wide here for that ramp control early Now setting their sights out into the a Sak anchoring position tuck nice and tight and safe and really just buying time for the rest of his team where are the reinforcements it was a into the smoke and well damage has been done vulnerable D set it up for an easy one for zelis three versus three bit of a blunder there for loud offering sen another opportunity to get back into it not planted for heav fight planted the p goes down to now sassy is pretty far away but I think yeah I mean look at the way that loud are clearing this they're expecting a ref flank back up oding usually going to be the bread and butter of a team like Sentinels just trying to fight scale for it that paranoia the timing on it Immaculate as soon as a n comes through yep just hearing it and tucked to the corner sassy removed taken out now just two will stand and it could be just a bit of random spray a bit of random spam that saves the day for C is traded pit going down TS 1 V one doesn't really have to come for it as a bulldogg but will it be all bark or all bite tends to be the latter when tens is wielding it slowing it down but really time is going to be the worst enemy it's a team flash QT there close to the corner cut wide s just threw over the top cine still anchoring Tu tight to the corner sassy planting the balls on the man to go for that one out wide for a heaven PL the wrap around now zela's becomes a key player in the game Shadow he's managed to pick up his orb and reposition it too so he's got more control over towards heaven too easy set to try to Blind somebody playing elbow tens already repositioned up top there's no follow up off of that flash at all cine with the stun finally now to try and at least attempt that recl but going have to be given this one up they don't have positioning at all zelus has backed away playing a really passive position 10 spots it backs away not favor for that fight and they've won out the at least critical ones now no moles for zelis to it Les is holding for it and watching for it meanwhile zelis is so far away from the rest of the squad just trying to find the timing for a late look he might be too late there's the kill here's the showstopper finally online rocket round towards the back sassy is dropped like a fly TS has to do the most now he stands his ground and wins his one out cine falling out Sak though to Molly to push them out of position second zelis is here finally arriving to the party though youtil in his hand are just sit and watching for it TS Now One V two the double face is there terrific together it's two years forwards now tucked and there it is kill claimed qck fault line definitely there EV labored enough but still the trade online the calls being made to try and speed up the play now into B but already that UT look at it I mean the paranoia smoke drop down Cuts up the side and with that lurk into mid sassy not rewarded for it t has the spike here looking eager potentially to take some fights here but has to stick the plat now towards def for his team do have his back and more look at that coordination on display sadak creeping and crawling he managed to weave his way into the sight there while all that chaos was going on utilized hopefully now to clear through into the bit they the flang from sassy and Y he's CA all the distraction in the world gets out with his life close to the corner cut him up still John QT TCT his quality time now with the whole family as he's sat backed into The Spectator C qck forward leading it with the team but it's already wrapped around so they got to expect the sassis there no it's a half clearance not enough two years TP adjustment he's on that High Ground position just propped up unless now needs to get more done and he can't do it it's going to come down to just a bit of spray and prey but already time ticking so two years no chance in hell and it's another situation Bren where loud cannot get any level of economic cushiony going hopefully that experience in spad oh my showstopper let loose there there is the trade online from cine he followed up with the stun at least but his High Ground angle of 10 drops down gives him the C cine just taking a wide Peak by himself man taking a fights by himself y's back up there but heads have fallen heads have rolled and now exactly what loud ordered yeah player Advantage situation looking lovely for them one away from a show stoer too that's and they're going to be able to get a plant down here they're pretty certain that a is completely clear they saw so many people fighting over mid but this one is going to be tough and Loud cannot afford to throw it away yeah just watching for it look at that loud great awareness knowing that Center going to have to be playing a bit more proactively making the moves into the post plan situation Sassi is alone Survivor get shut down by his former Squad and now no Valley to be found there out wide once more still qk is on a swivel Molly's vulnerable him up pushed him out into the open the easy collection of the kill now has 45 seconds left chances to slow this one down but it looks like s have no intention of It Forward positions once more cazin drops down from the ropes here spraying down but two is is's disjointed from the rest of his team cazin out wide the reset all rolling bu lifts him up in the air Sky High and then one player standing towards the back as a crossfire set but he have the shock is Elite cine on for so much more an ace on the cards let the stick this one comes down to the spam but is stunned a tap he's going to be out wide he's going to be forced wide knows it info gathered now but another stick now Les finally the trust maintained in his teammate they tainted him might be punished the tap out force with a jiggle Jun QT balls of steel what a clutch L have still got some people really really far away from the action real fast re fight the stun there's no connection there so Les is able to just Skip and hop away but JN QT this is his watchful lie onto it there's a gap into the smoke maybe a bit unintentional there maybe just a bit rushed from two years Center also expecting there to be more players on site right now like okay well where are the other two players for loud they lost track a little bit of where Ken and tuis could be and now they've lost a lot of map info too there are still chances here for the loud players to turn things around but this silent jump spot not going to be punished comes down to a couple of obstacles really and look at the rest of Sen tripled up reclearing areas of the map trying to regain some information making sure that they don't offer any 1 V ons yeah methodical seconds know the wi conditions of loud right now against it slowly creeping forwards making sure to regain some of that map control no kill found onto kaaz un less a chance really for him to bite back and fight back here it is Return of the fire T from the wrap around two years running all the way through he NOS at times against him so pissed around just not go away of loud there Sentinels very favored in a fight against twois unless two gets the jump on him no way just the ghost doing work that's Bonkers it's got the one pick but there's no real followup there with the players I mean they can't really react appropriately send the util flying it's pulling zelis over it is making the a site weaker here second and John QT though cam back on line it's going to be spotting the cross over 30 seconds left there it is taken out they be calling out now that they could have been compromised towards spawn but now time running against them loud get a move on cages propped up pushed up behind it junq can follow through after that trip there's a smoke in his face it does make it quite dangerous quite difficult still it's a bit of running gun in action only a few seconds remaining pull out the sidearm why not flash rifle bloody hell that's a lot of damage and the retreat cover and watch for cel swinging wide a bit of running and gun in the reaction called now from loud into the sight will they be able to get the plant down looks like they will do so too much push back there isn't very much retake utility here for Sen normally their retakes are amazing but there's really only a boom bot to work with waiting for the right timings I mean the smoke up one second here for 10 going to be using it probably to block off one of the angles just jiggling for now there it is actually dividing up the site paranoia flying with the fault line Time s a tick a crucial kill zels is falling on top Heaven TP forwards backside control at least partitioning in it and trying to take in it wide still with that util online the after shop does push him away attack from Jun q but forcing the fights out into the open the snake buys plenty of util here so loud really well played into that one just understanding how to play that we'll mention it a few times look at the timing there just beautiful great read that Les was going to go for an aggro look Le dropped I mean this is just star player this is a guy you're expecting to put up massive numbers who's going to offset that mechanical advantage that a team like SS might have with players like second like T the desk was talking about it when he shut down here your chances begin to dwindle trip in their face there's no no protocols at all to really deal with that one should have known it was there surely if they were walking all the way up TP forward it is just being toppled and crumbled all the opportunities in this round here for alloud qck with a nade does get the one onto zelis I mean the spike is down in such an open position though it sends to close out sadak it's inevitable yeah the double face in the end that is one of the most oneid of maps we've seen and if they've used this time accurately then maybe they can come out with another incredible map win that's not going to help sassy going down there at the start of the round you know he's a really important piece of the puzzle in terms of getting the plants down massive one with less for that early face that early Peak and Loud expect this to be a Reit and they won't really know otherwise until the alarm bot takes contact and at that point it's kind of too late sadak doesn't have Nanos swarms to deny so just gambling the wrong way here Sak flash Playing anti where's the follow up there is none just rips away two of them frenzy in his hands a backside position being played here Dash fading away B Still Standing his ground and he's earned himself D dodged another play being set up as well tend with a pop flash into the peak it allows Ze to recross back playing together now but they've got four players to deal with make it three can't let this one slip now loud shot that it's good for the damage 10 going to be forced out wi 10 10 you can't be getting away with this son surely not knes doesn't even matter flash goes off plan now here for sassy a little bit delayed so yep it's down close to the quarters down underneath Rafters Kine wins his one out versus second still get to the position for it and TZ deciding to use his Al now for this making sure that they can't use any of that post PL util keen and eager to take the fight he ripped cazin head clean off over on the top of the ropes this is a real dangerous situation in scenario flash Peak from the rest of his team sets them up but no real casualties now Q finally ability's back on line Dash backing away gets the one needs to clear the corner here but he's just really struggling waiting out wide here half the diffuse from Sak pushed back and away and a wide Tip Tap and a face there from the loud players remaining just in time through there he firing a blind shot off but it actually didn't trigger onto l n swarm has so much damage my God yeah T's lucky to be alive facing top ra sadak taking out cleanly now T is going to be playing a four position here because he is so low might be able to get a one and done and Sassy with that Al plant wingman got the thr online need somebody to break that Dart for him though and there wasn't anybody really waiting available but still like you said the thrash is now online sassy let's it loose the movement clean jiggling with it entainment not quite on line here now a bit of pace injected back into the things loud using that util all available for them but there's a crossfire set up of senal and they punish that swing and wide face out great with the movement and patience with the aim cooling down the Weaponry enough to take out qck over the top of the Rope zelus he's hungry for this kill he's hungry for it building up towards it but okay Les just a better player on the day there flash through into the back do oh my they knew exactly the position that was coming from so C he didn't really stand a chance up the armor draft dashen away second survives flank attemp qck oh my good has anyone heard that t is watching but T was watching they're going to get distracted they are distracted now the pressure really being applied it's less here here and qck for the clean up John QT he's there with a trade but one versus three now diffuse online for two years not going to be pushed away from this one there's no more utility left available for them so a Thrifty round for loud the stack already protocols in play Molly for Z just tanks it half his HP just removed but they weren't expecting it still loud with all the kills two versus three sassy almost being taken out that's the back his way to safety here fast flank of qck might be causing some issues a little bit later into things he's going to be notifying his presence at least with the removal of that tet attack from sadak he's hoping forces them out wide don't know if they could took a glimpse of that one still 10 HP leave it just to zelis C there's no real chances here there's no real chances maybe get wrapped all the way behind him and yeah he will get detained just so at this pit stays up but he spammed onto the top Ra's position dropping down crucial kill here onto the flanks Els is clean that one up so no gaps now left into the play Hunter Fury offloaded really just going to be utilized to try and push these players from loud into these forward positions and they have managed to even it up ever so slightly but still a player disadvantage moling waiting for it to fade with mosh down now dizy on top of it with the Cove now stacking up all together post plant utility should be good enough here for Sentinels our players realize it they're the ones who have to make the moves forwards cine cine and two is that is just disgusting with towards be so difficult to predict Comm though with an Eland plant oh hello counter spam cine dropped still have to worry about this operator that was actually through mid way he skewed the T dropped to his knees there's no chance in hell he's being picked up but now plenty of time and space brought for the rest of these loud boys to really get into the action auxiliaries are here wide face by zel's trade it though drop down and John QT again isolated in this one versus two position familiar scenes for him the reload surely going to be heard and yes Les is very quick onto the angle with the punish The Flash this actually not in the right spot really deep flash down I mean Les decided to take the repak dizy shot fired straight into the wall there Z wins it out though Molly dealt with accounted for now you're going to see it the Reckoning pressing forwards with the advantage that they've got loud not giving up any space they want to take it right back away from them and already you can see it that deep position weaker guns and weap maybe sen could make something of it again the triangle of death set up this time thrash taking up first Contact zelt winning that fight The Adjustment and snap to the side and retaker now with his Operator just becomes a dire dire situation and zela throwing a mockery over them Taking Liberties when he's on low HP CU why not he can do it planted for sassy tapping sadak over and around spotted one sassy dropped sadak now but time surely working against in the jump spot the jiggle junk QT trying to gamble and dice with Dev himself here all the way through that is immaculately bled tied Cuts this one up Mosh Pit into the back now this time s fighting to and nail but he up against cowers in John QT where's he pull that one from of nowhere top of the ropes the pit has been earned 8 Health to his name he just needs to survive spray down and he's already hunting them down Les with him toppling Ace on the cars the crowd wants it the people a chanting qck spotted out wide will his team give him anything not quite still any swings coming out for here sass he needs to get one but yeah like I said no trade in sight second Dash activated yeah that's just wasted and he was expecting more Pace towards that sadx called that pause in the round holding for a rep push yeah I mean Z's already reared this area once in a round L ready for it Z's now going to we push into this one and done Angle now the dash that we talking about prior is gone loud look they have to clear this one bodies might do it Surly ghost moment ghost moment not getting away with too much more still one for one drop down zelis taking up space back towards the back side of yellow might need some support of util though and T is the one holding it so flash repeat timing needs it now needs help right now and he's got it the follow through from the rested them those reinforcements jump spot and Peak L he's taking them all out 7 seconds remaining Molly has to stick it through here for sadak with that plan only way goes down to it it leaves it just up to Les One Versus One viper versus Viper they should know that Les is this weak should have been this Sentinels classic could do work here time to put it to the test lot to clear though for John QT thankfully he's got a bit of time on his side contacting spots it that's now going to be dropping or propped up how does JN choose to play it here's those shots spots it out and the right click business two of these players will die to a one shot from the they're not watching for it over the top there that's the ghost gam playay occurring right now Aly 10s seeking to reclaim a bit of that territory a bit of that ground and he has slowed it down enough for the spike to be dropped down but it is a two versus three this is the danger zone right now the birge are getting thrifted you said a single shot will do You' essentially hand over the operator to qck yeahh it looks like it's safe to be honest but they're still going to try and fight over it there are still opportunities and danger here the map T is making an enormous wrap around andless has gone into snowman this is such a bizarre round and John C's backs to the wall all about the timing no way it's Les who finds it and the gamble the wrap around here of 10 has to pay off it has to pay off massively but it's not going to be planted out wide Les does he even acknowledge it the reload is heard Here Close Quarters again cuts it up into the angle one versus one but it really should never have been here in the first place knife tags it know a rough positioning as the wall Fades the head is collected all the way through stuns not really being respected I mean zeken is just trying to really get the most out of it there and he is finally punished so norand fast off the rip pushing forward so they going to expect this qck he's behind the man already behind him playing up the rest of his team and three players fall just like that dropped to the ground to your knees if you are T in this case and zelus for zelus 1 V4 last one left decision being made for him really has to be the save just has to do some exit damage but even economical damage doesn't do that much standing second scene both times even though there's a stack here there a Flash reek as well with a dizzy but the ball in their face as well it just gives that covering fire for sadak him through not too sure how that kill was found s at Le sassy with this reposition close now tries to face it again there's just too many numbers to overcome the advantage is allow here I mean they've just picked him apart methodical in nature spot seconds wood though with the smoke Elis kind of just it can't snap to it Q drops him and this is real chaos and pandemonium being strown into the round you don't expect this patience played all the way through thrash out wide and it just shootting bollet it's easy targets all about boundless right now for Less the rest of his crew 10 seconds free PL fight there's nothing you could do not with the retake to the operator yeah not unless Z's able to get a freebie in a situation like that it just looks very difficult From sentinel's perspective for them to get any kind of foothold in a round like this one throwing the nade line up so that they can still fight with the nade hello po flash play TS he's still alive here got his one but two is also with the fire now feeling the heat feeling the emphasis that he needs to make a play here that's why he's going wide Dodge side there away from the shown Mosh Pit just waiting it pushing back this one but he doesn't expect the player above him and around the what an adjustment flicks it aside luckily two is still there not a reckoning drop down with only 12 seconds left there's no stun here Up and Away up draft around cover himself his own footsteps stay away from it for the re swing now across he saws him over the Rope but he couldn't adjust the aim in time zelis spamming and spraying and a bit of praying let's get the job done there with the removal onto two years cine though will not be pushed back and away and qck is his time to come alive over the top of Afters risks necessary in this spot especially when you're a player down the pit invested in a 3v4 here that's dirty it does cover the spike yeah look at that stretches all the way over towards in he still has two snake bites as well that will put the time pressure now onto Sentinels this could be the 12 round valow it's about how they navigate it it's about how they sail through a tap boards now what is the next wave things qck traded now sticking though already there that's going to be the wing man putting that pressure onto a hunter Fury skipping a hop over to the top and well it's just been stuck in the middle of all of it that's incredible thrs them out and away they deal with the util and how do they deal with these players Z just wants to take up the straight up fight attack Bing it out now nade short and shy Off the Mark there still damage is being done to a multitude of players only three left standing for LA but again anyone could win it you just have to just rely on a bit of that RNG z t pushing with the operator Sak still stands have on it they no have it still John has got the stick it now and a tap tap tap with a rifle or praise preing from two years Sentinels celis has a timing to try to disrupt this let gets dropped so now it's going to be a 4v4 back site gained for sadak going to be pushed away this time moshit just a little bit too delayed and late he going to be setting themselves up potentially in a favored aot counter here with the retake of Sentinels jum spot just seeing but he does back away so now with the alarm but spam a bit of spray it's po flash play T man he's taking it to him damage done though had the night foul wasn't expecting that followup especially with two years there but what can he really do in this spot V3 have to find one of the fights and zis isn't keen on giving him it sassy sticking half already options dwindle a high low face and that is up to 12 now for Sentinel I suggest you move here it is adjustment not there in time he just tried to flick to the side it was actually T who was the one who went down there to a bit of random spam updraft and Away back in got respect now at a reckoning it's incredible that sen are winning these rounds while the early fights are going so terribly for them s with the plan going be pushed back you got to think now loud again surely set up for success but I said that last time it s who ended up taking it but this time has a player dis Advantage double up shoulder to shoulder round to the back to you showing presence little jiggle and offset there with a movement but not expect cine and he's still here Alive and Kicking weaving in and out dodging juking playing with his team spraying them all the way through over time on the cards your presence there with the operator he wants a second go of things sassy not expecting it the rest allow backing him up still it's sprayed and messy it's all over the blood he placed two left to stand here from Sentinels going to be a difficult situation for John and zelus to recover do they know that everybody is here I'm not sure they've seen sadak JN though picking up that alt or one away from getting a pit online if there was an ALT that could turn this round it would be that one they've got to be concerned about the wall Les can drop it at any point to try to set up the double face up side by side top raft two years important one to win was elsis dropping John QT sends the nade flying the Molly there can't quite land the kill he does have the pit but does he choose to upload of course he does so T now drops it down evacuating the one angle but over the top of the ropes Ah that's no way the spam very close tagging him up draft over the top that's Q wonderful punish onto the corner even more where that came from as the rest of his team this is it set up for Success set up for map three and you got to thinking it's inevitable on top of the r how is he accurate there running and gunning but TS dealt with dropped and a retake with the up a fairy tale moment for second it will have to be and he doesn't expect it they up there a 14 to 12 lucky to not die Sak running and waiting away backwards running and gunning with the frenzy only had four bullets left and he still managed to land that shot so play disadvantage here for Sentinels get themselves to sight will be the plant on top of it but what is the call after the fact L of so much utility on rifle rounds to be able to deny plants from going down they don't have has much to work with here barely missing flash pushing him away there paranoia was bad yet still face it with the guns now sadex all the way behind them dizzy tap onto it it's going to be alerting the attention of the Sentinal players back and around but they have so much to deal with now the push and the pull of these loud players just too Elite okay nothing to really stand the ground but Le is still going to try and do it otherwise ads firing them down as well the bullet Attack Just slowing him ever so slightly enough for S to get that one but a plan now down here for S no push back from it so they can had to play this post PL but did they really want to do this just with The Stingers was like an awkward one to try and play into especially when cine has almost all of his util few more seconds left he will have the F line but there it is sends out the after strog out wide forces celus no kill paranoia used in respond to this one and a second flash sets them back up but a deep smoke after to really forcing L to push forwards into this one to tap onto it again stunned up inside the smoke damage done cine still lives on 21 Health diffusing now sonak onto half has to be out with has to be brought down sticking it through and no damage not enough it is bizarre as a flash reing now out wide what is that kazin he was leaping across paranoia tap tap from t with the movement not enough bullets in the end still qck dropped back to 30 Health now he look out back up good play into this one with the AL might choose to do so see if it makes a real difference here but sassy does have his old back online pick up here it is the second round of things thrash spawn broken to Pieces clear a close left corner but still does want to just try and take a fight there John QT tucked as well a lot to clear in this spot just walking right over him qck there is that tray with the pop flash now in out and through but still with a util in his hands caught lacking and slacking you can hear it tend lacking the info he's jump spotting he's punished for it I know ex has cleared out the hole of elbow with his Alt or fft as well give that additional confirmation now the smokes can be dropped down L it down will be the plant get themselves into it here with a player Advantage it time to shine count loud out too much just yet though grouped up together n oh it's a bit of a blunder can't swing into that one it was anticipated for it paranoid in front of it sadak he had to be the playmaker there and he was not drop down now a flash of their own TS positions on top of Jenny forol snake bite goodness me everyone on loud saving yeah but they just don't even want to get back into this yeah he's very isolated very isolated smoke to play in wants to try and get in and rule that angle over the top now ref flank from mid but already it's traded equally the timing actually here from John looks fairly good yeah he has to potentially get a move on but it's up to the rest of his team I think toade and push back yeah parano there and he does catch it qck just a no longer deep cam around the back louder left really scrambling looking for options and they've decided to take the fight for away win start get out of here still no tap onto it the pressure mounting incredibly so two is facing with all the kills you're joking but the time the time too much eventually fuel going to be fading what is that just pre- aiming anticipating it for second so tight to the angle there very confident too necessary kill him he's not having a great start to this map but let's get back onto the board with that one at least C went and took the AL orb over towards a so he now has the Rolling Thunder online going an initial tap but now going to be sticking it for the pl does have his online now for it here's the Rolling Thunder back into them show stoer to use as a bit of a reaction into this one and second his whole goal is to really slow this one down TP dodging out of the way on top of the box they can expect this one the Drone we'll see it tags him up So eventually T will be spotted into this one and spot and qck through the wall favored for it that's the wall bang angle on top of it now it's a interesting fight to be taken John QT turns it into a two versus two two tagged up by the knife but just a tap onto the head spots it now zelis so much more in his position sadak feeling frantic in nature does he have it I don't know I don't know did he get onto it in time it's so close oh my goodness they're just barreling all the way through into mid there aade watched it zela still here juntito they're just trying to dominate this one this one singular position they do control a main throwing a bit of chaos into the mix in for the back side just spots the elbow just spots the elbow and tends looking this way that way didn't know where the players were going to be coming from sassy last one left could have been granted one extra gets the one backs out 50 seconds in the round maybe he could get something done he doesn't have to be anywhere near the plant everyone on loud isak they're going to make mistakes they don't think he's there on the angle in time he's C himself into the one versus two all SL line here for sa but he doesn't really find a time to use it but the dark Reveals All sassy have to pull up an absolute Miracle 5 HP drop down backing away now why T half cleared now Crossfire set up forward a Neal theft everybody scattered to the winds L realize it okay we've been found out got to back away now and just try and flood back into this do some economic damage util flying forwards here don't have to push away to plan though so still Spike down and out oh hello qy k no turn on the fire he's still alive here there too much danger it shouldn't be dangerous but when the loud players hit shots just never know tap qy K hello rattling their heads now already two taken stricken off the list thrash has to be used he popped the Al he popped the AL man he got caught by it though he's trying to time it yeah detained up into the corner here potentially winnable though now man is looking more and more likely finally Fades away and he's back into it but here it is the follow up all the rifles online he doesn't have the time my God normally louder going to throw in a lot of utility early for plant denial un Fury mol is going to be used towards the back of the S Hunters Fury there's the connection second Falls couple of beams of that one but still not being dislodged from these positions T up top familiar angle has the all now for the classic reposition Al to the back of the site could be anyone's game on a knife's edge every single instance TS sticking the or not quite already with the alt to the back but he has been cleaned up two is there it's a 1 V2 Taps it get sassy doesn't give him anything still vies his time wait it out and now it has been fully drawn down to the final moment all the kills going loud's way but not the round they're going to have an open sight two us really trying to make this feel like there's lots of players here nades for so they just Spam The Box in the common angles they do deal with him and finally the flood defense is here in time but can all do anything about it beautiful Dart everybody lit up here even with the Stingers there's danger danger in a but still with the rifles holy run it back finally initiated he was suppressed in time but just let it Loose be seeing if he can hunt down a few of these kills and yep zeel is caught util out in his hands wasn't really quite aware of that one did tagging away Z spam that here we go only three players left now loud fast on the approach After Shock there but a quick TP into the corner paranoid order util layered on top of each other and they just cannot do anything cating sizzling away spraying them down with a rifle gained and that is allowed up to a five round seven to five you can't fault it close I mean Les was quick onto the angle onto that Avenue of opportunity they want to flood out now facing with the bodies paranoia backing away Q that's unreal blind as the fade away damage has been done definitely to zelus here B shot will do it to close there it is straight to the chest brings him down John can't do much so Lou that pistol around you got to think the top another the score at the top here though it's happen a face that contact play style finally punishment in place yeah but I mean what what a spray from celsis they're trying to punish the old pick up there and they both get sprayed down targeted the paranoia onto a spot that TS is often like into play but it's second up there this time in Market the trip not broken though they know it's fake Market pressure yeah this is a weird one no way did they spot a hint of two EAS was there that question mark on the mini map maybe yeah pinged out I think yep it is leaning this way celsus he is a low player but he decides to take the fight anyway not set up onto that angle with any form of util sassy now he's in a one and done Dart has to be broken and he's revealed his position now this is problematic all utage util now T's right behind them sent out the paranoid there is that swing that's a spike going to be dropped down of his team nowhere near here Les is the last one standing this flank from s has worked beautifully but the loud players barely reacted I don't think they knew where that paranoia was coming from has left Less in a 1v3 in a much worse position than sassy was when he was able to get the plant down yeah I mean 15 seconds left in the round it's impossible scenario 10 seconds left and Les will just be trying to win this one while the rest of the team in silence scratches the head wondering where it all went wrong here that pick onto zelis put sassy in such a difficult position and the flank from B bailed him out I don't even know I mean listen it's going to be 1 second left he wants to use it but again somebody needs to get onto this one already detained into the side into the corner where is the time pressure hello finally wingman down rifle is there has to be bodyguard Duty spraying the all he's been stopped in his tracks half tapped sassy no more to room no more to work with now they're going to be using it 10s PE and Away back to the corner actually's away even deeper angle he wants to try and take the fight to them flash forc to set it up that's zelis Dynamic two just weaving in and out in the flood defense this time rain Supreme I love it I think this map is set up so nicely for B flood defending from pop flash play here yeah they can hear it the door being broken down they going to try and fight to and na off for control of it the nade down how does second get two that is ridiculous qck forced to bodyguard his own spot there and it goes down to a 3v3 in a really weird fashion s have committed pretty heavily to the B side of the map so alloud have actually managed to find an opening here to go for a post plan 30 seconds left the smoke was in the way at the top section of mid might already be just close with the rocket but no has to respect it wondering if they could be lurking that potential Avenue so a free plant here allowed and some players in potential positions to play a nice post PL too you don't have to be worried about the initiator utility from sen which is the main part of it but obviously there's still danger with the paranoia with the showstopper loud get info that there's nobody on the flank yeah exactly with that around now and that's a Hunters Fury to add even more time pressure Al committed and stuck tends his forwards he wins his fight that is ridiculous still with a paranoia now a showstopper seeking to commit this one where these players might be but the first tap at least forces out the alt rocket flying again clears the one but on top of this corner on top of the box to has to reveal his hand spraying it through guarding blocking all the bullets second sticking and he's one the round for his team despite the heroic of sadak around there oh hello trip 10s lit up entirely let's loose that paranoia but that one way less than ideal was John great crunch in B main though from loud yeah sen couldn't figure out how you know which direction to go in I guess and twois is here ready to pick up zelis good all good and what a recovery let loose let rip zelis spreads It Wide now cross onto the site not going to be letting them use that util PL stuck here by was intend onto that High Ground approach has found value of Les being removed that's one of the St players going pound for pound just removing this one and call is made to try and fight this one sassy taking it straight to them man in tow and he just caught the backside clip s out towards the back of the head flash through running gun with a spectre Al n two years he's miles away the knife gives them every single bit of information they could want skipping a hop doging round J no away 10 up to 12 I going to make the play to win oh zelis wasn't ready for it peeking It Wide like that just slowly did manage to vacuum up that space now there going to be that reck sassy just trying to tuck himself into the corner here need some help from the rest of his team Hunter Fury trying to collect these kills as well they're trying to face from Spawn run it back there actually broughten down by the alt and Sassy in this entire time somehow was stayed alive tucked to the corner got a smoke at his back to try and help him out and everybody's going to be facing him here Flash in his face spraying through it's all praying this time loud One's On Top here five alive one player four is attack now forces out the snake bites have to be utilized here cine still has the AL surely there's no danger surely tends doesn't just TP but he does straight into them into their faces tapping and spraying all the way through rifles save the day John would potentially like to get away with this one but it's going to the final round a regular time anyway might as well go down with the ship and tiniest of angles tiniest of chances but he gets it altered up stunned up will be brought down in the end so the trade is online here and the call is made for Sen to scatter backing away playing for the retake here sadak he going to go for the plan but he's ended up just throwing it to the side he's going to give it to qck to get that run it back optimizing but also giving s an opportunity to throw in some util early on they're not going to go for the flood defend though yeah a fres fade when is the time to strike here it is Q lets it rip breaking the util di he this play gets caught into the wall there unfortunately with it still watching holding for the flash an he positions play spam into the box but it does buy them critical time running their way past this one are they going to anticipate two years Nails him to the back wall of Link the opper second shot goes flying wide smoken disengaging back and Away celsis seeking to clear this one out but again the time running against them the rifles have to sing through they have to ring true but it will not happen youtil shock breaks it 12 seconds time really against them snake bite drop down loud this is them with a chance to really gain some ground here swinging wide to punish cine he understood it as a wingon and just decided to take the risk anyway two is fake the TP back and now they want to fight this one into the back of the site double face though util Sentinels barreling through finding her own timings gifted with it spamming through sadak left in a 1 V2 and second making the wrap around to a link Sak sticking this one half onto it half onto the diffuse he's bought himself a little bit of time a window potentially but he just needs a kill and he's not being given it he's not being given it no one will give him an easy one and face together potentially into the jaws of defeat Z he's found his slice Zak removed and now confusion it's a frantic play from loud which direction did they go into the oneway stopping them s and util has to be used now to clear it back through but the Spike's been dropped down and time againsts them entirely po flash play watch for two to stand and two potentially to fall two years and less together now tapping it out but there is no chance there is no hope Sentinels inevitable
Channel: Daily Valorant
Views: 122,769
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: valorant, valorant highlights, valorant vods, sentinels, sen, sen valorant, sen highlights, sentinels highlights, tenz, sen vs loud, sen - loud, sen loud, loud vs sen, loud - sen, loud sen, sentinels - loud, sentinels vs loud, sentinels loud, vct, vct 2024, vct highlights, valorant champions tour, dv, daily valorant, tenz highlights, masters madrid, valorant masters madrid, daily valorant highlights
Id: zJhsFE9Ak3s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 46sec (2566 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 21 2024
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