LOSER OUT! Sentinels vs 100 Thieves - HIGHLIGHTS | Champions Tour 2024: Americas Kickoff

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why not oh wow that's Brave by as he just went for the OR at the start of the round he just trusted that his utility was good enough to keep the attackers back hell of a way to get the pistol round started first kill going in the direction of Sentinels towards C anticipating a refight here you can see that's why T is holding that paranoia now they set their sights over towards the side anchoring towards the back that's bang he's got a lot to do here with the or up a stopping the plans of Sentinels poison now here we go more util s flying n towards the back on top of it into the smoke up bang that was a right click playing an easy one apparently from that range still few more players to meet him and eventually with the jump spot they're going to be well suited Sentinels gaining ground now Spike we planned it momentarily but the door opened up cryo a chance for him to really do some damage slipping through and past but can he find this one kill Elis he's low enough buying time for the rest of his team to get into position the Damage Done to him 29 Health with the triple face Shadow he gets it done leave it to the one player now all up to booo look at this setup inside a low smoke towards the ground what is going on here doubled up could booti you possibly make anything happen don't give him too much away at all so Sentinels with the opener be Molly your Fe but there's the blind holy what a setup it's return though with the fire Asen is there with a door rotating they've got themselves into B main control but they want to Pivot over towards a what a call and look at it it's completely empty they picked up bang with a beautiful setup driving straight through his vulnerable and now they've got the plant down second is pretty far forwards here three players committed into the back section of the site you don't really expect this into the post plan look at the others though holding that angle and John qti is going to be taking a bit of contact in and distracting to make sure that they can't just isolate Z really planted for them the one section of the Box they still worried about Rubble up to heaven ASA important kill Z finds his earns some way to the show stoer just jiggling as well rebounding off of it with the tap there boo lucky to get it but instantly you can see the plays the positioning is cels that might be the trigger yet there it is Go Button sent a one for one bangs good for it still TP forward 10 was vulnerable up but it's equalized three versus three did they still want to commit into this one straight through vulnerable into the back eu's got to respect that the util laid down at his feed so the plant's still going to get off here for Sentinels and this is going to be a tough retake EU doesn't have very much utility just used his last Prowler and cryo is coming around on the flank with an KN now assuming zelis does not die cryo is going to find it difficult to close the gap important fight a vital one at that Elis Peaks it out though so he falls double face on the high low J just trying to Dro down and survive and now he realizes we're being threatened from multiple angles ASA don't know where to peek from he Udo removing it and lovely movement at the end of the day finally a round on the board here for 100 thieves lots of players to meet them Satchel across what a shot by cryo show stoer though tends his TP right behind him euu luckily there with the trade commits the Nightfall going to really fight over this one but guess what Center out of there high tailed straight back from section of M how are they going to fight over this one double up and players low enough short quick work for bang SC Elis patiently for now hoping that somebody overextends into him but takes the right timing wrong timing I should say sitting here into main potentially if they choose to fight over across into the sight that's 100 thieves and look at that the timing's excellent from EU ASA he's going to be sticking this one with a lock down diffuse as well there's really no coverage anybody to break this is no as just sticks it all the way through and that's a third round game now granted now the n as well St by towards you what a shot by bang EU still holding close to the pillar have a call to cancel sen so reactive with this one almost like the bait and switch you expect them to be in in that scenario 40 seconds left what is the decision make flip the switch and it does pull players away from C what a call in the moment yeah sen going for the freeze in the round 100 thieves super reactive trying to find Sentinels face your fear KN now thr tags onto this one they only have to worry about the back of the side that's going to get cleared by the ice they realize it's C open for the take we have seen 3b3 retakes work for hun thieves they're going to open the door really early on viit with his plan for J QT they don't have very much space here 100 are already in look at this already in boo he's not wasting any time forward here with an a to push them into the angles appropriate maybe but just walking right into the pit and enough favored of that position he got to pre now maybe a few stray bullets connecting but he's realizing it got to give it up in a 1 V3 with a pit down that is unwinable so Sentinels trying to block this one off it's slightly off here TPS all over the play second just on top of the mound there revealed ASA close to the corner does this get cleared behind the box everybody running right past him great chance a great opportunity Z returns it straight back to him Equalization showstopper ear fired and another one claim two players left standing for 100 thieves with the judge in hand for booo is toight finding it quite difficult but there's the upgrade of slightly Stinger side grade if anything isn't itow tring he's trying to make his way over to the rifle he got to suspect this Elis is still here look at them trying to clear this one out the flank timing though bang spots it two versus two ducked into the sight now how does Sentinel want to play this one smoke just lay it down a little high ice and flying straight forward pushes them out into the open leave it just to the one no more sound cues that's that you from sassy but he's just poking his head out and T rips it clean off the shoulders could get pick from a variety of different ar oh my what is that we've got to see a replay of that at the end of the round I don't know whether that was through the smoke it looks like ASA was jump and T hit an outrageous head shot that's what it looks like but see the end of things anyway sets him up with the first kill door opened up now towards B trademark broken Uso gone this is really drastically I think falling to pieces here for 100 th but cow is not accounted for off round to the corner second though returning with the trade confirmation kills all over the bloody Place do have the spike what's the call now 30 seconds left run over to eight change the identity of sen removed 30 seconds left hell look at this no armor running into the OR cryo he wants to be a playmaker and this is the time to do it second taken out guess what Sentinels out towards B paranoia now flying out through them players into heaven they need to clear this one show stopper this could be the winner though straight into the wall plants down though it's two versus two and one through main Satchel preventing the reek dropping down now playing together 100 thieves going to be really disciplined but it's just EU seven bullets of JN QT into the pit as well good utility being you sido's going to be the defender towards the back of the CER right clicks CIS get away with murder onto the side here EU eventually going to be removing that pesky pesky anchoring play a n rebounded though that will force the spike we planted in a different direction another tap here but lined up all the way for Z be precise and surgical when this hit starts to come through especially T remove Bang here critical shots to be hit there C's going to be hearing the rotation to bound as well and what is the call to be made middle into a perhaps get those two picks but no they break the door now make their way into B CU cryo has got that space crep forwards now Heaven needs to be covered it is going to be ever so slightly no kill to be turned and returned there sassy backs away 10 Health still alive you can tell it wasn't booo there with the mid-round call cuz he used both of his Smokes on a didn't have anything to obscure that sight line ASA might have just bailed him out there with that kill onto celsis big big kills to shut down any danger of a retake coming through no pressure onto these Mound players and that's where the pl is for lovely Shoto has been a little out of the action in this game so far but that's a good one for the confidence too the rifle paranoid with a SAT forwards here but Z can't really Escape it lot more to be done here but only two players remaining C elus just might opt into saving this one with the rifle 10 TP try and get out but no can't break the teror in time how fast there's no one really to help him out that's a fight drop down he was the only one contesting right from the broken angle here with the N of his speed a no chance of a swing wait he's got to wait for team he really does paranoia as well though this is an onslaught with the util and finally there's the reinforcements second blast packs in headle off cry's look towards B once again in the round has actually allowed them what a spray down from cryo he found them the B site and some Major Impact there Force into the box there from bang was getting the one but cryo surely surely he's done enough still a man Advantage boo oh lovely work he didn't get to see the second player there does he just assume that zelis is coming through the door again was covering it but now with the flash as well the timing on that one is just perfection up top booo working around waiting for the timing with the T that's all him with the guardian taking down the world champion here just bang though and he's got to really come up bid though blinded second with the rocket out wide and the one claimed jump Spot Great discipline everybody noise CU is cut away they don't have a bloody clue and now with the lock down on top it's all layer perfectly in between and the reposition ofoo just had a Dodge but it's just down to cryo and what can you really do not much on sass has got youtil out in his hands flashed up but it's given him no way the shots just G wide here battle on two fronts though out towards the side as all booo oh what a mad one with that one two kills bang on the repak two left standing JN QT and second doubled up now into lamps but time ticking away with with that Spike one enemy remaining fading away no chance at all there's 100 thieves well put together pistol round okay okay respect this yourn backing out and Away pass out wide here still holding their ground onto the top of the box but T is still alive right here with the decoy sent forwards cryo he knows it though hold his ground gate crash to evacuate no but now that Al is online Boosty o having got the plant down has access to thrash the way spots it though sends it flying bang he is so aggressive vacuums up the space doesn't he shows a little bit of respect though tail end of this one three versus three flank attempt by T right from behind here cryo back to all of it all of it indeed and he does not know it and it's all up to boosto R down the 10's Gate Crash earlier in the round when he was trying to put pressure over towards showers and then disappeared they had no idea where he was coming back from and you saw multiple people on 100 thieves looking towards showers expecting him to appear from there he says peekaboo to cryo and a bullet in the back of their head cool ideas though from 100 thieves you can see that they are trying to pass down short in these rounds while still applying pressure to showers they had fade utility from the front spit in the back I think and Sentinels looking to try to adapt their setups to deal with what 100 thieves are throwing out I think we're going to see tons of retake attempts here because 100 thieves are dumping major utility into these exx it's really difficult to Anchor a major game plan when they were playing against the Vian U try and get the plant down into post standard take over towards B long the same tools now a flying Boo faing the side that's an anti flash but now he's walked way up with the rest of his team ASA One Step Closer as the big rocket Rec CLE Rec clear 10 flash through it's anti Flash from as the rest of his team combined but how are they finding these kills I mean right behind him in second and he wants even more look at this just walking right around the corner almost catching with the util out 72 Health backing away it does seem ridiculous that s somehow to get two kills out of that screen down through the teleport and T is in cave taking up residents deep into enemy territory there is just no way they're going to expect him to be coming around showers behind them here this such an unorthodox position to be in right now rest of their team and what they have to clear this one bang is in a really forward angle here as just jiggling From the Bench spot it do they think about him at any point no likely flash rebounds anti flash but not enough not enough intense when he's on the EUR on this map I mean he looks like a oneman army at times forwards though that's as and a snake B on top of it beautiful execution with all the utility combined up freefor all towards the back as side with those two kills now plant on line Peak through by T offsetting it you got to take risks in the moment but it's all being contained and answered back huge round from Asar and cry with some excellent trades as well com one of his own yeah dimensional drift be picking out these plays as well getting themselves into the position flat that Rocket's got nowhere No Man's Land running them straight through with the rifle gained and here's the show stoer to you ask for TS meanwhile like I said prior one man army guys a wrecking ball running straight through them and the albow players they can't afford to swing Z can stick it all the way through the thrash is going to be meeting him to contained not a chance so the first kill now available here for 100 thieves of PL going their way this post plant looks aggressive plays in forward positions they're going to pit surely here right available for them and they should yes bang spends it now everybody out through into the elbow zelis is dropped as well on top of it nobody can withstand this kind of pressure except maybe Z can needs there forwards and a pre fire shuts down any chance or attempt try to put pressure on the people putting on yeah Flash Eye everything committed but still is a TP pivot into showers does he expect cryo right here behind him does he would attempt to follow them this is absolute Carnage and pandemonium flying straight pass intend he's on no cryo catch it with a backstab t to behind them zelis attempts it with a spray through but it's all down attend jumps B great movement from as now finally lets it go straight to the back wall El though look at that stand deliver holding your ground out towards lamp and that is a real Skirmish taking place I have this Spike get a pause in the play here with a spike being reclaimed both teams taking a bre but now it's planted into the post plant once more no more alss to be used but Sassy's on the flank so Sentinels are waiting for this to happen to be honest though these flanks have not really worked a different direction bang doesn't look really the wise for EU on top of Ben JDS lovely tap but there's the kill found finally flank paying off I regain on QT really being pressure towards the back of the side he needs sassy to get a move on he's a little bit too late to the party here especially with it ticking EU so much util to work with te connects no more sound cues need rebounds and there is the kill floated the tment is there Satchel plays as can't see anything though blinded up second close to the corner now the show stopper right to the feet takes the out boost deal returns Spike planted one versus two maybe a chance for it to be winnable an eigh round will be a dream that's a tough ask for him TS two flashes one more smoke for zelis it's a slow play tucked in here's the footsteps doesn't know where they are exactly but strikes correctly round ended on get the pl to drop down as way too far forward ahead of the pack there no one can help him out but with 20 seconds left the call is made TP P it all the way through now they're going to be seeing as an empty B sight booo this kill to be claimed expect the second player 10 seconds left they should have been able to hear how many people went through the teleport looks likeo is not quite aware but John can't capitalize no plan down though the post plant now Sassy You Dare Peak this one with the so many players well his team are taking contact attention being diverted it's all celus I mean he's cleaning these players up entirely light them up kill feed filled with red peek into this and TR to hopefully Farm up some of these old forwards reload online 20 bullets left tens is helping him out right to him not letting anyone escape the ey of it it was tens who vacuumed up all the kills yeah R forwards here te beautiful points some in a right direction Z is there though with a swing close sassy takes a load of damage in the process here him intense now linking up joining hands near here's the dog Mosh Pit r a sideways to cover TR QT on top of bench two versus two or try and use it to reposition but guess what bang right behind you back stab online vulnerable does not matter foro given up and conceded so sen have got all that space now adjustment not there for second in time another the crossair placement so a freeb for booo and T has actually dodged The Haunt in showers and he's looking to try to take some space for the rest of his team yeah towards the back of side that's 100 thieves now realizing giv up that space now they don't explode out into the site here instead taking up residence into a short dimensional drift maybe spot out closer the positions just using it as a glorified drone things are out realizing the sight is clear so J QT with a will he get out just barely and now remember that zelis has Molly he also has his orbital strike for the post so this is going to be an extremely difficult KN to crack position he's playing in as well so far back here ASA Satchel's now on side The Flash dizzy pointing them out towards default bench it's going to be cleared now out towards showers and yeah that time pressure becoming an issue you hear the Molly landing at the feed okay half on the man missed have on it push them back it's all down to elus but there's four players left and there's already half under the fuse is essentially the round win celus you have to spray them all down and it's just not a chance not a chance 100 thieves being a play and yeah gate crashes right to safety but ASA he didn't rotate away still holds it onto The High Ground here know for a second peak of this one but a satchel maybe the safety it's labored messy even but it gets the job done with the two kills adjustment from 10 pit no longer a problem less than 30 seconds left damage through the wall enough right to the Dome rips it straight off for T here two plays now left for Sentinels desperate task ahead of them tempted nevertheless here with really such little time close towards it sassy the spike has been dropped down you have to accept it cut the losses get the hell out of there but that means 100 thieves are on the brink the precipice and Sassy needs this weapon the economy is not great for his team got to save it he's got to save it massive from cryo play to is given up again as we've been mentioning T's ahead of it inead of it head of the smoke entirely as seeks to contain and contain he will BR him down the opposition claiming that space out toward show as they give up and ConEd again through into short still with the op towards triple how do you really seek to do some damage here there's just an angle opened up to him does he realize that they're so deep on sight I mean side by side shoulder to shoulder Crouch down with the prowler lands a shot it's booo he's still there John qt in the meantime did take care of Asa Z round aside okay two versus two look at end of the moment's notice with this flank attempt Ur and bang he's all the way behind them once more what is the call to be made by sen gring up no more noise going up pit there oh my so close barely opened himself up a tap te th they don't know where this last player as they are really struggling to find it with 25 seconds left dangerous games they're playing here for Sen John needs second inside the pit I think so that he can just get the plant down there's only 20 seconds left and he just chooses to stick it Z's not even there playing with him just seeking to hold this round down almost going down just from the vulnerable in the spam really dangerous back to the Box healthy players of 100 thieves and this is the real Turning Point might just come down to it random spray the bullets through one play as a Target and junq is found taken out Zen close to it 100 thieves right here it's there they are not out of it yet close now with u tuck to the corner a right click blessed of it going one for one and in the mean time cryo defending B Heaven didn't realize that that was where the entirety of sentinals were he got overwhelm I like this for oh my goodness oh sh forget about the he's right behind them hot on their tail EO into B Main they' prior oh and as's just I mean Fearless is the word to use and the rest of the team is just abandoned tense y just running him down as he does not care seeking out his players methodically one at a time un Del assist Ned out position but nobody's watching this one I mean getting hectic into it so two versus two is what it return two now 40 seconds cly taken down contacting forward send just pull it out going for this one here Flash and a peak for second n rebounds nice from booo but he does stand this ground will he deliver additionally it's EU from the side the teammate conr no more bullets that is treacherous down to three Health knows what is locked right into place pixel precise aim with that one John's going to get the plan down so additional funds for the rest of the team I don't see how he's winning this with a spectre in a 1 V3 round win is almost entirely out of his grasp look at it funneling him right into their trap see with four why not wingman send flying just in case there's another player sitting close deep zelis the looks on looks yeah this is why it's dangerous to lose control of the map in that way and form two players playing close to the sight here dropping down now bang of booo against the world leave it ad just booo that is Snappy is clean but can he do even more answer is no time this walk out to be main oh cry has fallen with him down here the heaven players now got to really worry about this one with zelus dropped evened out four versus four here but the sight is now there ints a little bit more QT causing all sorts of problems just frecking him from behind what a rocket ASA straight down into sewers he's left it just two Alive Now grouped up side by side holding hand Sentinels seeking to do the most here but frash is going to be clearing out most of the sight staircase still being held here by bang lovely angle for it at this point there's not too much the Z can do he's just eating all sorts of bullets raining down onto him there's a diffuse for 100 thieves and this could be a blood bath Nightfall here the UT comes out the damage definitely being done straight through the wall second and he can't hear anything at all cut into the Corner bang taking slices out of him and he right behind him to where the actual action ISO close to flowers looking clear I don't know if that Molly was intended for him only the one though ma attempt at the discipline respect it open sight for the pit tenz is in this smoke in heaven and he gets the reward that is nasty stuff all the more difficult and the decision has been made for them really H 100 thieves walk through on this be spit wow and what a punish that is all of these 100 thieves players having to jump spot because they don't have that info and getting smacked now they go ASA close to the TR there was a Molly in the hands of zel's hands him an easy one cryo still dodging juking not enough not enough Sentinels right in their faces another really tough situation they want to fight this they want to fight this they want to fight this boo shut down instantly and like you said Jos is a tough situation reveals a two sees the reposition lined up actually lined up entirely but it is that Crossfire away EU brings it to the 1 V one it will be a monstrous clutch and indeed it is K claim damage straight bullets F QT how was he already there this is ridiculous Cally TP Straight Into The Fray one player up into heaven that's boo oh G flick adjustment all the entainment is on L John QT the Savior Bo he can't get it what a pace increase from Sentinels 100 thieves like we said KN down to the half by has been H every shot is on one right now kidle now being called Seekers there through them but no scaling into the sight they are meeting them this a hard rotation 100 thieves what a time to do this pull this one out when the weapons are weakest and is only up to sassy fragile is his placement with the smoke an important piece here need to stay alive what a kill Z will not get out alive a good return of fire Bo all cylinders but finally will forge on QT all the way behind they are none the wiser but only just the one ASA forcing his attention forwards they want to try and take this fight straight to the site onto these players seeking them out all the way to the back of map to spam kills all the way T is really finding it difficult and he does fall 2v2 planted potentially I don't know for heaven it's in this smoke spam here passing the sticky oh my going to be fcked apart piece by piece 100 thieves might be gaining exactly what they need and yes overstepping themselves here by Sentinels on their defense side critical pist around for 100 thieves and flying there with a Spike oh boy The Plight get him gone oh no oh no no no no no no no this could be a disaster 30 seconds left in the middle of nowhere J QT still tucked to the corner but plenty of players left standing 100 th now swarming onto the site te sure there was a connection trip by group damage but eventually the reaction cryo he turns around John QT is weak enough one shot one shot will do it the damage there 12 seconds remaining seeks to deny oh my 10 Health still kicking by the way now IU has to stick it f planted gets back into it one versus one one single shot three bullets wrap around cryo are they going to expect this one who's it being planted for John does not know what to expect spot no way and he knows it's not really planed for him hasn't pushed up a tap a game of chicken is being played all for the pistol line all on the line cryo order boot a plan to it missing the timing of all of this wello he's right up in their faces isn't he wrapped around here onto Heaven it's all cryo my's ready backs away now doesn't want to overextend his hand it's still a 2v3 definitely winnable all committed slices up the map in a very unusual way here bang still going to worry about lots of different angles T is going to be hearing them drop down now making that Comm information known bang weaving in and out backwards here CIS un aable to get the half on a diffuse that's the pull the benefit of all of thisable how does he win that and now the wall working against him in his face cryo that is disgusting yeah and here's a refight all the way together here but do they have the guns for it yes straight to the Dome removed a spike drop down on top of this one right from behind second he pushed out a that is filthy work here only with the classic and they have swarm the position Relentless running and gunning Cry he's not taking his time they have just answer back instantaneously second where the hell are you smoke in your face with the oneway Boost there t side flash though could see a thing now this is really getting treacherous second not going to be able to diffuse it brought down the closer positions is really just being SE to sort out lick a r celis cryo he has one pull have a tap onto this one so pushes him away buys him some critical seconds but he doesn't have a gun for the job somehow removed and away and cover is there they're off the sight maybe canceling this back s kind of read has this guy got he's worked his way back into elbow holding down the fort out to the side here to flash to connect oh he is down everyone following up spike is planted in the middle of all of this but only two players left hundred of Thieves they got too much to overcome but now he can hit him onto the popping up and over theight for can't really hear them but he knows exactly where they might be placed still players working to be Heaven the fake off might not be working here at all JQ still locked down into the corner but cleans him up Cuts him out of the pitcher the B Plant coming through here in 1003s critically they have the post positions onto Heaven mosit down and The Sassy you got to get the hell out of there and he does sur kill what a kill two players left Sentinels the moing in the midst of it pandemonium in the round bang one player standing he's got the pit but no mollies multiple players swamping a position like the Len they just followed through e he oh here it is someone needs to deal with this one it doesn't clear him it doesn't clear him theom doesn't either time to strike Molly at their feet they sne the capiz s sis he might have just finished it for them make their way through b main it's all Sentinels Castle bang up in their faces 2 v3s maybe made this winnable there's a chance they've really got to capitalize Seekers right behind them chasing hot on the heels spams down only the one of them going to be pointing them in the right direction players towards M 35 seconds left and here's where you got to get a move on only one play to me them is Sassy 30 seconds left tuck close now anything to clear him out not really too much util at all 25 seconds left how do they want to take this 100 thieves time is of the essence they Dro down themselves I into the back of the sight he's tucked close and he gets the kill that could be it bang flashed and he's just being cornered Sentinels eliminate 100 th
Channel: Daily Valorant
Views: 264,617
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: valorant, valorant highlights, valorant vods, valorant na, valorant america, sen 100t, 100t sen, sentinels 100 thieves, 100 thieves sentinels, sen vs 100t, 100t vs sen, sentinels - 100 thieves, 100 thieves - sentinels, tenz, tenz highlights, daily valorant, daily valorant highlights, dv, Champions Tour 2024: Americas Kickoff
Id: G25EUjCGibk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 16sec (1996 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 20 2024
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