Paper Rex vs T1 - HIGHLIGHTS | Champions Tour 2024: Pacific Stage 1

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setting up the positions SI starts things off with a head shot onto D of course now everyone has to divert their attentions away you never know who's lurking around the back something still sharp as ever though able to take down siia exur has been spotted first hit 100 shot whiffed and something's just trying to play it safe trying to play around the positions for S unfortunately getting taken out though and that's all down to mind freak still rounds left the hit Hunter chamber goes back out two players a little bit too much a bit ham check that fast just starting things off with a bit of that lurk bit of a rep peek and two kills so quick collected the rest of the team now pushing up a little bit of Mind presence to to know that there could be more players trying to make this B play happen it happened on the pistol round maybe T1 is going to do it again a is completely open after all yeah something already getting up towards heaven smoke though very good allows for something to play around the positions you got Jing ready with the paint shells as well this this is a good setup it could be red I mean this is kind of what paper likes to do yeah I know what you me all right forsaken he's on for the ace okay Oney remain got the quad is just round three T's trying to play it safe trying to do what they can do yes dude o That's Spot Great fade I mean that's going to be now T1 trying to fight in for this but MF is not going to let them go down without a swing shrouded steps away and they are definitely aware of it but look at what's happening across the map too forsaken through the link catches excur from behind the other three have quite a bit of money waiting for exits he's got the judge there goes the first fires off a second shot even before he sees mine freak and it does connect they're in a bit of a tricky position right now as for Sing huers Down watches out over onto pillar and catches onto two more players b site is open nether would be the reload and he knew he could push through really smart play from forsaken jez l oh God and now it's going to be the operator with the angle down goes mind freak but down goes this oh a spike carry as well s players come back in kind although they've got the positioning the spike dropped Viper pit now up by Rossy they know they should have this round how do you push back in look at what's happening again forsaken it's happening again I think ex curet has a decent idea that his brother's doing this all right all right well I want to see how forsaken can if does he check it do you know what your brother's doing or is it going to be a pink Mist Ian they got time to really make sure that they're set up kind of come from all three angles at once unbelievable one shot one kill now on to the next he's online for the ace Rosy's right around the edge of it and forsaken just sprays downtown forsaken goes back in for a bit of Adventure on his own uses the Cyber cage to set up the spy camera does not expect his brother on the other side he only spotted went in for the this camera tag the rest of the team though has already made their way in but because of the smokes s player able to take down Jing something in for a bit of a trade two players remaining you've got to noed he got the blade storm oh my comes down to Sharp Shooting he know the angles something's prepar for it snaps back onto isu's head triple kill on a hatrick now he know exed right around the corner too doesn't have to spike though so this is just going to come down to kills can excur be accurate enough to out snipe this watches down the angle on toward stairs it's taking a little bit too much time so he brings back around catches something just as he Peaks out something on with the judge though is a very interesting thing they've managed to go in and flood down the B site Spike has beenin planted Jing with the showstopper although it doesn't quite Land good bit of damage Rossy comes in for the trade might M freak trades right back paranoia sent out by ISU as they try to push back out from the door side sh steps into the smoke now they're trying to play around it defi definitely hears this goes back in just a pre-fire but the running gun doesn't quite work out something comes back in off of the information just to try and collect on these kills player connects the shot it to his team right now unfortunately blinded not quite able to all do all too much D on the other side a bit of a tap with Phantom but instantly traded spotted excur through waterfall now something wanting to take the duel they know they have to watch out for Mount trades coming in and the timer still taking away a bit more of a standard round as Jing alongside Mind Freak do their job at anchoring down this Spike T1 not able to retake they've over stacked it and then on this off forsaken again wi swings just a little bit further an inch over the crossair excr not able to fire off his operator M freak on the lurk this time this is how you play Lotus you've got the neuro theft as well but Rossy coming back into to investigate great awareness with the op now though picked up from his brother not quite able to flick back over he WID swung that angle open himself up to two and had to check oh man two on Four J has the showstopper doesn't need it yet both players able to do so much now just pulls out the showstopper for a bit of security tries to blast pack away into safety or hop away into safety but IU something just trying to land the shot shot CL a position good swing now coming through but at what cost she still got stairs uh to worry about and IU doing good job at anchoring despite you know still calling him a bit of a rookie he is providing that impact X here now Landing these shots Down A and M freak trying to buy all the time he can forsaken got one forsaken's got to watch out for Roi player standing good dink but execute with a shorty jumping over oh he knows wow okay oh it's that night uh Nightfall carate now oh my God sound completely robbed low heal and it's just it Stills the rest of the T1 Squad with so much confidence that they just push out and decimate paper x and it's this toxic screen that cuts off uh the Frontline players of paper x again and they don't have any ability to help off the back of it quick enough and so you lose your two Duelists the squ yeah split in half because of this we saw it earlier Jing died trying to plant the spike but they still able to recover the round but this time I don't it's going to take some heroics from Dubai and mind free last player standing not today not for now as we're near the end of the first half look how fast start swarming P by all right to get the first he knew that one was coming in from Defender spawn and that's why he turned around but wow oh I don't know how is going to work out something able to trade off for Jing but unfortunately that sheriff has been dropped X Out on the other side marking pillar able to capture on to forsaken M freak on the other side with classic Peaks out at the right time but goes in for the reload and Rossy just capitalizes something now with the swings and all of a sudden Rossy C alone feels the pressure needs to get the spike down at the very least he has the timing for it but paperex has the numbers Sheriff going to be grabbed by D able to get a big chunk of healing that could be a very very important factor into how this round plays out but papx kind of oh gambled incorrectly here there this is going to take some time and now they realize uh-oh wow okay so if you were in rossy's shoes in this very situation you can sense the timing of which uh paperex might take to rotate over back onto C he's going to make use of this there are some PS across the map he's going to hear the footsteps so last oh what who whoa something with the swing just forsaken has to stay tucked away he's got some of these cages he's got some trips but is it going to be enough to deal with the full forces of T1 sa with a blast pack Peak able to take him down what what something through the smoke a bit of a skew and two hits just get pierced now the three of them uh remaining T1 players pushing down into Defender spawn exr's got the operator able to make use of it trying to be vocal about what he needs the rest of the team trying to come back into support but Jake just with the patience to tap on the braks a little bit hide inside of this dark cover Pro invited by mind freak and sticking the defuse all the way through exrt has to peek out but being spent to just deal with the trip wires they know that for is right around the corner didn't quite expect him to peek out at that time though takes down caring couple more players going his way ISU with a sheriff able to cut down forsaken at his knees and now it's down to the rest of paper x to try to recover from this initial assault oh J oh tries to peek out great patience ex still on the bit of that flank able to catch on to mine freak the rest of the players from papere still up the front something with the operator trying to land a shot but excur already knows where to look J feeling a bit of the pressure tries to hop away has to paint sh spend it but the entire site engulfed in Smoke the rest of papx are thinking let's rotate over to defend another part of the map it's going to be that boombot that gives something a bit of a tell so he's able to punish s player that op is now dropped Jing actually caught carp for quite a bit of damage on that showstopper only 25 HP left no way to heal that up going to have to try to bully your way through ex curate stairs though yeah div's got to be so careful ISU trying they're trying not to tell papx what they're doing now that the dark cover comes up though papx definitely aware the J PE can't do that too often now but toi Peaks out at the right time slays two looks for the third work off of it this is why this team works so well they've got the Synergy they've got the chemistry something still safe enough the door swung open forsaken finds his own frag Spike dropped and it's T1 you know not able to quite commit into this they're going to have to change directions I don't I don't really think you want to mess with this side but they may think about waiting it out seeing if they can get some rotates out of paper x Pap X they can be a little bit antsy but they could spread themselves a little bit thinner they can put Jing over on B keep div ey at a just to keep eyes on it but I think this is the right read here from T1 to try to go over towards a you still have the from the Shadows if things don't look great but and that's why I think part of the reason that paper Rex is spreading the math like they are but some of that attention paid over over there s flare fast kill onto something great punish 30 seconds left 30 seconds now they have to go in but M he has been stepping up cover going hard oh no now got a lot of cover no no no oh my God so lucky that show great mechanics to dodge it but he knows he has to watch out for S player still T1 building up on thisy off of autumns Strat calling Carpe executing it everyone pushing up forward now they have the sight it's going to run out of time slow and steady default into a and it just works out well something yeah I mean he's got the judge anyway so it's not the worst thing in the world BL storm already pops might as well try to go for some kills but T1 great adjustments coming through plan to their feet they're not really biting on much get this kill y I mean he's trying to work the m but car is just exploring it on his own they know that they are running out of options don't want to go to a because the operator's there B has been blocked off no choice but to Barrel through into C but that's where forsaken is ex good shots down when it comes down to it running out of space running out of time beu you need those protocols to carefully clear and check every single one of these bounds first of all tree going through parano has been sent out trades coming in but look at the number of reinforcements that paper Rex has Defi and Jing back in action it's just a touch of damage he's going to have to run head for the hills my friend oh he can't really make his way what what flicked up for got a head on the sci player how I wow whatever it is um planted not quite able to put out any high tide so just a fullon retake for paper x now they've got some of these pistols they've got some of these flashes and that's the Great initiating utility to make their way onto sight going to be blocked off by the early Cascade though exur having a different play style from his brother forsaken but how is that play style going to work out against a player just as aggressive the entire team something Jing everyone's flooding in through the blood Gates now got the full by coming through good little bit of Harbor utility trying to peek out alongside the flash trying to play along with the timing of it but T1 a little bit more prepared yeah I like the way they try that using that Cove to cut off that far left hand angle from their perspective to try to isolate a player it almost works for you know trying to use you they got weaker guns trying to see if they can at least get even trades out of it but yeah T1 not fooled and because they have the numbers they can afford to leave Rossy on a bit of a lurk around Fountain got something right up around hookah it's a bit more of a save round for paper Rex right now but clean shot nonetheless and they might be able to Rob some guns away from t one since it is the third why not you might as well go in for it just trying to be a little bit careful a little bit safer punish yeah try to keep them punished try to keep them around the spike hoed on over took down carp make it expensive for T1 as they head on over into round number four even on the rounds you win it doesn't feel great try to go in for a hitter against that poison Cloud what forsaken with the timing on it oh my goodness off of the sky smoke he just goes in for the hatrick again and again how many multi-kills have we seen today from him a lot Laing smoke a lot and he's so confident in it once he gets one it feels like he's guaranteed to get at least one more if not two or more it's a good old jingle yeah well you know they're trying to catch him pushing off the back of that Sky util but IU patient going to take Jing down oh yeah monster on the loose needing to exercise that patience going out of it oh good little bit of movement Divine deals with it so quickly exur although he gets the trade it's a lot of punish 5 HP left numbers not exactly favoring T1 although it is a full three round three apart from that though Mind Freak look they're in their heads this Reckoning is not connecting on anybody they can just wait this out something he got the emess looking for the opportunity with an OP too I mean this is just great if lands a shot actually whip though carp now capturing onto forsaken perfect stuff got the Vipers pit up and T1 looking to secure the entire site great times dizzy by Carpe tossed right up in the E opian air and it's going to be M freak who gets spotted out he knows he can't quite walk out of garden for free just looking to do what damage he can he just barely gets out mine freak how she not quite sure playing good right now he's smart reading the game reading the timings of it sense that there were players up around B giv the information from something so he just calls for the right time to push out and now re aggressing back into a papx is aware of it but the orbital strike is not quite connecting T1 manages to stick the spike plant and now s player marking all of these Corners T1 going in with the Rockets too just to secure the round something's going to try to make something happen turn things back around but it's an operator he's going to have to isolate the duels he's going to have to do it as carefully as he can wow great punch into exur goes in for the spike tap there's no idea that IU is right back around the corner through showers smart W turns back around now but yeah no time not safe enough been spotted K sent out looking to initiate off of some of these flashes papx trying to reposition themselves back over on Triple but unfortunately it's a little bit too open Rossy and exr able to punch them down something swaps over onto the shorty able to connect hops on over tries to spot out ahead but not quite able to find all too much just yet P shells right under his nose dine watching his corner he pushes past the stink bite trying to find a shot with his operator still a bit of movement and accuracy hopped over a different weapon but Saia player just shuts him down raining from above it's all down to D hi TI just blocks off way too much and lamps is open got showers now taking down short D just a blind spray able to take down side player no entries found carp able to push up off of some utility heads lined up and he still able to take down onto a second toi has to trade off of the ooh making use of the C sneak down to the corner Divine finds one more something got a triple something coming up from the other side one enemy slowly taken away but the able to shut down yet another position Here Comes something on the paper side now going back into to investigate into this area you've got so many fleshes being tossed out it's a good textbook paperwor style strategy but unfortun Ely the flashes do not favor them this time they've lost out in this fire fight the real question is did Jing get spotted tucking into this corner still trying to make use of it oh a little bit nervous because of the M pit but still able to recover nonetheless able to take down excur now papx having recovered down to 5 HP it's going to be side player with the op that brings them back into the equation he he had a great great little round there holding things nicely can forsaken do anything about this s out wide in the open Downy was meant to cover but unfortunately sight stepped at the wrong time he was trying to peek for info so now using the Cove just to mark that Spike high tide to block off even more space Oh but SI knows he's anticipating this RP got to watch out for that op foren should know Trigger Discipline lets it pass for one second comes back in just to isolate dual Reckoning being sent out senses that CER is not exactly right around the spike but w picked it up at the right time he hops on over C player might just be able to make it happen but forsaken quicker on the draw times in the past now there's a little bit of a switch up on to a hooka definitely surprising something the op shot whiffs trying to reposition goes in for the shy and also the dismiss def here to back him up a double spray carpet with a stinger just a trade s player finding one of his own now too but something has gotten away with his life J now with the outlaw it's a bit of that half by Strat from T1 and carp tries his darness to make it work turn around to the right but it's again because something just can't quite get that opening what the heck happened here a show stopper Kill from jing a double but T1 continues to press forward they've managed to capitalize and trade off against three more players from paperex down in the last round of the first half it comes down it falls onto Divi and something's shoulders to save it papx so far having a great lead but T1 pushing the pressure on towards paper x great ankle but wow awareness from something to check sharper mechanics just to stop and fire accurately he's gotten the empress as he's going forward even further Taps on the the spike anticipates the showers play T1 not there not near show to actually a round Short Round truck and playing together making use of the spikes timing covering all exits of the smoke the Wallace Falls Cur Dro nowy a find the first but as soon as the rest of T1 players continue to peek out trying to trade lo and behold three more paper x players are on the other side along with some of these frenzies forsaken captures the kills and they want to press forward into the B site they've got a full minute to work with though so no real need to commit to it unless they spot more using the boom bot now but sa player lands a great shot Jing recovering off of it they peek out into a lot of these it is up against the full buy round and something still goes in for such a courageous Peak un fortunately shut down by Rossi though and T1 looking to control things a lot better this time on both extremities of the map they've got Garden they've got showers now sensing that the hit is towards be tucked away in the corner great Readjustment on the cross for exur Jing though still with a movement and a Spector picks up the rifle now goes in for the spike plant full upgrades for him and duai still two guiding lights plus the paint shells T1 just taking a breather for this Carpe has a prime position to set up a bit of a flank du I think pretty aware I checked it but the timing might just be a little funky snake fight just to check a little corner nothing much spottedy remain Guiding Light spent and that's going to be car finding him from behind can Jing pull paperex out of this sticky situation nice little sight swerve movement from s player He Slipped the net I think perfect still very much hidden inside that corner Jing now trying to recapture into toward showers using the blast pack to Satchel away but exra comes back through papx needing to try to get control over a sight real quick they've got the spike they're sending it over onto P but T1 while pulling off the same Maneuvers from the previous round instead of carpet it's going to be easier though I I think he just spotted him he saw him for sure did they see him is the question they didn't see him around it have no idea Divi waiting for the curtain to fall last player Mind Freak unfortunately suffering that first Contact RI what a read smart as ever theide just having to go for it regardless and that's going to be T1 with that b Lobby push now just taking quick control over H go you got to check that corner s up player with the showstopper at the right time down down to it still T1 winning out in the exchange TP forsaken turns back around the Seekers went out Jing has stayed back so a bit of an early trade now forsaken might have fallen but that's still okay look at how Jinx perched up on top of this box spikes down thrashes through and Jinx still pretty much okay even has time and space to go further in through Halls might be able to wrap back around against s player and Rossy the rest of the paperex squad still very much alive though Jing up around elow Peaks back out again once to take down the wingman storming away with this match it's one of those times where for TI works against him but now just full send into the aite Jing classic with the judge he goes in nails down exur picks up the rifle but carpy answers right back in just as quick dizzy sent up Trailblazer trying to find him but not found just yet spike is not planted because it's not safe enough ISU right around the corner device hopped off it for a second forsaken trying to trade right back remain going be mind for committing the orbital strike just to give them a little bit more security Rossy the last one left trying to wrap back around from lamps does he know though s player with the op as well Pap playing their own teleporter plays and unfortunately not quite able to land the shot might Freak on a bit of a lurk for himself catches onto the first player wingman throws off his Crosshair great plays from Carpe as he tries to even out the numbers Spike however will still be planted for paper Rex carp's gecko play is so good manol two here goes it connects onto Rossy car though swings out at the right time there's a bit of a trade something along with the empress 2 stays alive s player Still Into The Fray though along with it operator does not expect forsaken from behind there's that additional layer paper Rex dominating this exchange this firefight the crowd starting to chant for the team paper Rex as they approach match point excur he's not out yet though I don't want to count him out slowly approaching out throws front anticipates the angle flicks on towards his brother now on towards the Reckoning that will give him a lot of information spots out to VI tosses in the Cove creates a little bit more space for himself has to swing out the sides spots out another player but oh now just continuing to back off ax trying to stay themselves alive but T1 what overtime so bad they've managed to deal with the initial Onslaught paperex hanging back cuz xcur gets out of there with his life then he could use the high tide to keep paper Rex from pressing Forward Unto B they will continue to slide over in this direction but he's moved in all ultimates are spent now side player marking hookah land first shot excur with the off angle mind freak in for the trade but now W the entire T1 Army all of the archers all of the Cavalry have arrived can you take them down the lone Ronin Guiding Light he slipped past the smoke looks toward the first player but IU just a little bit sharper so on point as well this is dangerous desperately trying to push themselves into a third map but Mind Freak does not allow them through SP carrier dropped as well I think he's definitely called it yeah and there's one of those forsaken pushes with that Cascade but this time he has backup trying to cut off a fight trying to isolate players oh so much information yeah yep they pretty much should know but they're kind of waiting anticipating a grab of the spike and a rotate they still haven't shifted anywhere else but showers now they're going with that Cod there great hold for mine freak down let them sweat s play with a great dink though 30 seconds left comes back in 30 seconds left Spike still dropped out in the open it's cold Rossi tries to capture a little bit more space now trying to set up for something with his utility but Jen catches him off the timing checking on the the lurk they have to clear still staying tucked away exur marking him Dev starts things off as he find and discover player this could be it po Rosy slowly pushing up front now but the marking two of them all together all at once paper Rex
Channel: Daily Valorant
Views: 156,944
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: valorant, valorant highlights, valorant vods, valorant asia, valorant pacific, paper rex, paper rex valorant, paper rex highlights, t1, paper rex vs t1, paper rex - t1, paper rex t1, prx - t1, prx t1, prx vs t1, t1 prx, t1 - prx, t1 vs prx, vct, vct 2024, valorant champions tour, daily valorant, daily valorant highlights, dv
Id: DWhvEm7n8D0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 39sec (1779 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 07 2024
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