The Story of Valorant's GREATEST Match

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Nothing like a good Sovereign Guides match highlight video

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/Different_Tea5555 📅︎︎ Apr 06 2023 🗫︎ replies
this Grand finals match had some of the highest highs and lowest lows that we've ever seen in dalaran many even consider this the greatest Valor match of all time this is VCT lock-in where riots partner teams from around the globe Gather in Brazil to face off in a brutal single elimination tournament a single loss means flying back home this is a tournament with no Second Chances but fnatic a super team from Europe exceeded all expectations they dominated their way to the Grand finals without dropping a single map but a curse looms over them two years ago Ryan held their first ever International Tournament in BCT Masters Iceland fnatic made it to the Grand finals but lost to Sandos in the 3-0 fashion ever since then fnatic began choking at international events they would always fall short when it matters the most boaster fnatic's beloved leader in igl who has been with fnatic since the Inception of the team has carried the weight of the curse for the past two years he has never tasted an international victory now for the first time in two years fnatic finally clawed their way up to the Grand finals of an international event this is a Redemption Arc a chance for them to rewrite their narrative but standing on the other side of the ring is none other than the reigning world champion loud when franchising came and rosters were changed loud kept their Championship core and brought on two rookies cowanzine and tuis there were questions as to how these rookies would perform but in this event they proved to everyone that they are world-class caliber Lao tore their way through this tournament only dropping maps to NRG and any spots centered around the previous optic core into DRX the kings of Korea in the semi-finals now loud find themselves in the grand finals with a chance to make history no team has won back-to-back events before would loud be the first team to do it the first team to take a step towards creating a dynasty in Ballarat if there's a time to do so it's now because Brazil is allowed to home ground the Brazilian crowd Faithfully rallies behind loud acting as their headwind towards greatness the series began and fnatic started off strong they won Maps one and two in a convincing fashion it was looking like fnatic with sweep loud 3-0 it was looking like fnatic will win this entire event without now dropping a single map but then loud struck back he watches for it to remain face it one jiggling the movement everything to play for I every player falling wow Do It season Maps three and four the question on everyone's mind will loud actually pull off the legendary reverse sweep will loud be valerian's first back-to-back Champions and is fnatic still cursed to choke when it matters the most the final map of the specified begins we enter icebox at this point both teams have been dialed in giving their 120 Focus for over four hours already both teams are exhausted but momentum was on loud side and to fnatics dismay the momentum carried into this final map in round 12 the last round of the half Loudon attack fnatic on defense loud have four players scaling up a sight with a lurker in kitchen Sada pops is killjoy all darker Peaks dashes away no kills found he backs off while getting healed the lockdown is about to pop fnatic need to evacuate the sights but durka's in an unexpected off angle one for one trade down activates a site is loud three players of louder on site one lurker in kitchen all of fnatic are in spawn playing full retake plan goes down but louder feeling it they want more cowanzine Pops a Skiles corralling finding their targets pushing forward kawazine nothing left unset nothing left Untold and it's just a collapse in loud literally runs down fnatic and Farms them in their own spawn closing out the half with a dominant 9-3 lead wait did I just get hacked huh just kidding that's impossible because our sponsor nordvpn's got my back nordvpn's mission is to make the internet a better place than it is today where you can be free from online threats censorship and surveillance but okay let's say you're not worried about getting hacked weirdo but you want to play valent with a friend who's in a different region you can easily change servers when you use a VPN not or maybe your favorite show just got taken down at sight or isn't available in your country with nordvpn you'll be able to unlock everything that you're missing and that's just scratching the surface there's so much more than norvtn can do for you so what are you waiting for try newer VPN today using MyLink Sovereign guides to get four bonus free months to your plan the link is also in the description below check it out fnatic are down three to nine in this final map of the series they need to win this pistol round if they want a chance to come back this game fnatic opening with a 3-1-1 default Alpha here is passively holding the eight Bush while his turret holds a mid Bush Bosh is gonna throw his default Viper smoke mid to put some pressure there before regrouping with his team B fnatic one is slowly work be long control loud open with a 212 setup aspass intuities are both hugging the spawn barriers B they also want to fight for being long control but fnatic vastly outnumbers them there how will this battle go the barriers drop as fast hops onto this brown stack this is a great off angle tuis deploys his Harbor wall sealing off the b-long entrances and Walling off mid this wall makes pushing up be scary for fnatic clouds and a tragic tail is being weaved as fanatic so close yet so far it's been 643 days since they had that last chance in a grand final to lift the trophy they've been to five Global lands since then six in doka Falls Fanatics star duels is out of the equation numbers advantage in loud's favor fnatic nope out they don't want to deal with aspass they call to rotate towards a day cowanzi knows that fnatic are gonna do something after that pick so a dog sound made for info what timing the dog misses all a fanatic no it catches Chronicle rotating towards a so Les who's pushed up a immediately backs off in that Poetic Tragedy everything is in favor of loud to pull off our first b05 reverse sweep in VCT history to think that no one's pulled it off in almost two years of international play and boaster takes down less equalizing the numbers for fnatic 4v4 now fnatic plans to spike but sadak and cowanzin are doubled up they're going to fast retake despite going to be planted on over the top believing it still looking to escape stay bad at his feet kawazine with the heel still a wall in their face that's who he is coming through Cascade breaks it up flash play poster fully blind that we've ever shot Russell it feels like the nail in the coffin loud flood on a site and mow down fnatic 4v2 now wait they can't but this might just be too much ass pass three in a round stick in the spot and Loud take the pistol round a solid retake from loud and a fatal blunder by fnatic planning the spike in a bad spot giving loud the opportunity to defuse behind cover loud fans erupt they know exactly what this pistol wind means loud is going to have a huge economic advantage next round this marks the start of a loud snowball when they're already so far ahead this is the beginning of the end for fnatic fnatic are down 3-10 they know that they can't afford to save and let loud get 11 rounds so fnatic decide to use up all their credits to force by their buy is still weaker than louds but they need to make this work because if they don't now only will allow get to 11 rounds fnatic will also be going into the next round broke but if fnatic were to win the loud would be the ones that go bankrupt giving fnatic the breathing room that they desperately need this round will decide everything fnatic open with one mid and four towards a boaster's gonna throw his default Viper smoke mid before regrouping a so fnatic are calling to all execute a loud open with the same setup as last round a 2-1-2 it's going to be a 5 versus 2 on a let's see how this goes why they're here and what they need to do for their team fnatic are forced to force they must invest into this one seven round deficit fnatic drones up they need a miracle pounding breaks the Drone let's put up his Viper wall locking fnatic out of a sight so fnatic are forced to wait it out this wall Stars enough time for four players of loud to rotate to a fnatic are about to execute onto a loud stacked sight unless his Viper wall drops so tuis throws his Hardware Cascade to delay fnatic are all grouped up close maze ready to explode out are applying the pressure and a full rotation but to his Harbor was front sight that's a second war to stop fnatic's push the bodies to it Specter bullets going Wilds going wide clean an opener with both the balling it's a scramble a Mad Dash to make the most of the round but they are being collapsed they are being swarmed and loud in control of their own Destinies in loud run over fnatic it's not even close the crowd explodes fanatical timeout to hopefully turn the situation around but the damage has already been done fnatic are down 3-11 in the final map of this series loudest brimming with confidence the crowd is on their side elated at the reverse sweep that's happening right in front of their eyes heartbreak for fnatic [Music] fnatic Force buys again they have to they can't afford to give loud Match Point as for loud they're bonusing this round they're setting themselves up so they can full by next round regardless of how this round goes in other words if loud win this round their economy is going to be so far ahead of fnatics that it'll be near impossible for fnatic to break but not only that a fnatic lose this round they will be going into Match Point broke this may as well be the last round of the game this is the most important round for fnatic fnatic opening with everyone a They just won a five-man hit a again they know tuis likes a wall be off the start plus they know ass pass likes fighting be long so fnatic wanna hit a they remember the last time they went a they were stopped by a Viper wall and because they took a while to execute after the Viper wall went down loud's HarborWalk came off cooldown and fnatic were met with yet another wall so this round fnatic want to catch the timing between the first and second wall to execute and take side but little do they know tuis isn't Walling B off the start he's holding on to his wall so not only is fnatic going to execute onto a loud stack sight the wall timing the fnatic plan on playing around won't exist loud's AWOL is going to have basically no downtime this is not looking good for fnatic possibly paved their way Brick by Brick to the start of a dynasty on a way to begin 2023 unless one Taps durka loud put their Viper wall up denying any trade Potential from fnatic and securing their numbers Advantage it just feels so damn difficult for fnatic a flash play less getting confident let's somehow Gets Out Alive loud's Viper wall drops they instantly refresh it with their Harbor wall what can fnatic even do he's gonna receive the heel as well cowanzine taking a bit of damage for it what's close fight s are there Alpha yeah so much to do reset of the specter down to that 2v2 can fnatic survive pop flash is good kawazine low Cowan's in Falls numbers Advantage tips and Fanatics favor as past the starfragger of loud in a 1v2 usually I'll be talking about how you know the newer players like cow and scenes of the team need to be slowing down in those moments and not allowing the weight and the gravitas of everything to get to them but with the eight fanatical running low on time they start sprinting to be as fast is still staying towards a as fast with a guardian and 7 000 Brazilian people behind him Chronicle begins planning b as pass gambled the fnatic we're going to re-hit a and he guessed wrong with basically no info there's so much space to ask past need to clear extends around out adds a couple of he gets detected by the alarm bot fast up draft play triggers the alarm but doesn't know where the players are it's that Crossfire looking to clear as much as possible Dash fade still high ground taken skipping a hob across and just in chronicle plucks as pass out of the air fnatic survives this crucial crucial round remember last round was loud's bonus round they're okay with losing that now loud are fully equipped with a full buy fnatic saved two guardians from last round the Rest full by rifles this is the first gun round of the half both teams used up all their credits the loser of this round will be forced to save but because loud are so far ahead they have a lot of chances they have room for error for fnatic not so much they cannot afford to give loud match in series Point fnatic are in the same situation as last round if they lose this round they're going to go into match in series Point broke fnatic opened with all five players a they want to keep it simple and just hit a again loud open with a 113 setup they're stacked towards a exactly where fnatic wanna hit less is one off his viper out but fnatic can see this too and fnatic no less is allowed to a player the berries dropped fnatic throws slow Molly shaktar onto the O orb luckily for less he wasn't planning on grabbing the orb or else he would have instantly melted common scene everybody else with rifles in hand Leo's Recon forces counting back to reposition Leo Jones up counting immediately breaks it minimizing the info game for fnatic going on fnatic we're going to claim some space the entirety that team group Les draws First Blood he repositions while putting up his Viper wall keeping the bleeding fanatic out of a sight winning out of fight once more taking it straight to our face is trying to find something but the Viper was making it so hard the wall drops and Loud refreshes their wall with their Harbor wall this is so oppressive fnatic can't get onto sight it's time to think time to brood Chronicle tries to get a cheeky fast playing with the stage wall but loud immediately start breaking the wall forcing Chronicle back fnatic just lost their most important tool for planning the spike loud are stacked a now ready to receive fnatic's execute fnatic is slowly bleeding out all beginning to be broken one push back now to Seekers It's every single element included into this game plan up top angles watch for chronicle stand up why the swing Leo's good half on the health but still can't claim the kill down to that two on two Spike's still not planted same play as Left Alive for loud one falling star aspects back sight so he immediately Sprints to B it's down to durka versus aspass the star fraggers in a jet 1v1 the championship trophy on the line circus going to be able to get a free plan and the question is where he repositions to he's got his pick of the lit up he's never quite had a task like this ahead of him Josh no it's been a long time since Dirk has been outplayed like this as well normally dominates the jet matchup [Applause] ass bass 21 kills to his name looking to make it 22. looking to put it on that point looking to put it on series point damage done though durka that's good fighting his time I suppose a bit of spam will do it trying to reset the aim white swing and durka takes down ass pass the fnatic watch party erupts but durka himself can't bring himself to pop off he's Beyond exhausted and even after that win fnatic are still down five to eleven loud caller timeout talking adaptations to secure their victory louder on to save this round and they open with four players be long they have weaker weapons so they want to make a play together but fnatic are thinking the same thing fnatic have four players being made they also want to fight for b-long control this might get Scrappy and it could happen here loud move forward steadily slowly but a rifle spam it's fanatic looking to try and contain it lovely Alpha yeah a huge fight be main fnatic gets killed after kill through loud's own horrible but will fnatic expect less to still be holding yellow for the threat of this getting out of hand looks like it's basically done and dusted glass shots are fine but he is being squeezed and slow enough to just start up in a 1v4 now sadak with a kill or a death is going to be able to get his alt online and Loud taking the timeout probably he gets one he gets traded fnatic take the round both teams are back on full buys fnatic open with a wide default they want to work the map get info and show presence towards being mid and then end to a loud open with a 3-1-1 setup they want to fight for being long control again this round they're okay with having fewer players towards a because less has his Viper all that's going to make it very difficult for fnatic to push on the site the berries drop Leo Recon swords B this is him showing presence towards B long to his horrible laws of B chokes and mid so much map control denied from fnatic my God they give it everything last boss caught on to the tricks of the trade fanatic are slowly walking a b main they want to show presence again once allowed to HarborWalk Falls Leo Silva Jones up will it detect ass pass blades really being fired to close drone no counting breaks the Drone from afar fnatic put up their Viper wall this wall denies info from the B Defenders and threatens a fanatic lurk across but aspass is playing on top of this double stack to counter this lurk play fnatic just finished showing presence B they're hoping they drew some loud rotates now they're moving on to the next phase the a execute it's been quiet for too long since Leo last uses silver drone loud wanna know what fnatic are up to so Cowan's Sky dogs are B Main the doll clears all of be main loud now and know that b is completely clear Sonic's kojo utility is still omit and sees nothing so loud no fanatic have to be going a so tui's Viper walls front a yet another wall stands in fnatic's way boaster is lurking up kitchen while the rest of fnatics slowly work up a high tide goes down most are doing a similar kind of lurk as we saw from Less in the previous half goes up removes the turret Les uses this by Pro on site a site is going to be so hard for fnatic to take just kidding alpha Air pops his killjoy all this all is going to clear all of sight how will last respond his Vibe bro it's gonna drop if he leaves it with all this noise happening on a allowed to be players call to start their flank but boasts are still lurking mid to the plank watching for it and he needs to get out alive needs to he's caused that extra level of threat but right now he is being squeezed and also less detained attempt of the punish inside the pit will we see it happen and boaster takes down cowanzine while that was happening Alpha years killjo pops unless gets detained but because Les didn't leave his Viper's pit his alt stays up denying fanatic control of sight but that doesn't matter Chronicle just plants top sight and zip lines away that plant spot is perfect because it lets fnatic all play off site plus the spike is out in the open outside of Les's viperal loud's Viper alt has been completely countered back to the side it's loud looking to reclaim that space tap on the spike hide in their position though planted up into a top angle fanatic performing surgery with the way that they are executing these players it's precise in nature beautifully orchestrated they have not given loud any opportunity here poster getting Great Value watching the Flank In fnatic decisively take the round louder back on a save is fnatic actually coming back fnatics still need over double the rounds loud need to win this game though but at least for this round fnatic should win because of the superior weapons or will they fnatic opening with a 212 default Bosh is gonna throw his usual Viper smoke mid before regrouping B to immediately transition to a 302 default fnatic's goal is to first take control of B long and then figure out what to do from there loud open with a 212 setup but this time aspass and less swap sights aspass has his gel this round he wants to get aggressive and take a fight towards a the bearings drop loud push forward on a aspass looking for a pick cowanzine farming the all orb they don't see anyone counting throws a deep Sky flash it detects someone so Lao know that there's at least one fnatic player towards a Aspen's accounting back up and double up on site meanwhile towards B Leo's silver Recons be long loud dodged the first ping and promptly break the Recon after but because they let the Recon get one scan off fnatic now note that all the space is clear weird tui's responds by sending back a harbor Cascade slowing down fnatic and denying them info it's at this time that durka gets spotted by the sky flash a he rotates over to regroup with his team loud's Harbor Cascade drops it's time for fnatic to retake control B long and transition to a b hit Leo drones up looking to not give away any errors let's break the Drone before it can clear anything wait Dirk was not with the team he's mid fnatic Molly and shock dark to close cubby diligently clearing out be long tuis hears the noise he responds by Harbor Walling all of belong fnatics still want to commit to the hit the silver Recon Viper Molly yellow less gets pinged in mid durka dashes up two setting up for it he finds Sawdust another level to it Goku plans himself in Orange it's chaos for loud they need to deal with durka ASAP loud slowly closing in you gotta deal with this guy finds Deweys cowanzine speeds up his midflank oh that's used it's just giving turkey but Alpha you was ready for it everyone crumbling over and falling another short ass pass drop down to 10 Health this engages dashes away but the reactions are all in the hands of Turka and fnatic flawlessly take the round that was super fun to watch durka dashing the mid for the flank right as his teammates be long start making noise cowanzine flanking durka for the backstab but Alpha year coming in late and flanking the flanker all that combined with the fact that they had better guns resulted in a clean Flawless round from fnatic both teams are back on full buys a lot of vaults online for loud as pass equipped with a knob this is allowed time to fire back secure Match Point fnatic open with a 302 default they want to work be long and then figure out what to do from there but loud have the read they opened with a 3-1-1 setup they want to make beelong kill them aspass is holding B long with a knob cowanzine and tuis are there to fight by his side loud have both killjoy and harbor all online so their game plan is to play full retake on Nay with Oz which lets them stack towards belong to lock down that space three players plus and up towards B two massive Ultra for an a retake what can fnatic even do against this it all comes down to round 20 I think as to whether or not fnatic's comeback will become a reality and a big investment operator fnatic are so aware of a potential up they're diligently jump picking every angle inch by inch I'm gonna be holding his back making sure that he doesn't get pressured from that left approach in B Main and I found it gonna be diligent enough with the jump Peak making sure that every single Corners cleared they have to win this round to try and make the most of it aspass just barely misses the head fnatic see the whiff they Sprint up to take the space to his response by instantly harborwalling off be long fnatic is saying wait the oppos be long and they just burned their Harbor wall so fanatic call to immediately rotate to a and this is perfect for them loud still have three towards B right now four players of fnatic start working up a boaster lurking mid to increase their options but loud have a feeling that this might be the case Collins decisively sends out his Sky dog for info the doll clears all of belong B is clear fnatic have to be going a so loud immediately all starts sprinting towards B Sonic instantly uses killjoyal to stall time for the rotates boxers lurking up tube he hears two he's running in Halls pressure on what a Time aiming for that lockdown intues takes down boaster numbers Advantage tips and loud's favor loud's killjoy always ticking fnatic needs to get off site Arsenal getting away with murder not this time only 30 seconds left fnatic is slowly being suffocated this is tough the time pressure If it floats us all over again 25 seconds well it's not gonna be broken so it should be that plan now it's time to come through a reckoning Hunter scary everything at the disposal and took a pushes forwards and a huge pick from durka equalizing the numbers three players of loud retaking from backside Cowan Zine with the light flank all the fnatic are playing back playing post plan except for durka making the most of it pandemonium that strikes back close position flank covers in might be earning that kill but durka is doing so much goes down oh my goodness down to the 2v3 coven play gives him a bit of covering fire but that's gonna get spammed down two years hop on it the Dodge and Skip alfier in fnatic take the round that was an insane equalizing play from fnatic after Bosa got picked off fnatic knew there were down numbers they were low on time and had no space on site so as Chronicles planning Leo from afar rips his silver out towards screens and while allowed to focus on the planner and on the silvault durka dashes top screens takes down naspatch and then bounces away that play brought fnatic back into the round and the rest was history life is coming back to fnatic last round loud invested two huge alts and purchasing up and still lost the round that was a crushing round loss from loud putting them back on a save but aspass has a guardian and tuis has a bulldog can they use those weapons to cook up an upset fnatics start with a 302 opening they figured out what seems to be a winning game plan work be long control get info in that process then depending on what they see either commit to executing b or full rotate to a loud open with 1B and 4 towards a they're on a save so they want to Stack a site and fight together the bear is dropped to his Harvard was belong in mid he's doing this aggressive wall because of loud have shown time and time again that they're willing to fight for be long so this aggressive wall from tuis is him trying to bait fnatic into rotating a which is loud stacked sight fnatics see the wall Leo drones up for more info tuis immediately breaks a drone before it could clear anything and tries to back off through a sage slow all this fnatic util cause loud to shift towards B but fnatic are playing back they know loud have worse weapons they don't want to rush into anything so they're just patiently waiting for loud Harbor wall to drop the harbor wall Fates fnatic call to regroup for a bee hit nothing no no danger zone just yet but oh my God are they making a decent effort of it they were looking dejected in a Timeout and I think at this point the players will truly believe they've crossed that pivotal threshold where now you can see the Horizon it's been way too quiet loudest thinking so counting Sky flash is a the bird flashes nothing no fanatic players are close a despite cutting noise for so long fnatic must be going B so aspass rotates towards B and fnatic are still slowly working up they're about to execute onto a loud stacked sight now just the hairs breath away both teams going to be keeping an eye on center stage with that trophy the title into his horrible was front B it's so risky for fnatic to go through that the stall is so good from loud time is ticking for fanatics it's a great high tide there from tuis you can see how much time he's put into this agent got some really solid ideas could this one get sticky it's allowed to have enough players around here stacking five on that even with bad weaponry they could cause problems pushing forwards it's a deeper play wall across but still the fight it rips through with bullets Landing poster he has to plant in the middle of all of this he does extend the play extend the round but he gets his team 4v3 now post time positions fnatic have two yellow and 2B long loud have two snowmen in one site dark goes on top of yellow he could go huge from this off angle the pit if he chooses to invest it but he would love to save that for round 22. in two weeks takes down durka how is it a 3v3 louder on a save the momentum is Shifting boaster consented too we can't afford to lose this round he's thinking so he activates his vibraltar hey loud now make it even three on three Viper's bit drop down off to the side 2v2 now right into the smoke blessed by RNG his divine intervention and it might just come down poster and now figure both win their 1v1s fnatic take round 21. we talked earlier about how important some of these Eco swing rounds were loud take a timeout fnatic have somehow closed the Gap the score is 10 to 11. this is anyone's game this Series has been going on for over five hours so far with adrenaline and fatigue at their Peak both teams enter round 22 with a full buy fnatic have their killjoy all online less is one office Viper alt fnatics see that they want to deny less as alt so they open with four towards a as for loud well they've got a read loud know that fnatic love going a when they have killjoyalt so they have four players stacked on a site are we about to see a full-on clash right off the bat the berries drop fanatic Molly and shock the all-orb but less was one step ahead and is chilling on site avoiding the uto dump off the start loud Harbor Cascade and Sky flasher amen choke this loud util looks like they might be using it to aggress a so fnatic respond by silver reconing close it gets no scans but loud could have easily avoided it do fnatic re-clear a main no they call to actually go back to what was working before getting B long control and then coming back a so fnatic split up a 302 split in this mid round loud are still sticking to the read and stacking a how will aspass do in this 1v3 have they somehow sensed the stack on the a site despite everything being quiet fnatic storm pushes that fast back louder thinking wait what does that drone mean our fnatic actually hitting B so cowanzine responds by unleashing his Sky Hound towards a dog sees nothing but durka was hiding belt he heard loud's dog and he knows the Dog Saw nothing too fnatic just showed presence B and pushed back loud's B player plus loud skydocs on nothing a main Fanatics thinking loud's probably going to shift towards B off that so fnatic begin regrouping a for an a execute as for loud oh they thought about rotating But ultimately decided to stick to their a stack this round will be decided on the a site this could be it for the tournament for the title for the trophy flash for info shot down to clear locked down close no tools in the back pocket of allowed to try and break this one players have to respect it let's walk back away here Nana's horns Landy inevitable as the plant will start to go down now but still something's got them in a tizzy you can't quite get the spike down Chronicle now Chronicle cancels the plant 12 seconds wall breaking he dies a huge game losing blunder there's no time left him and ask us what can they do time running so damn low banana gets a spike down with 0.8 seconds left aspass who thought loud won and was about to save is wondering what the hell just happened ass pass in 1v3 now all put into the hands of us bus Leo with a falling Phantom shot as well the last pass with the world on his shoulders the mantle and responsibility can he turn the tide of this turret clear doesn't know the positioning so much to do so much to watch for he takes down durka his feet hanging an easy target but time running low and fnatic know all they have to do is wait Leo dies 1v1 now just buy that extra time but there's no time the spike ticks down Alpha yet comfortable fnatic take the round they tie up the sport what a crazy round time was running out fnatics still needed to get the plant down loud new time was low too so they rushed on the side to deny the plant but fnatic weren't leaving Chronicle alone to die all of them were ready and posted and they mowed down loud as they swung to stop the plant but fnatic couldn't stop everyone Lassa ends up killing Chronicle right before he could plant only nine seconds left it takes four seconds to plant all of fnatic are playing back the rounds seemed doomed for fanatic but without missing a single beat fnatic all pushed up together and managed to just barely get the plan down with 0.8 seconds left it was later revealed in a Fanatics com video that Chronicle couldn't plant because of a bug but listen to how fnatic calmly dealt with the situation okay we have to cut an answer captain underneath the Press boys that was so cool to watch even though fnatic had a game-breaking trophy denying bug on their hands they responded to the situation with ice code Poise and they were able to navigate through that Misfortune to find a win in this crucial round absolutely incredible from fnatic the round score is 11 to 11. both teams are only two rounds away from Victory but loud or broke this round will they choose to save this round probably lose and then try to win the next round to bring it into overtime or will they force this round hoping to end this game 13-11 loud are confident in their lethality even on weaker weapons and they're even more confident in their full buy they choose to save this round so this is fnatic's chance to get themselves to match point fnatic start with a 302 opening the game plan is the same as usual default be long then figure out what to do from there loud open with a 113 setup they're stacked heavier towards a the opposite side of the map from fnatic so fnatic might just get belong for free the bearish drop as fast hops forward onto the brown stack Leo Recons be long as pass breaks it thought it wasn't possible yet here we are the sheer pressure from fnatic forces aspects to retreat static unless both begin shifting towards B huh there's no Harbor wall B fanatic are thinking it looks like B long is weak for loud so fnatic call to all regroup B Maine for be him but I like silencing the doubters silencing the naysayers but it's not over yet a couple more of the op shots are loud and scary tuis begins rotating towards B players like bowster hunting for that trophy coming so close to the first ever Lan event that we held in valorant [Applause] and now we can taste it the stack is inside like one tabs Chronicle four players of loud are stacked B now cowanzine taking so much space a fnatic are down a player what's their next move they call to leave both of yellow and rotate out but cowanzine's pushed up oh look like no return back that was him if they go for this he peeks and sees three fanatic players fnatic know they've been spotted they know that they have zero map control towards a so they decisively call to rehit B and what a perfect call all of loud are rotating a I get all the information but poster knows that and they're gonna go for a re-hit on B he's anticipating these rotates to have moved loud actually stopped themselves they change their mind and call to stick to their B stack but they've already given up their positions on site and fnatic are taking full advantage of that a little bit of that pressure Trailblazer sees nothing on a though and these players return to B well four-star was a conference 2v2 now how is it a 2v2 loud are on a save time is running off a fanatic they need to get the spike down again for the third time in this map to try and convert a 2v2 [Applause] the spike will be planted both teams double up with each other they can't afford to get picked Off Alone extension once more updraft hunting for information hunting for a glimpse of glimmer anything to make this doable it's a 2V1 for loud Jet Force it's all down to Alpha yet noise everywhere hopefully your clutches the perfect spray down Championship point for fnatic that's stopping the magic like that look what it means to these guys I can't believe we're here loud had all the momentum in the world after winning the last two maps back to back and entering this half with a 9-3 to lead but fnatic mustered up the small bits of energy left in their tank in round by round they came back to this point but the job's not done yet fnatic just did one more round to win this tournament one more round to break this curse of choking at international events but loud are on a full by now remember last round if Lao could deal that much damage on their save round their full buy rounds or even more lethal Lao no this is their last chance with the crowd behind them they need to bring this match into overtime fnatic opened with all five players a they decide it's going to be an a hit to end this match but loud open with a 1-1-3 setup except instead of aspass soloing be like usual Les is playing b instead this is because Les has his viper out he can pop it be to stall a push by himself tuis also has his Harbor alt this will be powerful for a fast retake if fnatic commit to their a execute with everything on the line let's see how this round goes palpable fanatic taking Destiny into their own hands wrestling it away from loud asmus takes content from an off angle and repositions fnatic begin rotating off a oh wait no they're going back a counting throws his Skyfox for info the sky flash detects someone Lao no fanatic are still a louder triple posted screens this is such a cool setup once fnatic are up Leo drones up Draco up jacks on the pipes at the same time counting sends out his guide dog the dogs he's killjoy Chronicle throws and Stage slow backslide at this exact time so loud heard the silver drone jet updraft the dog spotted kiljoy and they see a sage slow that's four fanatic players a so sadak rotates off kitchen and boasts her at this exact time pops's Miss milk begins lurking up all this noise fanatic made on a was just to draw loud attention away from boester now it's a 4v4 on a and both teams have their vipers lurking elsewhere to his Harbor was a since allow no fanatic or heavy age look at the stop them attack side Dash active from Turkey this guy has been a maniac psychotic at times with the way he's been playing the confidence in this moment it's the same kind of round actually the loud run against them surely this is too late with less than 30 seconds left fnatic rotate off a boasted all the way in kitchen he has to read that b is loud's weak sight but less is one step ahead he's anchoring down orange this is too late surely it is everything unless spotted right down the middle less he's lined up so he's activated Harbor alt sadak uses this chaos to speed up his flame scale Chronicle runs the short sarakstand and he's still no one watches fnatic respond though 10 seconds on the clock until they have time to the side picks it up there's a gap in the play and with the wall town he gets the plant bolster in a 1v2 if boaster wins this it would mean the world to him let's download to the igl can he do it all there's two creams Brazil pops off hope is alive for loud not yet loud says we are going into overtime welcome to overtime with the pressure and fatigue at an all-time high neither team can afford to make a mistake louder back on attack they open with a 3-1-1 default fnatic on defense they have two players be long Dirk is opting from Top yellow Leo is going to send his b players to Silver Recon towards B long before rotating to a so fnatic are opening with a 212 setup the barriers dropped allowed to send up a Cascade puts up their Viper wall Joker can't see anything with his op loud scale up wizard Cascade to his Harper walls to the right this is so good loud first used the Cascade to take control B long without being exposed to Yellow then they Harbor Walt their right so they can take yellow control without being exposed to sight and snowman a great use of Harbor utility to systematically take map control piece by piece how will fnatic respond to this all throughout the defense half none of them really worked I'd used not an aggressive one does not purchase very much space on site so fnatic already offered a bit more space on their defense than they had in those first 12 rounds loud cut noise in our just posted on yellow fnatic have four towards B-side but bosto starts shifting to a because loud has been quiet for so long unless his Viper wall is up now it's time for loud to scale up Beats but there's a gap in the wall a huge opening pick from durka Advantage tips and Fanatics favor Lau know this too but they don't make any noise they want fnatic to think that Sonic was just a lone lurker loud slowly walked forward looking to make a play to stabilize the round Adderall suddenly louder in a 2v5 Les knows he needs to speed up his Midler he got runs ice box if you want to win this trophy you've got to go through him what a difference cannot be allowed to do this one dashes an aside revealed positioning known Spike Out Of Reach moving forwards and Leo's shocked out from the grave finishes off ass pass Championship point for fnatic fnatic are one round away from winning it all one round away from Breaking Free from their curse can they do it fnatic do not want to make a mistake with the lead they have so they open with what's worked the 302 default loud's back is against the wall what's the response loud open with a 212 setup no gamble stack just an equal spread on each site the Bears drop aspects and Counting push up fast as pass is all the way up jail so much space taken by loud on the a side towards me counting Harbor walls all of beelam and mid taking B long control for loud five seconds into the round fnatic have zero map control but fnatic remain calm they call to play it slow wait out the harbor wall long time coming for a lot of the players on this emea super team and with that singular round it'll be Chronicle who makes history the ward drops fnatic begin regrouping B counting leaves aspats who's pushed up on a he rotates mid flashes mid for info flash gets nothing so loud no no one's mid with aspass also pushed up all the way up a loud have a read that fnatic will end at B so they call to four stack B site this is a perfect read from loud fnatic are about to run into loud's stacked sights in terms of getting the defenders in the right spot sadak has been doing his job as the igl on defense but they actually can't stop these backstab plays from coming through and the post plants yet another War stands in fnatic's way with four players of loud posted on that wall but fnatic how to do something they haven't done yet they call it to explode past the harbor wall it's inevitable dashboards to the side slow up supplements duck are able to take this fight but it's a little bit labored a little bit strained start lighting them up two kills go to The Fanatic let's get spammed through the smoke loud finds himself in a 2v5 Stephanie a Gloom enters the arena zwing takes down starduck it's just as pass in the 1v5 have fnatic done it with one player left to go fnatic of essentially got this one all tied up one round away fnatic wins they are the VCT locking Champions the Brazilian crowd in complete disbelief loud were just an inch away from pulling off the legendary reverse sweep but fnatic they showed the mental resiliency in the final hour even when all hope was looking lost they've done it fnatic finally broke the curse and won their first International Event and most importantly for boaster the iGo for fnatic along with durka and Coach Minnie who have been with fnatic since the team's Inception this win means more to them than we could ever imagine yo keep trying to get the trophy and now you finally got the international trophy what does this moment represents to you man I will just uh half an hour ago we were 11-2 down or something and I was thinking oh no I'm gonna go second again sorry I don't know why I'm crying little baby it was just really uh good series uh yeah I love Valerie I'm gonna get gray hair in like one year I think foreign
Channel: Sovereign Guides
Views: 1,060,969
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: saF-ywllha4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 16sec (2956 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 06 2023
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