Sentinels vs Karmine Corp - HIGHLIGHTS | Champions Tour 2024: Masters Madrid

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30 seconds left sen were going to accelerate into the aite but they worried in case it's some kind of a trap zelis goes for more info punished but that is finally going to make the call Sassy gets the spike down planted for heaven exactly so I'm going to be paying close attention to this I mean this is where the Sentinels protocols have been immaculate in Americas constantly stopping their opponents from taking Heaven control playing so well around that area understanding what their opponents want to do absolutely make the same argument for car here paranoia being held and primed ready and waiting with a flash to set that right up the will fall nade unfortunate there get stuck into the wall so no rebound for Ze and the rest of now kman cor willing to just try and take the fight straight through into albow it's going to be some ground gains but oh my the bodies falling and toppling pistol round second he's set up for success and even more he's deep now fox in the pen looks like he wanted to try and overextend but now here we go an attempt to try and recar into mid trip broken might be in some trouble has to call for some backup and reinforcements fights happening all over the bloody place it's still the movement is clean Satchel there trip in his face the r still wins that one out but the side has been fully taken territory now for S comical Force to slowed down now side by side the right and shin going to be holding hands through this one but they've got a lot to chew through this one W that Shin's looking to pop very difficult for the post plers to deal with celus goes for a peak early on trying to play in it's a bit of that information yeah close to Rafters close to the corner n eight plugs him out now brings it to the 2v2 with an a rebounding do they know did he expect it towards new box half clearance celsis just the one a d Shin that is nasty flash chance of the repeat NS to fly straight past each other Z and he's already way further ahead than anticipated it's just so good the way that he breaks the prowers whilst continuing to scale whilst continuing to move forwards he's done it with the knife and with the Run and Gun movement with the Phantom there it just ruins what KY are going for canical Ability off the charge thy feeling the heat turned up sent out the paranoid but now backs away trying to play for the Life Giving Up Heaven control gives up B as a result but maybe not be able to just pick him apart from the side here is he going to get lucky with a few stray bullets not quite sassy minor bruises basically it's going to be that plant down now with five players up and kicking Martin holding that flash out wide Magnum not expecting it not anticipating it show stoer now earned this is what I'm talking about send force in the fights before the retake can even happen the swing timing there from zeen was excellent it shut this retake down before it could even begin watching for the Avenue as a game of time is but he is going to be granted one no way walk straight into him should have been a freeb was not Shin he got so much more to do now perfect paranoia that's 10 setting his team up but will there be anything to capitalize it's him himself he'll the want to follow through man absolute dismantling so far in terms of the entry in in terms of the lur play there too it looked like n had it his cross's in the right place but I don't think he anticipated the timing being that quick and this puts an enormous burden onto Magnum and tamagi S running away the early section of this half here horn send wide paranoia only on the ones Elis holds it down but as the instantaneous trade Thomas he does not expect that position so it's 5 to one the right running away no going back to Heaven close Corner flash Martin collects that's a great punish it gives him the kill and it tells them to keep stacking B here we go util being forced out of them with the paranoia going flying the pull on top of it t cannot get through in fact spam down to just single digits of HP there's 20 seconds left the still there with the rocket in his back pocket it's going to be pretty monstrous here pit just to get themselves out 14 seconds left time becoming an issue up top second but theate two for two on the way cman cor full control and no more chances here no more chances at all for Sen yeah going in the opposite direction players still ready here to meet them close to the corner Martin has to do more than that but he still gets the one kill for him and be main control is there with Thomas he smokes himself off now pouring into the sight of sensal 20 seconds left kn4 paranoia near sighted drop down K cor rapidly approaching the position and there's no way for send to bail themselves out that is kman cor again as well P out multitude of targets Martin too many exited out yeah far too many for Martin to deal with I guess John QT is just playing anti that is such a nice play and Sentinels have destroyed it a lovely set play from King cour look fantastic when they ran it in EMA but with three players there from Martin bit off a little more than he could chew and 10's got the punish so this does look like now around where Sentinel should be massively favored magnum's positioning is the one that I'm looking at down mid wondering if he could get some kind of flank timing to turn this round but it does look very much like Sentinel should be favored should be right in the r to already onto the floor he's caught the backhead is eeken and nobody in behind tr get the follow up spray Magnum almost there with it nasty nasty stuff three players moving pivoting 40 seconds left making a way over towards mid but they're making all the noise in the world and the r is hot on their heels he's behind him he's making a call for it but he can't afford to make noise so he's got to travel more slowly and that's allowed Sentinels the timing to be able to get into the site surely somebody is going to be watching for this Spike planted surely right but doubled up now this is where the astol could be useful not going to be comboed obviously with Martin it's all about his Crossfire setup first point of contact close to hell it's John QT boombot clear hims his position up top elus takes the fight oh it was all trying to distract as well for shin to get this timing and now I fear it is simply too late plan down at the back of his head just the TP away heav control not giv up at all TP heard by T breaks it no funny business allowed the rate already in leading the charge and through the back twisting and turning TS he's Pro back up but it's a 1 V3 and now he's got to weave and Dodge and Juke diffuse being stuck by Shin half on it already too much to deal with too much to deal with surely is sure that that isn't where Z's going for Martin he tries to go for the info Peak punished I know exactly want to set it up here there theft as well so info gathered notice anchoring spot but what did they choose to commit into call again made to just contact through it's you do not want to give a timing here for n to pop his Al that's what it comes down toch n rebounding satchel now in towards the back of the side Shin nasty anchoring position and that's three in a round rocket might not even be necessary Nate fuse running out doesn't know where to fire it pre-fire into the corner that is ridiculous and now just TS last alive disconnecting snapping the cord and the te the Seas not there with a paranoa blind as a bat 626 for kman core was looking for a recl fight for the smoke as well well setting up for the flash through and the timing going away even as it goes two for two here kman Cor in the meantime walking the way through going to be hearing them on the ropes so now the sound Q is betraying them JN deciding whether or not to swing tried to find a timing didn't quite manage it 10's still with paranoia so they still have flash nade to be able to put pressure on these elbow players Martin though is very far away do they anticipate this miles away exactly what they needed trip wasn't broken they're walking all the way in again T opens himself up just showing himself at the back nade rebounds paranoia now kind of connection if there is going to be any sort of follow up from behind he already caught them it's all up to JN low enough Dodges The Flash expecting and anticipating but now two players to deal with the reposition is immaculate from the rate it's pushed away but Shin almost taking the fight it is walking right into it good Crosshair placement from celus and he recognizes it as a threat coming from behind Satchel throw John what is that QT quality tactic this man just hitting nasty nasty shot C's avoided narrowly now but two players left to stand here for K cour spike in their possession look at this flank this is really nice from Ze and Sassy it's going to be unexpected 30s Magnum stuck in the middle of the map he doesn't know where to go here they only have 25 seconds wondering about 20 John's read this fight this fight this fight is so important unbelievable he wins that 4 HP and a dream and now look how far away they are they are miles away but they know it it's going to be planted towards Beast so they can get a jog on and get a move oned Magnum he missed it has to stick it again for the plant luckily time to spare horn Throne that's a critical mistake honestly he might not have time now to reposition backing to the pillar fast through satel in the back and that's just good coms knowing that Magnum was that low he's tucked in four position he's follow up y can't see or here bloody thing n already into the back of the side Magnum now with the plant n wants to go hunting for a little bit more this time aware of it both of his teams trying to disrupt that retake potential and it's only just equalized it now 4 to4 how does this get played into the post plant players close up into the position still with the paranoia available flash through now the paranoia it's there spraying forwards Gate Crash why Damage Done to Martin but he still survives Alive and Kicking into the back the side is Magnum tucking dodging weaving TS forwards this is Relentless by sen div divide feel was like B now but breaking the trips as well it's all over the play zelis takes a peak take a Ganda Z it's your turn to shine swings out wide there's that operator hello what a surprise 12 seconds left there is no way in hell get out straight bullet sass a kill trip set that one up rocket forwards everybody narrowly avoiding just dodging away from it fuse running out second Damage Big damage sassy though he's regrouped and refound that angle TP broken no Gate Crash for you but still in the back lines here flash re of Martin seeking to do some damage and take some risks potentially tear away a couple of these players cuz they are disadvantaged this is send looking all the way now set up for that 12th round it's going to have to be hero moments it's going to have to be individuals putting up big performances another flash it's Perfection it clears out in the open one player left to stand it's Shin it's just not possible man there's just absolutely no way he can hold on early forcing out the N second the timing for the wall palidin spot him and the raid's finished run and gone drive by going wide angor in position of sassy as safety in numbers and numbers are arriving but he doesn't need him sassy his man's in the class of his own when he's really on fire and once more POR in left alone for things but that is Centos leading the charge and leading this series looking to set their sights on the link distraction plays with the prowler peeking sassy is out wide probably too much in terms of the connection as Zak taking the time here to reposition up towards heaven what a call made still near sighted blinded up but Nate he will fall that prior Damage Done clearing him out into the sight it's getting dangerous it's getting dicey a little bit all over the place here damage is wandering right into him celis definitely doing it here with the players tickling down a wide face of zelis there's no time left whatsoever for King cor the protocols a need to force these players out wide the damage being done to them the ra looking to the side TB Miss TB Shin he catches him judge in the face second a trade by every part of the definition Prowler forwards jumping damage the shots going wide second there's no way he's get away with that to deny the AL OBS on both sides of the map good plan but well magnum's just out wide like that there's no return of fire from Thomas he can't take the fight and stand his ground not with the Odin oh he's going to try and get in behind the showstopper engage here instead of being a vulnerable victim on site be the danger zone still show stoer tomsy can't hit it spraying through near sight it with the prow of second and forcea just fired a rocket blindly PL two players down now for K Court do you really still choose to take this one or do you choose to take the save they're looking hoping for a bit more that's odd one bouncing off the tile or something but the or still does the job cuts off that one sideline and now it has to be the call surely I think you got to save here yeah you have to really going to be calling as well for rotations here paranoia for as Martin can do the same moves that Zim was doing not in that last map can't get out of it with the satchels is this going to end B straight into Shin Shin could have been a difference making might still be with only 12 seconds left they really just got to get a move on into the site B Plant Magnum forwards pressing forwards the players they're Dro in for through the sight that's one trigger onto it they're going to know that at least there's one play there that's th time to shine son time to step all the way up and he certainly has done so still in control of tree here's the pivot being called door broken haunt forwards rotations bound breaking it through now with a paranoia to really set that one up Shin giving them this space lock down going to be committed Goose toward WS with 15 seconds to spare is there any attempt by K they want to get aggressive into it looks like they're going to give them that space and now planning for retake their own this pit could allow yeah Jung C is going to commit pit here and this can allow them to get back into the site and help them flood lock down stopped the lock down from really finding too much value we'll see even tent as well holding the TP as well making sure they can get straight back into the fight he's forward into the corner barely expecting it but it's traded almost rapidly on the approach a counter pit online layers it forward and Comon cor they've got the players they've got the bodies they just need the win and they going to get it the round going way finally the sound Q is going to be missing from a few of these players else as he's in a one and done position blind it satchels Martin barely grappling onto that one of satchel Forge just in case cuts it up and now everybody playing from Mound a backwards position but smoked off Immaculate stuff from Shin almost going down to the spray down here damage D but the bullets flying through and true for King cor the ra it will stick this half 1 V2 1 V2 not sticking in out wide and the patience played by kic cor remotable ankles in the yeah does have the TP forwards what a call that's just swinging right through the ra follows it up and listen there's no one else watching for it that was the danger there if he ended up losing that fight but it don't it's exactly right Josh what you were calling for that confidence is back and it's boundless right now for kman court opportunism looking to take the timings even if they're not playing together casy find themselves in another 5v3 very similar to round seven easy as it goes forwards past it TS to the floor can't see his elsis just to watch his teammates back he can be trusted with that at least but will fall Spike dropped out in the open 2v4 make it a 1 V4 John no chance whatsoever here he's on the opposite side of the map we've only 20 seconds left will be the save followup fight now he doesn't have a smoke for the oneway here paranoia is excellent all grouped up right towards a back TP on top that's amazing this man is terrifying what an angle to find all the way forwards judge in hand Shin get away with it still reinforcements arriving n ra can withstand it though the pressure it's too much it's immense this man has a thing of nightmares the mobility the confidence both working it he's on for the ace give the people what they want one left standing the counterpart on the he knows Shin is around he knows Shin is lurking Shin just tucking to spoil the [Laughter] clip F time off the clock second here's it footsteps satel the way Magnum nasty shot nasty business here tends will fall perfect Magnum through the back now in a sight control gain here close to the corner Shin instantaneous with the the trade sticking now Tomas he onto it but destroyed spam through the smoke two players caught surely that's theuser now another tap from Magnum but it's just him one V one him versus zel sticking have on it all the way through the diffuse Elis still that danger with a show sto back pocking away that's just SP the r finding it on to 10 beautiful first kill for them and this is going bad to worse really for Sentinels here they still can't get a a safe plant down util flying through along with the rocket Martin un fortunate really not to get that one Satchel through into the back pushing his teammate right into forwards Magnum is there collapsing colliding spraying them all through J QT he's got so much to deal with here no more bullet un click but everyone's there to collect it up a Prowler will it afford anything right into the face as a satchel Martin not even with a shorty but he will go down and Ana swarms tearing him to shreds and Casey decide not to commit off the back of that certainly Sentinels getting surprised by how deep KY got before the Trap play was punished but there are a lot of players still here on the seaside that noise Reit the danger is still here that said players anchoring into the seaside Z holding into the corner what a peak a COR classic and they just got it working themselves dodging and weaving out of the woodwork is what it feels like really nice all of that fundamental prowess that we saw from KC being demonstrated here be feeling again really good about their chances doesn't have the tools for it I mean a lot of players weak there rotate no way don't know what gave that one away still a kill all Sentinels first kill going their way anticipated this back up Yep they're looking for it and expecting it out towards B smoke still up into heaven what's a call going to be here with only 15 seconds left the chance really to try and fight them aggressively haunt broken boombot now 11 seconds plan finally going down but what is the fight yeah right through sees no connection second oh the hopes and dreams torn away in this round shin wrapped and caught to really choose and be down spotted beaming he does but the moles into the back he had no clue about it snake bite everything been utilized on top of it ruins his day there but still getting two position he was in pretty miraculous he's made it an even job for Sentinel on this retake for position of Magnum he's hoping for an easy kill maybe even a cheap one oneway smoke has to force out that paranoia early so Magnum he's done his job pulling out that till early now backs away with the rest of his team so he can play side by side shoulder to shoulder Sentinels Kore comes down to the fundamentals come down to the aim the battle being one the Sentinels in charge of it all way in hell can show Stop open but this players right behind him they don't have a clue shut down close to the corner is shinly surviving keeping his team alive in this round it could go in any direction and is still struggling to get the plant down some of these fights the way it goes I mean flip a corner better a chance of guessing still up onto the ropes that's Shin forwards do s expect it do s expect it do they expect it they do not John Broad Town angles watch forwards now sassy Keen to take the fight Keen to trade it out through the box though couple of straight bullets and Sass dropped down everybody watching and eventually the adjustments are there both double swinging through but they vable up now the goes flying forward a connection celis couldn't withstand it with the lockdown as well you have to respect it Sassy's overstaying as welcome praying that somebody would open himself up into that sideline the plant for mound this time instead of the more claustrophobic one on site allows KC to play two layers of this and they still have Martin show stopper to work with surely they win it well looks incredibly favy at least with the alts hor towards the back Sentinels are already in so stopper no one to break it couldn't let loose with the prow of the fuse burning away half in into it it's a gamble John QT he finds it still four versus four what other util do they really have they got to play it side by side time working against them parano attends waiting for the timing flips the switch and now moves forward but so do K cor so do K Cor in complete control of the front section of the sight and a decision is made for him JN QT see Magnum did not give that one up already through forwards well JN QT it's an unorthodox one just playing closer to the pillar here now sets down a Viper pit this is a difficult one k c what ch that they have what is the call to be made out forwards in front of it lucky to be alive still Smokes on smokes who knows which direction this one's going to go into with a Nightfall now they don't know anything adjusting Magnum that is disgusting prend he's for and through eventually removing that pesky pesky problem that is the igl two players forward the ra has ball and shin last Al alive John QT miraculous with the movement Prowler Satchel's up above doesn't expect Stinger exactly where it's favored close quarter combat they don't have to sight just yet they know where John QT is John needs some help John needs some help here swinging wide zassy will be punished for it casualty line of fire and a line of action here it is bit futile is what it feels like King cor only just getting ground underneath them plant paranoia that forces it out and a satal forward smoke fading away Martin oh he's on one right now on for the a one more we'll do it John QT spotted on V3 spotted and shut down wrong timing taken for it guess what it want to go forwards second that's a s by to takes him down there's so many layers to that it really is first wave util second with the paranoia and with the Satchel that has really put Sentinels in the driving seat but Magnum broke the alarm but on B no response from anybody there so he's calling to narate that B may be clear is Tomi going to try to fake this with a pit or something what what a KC cooking they had a free B site to go for and they're still going ating in tes walks forwards for the information he's brought down three versus three still two plays at the back of the sight what is it called double face and spray through and down equal parts and either side here one just no chance surely the anything tap sits hoping that a few of these players will be out wide and open unbelievable this time unbelievable seconds available celus is Miles Away the Nightfall going to confirm that he's not playing towards Rubble eight n forwards ha ha broken tags it in the Smoke forward Satchel backwards bound a second he let the rocket loose and Sentinels no way the jaws of defeat they're trying to take it back Magnum has taken so much damage in the mix of things three HP Spike retrieved back in away not quite it's dropped down and Sentinels out of nowhere all on the line for cing cor and the cuse are being made here fighting up close fighting forwards all tucked away zeles the hopes and dreams ripped to pieces Shin desperate for it tends forward and it can't come down to anything toas Z no chance Sentinels have done it the number one seed taken out
Channel: Daily Valorant
Views: 116,063
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: valorant, valorant highlights, valorant vods, sentinels, sentinels valorant, sentinels highlights, tenz, tenz highlights, sen - kc, sen kc, sen vs kc, kc sen, kc - sen, kc vs sen, sentinels vs karmine corp, sentinels - karmine corp, sentinels karmine corp, valorant masters madrid, valorant champions tour, vct, vct 2024, daily valorant, dv, daily valorant highlights
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 31sec (1471 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 16 2024
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