Insulted, Doubted, Reborn: How TenZ Conquered Valorant Again

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tenens was once the face of valerant but now Immortals after that last one are you choking me has t really just pulled another collateral but as quickly as he rose to the very top of his game he fell blamed for every loss along the way reestablishing control on the site was so much before them energy with so many tools at their disposal artist trying to put them away Z in this 1 V3 turned into nothing two versus three to save everything Dash is there flash is there and so it's a cross her placement dropped down to the floor to smoke again to hide his putting T out to the open he can't hit the shot his left of the sassy cannot claim it he needs a change of role nothing I watched with regards to his jeus play made me think that he's going to be a top tier jist in the next year and yet despite Sentinels disintegrating despite having to reinvent his play style T is back first trip cleared the dog went all the way around the pillar T does it again T trying to keep him back sashy joining with him oh looping around having to reload where's the cover there it is crashy sa a One V one oh he's so C four bullets left switches weapons time is of the essence and that's all it'll be it's been years since fans have had a reason to celebrate but tonight SED burned welcome to Madrid let's see who gets the drop on him and actually it's going to be Heretics to draw First Blood V 10 answerers back and perfectly so welcome back to the international stage 10s we bloody missed you but oh he's still got this man is out of this world I'm waiting for that cross sharp as ever he's get one he's got to three any more he's at least go Wing man as well but T's just holding that cross but how much can one man do first one found second one not there it's over s City here to play here to stay and history has been made all right so before we get into T of story just a friendly reminder to please like the video if you enjoy it maybe sub to the channel and ring that notification Bell it really helps a lot also we have merch head over to shop. and check it out okay so the past couple of years have been pretty rough for 10 after sentinel's Triumph in Iceland in 2021 they fell off of a cliff Sentinels bombed out of Berlin and got upset by crew at Champions their year ended in misery and it all comes down to this 12 to 11 one team beckoning for greatness and they're going to flash no way destroys three through the smoke heartbreak now for Sentinels Dappa it's your time to shine right about now it's all on your new Budd surrounded in all fronts it's over it's done with crew against all of our expectations against all ODS send Sentinels home and things were not getting any better Sentinels failed to qualify for a single International Event in 2022 it was embarrassing considering that they were once the best team in the world even after building a super team around 10s in 2023 Sentinels continued being a complete dumpster fire flashes over the top as soon as it's to that's going to be the pp flash play moving forwards no one's covering it even everybody's blind but it is half on the diffuse lock down being used squeezing the players on the sight and look at this bazo oh he's found the perfect timing one enemy remaining slam dunk the it's all up to death the igl just has to wait his turn stunned up no time it is half but with so much to do and just not enough Weaponry 134 to finalize it what a performance the roster was a revolver door it felt like every week they were subbing in different players but things just weren't working hell their igl stepped down halfway through the season and to make matters worse tenens was dealing with a lot in his personal life as well he was sidelined for a few matches in 2023 due to a finger injury and an illness he just couldn't catch a break and while tens was gone there were people who thought that Sentinels actually looked better without him how do you start to think about the way the T fits into the squad and is this actually a better roster in terms of agent compositions and things like that what we've talked about has been a struggle for them so far it's just so weird cuz it finally makes sense for Sentinels and then the question is do you want to continue with marf do you go back to tens how do you change around your worldes do you have to shift things again what does he want Sentinels were doing all right when 10's returned but the season ultimately went down as a failure after once again they missed out on every International Event and there were still some serious questions about the obious role issues on the team specifically when it came to 10 he needs a change of role nothing I watched with regards to his je list play made me think that he's going to be a top tier jewelist in the next year it just doesn't seem likely unless he puts in an enormous amount of effort and that same coaching during this offseason I saw like a slight um like synopsis of the video just cuz I didn't have time to watch it but also I don't really like I don't like watching stuff of myself too often when I played counter Shen stuff I used to read like basically anything and everything about myself and I realized that it would kind of tank my mental but Sentinels didn't give up on tens because he was working on a way to get back on top when you think of tens you probably think about him fragging out on dualists like he has for the past three or four years H is tense he's got the frenzy and he's got a kill oh man all up in Moose's face and he's getting a jumping one as well on the thief I said said this the first time I called tenens this is his world and we're just living in it but over the course of the off season tenens practiced and played smokes instead more specifically he was playing Omen an agent that he hadn't really played in Pro valerant up until this point tens was stepping back from this high octane frag focused play style that had made him famous and was retreating to a more supportive role instead and rumor had it he was looking pretty good in scrims they would have one CHS they would they actually would if they played like that in ch no like no way anyone win they were really really good cor I'm not even exaggerating they were actually insane now some people dismissed this because it's well scrim results but then the off season truly got underway and Sentinels just kept winning every event they played in Sentinels finally seemed like a legitimate Contender again but even though John QT looked like a worldclass igl and zelus was the team's new hype man the most interesting part of this new Sentinels was tens who was fitting perfectly into his new role but once again this was just the offseason if tenens wanted to prove that this new roll swap was going to work he'd have to perform when it mattered most his true test came at VCT kickoff where Sentinels were drawn into the group of death packed with insane Talent due to the grueling format of the kickoff event tens and Sentinels were already on the verge of elimination after losing only one match but Sentinels bounced back taking down 100 thieves and the first true International Super team in the Americas levaton and just like that Sentinels qualified for the playin stage but the job was far from over is zelus ready for this does he have any idea Trent just on the other side how has he done that zelis now down to the 1 V one but he's getting flanked is he aware knife up s it's unbelievable when does he take his time and paranoia up swing it that T it's a tense moment baby Sentinels are already on the diffuse n finds three but they're sticking and through they take it all the way Sentinels 13 to8 what a performance Sentinels did it they qualified for the playoffs thanks in large part to Ten's new supportive play style this is the Renaissance of tens this is you your Omen is now literally iconic you can see that sign right there tens me go Omen me smoke literally it's so iconic talk you talked about it before but talk to sen City in the audience about what it's like what it's like being on Omen and being on these different roles than you were used to in the beginning of your career yeah it's definitely really interesting um since I never really played the role previously um I've been getting more comfortable on it I've been adding my own flare to it so I've been having fun but in order to truly make make the comeback real Sentinels would have to actually qualify for an International Event first came NRG a super team of former Masters and Champion winners headlined by one of the best players in the world demon one if Sentinels were going to win and qualify for Madrid they'd need everyone firing on all cylinders and luckily for them this time 10 wasn't willing to take a back seat first trip cleared the dog went all the way around the pillar tense does it again intense on OT but can they counter no t with four a 4v4 saucy spamming into the smoke tag 10 does it again T and second once more delivering for Sentinels T is still alive here and he's still on side with the op trying to land the shots missing everything going wide he's out and now John QT shows up and he breaks back in planted P persistent in his approach Relentless and Reckless abandoned as he re aggresses and reaks oh my gosh now with the shorty still oh my gosh it's stop pling for him it's going to be a 2v5 can demon one pull this off oh can he pull it off an angel of Deliverance is instantly clipp from his wings T trying to keep him back Sashi joining with him oh looping around having to reload where's the cover there it is crashy sa a One V one oh he's so conf four bullets left switches weapons time is of the essence and that's all it'll be it's been years since fans have had a reason to celebrate but tonight s Burns Red Sentinels didn't just beat NRG they crushed them on map 3 and 10's top fragged the entire server on Omen he was putting up the same numbers as a Zin while playing controller but despite that win qualifying Sentinels for Madrid the job wasn't over yet if tens and Sentinels could get their revenge and defeat loud in a best of five they'd earn America's first seed heading into Madrid along with three Championship points to help increase their chances of qualifying for Champions at the end of the year loud defeated them in the tournament opener but Sentinels weren't going to make the same mistakes again so Sashi now has a tining behind the three players Ro in across there's a St by for now it's being two and he will have all the kit left now on his gecko kit the mar going down for the halfway out of position now Les there's that thrash coming out too from the front of the pillar and Les even has to pull back towards the market it does not hit him though but that clock is taken down s run away for the time gets it done and Sassi wins a three on one against zus at low on HP upgraded into a rifle they actually have two rifles to work with there's that first Anni ability to run across Elis does get the pick though and last has one more s fight by and the tap on his fight the Kill from celsus and the FI comes out for SEL 10 low [Music] HP and there's that swing out finally getting the last pick neither or Saia with the ghost here moving forward now the re swing out from to do H being thrown knowing that he towards the back up towards the air nice shot from above HP going to be going way down oh and shorty close swings across alone one-on-one tap on the spike John cue just staying outside of it gambling that he's not going to stick it just got spotted down to 11 HP Blaze wall now up another tap John cuy forced to run in but now there's not enough time Q with another tap got it John cuy with the rest of the patience and sels have they finish a half a 102 but Sentinels are looking to fight right back there's the after there's a swing out from 10 but gets the nine and now the tap on that Spike two e dropping one it's a two versus two right inside trying to stick it another one to fall it's all up to Z who does get the trying to stick this he gets to theuse with the r clut it took them 932 days but Sentinels returned to an international event as kings of the Americas now the question was whether or not TS could maintain the same level against some of the best teams in the world but he wasted no time at all that's who gets the drop on him and actually it's going to be heretic to draw First Blood prends AR's back and perfectly so welcome back to the international stage 10s bloody missed you but oh he's still got this man is out of this world Sentinels had a bit of a slow start against Heretics but they managed to get the job done before moving on in the Swiss stage and dismantling EMA's number one seed Carmine Corp second is blinded up entirely there couldn't see a bloody thing and I also have another go of it what a snap and what an adjustment a rifle for your troubles now the fight taken straight to them ha ha broken tags it in the Smoke forward SOS backwards about a second he let the rocket loose and Sentinels no way the jaws of defeat they're trying to take it back Magnum is taken so much damage in the mix of things three HP Spike retrieved backing away not quite it's dropped down and Sentinels out of nowhere the joick this could be it ball on the line for caring cor and a call are being made here fighting up close fighting forwards all Tu away zelis the hopes the dreams ripped two pieces of desperate for it tends forwards and it could come down to anything doas no chance Sentinels I've done it 10 dominated against Casey he top fragged the server and helped Sentinels become the first team to qualify for playoffs where they once again met a familiar foe loud despite an insanely close battle Sentinels managed to come out ahead and earn a spot in the upper bracket finals and Ten's play on Omen was earning him a ton of respect even from his opponents being able to bounce back from from where he was where where he was in the first year like being on top of the world and being kind of like no making into to Internationals to now like being super close to winning a masters it's something to admire for sure because he never gave up you know so it's it's really admiration I have for him and I think the rooll swap for him was super healthy because he has an insane end he has an insane decision making so it was kind of obvious to maybe give more space to new duelist and then him going more towards m more controller uh side because he is really experienced like you know what to do Under Pressure so yeah with a spot in the grand finals up for grabs tens and Sentinels would have to take down the surging Korean Kings gen G but despite what seemed like a favorable map veto for Sentinels they got off to a very slow start and although they did manage to tie the series up on Lotus they got decimated on the deciding map is received H Fury is popped push up by sassy the head shot angle one by texture with two kills and a third he retook it all by his Lonesome and there's only two on Sentinels left sassy does well but they need to get on this Spike Force these players out into an open fight and it's sassy to look to punish J QT gets it half but they're both extremely low the time is running out and now it's gone history for Korean valerin as J 13-3 Sentinels we didn't show up at all on that map we weren't playing and talking and you know our atmosphere wasn't okay and it wasn't how it usually is and there's stuff we can learn and I can learn and I could have done a lot better with to make sure that we didn't have that happen and we went in with the right atmosphere and then maybe we would have won split maybe we would have lost it and we could have given a better answer to what happened but with a score like that and you know what was happening behind the scenes there's just we had no chance Sentinels and tens were now on the verge of elimination it was D or die and to make matters worse they'd have to take down paper x who were looking better and better the longer the tournament went on but luckily for Sentinels tens showed up to play You' got to see sassy by time he's going to try and play this fighte oh he plays it so well and they have no idea about tens now it's his time to shine T still here already hurting them around this map and waiting for that cross sharp as ever he's get one he's gone to three any more he's at least got wingman as well but T just holding that cross but it looks like a brawl Mike I'm seeing everyone in middle but Devi the want to bail them out but s still there the back lines they're hunting them down they're chasing them down ding saving Pap it's down to W one and of course it's going to be T is he the one to do this for them the return to the international stage like this can you be the man to step up mind freak on the other side he's going to hear this did he spot him did he see him two already in the round a third would be needed he's creeping closer m freak's not stopping he's got a check and he does Sentinels are going to the Grand finals tens and zein had he combined 161 kills to will Sentinels into the grand finals for a rematch against gen G now they had a chance to get revenge but they were still coming into the finals at a massive disadvantage coming through the upper bracket meant that jeni were able to ban two of sentinel's best maps Lotus and sunset so if Sentinels were going to take down the Koreans they'd have to pull off a miracle and on map one things weren't looking so hot all combined and calculated munchkin layers it down now the pits dropping down in this position he's already found zelus where's the follow up where's the follow through it's not there they have to deal with munchkin smoke Down grabed and Out Dash forward but munchkin again they weren't expec in it right from behind Vin needs that Rejuvenation he's got it but instantly again Kon the trade is there fundamentals off the bloody CH gen and this is it surely with the map pushed to the positions already there clone revealed the position flash through into the box sassy out wide and alone scared for his life too much to deal with too much to deal with indeed gen G lead the charge here in our grand finals of Madrid taking map one Sentinels managed to bounce back on bind narrowly winning to level the series at 1 but jeni answered back with a pretty convincing win on ascent and this is where things started to get scary with their backs against the wall tens and Sentinels had to win map 4 to keep the series alive to make matters worse map 4 was split although they'd once called it their strongest map Sentinels had been dominated on it their last two matches so to keep their tournament hopes alive they'd have to show up playing up onto Heaven Satchel forwards Cuts up the angle flash repeat no not through main adjustment necessary and second comes up with the goods and more with four ripped away take it all the way to ice box attack fores it out the first wave of the util all the flash is flying through and so do the bullets lack here a lot to overcome a lot to do and it's just imposs not five is on the cards tens and Sentinels were going the distance with jeni there was one final map between them and Glory but geneng G were still heavily favored on ice box both times Sentinels played it this season they lost but once the map got underway none of that seemed to matter anymore you this he didn't get broken in time no what what a wall back what through the wall 10's still not going to be removed in this spot he just sees it head poking over B it players all around him sassy your turn to strike back if you can R the iron is Hot and Hot it is they talk about it the tiniest of differences affecting so much where you going mate where you going you going Stinger from that range all right T getting away with all sorts of murder it's a massacre in back of the sight but he gives up his life in the end I can't believe he took that decision but I think that shows you the confidence on play s setting up for the aggressive post B this is looking like the way that sen wanted to defend is here Zen matters into his own hands leading the charger with the dash and just collides right into the Collision of 14 that needs to be the adjustment it's not there an inevitability gen's hopes and dreams laid on his shoulders but how much can one man do first one fou second one not there it's over s City here the play here to stay and history has been made on T if they lose on t g GG oh my God they actually did it look first one F let's [Applause] go oh my god oh [Applause] an unbelievable run a historic run a team that went from Rags to Riches right here in Madrid SP of course everybody's chanting for you but after 3 years you can say that you are finally back talking about being back your mom is right there don't get emotional cuz I get emotional to what does this mean for you you lifted that first Master's International Trophy and you get to celebrate this one as well honestly it's just an amazing experience getting to do with these guys here uh being able to lift it once again and of course big shout out to the amazing audience here in Madrid Spain um appreciate all the fans of Sentinels and thank you to my family nearly 3 years after his last big win tens is once again a master's winner Champions qualification is already within touch watching distance and considering the way that he and Sentinels are playing right now tens and his roster might just be getting started but this win means everything for a Sentinels team that wasn't even supposed to be in Madrid and it's thanks in large part to tennis he took a back seat and played a more supportive role rather than fragging out on the front lines like we've seen him do countless times in the past and now the king of valerent has reclaimed his throne it still tend his world and we're just living in it thanks for watching if you want more content like this hit the sub button and ring the notification Bell for Unique bite-size videos you won't find anywhere else hit us up on our Twitter Instagram Facebook and Tik Tok
Channel: theScore esports
Views: 406,917
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Keywords: esports, gaming, theScoreesports, thescore, valorant new agent, valorant montage, valorant gameplay, valorant ios, valorant cinematic, valorant mobile, valorant clove, valorant new bundle, tenz valorant, tenz mom, tenz settings, tenz csgo, tenz highlights, tenz horror game, valorant radiant, sen tenz radiant, valorant pro, tenz valorant sensitivity, sentinels valorant, valorant best player, tenz smurfing in immortal, tenz valorant vod, tenz valorant guide, tenz valorant tips
Id: wrue3MvV_cc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 47sec (1487 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 06 2024
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