Team Heretics vs Natus Vincere - HIGHLIGHTS | Champions Tour 2024: EMEA Stage 2

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dedicated towards that b site so see how Heretics approaches this and so far it's just a brawl through towards Market one for one trade out WS there to find Aris and all looking pretty comfortable at least with that first approach here but na'vi holding a fair bit of territory no Spike down just yet ends though very good position here a little pause in the round as the spike get that's a huge shock that's that's ridiculous not only does it find sug Getsu but look at the state of zipan 11 HP and he's have to get the timing just right for even a chance at this doesn't go fully around the world does take down I thought there was a chance in a second very heads up work from Heretics to replay with that Al drone destroy I think they seem very aware yeah no who get but still a fantastic shot out of followup so getu out doing his expectations with a third he had no right to that but he just keeps succeeding now W didn't get noted on the knif so he gets a second least of life does it right back to him and now zip out in a 1 V2 W just buying time beautifully done all but the space was already there Spike planted tricky but that's a great shot from Reen starting things off well Shia now going to obviously bow down we look for that followup where's the next step in this Angel denying mini boo no trade Al popped off the back paranoia going in and the flashes are working out but they still need to capitalize on the space that they've been garnering zipan still on the site gets taken down completely unaware completely overwhelmed and Aris the last man alive with a mountain to climb he's taking a couple of steps but it ain't going to go the distance so what's the plan na'vi a high flash and just hope for the best yeah they're going straight through it but the stuns going to be there arst just kind of sent into the blender there's no way through that they had to give it a go but that's all you going to get sh least going to make a step closer to try and get up on the box but it's just a challenge and they're just being met by sheer resistance joshes there's no access it's 13 seconds they've run out of time and they've run out of options yeah the tp's there but they ain't even considering it apparently I think once they get the clock out 30 second Z he's going after them seetu with the Swift slap to the face but still deeper going on here but I like this this looks very reminiscent of almost the pistol round the additional layer of pressure towards CT puts a problem towards the hands but but W there Reen is there look at the Synergy and look at the crossfires there is no access to these SES Heretics they know what na'vi want to do and there're so perfectly placed for it sugu position was revealed very very early on and I mean again the guy can do damage but look at the mini map look look at what's coming his way there's there's no way out he's got players left right and center and a bit of aim training sure god that actually did look quite close but a minute to play with you got to do something here so getu show me what you got well he does have his hat to throw at them get the information and he is the only one that's really consistently shooting back for the side of na'vi right now I mean na'vi close to a round on a previously but it it just came down to woot just getting a 3K on the side right suu here it's it's like pulling teeth isn't it it's just so difficult now is a little further ahead of the Smoke Gets di back in but again double face double swing it's it's really robust we haven't seen this Push Pull but here's a fast oh man okay okay this is just insult to injury brutality shown that hey you take that time out you you going to forget we might go aggressive That's crazy cuz we got alts and we're just going to run at you and you haven't been tested like this yeah we've been taking a little bit of that a presence but now we're going to double down and it works out so once again they get that first pick they fall away and na'vi left to rot a little still have the option though they still have artist with that operator we're still hoping there's some value to the that's not what you want to be seeing desperate here NV they're trying to claw this one back but already it's not looking good hard is desperate for some of the show for him wishing he was to get to in that position almost but he's going to have to dig deeper if he wants this cuz again Heretics I don't think they've heard the operator but they seem very aware of the possibility and look how prepared they are for that mid presence another double check clearing no one's there looking back towards B quick call towards Benji knowing that you're on the plate now and attempting this top mid pressure with an OP is difficult for Aris they need to win out on B as well this there's a lot on the here and he's he just can't be proactive to it Benji's gone down so a chance here for na'vi a plant at the very least Heretics are back sight and the plant's been denied last standing's now in trouble oh it's gone from bad to worse you think so wouldn't you yeah he's got light armor and every yeah okay that's a little strange but zipan not going to be clean on that first shot gets information but at this point you need to draw blood here hold them back Reen's going to be challenging already an overwhelm zip hand's Fallen things getting a little dangerous standing what is okay well that's a start that's not bad cuz that didn't even get to halfway so that is actually pretty important but there's only so much you can do not many excuses here for them first real direct challenge towards a b site and Bo freebie finds zipan straight through the smoke Benji might get tested here and actually gets away with murder doesn't get checked on gets slipped back takes Second Glance and even takes angel with him and one by one Navia coming through and they're being eviscerated what can sugu and Shia do Shia does have the TP and it's time to go but look who's on the way the monster himself the man who has been absolutely stuff of nightmares wo 21 to five I'd be happy that in the whole game sugu going to have to drift over and try and keep some value here going at least slow down a little bit for re ends normally a situation like this wo walking out is kind of weird but because he is 21 and five he's just walking straight out taking that one versus one realizes he's off sight there goes rean though winable situation for na'vi putting the first round on the board yeah but it's w i until I hear that Spike taking a little far F I don't believe it but to getu is going to secure them brain rot is at an alltime High um this could be over before it starts however let's have a little look at the pistol na'vi going to need to start things off with a bang and that is perfect two quick kills and Heretics willing just take a bit of a fight here Beni only going to get one leaving down to Reen and woot against four this is a long road back very long don't know there's still there's still chances for na'vi to you know give this up they have the huge opportunity not only did they get a first kill this round they got the followup they got a trade they be together setting up for the long game is all you need to do if you're team Heretics Ang to be isolated Christ booze absolutely banged him out Angel's gone down that's luckily not a rifle to be picked up I think he only had the ghost so again not the biggest harm but off the back of one Flash and a smoke they've got themselves at least a pick and potentially a plant's taking Benji let's look at what this PO can do oh my God oh my God oh my God please how is this getting even close still a sheriff with buo a ghost with woo and just the Classic with mini Boo and we've got rifles we got a guardian we got all we need and Woo's going to get checked here oh my God oh my God oh my good God okay one V one boo 25 HP or smoke to play with so getu on the anle 30 heard that one I think I I I could imagine this ability to to it but for now let's see how this goes already pressure towards like 20 seconds they got to stick the landing MINI BOOM woot just massacring them and already Benji fishies there 2v2 now 15 seconds down and just sh and it looks like it's all but over the BL going to come in sha only with that sheriff full kit to play with though he does have the util paranoia the two smokes could be vital maybe a rifle close enough to hand I'm wondering where they play this post plant from yeah sitting deep towards main smokes going to smoke the wonder when that dark's going to come off cool down for Reen yeah but again it's just against the wall here someone's got a hello there we go okay that's halfway not bad for sha time's going to start running down you see that paranoia in his head as well wondering about if there's a wrap coming in or if someone's on the other side he's going to go for this one he's desperately going to go for it perfectly done by Sha could be an issue but again right back to business mini Bo what what just right up the guts I mean a nice try but sha all too prepared for that so many play top middle ready to greet that heretic starting to take the advantage Angel right here his 45 Health you see that he wants it he wants to go in need it but it's Angel he does what he wants it's already a 4v4 PL has come in he's ahead of this going pop the all and he's got well this is capitulating now isn't it really 4v2 sha and sugu going to need some more from them sugu got the one round think 4K Chow obviously with a diffuse but how much more is in the tank it's a 1 it's done woo going to wrap it up put a PO on it 13 to three sugu is being hunted down like a dog is one of the phrases I've heard before but zipan does well this is nice for na'vi a clean St Benji did strike back but by now they get the plog down but look at this little bit of a retake com out from Benji doing so much damage finding three and now he's got two left to what is going on these steps aren't quiet so they're going to hear this hello and byebye mini boo succeeding across the map as well the other two players I think he knows that they pushed they're going to expect the flank he's gone incling for sure but again you can imagine the time by by the fact Angel's already down on 9 HP this isn't looking good they're starting to address that back line arst does find buo but then again you're going to flip that and you're going to imagine the same thing with mini boo he's going to get himself the upgrade as well and he's going to be a late presence so Angel already has to turn around stunning shot from woot is gone to get to an unknown quantity but so many targets so few opportunities and Woo is just dirty this is beautiful from Heretics and then do something as soon as our stff comes off cool down but here we go into another really early round judging U-Haul it was just so well crafted I mean everything's crossed off the flashes are good artist just get swept aside Heretics just walking through the site I mean I liked what we saw there from mini boo but it was played in by Reen as well it was just very well-rounded leaving very few options for na'vi if they wanted to hold that space especially against a flying raay with a judge now yeah Benji is a little low so there's a possibility but there's still that three-man hit squad what a sh dude clear he's still got a Molly Angel going to try and dip away from that but Benji all too smart all too aware of it well this is now looking yeah done really explosive play right now yeah and I wonder if zipan gets isolated no he's been able to fall back time but Angel going to back ped the sh to find mini and already Heretics going to be held in the blender finding it hard to find that springboard towards the sight TP gets taken they don't even know about it AR it's going to capitalize quick little trade out yeah through the wall but 38 seconds they're running low on time na'vi with the bodies in the right place here and a 2v4 would be unforgivable for na'vi to lose so they have to be steadfast they have to be assured in what they're doing Benji still sitting pretty and this man's a danger we know what he can do bit of a clutch master himself W scary try and clear did have util to go for it but no not going to happen now na'vi players now going to take that TP that's very very telling this put it all down to oh my God and woot succeeds and again three kills back to back that was meant to be the Cavalry but somehow they've overdone it almost do they then adjust here cuz you could walk into the unknown of zipan or you go back to what you know which is maybe sugu they've almost done too well here 50 seconds five alive would still very aware there's a chance of an additional player still investing kit towards it you know zipan was at the TP he sent the thrash through a perfect opportunity to send someone into the site you got wingman for that who better get that Spike planted you know find out where to get to could be and just close this round out process of elimination will start being very telling that it's feeling like it's towards shower or kind of you know this sort of area still aware there could be a flank look at the positioning coming out from bu look at this tailor made to catch someone like zipan do you no you don't absolutely you don't Bo there taking the bo for him and suu kind of left to the freedom he had there's no threat here you can't diffuse the spike from the shower so again leave him to it no problems at all been playing basically standard the last few rounds they haven't done anything different oh and this time heretic's kind of going for that dry hit right just kind of like creeping in absolutely unaware considering that dizzy wasn't even used in that instance where he' been seen him as the instigator before and the showstopper goes nowhere doesn't find what they want and this is difficult now Aris is an aimer but not today W's going to take that roll from him Reen in toe get two gets one and it is looking clearcut here Heretics eyeing up that sixth round and zipan well they know he's been playing over towards be he's been there the whole time and you can find a Challenger in the form of mini boot Zan's going back in for a bit more doesn't matter mini Boo's got him dead to rights Heretics I think they did at this point no they're still here to stand and sugu trying to deal with the flood coming his way beautifully done on the first BS Divine sug to trying to Turret around for the third but he can only do so much buo is there fighting back trying to secure this plant finally all coming into play and na'vi dealing with it high Tempo play incredibly well but they're evacuating they're getting the hell out of there it's going to be interested to see how team Heretics decide to stabilize this round they're two versus four spikes getting planted now but yeah taking spawn at the same time as it's planted not really for spawn though I'm a little scared when M to Al I'm a little scared when he is alive now his first Challenger probably towards CT but keep in mind the timing on the play back through going to invest the alt and Boo's going to find Sha it's getting easier and easier by the second boo gets detained but this might even spur on zipan okay good clear they know where the other player is I don't he's got oh he does have time for the rifle to come out here but okay IM oh I got a little nervous so this has all been read so when Heretics go in here this is no subtlety to it anymore 30 seconds they're making the way forward mini Bo beautiful shot on this guy just leaving corpse after corpse in his wake and now it's just Angel and artist the two that went on the flag now do they know that there's two there now they certainly do mini boo is's on for the ace crowd wants it give it to him this waiting teammates don't do it just get the info get getting close make him look at you he's got it never knowing defeat an ace it's the worrying thing is this really comes down to sha here who's not been having the most fun of times and already boo there straight in sh surrounded Reen puts him out his misery AR trying toet it out give a stinger just but there's an Army against him there is an army firing against you and sug getu in zipan yeah tough one here dizzy wingman still in hand to get who does at least have a rifle so a couple of you know positives but four players on the other side not easy and no one giving them anything you can see the discipline with Heretics not going to Big Shot okay game back on until the shorty comes out and that's just horrific isn't it the scenes of it all as to get to deaf blind and well left all alone here rotten way to go down as Heretics forcing Heretics towards the back of the site and angel trying to kind of capitalize on this one a this very nicely done gets the first kill here gets the ball rolling as the plant does come in they they've done what they needed they've secured sight they've even cleared towards back site they've got a lot of space here hey and now comes the back line that perfectly timed oh man oh he thought he had it it felt like he thought he had it turned away for a second and now the Four Strong for NV re ends with just well five of a teammate in wingman couple of dented enemies but I want to say makes a clap and I can't so sh going to find him quickly they got one they need they got utility them up m going in pain shell there nice party block uh boo got one boo got one it's only a sheriff it's only a sheriff it's only a sheriff it's only a sheriff it's oh God it's still a sheriff boo had so many opportunities and he's still doing how is this happening na'vi please I beg of you please high value kills here last round I mean the pistol R was pretty much all his and going to start it off again boo going to be dealt with quickly now one player has managed to stay alive on the site so woot I don't know how much he's been able to kind of ascertain from this but even with the back clear from minib look his positioning he's so far away Benji's just stunned there that close cleared out quickly and now the site is nais should be a plant on its way quite a comfortable one at that now the flank is going to become interesting see how that plays through here yeah the fact that artist didn't really get to see this yeah and he's waiting for a rotation still he's going to probably hit the teleporter yeah prioritizing long here as well looks like for mini boo but they have to keep their attention as well towards CT try to play a little closer ahead and here comes the first gets as close as he can see if he can find any more that's going to be one found spots a second one good damage good kill mini doing well now the other two need to be involved here but zipan keeping them back keeping them further away from CT lovely work from na'vi that's much better now I don't know if this is just a good read from Heretics potentially maybe understanding what Na's Tendencies are but this is going to be the start of things and Benji had nowhere to go so this could be the spring board but they still need to be on point here cuz there's a lot of players from Heretics on this site yeah and woot is one of them which is the biggest threat possible as it sounds it feels like so now with the two remaining what does zipan and sugu do already the space being taken from bu on the other side of the map so they know they're not coming around PL can be toyed with a Bo can speed up a little he can pick up the pace a touch he is very disconnected so it's kind of just a 2v2 at this point on the timing from wo here drop the wall beautiful from zetu good trade but now timing re ends he's still keeping track of where Shia assuming where Zan's trying to get to but booze finally made it on over zipan it's cleared in the end can see RV it feels like they've read this to Perfection look at W's positioning cool calm and composed Under Pressure a victim found in a Target made already with the follow up as well Woods running absolute havoc on and that's going to find Sha they're down to two Now angel and zipan there's nothing more to do but die Heretics picking up where they left off looking out St standing
Channel: Daily Valorant
Views: 83,747
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: valorant, valorant highlights, valorant vods, valorant emea, valorant europe, vct, vct 2024, valorant champions tour, natus vincere valorant, natus vincere highlights, heretics valorant, heretics highlights, natus vincere - team heretics, natus vincere team heretics, natus vincere vs team heretics, navi th, navi vs th, navi - th, th - navi, th vs navi, th navi, daily valorant, daily valorant highlights, dv
Id: 9qV2mQmkUz4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 0sec (1140 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 19 2024
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