We Obtained Minecrafts God Particle

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g'day ladies and gents cubic media here in our previous video we embarked on a quest to obtain Minecraft's God Particle the largest XP orb obtainable in survival we also investigated the possibility of using the God particle to make Minecraft's most powerful XP farm that produces 89 million experience points per hour however we ran into a pretty impossible roadblock because each experience point would require a cactus to be smeltered in a furnace and 89 million Cactus per hour is simply impossible to produce in survival so we considered it to making this non-vanilla-friendly proof of concept using movable block entities however some recently emerging Tech has now reopened the possibility of obtaining a fully vanilla survival compatible 89 million XP per hour God Particle Farm around the time I was recording the Quest for Minecraft's God Particle a friend of mine jkm or experimenting with update suppression discovered a really funny mechanic known as the Talon City swap this would allow you to take the data of something like a chess and remove the block without affecting the data you can then Place downside like a venus and it will inherit the chess block data it will even behave like a chess allowing you to use hoppers to put items inside and extract items out of the chest block data this was a super funny and quirky mechanic but unfortunately it didn't really have that many practical uses I figured this mechanic could be used to copy the furnace data to other furnaces and so I spoke with jkm and we both decided it would not be possible however if we had just gone and tested it we would have found that yes you can in fact copy the data to new furnaces and obtain infinite golf particles this is why you should always test ideas because you could be moments away from discovering something significant the only problem is that this method is actually quite tedious to implement because you need to repeatedly replace this comparator as well as replacing the furnace but then in 1.19 Mojang made the landmark decision to fundamentally change the way that blockout data process preventing us from using the stack Overflow exception this meant that the highly standardized layout of the rail base update suppressor would no longer work as of 1.19 the technical Minecraft is much like the mythical Hydra if you cut off one standard way of doing something several more are bound to take its place thanks to the discoveries of people like void and testing by people like Sava we now have a new way to obtain God particles renewably known as Class cast exception suppression this works by using talently swap to replace a luck turn with a shulker box forming a new kind of suppressor that automatically resets if we go ahead and set this up now we can break and replace the furnace repeatedly obtaining an infinite amount of God particles now we're only limited by how quickly we can break and replace the furnace which if we use a netherrite pickaxe with efficiency 5 we find that the interval is 10 game ticks with haste 2 and a golden pickaxe we can actually bring this up to nine game ticks per furnace placed however because we can only absorb one God Particle every two game ticks we'll want the interval to be divisible by two meaning we would rather have the 10 games interval over the odd nine games interval also if Health furnace is only dropping a single God Particle every 10 game ticks we would rather have the furnace dropping 5 God particles so you get one God Particle every two game ticks one God Particle is 2477 cactuses smelted though if we instead go ahead and multiply this value by 5 we get 12 385 Cactus smelted and this will produce exactly five God particles from breaking a single furnace so now if we continuously break and replace the furnace we should be getting the maximum rate of God particles that our player can absorb foreign that's also another issue that we'll have to talk about turns out if you have a crappy internet connection causing a desync between your local client and the server sometimes your client can think it broke or place a block but the server goes in nut and schedules the action to occur later in a different tick phase and starting to keep in mind about update suppressors is that any game mechanic that is not processed in the player phase will cause a crash so we just crashed the game and lost our God furnace in order to combat this I've made a simple furnace array that will charge up eight God furnaces in parallel with five God particles in each furnace a hopper cart based shocker box unloader gives us our Precision Cactus distribution as well as Precision fuel distribution underneath we have a Precision Hopper clock tied for exactly 10 seconds so every 10 seconds we release the cactus Minecart to send cactuses to all of our furnaces and every 10 seconds we will increment this binary counter that once initialized will count all the way up to 12 385 in a binding representation at which point it will stop sending cactuses to the furnaces this will allow the furnace array to run fully autonomously for roughly 35 hours to produce our eight God furnaces alright to give a simple demonstration let's initialize the counter like so then we dispatch the cactuses and the fuel mine cart and the furnaces will be supplied with Cactus and fuel precisely every 10 seconds of the cactus and precisely every 80 Seconds for the fuel we can then go ahead and tick walk for 35 hours you can see the binary counter incrementing extremely rapidly under the tick wall however of course in reality this will be a very slow process and there we go we just ticked over the last few bits and the Machine is now sitting idle but hopefully five God particles in every single furnace we go ahead and check the block entity data of one of these furnaces yep we got exactly 12 385 cactuses smelt over on the webtech s p jkm and I have already gone and built one of these furnace arrays and left it running for 35 hours alright we should be coming up on it very soon oh hey in order to combat the boredom of waiting for a furnace Raider run for 35 hours me and Jay came got up to a little bit of posting alright here is the chunk loader that is keeping the furnace array alive let's go ahead and see if this thing is done [Music] so we've got the shulker boxes set up for the CCE suppression already and if we have a look at the array the binary counter has finished but before we get right into farming God particles we should make sure to insulate Al furnaces because if any items get popped into these furnaces while the CCE suppressors are active that would be an instant server crash but the furnace is now insulated there is one last step to do and that is to make sure that nothing important is running in case we accidentally crash the server so all you want to do is place down the comparators get ourselves some furnaces in the offhand and time for the Moment of Truth if I break this furnace I should get exactly five God particles [Music] hey would you look at that straight to 68. they keep going heck yeah gold particles are a go and that is level 1000 in less than five minutes so how long would it take to reach something like level 1 million well unfortunately due to the quadratic expansion of XP near to gain each level you would need 4.5 trillion XP to reach level 1 million at 89 million XP per hour that will take roughly six years to reach level 1 million okay if it takes that long just to get to level 1 million with the max amount of XP possible then what actually is the record for the highest level in Minecraft after searching around various forums and YouTube the highest level I could consider as legitimate is this hardcore player at around 30 000 levels which would give them a score of about 4 billion XP points which we could double in just over a week but honestly what is the point sure I could just sit here with an auto clicker forever a week and claim the record but the incident that I stopped somebody else will simply take this design use it for slightly longer than me and beat that record and then it becomes a game of who can AFK mine furnaces for the longest so that's just my take on the issue I'd be interested to hear your opinions down in the comments below but I'm at least satisfied to say that the Quest for Minecraft's God particle has finally come to an end we now have Minecraft's fastest XP farm and I guess that's another record that's hard to beat thank you all very much for watching and I will see you next time
Channel: cubicmetre
Views: 440,958
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, redstone, fastest xp farm, wavetech
Id: p5awe_hOp08
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 43sec (643 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 20 2023
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